1) Intelligent life does exist on other planets and throughout the Universe.
A) Highly likely, though no hard proof has been discovered so far.
2) Craft not of human design or manufacture are operating in and around the land, sea and air of Earth.
A) Unsure. I have personally seen a UFO. While it didn't look like any traditional aircraft, I can not rule out the possibility that humans did design and/or build it.
3) Intelligent beings other than Homo Sapiens Sapiens are conducting various missions on this planet. These beings have been coming here for tens of thousands of years.
A) Skeptical. While possible, I have not seen any good proof that this is occurring. Even if it was, it would only raise more questions like "Why?".
4) Alien beings may have human-like bodies or non-human bodies (such as hybrid, insectoid, or reptilian). Intelligent beings can be physical, non-physical or inter-dimensional in nature.
A) I think that an alien being could look like anything that doesn't violate the laws of science (the real laws, not just the ones we understand). As far as non-physical or inter-dimensional being is concerned. I believe this is true, though modern science is not on my side on this one.
5) The variety of life in the universe is diverse, like the life on our own planet is diverse.
A) Agreed
6) Some alien beings have the ability through advanced technology or other means to move forward and backward at will through time and space.
A) No, I don't believe that any being can pick a date and travel to it Back to the Future style. Faster than light travel may include some time dilation effects but I don't think that's what you meant.
7) The spiritual evolution of an alien life form may be ahead of, equal to or behind its level of technological development.
A) Agreed, we have historical and modern day examples of that on Earth. I see no reason why this would not apply to other races.
8) The social orientation, motives and agendas of these beings is very diverse. Some alien intelligences are more friendly to human beings than others.
A) Agreed but I suspect that most alien intelligences are indifferent to us, if they are even aware of us.
9) In many cases, the "abduction phenomenon" is a real event. This activity is complex, coordinated and purposeful. It often occurs throughout many generations of a family.
A) Sorta. I agree that many people are experiencing an event. I am not completely convinced that this event is physical. It may be physiological or spiritual in nature. What bothers me is, why isn't this event treated with more seriousness in scientific circles. Even if it is a non-physical event, why aren't more physiologists looking into it?
10) Cross-breeding of humans with more than one alien species has occurred. Hybrid children and hybrid adults do exist. They have characteristics of both the human and alien races.
A) No, I would have to meet one of these so called hybrids and possibly subject them to genetic testing before I would believe this.