why do people think homosexuality is a choice?
2007-11-24 13:58:42 UTC
ok first before I begin I want to say Im Not homophobic or hate gay people.

Why do MOST Christians think that homosexuality is a choice? you think that someone woke up one day and say "Im going to be gay"
i bet you didnt wake and say "Im going to be straight" now did you? I dont see anywhere in the bible that says that people are gay by choice I do however know that in the bible it says that men should not lie with men but if God really wanted people to be straight why didnt he make everyone straight ? Oh and my email is down so plz leave your opinions on here and dont try to insult me or say god made adam and eve not adam and steve b/c I will not listen to you.. :D
48 answers:
2007-11-24 14:01:55 UTC
'Follow your instincts.' People love to give advice like this. They urge each other to listen to the 'still, small voice inside'. This would be easy if there were only one voice to listen to. The task is harder when you appear to have an entire choir singing different messages from various parts of your psyche. It is not even as if they are singing in harmony. One part of you now is pushing you to move in a particular direction. Another clearly wants you to do the opposite. You cannot use your intellect alone to decide what to do, for you have to follow your heart now. But you can at least use your brain to work out which part of your heart to follow

zxzxzxzxzxzxzxz xzxzxzxzx zxzxzxzxz
2007-11-24 14:13:16 UTC
The Bible also says that you should not lie with animals - never hear Christians talking about that from their pulpits but it happens much more than we care to think about.

I don't believe "most" Christians think homosexuality is a choice. I think that there are many who say they are Christian and get in front of cameras who say this. I think a true Christian would love their neighbor and not cast the first stone - they're just regular people trying to get through life the best way they can.

Are there people who wake up and "decide" to be homosexual? Probably. I've had several girlfriends who have said they're giving up men after, yet another hideous ending to an otherwise grim relationship.

Of course, they didn't really switch - just took some time out from dating.

I don't believe homosexuals are given a choice. They are born, just like everyone else, with a sexual preference. No explaining it - it's just there.

Sort of a why-ask-why issue.

Oh, and anyone who's preaching intolerance and hatred is not a Christian - they belong to some offshoot of the original religion - sort of the way some of the middle Eastern religions have been bastardized to fit hatred and intolerance into it.

The original "Christians" or Christ followers really followed the beliefs of Jesus - and he preached love, tolerance and live and let live.
2007-11-24 14:40:31 UTC
Homosexuality is someone’s own lust becoming out of control and taking it way to far. It is a choice. God obviously made the woman for the man. I so don't understand how any man could choose another man over a beautiful woman. These who are gay have allowed their own perverted passions and twisted thoughts to warp there sense of ethics. It is wrong to say that God made people this way because that is a lie. It is a real concern to me that society has made it seem that this type of lifestyle is but an alternative. So then I have I have to be concerned that the public school systems are shoving this junk down my children's throat and saying that this is acceptable behavior. Why is America becoming so accepting of this idea that a man and a man should be recognized in marriage as a man and woman? I’ll tell you because the media and schools are attempting to desensitize society by saying that if you don't agree then you’re a homophobe. If you’re going to sin in this matter please keep it in the closet because it is just nasty.
2007-11-24 14:47:51 UTC
I believe that it was a choice they made while in the spirit world, since the Bible hints of reincarnation,this could be karma. Some chose that life in my opinion, because of their tormenting ways concerning their actions they dished out. So choosing this life to be gay, they learn lessons just as we do. If some could live in their minds and bodies and feel the immense torment that others have placed on them. They would think twice. When I lived in Vegas, my best friend was a transvestite, they make the best girl friends. He told me of the shame of having to have his beautiful golden locks cut off when he was 3 yrs old. Not only the shame he felt and embarrassment to have to bath in the locker room with the guys. I also had a another friend who was gay and was raised in a Pentecostal church. When he would go to church, he would go to the altar every time, begging for deliverance, they were sure he would go to hell because he was gay. Was god listening? He died of aids and was condemned to hell in a hand basket according to the church. How sad. I have a couple of gay guys living next to me and they are so kind and respectful in my opinion.The were born with more female hormones than men, so they say. I believe they are born that way or have the tendencies.
Pfistulated Cow
2007-11-24 14:04:12 UTC
It's a simple matter of cognitive dissonance reduction and politics. If being gay is not a person's choice then one has to consider the possibility that God made them that way. Furthermore, if it's a lifestyle choice then it's not something inborn like race which a person can't change.

Among other things such a position legitimizes hatred of homosexuals (because as a choice it's in the domain of morality and thus not prejudice) and asserts it as a condition not protectable against discrimination.
2007-11-24 14:15:29 UTC
Christianity, in and of itself, is not intolerant. Christianity is based on love and tolerance; this is what Jesus taught. Most intolerance we see in religious people is impressed on them by politicians. Politics and religion are so closely intertwined in the modern world that it's hard to tell where one starts and the other leaves off.

The conservative political philosophy--or rather I should say that sorry mess of self-indulgent, self-delusional ideas that passes for conservatism today--stresses every kind of intolerance. Racism, nativism, xenophobia, religious intolerance, and homophobia---all are instigated, encouraged, and then exploited by politicians in hopes of getting votes.

These politicians corrupt religious leaders. Religious leaders are corrupted by their own greed and lust for wealth and fame to conflate a political message with their religious one. Christian homophobia comes from here, not from the Bible. This is where the Christian war on Islam comes from too, and the war on the First Amendment's guarantee of religious freedom. And, for that matter, the struggle against abortion. Abortion was not a big issue for Protestant Christians until it was cynically developed and exploited for the 1980 presidential election. (Christians were even warned of 'false prophets'!)

25 years ago, Christians all believed that all homosexuals were pedophiles! Gays couldn't reproduce, the argument went, so they have to 'recruit'.

That argument is no longer tenable. It sounds cruel and mean-spirited so Christians no longer discuss it (though many still believe it). The argument today is that homosexuality is a 'lifestyle choice'. If gays are -born- gay, then God makes them gay, so how can you argue with that? If they're born gay, then it's not a choice (alternatively it might be seen as a 'disease' or a birth defect!)
2007-11-24 14:14:09 UTC
Now, as I'm not a christian...or gay... or both, I have no special insight to this issue. But I'm going to guess ahead anyways...

I think some are mistaken about "being gay" and "acting gay". It seems to me that the bible doesn't actually say that homosexuality in itself is wrong, just that you shouldn't act on those feelings, right?

God doesn't dictate who to love, just who not to sleep with. So, technically speaking, being gay isn't against god, acting gay is... that is, if I'm following their logic correctly.

Now, I'm not claiming this as absolute truth, but I'd guess that "being gay" might have been a choise to some of them... I bet the loudest ones. They ARE gay, and they've "chosen" to ignore it because that's what they think is demanded of them...and feel the need to make everyone else miserable too?
2007-11-24 14:06:47 UTC
It seems that you have some internal anger issues. Being homosexual is not a choice but choosing to engage in an action is. I am not here to debate the bible with you and if you want a serious answer than this website is not to the place to seek an answer. Why not ask this question to a christian clergy since you have only singled out christians. I know that muslims, jews, hindu, & even non-belivers (go figure) also disaproves of homosexuality so please don't just single out the christians
2007-11-24 14:29:14 UTC
I'm a bisexual catholic (oxymoron?) and I've heard a million different explanations from a million different uptight conservatives. I've been in Catholic school since preschool and have had millions of religion classes. Basically, they believe it's a choice because it's different from them... and who in their right mind would want to be different and have a mind of their own?! People sometimes are so afraid of the unfamiliar that they have to rationalize it for themselves by saying that, "Well, I don't understand it, so it must be unnatural." The fact of the matter is that if God didn't create homosexuals, there wouldn't be any. Also, many Christians (like my family) interpret the bible too literally and believe that the bible condemns homosexual people. I will admit, there are a few references that do say that homosexuality is a sin, but the bible also claims that a few other things are sins that we would find absurd today. For example:


The Bible forbids a married couple from having sexual intercourse during a woman's period. If they disobey, both shall be executed.

# MARK 12:18-27

If a man dies childless, his widow is ordered by biblical law to have intercourse with each of his brothers in turn until she bears her deceased husband a male heir.

The bible also forbids wearing wool and linen together, interracial relationships, eating shellfish, and condones slavery. Now, no one in their right mind would ever take these seriously or believe them to be truths from God, so why are we taking the 6-7 references (of millions of verses) that even mention homosexuality to persecute others. It seems that people are just picking and choosing what they will believe and won't believe. I think it is important to remember that although the Bible was inspired by God's word, it was not written by Him. No, it was written by man, and man is flawed. Jesus, on the other hand, NEVER spoke of homosexuality or the condemning of homosexual persons. He spoke only of acceptance, unity, and love. Why are we not focusing on this? Can we honestly say that God gave us his laws and precious word to persecute others? No. I know many people will disagree with me, and I totally respect everyone's opinion, but please just ask yourself one question. Will God judge me for loving.. or you for hating?

Ps. The term that is used in the bible to refer to homosexuals is Arsenokoitais. Many scholars suggest that the term has wrongfully been translated to mean homosexuals when, in actuality, it was used to describe those who practiced the raping of other males. This was a horrible practice that was common during that age. Everyone knows that rape is rape, be it between a man and a woman or two people of the same sex. Rape is not love and it is most certainly not homosexuality. Unfortunately, languages sometimes cannot be translated successfully for there is not always a word that exists for it, so they must pick what they feel is the closest word to it.
2007-11-24 14:10:22 UTC
I don't think people wake up saying "I'm going to be straight" but I could never believe you're born with an automatic thought that u can't choose.To be honest, I'm straight because I was told being gay was wrong so I didn't question whether or not it's "who I am". society today makes us question it though. i think that's the reason why more and more people are gay. I have 3 family members who claim to be born gay, and it was never like that before. oh well, that's their life. <3many blessings!
2007-11-24 14:22:29 UTC
I do not claim to have every answer on this topic. But here is the bit that I offer.

I am not sure if I believe humans are inherently heterosexual.

Or maybe

"If its a choice then when did strait people choose?

Homosexuality is not a choice, whether one has sex or not is.

Those who say it is a choice mean that they can choose to have heterosexual sex even if they do not have heterosexual feelings, and vice versa.

Won't make them happy though."

His Divine Shadow

"I think the idea is that people don't choose their sexual preferences, but people can choose to act on them, hence the choice element. GOD didn't say "thou shalt not have sexual feelings towards another man as one would towards a woman" GOD said not to LIE with another man as one would a woman. There is a big difference here.

The obvious solution is thus - people who feel that they are gay should abstain from sexual contact completely - unless they start feeling sexual feelings towards the opposite sex, acting on those impulses is fine.

I agree for the most part except the whole,

"unless they start feeling sexual feelings towards the opposite sex, acting on those impulses is fine"

According to Biblical principals, acting on sexual desire is not fine. Purity is something God is very serious about concerning his creation. He has good reasons for it too.

So if/when they start developing heterosexual feelings, they are commanded by God to go about it in a wise, pure way that glorifies God.

*For the record, I love people who struggle with homosexuality and feel for them in that. I have a few friends with homosexual desires that are like brothers to me.
2007-11-24 14:03:15 UTC
Because they're closed minded and quite frankly stupid. They may say it's not a choice but its a choice to act on it but like you said, why did god create gay people?

It's a sin to wear 2 different types of material... homophobic christians just use the bible to hide behind. You choose which sins to believe in so christianity has nothing to do with their bigotry.
2007-11-24 14:17:38 UTC
Some people are stupid. Saying that people are born gay or bi might be a bit of a stretch, but to say that it is a choice is absurd. Also, I thought that you weren't supposed to hate ANYONE. Some Christians just give the rest of us a bad name. A lot of homophobes are actually gay themselves. They just don't want to except it.
2007-11-24 14:16:15 UTC
If there is a way to deviate from the way that God made us then there will be those who find it, because when sin entered the world man's ability to reason toward God fell and now he has a sinful nature that is influenced and manipulated by the forces of darkness but even so, he has the choice whether or not to do what he is tempted to do.
2007-11-24 14:02:30 UTC
I think u can say it's a choice because the in the closet straight people have not made the choice to come out the closet but the gay person chose to live his life how he wants. So it is a choice in that regard
2007-11-24 14:20:16 UTC
Hi Pagan,

You seem to know your Bible. So tell me why did God put the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden? I think He gave us the power to choose and encourages us to exercise the freedom of choice. (In fact, not choosing is also a choice.) We just have to be ready for the consequences of our choices: He is not punishing us.

Now for homosexuality. Our bodies, as of all animals, birds, etc., are made for procreation: expected result of a union between male and female of the species. It is rather a bitter pill. The female has to carry the embryo around till the end of the gestation period and give birth in pain. The male has the responsibility(co-responsibility) of bringing up the offspring. To my mind, the enjoyment accompanying sex is the sugar-coating. Now you can have the enjoyment not entailing procreation: with opposite sex, same sex, just by yourself, or with animals. Just a matter of choice.
2007-11-24 14:06:44 UTC
I think even most fundamentalist Christians acknowledge now that sexual orientation is not a choice; but when they refer to a choice, they mean in your behavior; ala homosexuals to be saved must "choose" celibacy - which to me makes no sense - so as a gay Christian I always point out two things to shut them up:

1) If it was so gosh-darn important, how come Jesus Christ never mentioned it once - not ever, not even one single time?

2) Why did Jesus teach that divorce and re-marriage is the exact same thing as adultery?
2007-11-24 14:11:29 UTC
First of all you must realize that there is a political agenda to the gay rights movement, and that gays are not behind the gay rights movement but members of the political left (the same one's who were behind the civil rights movement, the American Indian Movement, Caesar Chavez and the Grape Pickers Movement, the Environmental Movement) who want to make homosexuality a legal issue for political leverage and influence over society.

The purpose of the homosexual movement is to get civil rights recognition UNDER LAW as a minority group. By claiming that homosexuality is a choice and not a mental health disorder that is just one more step towards getting homosexuality recognized by Law for special citizen status.

Homosexuality is emotionally damaged behavior and can be CURED!

Homosexuals are being manipulated by liberals and the left for political leverage, and not for the benefit of the homosexual.
2007-11-24 14:18:28 UTC
There is a difference having homosexual tendencies and acting on them.

If there is alcohol abuse in my genes, would it be okay for me to just give in and become a drunk?

God gave the direction in the Bible, even though most humans naturally crave the opposite sex, because it is the healthiest and most in line with nature. Homosexuals cannot reproduce. There were lots of people who became Christians that ceased to act on those tendencies even though they probably still had them. They knew and respected God's view instead of ignorantly blaming him for making them that way.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11

9 What! Do YOU not know that unrighteous persons will not inherit God’s kingdom? Do not be misled. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, nor men who lie with men, 10 nor thieves, nor greedy persons, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit God’s kingdom.


11 And yet that is what some of YOU were. But YOU have been washed clean, but YOU have been sanctified, but YOU have been declared righteous in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and with the spirit of our God.

Perhaps having those tendencies is real, but acting on them is totally a choice.
Carol (Yeah I said it!) G.
2007-11-24 14:08:05 UTC
It isn't a choice. I can't think of anyone who thinks is fun to have hate crimes against them, family and friends turn on them. GOD as I know him DID NOT make any MISTAKES!!

I think if two people find true love they should be together.(Love unfortunately to bigots means Sex) so not true. Love has many dimensions. You'll find a lot of so called Christians..don't know a bible from a novel. There's only one judge..we all have to face one day.. Great Question!!!!!
Michael R.
2007-11-24 14:05:04 UTC
Just because science points to that. But it's ok. If you like homosexuality enough you can believe it's not a choice. I bet that helps ya sleep huh? Or you can just blame God, it's cool, it's not like he's blamed for sin all the time.
2007-11-24 14:04:11 UTC
Homosexuality is as old as the biblical days. It's not just Christians that ASSUME that homosexuality is a choice it's ALL religions. ALL Christians don't have the same opinions. EVERY religion have there own belief on homosexuality. Let's not judge Most Christians.
2007-11-24 14:04:06 UTC
It's simple. Many Christians take significant comfort in that belief. It reinforces the idea that God is all-loving. For if it is not a choice, but rather something by nature, God had a say in the matter; and therefore doomed someone to eternal damnation in their eyes. God therein looses his omnibenevolence...and we cant have that now can we!
2007-11-24 14:05:29 UTC
We believe that it is imposible to be born gay or straight, Christian or atheist, good or bad, they are all learned behaviors, if we say that someone was born gay and that he has no option but liking his or her own gender, that would mean that God made him or her that way, interfeering with his or her free will, and the free will is a gift given to all humankind.
glenda w
2007-11-24 14:29:35 UTC
Some people just don't get it, and they will never understand it.From my understaning It's people in general not just Christians.But you know what, there are lot of different things besides homosexuality that people don't understand and you can never get them to understand it because thats the way they think.

Theirs a lot more involved besides just being a choice.Some people will never understand.
2007-11-24 14:04:04 UTC
Because they are ignorant and were raised that way. Their parents instilled this into them their whole life and it's doubtful you will change their opinion. Your best bet is to try and educate them as best you can. The more people do this, the more likely it is that public opinion will change over time.
*♥* donna *♥*
2007-11-24 14:04:33 UTC
As they think God made everything in his form does that mean God could of been gay and couldn't tell anyone as he was worried he would of been as popular with his followers.
2007-11-24 14:02:54 UTC
I think people are ignorant. Society has started it all with what's right and what's wrong. It always makes me think about Freud. I wonder had Freud said it's not a mental disorder to be homosexual, it would be accepted in to society. What's worse, was it was accepted in ancient Greek civilization where it was a way of life till you get married.
2007-11-24 14:04:35 UTC
My opinion only. From what I have been seeing and listening

to on the airwaves I would say that some people choose to be gay, however I could care less about what sexual preference a person desires! Just don't try and pressure

those beliefs on me.
2007-11-24 14:02:35 UTC
I always thought it was something you were born with. Alot of people date opposite sex to hide it and some dont really realize it right away. I dont hate them for what they are, that would be like hating someone cuz they arent blond haired and blue eyed..
2007-11-24 14:08:07 UTC
If it is not a choice what is it then? If it was a gene disorder that would make it a sickness and God would not say it is an abomination.
Tweekus Ultimuus
2007-11-24 14:14:01 UTC
actually, there's a gif you can get off 7chan that cycles to the "My bad, it was really adam and steve" line.

who cares.

a gay american is still an american, a gay christian is still a christian, a gay wiccan is still wiccan.

get my point?

this question is a good one, but there really isn't a good answer to it.
2007-11-24 14:06:26 UTC
Read Romans chapter one.

Homosexuality is sin - let's call a sin as in. People would not be homosexual if sin had not entered the world.

If you are not self-centered and embedded in sin you know that sexual feelings toward a person of the same sex is unnatural and not what God intended. And no one forces them to act on it. it is a choice.

Are you with God's way or society's?
2007-11-24 14:06:27 UTC

because we should keep homosexual behavior where it airport bathrooms!

no, seriously...god created homosexuals and he loves them like the rest of us straight folks. people have an intense fear of what they don't understand, and ignorance is passed on from evangelical generation to evangelical generation.

i don't choose to be straight...i just am. i dont understand why anyone would think it's any different for gay people.

but then again, these are the same people who scoff at the theory of evolution, but thats a whole 'nuther can of worms......
2007-11-24 14:04:50 UTC
If its a choice then when did strait people choose?

Homosexulality is not a choice, whether one has sex or not is.

Those who say it is a choice mean that they can choose to have heterosexual sex even if they do not have heterosexual feelings, and vice versa.

Won't make them happy though.
2007-11-24 14:04:53 UTC
I think the idea is that people don't choose their sexual preferences, but people can choose to act on them, hence the choice element. GOD didn't say "thou shalt not have sexual feelings towards another man as one would towards a woman" GOD said not to LIE with another man as one would a woman. There is a big difference here.

The obvious solution is thus - people who feel that they are gay should abstain from sexual contact completely - unless they start feeling sexual feelings towards the opposite sex, acting on those impulses is fine.

I hope that clarifies things up a bit.
Ms. Lady
2007-11-24 14:02:41 UTC
i know it's a choice because it's not a genetic make up. it hasn't been scientifically proven. we have our sex organs for a reason. if we were meant to be homosexual then there would be no use for the organs we have to reproduce. also, i know that God is not homophobic but He did not create homosexuality. He didn't create Adam and Eve for no reason. He also wouldn't create something and then call it a perversion.
Averell A
2007-11-24 14:04:49 UTC
It's a choice that does not happen overnight. We have to look at the environment a gay person grew up in. Some environment are conducive to homosexuality.

Humans are inherently heterosexual.
2007-11-24 14:02:07 UTC
Because they are ignorant. They actually BELIEVE being gay or lesbian is a CHOICE, which makes me laugh. Also, what makes me really angry are the ignorant people who think that just because someone is gay, they are automatically out to *corrupt* children. STUPID.
2007-11-24 14:06:11 UTC
your logic is flawed.

No one should be in prison according to your way of thinking.

No one wakes up and chooses to be an axe murderer. They were born that way. It is physically impossible for someone with axe-murderer genes to resist the urge to chop people up to bits with axes.

Therefore, they should not go to jail.
2007-11-24 14:07:26 UTC
2007-11-24 14:02:05 UTC
People do not choose to be gay or straight, they only choose to come out or not.
shanney fan
2007-11-24 14:03:01 UTC
Because it is a choice. I know too many homosexuals who were married and are now gay or bi. Therefore, it's a choice.
Just Hazel
2007-11-24 14:03:09 UTC
Why? Because some loud-mouthed hypocrite behind a pulpit told them so.
2007-11-24 14:04:57 UTC
1st- im bisexual

2nd- the only choice i mande was to to wear a condom

3rd- what knd of an asshole sends you to hell for doing what makes you happy?
2007-11-24 14:03:17 UTC
because ppl are and will remain bigot ,judgmental,ignorant ,uneducated ,hating afraid of what they do not WISH to understand!
say what?
2007-11-24 14:07:01 UTC
Because people are ignorant.
2007-11-24 14:01:36 UTC
God made Adam and Eve..... God gave you a brain to make choices and the difference between right and wrong

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.