What is Magic [majik.majick.majic]???
2008-06-30 20:24:51 UTC
This question is inspired by a response to one of my other questions... concerning the Holy Bible and the Holy and Noble Qur'an...

what is your idea of majic... is it real?
have you had experience with magic?
is life magical?

we invite everyone to share their thoughts on magic...
some think it is evil. some think it is good. what do you think? What is Majic?

peace and warm wishes... Praise be to God!
Eighteen answers:
2008-06-30 23:46:27 UTC
I believe there is a touch of magic in everything, the whole idea of a little seed being sparked into life is quite inspired. That is what magic is; a divine inspiration.
2016-10-08 04:51:16 UTC
As a Pagan, and occasionaly a Witch, i like magic in its many varieties {nature magic, kitchen magic, ingenious magic...} :) i will't think of of one specific primary song, yet indexed under are some :~ 'The Witch's Promise' ~ Jethro Tull 'Sorcerer' ~ Stevie Nicks 'Magic guy' ~ coronary heart 'each little ingredient She Does is Magic' ~ The Police 'a sort of Magic' ~ Queen 'Black Magic woman'** ~ Fleetwood Mac 'Mayhem possibly' ~ Jethro Tull ** = this is definitely with regards to the time Peter green's girfriend become refusing to have intercourse!
2008-06-30 20:42:49 UTC
answer: magic is the raising of energy, directing that energy towards a specific goal, grounding excess energy and ending your focus.

Same thing as intense prayers.

Magic is neither good nor evil - it's the intent of the person using the magic that determines if the working is positive or negative.

Yes, I used to do magic but not often. Just not my gig. It's not a big thing in my religion. I'm more drawn to religion than magic.
2008-06-30 20:38:42 UTC
I respect you for being so understanding while many people tend to be ignorante :]

I am wiccan, therefore I do belive I have expirenced magic

and yes it is a very real and powerful thing.

Magic is using the elemants around us, earth, air, water, fire, and spirit to change things for the better. Magic is by no means evil. Those who call themselves a witch and harms people or animals with magic is no witch.

Wiccans and many types of pagans alike follow rules so to speak. "Harm none and do what ye will" is what wiccans live by you could say. We also have the law of three. "Ever mind the rule of three, what you send out comes back to thee"

Therefore any real witch would never harm a living creature. It is simply not in our nature.

To explain something so broad as magic to someone who does not practice it is hard, for me at least :] I will say that magic is a brilliant thing that has changed my life in so many ways. But mind you, magic is good, but it is powerful.

blessed be friend
Velvet Cobweb
2008-06-30 20:32:12 UTC
It is "magic". "Magick" is acceptable if you are a Thelemite or strongly influenced by the teachings of Crowley. "majic", "majick" and "majik" are never acceptable.

It's just energy. And the use of that energy. Crowley defined it as "the science and art of causing change in conformity with Will". Priests do it in ritual, when they bless stuff and so on. It's not a bad thing. It's just a thing.... a tool. Like a hammer. A hammer can build or destroy, but a hammer has no moral standpoint on anything.
2008-06-30 20:32:33 UTC
Magic to my knowledge is using mind energy and ritual to attain a set goal. Sometimes items are used to do this such as candles and incense and other things. Magic is a lot like praying for something to change. Except the person working the magic takes a more active role in making it happen.
2008-06-30 23:22:52 UTC
I'll give a Satanic answer here. Magick is neither good nor evil, as magick and the gods transcend good and evil. There are such things as white and black magick; white being used to heal/create and bring positive effects, and black being used to harm/destroy and bring negative effects. Black magick is by no means evil, however. The gods seek balance, and destruction is as necessary as creation to this end.

To the Wiccans: saying to do as you will as long as you harm no one is all well and good, but isn't that a bit like saying, "You can walk through the forest, but you can't step on any twigs"?

The threefold law of return is also a bit of foolishness. Magick does not affect you unless you yourself are the target. Magick to harm others is very useful, as long as you use it for revenge and not just random harm. I think I speak for all Satanists when I say that we do not take cursing lightly.
2008-06-30 20:32:05 UTC
It is simply using your will, focus and intent. You can use your own energies, or draw energy from the earth or moon. It's really normal for humans to do so. We do it all the time without realizing it.

And, it's fun. Snow on a hot summer night, just in your yard. lol
2008-07-01 02:40:38 UTC
There is no magic. It is only when you jump into the sea of God, you get wet with God's water.This magical water belongs to God also.In other words it is the power of God which sticks to you and not your own.
dana w
2008-07-01 04:57:46 UTC
I belive that magik is a natural, energy /force avalbale for any one to use if they know the proper methods of control/ manipulation. It is a tool

Yes i belive it is real

yes i have had experances with it
Cheese Fairy - Mummified
2008-06-30 20:29:24 UTC
is magic real - yes.

have I had experience with magic - yes

is life magical - yes.

Magic just is - it is neither good nor evil, it is just another form of energy.
2008-06-30 20:40:39 UTC
Well, you have to be careful about "promoting both the Bible and the Quran together" as them being both something to refer to for the truth. There can only be one truth and that truth is the Bible. The Muslims discount Jesus Christ and only recognize about the first 5 books of the God's word, the Bible, so be very careful about even putting the Quran anywhere near the truthfulness of the Bible, God's word.

Secondly, about magic.... Here is some accurate truth about magic:

Magic’s Influence Throughout History

From the dawn of history, man has been intrigued and manipulated by the mystery of magic. The word “magic” is derived from the name “magi,” an ancient Persian priestly caste that specialized in cultic activities. In its most basic sense, magic is an effort to control or coerce natural or supernatural forces to do man’s bidding. Egypt of the 18th century B.C.E. employed magic-practicing priests. Magic also played a prominent part in the religion of the ancient Chaldeans of Babylonia in the eighth century B.C.E. (Genesis 41:8, 24; Isaiah 47:12-14; Daniel 2:27; 4:7) This influence prevailed among the ancient Greeks and Romans down through the Middle Ages and right into our 20th century.

Three Forms of Magic

Mystical magic is “an expression of the occult.” It claims that “events or processes that contradict common-sense knowledge or scientific knowledge” are “true or valid.” Further explained, “mystical magic is the handmaid of sorcery, . . . witchcraft, alchemy, and, under certain conditions, religion (false religion; AKA: Babylon the Great Harlot which encompasses all of false religions).”

With exploitative magic, “practitioners manipulate or exploit the onlookers’ perception of reality for their own aggrandizement.” They know they are deceiving the public, but “they encourage those who witness the magic to believe otherwise—to believe that, as magicians, they have supernatural powers or special connections with beings who do.”

Entertainment magic aims to inspire wonderment through intriguing deception. It falls into five basic and overlapping methods: “stage magic, close up, sleight of hand, illusion, and mentalism.”

What about mystical magic. Mystical magic is invoked in various ways. For example, Satanists exist who practice both “black” and “white” magic. “Black” magic involves the casting of spells, special curses, and the evil eye to bring harm to one’s enemies. “White” magic, on the other hand, is intended to produce good results by breaking spells and canceling curses. Yet, both are expressions of the occult or the mystical. On occasion mystical magic is even called upon to attempt to get a good harvest or to win an athletic contest. Nevertheless, concerning this type of spiritistic magic, the Bible speaks frankly: “You must not look for omens, and you must not practice magic.” (Leviticus 19:26; Deuteronomy 18:9-14; Acts 19:18, 19)

Where does the danger lurk in exploitative magic? Palm readers, fortune-tellers, and faith healers, to mention a few, apply exploitative magic to advance their own interests. Are they not living a lie by their profession? God’s Word says: “You must not deceive, and you must not deal falsely anyone with his associate.” (Leviticus 19:11)

Leviticus 19:26 tells us:

"YOU must eat nothing along with blood. YOU must not look for omens, and YOU must not practice magic".

Deuteronomy 18:10-14 tells us:

There should not be found in you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, anyone who employs divination, a practicer of magic or anyone who looks for omens or a sorcerer, or one who binds others with a spell or anyone who consults a spirit medium or a professional foreteller of events or anyone who inquires of the dead. For everybody doing these things is something detestable to Jehovah, and on account of these detestable things Jehovah your God is driving them away from before you. You should prove yourself faultless with Jehovah your God.

Acts 19: 18 - 19 tells us:

And many of those who had become believers would come and confess and report their practices openly. Indeed, quite a number of those who practiced magical arts brought their books together and burned them up before everybody. And they calculated together the prices of them and found them worth fifty thousand pieces of silver.

The master in the art of deception and illusion is none other than Satan the Devil. He has been practicing this art ever since his first performance before a human in the garden of Eden. (Genesis 3:1-19)

What Christian would want to be like him? Instead, Christians are counseled to “become imitators of God” and to “subject [themselves] . . . to God; but oppose the Devil.” (Ephesians 5:1; James 4:7)

Hope this has helped.
2008-06-30 20:33:18 UTC
yes it is real.

yes I have and

Absolutely! Nothing could be more magical!

How about you? What are your thoughts?
2008-06-30 20:29:05 UTC
I don't believe in magic, I believe in the holy spirit and His Miracles, and Angels
2008-06-30 20:30:36 UTC
Slight of hand, diverting attention.

It's nothing spiritual, just a show.
dogpatch USA
2008-06-30 20:31:49 UTC
an illusion for the gullible to dream of .
2008-06-30 20:30:39 UTC
Magic is deception and not real.
The Canadian Atheist
2008-06-30 20:27:55 UTC
It is not real, unless you mean the stage kind.

As for god, which god?

There are thousands of them and each one as imaginary as the next. Be specific please.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.