Why Miracles are performed to those who has faith in religion? Why not be done to atheists, is it because the?
2008-12-10 22:36:08 UTC
Religion is not capable to get miracles performed through its god to atheist or those experienced the miracles(?) of god must be a part of propagation of their faith?
Eighteen answers:
subi e
2008-12-10 23:09:25 UTC

Your question could be answered in many ways.

I believe every human being do have their own viewpoint on Atheists,Believer in god , miracle and god itself.

My religion says GOD don't have a face or name. You can find GOD everywhere. God resides in a persons heart and not in temple or church. There is not bridge between GOD and HUMANS.

But,in ancient period when the human civilization was developing many people tried to act as a bridge between humans and the super power in the form of priest,pastors and preachers.

There were very few who really wanted to spread the message of god among every living beings. But, many wanted to take advantage of this opportunity for their own self interest.

They have come up with the concept of Atheist and Believer of God. The people who listen to then , praise then and respect them, they are good people and those who don't follow them were termed as Atheist.

No matter what,Miracle do happen to every human being. Its a miracle that 6 Billion people survive on this planet and all of them are not God Believers.

You loose your wallet and some one pays your air ticket is a miracle but we dont notice to it.

We have defined miracle as Dead man becomes alive, rain in desert,An incurable disease gets cured with out any medication. The one who try to know the reason behind it becomes an atheist because the religious preachers dont want common people know the science behind it.
2016-10-16 10:13:51 UTC
Your question style of solutions itself. hardly did or do miracles reason human beings to transform. Miracles have been used symbolically interior the previous testomony noticeably to offer rationalization of happenings that have been in any different case unexplainable, they have been given earthly descriptions to assist human beings understand the value of what occurred. as an occasion. Did God extremely chop up the crimson Sea? probable not. however the certainty is that that Jews of the day have been in dire want of help from God. They have been in difficulty and God delivered them interior the top. The miracle of the crimson sea parting could have been the final way the classic human beings had to describe a organic phenomenon, like possibly the tide grew to become into very low (hypothesis) or grew to become into thoroughly symbolic only for use as a representation of ways a great deal God worked to shop the Jews in that occasion.
Bad bus driving wolf
2008-12-10 22:47:37 UTC
If you are rich enough to be a member of an exclusive Golf Club, you get to play golf and enjoy the facilities of the club, if you aren't, then you don't.

If you act well enough to have won an Oscar, you get to vote on the next years Oscar nominees.

If you believe in God and live your life accordingly, you get the benefits of that; if you don't, then you can't complain because the membership is free and you aren't expected to act being religious because the religion works on your heart so you it isn't hard to live the life expected.
2008-12-10 22:43:05 UTC
A miracle is only a miracle if you choose to see it as such. If you the creation of new life as a miracle from God, then it is a miracle, if you see it as science, it is science. There is no Proof that God exists and there is no proof that He doesn't, that's why belief is the only factor.
2008-12-10 22:43:21 UTC
Good and bad things happen to people of religion and without...people who are religious see those things as miracles while atheists see them as good things that have happened or by cause and effect, probability, likeliness, whatever....what are you saying lol that all atheists life sucks and nothing good every happens to them?? wow you can't be serious
2008-12-10 22:41:58 UTC
Miracles do happen to atheists. They happen to everyone. However, atheists try to explain them away with human logic (flawed), human facts (flawed), and other BS. It doesn't matter though because a miracle is a miracle no matter how it's accepted.
2008-12-10 22:42:08 UTC
Actually, some may say that it is a miracle that God has not struck all unbelievers. The truth actually is that God delights in mercy and is giving them time to repent..but the clock is ticking fast and time is running out..and so is God's patience.
2008-12-10 22:42:10 UTC
Father Themi, from Australia.

He was atheist then a miracle changed him into an Orthodox priest.

He's in Africa now building infrastructure.

Put Father themi adamopoulos in google, he has a interesting story behind him.
2008-12-10 23:01:39 UTC
NO , the basic Perception is wrong , Miracles were performed to those who don't had faith in religion ,

But now man is in a mature age , Islam had many Miracles , but no one was made proof of the prophet hood of Muhammad (peace be upon him) , why ? because Islam directly address to human wisdom ,

"Some religions discourage the questioning attitude in regard to the soundness of their teachings. They advise their followers to follow their instructions without examination"

"As a matter of fact, Islam never advises one to avoid discussion that may lead to a new knowledge and a new discovery of a truth. Be not afraid, Islam advises, to discuss any religious principle, whether it is Islamic or non-Islamic. Never worry or fear God's anger because He is the God of truth, He never condemns a person for seeking truth. On the contrary, the more one seeks the truth and conducts intensive research, the more he deserves the Divine reward from the Islamic point of view.

The most rewarding and meritorious attitude, in the eyes of Islam, is to approach religious issues with the spirit of a scientist who welcomes any evidence that may prove or disprove his theory (or a theory to which he may subscribe)"

"Does Islam have any specific rule or advice concerning religious research? "

"There are certain rules contained in the Holy Qur'an to be followed in religious research for the safety of any conclusion that may be reached.

1. Never embrace a doctrine when evidence stands against it, nor should one follow a principle without evidence.

If God wants a person to believe in a principle, He should make it clear and evident. He is the Most Fair and Just. He knows that belief is not a voluntary thing; that is, it is not up to the individual. A person is not able to believe or disbelieve anything he chooses. The human body is at one's command but not the mind. I can obey a command that tells me to move my hand up or down, to walk or sit, even if such a command does not seem to be wise. But I am not able to obey a command, for example, that tells me to believe that two and two are five, or that three are one, or that fire is cold, or that snow is hot.

Our human knowledge comes from direct or indirect evidence, and it does not follow our own whim and will. An acceptable religious belief must be based on knowledge. When God wants me to know something, He should make such a knowledge possible by making its evidence available. Should He demand from me to believe something while evidence is standing against it, He would be asking me to do the impossible. This contradicts His justice.

Islam never condemns an individual when he does not believe in a principle because of lack of evidence; on the contrary, Islam blames a person when he follows a principle while groping in the dark without illuminating evidence, or when such a principle is not in accordance with the truth.

Following a principle against evidence, or with lack of evidence, is like a judgement of a court against a defendant without any evidence. Such an attitude is not to be praised. From the Holy Qur'an:

"And follow not that of which thou hast no knowledge. Surely the hearing and sight and the heart, all of these will be asked about it." 17:36

2. Never accept popularity at face value. A religious researcher should not take the popularity of a religious doctrine in his society as an evidence of its truth. Many popular ideas have been proved wrong. At one time, it was believed that the earth is flat and that the sun revolves around the earth. People believed this for thousands of years, but now we know that neither of these ideas is true.

Furthermore, what is popular in one society may be unpopular in another. The opposite is also true. If popularity is a sign of soundness, all those popular ideas which contradict each other would be true, but truth never contradicts itself.

When the first prophet came to proclaim the concept of one God, his message was not popular in any society because the people of the world were either pagans or non-believers. The unpopularity of such a Divine message did not prevent that message from being true. As a matter of fact, all the prophets came to their societies with unpopular messages. Their aim was to correct the popular wrong and replace it with the unpopular truth. From the Qur'an:

"And if thou obey most of the inhabitants of the earth, they will mislead thee far from the way of God: They follow naught but an opinion, and they do but guess." 6:116

3. Inherited religious principles should be examined. Islam advises every adult to examine the religion which he inherited. Inherited religion, like any other religion, is subject to proof.

One may rely on the judgement of his parents as long as he is a child and not capable of making his own decisions. When he becomes an adult, his religion becomes his own responsibility. Respect and honor towards parents is one of the Islamic comm
2008-12-10 22:43:55 UTC
Jesus promises those who call upon Him as Lord and Savior things that are for His children. If one chooses not to have Jesus in their life, then it just makes sense that Jesus will not force Himself and His promises on them as well. I am christian and am at peace knowing that whatever happens to me has to pass thru the hands of Jesus first....whom I trust entirely.
2008-12-10 22:41:13 UTC
Miracles are in the eye of the believer.
2008-12-10 22:44:41 UTC
You do err. The Lord has promised He will make Himself "manifest" to all who call or don't call on Him.

Rom 10:20 But Esaias is very bold, and saith, I was found of them that sought me not; I was made manifest unto them that asked not after me.
2008-12-10 22:44:02 UTC
If atheists have faith in God, they also will feel the effect. always the beneficiaries are believers in God...
2008-12-10 22:39:07 UTC
Because atheists know there is an explanation for what you call a miracle.
2008-12-10 22:41:57 UTC
so you want Him to work for you but you don't want to have to just accept that He died for you and acknowledge the fact that He is real? Yeah I don't know either, sounds like a good trade to me.
2008-12-10 22:42:52 UTC
They do happen for atheists, most are so blinded by their disbelief that they ignore them.
2008-12-10 22:41:14 UTC
Genesis 7:6

Noah was six hundred years old when the floodwaters came on the earth.

You can learn from this
fmko ( 無神論者は神を知っていない。)
2008-12-10 22:40:33 UTC
miracles have happened to atheists...but they are Christians now...

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.