2011-02-18 12:11:37 UTC
"When a linguist, cultural anthropologist or biblical archaeologist looks over texts from thousands of years ago that speak on things also mentioned in Scripture, it becomes a scholarly mission to determine which account came first, or which one used older source material. Several methods are employed to make this determination; is the text more narrative or poetic; does it contain mythological language; is there a constant series of Divine deliverances or does Divine intervention use an economy of miracles principle? Is there one God, multiple gods or pantheism at work in the texts? Do the human characters take on superhuman characteristics, are they shown as perfect, or do they get treated as fallible mortals? These are just some of the guidelines for determining which text is the oldest or using the oldest source material, and which texts are obvious corruptions with mythological accounts and postscripts.
One of the best “modern” examples I can give is the Alien phenomena. Prior to 1947 (pre-Roswell) most “aliens” were viewed as either blobs, squid-like or bug-like cyborgs (think War of the Worlds) or robotic. Here’s a good comic book example:
Of course after Roswell we start seeing the classic “Greys” with big heads and eyes and vague human features and this type of “alien” became a staple of modern culture. Of course with the advent of the Alien and Predator movies, aliens are now seen as more varied and often more sinister. Based on this rather simplistic example above, if one were looking at comic book illustrations from the 1940’s a comic book aficionado should be able to determine the approximate year of the book, even if the date portion of the cover was missing, based on the representation. In a similar vein, an ancient near east linguist might be able to tell which historical account is “purer” and therefore older."
They also sent me a PDF which showed some diagrams of a pre-flood world called Rodina. I found it laughable.
Your thoughts?