1. Same sex marriage has, indeed, existed at various times and places in history, contrary to your assertion.
2. Marriage is a contract of commitment between individuals, and confers upon those individuals who enter into said contract a wide variety of important rights, responsibilities and privileges. Since our Constitution is based upon the idea of equal rights before the law, homosexuals must have the same access to those rights as anyone else.
3. Please tell me in what way you are being forced to "pander to someone's abnormal sexuality." Please describe for us how a lesbian couple having the rights and protections of marriage affects you in any real way.
4. So, is it your contention that homosexuals are "created" by being raped as children? If so...maybe straight daddies and mommies ought to stop raping their children, huh? In point of fact, multiple studies have shown that same sex couples do at least as well in raising healthy, balanced children as straight couples.
5. Until relatively recently, being homosexual meant that a person had to hide themselves away, or risk being beaten, killed, locked up and tortured. Homosexuals didn't complain, because any attempt to do so would have ended in their death or incarceration.
6. How is anyone's marriage "ruined" by the fact that a gay couple can marry? My marriage of 26 years is certainly not ruined, nor threatened by the fact that my neighbors can now access the same rights and responsibilities. In fact, the only real threat to my marriage is the idea that some religious bigot and nutjob might be allowed to limit marriage and define it by the lights of their religious fairy tales, and thus might decide that anyone who isn't Christian, for example, is not allowed to be married.
Lastly, having answered the most coherent of your points (and noting that none of them are actually supported or, indeed, supportable) I want to speak directly to you. You are what's wrong with this nation. Not the gay couple who wants to marry and have children. No...it's the hateful, disgusting, cruel bigot who hides behind a twisted, sick version of religion in order to discriminate, to attack, to denigrate and bully others. But, from my stand point, the good news is that you are on the losing side of history, slick. Just like the folks who argued JUST the same way you are, against the rights of black people to marry outside their race. In ten years, you'll either be sitting in some rundown single-wide in the bible-belt muttering about the good old days when you had the right to be an abusive jerk in public, or else you'll be lying to your neighbors, claiming you were never a bigot.
I can't wait to see.