people with the highest education tend to be the least religious ..even in Muslim countries?
2012-01-27 23:19:28 UTC
...with PhDs averaging the least religious of all, according to Pew Religion Studies
does education change religious belief?
or are the 'less religious' just more inclined to seek out education?
Sixteen answers:
2012-01-27 23:44:17 UTC
read 1 Corinthians 1;20 where is the wise where is the scribe where is the disputer of this age has not God made foolish the wisdom of this world also Matthew 11;25 Jesus said i think you Father Lord of heaven and earth that you have hidden these things from the wise and prudent and have revealed them to babes
2012-01-27 23:26:23 UTC
I wouldn't say education changes religious beliefs. I have a bachelors of science with a 3.71 GPA. I am a skeptical person and this has helped further me in my Christian faith and undersatanding. The more I learned in College the dumber I realized we are. Many things that colleges teach as fact are mere assumptions based on subjective evidence.
2012-01-27 23:23:57 UTC
I don't know. What difference does it make? That the educational system tends to develop the brain at the expense of the spirit? That the church still teaches archaic doctrines from the middle ages which were never taught in the early church -- and educated people (unsurprisingly) aren't buying it? I suspect there are as many reasons as there are respondents to the polls.
2012-01-27 23:27:04 UTC
Mind you, nearly all of the highly religious nations (or regions) also don't have the best quality/access to education. But who knows, maybe you're right? Either way, I for one am perfectly comfortable with my religious beliefs and education (studying med at one of the best unis in Aust) Okay, that sounded boasty, sorry xD
2012-01-27 23:25:36 UTC
It seems to me like highly educated people tend to question things more, and it also seems like questioning the existence of God wouldn't exactly gain you a lot of popularity in churches, or a lot of faith in His works. The better educated are often taught to rely on their senses and the scientific method, and God doesn't seem to register on scientific experiments yet unless you use the ever-present "Creation exists therefore God has to have created it," which I find less than thoroughly convincing with no measurable readings on him
2012-01-28 00:35:32 UTC
studies have shown the more education you have the more likely you are to leave your religious beliefs. Probably because education asks for critical thinking and analysis. Did you know for Mormons the exact opposite trend happens? The more educated you are the more likely you are to stay Mormon, odd huh?
2012-01-27 23:25:02 UTC
The entire history of human civilization has taught us at least one thing:
The less a person or people know the more likely they'll believe in "magic".
@God is my salvation- "the education system supports the natural world and rejects god"
Yes, observable facts support a natural reality rather than fairy tales. You're correct.
2012-01-27 23:25:38 UTC
i believed in god for years. Even after i dropped out of high school but now that i am getting my ged. I have actually been reading about evolution, cosmos, science all that good stuff, I have changed my mind. If you really pay attention to what you read and do the math it just doesn't add up. But if you leave god out it all comes together and makes sense. I am ok with no god besides when your dead you won't feel or know nothing. Whats the big deal about that.
MiZz SaAk
2012-01-27 23:24:09 UTC
I don't know if education has anything to do with it...but wealthy people tend to not seek out religion...because they have less trials and tribulations...where as people who aren't as wealthy ask God for guidance and just over all help!!!
2012-01-27 23:30:00 UTC
80% of doctors are religious.
Religion does not affect intelligence.
2012-01-27 23:23:55 UTC
does education change religious belief? no it doesn't
are the 'less religious' just more inclined to seek out education?
they are brainwashed into believing god does not exist
the education system supports the natural world and rejects god
2012-01-27 23:21:58 UTC
Being stuck in school book learnin' doesn't give people the proper time and energy to become fundamentalists.
2012-01-27 23:23:38 UTC
Maybe people who have higher education have learned to question what they are told. Therefore, some would decide that religion is not for them.