I'm thinking of converting to islam?
2009-08-30 04:15:22 UTC
I was raised in a christian household. But out of curiosity, I read up on islam and it makes more sense thn the bible. The bible is full of contradictions, blatant lies, fabrications and is very oppressive.

The torah also interested me, but It is also very brutal, I've read it and you don't become jewish merely by accepting the faith. The torah is very violent and aggressive.

I think islam is the way to go, peaceful and makes perfect sense.

Anyone got any advice?
41 answers:
2009-08-31 19:39:34 UTC
I can't help but to smile when I read that you are thinking to embrace Islam :)

To become a Muslim isn't hard actually, what one must do ... is only to recite the shahada ;)

Feel free to contact me via email or messenger at If you don't think I am the right person to help you than you can do it through 'Live Help Online' here :

You may chat there for with their helpful staff or request them a call back :) Maybe it is better for you to ask them some questions etc just to reasure that you are making the right choice.

This question really made my day :) Please, don't hesitate to contact me if you need anything.

If you need more reading about Islam, please read here:

p/s: You can learn how to perform Salat in Arabic through the SalatDemo
2009-09-02 21:53:10 UTC
Good you are doing the right thing. Bible is full of many uncountable wrong information. Such as Hazrat Isa(Jejus) (A) Is the son of Allah.

Totally false thing. If Allah can make human it's very easy to make a single human without father. Come closer to Islam you will understand every single false of other religions. And those who tell Muhammad false Prophet they should check what they are saying.

Many of them say that Bible is true because Quran has supported it. Sorry to say that Quran has supported Injil not bible. Bible is a thought of some nasty people. Why don't people understand that? I wonder!!
2009-09-01 22:35:34 UTC
My Answer Will clarify every single thing for you. take the time to read it.

I am muslim, so i will avoid bias and give you advice that does not just revolve around mere blind faith, but reason and logic.

Because in the Qur'an, Allah asks Man to acknowledge His existence through reason and intellect.

There is a God, there is no doubt about it, and who would know the designs better than the Designer ?

The Qur'an states that those who do not follow this message, or this way, "Only follow conjecture" (meaning guess work).

The Atheists claim that there is no Afterlife present 'being' known as God, i ask you, have they died and come back to find out ? -> They guess... Conjecture

The Evolutionists claim that we are monkeys... Well the evolution theory even goes against itself. It's funny that our original ancestor is living (the ape) and the millions of missing links - that evolved from it (which means they are more capable of surviving) have died out. So there is this huge gap between Man and Ape. '"Theory"' of Evolution, not fact.... Conjecture

The Christians claim that God is 3 but one. This does not even work mathematically (1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 = 0.999 __- not 1), and when you ask them of the thousands of contradictions in the book, and the fact that the Old Testament clearly classifying the 'trinity' as blasphemy, the reply is... It was God's Will, we are not capable of understanding it... That sounds like a 'guess' to me... Conjecture.

The Jews claim they are the children of God, and that everyone other than them are 'gentiles' meaning - unequal. In addition to this there are very strict limitations on peoples freedom which make no sense.. like dialing a telephone on the sabbath day, you cannot do this if you wish to be in line with traditional jewish principles... Why would God create 10 million people beloved to him, and the rest to cast into the fire? Looks like someone has been tampering with the books... If you are a reasonable person, and stick to this faith, then you are doing it out of pure blindness... You Follow Conjecture.

Hindus and buddhists - ancient mythical beliefs that have obviously been tampered over time to accomodate local stories and ideas. Example: Ganges River flows from 'God's Head' or reincarnation theory.. When it is proven that all life will cease to exist (at the suns burnout) what will you reincarnate to? space? ... Conjecture.

Islam... This is all you need to know >>> 'One'

One God, One Way of Praying, One final messenger, One Nationality, One purpose. One set of Rules, One beginning, One end. Complete Unity.

It is the religion that masters all religions, as truth stands clear from error. Islam is within the boundaries of Reason and Logic, a mans burden is only that which he is capable of bearing. Islam promotes harmony with your surrounding people, and that every single person is equal, except those who disregard it (they are on their own), but those who are Righteous, Pious, Humble and Courageous are held higher in Esteem, in the sight of Allah.

Islam condones Good conduct. Even if your parents are idolaters (Worst Crime in Islam, unforgiveable), you are required to be good to them.

Not to mention that the language of the Muslims Holy book is pure genius, and has not even been able to compare with any piece of human literature... how did this come about ?.. through the mouth of a illiterate man..

"If you have any doubts, as to whether this is from Allah, then produce something like it"

"And if you do not do it, and you will never do it, then prepare for the fire, whose fuel is men.. and Stones."

- They never have.

You will make the right choice i hope.
Muslim Jesus(pbuh)
2009-08-31 19:41:47 UTC
My brother all I can say is congratulations and thank God all you can that he has opened your eyes and your heart.

I can guarantee that anyone who opens their heart to Islam will accept it...

Those who say it is a violent religion... please don't go there...

What does it say? It says to punish people who do wrong?

If we were to cut the hand of thieves, would there or would there not be less thieves in this world today? Answer me that?

Why is it that it is ok for young unmarried girls to go and have children that they can not look after and then go and get drunk and do drugs, but to punish someone for doing such things is wrong?

What kind of world do you want to live in is the question everyone needs to ask themselves...

What has any religion given to humanity? What solutions?

ISLAM is the only one with the solutions to the worlds problems...

Search any top Islamic scholar to find out more details... I like Ahmed Deedat...
2009-09-01 20:57:18 UTC
peace be upon u

i am soooooooooo happy for u

as u see hdear there r alot of people trying to make u change ur mind ,, most of them i think because of ignorance of islam and brainwashes made by media ,, so do not care and just follow the evidence

here u r some links

peace be upon u


do not be sad

it seema that this man is a practicing muslim

do not care

if u want to be a muslim u must do it just only with ur complete heart , not just for ur fiance

and i advice u if u convertrd to islam to not to marry this man because he seems not a practicing muslim and not a good person

i hope these links help u

The Bible led me to Islam.......

The Oneness of God is the message of Jesus and all the Prophets, peace be upon

Ten Most Common Questions Asked By Christian Missionaries Against Islam

Islam, the Religion of Ease

Beliefs of Islam

ISLAM and the AIM of LIFE

Merits Of Islam

very important

Quran Miracles encyclopdia
2009-09-01 07:23:39 UTC
yh, if you have ANY questions, PM me

I went on a 2 yr 'finding answers' journey

EDIT: a lot of people will post complete RUBBISH websites so don't bother visiting them.

I'll PM you a list of sites I'd advise you to stay away from because they misquote and misrepresent Hadith and Qur'an (trust me they do)


btw, try listening to lectures by:

Sheikh Abdur Raheem Green, Nouman Ali Khan, Yusuf Estes, Bilal Phillips etc
2009-09-01 07:37:57 UTC
Go for it insha Allah you have everything to gain and nothing to loose.

Beware of those who advise against this because many of them don't know how to look at the debate objectively (ie. Muslim and Christian dialogue) and as one of their names suggests it's "just me" and not about following the truth of the gramatical presentation of the text.I think you'll find that the main problem with these individuals is that they only see what they want to see or at the very least what their paster programs them to say or think.

Explore the arguements for yourself and see.

Salam alaikum.
Liaquat A
2009-09-02 21:11:49 UTC
Before accepting islam you must study more literature of other religions and also observe and mix up with muslim Society and if you have time than spend some time with muslim preachers.
2009-08-31 19:37:12 UTC
Hi bro Im a Muslim revert myself and I can tell you its the way to go, accepting Islam does not mean you agree to any particular geoppolitical situation or anything, its a pure relationship between yourself and the Creator, may Allah guide you and give us peace..
2009-08-31 22:32:23 UTC
Islam is not a difficult religion. To enter islam is just to say Shadah. that is there is no GOD but Allah and rest every thing is his creation and Muhammad (peace be upon him) is his last messenger.

rest you have already studied. you dont have to do anything just be morally good in every thing.

1) dont hurt any one

2) be kind to your parents(that is obey them , even if they beat you dont raise your voice on them. when one of them or both of them are in their old age take care of them like they took care of you when you were toddler. never be harsh to them)

3) aovid alcohol and haram meat that are bad for your health

4) dont involve in illegal sexual desires

5) pray 5 times (5 min each) daily

6) no stealing

7) dont be unjust to any one. to your family , wife, daughters

8) most importantly give charity to poor. even if it is one cent . charity is giving money to those who cannot afford the basic necessity of life that is food, education, rent or some thing.

9) no bank interest at all. that is a cancer for the society. causes poor to go poor and rich gets richer. ultimate factor for inflation.

and considering Allah to be the all powerful and most merciful. that if you commit any sin in any thing mentioned above by mistake or other things repent from Allah and considering that he will forgive you.

Rest Allah knows all. May he guide you and all of us
2009-08-31 20:34:21 UTC
Islam means submission to god. I have a friend who used to be a christain until he reverted to islam. islam is peace. Allah is God. The name Allah is the Arabic word for God. More precisely, it is the One Eternal Creator, Lord of the whole universe. It is the same Arabic name for God that is used in the Arabic Bible.

It is pronounced almost the same in other Semitic languages: "Eloha" in Hebrew, and "Allaha" in Aramaic. According to Jesus (peace be upon him), God is One, with no partner whatsoever.
bas 3ashan!
2009-08-31 19:30:48 UTC
well a friend of mine who converted to islam loved a shiekh called zakir naik,, most of his lectures are in english..

you can find some of his clips on youtube

welcome to islam , if you need any more help just contact me


by the way muslims believe in jesus as a prophet also ,
2009-09-03 03:37:19 UTC
Asalamualikum Brother,

Welcome to Islam.

Welcome to right path and live peaceful.

Here no body heart you.

Islam never teaches to insult any other relegion

May Allah guide us all, in the month of Ramadhan and all the time, inshAllah.
2009-09-02 01:51:39 UTC
Praise be to Allah,

I am really pleased to see your interest to embrace islam, may Allah guide you to the right path, ameen

yes, islam is the right way that all mankind should follow;

The basic principles of faith with which Allaah revealed His Books to His Messengers, and to which His Messengers – peace be upon them – called mankind, are all the same. The details of their laws differed according to the circumstances, times and interests of the people, by the wisdom and justice of Allaah and as a mercy and a favour from Him.but, the Jews and Christians have distorted and twisted that which was revealed to them from their Lord, to the point that their religions have become falsehood, kufr and misguidance. Because of that Allaah sent Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) to them and to other nations in general, to make clear what truth they were hiding and to make known what they were concealing, and to correct the beliefs and laws that they had corrupted, and to guide them and others to the straight path.

“And We have not sent down the Book (the Qur’aan) to you (O Muhammad, except that you may explain clearly unto them those things in which they differ, and (as) a guidance and a mercy for a folk who believe” [al-Nahl 16:64]

moreover, every Jew and Christian has to enter the religion of Islam which Allaah revealed to His Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), because the Message of Muhammad is the final Message, which abrogates the previous religions. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“And whoever seeks a religion other than islam, it will never be accepted of him” [Aal ‘Imraan 3:85]

and all the messengers (peace be upon them) convey Allah's commands, and give people glad tidings of the delights that Allaah has promised them if they obey His commands, and they warn them of the abiding punishment if they go against His prohibitions.

"Mankind was one single nation, and Allah sent Messengers with glad tidings and warnings; and with them He sent the Book in truth, to judge between people in matters wherein they differed.." (albaqarah

learn about islam

preacher enter islam (video)

islam cracks the code

my great love for jesus led me to islam:

how to convert and become muslim?

here are some videos in order to learn how to perform the prayer:…

and a book: description of prayer of the prophet (peace be upon him)

2009-09-02 07:35:43 UTC
Islam honors all the prophets who were sent to mankind. Muslims respect all prophets in general, but Jesus in particular, because he was one of the prophets who foretold the coming of Muhammad. Muslims, too, await the second coming of Jesus. They consider him one of the greatest of GOD's prophets to mankind. A Muslim does not refer to him simply as "Jesus," but normally adds the phrase "peace be upon him" as a sign of respect.

No other religion in the world respects and dignifies Jesus as Islam does. The Quran confirms his virgin birth (a chapter of the Quran is entitled "Mary"), and Mary is considered to have been one of the purest women in all creation. The Quran describes Jesus' birth as follows:

"Behold!' the Angel said, God has chosen you, and purified you, and chosen you above the women of all nations."[Noble Quran 3:42]

"Mary, God gives you good news of a word from Him, whose name shall be the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, honored in this world and in the Hereafter, and one of those brought near to God. He shall speak to the people from his cradle and in maturity, and he shall be of the righteous. She said: "My Lord! How shall I have a son when no man has touched me?' He said: "Even so; God creates what He will. When He decrees a thing, He says to it, 'Be!' and it is."[Noble Quran 3:45-47]

Muslims believe that Jesus was born immaculately, and through the same power which had brought Eve to life and Adam into being without a father or a mother.

"Truly, the likeness of Jesus with God is as the likeness of Adam. He created him of dust, and then said to him, 'Be!' and he was."

[Noble Quran 3:59]

During his prophetic mission, Jesus performed many miracles. The Quran tells us that he said:

"I have come to you with a sign from your Lord: I make for you out of clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, and breathe into it and it becomes a bird by God's leave. And I heal the blind, and the lepers, and I raise the dead by God's leave."[Noble Quran 3:49]

Muhammad and Jesus, as well as the other prophets, were sent to confirm the belief in one God. This is referred to in the Quran where Jesus is reported as saying that he came:

"To attest the law which was before me, and to make lawful to you part of what was forbidden you; I have come to you with a sign from your Lord, so fear God and obey me."[Noble Quran 3:50]

Prophet Muhammad emphasized the importance of Jesus by saying: "Whoever believes there is no god but almight GOD, alone without partner, that Muhammad is His messenger, that Jesus is a servant and messenger of God, His word breathed into Mary and a spirit emanating from Him, and that Paradise and Hell are true, shall be received by God into Heaven.[Bukhari]
2009-08-31 08:20:41 UTC
My advice to you is that you go with what feels right to you. DON'T listen to all of these people trying to tell YOU what to do. Every person in this life is responsible for their selves and you are too. So seeing that your responsible for your self you should make decisions for yourself, especially when it comes to the most important decision...Religion. Now I do have some advice that you can take if you want. Ask any knowledgeable christian what proofs their religion has provided them from God to show people that their religion is the true religion of God.(I used to be christian just like you and let me tell you right now, there isn't any.) You also obviously have seen what I saw which is there IS contradictions and a bunch of bologna in the Bible, not that there isn't any truth in it. But if the Bible is the religious book of christianity, and christianity is supposed to be the true religion of God then it wouldn't have ANY contradictions in it now would it. Seeing that God never contradicts himself!!! Another thing you might want to look into is the FACT that God gave us many Miracles(Wikipedia-A miracle is a perceptible interruption of the laws of nature, such that can be attempted to be explained by divine intervention, and is sometimes associated with a miracle-worker.) within the Quran proving it's authenticity.( ) God even challenges anyone to bring a book with 1 proof equal to 1 of these Miracles. This challenge has yet to be fulfilled and never will. To discredit christianity even more how is it that people say that Jesus(peace be upon him) was the sole son of God and some even say he was God on earth, when his prayer went...


hallowed be THY name;THY Kingdom come;

THY will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

Give US this day OUR daily bread;

and forgive US OUR trespasses

as WE forgive those who trespass against US;

and lead US not into temptation,

but deliver US from evil. Amen

Obviously this disproves christianity's whole outlook on their own religion and that it is absolute blasphemy. To compare my God the Almighty ALLAH to a man who defecated, passed gas, supposedly got spit upon, beat up, and crucified is complete nonsense. I find it hard to believe that anybody could truly believe in God and think this way. Look at how the Muslim law is structured. Many cultures modeled theirs after it. If america used these laws there wouldn't be all of these crack dealers, thieves, rapists, gangsters, etc. walking the streets today ruining the country. Look at how Islam teaches modesty, which factors out a majority of jealousy and envy. Helps people to stay chaste, and wait until marriage to have sex. Unlike these people who think it's alright to have their daughters walking around with their breasts and butts hanging out who end up having babies before they are even ready for them with the father no where to be found, ultimately making a broken home in which the child has a lot smaller of a chance of being productive in today's society. Look at the fairness, we preach an eye for an eye not turn the other cheek. Is this not fair? This is because this is the TRUE Religion of God and He is the Most Fair. There are so many facets of Islam I could type for the rest of the week and still not show all of the beauty of Islam. So in conclusion, look into it yourself and if you have any questions feel free to ask me and if I can't answer you WITH PROOF from the Quran or Hadith then I will find a Brother or Sister who can. We don't answer with opinions, TRUE Muslims submit to the way of Allah and everything in our Religion we can back up with CLEAR PROOF in the Quran or Hadith, of why we do or think what we do or think. May Allah guide you on the TRUE path of Islam and may peace be upon you. ;)
John Doe
2009-08-30 04:43:01 UTC
This is an excellent idea, the Quran was written by god, the bible and the Torah were written by man. Islam is the only true religion and it makes sense 100% but don't get brainwashed by Muslim priests telling you whats right or wrong, just read the Quran, listen to gods words, do what god wants you to do, and live a happy life here, and in heaven
2009-08-31 15:37:40 UTC
in the name of God

i am muslim

if you wish help i can direct you to an online islamic teacher

feel free to contact me :
2009-08-31 19:57:25 UTC
Peace be upon you

please visit this link

watch the first 2 please on the left and the before last on the first row
2009-08-30 04:23:16 UTC
Wait, the Bible & Torah are full of contradictions and are oppressive, but the Koran and Hadith aren't?

Man, you must have read a different version than I did. I have read the Koran and it is the most oppressive and brutal book in the world. The Hadith is disgusting.

However, it is your choice. Although, I have come to be cynical after being on this site for some time. I believe that you are a Muslim providing propaganda for your cause, just like this fellow did
ℓανєη∂єr ☆ NYC Run This Town ™
2009-08-31 19:44:35 UTC

I would just say to you to call unto God and ask to be guided to that which is right.

Wishing you all the best!

May Allah guide you to the Right Path. Ameen!
Muhammad Ihsan M
2009-08-30 04:40:59 UTC
Islam means submission to one God. All Prophets came with that belief.

There is only one true Religion--that of believing the correct belief in Allah and His messengers, worshipping Allah only, loving, respecting, and following the prophet of the time, and loving and respecting other prophets. Every prophet and messenger followed and called people to the same Religion; this Religion is called ISLAM
2009-08-30 06:00:05 UTC
congratulations my brother I advise you to go to masjid(mosque)

but if you can't,you can convert at home.

read this article you

will know how to convert at home and you can find live help

(online) by chat.If you still thinking of converting you can ask what you want.

This is a site of internetional association for new muslims

You can ask them what you want.

to ask about islam and read more answered questions visit

your guide to Islam:

This page is rich in sources and books

read these books:

1- Dr. Maurice Bucaille is a french scientist converted to Islam and write this book "The Bible,The Qur'an & Science" it is amazing book you can download it here

2- Dr. Gary Miller is a scientist also converted to islam he wrote this book "Amazing Quran" you can download it here

3- Dr. zakir Naik wrote this fantastic book it show you the truth

"Concept of GOD in major religions" you can download it here

This is a site of a christian priest converted to Islam

These are debates of Ahmed Deedat with christian priests they show you the truth and I challenge any christian priest to answer them
Qing Jao
2009-08-30 04:23:51 UTC
Good for you! Should you choose to become Muslim, you will be one of the rightly guided. And I know it's not easy to change one's ideology in such a way, so it's an even more amazing and wonderful thing your contemplating, deciding against what is familiar and deciding to embrace the truth. May God bless you.
2009-08-30 06:14:16 UTC
yes, before you REVERT, you must be sure 100%

I ask you questions, from answering, you become more clear
Don't Be Annoying
2009-09-01 08:53:39 UTC
Asalamualikum Brother,

Welcome to Islam! May Allah guide us all, inshAllah.

Take care.
2009-08-30 04:38:23 UTC
In The Name Of Allah The Most Beneficent Most Merciful

Praise be to Allah He has made His religion easy in your heart. Learn about it and follow it steadfastly.

go to

to read the Qur'an go to
2009-08-30 04:20:29 UTC
I think that the Quaran and the bible go hand in hand, but it talks to you about god in a different perspective and sees Jesus as a prophet rather than the messiah. It also follows the teachings of muhammed. I never read the quaran so I don't know, but if you do keep Jesus as the messiah and still pray to him!
2009-08-30 04:39:00 UTC
You claim to be brought up in a Christian home & you think the bible is full of Contridictions, Hate to tell you, no the bible is NOT full of contridictions, It is because you do NOT have the spirit of god to guide you into the truth of the bible, Now you want to join a demonic religion, that does have many contridictions & many things the islamic people don't want the world to know.
2009-08-30 04:24:44 UTC
Did you realize that the koran refers to the aggressive bible several times? When bible is full of lies, how can the koran be true?
2009-09-02 08:33:47 UTC
thanks for your decision ,you are welcome ,may Allah bless you ,and guide you forever ,for any queries you contact me by mail thanks for your decision publicly
Just Me
2009-08-30 07:03:05 UTC
Dear Cromwell,

My advice is be careful...

& if I were you, I wouldn't. Here's why.

A logically connected; consistent, coherent "Worldview" should be able to satisfactorily answer four questions:

(or you'll be in a consistency of wonder & confusion in the back of your mind your whole life.)

that of,

*ORIGIN: How did it all start?

*MEANING: Why are we here? Why is anything here?

*MORALITY: Do right and wrong exist? If so, what standard should we use?

*DESTINY: How does it all end? Is there afterlife?

Every major religion makes exclusive claims about truth, but the Christian faith is unique in its ability to answer all four of these questions.

Ask yourself this about Islam...


Though it is said to be a "no compulsion religion"

The actions of the islamic people show it to be very different.

A person should be free to convert from Islam to Christianity if that were so. But instead, if there is such a person the authoritative muslim would want that person's neck.

It then does not become the fastest growing religion in the world after christianity... but the greatest "enforced" religion in the world.

(Now, the Qur'an doesn't deny the Holy Bible.. which is good in my opinion. But! a problem it's missing is the 'base standard for MORALITY'. They don't see a problem with killing a child of their own if they don't believe in the same doctrine as them.)


*Keep in mind that the Qur’an (Koran) even describes JESUS as being Virgin Born.

Whereas, Mohammad was not.

*Jesus is also described as Kalimat'Allah ('the Word of God') in the Qur’an. Though a Muslim will argue that it means, 'a word from God'. Either which way - Mohammad was not even given to that category.

*Another point is Jesus is also described in the Qur’an as Ruh'Allah ('the Spirit of God').

Another way Mohammad was not defined.

*And another thing mentioned in the Qur’an was that Jesus had the power to raise from the dead.

Again no credentials like that were given to Mohammad.


*I don't mean to sound forward about this but, a person couldn't possibly follow all that there is to follow in the Qur’an to achieve Moksha/Salvation.

Whereas, in Christianity - Jesus Christ took it upon Himself so that your sins could be paid for in full - past--> present---> & future.


When Jesus died on the cross,

You have to understand that...

✯"It was a legal transaction"✯

You broke God's Law, (the Ten Commandments),

and Jesus paid your fine in His life's blood. That

means that God can legally dismiss your case.

You can leave the courtroom on the Day of Judgment

because another paid your fine. Does that make sense?"

That's the GOOD NEWS!!!


Just KNOWING ABOUT what Jesus did, doesn't mean you are saved from hell. Just like a parachute can't save you if you know it exists.

"You believe that there is one God. Good!

Even the demons believe that—and shudder."

(James 2:19)

You must REPENT: which means (turn away from your sins - this doesn't mean that you are perfect, and that you never sin, but that you will constantly be growing & **God will see you as perfect & righteous** due to the blood of Jesus who washes out your sins --->past,--->present & --->future.)

& have FAITH & put your TRUST in Jesus for EVERYTHING you do! Like you would in a parachute. Clench onto Him as you would in a parachute in everything you do from now on. He will save you, give you new desires & a new heart. You will become a new creature.<--- That's what being born-again means.

If you completely TRUST in Him you will know & trust that what His word (the bible) says, is True! Those are His love letters to you! He wants to speak to you & know you as much as He wants you to know Him.


*REPENT* & *TRUST* in Jesus Christ alone.

You will pass from death to life.

Not because --> of what you have done.

But because you were a very bad person

who's been forgiven by a very good God.

Read your bible daily (Read the gospel of Matthew & John - Jesus is speaking about everything we need to know there, right before He went away to die for us.) & THEN He will start answering your prayers & I promise He will reveal Himself to you completely. There is no confusion or contradiction with God Himself or His word. He will reveal that to you too if you will humble yourself.
Dreamstuff Entity
2009-08-30 04:22:33 UTC
The torah is the beginning of what christians call the bible. You know that, right?

As for the Quran:



Cruelty and Violence





Science and history

Family values

2009-08-31 19:28:49 UTC
please mail me..

indeed, islam is the correct path.
2009-09-02 01:01:30 UTC…

Understand ISlam

Islam and Muslims

Islam is an Arabic word which means total submission to God, peace, purity, acceptance and commitment. As a religion, Islam calls for complete acceptance of the teachings and guidance of God. A Muslim is one who freely and willingly accepts the supreme power of God and strives to organize his life in total accord with the teachings of God. He also works for building social institutions which reflect the guidance of God. "Muhammadanism" is a misnomer for Islam and offends its very spirit since the Prophet Muhammad was a messenger of God, and not a divine being worshipped by Muslims. Muslims use the word "Allah" for the English word "God". The understanding of Deity in Islam differs from some of the connotations in the English word, God. For the convenience of English speaking readers, the word God is used in this brochure except when the word "Allah" is in the quotations from the Qur'an.

Continuity of The Message

Islam is not a new religion. It is, in essence, the same message and guidance which God revealed to all His previous messengers. "Say: We believe in Allah and that which was revealed to us, and that which was revealed to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes and that which was given to Moses and Jesus and to the Prophets from their Lord; We make no distinction between any of them, and to Him we submit". Qur'an 3:83. The message which was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is Islam in its comprehensive, complete and final form.

The Five Pillars of Islam

Every action done with the awareness that it fulfills the Will of God is considered an act of worship in Islam. But it is the specific acts of worship termed the Pillars of Islam which provide the framework of Muslim spiritual life. These are given below:

1. The DECLARATION OF FAITH. "I bear witness that there is no one worthy of worship except God (Allah), and that Muhammad is His servant and messenger." The Prophethood of Muhammad obliges Muslims to follow his exemplary life in every respect.

2. PRAYERS are prescribed five times a day as a duty towards God. Prayer strengthens and enlivens belief in God and inspires man to higher morality. It purifies the heart and controls temptation, wrong-doing, and evil.

3. FASTING during the month of Ramadan. This means abstention from food, beverages, and sex from dawn to sunset, and curbing evil intentions and desires. It teaches love, sincerity, and devotion. It develops patients, unselfishness, social conscience, and willpower to bear hardship.

4. ZAKAH is a proportionately fixed contribution collected from the wealth and earning of the well to do and rich. It is spent on the poor and needy in particular, and the welfare of the society in general. The payment of Zakah purifies ones income and wealth and helps to establish economic balance and social justice in the society.

5. HAJJ, or pilgrimage to the Ka'bah in Makkah, once in a lifetime, provided one has the means to undertake the journey.

Oneness of God

Islam enjoins faith in the oneness and sovereignty of God, which creates an awareness of the unity and meaningfulness of the universe and of man's place in it. This belief frees him from all fears and superstitions by making him conscious of the presence of the Almighty God and of man's obligations to Him. But this realization must be expressed and tested in action. Faith alone is not enough. Belief in one God requires that we look upon all humanity as one family under the universal omnipotence of God - the Creator and Nourisher of all. Islam rejects the idea that there is a "chosen people" making pure intention, faith in God, and good deeds the only way to heaven. Thus a direct relationship is established with God, open to all alike, without any discrimination or intercession.

The Qur'an and Hadith

The Qur'an is the last revealed word of God and the basic source of Islamic teachings and laws. It deals with a variety of subjects including the basic beliefs of Islam, morality, worship, knowledge, wisdom, God-and-man relationships, and relations among human beings. Comprehensive teachings on which sound systems of social justice, politics, economics, legislation, jurisprudence, law and international relations can be built from an important part of the Holy Qur'an. Though Prophet Muhammad did not receive a formal education, the Qur'an, as soon as it was revealed to him in the spoken word, was committed to writing by his secretaries. In this way every word was written down and preserved during his lifetime by his companions. The original and complete text of the Qur'an is in Arabic and translations of its meaning in most known languages are available in major libraries and bookstores. Hadith, the teachings, sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad, accurately reported and collected by his devoted companions, explain and elaborate the Qur'anic verses.

Concept of Worship

Islam does not teach ritualism. It places great emphasis on intention and action. To worship God is to love him and to act upon His commands in every aspect of life, to enjoin goodness and forbid wrong-doing and oppression, to practice charity and justice and to serve Him by serving mankind. The Qur'an presents this sublime concept in the following manner: "It is not righteousness that you turn your faces to the East or West, but righteous is he who believes in Allah and the Last Day and the Angels and the ******ure and the Prophets; and gives his wealth for love of Him to kinsfolk and to orphans and the needy and the wayfarer and to those who ask, and sets slaves free; and observes proper worship and pays the Zakah. And those who keep their treaty when they make one, and the patient in tribulation and adversity and time of stress; such are those who are sincere. Such are the Godfearing". Qur'an 2:177.

Man, A Free Agent

Man is the highest creation of God and he has a free will to make his own decisions. God has shown him the right path, and the life of Prophet Muhammad provides a perfect example for achieving success and salvation. Islam stands for the sanctity of human personality and confers equal rights on all without distinction of race, nationality or sex. The law of God set down in the Qur'an and exemplified in the life of the Prophet is supreme in all cases. It applies equally to the prince and the pauper, the ruler and the ruled, the saint and the sinner.

Man's Accountability to God

Man's life is not limited to the short span of earthly existence. On the day of judgement the entire human race will be resurrected; everyone will appear before the Almighty God and face the consequences of his deeds in this life. Thus, life in the Hereafter is a continuation of the earthly life. Belief in man's accountability to God gives a sense and meaning to life and differentiates human beings from animals and inanimate objects. It serves as a reminder against crime, corruption, immorality, and injustice.

Human Rights

Islam protects all noble values and human rights. Freedom, equality, justice, and the right to life, liberty, and security of person are of prime concern in Islamic law. "Whosoever kills a human being for other than manslaughter or corruption in the earth, it shall be as if he had killed all mankind, and whosoever saves the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind..." Qur'an 5:32. Islam places great emphasis on social justice. It opposes all those who exploit, oppress and deal unjustly with people. " O ye who believe: Be steadfast witnesses for Allah in equity and let not hatred of any people seduce you that you deal not justly. Be just; that is nearer to piety". Qur'an 5:8.

Science and Technology

Islam encourages the use of science and the scientific method. Acquisition of knowledge is obligatory on every Muslim, male and female. In Islam, science and technology should be used for moral ends and serve all legitimate needs of mankind. Moreover, both are viewed as yet another means to understand and see the power and glory of God. "He it is Who created for you all that is in the earth." Qur'an 2:29. "It is your Lord, the Most Bounteous, Who taught by the pen, taught man that which he knew not..." Qur'an 96:2- 5. "We ****l show them our Signs on the horizons and within themselves until it will be manifest unto them that it is the Truth..." Qur'an 41:53.

Islam: The Cure for Modern Ailments

Racism is a major problem in many materially advanced countries. Prejudice and discrimination against racial groups is common phenomenon even today. For 1400 years Islam has shown in practice how racism can be ended. The Islamic social scene, particularly during the Hajj, is a unique example of the brotherhood of men of all races and nations under One God. Similarly, the family, the basic unit of civilization has also become something of a problem in the West. It is in visible decay. The family system of Islam brings the rights of husband, wife, children, and relatives into a fine equilibrium. Islam nourishes generosity in the family and holds it together under the clear Qur'anic laws and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.

Some Misconceptions About Islam

It is unfortunate that some teachings of Islam have been distorted and misrepresented in the West and the communist world. The main distortions relate to the status of women, marriage and divorce, jihad or so-called "holy war", the authenticity of the prophethood of Muhammad (peace be upon him), and the distinction between the Qur'an and the Hadith. The accurate teachings of Islam on these matters can be obtained only from authentic Islam
Freethinking Liberal
2009-08-30 04:27:00 UTC
I suggest, that while you are exploring fairytales you explore them all
BaC Helen
2009-08-30 04:20:14 UTC
You have your free will. If you want to have eternal life with God in heaven, Jesus is the only way.

The false prophet Muhammad cannot keep his promises to you
Friendly Neighbourhood Atheist
2009-08-30 04:19:19 UTC
I'm assuming you're a troll, so no advice really other than get over it.
2009-09-02 11:34:28 UTC
Please visit
2009-08-30 04:18:57 UTC
good u have not converted as yet but only thinking
2009-08-30 04:18:26 UTC
good luck

I would suggest to scan trough cruelties described in quran

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.