Evolutions is about causal effects on the human without a higher power intervention.
that said:
I find Creation and evolution go hand in hand if you done enough research to really understand what is said.
Lets start by clearing up a mistranslation.
Starting with the Hebrew Torah
And there was evening and there was morning, one day.
”Day”, in this usage, is a name for a period, since our evening to morning is less than 12 hour, why would people assume "day" means 24 yours.
Further evening refers to darkness. Since the light was not yet created all was dark once it was created there was morning. This also supports the Day was an Eon.
and the evening and the morning became part of one cycle, [the first eon.]Aramaic word: "Yuma," "eon," immeasurable period, age, or Day.
The Aramaic scriiptures carried the correct interpretation.
And the evening and the morning were the first day.
Now using common sense is from evening to morning even a whole day?
The slight change in the translation of KJV give an entirely different meaning to "Day"
The KJV was taken from the Latin and Greek translations.
This is where a lot of people got confused and interpreted the creation took 7 –24 hour period instead 7 or more Eons
Note: The length of an eon is an arbitrary length of time having no specific length of age. An eon is the category encompassing the largest periods of time in geologic history.
Now if you take the Eon view it goes along like:
Our solar system formed around 4,500 million years ago
The land surface merges into one single continent about 250 million years ago.
The reshaping of the surface of the earth, into the pattern now familiar to us, takes place between 200 and 20 million years ago.
First South America splits from Africa and drifts westwards Then Antarctica, India and Australia separate from Africa. Antarctica moves to the south, while India and Australia drift north and east.
Africa and India move slowly but forcefully towards Europe and Asia, reducing the Tethys Sea to its present-day remnant (the Mediterranean) and throwing up the Alps and the Himalayas from the force of the collision, about 100 million years ago
Finally north America splits from Europe and Asia (though remaining almost linked at its northern tip), thus forming the Atlantic ocean and completing the disposition of the continents as we know them.
Homo erectus did not happen till 1.8million years ago
Homo sapiens happen about 160,000 yrs ago
speech was not possible till 100,000 to 70,000 yrs ago
Farming in the Fertile Crescent about 10,000 yrs ago
also at the time the scriptures started, the numbering system was base 60
Another misinterpretation is the man was created in Eden, when actually he was brought to Eden. Based on
Genesis 1:27 and 1:31 man was created in the 6th Period (Eon)
Geneis2: 8 And the LORD God planted a garden eastward, in Eden; and there He put the man whom He had formed.
To tie this all together
So by the time he was put in the Garden of Eden Man was talking and farming.
So that places Adam (Man) about the right time with evolution.
Genesis5:1. This is the Scripture of Adam's birth. In the eon that God created Adam, in the likeness of God He created him,
You notice is say the eon which is the 6th Eon.
so even if you count backwards all you can say is the Genesis5through 11 is six thousand years but it started in the 6th eon.