Interesting question. To answer your Q directly, as you already know, I wouldn't. Jesus' love is the answer for all gay- identified folks, as well as for everyone else; and not sex.
I am an ex-gay Christian, and I can tell you that noone had to have sex with me to get me to change from a gay lifestyle to one living for Him. No, it was Jesus' love for me, you, and for everyone else. Not the best sex in the whole world, nor anything or anyone else, could even compare with how He loves us, and through His love He has changed, and continues to change, me.
And, yes, contrary to what you may have been taught, gays are not born that way. Identical twin studies (i.e., Bailey and Pillard's second one from the 90's) have made it clear that this must be the case, since only a 25% concordance rate (when one is as an adult, the other is too) is found. This means there are predominantly environmental factors involved, if not totally! And, btw, the researchers are gay-identified males!
And, yes, gays can and do experience change too, according to both science (Spitzer, 2002 and Jones and Yarhouse, 2007) and the Bible (1 Corinthians 6:11 says, after enumerating a list of sins, and one being homosexuality, "...and such WERE some of you.")