Answer coming from Brazil:
Our My, how many doubts! :D
CAUTION! In the midst of academic respect, even Christian, Bible does not consider a compendium of old and new words, but of Jewish Tanach (OT) and Ecclesiastical History (NT): A story respecting another story, not because they, or a story replaces a different story.
It was the Catholics who in the Council of Niceia reunited the two stories and drew this group of Bible. The Protestant, to me, did not protest anything, in fact, maintained the idea to continue united together two stories incompatible with each other.
In OT, the center of attention is the Alliance of blessings on Mount Garisim and Moises with his Law
In the NT, the center is Jesus and his message about the Kingdom of Yahwéh, announced earlier by John the Baptist.
And by last: NO! The writings of Jewish Tanach has several theories of literary composition:
OT - Theory of Sources: J (ancient and recent), E (old and recent), P, RF (Editor end - Deutheronomisth and P) and E (Editor - 3: Legal (Nomisthic), History and Profetico)
As for the NT, many theories, 4 copies of NT Greek full, plus 5,000 manuscripts, everything, A DIFFERENT OF ANOTHER.
Still have the theories of Complements and Fragments and all three Theories, Sources, Supplements, and Fragments, worked together for the realisation of the composition of the "Bible" that you have today, both Jewish, as Catholic as Protestant.
Do not been as saying that "the content in most Christian bibles, are identical, even if SE has TODAY, the idea that was word for word.
Any doubt, buy SKA, Introduction to Reading the Old Testament and KÜMMEL, Introduction to the New Testament
I hope I have helped to enrich their knowledge.
Markinho, Theologian and Master of Theology.
Sorry, I speak in English is not very good!
Greetings of the State of Rio de Janeiro