If God exists and he is all powerful and merciful, then why does he allow such untold suffering to exist?
2007-07-02 10:13:54 UTC
This is a previously resolved question. (so called). Although the answer chosen as best had some sentimental appeal, it really failed to address this fundamentally important issue.
39 answers:
2007-07-03 12:41:57 UTC
The explanation for this is given by Lord Sri Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita. Chapter 5 text 15. as follows:

nadatte kasyacit papam

na caiva sukrtam vibhuh

ajnanenavrtam jnanam

tena muhyanti jantavah


Nor does the Supreme Spirit assume anyone's sinful or pious activities. Embodied beings, however, are bewildered because of the ignorance which covers their real knowledge.

Lord Krishna is describing here how the living entity, covered by maya or ignorance, forgets his relationship with the Lord and takes to the path of fruitive action. Unfortunately, our independence from the Lord comes at a cost; we are held responsible for our actions. Karmic reaction dictates that for sinful activity there is a concomitant response of material distress. For materially pious action the karmic result is material enjoyment. The Lord is also described as karunya navaya or an ocean of mercy. Those rare souls who are self realized accept the tribulations offered by the material nature as the mercy of the Lord only. Nothing whatsoever happens without the ultimate will and sanction of the Lord, including the suffering of this world. The Lord wants us to return to our loving relationship with him, but in the interim he impartially awards the results of our sinful or pious actions – results which may be reflected either in this life or the next.

In either case, the material body is considered to be like a prison uniform. Whether one is an A class prisoner working in the warden’s office, or a low class prisoner in solitary confinement, it is not the preferred position for the soul. After all, prison is not the desirable location for any sane person. In the same way, this material existence is a nightmarish condition of suffering for all living entities. It is constituted thus to ultimately provide us an impetus to return to our original home in the spiritual realm in relationship with Krishna. As described by Srila AC Bhaktivedanta Swami in the Srimad Bhagavatam;

“the material existence of the living being is a diseased condition of actual life. Actual life is spiritual existence, or brahma bhuta existence, where life is eternal, blissful and full of knowledge. Material existence is temporary, illusory and full of misery. There is no happiness at all – there is just the futile attempt to get rid of the miseries, and the temporary cessation of misery is falsely called happiness.”

The material world is just varying degrees of distress and happiness, however in all cases, material existence is described as samsara, the blazing fire of repeated birth and death.

The living entity, or spiritual soul, has an original identity and eternal transcendental relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Due to the minute independence afforded to every soul, the living entity desires to leave the association and service of the Lord and take up a position as an enjoyer of this material world via the agency of the six senses and the mind.

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 15 text 7

mamaivamso jiva-loke

jiva-bhutah sanatanah


prakrti-sthani karsati


The living entities in this conditioned world are My eternal, fragmental parts. Due to conditioned life, they are struggling very hard with the six senses, which include the mind.

The real source of our struggle and suffering is our separation from our loving relationship with God, Sri Krishna. The elevated soul experiences bodily distress as others, however such a personality is practically aloof from such distress because of great spiritual bliss and ecstatic love for Krishna.

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18 text 58

mac-cittah sarva-durgani

mat-prasadat tarisyasi

atha cet tvam ahankaran

na srosyasi vinanksyasi


If you become conscious of Me, you will pass over all the obstacles of conditional life by My grace. If, however, you do not work in such consciousness but act through false ego, not hearing Me, you will be lost.

It is interesting to note that those who are overly confident of their empirical, Darwinian concept of the universe will consider these words to be deluded religious sentiment.

Such persons don’t understand that they are the ones who are deluded, and that all their attempts to enjoy a comfortable or secure position in the material world must be punctuated by inevitable old age and death. The only secure position is to become Krishna conscious. Everything connected to the body is subject to defect and temporality

The real solution is to surrender to Krishna

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Stevie Nix
2007-07-02 11:48:14 UTC
Your answer depends on who Ask a scientist and he will tell you that its all as simple as one of newtons laws of pysics: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. There has to be a balance, otherwise the world could not survive.

As a philosopher and he will tell you that while he is a merciful and powerful being ( forgetting the question of his existance for one moment) that history will always show a balance of good and evil, of black and white, rich and poor...god does not willingly give someone suffering knowing in advance they cant handle it. Take a rape vicctim for a moment. If the vic is a 19 year old college freshmen, not beautiful or ugly, not fat or skinny, not popular but not un popular either she's just your every day ordinary average girl. Yet she goes out one night with her friends and gets attacked and raped. Why? Whats the purpose? Well this person was chosen becuase God knows that she had enought strength to survive and make a difference, weather catching the guy so he cant harm again or helping other victims.

On the other hand, another philosophy is that you would never know the good things exist with out some "bad things" to compare them to.

Ultimatley it comes to the fact that people are inheritantly bad. We unfortnuatley live in a black hole of hatred. .

Hope this Helps
2007-07-02 10:17:08 UTC
He doesn't, God created this world fully knowing all this would happen because that's the cost of putting humans here and giving them freewill. God wasn't the one that forced white men to enslave blacks, white men were. God never held a gun to anyones head, the shooter did.

Basically, everything that exists, all the atrocities, was the negative aspect of creating a 'perfect' world of 'perfect' humans... that's God's goal and it's impossible to start the world like that by giving humans 'freewill'.

He could have taken it but it's almost inhuman to do that, it's like a parent forcing their children to go through med school cos they think it's 'best' for them but it would still end in difficulties between the child and parent whereas if the parent gives his child the freedom to choose his/her path then the child will be alot more content and happy with their parents... He made it so that humans can have the choice to believe and follow Him or not and it's BETTER that we CHOOSE to instead of Him FORCING us, understand?

and unfortunatly not enough people have done that, and the further we drift from God the more we are inticed to sin, and do these atrocities.

God eventually wants to make this world into a 'perfect' utopia were everyone is happy and loves the life God has given them where everyone will be at peace with one another.

consider this, all these problems the world is facing, as a step in that direction. You gotta gotta realize very few people actually think about the future "He's not here doing anyhting now so He never will" be sorta thing, y'know? God is already there and already knows what's gonna happen along the way. Unfortunatly He couldn't do anything about all the suffering that exists cos if there is a man in power that isn't in touch with god what is stopping him from oppressing his people or abusing them? For instance, Stalin. Whereas if that man in power was in touch with God then he'd be a good man and be good to his people, make sense?

Also, understand the fact that in the Medievel days the concept of God was a really popular one so people who wanted to justify their actions they'd just use the excuse of 'God told me'... that's like blaming an accident at work on the guy that can't speak english, shifting the responsibility on someone that can't defend themselves.

Just because we haven't made it to the future yet doesn't mean we won't... it's inevitable. And if we leave the world in mankind's hands then all these problems will get worse and worse to the point where it'll be impossible to do anything about it.

The only saving grace this world has to prove God's existance is the return of His son, then there is no denying it and EVERYONE must believe in Him and understand that He only wants the best for us, that's when people will be good to each other and all these atrocities won't exist anymore and we'll be on our way to that 'perfect' society.
2007-07-02 10:17:08 UTC
This question has always been predicated on a false premise, that is, that God is the ruler of the earth. He is not, the devil is in charge. So if God is all-powerful, why doesn't He do anything to stop the evil? That is also an assumption that God has no choice in the matter. He chooses to back off and let the world go its way via its free will to choose, and take unto Himself those that choose Him despite the evil around them. It's not like this is the end of the story, there remains a day when God will cast all evil into a dimensional plane that is called "outer darkness".

Jesus told a parable regarding the sowing of tares (fruitless weeds) amongst wheat. When they first germinate, tares look just like wheat, so it is incredibly difficult to weed them out. Fortunately, once tares mature (near harvest) they turn black. In the last days, there will be a chasm between those with fruit and those that do not. One group will be harvested and winnowed, the other will be cast into the fire for consumption.

Consider, however, that the wheat still requires winnowing to remove chaff from the grain. That too is happening.

Evil is necessary for free choice to be a reality. You can choose which side you wish to be on. And in reality, that is what you are seeing today. People choosing their sides. Again I will say that this world does not belong to God. Satan is the god of this world. So, give credit where credit is due.

Luke 4:5

Then the devil, taking Him up on a high mountain, showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said to Him, “All this authority I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. Therefore, if You will worship before me, all will be Yours.”

1 John 5:19

We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one.

But one day soon, that will all change when Satan is cast out as the usurper he is.

Revelation 11:15

There were loud voices in heaven, saying, “The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!”

...and the healing will begin.

Revelation 22:2

The leaves of the tree [of life] were for the healing of the nations.
2007-07-02 10:33:50 UTC
Sin! If sin had never entered into the world Thur Adam and eve then there would be no such thing as suffering "Read Genesis 1" God created all things good nothing bad. Sin corrupted the world.

God Bless
2007-07-02 10:31:10 UTC
Well, I'm not a religious person, but I did have a religious upbringing. So, the way it goes is: God is all-powerful and all-merciful; however, when he created the world, he gave people free will. So people can choose whether they want to do good or evil. And unfortunately, way too many people choose evil over good.

This obviously leads to the next question, why did God give us free will? We could easily avoid all the pain and suffering if people didn't have any choice but good. However, since God wants us to love him, he wants it to be a real love, thus we have to choose him. Have you ever heard the term cloistered virtue? It means that it's really easy to be good if you're never tempted to be bad (i.e. it's easy to remain virginal when you're a nun in an abbey). Thus, in order for us to truly love God, we must choose to love him; hence God's design for us to have free will.
2007-07-02 10:35:04 UTC
Did you forget about God's will and purpose for each individual and the fact that he did create free will (choice) also?

Yes, in a twinkling of his eye things could be changed or if we knew who we were in Christ and what we poscessed we could help change things more rapidly..If you study you will find that suffering is a part of the kingdom of God some God inflicted and some caused by our own actions....The only relief for man is heaven where there is no suffering....Long suffering one of the fruits of the spirit and a part of love...
Amanda W
2007-07-02 10:25:35 UTC
Have you ever read the book of Genesis? If not I implore you to do so. God created a perfect ideal world and then placed Adam and Eve inside of it. God's original intention was to have us live in a perfect paradise. BUT God gave his creation "free will", he gave us the power to choose for ourselves. He could have given us no choice but to serve him and do no wrong, but he gave all of us a choice. As you know, Eve was tempted by the serpent and fell into sin. God cast Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden because they had disobeyed his commandments.

From then until now everything has come as a result of sin. Maybe not your own direct sin, but because of the sinful nature of human beings. I truly believe no one deserves cancer, Alzheimers, etc, but these have come about I believe because of the sins of humans as a whole. I cannot really explain why God allows bad things to happen to good people, but I do know that God is gracious and just and has a future planned for all of us. I know that with God all the bad things this life might throw at me, are easier and bearable.
2007-07-02 10:29:17 UTC
He also allows people peace in times of trouble--even it bad times. Is the glass half full or half empty. Bad happens so does good. Man makes choices he must lve with.. Why are there poor--why are there rich. If all the rich people helped the poor--there would be no poor. What will you do. Would it be logical to not allow wealth? There are some answers--God would approve
Smile Alway's
2007-07-02 10:20:20 UTC
Ok, no offense. Although I am atheist and you did state for theists to answer, I cant help but wonder what exactly your purpose is in asking a question that is about as grounded as theists arguments for there being a god. I only bring this up because it makes atheists who have actually done their groundwork and have studied hard to reach their conclusions seem overshadowed by trying to revert theists tactics back on them using the same groundless logic as they try to give us. I make no assumptions about you because you may have done your groundwork and actually have reached your conclusion in such a manner, so this is more of a plea to not use their dumb tactics back on them, it wont work. And to those few theists that actually have done their homework and still reached the conclusion of being theists, it makes them think that atheists are dumb.


Evidence rests in lack of logic the answers above have created. A few are creative though.
2007-07-02 10:51:22 UTC
People don't know how God thinks. There is usually a purpose behind suffering, but we just don't know what. Also, while suffering does happen to Christians a lot, it happens to atheists too. Christians just have God to help them carry the suffering, atheists don't so it always seams like they suffer more.
2007-07-02 10:21:01 UTC
If god starts to end all untold sufferings, then each and every individual will ask for help without trying to work hard and everyone would rely on him for small thing

He lets these sufferings exists bcoz they giv us experience and teach us how to move ahead in life by trying hard
John C
2007-07-02 10:17:22 UTC
The idea would be that one can not comprehend the will of good so what we would see as suffering may in fact be part of some grand design that we have no knowledge off and that our minds just can not fathom.

Thats the best I can come up with
2007-07-02 10:17:18 UTC
The question answers itself. If God does exist then it makes sense to me that he might not want to create robots but rather free thinking beings who could choose to accept or reject him. If we can make our own choices then it's possible to choose things that He does not like and that would not happen in a "perfect world". If we were all robots who automatically do God's will then the world would be very different... much more boring... but more peaceful. :)
Emperor Insania Says Bye!
2007-07-02 10:22:00 UTC
Standard answer:

He allows it because we chose that path long ago. Now we live with that choice.

However, he does have a plan to 'fix' it for good.

My answer:

I'm not going to lie to you and tell you that I think I know why he allows it. All I know is that he does whatever his purposes and plans are. We go through it for some reason or another.

Do I like it? No way!
2007-07-02 10:20:56 UTC
God doesnt allow anything except us to reap what we sow.....we have free will given to us by God and it is our own choices that cause such untold suffering ....we do it all to each other.....
2007-07-02 10:32:44 UTC
God is 'just' in all what he does, although, we cant see the reason behind ,for example ,natural disasters or wars,I would say there is a wisdom behind every action God takes.I'm a muslim and my book (the holy QURA'AN') speaks about this life as a 'test' for the hereafter.whatever ,God(ALLAH) befalls a misery upon someone, he/she accepts it, and be patient, they'll will be rewarded HEAVEN. (I know i'm sounding religious and speaking from religion's point of view, but if you think about it carefully, you'll get no other "explanation").
ZER0 C00L ••AM••VT••
2007-07-02 10:22:48 UTC
It's our fault suffering exists. Free will and all. Because our free will is to blame for natural disasters and disease. Yep.

Oh no wait, we can blame that on the fall of man. It's Adam & Eve's fault that crappy stuff beyond our controls happens. Yep.

We live in a crappy, topsy turvy world because Adam & Eve screwed up. Crap, wait, not every Christian believes they even really existed, that the story was actually allegorical, not literal. Hm.....

"God works in mysterious ways"?
2007-07-02 10:32:07 UTC
That's called a paradox. Well known to philosophers for a very long time. Hippocrates examined this "God paradox" and couldn't come up with a logical or reasonable idea as to why. I doubt anyone here will either.
2007-07-02 10:24:55 UTC
God doesn't love everybody,which is clearly stated in the Bible that he hates sinners. So it's not that he plays favoritism toward Christians or non-Christians. He has given people free-will so as to choose whether we will follow him or not. By allowing these evils to happen to us, by our own free-will we are choosing whether to follow him or not based on these "trials" or "tests" that he puts in front of us. God is a loving God and he can also be a jealous God showing tremendous power. You have to keep in consideration both of his sides and His outlook upon life.
2007-07-02 10:18:07 UTC
The answer may be resolved in Y!A but it is definitely not resolved. I have discussed this with many religious friends and not gotten a satisfactory answer. Many of them have referred me to The Book of Job which I find unacceptable. I have, in turn, referred them to the book "The Ones Who Lef Omelas".

Good luck getting an answer.
2007-07-02 10:20:34 UTC
According to the Bible, “the heart is wicked and deceitful above all things” (Jeremiah 17:9), and “all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Therefore, no one is innocent in the sense of being sinless. Sin entered the world when Adam and Even rebelled against God in the Garden of Eden, and mankind has been in rebellion ever since. Sin’s effects permeate everything, and the suffering we see all around us is a direct result of that sin.

But God did not leave us here to suffer pointlessly. Our loving and merciful God has a perfect plan to use that suffering to accomplish His threefold purpose. First, He uses pain and suffering to draw us to Himself so that we will cling to Him. Jesus said, “In the world you shall have tribulation” (John 16:33). Trials and distress are not something unusual in life; they are part of what it means to be human in a fallen world. In Christ we have an anchor that holds fast in all the storms of life, but if we never sail into those storms, how would we know that? It is in times of despair and sorrow that we reach out to Him, and, if we are His children, we always find Him there waiting to comfort and uphold us through it all. In this way, He proves His faithfulness to us and ensures that we will stay close to Him. An added benefit is that as we experience God’s comfort through trials, we are then able to comfort others in the same way (2 Corinthians 1:4).

Second, He proves to us that our faith is real through the suffering and pain that are inevitable in this life. How we respond to suffering is determined by the genuineness of our faith. Those with faith truly from God, “the author and finisher of our faith” (Hebrews 12:2), will not be crushed by suffering, but will come through the trial with their faith intact, having been “proven through fire” so that it “might be found to praise and honor and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 1:7). Those are the ones who do not shake their fists at God or question His goodness, but instead “count it all joy” (James 1:2), knowing that trials prove that they are truly the children of God. “Blessed is the man who endures temptation, because having been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him” (James 1:12).

Finally, God uses suffering to take our eyes off this world and put them on the next. The Bible continually exhorts us to not get caught up in the things of this world, but to look forward to the world to come. This world and all that is in it will pass away, but the kingdom of God is eternal. Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world” (John 18:36), and those who would follow Him must not see the things of this life, both good and bad, as the end of the story. Even the sufferings we endure and which seem so terrible “are not worthy to be compared with the coming glory to be revealed in us” (Romans 8:18).

Could God prevent all suffering? Of course. But He assures us that “all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28). So even suffering is part of the “all things” that God is using to accomplish His good purposes. His plan is perfect, His character is flawless, and those who trust Him will not be disappointed.
2007-07-02 10:20:14 UTC
Only God exists. You are pure awareness exploring itself in experience. The nature of that experience varies widely. Some experience their divinity by exploring non-divinity. This manifests as suffering. This is however only the judgement of the thinking mind; seen clearly, everything is as it should be.
2007-07-02 10:19:00 UTC
Well there is sin in the world.

God didn't want us to be like robots.

He gave us free will to believe or not.

He is powerful, and can seriously change ur life once you accept him into ur life.
2007-07-02 10:18:42 UTC
The default answer is "free will" which fails to address God's hand in the matter (since he obviously decided the effect of every cause).

It is also counter intuitive to think, the sins of our ancestors explain floods and earthquakes.
2007-07-02 10:17:49 UTC
It is not a question that could ever be resolved. We are not meant to understand the way G-d runs the world just do our best to serve Him.
2007-07-02 10:17:18 UTC
There's no real best answer to be chosen, it's opinionated. You can either go with "it's free will" or you can go with "God doesn't exist" depending on personal viewpoint.
2007-07-02 10:18:55 UTC
i believe that God doestn't allow it it, but people lately cause their own pain. We should be trying to help the people who aresuffering through many different ways. God Bless!!!!!!
~Heathen Princess~
2007-07-02 10:20:17 UTC

God doesn't mess up the world. Humans do. We have made the world what it is and then whine to the Gods to fix it. If you don't like, do something about it.
2007-07-02 10:17:47 UTC
God did not orignally create things with suffering, humans created suffering with their sin. Furthermore, if God destroyed all that is evil, everyone would be dead, because we are all sinful and cause suffering.
2007-07-02 11:56:33 UTC
He gives us free will.

We have to grow as individuals. We have to learn to avoid wrong-doings.
2007-07-02 10:22:59 UTC
Above all I rather for you to prosper and be in good health .

2007-07-02 10:16:28 UTC
God hates humans
2007-07-02 10:18:00 UTC
I think that is just proof, that if there is a god, the people who claim to "know him", are thinking of the wrong guy.
2007-07-02 10:22:13 UTC
if there is to be free will there must be an alternative

that is the work of the bad guys
2007-07-02 10:17:51 UTC
If he exists, and he's all powerful, and he's also merciful, and suffering exists, then he's insane.
Delicious Pear
2007-07-02 10:17:06 UTC
I think he "allows" it to see what WE will do about it.
2007-07-02 10:17:31 UTC
He wouldn't.
2007-07-02 10:27:06 UTC
I know I have answered this more than once, perhaps one was Urs??? Suffice it to say, if U didn't like the answers U got before U won't like them now!!! As there is no "URL" for this Doctrine I will post from my Personal Source. John


A. Introduction.

1. Suffering acts as a guardian or parent in life.

a. Suffering plays an important role in the life of

adult homo sapien whether he's a believer or an unbeliever. What

our parents did for us in childhood, suffering does for us as

adults in the school of hard knocks. God has given us suffering

as a parent for the rest of our lives.

b. The disciplines and restraints of childhood imposed

by our parents are now replaced by the disciplines and restraints

of suffering, replacing the role of parents in our lives.

c. Suffering is a warning that we're doing it wrong,

or it is a means of greater blessing. Parents don't always

spank; they also give us things. They both discipline and give

blessing. So also, God has provided for the entire human race

the parent of suffering after we leave home. The only restraint

some people have after they leave home is the suffering that

results from their bad decisions.

d. Therefore, suffering is a guardian, a parent, a

referee that always makes good calls. Suffering is not a blind

umpire! Suffering is an authority designed to challenge the

believer to grow in grace by the proper utilization of his

portfolio of invisible assets in the fulfillment of the protocol

plan of God.

e. While suffering is a restrainer in life, as in

punitive preventative suffering, it plays a major role in

accelerating our momentum to spiritual adulthood.

f. Suffering for blessing is another guarantee from

God that the believer can and does fulfill the protocol plan of

God by advancing to spiritual maturity.

g. Suffering for blessing becomes a major system for

good and for the glorification of God.

h. As a guardian in our life, suffering is designed by

God for our good because it does two things.

(1) It restrains us from sin, human good, and

evil, just as our parents restrained us.

(2) It challenges us to advance in the plan of

God, just as our parents challenged us to grow up when we were

under their control.

2. Suffering is used as a measurement of life.

a. Suffering never leaves the Christian as it found

him. As a result of suffering, we are either the better or the

worse for it. When you suffer, you will never be the same again.

b. If, during suffering, the believer reacts through

arrogance, bitterness, vindictiveness, self-pity, or

implacability, he becomes a loser and starts to go backward. He

is set back in his spiritual life and in his life in general. In

other words, you cannot afford to react to suffering. Respond,

don't react! This requires doctrine.

c. If, during suffering, the believer responds through

the application of metabolized doctrine and occupation with the

person of Christ, he eventually advances to the point of becoming

a winner. We forget what is behind (our failures) and convert

our sufferings into blessings through rebound, the three stages

of the faith-rest drill, hope 2 and hope 3, and spiritual

self-esteem. Then we will be the better for it and will advance

to maturity. We'll be oriented to reality. The greatest

converter of suffering into blessing is spiritual self-esteem.

d. No one stands still under pressure. You either

move forward or retrogress.

3. Suffering for Blessing Rationale.

a. For the believer who is living inside the palace,

his own operational divine dynasphere, under the enabling power

of the Holy Spirit and with momentum from metabolized doctrine,

all suffering is designed for blessing. In other words, if

you're in your palace functioning in its gates when the suffering

hits, it is designed for your blessing. So while in fellowship

in your palace, any suffering that comes to you is designed for

your blessing, for your wisdom, for the function of your common

sense, and for the correct application of doctrine to a


b. Outside the divine dynasphere, all suffering is

designed for blessing on a limited scale; i.e., to bring you back

to reality, to bring you to the point of rebound, to bring you to

the point of recovery, and to show you that your scale of values

is wrong and you must change your priorities.

c. So whatever suffering comes into your life, it is

designed for blessing. Whether blessing is accrued or not

depends on certain factors in your life.

d. Punitive suffering originates from the believer's

negative volition toward doctrine and his accumulated bad

decisions related to sin and evil. But punitive suffering is

resolved by the rebound technique. All suffering left over after

rebound is designed for blessing. This is why God adjusts the

suffering for you after rebound. The suffering may be cut down

since what you brought on yourself was more than you could

handle. But God reduces the suffering so you can handle it, for

God never puts on you more suffering than you can bear.

Sometimes the suffering may be eliminated altogether.

e. There are two doctrinal applications from punitive


(1) The resistance of temptation; often the

restraint of punishment from punitive preventative suffering.

(2) Rebound when the sin occurs.

(3) These are the two major motivations for

blessing in either avoiding or recovering from sin under the

principle that all suffering is designed for blessing.

f. Unchecked by rebound, self-induced misery from the

law of volitional responsibility is parlayed into divine

discipline under three categories: warning, intensive, and


g. All suffering designed for blessing in spiritual

adulthood falls into three categories to match the three stages

of spiritual adulthood.

(1) Providential preventative suffering for the

believer in spiritual self-esteem.

(2) Momentum testing for the believer in

spiritual autonomy.

(3) Evidence testing for the believer in

spiritual maturity.

h. Furthermore, all suffering for blessing is designed

by God for the believer's advance to spiritual maturity and the

glorification of God. Suffering for blessing is always designed

to advance you by putting muscle on your spiritual life.

i. God never gives the believer more suffering than he

can bear.

1 Cor 10:13, "No testing has overtaken you but such as is common

to mankind. Moreover, God is faithful, who will not permit you

to be tested beyond what you are able [capable of handling], but

with the testing, He will also provide a way out, so that you may

be able to endure it."

j. When your suffering is more than you can bear, the

origin is your own volition, never the sovereignty of God.

k. The believer, through bad decisions from a position

of weakness, piles on himself more suffering than he can bear.

No one else can do this to us except ourselves.

l. God never gives us more suffering than we can

handle. So what God does not remove He intends for us to bear,

to endure, to handle, and to solve with doctrine.

m. This means that only the believer who resists,

rejects, or reacts to doctrine puts himself through the law of

volitional responsibility to the point where he cannot bear the


n. Since there is no suffering for the believer in the

eternal state (Rev 21:4), God can only bless the believer through

suffering now in time.

o. There is no suffering too great for the plan of God

to resolve.

p. Therefore, all problems of suffering are resolved

in the mechanics of the protocol plan of God with its problem

solving devices and its solutions accumulated from Bible


q. Cognition of divine provision in our portfolio of

invisible assets plus the mechanics built into the protocol plan

of God are far greater than any suffering, pressure, or disaster

in life.

B. There are five categories of suffering in the spiritual life.

1. Punitive Suffering

a. The law of volitional responsibility.

b. Divine discipline.

2. Suffering for Blessing

a. Providential preventative suffering.

b. Momentum testing.

c. Evidence testing.

C. The Law of Volitional Responsibility.

1. Introduction

a. This is the most common and the first cause for

human suffering in general, and it is a specific cause of

suffering for believers. Our emphasis here is on believers only.

b. Every human being must take the responsibility for

his own decisions and his own actions in life. You must

understand that you can never blame others for your misery, your

unhappiness, and your suffering. You take full responsibility

yourself, based on your own wrong decisions related to your

associations, activities, motives, and functions in life.

c. Human volition is the source of personal sins,

human good, and evil. In God's plan for your life, sin, human

good, and evil are all verboten and absolutely rejected. But it

is inevitable that throughout all our life as a Christian we will

sin, perform human good, and fail in evil. Volition is the cause

for sin even in insanity, neurosis, psychosis and sociopathic


d. Therefore, this category of suffering deals with

the natural consequences of sin, human good, evil, and bad

judgment in our lives.

e. At salvation all sins were judged at the cross.

Yet all our sins have natural consequences in life, for which the

individual who commits them must take full responsibility. We

must always link consequences with bad decisions rather than

blaming someone else. A short trip to unhappiness is to always

blame others for your problems, not seeing them as a result of

your bad decisions.

f. The innocent often suffer with the guilty, being

associated with someone else who made a bad decision.

g. Gal 6:7 states the law of volitional

responsibility: "Be not deceived; God cannot be mocked.

Whatever a man sows, this he will also reap."

h. Volition and decision are the source of both sins

of ignorance and sins of cognizance. Therefore each person must

be held responsible for his own decisions, whether he understands

their category or their consequences.

i. The consequences are generally classified as

self-induced misery, self-imposed misery, and self-indulged


j Under the law of volitional responsibility, the

believer inflicts on himself unbearable suffering from the

following categories:

(1) Personal sins.

(2) Function of human good.

(3) Function of evil.

(4) Function of moral or immoral degeneracy.

(5) Living in cosmic one, "grieving the Spirit."

(6) Living in cosmic two, "quenching the Spirit."

(7) Lack of common sense and bad judgment.

(8) Subjective arrogance, the overestimation of

your own abilities, or failing to see yourself in the light of


k. Both believer and unbeliever function under the law

of volitional responsibility not only from sin, but also from the

violation of the laws of divine establishment, which are the

operational laws for the entire human race within the framework

of a national entity. There is intense suffering from violating

the sacredness of life, property, and privacy in criminal acts.

There is also suffering from rejection of responsibilities

related to your nation; e.g., being a draft dodger.

l. A lot of suffering comes to Christians because they

are confused, lack Bible doctrine, and are ignorant about many

true principles in life. If you are suffering from your wrong

decisions, no prayer in the world can help you. You must go to

the solutions found in the Word of God.

m. Many wrong decisions come from arrogance. To

protect us from this, God has provided parents, pastor-teachers,

coaches, bosses, and all other forms of authority.

n. Many wrong decisions result in mental illnesses

such as psychosis, neurosis, and sociopathic behavior among


o. Man is naturally a fool since the Fall. This is

proved by the tremendous amount of suffering experienced

throughout all generations of human history. We've all born with

genetic handicaps and flaws; we acquire environmental and

volitional handicaps and flaws. This all adds up to the first

cause for suffering.

p. Although genetical and environmental flaws are

often blamed for mental illnesses, all too often the cause is

locked-in arrogance which can cause a tremendous amount of

self-induced misery and trouble.

q. Many wrong decisions from a position of weakness

result in mental illness, which is acquired from arrogance,

self-centeredness, selfishness, self-righteousness, and the

practice of making thousands of wrong decisions.

r. Man manufactures his own problems and resultant

suffering. God manufactures solutions and blessings in the midst

of suffering. Only God has provided three systems to turn

cursing into blessing.

2. Ways to Make Yourself Miserable under the Law of

Volitional Responsibility.

a. The law of volitional responsibility applies to

four categories of your life: thinking, motivation, decision,

and action.

b. Negative or wrong thinking is self-imposed misery.

Negative thinking includes all wrong mental attitudes, all forms

of arrogance, everything by which you react to life in your


c. Negative or wrong motivation is also self-imposed

misery. So by wrong thinking and wrong motivation, we enter into

self-imposed misery long before we make any decisions that cause

self-induced misery.

d. Negative or wrong decisions is self-induced misery.

e. Negative or wrong actions is classified in two


(1) Deliberate wrong actions which bring

self-induced misery.

(2) Impulsive wrong actions which is

self-gratification or self-indulged misery.

f. Since deliberate wrong actions originate from wrong

motives and wrong decisions, these cause self-induced misery.

Whereas impulsive actions are spontaneous and impetuous; hence,

they circumvent motives and decisions and generally fall back to

thinking related to lust and self-gratification or related to a

locked-in system of arrogance.

g. Self-imposed misery is suffering caused by bad

thinking and wrong motivation. It is also suffering caused by

ignorance of doctrine and resultant self-deception.

h. Hosea 8:7, "They who sow to the wind shall also

reap the whirlwind."

i. Col 3:25, "For he who does wrong will receive the

consequences of that wrong which he has done, and there is no

partiality [from God]."

j. Suffering originating from self obviously follows

the policy of wrong thinking, wrong motives, wrong decisions, and

wrong actions in life. Sometimes it's a matter of lack of common

sense, bad judgment, or not knowing your limitations.

k. Good decisions result in blessing from God; bad

decisions result in suffering from self: self-imposed,

self-induced, and self-indulged.

l. So there are four ways to make yourself miserable

and to manufacture your own suffering:

(1) Negative or wrong thinking: self-imposed


(2) Negative or wrong motivation: self-imposed


(3) Negative or wrong decisions: self-induced


(4) Negative or deliberately wrong actions:

self-induced misery.

(5) Impulsive wrong actions: self-indulged


m. There are at least seven categories of wrong

decisions which produce self-induced misery under the law of

volitional responsibility.

(1) Wrong decisions based on sin.

(2) Wrong decisions based on human good.

(3) Wrong decisions resulting in evil.

(4) Wrong decisions based on erroneous emotions.

This is one of the worst reasons to make a decision. For

emotions cannot think, cannot rationalize, and have no common


(5) Wrong decisions based on bad judgment. This

is a very common cause and is due to lack of common sense, total

disorientation to life, and not knowing your limitations.

(6) Wrong decisions based on lust.

(7) Wrong decisions based on false teaching.

n. So you see, you can't rebound all these categories.

You can't rebound bad judgment. Most who have bad judgment don't

even know it anyway.

3. Scriptural Illustrations from Proverbs.

a. The Book of Proverbs is a composition of good and

bad thoughts, motives, decisions, and actions in life. Proverbs

teaches the believer how to live without learning the hard way,

i.e., from mistakes and from suffering which is self-induced,

self-imposed, and self-indulged.

b. Most wrong decisions reflect indifference or

negative volition toward Bible doctrine, as mentioned in many

verses in Prov 1 and 8.

c. Self-induced misery and divine discipline is

illustrated by Prov 22:8, "He who sows wickedness reaps trouble,

and the rod of His punishment will surely come." Gal 6:7 says

the same thing.

d. Proverbs 2:10-17 teaches good decisions always

result from metabolized doctrine, called CHAKMAH or wisdom (the

equivalent of the Greek word EPIGNOSIS in the New Testament).

e. Bad decisions that cause self-induced misery are

related to sin; the seven worst sins are stated in Proverbs


f. Prov 11:22, "As a golden ring in a pig's snout, so

is a beautiful woman who lacks discretion." A woman can get so

carried away with her beauty that she makes a lot of bad

decisions in her mental attitude, and so brings on herself

self-imposed misery. An ugly woman can do the same thing, but

this illustration is more obvious.

g. Prov 12:13, "In the transgression of the lips [the

sins of your big mouth] is an evil snare [triple-compound

discipline], but the righteous will escape this trouble

[misery]." Every time you judge, malign, gossip, or run down

someone, you have manufactured misery for yourself. The

righteous here isn't someone who is perfect, but someone who does

not gossip, malign, or judge others.

h. Prov 13:20, "He who walks with the wise men will be

wise, but the companion of fools will suffer misery." We make

good and bad decisions with regard to the people with whom we

associate. If you associate with the wrong crowd, you're making

a decision that will cause you a tremendous amount of


i. Prov 15:17, "Better is a dish of cabbage where love

is than a chateau-brian and hatred with it." In other words, you

not only choose your food, but you choose your associations.

j. Prov 15:33, "Occupation with the Lord [gate #5] is

the instruction for wisdom, and before honor comes humility."

Good decisions based on humility will eventually lead to honor,

to include virtue-love as a problem solving device.

k. Prov 16:18, 17:1, 13, 20, 19:8, 15, 16, 19, 23, 25,

20:19, 21:9, 19, 21, 22:8, 23:9, 27-30, 24:17-18, 25:16, 29:1.

D. Suffering from Divine Discipline. See the Doctrine of Divine

Discipline. Also see the Doctrine of Preventative Suffering,

Point B, Punitive Preventative Suffering.

1. If the believer, through the function of his own

negative volition, persists in the three categories of the law of

volitional responsibility, it is obvious that God will add to it

in the three categories of discipline: warning, intensive, and

the sin unto death.

2. God in His grace provides divine discipline. His divine

discipline is motivated by love. When we, through our wrong

decisions, put ourselves into a jam, there is no grace or love

involved. We hate ourselves whether we know it or not.

3. The principle of both warning and intensive discipline

is found in Heb 12:6, "Whom the Lord loves He disciplines

[warning discipline], and He skins alive with a whip every son

whom He receives [intensive discipline]." Job 5:17-18, "Behold,

happy is the man whom the Lord reproves [warning discipline], and

does not despise the discipline [intensive discipline] from EL

SHADDAI. He inflicts pain [warning discipline]. He bandages the

wound [rebound]. He wounds [intensive discipline], and His hands


4. Warning discipline is taught in Rev 3:20. The purpose

of warning discipline is to remember 1 Jn 1:9 and use rebound.

Warning discipline motivates rebound.

5. Punitive preventative suffering is the same as warning

discipline and intensive discipline in restraining sin and

motivating rebound.

6. Intensive discipline is found in Rev 3:19, "Those who I

love I reprimand [warning discipline] and I punish [intensive

discipline]. Therefore be zealous [motivation from warning

discipline or intensive discipline to rebound] and rebound."

Also see Ps 38:1-14.

7. The third category is dying discipline, the sin unto

death. This is when God has no more use for you on earth. 1 Jn

5:16. Ps 118:17-18, "The Lord has disciplined me severely

[intensive discipline], but He has not given me over to death

[sin unto death]." Cf Phil 3:19, "Whose end of life is ruin

[dying discipline], whose god is his emotions." Rev 3:16,

"Therefore, because you are lukewarm [in the cosmic system],

neither cold or hot, I am about to vomit you out of My mouth."

8. All three categories of divine discipline are found in 1

Cor 11:30-31, "For this cause many are weak [warning discipline],

and sick [intensive discipline], and many sleep [sin unto death].

But if we would judge ourselves [rebound], we should not be


E. National Suffering and the Four Generation Curse. See the

Doctrine of the Four Generation Curse.

F. The Prerequisite Grace Principle.

1. God never gives the believer more suffering than he can

bear, 1 Cor 10:13.

2. Only the believer making wrong decisions from a position

of weakness piles on himself more suffering than he can bear. We

are all self-destructive in this sense. This is how the law of

volitional responsibility works in the life. Most believers out

of fellowship manufacture self-induced misery apart from instant


3. Any suffering left over after rebound is designed for

your blessing. Therefore, God must often reduce that suffering

to what you can bear.

4. What God does not remove in suffering He intends for us

to bear under the principle that all suffering is designed for


5. Therefore, the believer chooses the educational

institution from which he will learn in life. In the school of

hard knocks, the believer learns only from punitive suffering and

very little doctrine. His learning efficiency is at best 30%.

In the university of Bible doctrine, the believer inside the

divine dynasphere under perception, metabolization, and

application of doctrine, can advance to spiritual maturity, using

up to 100% doctrine.

6. The prerequisite principle is that no believer can pass

a specific category of suffering for blessing until he has first

of all attained the prerequisite stage of spiritual adulthood.

That means that all three stages of spiritual adulthood are

prerequisite to something else. Each stage must function as the

prerequisite to passing its matching category of suffering for


7. Suffering for blessing from God is not arbitrary. He

doesn't administer it to us in an arbitrary manner. We must have

the prerequisite first.

8. No believer can pass the prerequisite test of

providential preventative suffering until he has attained

spiritual self-esteem. No believer can pass momentum testing

until he has attained spiritual autonomy. No believer can pass

evidence testing until he has attained spiritual maturity. Only

spiritual self-esteem is qualified for providential preventative

suffering. Only spiritual autonomy is qualified for momentum

testing. Only spiritual maturity is qualified for evidence


G. Suffering and Spiritual Self-Esteem.

1. Spiritual self-esteem is the assertion of metabolized

doctrine in the right lobe and the use of it by living in your

own mind. For you cannot reach the point of consistent suffering

for blessing until you reach the point where you live by your own

mind from your metabolized doctrine, making application of that

doctrine under three categories of suffering for blessing:

providential preventative suffering, momentum testing, and

evidence testing as an extension of the angelic conflict in


2. Spiritual self-esteem leads to spiritual autonomy.

Spiritual autonomy must be tested through suffering for blessing.

Suffering for blessing is designed by God under three categories:

a. Suffering for blessing which gives power and

strength to spiritual self-esteem. Spiritual self-esteem without

this power is vulnerable to arrogant self-confidence. This is

where many believers lose out. This is called providential

preventative suffering.

b. Suffering for blessing which provides momentum

testing for spiritual autonomy under the privacy of the

believer's royal priesthood. No one can handle momentum testing

without spiritual autonomy. Therefore, God does not give us the

four momentum tests until we have attained spiritual autonomy.

Spiritual autonomy is based upon spiritual self-esteem plus

providential preventative suffering.

c. Suffering for blessing which provides evidence

testing for spiritual maturity. Once we reach spiritual

maturity, we'll receive unexplained suffering in our lives. This

third category is suffering for blessing which only comes to

mature believers as the extension of the angelic conflict. Here

is where we are entered as evidence for the Prosecution in the

rebuttal phase of Satan's appeal trial. So this category is

called evidence testing. The cause of the suffering is unknown,

as in the case of Job, but the power to deal with the suffering

has been provided through preventative suffering plus momentum

testing. This is suffering for mature believers only.

3. Suffering for blessing does not occur on a regular basis

until the believer has attained spiritual self-esteem.

4. Every category of suffering for blessing means an

advance in your spiritual life, and means you are one step nearer

to fulfilling the protocol plan of God for the Church Age. Each

category of suffering for blessing is provided by the sovereignty

of God under His grace policy so that the Church Age believer, as

royal family, can fulfill the protocol plan of God.

5. With the exception of suffering left over after rebound,

there is no suffering for blessing until the believer attains

spiritual self-esteem through residence, function, and momentum

inside the divine dynasphere. There is a limited suffering for

blessing in whatever is left over for you to bear after rebound.

But this is of short duration and has no great significance.

6. Therefore, spiritual self-esteem is the dividing line

between punitive suffering and suffering for blessing.

7. Application: No believer should ever pray for the

removal of any suffering for blessing which is the means of

fulfilling the protocol plan of God.

8. See the Doctrine of Spiritual Self-Esteem.

H. Providential Preventative Suffering.

1. Introduction.

a. Preventative suffering is a single category having

two subcategories: punitive preventative suffering and

providential preventative suffering.

b. Punitive preventative suffering is related to the

believer's spiritual childhood, while providential preventative

suffering is related to the believer in spiritual adulthood. But

actually they both do something of the same thing. Punitive

preventative suffering does one thing for the believer out of

fellowship, while providential preventative suffering does

something else for the believer in fellowship as a spiritual


c. Punitive preventative suffering punishes a guilty

believer and motivates his rebound, and at the same time it

restrains a tempted believer. Therefore punitive preventative

suffering is synonymous with warning and intensive discipline,

while providential preventative suffering is the first category

of suffering for blessing related to spiritual adulthood.

d. Punitive preventative suffering is designed by God

as part of warning and intensive discipline to accomplish three

things: to punish sin, to motivate rebound, and to restrain when


e. Punitive preventative suffering also effects the

future restraint of the believer being punished. Therefore it

restrains future repetition of any sin or failure.

f. Punitive preventative suffering then is analogous

to children being disciplined by their parents. Parental

discipline teaches the child self-restraint, respect for

authority, and how to live in a society under the laws of divine

establishment as a civilized person.

g. Hence, punitive preventative suffering restrains

and motivates function in two categories: warning and intensive

discipline. Punitive preventative suffering punishes the guilty

and motivates his rebound. It restrains the tempted believer,

and motivates his self-restraint in the face of temptation.

h. Therefore, punitive preventative suffering, as part

of warning and intensive discipline, limits and restrains the

believer's excursions into the cosmic system.

i. The results of punitive preventative suffering are

found in Ps 119:67-72. Punitive preventative suffering motivates

positive volition to doctrine.

j. There are three stages of spiritual adulthood and

three categories of suffering for blessing, and each stage of

spiritual adulthood has a comparable category of suffering for


Spiritual Adulthood Suffering for Blessing

Spiritual Self Esteem Providential Preventative


Spiritual Autonomy Momentum Testing

Spiritual Maturity Evidence Testing

k. Spiritual self-esteem plus providential

preventative suffering equals spiritual autonomy plus momentum

testing equals spiritual maturity plus evidence testing equals

glorification of God. Spiritual self-esteem is the prerequisite

to handling providential preventative suffering, just as

spiritual autonomy is the prerequisite to handling momentum

testing. God will never give you more than you can bear.

l. 2 Cor 12:9, "Then He assured me, `My grace has been

and still is sufficient for you. For the power [spiritual

adulthood] is achieved with weakness. When I am weak, then I am


m. Phil 4:11-13, "Not that I speak with reference to

want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances

I am. In fact I have come to know how to be humble, and I have

come to know how to live in prosperity. And in every

circumstance I have been initiated in both how to be filled and

how to be hungry, both how to be prosperous and how to suffer

need. I have the power to attain all things through Him who

makes me strong."

2. What is providential preventative suffering?

a. Providential preventative suffering is the first

category of suffering for blessing. From the context of 2 Cor

12:7-8, it can be called thorn testing.

b. Providential preventative suffering performs

numerous functions.

(1) It insulates against the arrogance complex.

This means you begin to eliminate jealous, self-pity, bitterness,

vindictiveness, hatred, inordinate ambition, inordinate

competition, and all the other mental attitude sins in the

arrogance complex.

(2) It is preliminary testing or warm-up testing.

2 Cor 12:10 lists four tests which match the four momentum tests.

There is a warm-up for people testing, for system testing, for

thought testing, and for disaster testing.

c. So providential preventative suffering not only

insulates you against arrogance, but it prepares you for momentum

testing. For momentum testing is the major hurdle in reaching

spiritual maturity.

d. Providential preventative suffering is the

provision of the sovereignty of God in compatibility with His

grace policy to provide the power for spiritual self-esteem to

advance to spiritual maturity; i.e., the power to advance through

the valley of momentum testing.

e. For when spiritual self-esteem combines with

providential preventative suffering, it forms spiritual autonomy,

which is spiritual self-esteem with muscle minus arrogance.

Spiritual self-esteem cannot function apart from humility.

Therefore, providential preventative suffering provides both

muscle and humility.

f. Spiritual self-esteem can only function on humility

and orientation to authority. To the extent that you reject any

authority in life, to that extent your spiritual self-esteem is

parlayed into a system of arrogance.

g. Spiritual self-esteem is vulnerable to arrogance

without providential preventative suffering which God graciously

provides. The most vulnerable point in the believer's advance is

when he reaches spiritual self-esteem. Here he is extremely

vulnerable to the temptations related to the arrogance complex.

h. Providential preventative suffering prevents,

restrains, intercepts, and insulates against sin and evil in the

life while challenging your spiritual self-esteem to suffer for

blessing and profit.

i. Illustration: a woman falls in love with a man who

walks out on her just before the marriage. She is miserable

temporarily, but this is better than a lifetime of misery with

the wrong man.

j. Therefore, when spiritual self-esteem combines with

providential preventative suffering, it forms spiritual autonomy.

There are five results or signs of spiritual autonomy.

(1) Impersonal love for all mankind is the first

sign of spiritual autonomy.

(2) Authority orientation or enforced humility.

(3) Genuine humility insulates against arrogance

during momentum testing.

(4) Self-discipline.

(5) Obedience to the Word of God.

k. Prov 19:8, "He who gets wisdom loves his own soul

[spiritual self-esteem]; he who cherishes understanding prospers

[spiritual autonomy]."

3. Preventative suffering develops problem solving devices.

a. Providential preventative suffering is a vehicle

for the advance to spiritual maturity because it is a system of

problem solving.

b. 1 Pet 1:6-8, "In this [inheritance] you greatly

rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you

have distresses from various testings [providential preventative

suffering]; that the proof of your doctrine [use of Bible

doctrine from spiritual self-esteem], being more precious than

gold which is losable, even though tested by fire [providential

preventative suffering], may be found to result in praise, glory,

and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ."

(1) "Tested by fire" is used because when you put

gold in fire, the gold melts. Fire changes the nature of the

gold. So also, providential preventative suffering changes the

nature of the believer. So the little bit of providential

preventative suffering you have today may result in the praise,

honor and glory at the Judgment Seat of Christ.

(2) Verse 8, "And though you have not seen Him,

you love Him; and though you do not see Him now but believe in

Him, you greatly rejoice with inexpressible happiness and full of

glory [spiritual maturity]."

c. Phil 1:29, "For to you it has been given on behalf

of Christ, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His

sake." This is important. You don't suffer for His sake when

you make your own problems, reaping what you have sowed from your

own bad decisions and bad judgment. Suffering for His sake is

when you finally reach spiritual self-esteem.

d. Providential preventative suffering is described as

various testings producing steadfastness or spiritual autonomy.

Jas 1:2-4, "Consider it all happiness, my brethren [royal

family], when you encounter various testings [of many kinds in

providential preventative suffering], knowing that the testing of

your doctrine [spiritual self-esteem applies metabolized doctrine

to providential preventative suffering to attain spiritual

autonomy] produces steadfastness [spiritual autonomy]. And let

steadfastness [spiritual autonomy] have its perfect result

[spiritual autonomy plus momentum testing equals spiritual

maturity], that you may be mature [spiritual maturity] and

complete [spiritual maturity plus evidence testing equals

glorification of God to the maximum in the angelic conflict],

lacking nothing [no escrow blessing lost from evidence testing]."

This passage describes providential preventative suffering as

the category that prevents sin and challenges spiritual self-

esteem to suffer for blessing in the midst of trials.

e. Metabolized doctrine results in virtue love as a

problem solving device which includes spiritual self-esteem.

Spiritual self-esteem meets the challenge of providential

preventative suffering resulting in giving #1 priority to Bible


f. Hence, providential preventative suffering is the

means of establishing right priorities in the spiritual life of

the believer.

4. Providential preventative suffering is the preliminary

warm-up for momentum testing, 2 Cor 12:7-10.

a. Verse 7, "And for this reason [Paul in spiritual

self-esteem], lest I should become arrogant because of the

extraordinary quality of revelation [mystery doctrine], I was

given for my blessing and benefit a thorn in the flesh

[providential preventative suffering], an angel from Satan [thorn

demon], that he might torment me lest I should become arrogant

[providential preventative suffering insulates against


b. No one can attain spiritual self-esteem apart from

gate #5, personal love for God. Until the believer has personal

love for God from metabolized doctrine, he cannot have personal

love for self as a legitimate, spiritual function in the first

stage of spiritual adulthood. Without providential preventative

suffering, spiritual self-esteem can easily slip into a state of


c. Verse 8, "Concerning this [thorn in the flesh], I

appealed to the Lord three times [three wrong, intensive

prayers], that it [thorn demon] might depart from me."

d. Providential preventative suffering, like all

suffering for blessing, is not designed to be removed by prayer.

It is administered by God, and what God does not remove He

intends for us to bear. You do not pray for the removal of any

suffering, whether for blessing or punitive. Such a prayer is

blasphemous, for without suffering the believer cannot fulfill

the protocol plan of God.

e. Prayer is antithetical to the purpose for suffering

for blessing.

(1) We must understand the role and significance

of spiritual self-esteem in order to appreciate Paul's false

application of doctrine in praying for the removal of the thorn

in the flesh.

(2) You do not pray for the removal of the very

means of advancing you to spiritual maturity.

(3) You do not pray for the removal of suffering

for blessing by which the protocol plan of God is fulfilled.

What God does not remove by way of suffering He intends for you

to bear.

(4) You do not pray for the removal of the

mechanics of power by which spiritual self-esteem is parlayed

into spiritual autonomy.

(5) Prayer is not a problem solving device in

your life. You can pray for others under suffering, and you

should. You don't judge why they're suffering, but you do pray

for those who suffer. This is a privilege of the royal

priesthood. Prayer is a weapon of power in the hands of the

royal priest.

(6) But you never pray for the removal of

suffering from yourself or from others. All suffering is a

decision from the sovereignty of God.

(7) The Christian does not pray for strength in

time of suffering, because strength in suffering comes in other

ways mechanically. Ignorant and negative believers use prayer

for everything, having no doctrine, no application of doctrine,

and no spiritual growth.

(8) God never puts on you more than you can bear;

only you do that under the law of volitional responsibility. And

before God gives suffering for blessing, He always provides the

means of handling it. So strength in suffering comes from the

application of metabolized doctrine in one of the three stages of

spiritual adulthood.

(a) Spiritual self-esteem combined with

providential preventative suffering produces spiritual autonomy.

(b) Spiritual autonomy combined with

momentum testing produces spiritual maturity.

(c) Spiritual maturity combined with

evidence testing produces maximum glorification of God.

f. Verse 9, "Then He assured me [counsel from God],

`My grace [divine capitalization of every Church Age believer]

has been and still is sufficient for you, for the power [three

stages of spiritual adulthood] is achieved with weakness

[inability to use human assets in three categories of suffering

for blessing]. Therefore, I will boast [esprit de corps, grace

orientation to the provision of suffering for blessing] all the

more gladly about my weaknesses, in order that the power of

Christ [Lord's attainment of spiritual maturity] may reside in me

[mechanics of the divine dynasphere]."

g. Everything necessary to fulfill the protocol plan

of God was provided in eternity past by way of assets in the

portfolio of invisible assets. Then God provides doctrine and

suffering in time. What a marvelous combination!

h. Suffering does not bear its meaning in itself, but

becomes a spotlight focusing on God's power and our concurrent

weakness, weakness brought about by suffering for blessing.

Suffering for blessing focuses on God's grace, and turns boasting

away from self-glorification into worship, love, and appreciation

for God.

i. Paul is boasting because this is not punitive

preventative suffering, but suffering for blessing through which

God is glorified. Hence, this is boasting in a good sense, which

looks away from Paul and toward the grace provision of God. It

is not boasting to glorify self, but the dynamic mental attitude

of spiritual self-esteem facing providential preventative


j. Verse 10, "For this reason I find contentment in

weaknesses [providential preventative suffering], in slanders

[preliminary people testing], in pressures [preliminary thought

testing], in persecutions [preliminary system testing], in

stresses [preliminary disaster testing] on behalf of Christ; for

when I am weak, then I am strong."

k. These four preliminary tests are the warm-ups for

what may be expected in momentum testing. Spiritual self-esteem

develops muscle from passing these four warm-up tests, and so

attains spiritual autonomy.

l. Whenever we face suffering for blessing, human

solutions cannot solve or help; only divine solutions can.

Therefore, suffering for blessing causes the believer to be weak

so that he has to depend on the divine provision for problem

solving. Consequently, each stage of spiritual adulthood is a

problem solving device designed to face and pass a suffering for

blessing test.

m. The weakness produced from providential

preventative suffering, when combined with spiritual self-esteem,

produces spiritual autonomy. The weakness produced by momentum

testing gives spiritual autonomy a chance to get stronger to

reach spiritual maturity. In spiritual maturity, the ultimate in

spiritual strength comes from passing evidence testing.

n. "On behalf of Christ" parallels Phil 1:29. "For to

you it has been given on behalf of Christ, not only to believe in

Him, but also to suffer for His sake."

5. The Two Schools of Learning.

a. Only in the university of Bible doctrine (as

opposed to the school of hard knocks) does the believer's

suffering have significance in the fulfillment of the protocol

plan of God.

b. In the school of hard knocks, the believer learns

only from punitive preventative suffering, which is obviously not

to his advantage. But in the university of Bible doctrine, he

learns through suffering for blessing.

c. In the school of hard knocks, bad decisions from a

position of weakness include such things as reaction, resistance,

and rejection of Bible doctrine. Only when punitive preventative

suffering is intense does the believer rebound and finally come

back to doctrine, usually only for a short time. For as soon as

he stops hurting, he usually falls back into the same old pattern

of negative volition.

d. In the school of hard knocks, the learning

efficiency level is anywhere from 0% to 30%. That is not even

enough to get you half-way out of spiritual childhood. With a

pattern like the this, the believer in the school of hard knocks

cannot reach spiritual adulthood.

e. Therefore in the school of hard knocks, all

suffering is punitive; it is self-induced from law of volitional

responsibility and the three categories of divine discipline

(punitive preventative suffering).

f. The only suffering for blessing is what is left

over from rebound. That is simply a backlash designed to


g. The believer in the school of hard knocks is a

loser and always will be unless he goes to the university of

Bible doctrine.

h. The university of Bible doctrine is the school of

perception, metabolization, and application of doctrine in gate

#4 of the divine dynasphere. To accomplish this, the believer is

consistent in his residence, function, and momentum inside his

palace, the operational divine dynasphere.

i. In the university of Bible doctrine, #1 priority is

always assigned to the Word of God or to doctrine. In this

school, the believer not only advances to spiritual maturity, but

he fulfills the plan of God.

j. As a freshman, he continues his momentum from

salvation through gates 1, 2, 3, and 4, and finally his momentum

carries him to gate 5. As a sophomore, he has attained spiritual

self-esteem between gates 5 and 6. As a junior he attains

spiritual autonomy at gate #6. After passing the momentum

testings at gate 7 and reaching gate 8 of spiritual maturity, he

become a senior. Taking evidence testing is graduate school.

k. In the university of Bible doctrine, the perceptive

pattern is anywhere from 0% to 100%. Consistent residence in the

divine dynasphere, under the enabling power of the Spirit and

momentum from metabolized doctrine results in the attainment of

spiritual self-esteem.

l. Only in the university of Bible doctrine can the

believer experience the three categories of suffering for

blessing necessary for the fulfillment of the protocol plan of


m. The believer in the school of hard knocks piles on

himself more suffering than he can bear, and remains in spiritual

childhood all his spiritual life. Being a loser does not imply

loss of salvation, but the loss of greater blessings deposited in

escrow for both time and eternity.

I. Momentum Testing.

1. The Principle of Momentum Testing.

a. Momentum Testing is designed with two things in


(1) The opportunity for the application of

doctrine learned at gate #4. You apply different doctrines to

different situations, and some doctrines have a quite different

application in our unseen worship with God.

(2) To accelerate your momentum.

b. No believer attains maturity apart from momentum


c. Spiritual growth results from perception of Bible

doctrine. But spiritual growth is accelerated from the

application of Bible doctrine to the categories of testing.

d. No believer can fulfill the plan of God and glorify

the Lord apart from momentum testing.

e. Therefore, some of the testing in the divine

dynasphere is suffering, and some of it is prosperity. There are

eight general categories of testing, four of which are for the

purpose of application and acceleration of spiritual growth for

the believer in spiritual autonomy.

f. All categories of testing in the divine dynasphere

are designed for blessing. Therefore, whether adversity or

prosperity, the divine dynasphere is for your good.

g. Human volition plays an important part in testing.

For the believer must make the right decision based on his

application of Bible doctrine, and his residence in the divine


2. The Categories of Testing.

a. The following three tests listed are not

specifically categorized as momentum testings as given to the

believer in spiritual autonomy advancing to spiritual maturity.

These are general categories of testing which occur in all stages

of spiritual growth.

(1) The old sin nature test.

(2) Cosmic one test.

(3) Cosmic two test.

b. The next five tests are those to be faced by the

believer who reaches spiritual autonomy, a direct contribution to

his attainment of the goal of spiritual maturity.

3. Disaster testing.

a. Before the believer reaches maturity there are one

or two major disasters in the life. How the believer handles

these determines whether he accelerates his spiritual growth or

retreats and goes backward.

b. There are two categories of disaster testing:

(1) Personal disaster testing, which is designed

as suffering for blessing for acceleration of momentum or for

warning of cosmic involvement, in which case divine discipline

becomes involved.

(2) Historical disaster, collective disaster, or

national disaster testing related to the bad decisions of others

in which you are involved by association. For example, a lot of

people suffer unfairly when the president decides to go to war.

c. There are at least six characteristics of disaster


(1) Physical pain or mental pain and anguish.

(2) Crime where you are the victim.

(3) Persecution (not paranoia).

(4) Privation, meaning hunger, thirst, exposure,


(5) Loss of loved ones, property, success, money,


(6) Disease and handicaps.

d. There are four characteristics of national


(1) Violence, crime, terrorism, dope, murder.

(2) Warfare.

(3) Weather includes heat, cold, storm,

blizzards, hurricanes, tornadoes.

(4) Cycles of discipline.

e. Disaster testing always tests our emotions. In

emotionalism you may seek to sue someone who is negligent. This

is only revenge, and you become a loser. The principle is that

you can lose by gaining, and gain by losing.

f. The only wealth worth having is the wealth that God

provides in escrow blessing. In this momentum testing there is

always the temptation to take the easy route of money, security,

fame, and lose forever the conveyance of escrow blessing. There

is always the disaster that will make you prosperous. This is a

test. You could lose the chance of receiving your escrow


g. Historical downtrend is a maximum number of people

in a given area living in the cosmic system.

h. There must be maximum faith, maximum spiritual

self-esteem, and maximum spiritual maturity if you are going to

have your escrow blessing and pass the disaster test.

i. For illustration, see the doctrine of Economic


4. People testing

a. People testing comes in two categories.

(1) In personal love or admiration, the object of

your love often controls your life or provides for you

unhappiness, unless you have attained spiritual self-esteem,

spiritual autonomy, or spiritual maturity. In wanting to please

the object of your personal love, you find yourself being a

different person and not following your normal function.

(2) In personal hatred or animosity, the object

of your antagonism or irritation often has control of your life

or happiness, unless you have advanced to spiritual adulthood.

b. Under the protocol plan of God, God designed His

plan so that your happiness will always reside in you, and so

that you do not depend on people or things for your happiness.

As a function of your royal priesthood it all comes from within.

You are supposed to have personal control of your life, a

personal sense of destiny, self-confidence from metabolized

doctrine, and therefore poise and command of self. Therefore,

you bring your happiness to others, but you do not lean on others

or circumstances for your happiness.

c. People are easily led away from the protocol plan

of God and doctrine by their friendships, love life, and even


d. So unless you attain spiritual adulthood, every

time you fall in love or acquire a friend, the object controls

your life and your happiness.

e. Without impersonal love from spiritual autonomy,

you become a slave to people. When you fall in love, look how

you act, how you change your modus operandi, and how you begin to

think in different terms relating everything you do to that


f. So when you make a friend or fall in love, when you

become jealous, possessive, or hate anyone who has it over you;

you've immediately become a slave. You've manufactured for

yourself many problems, and they're not all the fault of the


g. The solution to people testing is found in the

combination of personal love for God and impersonal love for all

mankind. The function of spiritual autonomy is the use of

virtue-love. Spiritual autonomy is the prerequisite for solving

all problems of human relationship, i.e., of people testing which

is also accompanied by system and thought testing. This

combination only exists in the three stages of spiritual


h. Virtue-love as a problem solving device belongs

primarily to the spiritual adult. Without it, you are constantly

surrendering the control of your life to others. When you become

jealous, angry, bitter, vindictive, or implacable; when you are

dissatisfied, antagonistic toward someone else, friend or

stranger, lover or enemy, you surrender the control of your life

to that person. You become a slave to the object of your

antagonism or love. At the same time, you have no control over

your life, cancelling all the characteristics of spiritual self-

esteem and spiritual autonomy.

i. When someone else has control of your life through

hatred or love, you enter into the law of volitional

responsibility with its self-induced misery.

j. Virtue-love as a problem solving device is the

secret of your relationship with God, mankind, and in human

personal love relationships. There is no built-in virtue in

personal love, which only requires that another person meet your

standards of beauty, attractiveness, and rapport. Therefore, to

make a personal love relationship work, the believer must use a

virtue-base totally outside himself! Otherwise, people will make

him miserable all his life.

5. System testing.

a. A system is an organization composed of people

under the command of other people functioning under a policy

which is designed to fulfill a specific objective.

b. The characteristics of a system are three-fold:

(1) Authority.

(2) Policy.

(3) Objective.

c. The personnel under the authority can face system

testing. The policy of management can also cause system testing.

The objective of the organization can cause system testing as


d. There are seven general categories of different


(1) Business organization, large or small.

(2) Military services.

(3) Professional organizations, such as medical

organizations, law firms, engineering companies, law enforcement.

(4) Ecclesiastical organizations, such as local

churches, denominations, cults, theological seminaries, Christian

service organizations.

(5) Athletic organizations, such as professional,

college, high school teams.

(6) divine institutions, like marriage and


(7) Government: national, state, or local.

e. There are good and bad organizations, systems,

leadership, policies, and objectives. Your system testing may be

from either category, good or bad.

f. Therefore, there are many areas of system testing

related to the people, policy, and purpose of any organization.

g. Because no one is perfect and because everyone has

an old sin nature, personality, policy, and purpose conflicts

will inevitably exist.

h. Generally, there are three areas of system testing.

(1) In the field of authority: unfair and unjust

treatment from management, the boss, supervisor, senior officer,

coach, professor, government bureaucrat, husband, parents, etc.

Favoritism on the part of management can inevitably lead to

personality conflict in an office.

(2) The policy may be unreasonable, or it may

conflict with normal living or with your own personal norms and

standards, or it may be a stupid though still enforceable policy.

(3) The objectives may be unreasonable or even

impossible because of lack of ability in the personnel trying to

fulfill them. Or there may be a conflict between your personal

life and the objectives.

i. The greatest enemy to any organization is arrogance

in its personnel. Arrogance is the great enemy wherever there

are people. A second enemy is incapability; a third is laziness.

Other enemies include distraction from wrong priorities and


j. Passages regarding system testing.

(1) Prov 24:10, "If you falter in times of

trouble, how small is your strength."

(2) Col 3:12-4:1,12.

(a) Verse 12, "Therefore, as the elected ones

of God, sanctified and having been loved, clothe yourself with

[acquire] compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience

[attributes of spiritual autonomy]. (b) Verse

13, "Bear with [tolerate] one another, and forgive each other; if

anyone has a complaint against someone else, even as the Lord

forgave you, so also you should forgive."

(c) Verse 14, "And over all these virtues

put on virtue-love, which binds them all together in perfect


(d) Verse 15, "And let the peace of Christ

[spiritual autonomy] act as an umpire in your right lobes, into

which also you were elected into one body; furthermore keep on

becoming thankful."

(e) Verse 16, "Let the doctrine of Christ

indwell you richly with all wisdom [metabolized doctrine],

teaching and warning yourselves by psalms, hymns and spiritual

songs, singing by means of grace in your right lobes to God."

(f) Verse 17, "Whatever you do, in word or

in deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks

to Him through God the Father."

(g) Verse 18, "Wives, submit to the

authority of your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord."

(h) Verse 19, "Husbands, love your wives,

and stop being bitter against them."

(i) Verse 20, "Children, obey your parents

in everything, for this pleases the Lord."

(j) Verse 21, "Parents, do not be embittered

with your children, or they will become discouraged."

(j) Verse 22, "Labor, obey management in

everything, not with eye service as men-pleasers, but with virtue

of right lobe, respecting the Lord."

(k) Verse 23, "Whatever you do, keep

functioning from your own soul as to the Lord and not to man;"

(l) Verse 24, "since you know that you will

receive the reward of your inheritance [escrow blessings]. You

serve the Lord Christ!" (m) Verse 25,

"Anyone who does wrong will receive the consequences of his

wrong, and there is no partiality."

(n) Chapter 4, verse 1, "Management, provide

for your employees what is right and fair, because you too have

an authority in heaven."

k. The principle is that God will promote the person

who passes system testing.

6. Thought testing.

a. Thought testing occurs at all stages of Christian

experience, but its direct application as a part of suffering for

blessing in momentum testing is the subject here. Thought

testing occurs in all three stages of spiritual adulthood. In

spiritual self-esteem, providential preventative suffering

provides some preliminary thought testing, as noted in 2 Cor

12:10. In spiritual autonomy, momentum testing includes thought

testing. In spiritual maturity, evidence testing provides some

definite thought testing.

b. To pass thought testing at any stage of the

Christian life, the believer must have the following.

(1) Pertinent metabolized doctrine to meet

thought testing at a given stage.

(2) The filling of the Spirit at the time of the

thought testing to make the correct application of metabolized


(3) This means the ability not to be distracted

by false issues or to be misled by wrong priorities. These are a

continual distraction in the Christian life. Actually, they

accumulate a tremendous amount of self-induced misery under the

law of volitional responsibility.

c. Mental attitude in the Christian life is the

function of your thinking and the pressure of thought conflict in

your soul. You will always have a lot of questions. If you're

patient, you'll eventually receive the answers.

d. What you really are at any given time is what you

think. All of us are constantly changing in our thinking. This

can mean instability in life. You are not always what you appear

to be on the surface, for mankind can hide his thoughts and

become adept at the practice of hypocrisy.

e. Therefore, the real you is the thought content of

your soul. Prov 23:7, "As he thinks within himself, so he is.

He says to you, `Eat and drink,' but in his right lobe [thinking]

he is not with you." This verse uses hypocrisy as an

illustration of the fact that we are what we think, not what we

do and not necessarily what we say.

f. A thought can make or break you, depending on the

nature of the thought. It's either thinking derived from

metabolized doctrine in your right lobe or thinking derived from

the propaganda of Satan. One will improve you; one will break

you apart.

g. Mental attitude is the function of thought in your

own soul, not what someone else thinks. So as a person, your

ability to cope with life, your happiness in life, and your

attractiveness in life is based upon what you think. Many people

lose the ability to think. In other words, you have to live your

own life. You can't borrow the thoughts of others; you have to

do your own thinking, make your own decisions, and handle your

own problems.

h. Since thinking is such a crucial issue, there are

mandates throughout the Bible with regard to thought testing.

(1) Rom 12:2, "Stop being conformed to this world

[age], but be transformed by the renovation of your thought, that

you may prove what the will of God is, namely, the good

[spiritual self-esteem], the well-pleasing [spiritual autonomy],

the complete [spiritual maturity]." To be able to think, you

must not only develop a vocabulary for life, but you must come to

understand the technical vocabulary of the Word of God for the

"renovation of your thought." You can never prove to yourself

what the "will of God" for your life is without renovation of


(2) Rom 12:3, "For I say through the grace which

has been given to me to everyone who is among you: stop thinking

of self in terms of arrogance beyond what you ought to think, but

think in terms of sanity for the purpose of being rational

without illusion as God has assigned to each one of us a standard

of thinking from doctrine." You choose to be sane or insane.

(3) The conflict of thought in the soul is

brought out in Isa 55:6-9. Verse 6, "Seek the Lord [positive

volition toward Bible doctrine] while He may be found. Call on

Him while He is near." Verse 7, "Let the evil believer forsake

his way, and the unrighteous believer his thoughts.

Consequently, let him return to the Lord, and He will have

compassion on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly

pardon." Verse 8, "`My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither

are My ways your ways,'" says the Lord. Verse 9, "For as the

heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than

your ways and My thoughts higher than your thoughts."

i. There are pseudo-solutions to life's problems based

on human viewpoint. Five are prominent today.

(1) Rationalization is a pseudo-system for

problem solving in thinking. It's the function of the mentality

of the soul in self-justification. This false solution blames

everyone else for your failures and your sufferings.

(2) The direct attack is the anger solution to

the problems and frustrations of life. This is solving problems

by temper tantrums and being in the total state of

irresponsibility by refusing to take the responsibility for your

own bad decisions. A direct attack has three objectives.

(a) The satisfaction of approbation lust by

focusing attention on self.

(b) The satisfaction of power lust by

controlling the people in your vicinity.

(c) The gratification of inferior feelings

by getting even under revenge modus operandi.

(3) Defense mechanism is a system of mental

attitude designed to divorce the believer from reality and

protect the mind against pressures which are too great for him to

bear. This is the basis for sociopathic function, drug

addiction, lasciviousness, etc.

(4) Denial is the human viewpoint thinking of

ignoring the problem in hopes that it will go away. This is the

pseudo-miracle syndrome. This is illustrated by the classical

attitude of the combat soldier who thinks there's only one bullet

with his name on it; therefore, all other bullets are not

dangerous. Instead, the soldier should use Job 5:20-21.

(5) Sublimation is the human viewpoint of finding

a new outlet, a hobby, a new system of entertainment, a new drive

for frustration. This is for the bored believer who seeks his

happiness only in social life, sexual life, and pleasure. This

believer has no capacity for life, love, or happiness, and

therefore he sublimates by becoming a slave to some detail or

details in life. These include such things as money, success,

pleasure, social life, marriage; things not necessarily wrong,

but distracting. Distracting things become wrong things when

they take precedence over doctrine. This category can also

include the system of trying to build your happiness on the envy

of others; having and wanting things so that others will envy

you. While most of the areas of sublimation are normal and moral

in themselves, it is the mental attitude and priorities which

cause the distraction to the protocol plan of God.

j. There's a Biblical answer to pseudo-solutions

related to thinking. 2 Cor 10:4-6, "For the equipment and the

weapons of our warfare [spiritual] are not human attributes, but

attributes of power [divine dynasphere] by means of God [Father],

against the destruction of fortifications [cosmic thinking],

assaulting and demolishing [with Bible doctrine] speculations

[cosmic thinking, human viewpoint] and every obstacle of

arrogance against the knowledge of God; even making a prisoner of

every thought [contrary to the Word of God] to the obedience of

Christ; holding in readiness [metabolized doctrine as an instant

reaction force] to punish all deviation when your obedience has

been fulfilled."

7. Prosperity testing.

a. There are two categories of prosperity testing.

(1) Individual prosperity testing, in which some

form of success challenges the top priority of doctrine.

(2) Collective prosperity testing, in which a

city, state, nation, or group becomes very prosperous. The

believer sharing in that prosperity can become distracted from

doctrine, lured away from the protocol plan of God.

(3) Collective prosperity testing often results

from combining the three categories of manifest destiny: landed

aristocracy, industrial complex, and the undeveloped frontier.

When these three have been fulfilled, the entire society usually

becomes very hedonistic, making pleasure the chief function in

life. Hedonism is self-indulgence; the pursuit of pleasure to

the exclusion of truth and doctrine. It contends that moral duty

is fulfilled in the gratification of pleasure-seeking. The

pursuit of pleasure excludes the priorities of integrity both in

establishment and in the Christian life. Collective prosperity

testing challenges the entire society to choose between truth and


b. Every believer must pass the prosperity test before

he can achieve spiritual maturity.

c. Prosperity cannot bring happiness apart from the

believer's residence function and momentum inside the divine


d. Prosperity is the most subtle distraction to life

in the divine dynasphere.

e. Our capacity must always precede our prosperity.

f. The only protection you have to pass this test is

spiritual self-esteem. Prosperity cannot be accompanied by

happiness unless the believer has spiritual self-esteem.

g. The cosmic system can offer you success, sex, fame,

wealth, promotion, social and professional prosperity, but all

these are without happiness and you make your own misery.

h. The prosperity test is vitally necessary before

reaching spiritual maturity.

i. Passing this test consolidates the believer's scale

of values, making them consistent with the protocol plan of God,

resulting in stabilizing the right priorities of life, and giving

capacity to enjoy prosperity.

j. Passing this test means that the mature believer

receives God's greatest prosperity, the greater blessings of time

and eternity.

k. If you are unhappy in the midst of prosperity, it

means that you have flunked one of these tests.

l. When you have the same happiness in adversity as

well as prosperity, it means you have passed the test.

8. If you flunk any of these tests, you go backwards. If

you pass any of these tests, you accelerate your spiritual


I. Evidence Testing. See the Doctrine of Evidence Testing.

J. Suffering Has Solutions.

1. There are two negative solutions that stand out in the

post-Canon period of the Church Age.

a. Miracles are out now. Miracles are easy, involving

only the sovereignty of God. It is easy for the sovereignty of

God to utilize His omnipotence to perform a miracle. Nothing is

easier, since it requires only His own sovereignty. No other

volition is required. Miracles do not require positive volition

or any function of man's free will; only the sovereignty of God.

b. But to provide solutions and answers and blessings

that involve our volition is much more difficult for the

sovereignty of God, for all these require our perception of

doctrine. They require both our understanding of doctrine and

the compliance of our volition with His plan. For God to bless

us requires our fulfillment of certain mechanical functions in

the protocol plan of God, all of which depend upon our perception

of doctrine.

c. Prayer is not a problem solving device for you in

suffering. It is a weapon for the strong to use on behalf of

others who are suffering. As a royal priest, you intercede for

others. The believer does not pray for strength in time of

suffering. In other words, intercessory prayer is a problem

solving device. Petitionary prayer is not.

d. The believer in spiritual childhood derives

strength from the combination of suffering with the faith-rest

drill. The spiritual adult derives strength from providential

preventative suffering combined with spiritual self-esteem. The

only exception is the use of rebound in prayer.

e. It is a wrong solution to pray for the removal of

suffering, especially when the suffering is designed for

blessing, as in providential preventative suffering. It is also

a wrong application of doctrine to pray for strength in

suffering, since that comes mechanically under the protocol plan

of God.

2. There are positive solutions.

a. For suffering caused by sin, there is rebound.

b. For suffering during spiritual childhood, there is

the combination of metabolized doctrine with the faith-rest


c. For suffering during spiritual adulthood, there is:

(1) Spiritual self-esteem plus providential

preventative suffering equals spiritual autonomy.

(2) Spiritual autonomy plus momentum testing

equals spiritual maturity.

(3) Spiritual maturity plus evidence testing

equals glorification of God.

d. For failure after reaching spiritual self-esteem,

there is a challenge in Phil 3:12-17. "Forgetting those things

which are behind, I press on."

K. Applications of Suffering for Blessing to Living and Dying.

1. There is suffering for blessing on a limited scale for

those believers who use rebound regularly, and when someone

maligns you or gossips against you.

2. Nothing is greater than suffering for blessing, because

it determines your greatness in life. God's plan is for you to

use the grace systems of problem solving and to have blessing and

tranquility in the greatest problems and difficulties in life.

3. Ps 23:4, "Even when I walk through the valley of the

shadow of death, I cannot fear evil, for You are with me

[occupation with Christ]." Dying is considered to be the

ultimate in suffering. Once you understand that the protocol

plan of God teaches you how to die, you can learn how to live.

If you know how to die, you know how to live. Do you have the

ability to know how to die well? Dying is an index of how well

you lived.

4. So there's no fear of death, because death is not your

problem, but simply a matter of how the sovereignty of God has

decided you will die. God gives every believer enough time in

life to learn how to die.

5. Just as your life can be full of tranquility and

happiness, so can your death be. There is just as much happiness

in dying as in living. There's pain in both, so the issue is not

pain. The issue is your spiritual growth from Bible doctrine.

6. David calls death a shadow because he wasn't actually

dying at that moment; it was something coming in the future.

David knew how to live, for he was a believer with spiritual

class, spiritual self-esteem, spiritual autonomy, and spiritual

maturity. Even when suffering from the Absalom Revolution as his

fourth installment of discipline, David recognized his banishment

to be suffering for blessing.

7. David also had true courage, for he "could not" fear

anything. It wasn't a matter of choosing to not fear and

bolstering up his courage. He couldn't fear! You can't have

that much doctrine in your soul and be frightened because of a

sudden change of circumstances, and David's change of

circumstances was sudden!

8. The believer who doesn't know how to die doesn't know

how to live. He doesn't have the faith-rest drill, hope 2, hope

3, or any doctrinal rationales. Since dying is the ultimate in

suffering, if you have tranquility and happiness at the thought

of dying, you will have tranquility and happiness in living. If

dying can't get to you, living can't get to you. Suffering for

blessing is designed to teach you from the protocol plan of God

how to live and how to die. When you put the two together, it's

an unbeatable combination.

9. There is one category of unbeliever who knows how to

die: the one with courage, which is rare. "The coward dies many

times; the brave man dies but once." (Julius Caesar,

Shakespeare) Caesar was an unbeliever with true courage. True

courage never has to prove courage. Macho people, those who feel

they must prove how tough they are, are cowards and afraid of


10. Phil 1:20-21, "According to my intense concentration and

resultant hope [hope 2] that in nothing shall I be disgraced, but

with all integrity [virtue-love as problem solving device] even

now, as always, Christ shall be glorified in my body [experience

in life] whether by life or by death. For me, living is Christ

[gate #5]; dying is profit [gain, advantage, blessing from

spiritual self-esteem, spiritual autonomy, and spiritual


11. Paul was at this time speaking from spiritual autonomy,

close to spiritual maturity. Paul begins by telling us how to

live: by concentrating on doctrine. A thought can make or break

you! By making doctrine his #1 priority, he advanced to

spiritual self-esteem, spiritual autonomy and spiritual maturity.

12. There comes a point in your spiritual adulthood when you

understand that even though you sin and fail and make mistakes,

you will not be disgraced at the Judgment Seat of Christ. "Even

now as always" means when you learn how to live, there's

continuity in your life based on learning doctrine daily.

13. What do Ps 23:4 and Phil 1:20-21 have in common? While

we live in a world of people, some whom we love, and some whom we

do not, yet there are many things in life which we must do for

ourselves. The most basic of these is that no one can live our

life for us and no one can die for us! In both living and dying,

we have to go it alone.

14. There are certain aspects of living we must do alone,

like suffering, feeling pain, making your own decisions, thinking

your own thoughts, establishing your own priorities, and

eventually doing your own dying.

15. No one can die for you; you must do your own dying. No

one can bear your pain; you must bear your own pain. No one can

make your decisions for you; you must make your own decisions.

You have to live by your own standards. You cannot look to

someone else and copy and emulate. All this requires spiritual


16. In learning how to live and how to die, you will have the

key to happiness. You can have tranquility, great happiness and

blessing in suffering as well as in prosperity. The only way to

be on top of life in both adversity and prosperity is to be a

spiritual adult.

17. Being alive and a Christian does not imply that you have

the slightest idea as to how to live and how to die. This

requires understanding your portfolio of invisible assets, the

mechanics of the protocol plan of God; i.e., everything God has

provided for you to have a fascinating and wonderful life,

"exceedingly abundantly above all we could ever ask or think."

18. Prov 19:8, "He who gets wisdom loves his own soul."

Here is spiritual self-esteem. "He who keeps understanding will

prosper." So you not only have to learn the doctrine, but you

have to keep or guard it. You guard doctrine by hearing doctrine

every day. This verse helps us to understand spiritual self-

esteem, which is the point at which suffering for blessing

begins. No one ever has consistent suffering for blessing until

he has attained spiritual self-esteem.


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.