Why should I convert to Islam?
2012-09-02 12:25:10 UTC
I resonantly rejected my mother faith (christianity) and I've been drawn to Islam. It seems a bit more rational than Christianity and it has a stronger community (and a much more pleasant one than Christianity from my observation). I am going to buy a Qu'ran soon, but before I do, can any Muslim kinda introduce me to Islam and tell me why I should convert? Note: any atheist saying "dont! u should convert to atheism bc it for smart ppl who use der brain like ME!" your answer will be marked as spam. I am not an atheist and I don't ever intend to be.
Eighteen answers:
2012-09-02 12:56:51 UTC
"Rational" was an odd word choice.

75% of Christian converts to Islam leave after three years. About the time they have figured out Mohammed was a self-made prophet and most of the Koran was a rehash of the Bible and Torah.

Ever heard the expression Sword of Islam? It refers to the way Mohammed got most of his converts during wars: Convert or Die.
2012-09-03 19:58:17 UTC
Why should I convert to Scientology?

I resonantly rejected my mother faith (christianity) and I've been drawn to Scientology. It seems a bit more rational than Christianity and it has a stronger community (and a much more pleasant one than Christianity from my observation). I am going to buy a copy of Dianetics soon, but before I do, can any Scientologist kinda introduce me to Scientology and tell me why I should convert? Note: any non-Scientologist saying "dont! u should convert to non-Scientology bc it for smart ppl who use der brain like ME!" your answer will be marked as spam. I am not an non-Scientologist and I don't ever intend to be
2012-09-02 20:11:27 UTC
Reading the Quran is not like reading any book. You should go to the local masjed and tell them you would like to take Quran classes. (It is free class) It is perfectly okay to not be Muslim and if you have any questions you can ask them in class. I am sure you find people very welcoming and able to guide you without pressure for doing so.

When a person embraces Islam regardless of their prior beliefs, it is because what they learn makes a lot of sense. Most masjed should have booklets on various topics in English.

There is also a place online where you can get free Islamic books sent to your home. Do not worry they are really free. You can get that link by clicking here:

Also be very very leary about seeking Islam online as there is so much confusion for someone trying to learn about Islam. There are the haters and then there are various sects which maybe confuse you. So its so much better when you do all this in person with people who can guide you.

It is better to seek a masjed with a Sunni faith.

Here are some converts very much like you who ended up embracing Islam.

Best wishes on your journey.
2012-09-05 20:46:13 UTC
I also converted from Christianity, I can recommended you Yusuf Estes in Youtube,if you want.

To your question: Because Islam is the Best that can happen to your body and soul! I am so happy and proud to know the truth! You can't describe it with words, because no words exists for those feelings. And the evil is always behind the good people to tell them lies that they don't follow the right way.
H Youssef
2012-09-04 05:29:54 UTC
To prove God, Quran and Islam. Very simple please keep reading.

Suppose there was equipment/object and it has never been seen before and was found on earth.

The question to you is who is the first person who can describe this object?

You will obviously answer the creator or inventor or the producer etc.

Then I ask how did the universe come into creation?

You will obviously reply by saying there was initially a primary nebula, then there was a big bang which caused the galaxies, sun, moon, earth to come into existence.

So then I will ask when did you found about this creation. You will say well around 40-50 years ago when scientists discovered it...

My objection to this is ; but this big bang you’re talking about is already mentioned in the Quran, Chap 21 verse 30 which says: Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of creation), before we clove them asunder.

So I say to you who could have mentioned that?

You will say maybe it’s a fluke or everyone knows that.

So I continue and I ask; so the light of the moon is it a reflected light or its own light?

You may answer something like 100 years ago scientists discovered that it is a reflected light.

I will say but the Quran tells us 1400 years ago the moon had a reflected or borrowed light, in chap 25 verse 61. So who could have mentioned this 1400 years ago?

You probably may reply by saying maybe Muhammad was intelligent and smart.

I may continue. My question is; the world we live on what is its shape? You will say spherical and this was discovered in 1597 by Sir Francis Drake. But the Quran again tells us 1400 years ago in chap 79 verse 30, that the earth was an expanse, meaning it is shaped like the egg of an ostrich. So who could've mentioned this?

Your only reply is by saying: Your prophet is maybe very intelligent.

I may continue. The Quran tells us in chap 21 verse 33, that the sun and the moon travel in orbit with its own motion. Who would've mentioned this in the Quran 1400 years ago when it was recently discovered? You may stay silent or give me another reply like Muhammad was intelligent.

I may continue, today science tells us the universe is expanding; this is also mentioned in the Quran 1400 years ago in chap 51 verse 47.

The Quran speaks about the water cycle, which we learnt in school. It was Bernard Pelisse in 1580 who described the water cycle; how the water evaporated from the ocean, forms into clouds, moves into the interior and falls down as rain. This water cycle is spoken about in the Quran in detail in many verses. Chap 39 verse 21, Chap 30 verse 24, Chap 15 verse 22, Chap 23 verse 18, Chap 24 verse 43, Chap 30 verse 48, Chap 7 verse 17, Chap 25 verse 48-49, Chap 35 verse 9, Chap 36 verse 34 and etc.

Now day’s science have also found out that Plants have sexes (Male or Female), 1400 years ago, the Quran told us this in Chap 20 verse 53.

Today we have also come to know that the there are two types of water, Salty (Bitter) and Sweet (Fresh) and there is a barrier between them, the Quran tells us this 1400 years ago in chap 25 verse 53.

Today science tells us, it is the mountains which prevent the earth from shaking, Which is mentioned in the Quran 1400 years ago Chap 78 verse 6-7

Science now also tells us that every living creature has been created from water, the Quran tells us this 1400 years ago in Chap 21 verse 30 (made from water every living thing)

The Quran speaks about the lifestyle of the spider in Chap 29 verse 41.

The Quran speaks about the ant in Chap 27 verse 17-18.

The Quran speaks about the bee in Chap 16 verses 66,68-69.

The Quran speaks about embryology in Chap 96 verse 1-2 also in Chap 23 verse 12-14

I can go on all day. There are more than 1000 verses in the Quran which speak about science discovered today.

Now you told me in the beginning the creator/inventor/manufacturer is the one who can tell you about this object which has never been heard of or seen of.

The one talking about all which I mentioned is certainly there creator and our creator. We Muslims call him Allah.
2012-09-02 19:41:03 UTC
Alhamdulillah :)

Islam is God's religion for mankind hence it is very logical and makes complete sense – this is the reason most non-Muslims embrace Islam . It has answers to all of life's questions and then some. It brings the heart peace and satisfaction. You should accept Islam because it is the truth and the path to Paradise.

You are also right about the strong community. We have a very close brotherhood-sisterhood. 1.6 Billion Muslims = 1 Ummah. When one group of us feels pain, all of us feel that pain.

Yes, do read the beautiful Qur'an and feel free to visit a mosque.

They will welcome you with open arms.
$O C1O$3
2012-09-03 18:37:21 UTC
Its is the religion of truth. In Islam u have the choice the free will of converting or not. If you do happen to convert, all your sins will be wiped a way you will be the most sin less person if you convert.
2012-09-05 06:29:48 UTC
Only reason would be that it is the "religion" of all the Prophets and Messengers that ever came.

"Submission is the only path to God" God says in the Quran, it is simple, you only want the truth and submit to the being that created you, or you just look for a religion to enjoy in your life to get a free ticket to paradise meanwhile.

I would suggest praying in the way Jesus Christ did according to Bible and ask for guidance from the only source of guidance, intelligence, consciousness and information...

Going a little farther,

Jesus fell with his face to the ground and prayed...

**Matthew 26:39**

Jesus answered,

"The greatest is,Hear,Israel,

the Lord our God,the Lord is one"

**Mark 12:29**
-=Seta San=-
2012-09-02 19:28:56 UTC
If you read the Qur'an, learn more about the religion and realise it's the truth then you should convert. Islam is quite a logical religion, almost everything is explained in a clear way.

A few things are:

- Oneness of God.

- Equality for all.

- It makes sense.

- There are things in the Qur'an which couldn't have been known at the time.

- There are no contradictions.

- There are various challenges to those who think it is man made (ie. to create even one verse like it).
Last 2
2012-09-06 18:59:38 UTC
Hello, here are some videos and books to learn about islam :

PLEASE CONTACT ME so we cant talk.

Islam In Brief

The Miraculous Quran

Quran Recitation

Islam is...

The Status of Women in Islam

The scientific facts revealed in the Quran 1400 years ago which were discovered recently

More Videos, Books, to learn about Islam here

If you need anything please send me a mail and i will help you to know more and to understand Islam

My E-mail :

I'm waiting your mail. Thanks.
2012-09-02 19:27:03 UTC
For one reason,and one reason only (the same goes for coverting to any religion): because YOU want to and feel it makes more sense than the religion you are currently a part of.
2012-09-03 08:35:37 UTC
learn islam. by reading the quran directly.

the book will speak to you.
2012-09-02 19:32:55 UTC
Hhmm oh well u might wanna youtube muslim near death experience sees jesus the islam religion is not right but hey whatever
2012-09-02 19:27:23 UTC
Islam is the truth see links and video:


It is obligatory upon the Muslim to follow the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), according to the way of the righteous salaf who followed the guidance of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), the Sahaabah and those who followed them – may Allaah be pleased with them all. These people are called Ahl al-Sunnah wa’l-Jamaa’ah (the People of the Sunnah and the Community). Everyone who follows the way brought by the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is one of them. The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) brought the message of Tawheed (absolute Oneness of Allaah) and rejection of shirk (polytheism, or association of others with Allaah); he called people to worship Allaah alone and none other.


The Reason Why Mankind Was Created


What is Islam by Dr Zakir Naik


Evidence that only Allah is the Creator of life


The differences between Christianity and Islam


A Challenge to Dr Zakir Naik from a Christian at Colombo, Sri Lanka


Is the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) Mentioned in the Bible?
2012-09-02 19:26:48 UTC
You are probably some Islamic troll trying to bash Christianity. Get a life.
2012-09-03 19:30:20 UTC

the word islam means submitting your will to god

and if you dont mind this is my blog have look at it

and if you have an android phone i have a link to my android play store(in my blog) an app basically helps to non muslims to know about islam

In The Name of ALLAH, The Most Beneficent and The Most Merciful.


 What is Islam...?

Islam is derived from the word "salaam" meaning "peace".

Islam-Submission to the Will of Allah  (subhanahu wa ta'ala) i.e. "God Almighty".

Muslim– One who submits his will to Allah.


The religion of worshiping one true God is named in Arabic, "Islam".

Now you may have questions like, "Who is the founder of Islam?", and "How old is Islam?".

It is not true that Islam was founded by Muhammad(pbuh), nor that it is 1400 years old. Islam has been here since the time of Adam (may peace be upon him). Actually it has been here even before Adam (may peace be upon him), because all creatures-except humans and jinn- follow Islam. The whole universe obeys Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala); the sun, the moon, the galaxy, everything obeys its creator. Everything submits to the Will of Allah`(subhanahu wa ta'ala).

God has sent numerous prophets. No one knows the exact number but Him alone. According to a hadith, Allah(swt) has sent more than 124,000 prophets to the Earth. The Qur'an says "To every nation was sent a guide or a messenger "[Al-Qur'an 35:24]. [Al-Qur'an 13:7]. They were sent to Earth with one message: " There is only one God, worship Him alone". So, starting from Adam, Moses, Jesus, Noah, Joesph, Zachariah,Solomon, Ibrahim, Looth till Muhammad, the last prophet (peace be upon them all), including the prophets we don't have knowledge of, all came with one message: " There is only one God. worship him alone"

In fact, people of the earlier times were named according to their prophets, or their ancestors, but none had a specific name of a religion but Muslims. For instance,the word "Jew", in Hebrew, "Yehudi", is derived from the name "Judah", which was the name of one of Jacob's twelve sons. The word, "Buddhist", was also derived from the name of its founder, Buddha.

But Muslims were not named "Muhammadans", or anything of the like, because they didn't choose that name. God/Allah chose it long ago for those who submit to His will in any time before or after the Prophet, Muhammad.

At the time of Moses, to become Muslim one has to testify that

"there is no God but Allah and Moses is his slave and messenger".

.At the time of Noah, to become Muslim one has to testify that 

"there is no God but Allah and Noah is his slave and messenger".


At time of Jesus, to become Muslim one has to testify that 

"there is no God but Allah and Jesus is his slave and messenger".

Muhammed is the last prophet of God. So because of this, if one wants to become Muslim, one has to testify that  

"there is no God but Allah and Muhammed is his slave and messenger".


One may think, "How can it be that all prophets taught Islam (submitting one's will to God)?".

Let's see what the Qur'an has to say.

In chapter 26, verse 105 to 107, it says:

"The people of Noah rejected the messengers. Behold, their brother Noah said to them: Will ye not fear (Allah)? I am to you an messenger worthy of all trust: ".

To the people of Noah, Allah(swt) had sent only Noah as the messenger , but still the Qur'an says,

"The people of Noah rejected the messengers". Some may think this is an error in the Qur'an, but here is the beauty of the Qur'an .

By rejecting Noah, it is as if they have rejected all messengers who came before Noah and who came after Noah

because all prophets came with one message: "There is only one God. Worship Him alone.".

By accepting Muhammed(pbuh) to be the messenger of God, one must also accept all the prophets who came before him.

So, let us look at the five pillars of Islam.
2012-09-05 18:35:42 UTC
So that you can be a good killer and bomber
2012-09-02 19:26:13 UTC
Convert to Islam if you wish to rationalize any racism or hatred you have, or violence you wish to commit.

Question: why should you convert to ANY faith? Have you read the Quran? And have you looked into Jainism, Bahai, or Buddhism?

Here's a free online Quran:

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.