Faith help...?
Eric W
2008-07-19 21:20:45 UTC
I am a Christian, leaning towards agnostic (or whatever doubting is called). I understand that nobody can "refresh" my faith, but can anyone give me facts, tips, etc that point to the existance of God?

Please, no atheist comments
260 answers:
2008-07-21 03:36:16 UTC
“And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith?” - Mark 4:40 KJV

These words of Jesus that were spoken to the apostles sound rather strong. But could they not be spoken to most of us also?

In a very brief study, I would like to offer a few things that would help you to correct this problem of a weak faith.

• We should ask the Lord to Increase our Faith.

This is what the Apostles did when they felt the need of a stronger faith – “And the apostle said unto the Lord, Increase our faith.” (Luke 17:5). The Lord has opened the way for you to get help with any need that you have. A weak faith is surely no exception “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” (Philippians 4:6).

One to remember here is, you are assured of help when you ask in God’s will – “And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he hereath us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.” (I John 5:14,15) The mention of the Apostles praying for more faith should assure you that it would be God’s will for you also. (Luke 17:5) If we therefore have faith enough to stand upon God’s promises to hear you when you pray in His will, (James 1:5,6; 1 John 5:14) you should have no problems getting your faith increased.

• We will Need to Spend Time With the Bible.

Many who have a weak faith have it because they neglect to study the Bible. Here is the Scripture to prove it – “ So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing the word of God.” (Romans 10:17) While this verse is speaking of the preaching of the gospel that gives faith to a sinner that will enable him to believe in Jesus, it surely is teaching that the saved can also obtain faith from hearing and studying the Bible. The more you studies the Bible, the stronger your faith will become. The more you neglects the study of the Bible, the weaker your faith will become.

• We Should Exercise The Faith We Have.

Jesus once spoke to a person who was losing his talent because he had not used it. What Jesus said to him would surely be true on people who lose their faith. Notice it carefully – “For unto everyone that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.” (Matthew 25:29) You can regain faith, or grow faith, by using what the Lord has given you. Stepping out on His promises, resting in the Lord, and depending upon the Lord to do what He said can strengthen our faith.

This should be enough to get you started toward a stronger faith, and as a result of stronger faith, a more profitable, happier life.
2008-07-20 09:51:52 UTC
Read Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis.

Faith is just that - Faith.

If we (earth and its inhabitants) just happened here by chance, what a sad world it is... What's the point of living? .... to go through a lot of suffering, always trying to be "happy" through tangible resources, while existing in a world where a majority of the world suffers greatly and have no access to these resources, only to die one day and cease to exist.

That's a pretty grim picture... but that is pretty much what athesim is... believing everything is chance and that there is no point to existance.

Even if we lived in a "perfect" world, the prospect of living a "happy" life and then ceasing to exist is disparaging. There is no true happiness in this senario - because all "happiness" is temorary and fleeting. Happiness doesn't "exist," so the pursuit of it is moot.

But if we look at the world - there is true happiness - but it comes from something NOT tangible. Why is it that a child's laughter can bring on joy? Why is it that a person can feel sorrow, but great love and compassion at the same time? Why do we have a desire to help others for no other reason than love and compassion. Why is it that love and compassion bring on great joy?

None of these things are earthly things.

An atheist will say that feeling of "joy" are just chemical reactions to a stimulus.... but there is more than one type of joy....

There is the bubbly joy, when we are excited about a new job, or about our favorite football team winning the Superbowl... this is fleeting and dies away over time.

But there is a different joy that exists that sometimes comes out of nowhere that can last a long time and come back again and again.... this joy is lasting and becomes stronger over time. - This joy gives us peace and hope and a genuine love of others. This joy cannot be "summoned" or purposly brought on - so where does it come from? There is nothing in an atheistic theory that can explain this, although some might try and brush it off as the other type of "joy."

There is something that draws us to this joy if we are open to the truth. If a person keeps seeking the truth, they will eventually find it.
2008-07-20 14:08:40 UTC
Christianity has a rich history which started with the jews at the beginning of time. The bible is filled with historical facts that Archaeologists use and has been proven very reliable. We have over 5000 documented ancient findings of scripture, many in different languages, all the same. WE have the dead sea scrolls to prove this also. The Vatican just bought 2 gospels dating 90 ad, the same as we have today. There is prophesies that has come to pass from the bible that proves it's reliability. Over 300 just for the man Jesus.

We have non christian evidence of Jesus from Tacitus and Josephus both historians. And a Governor named Pliny the Younger who all wrote about "Christos" and his followers the Christan's.

Archaeologists have found the tomb of Caiaphas who was the Pharisee that brought Jesus to trial.

Jesus WAS a real person who was an historical figure. Even well read Atheists KNOW this.

We have eye witnesses who had every thing to loose by claiming to be a follower of Jesus. Why? When Jesus was killed they scattered. Afraid. BUT when they saw he was resurrected they became bold. Why?

Since the bible is reliable, and Jesus WAS here you must decide.

Was he a nut? A liar, Or who he claimed to be.

Faith comes by hearing the word of God.

Read the New test. Your faith will return.

2008-07-20 08:35:07 UTC
You must ask yourself this question. Does your present lack of faith have anything to do with the desires of the flesh? Many people will try to convince themselves that there is no God so that they can continue in sin and not feel guilty about it.. Does this describe you? If so that is proof that there is a conscience dwelling within your heart . The Bible says that there will be a war between the Spirit of God and the desires of the flesh inside you if you are a Christian. The question you have asked is evidence that the Spirit of God is near . Whether the Spirit of God is actually in your heart or it is your conscience , or both, makes no difference . Both are telling you the same thing . God is, and Christ is the way .Your very question is evidence that God exists.

For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;) Romans 2:14-15

Since you probably have the law written on your heart, your conscience is at work telling you to obey. If you are truly a Christian , then the holy spirit is warring against the flesh. You saying that you are a Christian leaning towards agnosticism is a contradiction of terms. A true Christian has surrendered to God , and although he may have doubts about his faith, the existence of God is not in question. So are you excusing yourself ? If you have sinned, confess, God is faithful and just to forgive you. Put away your doubts about God's existence. No true wise man ever doubted the existence of God. Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. If you would like to discuss this further please email me . God bless...........Captain Arlo
2008-07-20 02:08:17 UTC
Just to clarify, agnosticism isn't necessarily about doubting. Gnosticism means "having knowledge" so agnosticism means "without having knowledge." This doesn't necessarily mean ignorance either. The fact is, there is no proof for the existence of God. So when someone says "I know there is a God," what they really mean is, "my faith is so strong that I believe there must be a God." No matter how strong someone's faith may be, they really don't *know* there is a God. Admitting you don't have the knowledge to *know* there is a God is a sign of maturity. Agnosticism is a rational position to take. In fact, I'd be very wary of anyone who claimed to have this kind of knowledge, because it is knowledge that is impossible to have. Of course this has nothing to do with belief or faith, which lead to the distinction between theism and atheism. Besides, what good is faith if you already have the knowledge.

It'd also be a good idea to decide what it is you're looking for. If you're looking for proof of God's existence, you won't find any. What you may find is a reason to believe. The two concepts are very different and it is up to you to decide which is more important to you.

Now that we've cleared that up... I'd like to comment on some of the other answers on here....

"Helen" said you "should surround yourself with strong believers." I find this to be strange advice. If you have doubts, wouldn't it make sense to seek alternative opinions to explore your doubts? Surely you've run into some respectful intelligent people on here that do not share your beliefs, maybe hit them up and see if they'd be willing to have a discussion with you. If they have shared the "doubts" you have, maybe discussing the logical conclusions will help you figure out your own beliefs... whichever way you end up swinging.

A few other people suggested you read the Bible or other books supporting Christianity. Why not read other books as well? Philosophy.. history.. anthropology.. books about other religions.. books about atheism... This can only help.. find out what other people know and/or think and expand your horizons. If this knowledge reinforces your faith, bonus.. if this knowledge encourages you to seek out more knowledge, even better.

If your doubts are about certain topics, read all you can about that topic. For example, if you think it sounds weird that God created us and the world... why not read up on some alternate views? Abiogenesis, evolution, natural selection.. the life cycle of stars and their importance to chemistry.. etc, etc.. If you learn about all these things and believe in God, I guarantee you will get a lot more respect (so a lot more people will take what you say seriously) than a lot of the people on here who ask silly questions like "how can this be random?" or "how can something be created from nothing?" ... for those who understand the scientific theories, these questions are meaningless.

Anyway.. I sincerely hope this helps.

Edit: Ok, I read some more of the answers people have posted and I was amazed at the number of them that said "don't think".. or.. "don't pay attention to science." Why? Because all science is a lie? Pshaw. Be wary of anyone who doesn't want you to think for yourself. You can certainly be a Christian AND think, so why are so many suggesting you DON'T THINK? What are they afraid of?
2008-07-20 11:09:39 UTC
God can refresh your faith if you really want to know the truth and meaning of the universe. Noone can prove to someone that God exists simply by pointing out physical things. It comes down to faith. But there are evidences of a young earth, evidences that Jesus of Nazareth was a real person of history, archealogical evidence (tons of this evidence), etc.

Some examples:

No one believed that the bibles king David even ever existed. Yet they found a manuscript that had the writing "line of David" so that person was proven to have existed.

No one believed that Pontious Pilate existed. Yet they found a stone tablet with his name and portrait carved on it.

Many of the cities i the bible have been found. Jericho was unearthed and found just as the bible details. Its walls were fallen down, and many jars were filled with grain. The bible says when Jericho was destroyed the city had just ended its harvest season.

Sodom and Gomorrah has thought to be found. On youtube I saw that the site they believed the cities were in was just huge empty square perimeters but within those perimeters were remains of buildings that seemed to have been burned just like the biblical account of how God sent down fire upon the cities.

The young earth arguments are the hardest to prove to people because atheists and scientists can argue against them very well. But some examples are:

Polonium 214. Its life span is less than a second and there shouldnt be any on earth anymore. Yet they have found rings of this element in granite rock which proves that these rocks must have been formed in an instant.

Morality is another good argument to prove God. Without God moraity is an illusion. Without God morality is in the eye of the beholder. Eat drink be merry for tomorrow we die. This is a very hopeless belief as well. What are we living for if death is it? If thats the case get all you can in life, walk over everyone, do what you want, because there is no judge.

I know God still is keeping you or else you wouldnt have posted your question. Seek him again, study the bible diligently, realize the truth of it.

God bless
2008-07-19 22:13:54 UTC
This is Anslem Aquinas' Ontological Arugment. This is a scientific arugment of God's existence, but in the end it all comes down to faith. Without it all the facts and evidence in the world won't help.

Aquinas' First Argument, Motion

(1) Objects are in motion.

(2) If something is in motion, then it must be caused to be in motion by something outside of itself.

(3) There can be no infinite chain of movers/movees.

(4) So there is a first, unmoved mover.

(5) Therefore, God exists.

Aquinas' Second Argument, Causality

(1) Some events cause other events.

(2) If an event happens, then it must be caused by something outside of itself.

(3) There can be no infinite cause/effect chains.

(4) So, there is a first, uncaused cause.

(5) Therefore God exists.

Aquinas' Third Argument, Contingency

(1) Contingent things exist.

(2) Each contingent thing has a time at which it fails to exist (contingent things are not omnipresent).

(3) So, if everything were contingent, there would be a time at which nothing exists (call this an empty time).

(4) That empty time would have been in the past.

(5) If the world were empty at one time, it would be empty forever after (a conservation principle).

(6) So, if everything were contingent, nothing would exist now.

(7) But clearly, the world is not empty (premise 1).

(8) So there exists a being who is not contingent.

(9) Hence, God exists.

Aquinas' Fourth Argument, Properties That Come in Degrees

(1) Objects have properties to greater or lesser extents.

(2) If an object has a property to a lesser extent, then there exists some other object that has the property to the maximum possible degree.

(3) So there is an entity that has all properties to the maximum possible degree.

(4) Hence God exists.

Aquinas' Fifth Argument, From Design

(1) Among objects that act for an end, some have minds, whereas others do not.

(2) An object that acts for an end, but does not itself have a mind, must have been created by a being that has a mind.

(3) So there exists a being with a mind who designed all mindless objects that act for an end.

(4) Hence, God exists.

Anselm's Argument, The Ontological Argument

(1) God is by definition the greatest possible being.

(2) A being who fails to exist in the actual world (while existing in other possible worlds) is less perfect than a being who exists in all possible worlds.

(3) Hence, God exists, necessarily
2008-07-20 16:23:11 UTC
You are not a christian if you are leaning towards anything except Jesus. You are already an agnostic. Put your faith and trust in Jesus Read your bible, Pray Pray, Go to a bible beleiving church, Study the bible Ask God to help you believe. and ask for forgiveness. He is waiting for you to come to Him for salvation. Don't rely on feelings, feelings change every minute. Know what you bleieve and stick with it evern though you don't feel like a christian. Evidence God exist is in creation. In a person that has changed from something from very bad to very good. The work of the Holy Spirit in you. If there is no change i would suspect the Holy Spirit is not in you. It is called faith not proof in God's existance. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.
Tony RC
2008-07-20 00:17:39 UTC
Alot of atheists or 'agnostics (or whatever doubting is called)' will agree with me if I say that The Holy Bible, God's Word, is not a science book, history book or psychic book (you know a book that can tell you what will happen in the future).

Anyways, it's a book of worship to God. It's what us Christians call, 'God's Word. You'll also agree that the Bible was written more than a 1000 yrs ago. Right?

What if I showed you that the bible had one of the Science's greatest discoveries written in it long before men discovered it.

Isaiah 40:22a says the earth is in form of a circle or round. If I'm not mistaken men believed in a flat earth until Christopher Columbus landed his ships on what is now America. It gets even better.

Job 26:7b says that the earth is hanging upon nothing. I don't know a whole lot of history but I believe men believed all sorts of things until the first rocket flew to space not too long ago. Now it also says a prophecy that is going on in our days...

2 Timothy 3:1-5 describes how the last days where gonna be critical times hard to deal with. And if you read on I'm sure you'll agree that we are living in the last days. Looking at gas prices, the local news-violence everywhere, international news-wars being faught for no good reason, etc. Believe it or not but the bible has it all written in it.

Now these are just a couple of facts that I know of. And don't feel bad it's normal to think that God doesn't car or doesn't exist, specially when everything seems to be going so wrong. But that is when you need to get closer to him. I hope I was able to help you out a bit.

If I can help you in any bible related subjects feel free to email me. Oh and sorry I wrote so much. lol
Calvin S
2008-07-20 14:05:01 UTC
There is evidence of the existence of God everywhere that you look upon the earth. You have a right to believe whatever you desire to believe. But you said that you were a Christian. If so, the best thing that you can do, is to daily read the Word of God, and ask God to help you to have the faith that every Christian should have. But you can rest assured, that the best way to be able to have faith, is to stay in the Word of God. Whenever doubt begins to come to your mind, then it is time to get into the Word of God. The devil will do everything within his power, to try and put doubt into the minds of every Christian. But he is a liar, and the father of lies; just as the Word of God tells us. If God did not exist, you can rest assured, that the devil would of already destroyed you, me, and every other Christian. Do not lose hope. The Word of God tells us in Rom. 8:31, that if God be for us, who can be against us? In other words, if God is on our side, neither the devil, nor anyone else, will ever have the power to harm us. God's Word also tells us that faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. In other words, the more you read the Word of God, the more and the stronger your faith will become. (Rom. 10:17)
Emmy V
2008-07-20 05:10:17 UTC
I agree with what some others have said. In your heart you know if you believe. Whether something physically exists or not, if it is a part of your life and affects what you do, it's just as real as anything physical. Maybe the religious beliefs you were raised around aren't giving you the answers to your questions. Maybe you should look into different religions. I've always had so much faith in God and something greater than us, but Christianity didn't do it for me. There are so many different beliefs out there, and if none of them appeal to you and you still have faith, then you can just believe what you want to believe ( like the rest of us) and hope with all your heart that you are right.
2008-07-20 14:14:35 UTC
We need God, this world needs God and yes,

God is real - God is the only one to really show

us who we are and what we can be.

This world is very confused about this concept but

God is there for those who will listen - for everyone who

will listen and receive the wisdom of God that only God

can give.

It is not just a feeling or wish.

It is true faith, hope, and love - the kind that life

is really about - bigger than we can put on paper

or in this forum or fit in any textbook or online

encyclopedia - or fit on the whole www - or fit

in our whole brains (or else it would not be God)

I just hope you can see a glimpse of how big this

all really is! - then you will have the kind of faith

that moves mountains.

Just see how limited all our efforts are in life yet God

knows and cares - it is love we receive.

Love is more powerful than knowledge and what

fuels everything and is not a mere emotion but a

plan - the greatest of considerations, motives,

and priorities.

Without this love nothing would really matter in a

real sense. Yeah, we could make up some purpose

for our life (at best) but it would still be hopeless in all honesty - nothing really to aim for in the whole scheme of things.

Don't trade anything for faith in God - nothing is worth

its value.

It is all nothing without God.

I hope that helped - these are deep spiritual concepts that

we should all not ever turn away from once

introduced. It is what truly runs the universe - what is

behind all of it. God does communicate with us in our

darkest needs to even simple daily requests.

We have nothing to bargain with God with and that

is one of the blessings of it all!
2008-07-20 05:25:55 UTC
Is there any proof that there is a God?

Have you ever just looked around and wondered how things are so wonderfully made? Did everything just happen by chance?

· If there is a Creation then there has to be a Creator.

The fact that we exist as a creation proves that we had to have been created by a creator. If there were a robot that looked and acted like a human at your house it would be an insult to tell you that it just happened by chance. You would already have known that it had to have been created by a creator.

· If there is a Design then there has to be a Designer.

The design of human body is so complex that the body proves there has to be a designer. If someone told you that your car in the driveway just happened by chance and had no thought or design you would be insulted by that person. The very fact that the human body and the car are designed proves that they did not happen by chance but had to have had a designer.

· If there is Art then there has to be an Artist.

Have you ever just looked at a sunset and wondered who painted it in the sky? The very fact that there is art in all of creation is proof there is an artist. Take a look at a painting at a museum, would you believe someone that said it just painted itself? It is impossible for a detailed work of art to just happen by chance.

· If there is Order then there is an Orderer.

There very fact that you know what is right and wrong in your heart proves that someone had to have made you that way. If you go to any state in the USA you will find law and order in that state. Would you just come to the conclusion that that law just happened by chance or someone had to have made and put that law into affect?

The very fact that there is creation, design, art, and order proves that there is a Creator, Designer, Artist, and Orderer. Now that we know without a doubt that there is a God we need to find out what He wants
2008-07-20 19:32:25 UTC
Excuse me if I seem presumptious but I'm guessing you're a young man, possibly in your 20's or early 30's. It is very normal to go through a period of rejecting or questioning your faith at this time. No one can give you facts. Things will happen to you down the road that will tell you this life is not an accident. I was raised a Christian and I attend Episcopal services. But I also believe that all religions of the world are legitimate. They all carry a piece of the truth. So never judge anyone for their beliefs or their non-beliefs. You might want to contact a clergy person at a non-denominational or universalist type church. They would be the least biased toward adherence to a strict set of beliefs. Their insights might be helpful and they will not be judgemental. Good luck on your journey.
Lilith of the Garden
2008-07-20 15:28:04 UTC
Well, it goes into the saying that behind every painting there is a painter. All things must first be set in motion by something else. If you are wanting proof of the existence of the Christian God, a Christian friend of mine loves the book "I Don't Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist." It is supposed to be scientific evidence that proves God's existence (I haven't read it but he swears by it).

Hope that helps.
2008-07-20 14:47:59 UTC
I understand it is difficult to believe that which can not be seen. However, do you know that many books in the New Testament were written by eye witness accounts? Mathew, for example, was actually there and saw Jesus' many miracles. I find it interesting that we (society) believe the information in History books, esp if the observer or author was there. However, the Bible, which is the oldest and most read history book of all times is difficult for many to take as fact. I look around at all the wonders of the world and can't imagine all of this just happened by chance. I believe the odds of the earth just happening by chance are so small that it just couldn't have happened that way. Bottom line, I suggest you open your mind and search for the truth with in your self. What does that inner most voice tell you. Good luck to you and may God guide you to the proper choices in life.
2008-07-20 18:52:04 UTC
ONE of the most important questions you will ever face is, ‘Does God exist?’ When asked, ‘Does God exist?’ many people reply by repeating what they have read or heard from others. However, you personally should give thought to the question. In his book Man, God and Magic, Dr. Ivar Lissner observes that a “fundamental difference between man and beast” is that “man is not content merely to sleep, eat and warm himself.” Man has a “strange and inherent urge” that can be called “spirituality.” Dr. Lissner adds that ‘all the civilizations of mankind have been rooted in a quest for God.’ So your coming to grips with the question, ‘Does God exist?’ is an evidence that you have not neglected an important attribute—your spirituality.

Of all your organs, probably the most amazing is one that you will never see—your brain. It is made up of some 10,000,000,000 nerve cells, more than twice the number of people on the face of the earth. Each of these cells, in turn, may have thousands of connections with other nerve cells. The total number of connections is beyond imagination!

You have stored in your brain hundreds of millions of facts and images, but it is not merely a storehouse of facts. With it you can learn how to tie a knot, to speak a foreign language, to bake bread or to whistle. You can imagine—what your vacation will be like or how a juicy fruit will taste. You can analyze and create. You can also plan, appreciate, love and relate your thoughts to the past, present and future. The One who designed the brain obviously has wisdom far greater than that of any human, because scientists admit:

“How these functions are carried out by this magnificently patterned, orderly and fantastically complex piece of machinery is quite obscure. . . . human beings may never solve all the separate individual puzzles the brain presents.”—Scientific American.

In reflecting on whether there is a Creator who is the Supreme Being, do not overlook the rest of your body. Your eyes—more precise and adaptable than any camera. Your ears—able to detect a variety of sounds and to give you a sense of direction and balance. Your heart—a magnificent pump with capabilities that the best engineers have not been able to duplicate. Your tongue, digestive system and hands, to name a few more. An engineer hired to design and build a large computer reasoned:

“If my computer required a designer, how much more so did that complex physio-chemical-biological machine which is my human body—which in turn is but an extremely minute part of the well-nigh infinite cosmos?”
2008-07-20 16:47:07 UTC
I would suggest reading the scriptures carefully and with an open heart searching for God. If your mind is open and you are sincerely searching for God the Bible states that you will surely find him.

For instance....

Psalm 22 - Can you see the crucifixion of Jesus Christ?

Genesis 22 - Can you see what God does to His only son and the blessing that follows because of the crucifixion?

Isaiah 53 - Can you see the prophecy of the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ and the crucifixion?

There are many many more passages of scripture and even historical accounts such as Genesis 22 which demonstrate the plan of God's salvation.

Seeing that the scripture was written by many human authors over a period of several thousands of years I find it hard to believe that the Bible was created by mere mortals seeing that God's plan of salvation revealed in the New Testament is embedded within the fabric of scriptures throughout the Old Testament. Also added to this the fact that many Old Testament passages and historical events have hidden meaning and show the shadow of that which was to come, the Lord Jesus Christ and His crucifixion.

If you study it very carefully you will find it can only be written by a power/entity much higher and more intelligent than ourselves.
Catholic Mythbuster
2008-07-20 15:25:40 UTC
For me, the best proof that God exists has always been the platypus. I know it sounds funny, but to me, evolution and natural selection just can't explain something like the platypus, so there must be a god.

I was once in your shoes. I went through agnosticism, then Unitarian Universalism, and then Paganism before I went to my first Catholic mass with my then fiance. There was something about the mass that just moved me. Maybe it was the music (music is VERY important to me). Maybe it was the obvious passion of everyone around me. Whatever it was, my faith was brought on anew.

Whether you're actually contemplating Catholicism or not, you might try Inquiery, the first part o fthe RCIA process. It's free, and it answers a lot of the basics up front, and there's absolutely no obligation. It's purely for exploring the basics of Christianity, though most do choose to go on and convert. And one thing I learned through RCIA was this: The greatest proof of God's existence is LOVE.
Chase W
2008-07-20 13:33:10 UTC
Well I think you need to define what "god" is to you. I think the biggest conflict in faith is that people are trying so hard to make themselves believe what a group does. That might not be compatible.

Religions are organizations and those organizations have rules, agendas and a scheme for control. Not saying thats a bad thing...usually it is...but not necessarily.

I wrestled with my faith for a long time. I was raised somewhat Christian but when I was about fourteen I had an experience that made me start a series of questions. The spiritual quest, I guess it was, lasted for years. I'm twenty six now and still finding my comfort zone. I had to really step back and find out what my heart wanted me to embrace.

Whats more is that I didn't entirely like what my heart wanted to embrace due to stereotypes. I love the pagan/wiccan religion. I love the earth-geared worship. I find a certain divine energy in the movement of weather and all life. Its over whelming at times. Trouble is most everyone whose a "wiccan" are generally ... D-Bags who want to use magic as a means to control and gain some power in their powerless existence. All that other faith crap is secondary to the power they read about in some hammed up spell book they bought at Borders that was inspired by Dungeons and Dragons.

But I think everyone is lead toward a faith or lack of faith. I don't think you can be "born" into a religion. If you don't find comfort in Christ then maybe its not right for you. Or your not meant to be part of that faith. I figure maybe were destined to be part of a certain faith to balance it all if you will.

I figure we don't have the answers and we can't comprehend the answers. Religion is a man made construct after all. I don't believe in hell or damnation or even sin really (To clarify, I believe religion shouldn''t dictate behavior. Societal norms are a part of culture. I'm not saying its a-okay to murder. I'm saying that the society should enforce whats right and wrong.).
2008-07-20 11:35:59 UTC
I was raised as a Christian by my father who was a deeply spiritual, educated, God-fearing man like no other I've ever known before or since. I'd never questioned God's existence. I worked as a nurse with another man (also a nurse) who was agnostic. In talking one night, the subject turned to religion. He made one heck of an arguement for doubting the existence of God, and I couldn't shake off what he'd said. It just made so much sense. I found myself wishing we'd never had the conversation at all.

So, I went to my dad and told him all the things this guy had told me. He explained that when he was young, he had begun to have doubts and had decided to prove to his own parents that there was no God, and to convince them, he'd use the Bible as proof (since that was all they'd believe). He said he studied the Bible looking for inconsistancies, untruths, etc. for a very long time, but the more he studied, the more he found that it could not be proven either way. God's law is based on faith. I asked how he could have such great faith in something so easy to doubt. He told me his reasoning, and I've never forgotten it -- especially in tough times.

He said that if he lived his entire life believing in God and doing His will, having faith that at the end he would rewarded with life eternal and be with God in Heaven, and then died and there was no God -- he'd lived a good life and had lost nothing at all.

If, on the other hand, he lived his life believing there is nothing after this earthly existence and lived his life as he chose to do without regard for eternity, and then died to find out he was wrong -- he'd lost everything...

Our faith is tested daily. I believe we talk to God through prayer, and He talks to us through the Bible. When you find your faith waning, read the Bible. In the long run, it won't cost you a thing.

Hope I've helped, and feel free to email me if I can help you further.
2008-07-20 09:16:32 UTC
Hmmm...AS an Agnostic, I would challenge the idea that Agnostics don't believe in God. I may not be Christian anymore, but I do not deny that I feel something greater than myself - I just choose not to define God, because in the definition, you lose the whole spirit of the idea. Besides, how do you define a feeling to one who has never felt? Only you can have that SPECIFIC feeling, as every feeling has different meaning to each person. If you want to "find God" (so to speak), you need to look inside your own heart and question yourself deeply on your feelings. If you feel that there is no God, well, nothing anyone says can change that. Yet, if you feel that there IS a God, then nothing anyone else says can steer you wrong. Just trust yourself.
2008-07-19 23:32:41 UTC
I know you asked for no athiest comments, but I feel it would be a very one-sided discussion without our input.

I'm sorry to say, but there are absolutely no solid facts that lead to the existence of God (which is what you asked for). That doesn't mean, however, that you can't still believe that he does exist, just follow the advice some of the others have given (e.g. surround yourself with fanatics (my choice of words, not theirs) read the bible, go to church, etc.)... I believe the phrase "ignorance is bliss" fits perfectly in this context.

If you want facts that will give you solid answers, you need only look at the world around you from a scientific perspective.

I'm not here to "bash" christian beliefs (everyone is entitled to their own opinions) but honestly, anyone who says they have FACTS about the existence of God obviously needs to pick up a dictionary and refresh their knowledge of the work, because isn't the point of religion faith - belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence?

And one last note - don't get sucked into the notion that you can't possibly lead a rich and fulfilling life without belief in God - there are millions of people out there who are more content with themselves and their place in the universe thanks to science, than any Christian I've ever met!
Bob H
2008-07-20 16:23:51 UTC
"Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God." Romans 10:17 I would suggest that you begin reading the New Testament. It is the agreement with Christians and God sealed with Jesus blood shed on the cross. The Gospel of John would be a great place to begin. There is an awesome DVD out there by Louie Giglio called, "How Great is our God." There are clips of it on You Tube. You could pick one up at a Christian book store. Or you could read "Evidence That Demands a Verdict" by Josh McDowell a former atheist.
Bryan Kingsford
2008-07-20 13:38:06 UTC
What your mind and heart both agree on is most likely correct.

Consider whether it's easier to believe that matter has always existed or that an intelligent being has always existed?

Doesn't the order of life and the universe tell both your mind and heart that it's absurd to think it came about by chance? There must be an organizing force.

It can help a great deal to understand the purpose of earth life. There is a perfectly reasonable explanation for suffering that is consistent with a loving God. It isn't speculation -- it has been revealed through prophets and there are ways to know for yourself that it's true.
2008-07-20 11:17:14 UTC
A gallant band of true believers, operating in total secrecy, have uncovered proof positive of the existence of God. These faithful searchers have been inspired in their search by documents handed down through the ages such as the Bible, but their discovery of God’s existence was enabled by one of the oldest methods available to mankind.

The search for God’s existence, which was not aided by computer models or modern technology of any kind, relied almost wholly on the most primitive of human skills and abilities – the ability to think.

Buried in the deepest recesses of the human mind, this faithful group of searchers for God’s grace found the answer to the most important mystery of our universe. How we got here and how we can prove that God is real.

They have determined that each human being has been instilled by our Creator with a special gene that acknowledges that God exists. It is up to each and every one of us to strip away our inhibitions and unlock our imaginations so that we may recognize and accept the existence of God.

This is not the stuff of fabled theories, or the ranting of some fanatical group. This is the inherent craving of man’s desire to find God, which has been genetically instilled in us by the Almighty Himself.

The millions of people who do believe in God have made this fantastic and miraculous discovery possible. The proof is irrefutable.

Do not doubt the proof. The proof is within you. God exists and is always with you.
2008-07-20 19:57:37 UTC
I was at a Borders yesterday and I saw a book entitled "The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Bible". On the cover it said things like "You think you know the Bible, but did you know: if it wasn't for the Bible, we wouldn't have modern science. The Bible is historically accurate. The Bible established the moral and philosophical foundation for Western civilization" etc.|The_Politically_Incorrect_Guide_to_the_Bible_(P.I.G.)_:_Books&ref=tgt_adv_XSNG1060

Maybe reading it would help you. :)

Also, I hear "The Case for Christ" is an excellent book for people who are in doubt.

I understand you are doubting the existence of God...but saying that He is not there would be completely throwing your mind to the gutter.

As a famous scientist once said (sorry, don't remember which scientist at the moment) "we don't know 1/10 of 1% about anything". So, we don't even know 1% of the universe's mysteries. To say that you KNOW there is no God would be to completely devalue the other 99% w/out even looking at it.

If I say "there is no gold in China", I'd have to know every part of China intimately. I'd have to know that there is not a drop of gold in a mine, under a rock, or even in someone's mouth. I would have to KNOW China intimately. If there is but a little bit of gold anywhere in China, I would be wrong.

So, I think it's safe to say that you can't say "there is no God", w/out completely being stupid. Doubting, is something else. I think we all go through that. I know I did.

You should definitely read those books I mentioned...especially "The Case for Christ".

Hope this helps. God Bless You.

By the way, for those that said "there is no evidence of a God" the 1/10 of 1% that we DO know of the universe, there is PLENTY of proof for God. So they'll just have to look AGAIN, I guess.
2014-09-03 20:11:27 UTC
He is waiting for you to come to Him for salvation. Don't rely on feelings, feelings change every minute. Know what you bleieve and stick with it evern though you don't feel like a christian. Evidence God exist is in creation. In a person that has changed from something from very bad to very good. The work of the Holy Spirit in you. If there is no change i would suspect the Holy Spirit is not in you. It is called faith not proof in God's existance. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.
Wicked Warrior
2008-07-20 20:14:38 UTC
I'm pagan so what has helped me might be completely off limits for you.

Go for a walk, in the middle of the night, when everything is silent. Go to a place that is sacred, a cemetery, a church yard, an open field, the forest, anything that is pure. These places are connecting points to the divine. The cemetery houses the dead who have passed to the next world. The church has spiritual energy all around it, the forest and the fields are alive and create their own energies.

Sit for a while, meditate. Try not to think words (seriously) erase all words from your mind if you can. Try to think in images. If you have an MP3 player load it up with classical music (no vocals, just instrumentals.) Remember the beginning of the movie Fantasia? One note, one image, and it grew from there. This will help clear your mind and allow you to be aware of the presence of the Immortals.

Look to the sky, feel the earth, not just be upon it but feel it. Taste the air. Experience the wonder around you, the divine is in all these things.

Sacred is not the house of a god made by human hands, but the earth that holds and supports it. The energy and belief that fills it, the life brought forth from the ground, the air that nourishes, the water that quenches. These things are of the Immortals, not a book, not a building, not even a word.

Sometimes, we just forget how to find what is right in front of us.

As God is all powerful and may take what form he chooses, all Gods are one God, one God is every God. May the form of God you serve, help you to find your path.

My blessing to you.
2008-07-20 19:55:48 UTC
ONE day in the 1940’s, Swiss engineer George de Mestral took his dog for a walk. Upon returning home, he noticed that his clothes as well as the dog’s fur were covered with burs. Curious, he examined the burs under a microscope and was intrigued by the tiny hooks that latched onto anything that had a loop. Eventually, he invented a synthetic equivalent—Velcro. De Mestral was not alone in copying from nature. In the United States, the Wright brothers designed an airplane after studying large birds in flight. French engineer Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel designed the tower in Paris bearing his name, using the basic principles that enable the human thighbone to support the body’s weight.

These examples well illustrate what is called biomimetics, the field of science that seeks to mimic designs found in nature. A fair question arises, though: How often do inventors give credit to the One who designed the tiny burs, the large birds, the human thighbone, and all the other brilliant originals upon which many human inventions are based? The sad reality is that in today’s world, God is rarely given the credit or the glory that he deserves.

Some years ago, a man well-versed in evolution interviewed people who accepted the theory. He said: “I discovered that most believers of evolution are believers because they have been told that all intelligent people are believers.” Yes, when educated individuals express their atheistic views, others are dissuaded from giving God the credit he deserves as the Creator.—Proverbs 14:15, 18.

Have scientists come to their conclusions because facts and evidence point that way? Hardly! We are surrounded by evidence of a Creator. Regarding him, the apostle Paul wrote: “His invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s [mankind’s] creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they [unbelievers] are inexcusable.” (Romans 1:20) The Creator left his imprint on his handiwork.
2014-06-25 18:27:52 UTC
More importantly, what makes you think that all the evidence in the world would give you enough faith to eliminate your doubts? Peter lived with Jesus...he saw the miracles, he heard the words and saw plenty of other evidence...and he still did Thomas. God led the Israelites out of Egypt all the while performing dramatic miracles to help them along the way...and within a few days of arriving at their destination, they were melting down their jewlery to make an idol to worship! The bible is filled with stories of people that had dramatic encounters with God...and they still doubted...why would you be any different. Fact is, if you don't have at least a measure of pure faith, you wouldn't believe it if God showed up in your bedroom and shared everything he knows with you!
Sam H
2008-07-19 23:30:09 UTC
Faith is one of the hardest things in the world, I'm sure someone might agree with me. One thing that helps is to step back from God and look at the big picture. Sort out the things that you need to, find out who YOU are by your standards, not by others who want you to know that you are God's child. Because though we are God's children, we are someone else as well, such as an actor or a musician.

Every person, no matter what finds a different way to find faith, we can all give advice like: read your bible, surround yourself completely by devout friends, but you need to find the way YOU need to go. It might be the bible, it might be the friends thing, but don't be ashamed at how you find God. There's someone I know who found God after he pooped in a sock and threw it into another cabin. Not entirely sure why I put that story in there, but hope it helped.
It's me again Lord!
2008-07-20 20:37:01 UTC
I'm sorry you are having a problem, truth be known we all have doubts at one point and time, and I hope this helps. I heard on the radio where an athiest was a scientist and he was going to prove there was no God but through his studies he realized there is a God and he accepted Jesus as his Savior. Where could our bodies have been made if not from God it is so unique and things such as the way the river flows and the sun hanging in the sky, where or who made all of this, it had to come from some where? The Bible has been around for thousands of years, and everything that is in it either has come to pass or is coming to pass. From day one since I have accepted Christ as my Savior and committed my life to serving Him my life has been changed. I think differently, my wants changed, and my priorities has definitely changed. There has been so many times when God has answered prayers that could only have been answered through Him. I have saw drug addicts changed into preachers. Families put back together where the devil had torn them apart and many other things. If you are a Christian that means you have accepted Christ as your personal Savior and you are working to further His kingdom. We have to read His word everyday. We have to have good works. God will not leave us or forsake us but we can leave Him and forsake Him. We have to feed our soul with Spiritual food the same as feeding our body with tangible food or we will get weak. I will pray for you in belief that God will touch your heart, in a way that you know it is Him, to refresh your faith in Him. Sister in Christ.
2008-07-20 14:16:06 UTC
You're not a real Christian unless your faith is tested once in a while. In most cases in it'll bring you closer to God. Look around in nature because everything that has breath is made by God. Every animal, Every bug, and Everything in outerspace made by God. Everytime you see a sunrise or sunset, you'll see God. The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftmanship. Day after day they continue to speak; night after Night they make him known. They speak without a sound or word; their voice is never heard. Yet their message had gone throughout the Earth and their words to all the the world. This is found in Psalm. The bible is a great book to read.
paula s
2008-07-20 02:03:41 UTC
Stop beating yourself up. It isn't a feeling or whatever. Believing in God is a decision.

When I doubt, I look at the sky and the trees and all the beauty of the Earth. Then I know that it all didn't just happen... It was designed..

Then the feelings of closeness to God come and I " feel " better.

Religion is too hopped up on feelings and not decisions...

Hope this helps
Douglas E
2008-07-20 17:35:44 UTC
If you need proof, then you don’t have faith.

But to help with the issue of your faith, what was it that helped you have faith in Jesus Christ? After pondering that then ask what is it that is making me loose/question my faith.

It is common for young Christians to question their faith when they don’t have someone that will help them answer their questions. I suggest you find someone from your church that is knowledgeable about the Bible, and has the ability to explain some of the basic tenants that most Christians take for granted.

This forum may not be the best play for someone who is questioning their faith to ask questions. At this vulnerable time in your spiritual life, you may cling to the words of what first sounds good, but that could lead you down an extremely dangerous path.

You can email me if you like, but email is a bad way to learn about something so important.
2008-07-20 16:51:02 UTC
There are a few must read books for every christian out there. I suggest reading Mere Christianity, by C.S. Lewis, and also Know Why You Believe, by Paul E. Little. These both give logical proofs for the existance of God
2008-07-20 14:15:48 UTC
1. How did the universe form?

2. How is it possible for DNA to be different from over 7 billion people through evlution?

3. Who gave the animals their abilities and to learn from them?

4. How did mankind acquire the immune system that protects it?

5. How does our body know to reproduce cells on cue?

6. How did this planet sustain the ability to provide life for us?

7. Has anyone found the body of Jesus to disprove His resurrection?

8. If evolution is true, how did those amoebas gain the ability to create life as we know it?

9. How is water the only liquid to sustain life in its presence?

10. Think of the odds to produce those questions without the existence of God to bring them forth.
2008-07-20 12:35:04 UTC
I don't believe in the God they talk about in churchs or even that God is a man. I believe god is the creative force/energy/power of the Universe. It makes is simple to call it God. I think this creative energy is not just one & we limit God with our mind. I do believe in it one energy just not a separate thing. We all have an inner guidance system & don't need material possesions to understand God. We have divine intelligence but we have been taught to cut it off, ignore it. So we are out of touch. The more we pay attention to our intuition the more we will be able to read it accurately. We read the bible which is a material thing but we don't know how to read the thing we have no matter where we go on the earth our intuition...If you start asking question this God will prove itself to you..I have a son that died & I didn't ever have to ask which is unusual but it was as if the whole Universe became animated. I had the strangest things happen about 2 weeks before he died. Too much to go into here. I now coach people so they can open to the divinity in their life. If you do this you will have the most amazing experiences. You are probably having them now but we get what we put our attention on & if you don't look things will pass you buy. So we live in this live Universe that is doing so much to support us but as we complain we end up focused on that instead of seeing all we have to be thankful for. I have so many stories & anyone could have the same amount. You don't have to belong to a certain club. It is availible to you right now. e-mail me if you ever want coaching. It will not only change your life on a spiritual lever but every aspect gets better.
2008-07-20 01:26:06 UTC
Many people struggle with their faith. . . I know I have quite a bit. All the answers that people have posted, that I have read are true, look at the stars. . . For me recently changing from a private school ever since Preschool where my faith was never challenged to public I think I have questioned my faith more than ever with people challenging me right and left. For me my revival comes with things like Jeremy Camp Concerts or a large service with thousands of believers praising God all at once or church retreats where I always end up bawling my eyes out because the emotions of the Holy Spirit well up in my soul and crying is the only way to express the happiness that I feel at that moment. But like always the feeling doesn't last and I'm back to my life again. But although that feeling doesn't last the memory of it does and, for me at least, shows that he is with me and although I don't feel him 24/7 I know that he is always there. For an amazing feeling at home, this sounds a bit weird, but ask God for a Hug. I found this out two years ago when my dog died and I was beside myself with grief i simply asked him for a hug and the most amazing calmness just literally washed over me. I could seriously feel it start at my head and just go down. It's things like those where words can't describe that you know that he exists.

P.S there's more proof of Jesus than Julius Caesar.
Micheal J
2008-07-20 16:27:41 UTC
Some I've read/heard from professionals that I think of during the day:

It's proved in the depression on the ocean floor around the Middle-East (The Flood, Noah's Ark)

Women have a complete set of ribs in their rib cages, but men have one less (the 1 rib God took from Adam to make Eve)

The human brain; think about it.

The signs the Bible predicted for the end times all came true ALL at the same time (famine, earthquakes where there shouldn't be, rumors of wars, etc.)

I think about this, pray to Him, reference His word, and think when my faith gets weary. Hope this helps. I'm sorry I couldn't be more of help. Contact me if you still need guidance.
2008-07-20 15:04:40 UTC
read Romans 1:18-23

1st of all we don't need to tell you facts, tips, etc. to prove God's existence because whether or not you believe the one and only TRUTH still stands that GOD is TRUE and REAL and HE is going to fulfill His purposes.

2nd, a Christian or a believer is someone who BELIEVES and has FAITH that GOD is not just true but the TRUTH and that JESUS is the Son of God who is the Redeemer of the world.

The condition is that before you become a Christian of course you should repent and believe, if that is your dilemma then my question to you is do you believe??

3nd, Jesus said in John 10:27-28

"My sheep listen to my voice; i know them, and they know one can snatch them out of my hand."

--if a person is a TRUE believer of Christ NO ONE can take that person away from God.. there are many times that Christians do stumble, but once a believer will ALWAYS be a believer..

so try to examine yourself.. and most importantly PRAY....
2008-07-20 14:29:17 UTC
I can tell you circumstances that God got me out of regardless of what anyone says...

Once I was on a pay phone and 3 men and women got out of a limo they were mobsters, which was clear. The women kept glaring at me and arguing with the men as they watched me. Then the 3 men so fine and put their hands up and started walking to me as they took out guns. I said Dear God help me. And as soon as I said that they stopped dead in their tracks. Turned quite pale and put their guns back and all four got back in the limo and drove away. That was God and I don't care what anyone says.

It is more than a feeling it is just simply knowing and I can't do much more but say he is real and all I can do other than that is pray for him to show himself to you so that it is clear to you and there is no room for doubt for you to know. I have no doubts he will answer you. Just don't be like most people and put up exceptations or except it to happen instantly. Otherwise don't put God in a box.
N. N
2008-07-20 11:21:16 UTC
Read Joel 4, Secharja 12 and Ezechiel 38. Do some research what the modern names of the countrys mentioned are. Do some research about their attitude towards Israel today.

Generally: Study Prophecys with actual politics.

If you like, go onto the website or in which country you actually are and ask them to send you some of their free booklets, e.g. about Israel and the Prophecy fulfilling around it today. They are one of the most serious and insightful Christian groups I`ve ever been talking to.

And - alas - if you really love the Eternal, pray humbly that He strenghtens your faith and send you the things, people and situations you need for that. You can overcome your crisis, believe me.

Be blessed.
No More Democrats or GOP, please
2008-07-20 09:15:13 UTC
Unfortunately, there are no facts to support anyone's faith. Faith is based on individual feelings and perceptions.

The only thing that believers can do is to refer you to the scriptures that are relevant to their particular religion. The problem with scripture is that only those who embrace that particular religion look upon it as fact. For example, Jews and Christians embrace the Bible and believe that it is fact, although Jews do not accept the New Testament. Muslims embrace the Quran and believe that it is fact. However, each of the world's religions will tell you that the scriptures of the other religions is false. One religion's "fact" is another religion's falsehood.

No one can "give" you faith or give you definitive proof that theirs is correct. The only thing you can do is to look around you and embrace what comes into your heart.
Loyal Servant
2008-07-20 06:25:18 UTC
Agnosticism is the fact of not knowing enough to make the choice to believe or not ,therefore you would be right . However ,facts are everywhere . All you have to do is give Him a chance to work in your life . All prophesies that have been made have come to pass . Even the world today is as it was told in Rev.

If you want touch and feel evidence then , the best for that is talk to people that have experienced a miracle in thier life . If you let Him he will do the same for you . Dont expect Him to come and talk to you face to face . That will not happen . He tells us that we need faith and if He was to show us Himself then it wouldnt be by faith .

Do this . Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide and minister to you as you study Gods Word and He will reveal all the answers you seek .little by little .

I will be praying for you my friend .

God Bless You

† Loyal Servant Prayer Warrior †
2008-07-20 02:18:04 UTC
First question is , did you really have faith? The Bible says that faith comes by hearing the Word of God. Not just hearing with your ears, but Spiritually hearing through studying and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. You question the existance of God when faith is believeing the unseen. I don't believe that once someone knows God they can turn away from God. We all might stumble in our walk with God... but once you really know God through His Word and all His creations, how can you question? Maybe you've really only learned churchology and doctrines of man and that's where your doubt lies. If you relly want to be Christian, then learn Christ and be more Christ like and when you SEE the Son, you'll SEE the Father.
2008-07-19 22:36:44 UTC
There are no facts disproving God. If you ask me, the pure complexity of the Earth and all the things in it couldn't have happend as a result of random events. I feel that is must have been created or at least guided by something much much larger than ourselves. The reason I believe in the Christian God has absolutly nothing to do with what others told me is right.

What I'm trying to say here is look around you. Take time to feel thankful whether it is to a living, loving and giving God or just to the "powers that be" for giving you breath, life, happiness, food to eat... just anything. There are many reasons to believe many things and you have to find your own reasons.
Uncle Remus 54
2008-07-19 22:12:05 UTC
Jesus said that man cannot live by bread alone but by every word that comes from God's mouth. And the Bible also says that faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God.

What that means is no different than keeping a plant alive. One continues to water it and care for it and make sure it gets proper sun or shade. Or like human companionship. If you love someone you want to stay with that person and not let the love die.

If you want faith be open minded to the impossible. For isn't that what faith is really? Believing in the impossible? But as believe who trust in God and read God's word daily and fellowship with him by faith know that even faith is not impossible to achieve. Does that help? Take care.
2008-07-20 20:56:51 UTC
Hey Eric, I have to say.. All christians at one point doubt. I know I did..I still do, cuz I have little faith. But even Jesus' own followers. Who was with him day in and day out, doubted him. Whose to say we wouldnt? Its just faith between you and God. To know that God is there. Even when it doesnt feel like He is.

Doubting Thomas. It encourages me that Jesus didn't rebuke Thomas for doubting. Instead, Jesus offered him evidence of the truth. Fact is, Jesus never rebuked anyone for doubting. You're not the only one who ever did nor will you be the last. But being a Christian is asking Jesus to live in your heart and to forgive you of your sins and knowing that when you die, you're going to heaven. There's something profound in knowing you're going somewhere after death. I know that when I go through rough times, I dont even THINK about God, I dont want to. But I know He's there. Whether I want him to or not. I dont want to give you the cliche' you cant see the wind but you feel it.. but its true. Jesus said that even if you have faith as tiny as a mustard seed, you can move mountains. You dont need tons of faith. Just a tiny little bitty bitty almost invisible dot of faith is enough. Thats what I know. Jesus loves you... doubtful or not. He really does.
jeanette n
2008-07-20 16:19:07 UTC
Read a book by C.S. Lewis called "More then a Carpenter"

It logically points out the proof of Jesus Christ.. Also look within yourself. Don't listen to your brain only. Deep down below the roar of the world and what they like to interject you already have your answer. The Bible says "Be still and know that I am God."and says that the holy spirit will be proof of His existense. Maybe go in your room by yourself and pray and listen for God's inner voice to you.
2008-07-20 20:58:01 UTC
Before you become an agnostic or anything drastic, go talk

to your pastor because he might be able to help you shed

some light with your need to know God better. I know that

God is real and alive because of the things He's done in

my life. In fact, He saved my life when I was younger and I

grew up knowing just how much He really loves me. And I

know that He loves you too because God doesn't make

2008-07-20 18:25:34 UTC
The Case for Christ is on DVD; it's just a 2 hr. commitment and documents the proof you may be needing. There is a whole area of study called apologetics. It comes from the Greek word, "apologia" which means a reasonable defense, and goes back to St. Peter who said to "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and with respect." Once you begin studying you may surprise yourself. Try the movie and then google Christian Apologetics.
Cee T
2008-07-20 15:46:08 UTC
My proof for God is that He changed my life almost 30 years ago. John 3:16, Romans 10:13, Romans 5:8, Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Proverbs 3:5,6.
Darth Redoncooni
2008-07-20 15:23:44 UTC
do what many doubters have set out to prove the non-existance of God

i am doubting lately but it doesn't bother me...i am tired of dogmatic rules for religions

i feel it is better just to believe and let others worry whether they will go to heaven

there seems to me to be several different forms of "God" and whether it be allah, buddah, jesus, thor, God, or Goddess, I don't see anything against believing in all the "gods"

let me put that differently "a rose by any other name is still a rose" God is God

once when i was younger i went to camp and knew i was gonna have a really bad report card, i said God I know my dad is gonna be really really angry when he sees this, can you please not let him get angry...i got home from the camp and he said that rather than any punishments i had to take summer school and HP4 (one of my favorite series at the time) had just come out he had bought it and said i couldn't read it until i completed summer school with excelent grades...there was no yelling, no anger...god had answered prayer when i needed it most.

god does exist...just not the way religion portrays he/she/it

watch a movie called sounds very negative christian but it message is "Don't Know; Believe."
2008-07-20 12:39:20 UTC
Nobody will be able to give you facts or it wouldn't really be faith then. Faith is believing even though you can't visually see it. I have always believed but didn't always accept God into my Life. When I do accept him and I talk to my Higher Power, I have moments where I feel his presence and it is nothing short of AMAZING!!! Nobody can really explain it. It's just a feeling. I suggest starting with finding a higher power. That could be anything or anyone greater than yourself. Your higher power is something or someone that can do for you what you cannot do for yourself.
2008-07-20 12:20:13 UTC
Well, no one can really tell you that god is real or not.

It all has to do with what you believe. Do you believe in luck or miracles or anything else the bible tells you. How about Science or God creating things. Many ppl dont know what to do when they are being taught in public schools since teachers tell scientific things and stuff. But really all you can do is hope that god is with you. You might not always feel him right beside holding your hand but he is still there watching over you. This is just a bump in your faith keep believing and you will eventually see that he is truly there.
2008-07-19 23:37:41 UTC
Everyone doubts. Faith is a gift of God. If you didn't doubt I'd seriously wonder how strong your faith really is.

Many moons ago I was at the end of my rope. I had no answers. My prayers seem to hit the ceiling. Life was such I even considered giving my child up for adoption & killing myself.

In desperation I cried out to God to show me if He really existed. I didn't believe anymore. I wept for quite awhile until I felt I couldn't cry anymore. Still no answers.

I laid down & closed my eyes. Suddenly I heard a voice (I assume inside my head) say; "If you don't believe I exist why are you praying to me?"

The absurdity of it all hit me & I started laughing. I began to remember all those times that had seemed equally hopeless yet somehow things not only worked out, but worked out better than I could have ever imagined.

Like children we whine, cry, threaten not to love God when things don't work out the way they should, when they should or however we think they should. God has walked this way before. He knows what is needed to get us where He wants us. So like a loving parent he refuses to give in. He takes us in the direction we need to go. If we allow Him to lead we find the pain of doubt, insecurity, etc. was worth the result.

If instead we refuse to believe because we want proof then we no longer have faith. You don't believe in God because you have evidence. You believe because faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Faith is a gift and you can pray for it or to strengthen the faith already there. But it's your CHOICE. All the facts in the world won't make you believe. Nor will the lack of such make you stop.

If God seems far away, who moved? No matter hopw far you walk away the Lord is only one step back. Go listen to this song by Petra
2014-11-27 17:57:40 UTC
It can help a great deal to understand the purpose of earth life. There is a perfectly reasonable explanation for suffering that is consistent with a loving God. It isn't speculation -- it has been revealed through prophets and there are ways to know for yourself that it's true.
pamela A
2008-07-20 17:44:21 UTC
Read or listen to the book THE GOD CONVERSATION it is $7 for the cd and you can find it on focus on the families website it not only helps you understand your doubts but helps you to understand why the doubts are not founded and Christ is and it will also provide you with the ability to counter act satan trying to plant the doubts in you mind through other people you could even lead them to Christ with your knowledge.It is very fulfilling to teach yourself what you believe through research. YOU CAN THINK FOR YOURSELF so get out there and figure it out. Also religion is just like dieting to stay in shape you eat right and stay active to reconize God's voice you read the bible and pray.

2008-07-20 17:26:12 UTC
I don't agree with his religion and all in his books, but Josh McDowell has a set of books called Evidence That Demands A Verdict. It is very worthwhile to read and perhaps some of the Christian evidences will help strengthen your faith.
2008-07-20 16:49:40 UTC
I am 16 and fear it but I know god does not want me to serve earth in fear but to Except whats not changeable to let him in and give him our deepest love as only he does think now ?? "IF " God was supposedly "not" real and some mystical fairy tale how would we been sitting here talking on Yahoo discussing this Hot Topic he wants us to question it its the test school you have a test well its a pass or fail is a teaching god cannot show us his experience's of life so he sends us to Earth to Learn just like any regular Dad remember learning how to ride a bicycle you had to get on the bike to see what it was like 1st hand not have your dad jump on it and watch him lol our body is like old paint off a bike or car its bare metal well obviously no matter what its still gunna be of use Understand the concept ?? we must find ourselves who we are as god cannot explain everything he can only explain what happens he cannot pre - determine our experiences only fate is his to determine when we arrive and when we depart to see if we passed and are a good creation or we are a faulty creation for then we must be cleansed and re constructed only to repeat life until we have completed it correctly.

Things You Can Do to Pass

- Believe in our Spiritual Father Jesus Christ and There is A God.

- Energy Never Die's.

-Never give up on hope live for his teachings Learn from your mistakes.
2008-07-20 05:39:24 UTC
By the very "definition" of what a "God" is (an invisible bodiless being of pure energy awareness) there IS NO facts pointing it Its' existence...

And the definition of "faith" is simply to "believe in something" there is no proof just have to "take it on faith" that it's

I'm an Agnostic...When I search inside my head, I find the truth to the question of whether there's a "God" or NOT, is...

"I don't know..."

(And neither does anyone else...)
2008-07-20 03:15:53 UTC
The Bible says, "In the begining God created the heavens and the earth..." How can you look at the night sky or a sunset and not believe in intellengent design? Think of this: If God did NOT exsist, then all the scientists' are right when they believe in the big bang theory. Think about it, this cosmic explosion caused all the vegetation to sprout, all animals to be in exsistence, and eventually enabled man to evolve and to have emotion and to speak. This is clearly not the case, though. The Bible clearly states God the magnificent creater of the earth. Everything that youcan think of-from the invisible spirit creatures in heaven to the stars that fill the night sky to the fruit that grows on the trees to the fish that swim in the oceans and rivers-all of it exists because Jehovah is the creator!!
2008-07-19 23:53:55 UTC
If you are Christian you should already know the facts of God's existence's, if not then read, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John,Genesis, and Exodus

Satan is very sly in putting the doubt in your head, he will pay with your emotions. You must take a stand against Satan and his demon spirits, his lies.When you whisper the Name of Jesus, Satan and all of his demonic spirits will flee.

"Denounce Satan by saying out loud, In the Name of Jesus I command that you leave from my presence, I rebuke you in the name of my Lord and Savior."

Don't give up now. All Prophecies have recently been fulfilled and Jesus will return on a cloud and Archangel will sound the trumpet, and all that belong to the Lord will rise to meet

Him in the air at any time.

There will be so much horror beyond what the human mind can conceive for all that are left behind.
2008-07-19 22:01:13 UTC
Pray to God to help you through this. Read the Word of God for strength in your faith. Are you still going to church? Why don't you talk to your pastor about this. Here is something else that might help to "point to the existence of God" as you said:


B. The Defense of God's Existence

Evidence for God's existence is abundant. To postulate that there is no God and invent a theory that man made God ignores valid theological arguments for the existence of God. Theologians propose many reasons for believing in the existence of God.

1. The arguments

a) Teleological

The Greek word teleios means "perfection," "result," or "end." When we look at something that has been finished or perfected, we conclude it's resulting design must have had a designer. You can't take your watch apart, put all the pieces in a bag, shake it, and then hear the watch tick. A piano didn't just happen to come together because an elephant ran into a tree while a harpist was playing his harp on one of the limbs! Design implies a designer.

b) Ontological

Ontos is a Greek participle from the verb translated "to be." This argument reasons that since the mind of man can conceive of an absolutely perfect Being, that implies the reality and existence of that Being.

c) Aesthetical

Because there is beauty and truth in the world, it is logical to assume that somewhere in the universe is a standard on which beauty and truth are based.

d) Volitional

Because man faces a myriad of choices and exercises volition, it is logical to assume that there must be an infinite will somewhere. The world exists as an expression of that will.

e) Moral

That we know there is right and wrong suggests the necessity of an absolute standard.

f) Cosmological

(1) Examining the equations

Cosmology is the argument of cause and effect. The world and universe exist, and we conclude that someone made it. That makes more sense than believing that everything came out of nothing--that no one time nothing equals all things--which is essentially what the theory of evolution says. As we carefully examine the world, we learn more about the One who made it.

(2) Examining the effects

(a) The cause of limitless space must be infinite.

(b) The cause of endless time must be eternal.

(c) The cause of perpetual motion must be powerful.

(d) The cause of complexity must be omniscient.

(e) The cause of consciousness must be personal.

(f) The cause of feeling must be emotional.

(g) The cause of will must be volitional.

(h) The cause of ethical values must be moral.

(i) The cause of religious values must be spiritual.

(j) The cause of beauty must be aesthetic.

(k) The cause of righteousness must be holy.

(l) The cause of justice must be just.

(m) The cause of love must be loving.

(n) The cause of life must be living.

Our world gives evidence that there must be a God who is the cause of all those qualities, which are merely reflections of His character. And the Bible substantiates every one.

Based on all those arguments you would think that anyone who doesn't believe that God exists is ignorant. Psalm 14:1 supports that reasoning: "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God" (cf. Ps. 53:1).
2008-07-20 20:58:17 UTC
Prayers for you Eric,

Well my brother, there's not a whole lot we can do but witness and give testimony of our own salvations. For me, I knew for fact that God moved in my life because for about 38 years now I have never had to experience the nightmares of living in the gutters of New Orleans or anywhere else for all that matters. I am a successful business man, a wonderful father, husband(I hope) and a lucky grandfather. I am at peace with my life and have not had to suffer much from depression unless you count my impatience on waiting for God to come and take this horrid world away to the land that HE promises.

The way I see things here Eric, one would have to be a fool not to believe and see that God moves in our lives and our loved ones. One would have to be a risk taking fool to deny or ignore God's grace because for those who don't believe, these are the ones taking the biggest risk in the case that God IS above watching all the sin and degradation that many think they are getting away with by writing off God. And for those who endure and stay with their gut feeling (which is really the spirit of God) you know from your own personal experiences that God moves within and about your life. You know that the little soft faint voice in the back of your head is God's spirit talking you through the things HE needs us to pay attention to . And for those who go haphazardly around ignoring those warnings, shame on them! But coming from someone who should have been long since dead of the world and life because I didn't listen to that quaint voice within me when I was a teen, I can only say, "God forgive those who don't know you're real."
Computer Love Q
2008-07-20 11:29:53 UTC
I believe to actually see God one must die, but to see Jesus it has happened on earth in this life time. Only a chosen few though, To not see God and actually believe that he exist, you will be blessed, Come on now you know the rules to this. Only your own experiences can help you at this time no one Else's. YOU have to remember all the times he has helped you when you called him, YOU have to remember every time he has saved you. YOU have to remember every time he has fed you, clothe you, nurtured you, held you and carry you through what ever storm you was going threw at the time. NO One else can do that for you. You have to sit down and have a nice long talk with him, on a one on one and ask him to show you the way and then see what happens then.

Stay Blessed and remember it is his will in the end not yours.
Reflecting on the Force
2008-07-20 06:40:26 UTC
I'm sorry, I am an agnostic and an atheist and I think I can help.

If you are having problems in faith then you should just look to the evidence that first lead you to believe. There is no problem with belief unless it is blind. So just look back to what you once believed and why you did so.

Personally, I think that if you don't know then there is nothing wrong with saying "I don't know". Just be honest to yourself and you can't go wrong.
2014-06-13 12:23:55 UTC
Be sure you actually are a Christian - Knowing about Jesus and God will not do anything for you except give you some knowledge. BUT, if you turn your life over to God's control through Jesus Christ and actually become a Christian you will become a "new creation" - you will become something different and you will know without my help that you are a Christian.
Joshua S
2008-07-20 16:44:43 UTC
My proof of God comes from the beginning of the world.

I do not see how anything but God could have created the world, time, and everything in the world. The big bang just doesn't make sense because it gives no reason for what created the atoms that collided.
2008-07-20 16:36:41 UTC
You must know yourself. You're likely mostly good, and a little bad. If you can admit that, you might be wondering if there's someone "out there" who's completely, absolutely good. Your conclusion just might convince you there's a God.

Some people go beyond that to find God in other people, and that often does the trick. You might have to become aware of the good in others, how they deal with a sick relative or friend, or even a sick stranger. One thing's for sure, you'll never find God in people who only think of themselves.
2008-07-20 13:26:45 UTC
Proof of god can manifest itself in an infinate amout of ways. I has to do with your willingness to beleive. there is an abundant amount of information out there that claims to prove that god isn't real, but if god was standing right infront of you, how woudl it be faith. it dosent take much to beleive in something you know to be tru. A lot of people say that if there is a god then why is there so much pain and suffering in the world. But what I think people are missing in this statement is that god gave each of us a free will. I think when you look at alot of the strife in the world you can see that it can be traced back to a person or a group of people decision or their free will and the effect is has on those around them. how i see it is that if you are looking for god or proof of gods exsistance you have to ask yourself what is it you expect to see. if jesus for example stood in front of some one that was not a christian or had no knoledge of him, then this person would no preceive that they were whitnessing god because thats not what they expected to see. in there mind god dosent look like that, but does this mean that they didn't see him? no it just means they didn't realize it. cause what they saw and what they pictured were too different. If you don't know what you seek, how then can you hope to find it
2008-07-20 13:01:11 UTC
New scientific evidence has pointed to God. Scientists has discovered things that has pointed back to the Bible. Besides that there are too many things that points to Gods existence. For one sometimes you can feel him, God is love, God is grace, God is truth. The other way I know God exists is this. Growing up I was always sick and it took the doctors a long time to find out what was wrong with me. I was always in a lot of pain and I spent way too much time in the hospital and doctors offices. To get to the good part one night I got really sick and died. I was gone for hours, I by the grace of God came back gasping for breath, I could smell this horrible smell like the smell of death, and I could feel this errie presence, like the presence of death. I know God healed me and brought me back. You don't have to believe it, but no one can deny a testimony. And I have a lot of testimony of God, that's just one, I have more sickness and healing stories, I have a lot of car stories, I got into a lot of car wrecks, the last one total the car, knocked me out and it's a miracle I came too, gave me a concussion and a lot of head pain. But the point is I believe in God, not because people tell me too, but because I have experienced his grace and power. You can too, just pray and ask God to show you and try to have faith. I have a lot of faith, even when things look bad, I have faith it'll get better. Faith is what gets you through a lot of bad times. Faith, trust, love, and most important the wonderful grace of God.
2008-07-20 12:35:35 UTC
facts will not help you either you believe what GOD says or you do not.

Rom 1:19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.

Rom 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

2Pe 1:21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

Heb 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
2008-07-20 12:27:07 UTC
Delve into the scriptures. Romans is a good book so are the letters to Timothy and the Gospel of John. Also read some books by Lee Strobel like Case for Christ and Case for the Creator.

Good luck and God Bless.
2008-07-20 10:49:00 UTC
there is no proof of the exisatance of god. that's what faith is for.

if you really feel you are losing faith, than sit down and read the bible, pray with all your heart. attend church. just do everything you can to try and get it back. and talk to someone in your church about it, don't be afraid to ask for help

if you still feel it start to slip away, after an honest try to keep it, than I would suggest you always keep a prayer in your heart that it will come back, and hopefully some day it will
2008-07-20 09:25:05 UTC

My friend Jesus exists and there are many in this world trying to prove the opposite because the devil is guiding them. I wish you one day go to the Holy Sepulcher and feel what thousand of people fell every year. It will be a blessing to you. Faith is not in our mind but our soul.Use it right and you will see everything. Ignore all comments and quotes for proof because they deny even the proofs when it is given to them. The Jews were saved by God crossing them from the Red Sea but few days later they just forgot about it. Man is self distructive and the worse is that he doesn't really care. When feeling doubts just pray for strength to cast away the devil(diabolos=then one who twists everything in mans mind)
2008-07-20 06:12:27 UTC
We are a funny creature. It is our gift that separates us from the others on this earth that often positions us to challenge our creator. We all have done it at some capacity, at some point, in our lives. It is good to do what you can to surround yourself in activities, personal study, and fellowship that can help pray through this but, understand, like all trials in life you will not be able to do it on your own. Through obedience, your ability to hear God speaking to you will improve. Know that He will not be the only speaking though. Reflect on the positive memories of your faith walk during your discernment. Remembering that no thing of man can generate fulfillment like the contentment of a regenerated heart. Peace and prayers with you.
2008-07-20 05:42:52 UTC
You are not alone in this time of "faith struggle". I've been told many times that it is when God feels the farthest from you are actually times He is closest.

Time to hit the books; well Good Book that is. There are lots of passages of people who have shared these feelings too. I've included a chapter from Hebrews that hits the nail on the head.

On a person note... I've given up on classifying my Christianity and am simply working on being a Christian and not some sub-classification. It seems to work well and enables me to focus on growing my relationship with God through Jesus. I could be wrong but suspect that when you meet God it's not going to be conditional on the type of Christian you were. I believe it is more of accepting Jesus, following Jesus' teachings and being there for others to show them the way; just as He did for us.

2008-07-20 05:14:15 UTC
In order to satisfy man’s quest to know about Him, God provided man with an inspired record about Himself. In this account God also explains man’s origin, why sickness and death exist and what hope there is for the future. The collection of these inspired writings is now generally known as the Holy Bible or Scriptures.—2 Tim. 3:16.

The Scriptures are in harmony with man’s inherent inclination to acknowledge God’s existence and go to support it. They attribute the beautiful starry heavens, the marvelous earth and intelligent man to the handiwork of God. They state: “God created the heavens and the earth,” also, “God proceeded to create the man.” Yes, the evidence of the Scriptures, the natural dictate of human reason and the law and order that govern the universe all testify to the fact that God does exist.—Gen. 1:1, 27.
AbdulRahman H
2008-07-20 04:00:49 UTC
Christianity is a cult riding over Jesus religion . Because it riding parasitically over a True religion and reason for its survival till today. I know Christians have doubt over Christianity and have caused Christian t become non believer of anything. You are binded by the truth of the teaching of Jesus, binded by the miracles of Jesus, binded by the interesting story that Bible told you. But dismayed by illogical trinity they many Gods that Christian have to believe. Have you ever wonder Jesus is no a Christian? Have ever wonder why? The tip to your answer look into other religion . Christian is not only religion that believes in God. Suggest you look into Islam, you will find that it is a logical religion. You will have strong faith in Islam more than when you were Christian. Hope this helps.
2008-07-20 17:41:36 UTC
God's word is proof enough for me.Everything

written in it is coming to pass.Being a believer

is the must part.Not unbelievers.There is no

way a true born of the Spirit believer can go

from the true faith to a false one without

becoming miserable.
2008-07-20 16:24:24 UTC
..."Faith" is the substance of things hoped for... the evidence of things unseen. (Hebrews, chapter 11 vs. 1). Like breathing "air"... you can't see the air but you have the "faith" to believe it's there... think not ? try to breath under-water. By "faith" we believe that God created the Universe... think not? ...try to create "anything" out of chaos; like the "big-bang" theory...? take a Watermelon... place it in the center of a football field. Take a pound of C4 explosive, place it underneath the melon and "blow it up"...(a "big-bang") just sit there for a few months and see what happens... in time, you'll begin to see little watermelon plants sprout up around the field... some will grow some won't... but it took intelligent design to "blow-up" the melon and who makes it grow...? (not you) Only God can take a "dead" seed... plant it in "dirt", add water and watch it come up a "green-shoot". It takes the Mind of an all knowing God to do that... mankind can only accomplish what God has given him the abilities to do... by "faith"... (enjoy Gods watermelons... they are really good this time of year).
2008-07-20 13:35:58 UTC
There is no real way to prove the existence of God without looking in the Bible which is an invalid source. If the Bible fails to inspire you then why not give Christianity up?
2008-07-19 23:22:30 UTC
creation testifies to the existance of God. think about creation and how God designed patterns throught like isnt t a bit weird that almost all animals have 2 eyes, a mout and a nose and not to mntion very similar genitals. we all have a heart and lungs and blood. there is no coincidence or chance in any of this, absolutely no way. there has been a divine God who created these things, and unless every part of the body existed in one big bang plus water and vegetation how could anything survive as everything is dependant upon each other. it is definately not an accident my friend.

say no to the doubting and ask God to strengthen u during these testing times. u are loved, and he has plans for u
2008-07-20 17:52:17 UTC
Hi Eric,

You must be going through the same things that every true believer in Christ goes through at some point in their walk with God to a better place, and for sure, you will be getting to a better place if you continue your walk.

The proof of God is in his creation...The skies, sun, moon, planets, atmosphere, The air, the human body, the earth, the waters of the earth, animals, and so forth.

I believe, that in the book according to john, from the Bible that God promises that he will reveal himself to you, once you have made that initial step of faith in accepting Jesus as the one and only son of God, and to ask him forgiveness for dying for your sins, and if you treuly believe this then you will recieve that promise from God.
2008-07-20 17:31:55 UTC
The Bible actually starts assuming God.

"In the beginning God"

The book of Romans in chapter 1 claims people have to really work at it and exert effort to deny His existance.
Joe D
2008-07-20 08:46:40 UTC
I would suggest that you read the works of Professor Bart D Ehrman. He teaches at the University of North Carolina at Chapplehall. His works are well researched and make no outlandish claims but his findings are based on scholarly research and consensus amongst other scholars.

AS for the "Case for Christ" this is a piece of journalistic crap written by someone with a definite agenda which is so obvious even to the least discerning reader. How can you have a case when there are no witnesses for the prosecution?
2008-07-19 22:09:40 UTC
Evidence of God is all arouns you. if you look around looking for reason God will not exist your going to have those doubts. Talk to the pastor at your church or someone you trust about your doubts. Its human nature to doubt Gods power but He pretty good at getting people to see the truth. i hope that helps. if all else fails read the bible and look them up on the internet. some cities that are know to have been destroyed in the bible have been found.

may God bless you and everyone you love!
Bartney M
2008-07-20 18:56:32 UTC
Eric, I don't understand how you would claim to be Christian and dought the existance of God.

But I know and very sure you believe there is a supreme God because you have the conviction that is why you ask the question.

Young man just ask Jesus to forgive you for idle words and move on ok. Have a good week.
rosie b
2008-07-19 22:56:26 UTC
Eric, Have you ever been to a revival? Try and find one and you will be filled with the Holy Spirit . Sometimes we need to have a wakening to refresh our relationship with God. Please try and go to one, before you lean towards agnostic. I think your faith will become alive again. It's only a little time invested before you make a big change like that.
2008-07-20 18:12:18 UTC
The mystics have explained God in a way that has enables me to make sense our the world -- God in Me, God through Me, God as Me.

God through creation is expressing Itself as our world and everything in it, the good and the bad (which is why most Holy Books warn us against judging things) it's all God.

In the begining there was nothing, a void, and God was alone, so God created this world (so It could experience Itself) not with might or strength, or in a chemical laboratory, but rather our world was spoken into existence (let there be...) and it came to be so.

row, row, row your boat,

gently down the stream,

merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...

life is but a dream
2008-07-20 09:59:51 UTC
The many specific prophecies are mostly fulfilled to the day and the letter.

Many promises are experienced daily by people that have received God's Spirit (evidenced by speaking in tongues).

If you receive this you will start to experience the power & love of God and be taught of Him.

Jude:1:20: But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost,

:21: Keep yourselves in the love of God

If you havn't received that you are not yet a christian,
2008-07-20 08:17:09 UTC
Which of these two scenarios do you find more believable:

1) In the beginning there existed a self-creating God who then cause the creation of everything else.

2) In the beginning there existed a self-created mass of matter and energy which then exploded to form the universe and sentient beings like humans.

In both scenarios, the key phrase is "self-creation" This is the core issue to your question. Unfortunately, any decision you make one way or another is a "leap of faith".
2008-07-20 17:57:46 UTC
Pray and read your scriptures. God is the giver of all truth...if you want answers...even to His existance...Ask and be open to the answer. Being open means that you are willing to actually do something with the are actually willing to change your life according the the knowledge. If you aren't willing to do such things...if you are happy as you are or you feel no need to believe in God...well...don't expect much of an answer. You have to have at least the desire to believe He is...otherwise, no point in burdening you with information that you are going to be accountable for but obviously unwilling to accept. Good luck.
The Blue Jaguar
2008-07-20 08:28:32 UTC
oh I understand your feelings buddy, and like you said nobody can refresh your faith, except Jesus Christ, but still I can give you some facts, and the best thing to give you is: New facts about the flood, OK maybe you'll say that it's the hardest argument in the bible, because you almost can't prove it, but I'll tell you something that can make you happier, these new facts make unbeatable evidence that can beat evolution.

I can't write it all here, but I'll give you the basic two words "exploded planet"

that's all that I can write here, if you want more, just write me please on my E-mail address

thank you, good bye
2008-07-20 08:27:28 UTC
Same for me dude. Here's what I'd do...

Ask plenty of questions to the ones who know most about god and then ask the question of belief in god or not. See I believe everyone who goes to church believing in Christ is believing in a blind faith because the words in the bible were written thousands of years ago. Have you ever played the rumor game? Well it's like that. One man told another and another and another so somewhere between the translations of the translations many things got mixed up...I do believe in a greater being but I'm not sure who that great bieng is.
2008-07-20 01:27:52 UTC
Look at what you have been taught so far, earth was made is six days, wrong. The earth is 3000 years old, wrong. Adam and Eve were the first people on earth, wrong. People in the bible lived to be 900 years old, wrong. The earth is flat, wrong.

The bible were stories of old. The year is 2008 with education and common sense and study of old, you can see the agendas of the past.
2008-07-20 00:01:25 UTC
Hi bro,

We have all gone through trying times and need a toutch of God to reassure us .

Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God.Heb 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

What has God saved you from?what is your past ?

When i am down i look back at my past and remember what God has done for me.He delivered me from alcohol,cigarettes,saved my marriage and gave me a new life in him.I cannot tell you all the blessings he has done for me.God has healed me many times ,and my family aswell.

Whats going on in your life.??

Are you attending a good bible based chuch?

Most important :do you have a relationship with God??

You can and this is done through prayer and reading the word.I think you need to tell God how you feel.he knows you and really cares,i am sure he is not happy that you feel this wayand he is waiting with arms wide open for you to call on him.

pray ,pray,worship God and he will meet with you.

God bless

keep in touch.

Psa 1:1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.

Psa 1:2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.

Psa 1:3 And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

Psa 1:4 The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away.

Psa 1:5 Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.

Psa 1:6 For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish.
2008-07-19 22:13:19 UTC
I cannot show you God, all you have to do is look around you and see all that God made. Do you think a "big boom" could have made somethng so beautiful? Could all these things you are seeing just happen by themselves?

2 Corinthians 4:18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

Romans 1:17 For in the gospel a righteousnes from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: "The righteous will live by faith."

Romans 3:3 What if some did not have faith? Will their lack of faith nullify God's faithfulness? Not at all! Let God be true, and every man a liar. As it is written: "So that you may be proved right when you speak and prevail when you judge."

Romans 3:22This righteousness fro God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference,

Romans 10:17Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ.

Romans 14:23 But the man who has doubts is condemned if he eats, because his eating is not from faith; and everything that does not come from faith is sin.

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

Faith is what we live by not facts, not things we can see but our faith is on God the one we cannot see. Because of our faith we will be blessed.

Remember when Jesus arose from the dead and saw his diciples, 11 of them knew it was Jesus. But then their was doubting thomas that had to stick his fingers in the holes of Jesus hands and feet in order to believe.

You either believe there is a God and that he gave his only Son to die for you becaused he loved you so, or you can denigh him and trample on his head.

But there is coming a day:

Romans 14:11 It is written: "As surrely as I live, says the Lord, every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God."

Verse 12 So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God.
2008-07-19 22:05:29 UTC
If you are a Christian that mean to be Christ like or like Christ

read the new testament words in red that Jesus said

If you believe in me believe also in the Father I and the Father are one

I came not into this world to condemn but through me the world would be saved

God came down to earth in the form of Jesus his Son to redeem us back into full fellowship with God himself as we were before the sin

now we can communicate with either of them

through the spirit of the Son Jesus which is the spirit of Prophesy

if you do not have the Baptism of the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost you need that so that you can speak directly to God

in a heavenly language no one can understand but you and God

God is a spirit and those who worship him worship him in spirit and in truth

if you do not feel God you need to pray until you do

prayers and blessings for you my friend

trust God he never fails


2008-07-20 18:47:11 UTC
Genesis 1:1"In the beginning GOD created the earth." WOW, what a statement ! One thing is sure, you are either a Christian or you are not. Many people profess Christianity, but very few possess Christianity. If you are a Christian, you will not doubt the very existence of GOD!
2008-07-20 09:55:32 UTC
God is sitting in heaven watching you always. he cannot or will not help you because if he was to intervene in your life it would tip the scales of good and evil.

You are on your own to live your life the way God wants you to.

Don't give up because you are tired of believing in something that shows you no rewards.

Know that God is testing you and just like in a class room the teacher cannot help you on your test. They, like God, have tried to teach you what you need to know to pass the test so now it is up to you and the rest of us to try and pass this gigantic life long pop quiz. If you pass you move on if you fail you don't. simple as that.

Believe in God and only God. Know that he is watching and waiting for YOU to make the right choices. It is up to you and only you to pass the tests ahead. Right now your doubt is ruining your finally score.
Dani C
2008-07-20 18:41:47 UTC
i respect u so much that u are trying..

the first step is me everyone doubts. but i know that God is real, and i actually do have proof..

i am not sure if you are a Catholic Christian, but even if you are not you do know that they have Saints. Well, there is a very well-known saint, St. Bernadette. (who the blessed Mother appeared to) in 1879 she died and in the autumn of 1909 the work of the episcopal commission looking into Bernadette's reputation for saintliness, virtue and miracles with a view to canonization was complete. The next step was the first "identification of the body" as it is called, which implies identification in accordance with both civil and canon law and verification of the state of the corpse.

what they found was a shock, her body had not decomposed after her being buried for 38 years. They opened the coffin in the presence of the Bishop of Nevers, the mayor of the town, his principal deputy, and several canons.

she is not the only Saint who this has happened to..her body lies in Lourdes, France (location where she saw mother Mary)

the incorrupt body of St. Bernadette is just one proof of God's existence.

pray to your heavenly father and he will answer. pray to him for strength. good luck and God bless!
Rallie Florencio C
2008-07-20 13:17:24 UTC
Stay focused in knowing yourself deep within. Ask why are you here, what seems to be the reason you think your existence is of importance no matter how little or humbling it is.

Believe in the air that you breath as the breath of God coming in and out of you and know that at any moment He may take it away from you is an end to one of your journeys in the continuing cycle of life.

Feel how good it is to show some kindness to those who are in need and you will feel from the gratitude of the receiver as if you also feel God's presence in your giving and receiving grace.

Walk and talk with nature and in yourself you may hear some wonders within. Know yourself better and you will come to know God better.
2008-07-20 01:39:52 UTC
What makes my faith firmer is knowing more about the word of God. Check out the commentaries, observe nature,and of course, read the Bible. Supplementary materials written by archaeologists may also help.
2008-07-19 22:53:24 UTC
The bible is the best way to refresh your faith. And if you want evidence. Just go out side. Smell the fresh air and look at the never ending sky. How else do you explain how everything including us got created?
2008-07-20 18:23:21 UTC
You could start by reading the bible and attending church services, but you should also talk to someone who can help you on a personal level. Perhaps someone in your family, a friend, a pastor? Let this person help you through your doubts. And don't forget to talk to God through prayer. He will guide you home.

God bless.
2008-07-20 16:58:20 UTC
You sound like one of those folks who claim to be Christian, but actually are not. You must be born-again and be baptized before you can become a true Christian. Have you ever prayed this prayer to God?: The Prayer of Salvation?

Dear God, I acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I believe that He was born of the Virgin Mary. I believe that He died on the cross, that His blood was shed for my sins and that He arose from the dead. I confess that I have disobeyed your commandments. I ask you to forgive me for these sins. I now ask Jesus to come into my heart. Be my Savior. Be my Lord. Be my soon coming King. I will do my best to obey your teachings as recorded in the Bible. Thank you, in Jesus name. Amen.

Once you have seriously made this prayer to God He will begin to show you things that are literally out of this world.

You will instantly become a born-again Christian destined to live with God for eternity.
mike m
2008-07-20 18:46:03 UTC
I second the book Case for Christ, and the other book Case for Faith by Lee Strobel, an atheist, until he seriously looked into the matter. Also, search your heart, and pray.
2008-07-20 10:23:17 UTC
Look all around you, study history, science, and archeology. Decipher fact from theory, look at things today all the symbolism and organizations. Google word's like "Amero" "NWO" Skull and Cross Bone Society" "Rothschild" "North American Union" "European Union" "2012" "Mayan Calendar" "Ancient Sumeria" Just do the research if you want to know the truth, NO ONE CAN MAKE YOU BELIEVE, YOU HAVE TO MAKE YOURSELF BELIEVE.
2014-05-17 18:29:28 UTC
But if your faith is stronger than your doubt, I would like to read the bible, especially psalm 103 and understand that like king David you are having doubt and need to review what G-D has done for you. Then, I want you to pray to G-D and ask him to deliver you from your doubt.
2008-07-20 04:56:36 UTC
The existence of writing is a proof that there was a writer.

When one sees a building, one knows there was a builder.

When one sees what is around them of mountains, seas, stars, the sun, the moon, one's sound intellect would lead him or her to realise that there must be a Creator who created these and Willed for them to have the specifications they have.
2008-07-20 01:26:55 UTC
Do you believe in the big bang. Because as I am a Christian, I believe that when God created the universe it was no doubt a "Big Bang"!

Do you believe that you come from apes? What are they doing in the zoo? And where did the apes come from in the first place?

Do you believe in evolution?

When was scientific theory ever based on one man's concept without other scientists' input?

Just some questions to think about.
we are all a little crazy
2008-07-20 00:57:34 UTC
take a good look at the complexity of nature space biology it could not of just happened don t let the worlds crap bring you down we don't live in a perfect world but your faith will bring you through with a better quality and understanding of life,s real meaning a christian life is tough and the rewards greater in the long term don't get discouraged and fall for the lies of Satan he is the great deceiver stay tuff
2008-07-20 11:28:43 UTC
think about times you know the person who helped you through things was God alone. At times when I have came to second-guessing my faith, God always guided me through, I just would open my bible, and be led to remember times that God did things for me. I wouldn't be alive today answering this question if it weren't for him. Times when God has told me to tell people things out of no-where and it been exactly what they had just prayed to hear. Times when God has even showed me visions of whats going on in peoples lives while I was praying for them, and it been exactly what was going on.

All I can do is wish you the best with this and pray with you/for you that God will guide you through this moment.

God bless and be with you,

2008-07-20 18:46:07 UTC
i was in the same place you are in now. Honest to God until today. Everything was going wrong at my church and i really . . i hate to say it, but i hated going and my faith was falling and i didn't think there really was a God. Our youth pastor had left last year to move to Pennsylvania, and everyone else left the church with them bc the only reason they were going was bc they were friends with them. anyways, everything was downhill from there. Until today, after church my family and i went out to lunch. We were getting ready to go and i glance up and honest to God i thought i was going crazy. my youth pastor was at the door just a few feet away. they invited us to a church where they were trying out a job. we went and everything was exactly what we were looking for in a church. it was definitely a God moment. it was awesome to see them again too. but it was even better to finally find a church where we actually belong. That's my story and i really hope it lifts your spirits just like it did mine.
2008-07-20 16:18:13 UTC
Look in the mirror and see one of Gods many miracles!

Just think how you grew from a tiny seed! Can you not see the existence of God?
2008-07-20 06:28:10 UTC
The only book you need to read is the Bible. Start is Revelation this time and READ it, don't just skim through it. Absorb what you are reading.

Then Read through the Psalms a few times.

Reading out loud helps you when it comes to the Bible.

Romans tells us Faith comes by hearing.....
2008-07-20 04:40:03 UTC
Real Christians are born again but these efforts are great....

READ REVELATION for a wakeup call....whats ahead wont be fun for those who dont repent.....

creation and ourselves are proof of God and millions have Him in their hearts....butterflies alone are amazing....newborns can hear even before daughter jumped when I was 8 mos pregnant when the toilet seat slammed down..
2008-07-20 02:13:02 UTC
Study the prophecies of the Bible. Attend a group study, lecture or take an online course. It's pretty incredible how a book written so long ago can predict with accuracy the things that it does.
2008-07-19 23:04:38 UTC

God is the principal or sole deity in religions and other belief systems that worship one deity.[1]

Existence of God

Main article: Existence of God

Many arguments for and against the existence of God have been proposed and rejected by philosophers, theologians, and other thinkers. In philosophical terminology, such arguments concern schools of thought on the epistemology of the ontology of God.

There are many philosophical issues concerning the existence of God. Some definitions of God are sometimes nonspecific, while other definitions can be self-contradictory. Arguments for the existence of God typically include metaphysical, empirical, inductive, and subjective types, while others revolve around holes in evolutionary theory and order and complexety in the world. Arguments against the existence of God typically include empirical, deductive, and inductive types. Conclusions reached include: "God exists and this can be proven"; "God exists, but this cannot be proven or disproven" (theism in both cases); "God does not exist" (strong atheism); "God almost certainly does not exist"[11] (de facto atheism); and "no one knows whether God exists" (agnosticism). There are numerous variations on these positions.

A recent argument for the existence of God is intelligent design, which asserts that "certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection."[12][13][14] It is a modern form of the traditional argument from design, modified to avoid specifying the nature or identity of the designer. Its primary proponents, all of whom are associated with the Discovery Institute,[15][16][17][18][19][20][21] believe the designer to be the Abrahamic God.[22]
2008-07-19 22:00:45 UTC
In my most humble opinion.....

When men can one day point to the proof that god exists, it will too late to matter. Because when the day come that all is revealed that will be day of judgement.

Faith is the belief in something even though we can not see it.

Hope is what we have when there is nothing else left.

Being a Christian only means you follow a set of guides and doctrines that what ever church you belong to just happens to believ in.

When I look at all of the beauty in the world, the natural beauty of sunsets, sunrise, majestic views from mountain tops I am reminded that it was not made by accident nor by man or science.
2014-09-06 07:06:10 UTC
Aquinas' First Argument, Motion

(1) Objects are in motion.

(2) If something is in motion, then it must be caused to be in motion by something outside of itself.

(3) There can be no infinite chain of movers/movees.

(4) So there is a first, unmoved mover.

(5) Therefore, God exists.
2008-07-20 19:01:56 UTC
Take your chances:

If you DON'T believe and there IS a God, then you will burn in hell for eternity.

If you DO believe and follow Christ and there IS a God, then you will live forever in Heaven. And your time spent here will have real meaning.

There are a million reasons to believe in God but no one else's stories will help you. You need to pray about it and truly listen to what He is telling you. Meanwhile, surround yourself with spiritually enriching people who DO believe and can help you with your doubts.
Zane M
2008-07-20 09:55:41 UTC
Who will you turn to in a time of need? Just try this, Put God first in everything that you do for an entire year. Proclaim that you are in god's favor and he is a god of increase and this year will be your best year yet. Just be super positive and know that he is above all and he controls everything and he is your father above ALL. You arent meant to survive but to thrive. Keep this attitude and god will deliver you his message. He is in yur heart, listen to your heart and not your head, put all negativity aside. God resides in the postive, you will find him there.... Check out Joel olsteen, he has helped me...
BlueBelle Got Spanked
2008-07-20 08:36:25 UTC
If you're a Christian, you've already experienced the existence of God within you. Everyone has times of a walk a little less close but that's us walking away, not Him. Pray.
2008-07-20 07:18:06 UTC
The Holy Spirit can witness to your spirit that you are a child of God:

Romans 8:16 The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God:

If you are baptized in the Holy Spirit and you can pray in tongues you will know that when you pray in tongues it is the Holy Spirit giving you utterance. This is one way that I myself know that the Holy Spirit is living in me and is real. The Holy Spirit is God so God is real.

Acts 2:4 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

I pray that the Father will strengthen your faith and that you will have an experience of the reality of the Father and HIs Son.
2008-07-19 22:44:32 UTC
You understand that which is counter to what God has said. Yes, your faith can be 'refreshed', if refreshed means that your faith is added to.

The Bible says that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

So I understand what you are saying, it's just that I must disagree with what you are saying. It is becoming clear to me that you are doing what is commonly called 'backsliding', and perhaps it's been going on for some time.

It is not by human nature that we can want to know God. God makes it happen through His Spirit, whom Jesus said would come into the world (John 16).

Those who are guided by God are led by Him to Christ. It is through Christ we gain our peace with God. What we must do to initiate that contact is trust in what God has said.

What I see you asking for are things about what God has already talked about. So what did He say?

God's word says this;

Psalm 32:10

Many are the woes of the wicked, but the LORD's unfailing love surrounds the man who trusts in him.

If you want that, then trust Him. You might have at one time, but perhaps you got into one of those churches that teach 'morals' instead of trusting God. They are many, that's why I bring it up.

God is our righteousness. And you can take that literally. Spiritually, but literally.
2008-07-20 19:07:04 UTC
Try reading ekart tolle - the power of now - and watch the movie - what the bleep do we know - remember to breathe and stop thinking and be still for a bit
2008-07-20 17:24:09 UTC
GOD====Gift - Of - Duality

which equals choice in this illusional realm we co-created with the Unconditionally Loving Source--IT-GOD etc.
2014-07-23 06:25:46 UTC
Doubts don't make you agnostic...they make you human. The key is what you do with you allow them to motivate you to demand answers and proof or do they cause you to surrender them to God. Jesus didn't slap Peter or Thomas when they doubted...he was perfectly willing to help them overcome those doubts...and he will do the same for you IF you are willing to ask for his help.
2008-07-20 11:39:51 UTC
Eric, Is Jesus in your heart?

He must be, or satan would NOT be planting that doubt in your heart.

Satan is giving you that doubt--

He must be knowing that something GOOD is going to happen TO YOU or FOR YOU.

God is right beside you, WHEREVER you are.

You can talk to Him like you can a friend.

He changed my heart, Eric, for GOOD--I am so content, happy, full of joy, and PEACE that passes understanding.


That's the way I look at it, as a Christian.
2008-07-20 06:40:14 UTC
Jesus is the Rock, right? I Corinthians 10.

We all "struggle", Jesus said the Spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.

IF you are a Christian, that means you "hit" the Rock to get water, just like Moses "hit" the Rock to get water for Israel.

When you get "thirsty" again, you do NOT hit the Rock, you "speak" to the Rock...Jesus died once for your sins, He is now your God.

Speak to the Rock, confessing your sins, humbling your heart...the water will come again.

Study this in full on your own...welcome to life, Spiritual is hard, it is a battle, Jesus is the Way! Be encouraged, He will speak again to you...
2008-07-20 05:48:58 UTC
Hi Eric,

I believe that the answers to all these questions are within us, and all around us. Belief is a combination of choice, and of listening to that inner voice. Go to your nearest state park, find a beautiful spot, and stand and be silent. Watch, and listen to nature... you will see God all around you. He is always there, all you have to do is listen. I don't mean that in a biblical way, but in a very personal, spiritual way. The love we have inside for all those around us is the surest way to experience God. Good luck in your search!
2008-07-20 05:00:56 UTC
Lee Strobel has done excellent work in the line of apologetics for Christianity. Read his books. Also check out his website:
2008-07-19 23:51:30 UTC
Well, for me, when i really want something, i jus ask really hard. Its all about feeling. If you ask and you want it that bad, then you will get it most of the time, unless it conflicts with your destiny. If you are testing God, you wont get what you want. What are evidences of God? Stigmata is one of them. Also, the fact that there is a Devil is another one. The fact that there are hauntings is another one. The fact that HELLA people worship only one God, is another one. You should go and ask your priest for more info... jus an fyi. But, if you are trying to test the Lord, you wont get what you want to see. For example, if you want to see God's power, and you ask for him to move a mountain He aint gonna do it. Why? Cuz your jus tryin to test Him. But lets say for some wierd reason, you jus happen to want to move that mountain, for some reason, lets say there was an avalenche and it fell on your family memeber, or somethin, and you really want them back, it is possible that SOME HOW the mountain (or reamains of the avelanche) will move, and have your relative living, unless it jus happened to be thier time to die. Also, people say, that when they go in a comma, when they wake up, they experience something spiritual. Those who doubt God, end up believing in him somehow. Try lookin for it in the history channel. The episode was on Hell... i think.... lol.
2008-07-20 19:56:22 UTC
Your faith is the proof of God.

You can't always believe in what you see!

I hope this helps!
2008-07-20 20:53:15 UTC
Romans 1:19-20 makes it clear that God has put within every man the knowledge of Himself, so the starting point is that deep within the recesses of every man's being is solid proof that God exists. Sadly many stifle their conscience and also reject the wooing of the Holy Spirit and harden themselves against truth about God and die in sin when salvation has been offered to "Whosoever will." If you are truly a Christian you certainly must understand this!

Second: The Bible makes it clear that "God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son, the "whosoever believeth in Him" ( not mental assent but heart belief ) because the Bible states that the devils believe and tremble -- to continue: "Whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but will have everlasting life."

Third there are archaelogical proofs of the truth of scripture that clearly verify the veracity of God's Word. Beyond that the complexity of the cosmos all the way down to the complexity of DNA show that intelligence was required to create and sustain universal life in spite of the "hypothesis" put forth by evolution.

Further, as a Christian you must have come across some very remarkable stories about people who nobody gave any hope for and God radically transformed their lives. I am one of those individuals who endured parental abandonment, the drug culture, excessive use of alcohol, bitterness, attempted suicide, and much more before the blood of Christ cleansed me thoroughly of my wickedness and sin.

As far as refreshing your faith is concerned that is a personal matter between you and God. Faith is not something you feel but something you exercise whether it is accompanied by feelings or not. "For we walk by faith, not by sight." "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

God is no more or less real when we allow unbelief to come into our hearts and minds. There is no failure on His part, but only on our part because we are sinful and imperfect while He is Holy and perfect. God sees your struggles and is very willing to restore your faith when you are ready to repent of your doubts as you did from the beginning of your walk with Him if you truly trusted Christ for salvation in the first place.

I pray earnestly that you will read and understand this as it is meant - with a godly desire to see you restored to your walk with God in a way that will not flinch or compromise no matter what you may think or feel or what you are going through.
2008-07-20 13:35:06 UTC
The best idea I think is to make your own mind up on the subject. Believers will tell you to believe more, and pray more, but that only leads to blotting the questions and doubts from your own mind. They will tell you to try harder, study your bible, go to church or speak to others who will "help" you believe more. But those things won't make you happier, they will only make your mind feel numb.
2008-07-20 11:42:02 UTC
Read some Lee Strobel, get on youtube and watch some Ravi Zacharias, William lane Craig.

Get the Apologetics study Bible.
mike vt
2008-07-20 05:17:00 UTC
this is a video series by Paul Washer on Biblical Assurance, please don't give up the race there is much evidence that we are near the end, press on to gain the prize that awaits the faithful keep your eyes on the cross and immerse yourself in the Word of God. fight with your full armor upon yourself.
2008-07-19 22:00:09 UTC
We, human beings have a great limitation that we seldom understand. It is our weakness to perceive anything from our preset criteria. We believe that if something does not look proper to our ability to understand, we simply reject it. We can perceive things based only on our experience on earth. This is the prime reason for us to look for proof of existence of God. We forget the fact that we, ourselves are the proof.

Do you know that you are a distinct person? I guess that the world population is about 6 billion. All these six billion people are different from each other, while they are having same common features. Don't you think is as the greatest miracle on earth? These six billion people live on a big ball called earth, which rotates itself while running fast at a pace of 1,600 miles per hour around the sun. But, have you ever felt the rotation and running of the earth? The earth stands in nowhere! It is a big ball with no support to stay in space! We build a house and it is based on its foundation. It can not stand in the air. Here, the earth is standing on nowhere! It is not even standing, but self-rotating and running. If you travel by an aircraft, you will feel its flight. And, until you alight from it, you are not sure whether it will definitely land at the destined airport. When you get out of the flight, you feel secure, because from human hands you have came down to God's hands. The aircraft runs with the fuel it uses, but the earth, which carry seas, mountains, humans and else everything runs on no energy. Where does its energy come from? Just open your eyes and look around. If you can not perceive the hands of a great craftsman behind this mysterious and beautiful creation, even if God comes down and speaks to you in person, you will not accept him.
2008-07-20 02:51:22 UTC
Pray to God, ask Him to reveal Himself to you. Attend a Spirit filled Church, Get Baptized with the Holy Spirit then there will be no doubt in your mind, you will know that God is Real!
2008-07-23 08:40:10 UTC
Does God exist? Theologians, philosophers, scientists, and atheists have debated the existence of God for hundreds of years. Theologians affirm His existence, even though they debate about who He really is. Philosophers ponder the ability of knowing God and if He exists at all. Scientists don't find Him under a microscope or on a scale. So they largely ignore and often define Him out of existence. Atheists, of course, deny Him and many of them try to prove He does not exist.

Yet, God exists.

He does not exist because we say He does; He is independent of our proclamations. He does not exist because we want Him to exist; He is independent of our desires. He does not exist because in our ignorance, we insert God in order to explain the unknown; He is independent of our ignorance. No. God exists because He is. We Christians have experienced Him, felt Him, and know Him. We can see His hand in our lives. We see the circumstances of life move and be moved to bring us to answers that we know are from Him. We sense Him our prayers and our lives. We see Him work in the lives of others. We watch as He answers prayer and confirms in our own hearts His love for us. We know He exists because He exists.

The Bible speaks of God and does not defend His existence. It simply asserts it. Sometimes there are simply things you cannot prove to someone else, but you know. Yes, this is subjective, but it is often true.


To the query “Why is there but one God?” a child answered: “Because God fills every place, and there’s no room for another one.”
2008-07-20 19:50:46 UTC
You need to pray to your heavenly Father for help..and do not feel fustrated because at one point in life everyone doubts, it is the human nature.

ask God to guide you and ask him to help you, He will not let you down, i promise you.

"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.." Matthew 7:7

do not give up your faith..i will pray for you.

"Faith is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see" Hebrews 11:1

i do have a little piece of proof for u..

St. Bernadette's body lies in Lourdes France, she died in 1871 and her body has not decomposed, many other saint's bodies have been incorrupt as well. look into here for more info on her..

but the most important thing is pray! even tho when u are praying you may have doubt and think to urself "i am talking to myself" you are not talking to yourself, God is real and he will respond. be patient and pray every night.

God Bless You!
2008-07-20 10:47:01 UTC
God loves you and sent His son to you. There is more evidence that Jesus Christ lived and died then there is on Julius Cesar. Everyday you have and every moment you are alive is a testament to His existence. He has said that He has written His name on creation and even in the sky all you have to do is look.

I to sometimes find myself separated from God but then I realize it is me and not Him. I erect the walls that separate and He is waiting quietly and patiently for me to figure things out and when I do He accepts me back with open arms and proves His love for me all over again. Please go in peace and go with Christ.
Lady Amairany Gray
2008-07-20 10:37:15 UTC
Yes, but while you're at it, why not get facts to also disprove the existence of god so you get both sides and can decide for yourself, unbiased? Just see what nonbelievers have to say. A lot of us are rather civil, actually.
2008-07-19 21:58:08 UTC
I would recommend reading the writings of the early Church fathers... also the saints. I especially love St. Thérèse of Lisieux and St. Francis de Sales.

More than that, though, if you are doubting, above all, pray. Pray for faith. Pray, but not like "hey, if You're out there, show Yourself." You need to approach God with trust and openness, like a good and loving Father Who thinks of you often and wants you to be happy. Be honest with Him and with yourself about your weakening belief, and have a true desire to change it. Be aware that you can't bring back your faith through your own effort. Also, don't rely on exterior signs or physical evidence to revive dead faith... there will always be an atheist there ready to ridicule you and use those same proofs against you. Faith is a free gift from God. So in brief, trust, pray, persevere through the dry times, and relax. If you really trust Him He won't let you down. He may be allowing this crisis to allow you to show Him how much you really desire to be with Him. Wait on Him, and He will grant your heart's request.

I'd also recommend a fantastic book entitled "The Father Speaks to His Children," available online at

The real meat of it starts on page 11, if you're in a hurry.

It's going to be ok.

Tomorrows God
2008-07-19 21:56:44 UTC
I have been doing just that, and long enough to acquire more than 8000 points.. God says if you do not go within, you go without.. Stop using your mind and start using your heart, which is a conduit to your soul...Do you really believe God's truth is unavailable to you? Do you also believe that what I say is simply the meanderings of an old man..Listen to your heart before you reject reading Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch which is available free at your library.. I and the creator God rejoice each time another truly finds God..Trust your heart... God bless you..
Uncle Thesis
2008-07-20 14:10:44 UTC
May I offer the reasoning given at Hebrews 3:4?

If you are obliged to see God in order to believe will wait a long, long time.

However, God gave man the ability to reason.

Let's use it! Hebrews 3:4 suggests.
2008-07-20 11:12:16 UTC
How can you call yourself a chiristian if you don't have Faith in our Lord and Savior ? Keep reading and studying the bible daily , and go to a Bible believing church .
2008-07-20 08:57:51 UTC
Here are some scientific and logical arguments for the proof of God, in video. -- Lee has some great books out (he's a former atheist) with lots of evidence for the existence of Jesus.

The 4 Spiritual laws:

Find your purpose and ministry: -- Great book, bestseller on the secular market.
2008-07-20 07:35:36 UTC
You need personal assist from one of The Church. I hope you have a church home to go to. Seek out one there you can trust and ask for help. your "problem" is not that unusual... but it is best to have someone you can talk to about it... you do not give your age or enough info for a proper reply here... I sent you an email and, if you want, feel free to email me.
John D.
2008-07-19 22:48:05 UTC
Trust me the other side has a much harder time in life. They have nothing helping them in hard times. I actually feel quite sorry for atheists and agnostics.
►Coconut Butter◄
2008-07-20 18:22:15 UTC
Romans 10:17

Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ.

Here is a good read...
2008-07-20 20:34:00 UTC
The new testament of the bible is base on the " life " of a man who never existed outside it as well as the old testament being plagiarized from the Sumerian cultures myths . If you don't believe me look it up even the story of " Noah " was the tale of a Sumerian prince that was actually documented . It was horribly exaggerated by a wader mob of goat raping bronze age savages who want to imitate that civilization without being absorbed by them .
2008-07-20 05:49:23 UTC
Read a book like Case for Christ. Surround yourself with strong believers, and attend the church you trust

It helped me when I realized how very reliable the Bible really is.

you have to be forcus in doing things
2008-07-20 20:25:57 UTC
That's why it's called "FAITH", Dude. Look at a leaf. It has a zillion parts and pieces and functions. Do you really think it evolved from a BIG BANG??
2008-07-20 12:53:48 UTC
God does exist!

if you have read the Bible....

everything He said was going to happen....has happened and everything He said was going to happening right now!

Get yourself a Bible with translations....its so much easier to comprehend!

If you are not feeling God in your life right now....its because you are pulling away from Him.....and He wont stop you! called free will!

Dont push Him out of your life!.....draw closer to Him!

The closer you draw to Him ...the closer He will draw to you....He tells us this in the Bible.

When you put Jesus as top priority in your life.....its a truly amazing experience....its life changing!

Jesus came into my life in April and i no longer want for anything.....i mean ...Nothing!

i am very happy and content!

If you desire to pull away.....i feel sorry for you.......knowing the way i feel in my heart..... all the love and goodness that is within me........ is the best feeling i have ever experienced!

Please pray hard to Jesus.....please make Him number one in your will definitely feel and see a change in your life!

I will pray for you!

May God have mercy on us!

God Bless your heart!

With Love.... "D"
2008-07-20 02:52:36 UTC
I went through the very same thing when I began to realize that my religion was so off base. My suggestion...pray, pray, pray and then meditate. God is faithful. God will speak with you, just listen.
2008-07-19 23:24:35 UTC
Did you accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior? If you have then know that satan delights in leading believers as well as non believers astray. Seek God and He will come closer to you. You need to spend time in the Bible every morning and night. You need to spend time in prayer since that is where you seek God and come to find His will for your life.
2008-07-20 15:21:58 UTC
look at everything around you and remember that God made it all. You can also look at your family and realize the love you give to them he gives to you. Also read your Bible. It is amazing what is all in there

God Bless

2008-07-19 22:36:02 UTC
The thing that always helps me is this saying:

If you believe in God and there is no God, you have lost nothing.

But if you don't believe in God and God does exist, you have lost everything.

I hope this encourage you to keep your faith in Christ.
2008-07-20 20:20:00 UTC
The question of if God exists or not cannot neither be proved or disproved. This is why it is called "faith in God." It is all up to you.
allan b
2008-07-20 05:06:27 UTC
God inhabits the praises of His saints. Just start praising and worshiping Him until it comes from the heart and you will be aware of His presence.
2008-07-19 22:51:46 UTC
The only knowledge of God that you need to know is that Jesus Christ came from heaven to earth, lived a perfect life, died on the cross, and washed away the sins of mankind so that we may get to heaven. All you have to do to do is turn away from your sin and accept Jesus Christ as Lord.
2008-07-19 21:52:02 UTC
I find the prayers of mine which are most answered, are prayers for direction. So in your case, I might pray that God take a hold in my life and help me to see His presence in my life.

I have a very scientific frame of mind. One thing that was discussed in one of my lecture classes in college was the fact that science and religion do not ask or answer the same questions. (This was in a class on evolutionary theory.) Science asks and answers "how" and religion asks and answers "why".

I can't give you facts that point to God, but I can tell you that there aren't facts that point to His non-existance either. I find the beauty in nature to help me feel God's presence. I also love the order in things, the consistency of natural laws and science. To me, these things are beautiful as tools of God. Other religious people I know, find these boring, so I'd suggest trying to find the things that help you feel God.

Good luck! And God bless.
2008-07-20 07:31:32 UTC
umm, lets see he sent his only son to die a very painful death on a big wooden cross so you could live in heaven for eternal life with your savior. then 3 days later he rose again to prove that not even death can hold him. during those 3 days he was in hell paying for the sins of the world, if thats not love, i dont know what is. all he wants in return is our love.
Emily M.
2008-07-20 16:31:27 UTC
Dear Eric,

It is my sincere hope that I can help you in any and every way possible....

I don't know how to explain so that it will make perfect and complete sense, but I'll try my very hardest.

Do you ever get those moments when you feel so low and depressed, that you have such emptiness inside; you can almost convince your mind that all your organs are just filled with air ... and your heart filled with water.... just plain doggone emptiness?

When ever something is going really wrong in my life, like for example my mother threatening to leave my family every now and then.... I feel that way... empty, upset, full of rage and sorrow.... and I'll feel like that for a day or two ... just a total wreck, and I wont feel like getting up and doing all my chores, or helping my brother with his homework, or going to the food market for my father, etc.

How ever, since time doesn't stop... Sunday morning always comes around, and church always starts at 10:45am.

When arriving at church, friends greet me excitedly and joyously... with hugs and smiles. They ask for me to sit with them in the pews and I half heartedly agree to do so.

Church service begins and the pastor greets everyone warmly. Then the songs of worship take place......

While my crazy friends are singing wildly and dancing awkwardly, it suddenly just hits me....

A fast moving pace song comes up and everyone gets up on their feet and starts dancing and clapping and singing to the sounds of praise...It creates warmth inside me.... all of a sudden I feel like doing back flips and jumping up and down to the beat of the music... lifting my arms and clapping my hands above my head ... and singing glory ... I can feel the blood running through me and I feel loved again....

That’s one of the ways that I can refresh my faith... rocking out and singing to glorify his name.... fills me up with such joy.

The reason: God fills up that emptyness inside you... He is the only one that can fill that hole in your heart... If you've ever heard of people crying and falling on their knees when they accept God into there lives... thats why.

The other way is (this is gonna sound kind of weird) sharing someone's pain. When I see a child cry, a person who's hurt, or an individual who's in pain.... my heart is pulled to help who ever it is.... I just can't stand it when someone is in pain... I cry with them, I hurt with them, I share their pain, I tell them it's gonna be okay ... even in the bleakest of situations...If someone can smile in those kind of times.... that’s a sign of love ... love is Jesus

But if you really and truly want a short answer to your question, Eric, then look up the following in your bible:

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres."

Then substitute God for love... it should read like this:

"God is patient, God is kind. He does not envy, He does not boast, He is not proud. He is not rude, He is not self-seeking, He is not easily angered, He keeps no record of wrongs. God does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. He always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. God never fails."

Where there's love there's God. That's a fact.

Hope this helps you. Have a peachy day.

Love and Blessings,

Lord's Child

P.S. Note that your question has brought more that 200 people to answer it.... most of them to encourage you to become strong in your faith. That is another sign of Jesus. God bless
neil s
2008-07-19 22:41:43 UTC
1) Study epistemology (the theory of knowledge) to figure out what is and what is not a sound means of coming to belief.

2) Next, apply that standard to everything you encounter to see what claims are reasonable to make and what claims aren't.

These simple exercises should bring you to some clarity.
2008-07-19 22:20:42 UTC
All I know is that I have a very strong intuition, many things I know come true, it's like i'll open the door before someone will knock, and know who it don't have to believe me, but, my strong, very strong intuition tells me there is a God, many angels, I don't believe in modern day religion, but, I do believe in God, and that he-she is all forgiving....
2008-07-19 22:06:05 UTC
Try There is a revival going on in Florida, and there are videos on that site of miracles going on. It's not staged entertainment. It is real just like our God.
You Know It
2008-07-19 22:00:10 UTC
Pray to the Lord to ask for faith. Read the Bible, focusing on passages that inspire you. Most of all, look for miracles that go on everyday. Beautiful things created by God that you may otherwise miss. Try and put your mind to rest and listen to your heart.
2008-07-20 17:50:34 UTC
Hey I was in the same kind of thing for a long time. today however I went to Church for the first time in around 20 years

not the "normal" Church but for the first time in a long time it seems like the right church for me anyways.

it was a Unitarian Universalist Church.
2008-07-20 13:29:16 UTC
I looked at the evidence science has. I didn't see anything there that made God either "obsolete" or "unnecessary".

Think about it, seriously.

Without God, how did everything get here in the first place?
2008-07-20 12:19:46 UTC
I recommend .This site provides scientific evidence to back up the Bible account of God and creation, and is not afraid to tackle some of the tough questions raised by secular humanist evolutionists.
Diamond Lady
2008-07-20 20:21:26 UTC
Eric, I cannot answer your question any better than so many have already done. I will pray that you find your answer soon. Give yourself to God and you will never be sorry. God Bless You.
2008-07-19 22:20:04 UTC
well i see alot of good answers but the one thing i do not see is prayer!! get down on your knees and pour your feelings out to God let him know just how you feel {He really already knows, but God loves to hear our voices cry out to Him} i promise if you do this and really mean it God will let you know hes real you will feel the Holy Spirit inside of you. you are a saved christian right? if you are than the Holy Spirit lives inside you already. if you have never asked Jesus to be your savior i advize you to do so right away!!
2008-07-20 14:17:15 UTC
The Bible says those who seek find. To choose to just be aparthetic, will probably just grow more apathy...but if you seek God ernestly and ask Him to reveal Himself to you, He will. That's God's promise.
Digital Age
2008-07-20 13:49:24 UTC
Miracles in your life.

God performs miracles in the lives of the faithful.
2008-07-20 10:30:41 UTC
The Word of YHWH is the Truth and Life.

Choose life, be Blessed, and Live!
2008-07-20 07:03:13 UTC

I recommend the council given by James 1;v 5 .

"if any man lack wisdom ,let him ask God ,who giveth to all men liberally ,............

and also what Jesus said ," any man can know that the doctrine, be not mine ,but of the Father who sent me".

And Paul's council "prove all things and hold fast to it."

Finlay ,Alma the prophet,in the Book of Mormon states clearly "and this is not all ,do you suppose that i know of these things of my self?Behold,i testify unto you that i do know that these things where for i have spoken are true and how do you suppose i know of this surety?

Behold ,i say unto you they are made known unto me by the Holy spirit of God.behold i have fasted and prayed many days that i might know these things of myself.And now i do know of myself that they are true; for the Lord God has made them manifest unto me ,by his Holy Spirit;and this is the Spirit of revelation which is in me.


God Bless.
2008-07-20 03:10:02 UTC
remember faith is there where the logic ends .as there is no logic for loving your parents same is in the case of god. you never ask anybody that they believe in their parents or not .

the creation of world began through an atom.but there was some power who created that atom .that power is called god.
2008-07-20 10:56:53 UTC
i agree with Helen. surround yourself with Christian influences. if you want facts just look around you, the trees, animals, sky and water could not exist without God.
2008-07-20 05:43:56 UTC
Sorry to break it to you, but no, there is no proof....just a bunch of mumbo jumbo and word philosophical word play. If you really want to belief then do it, but dont ask for proof, becouse you will not find it. Sorry, but someone had to tell you this.... :)
2008-07-20 02:15:37 UTC
1) The bible can help.

2) There are research in Israel that God exists.
Miz Manda ....
2008-07-20 00:34:57 UTC
God is a learned behavior. You do NOT no god when you are born. You are TAUGHT god. Here you are prooving thus. As you grow older and wiser you see ...

And now you ask for reassurance. There is no god. Simply open your eyes and look around. Its simple.

We (Man) have all the power to create, cure,destroy as god ... we took that power he is our equal therefore we blew the very bible out of the water and thus took the almighty power making there description our equal. Proving there is NO god.
2008-07-19 21:56:25 UTC
For the last 37 years having a relationship with Jesus Christ has lead me from suicidal despair into a valuable, genuine life that I'm glad to have. He's helped me in all situations including dealing with an addiction to pain pills that I got into.

He's accepted me no matter what mistakes I've made. He let's me be who I am with Him and has never condemned me.

The best tip I can offer today is to encourage you to get alone with God and just get honest about what is going on that has lead you to doubt Him.

Be sure you actually are a Christian - Knowing about Jesus and God will not do anything for you except give you some knowledge. BUT, if you turn your life over to God's control through Jesus Christ and actually become a Christian you will become a "new creation" - you will become something different and you will know without my help that you are a Christian.

Go on and read the book of John in the New Testament and the Book of Romans. The Bible promises that there is enough around us in nature to prove the existence of God.

It is not wrong to have doubts, just lay them out before God and let Him help you with them.
2008-07-20 13:52:12 UTC
Faith is the consoling feeling that replaces reasoning.
2008-07-20 12:59:16 UTC
God exists.

That is the simple truth.

God uses a thing called "free will"

I choose to use it in a way I believe is right.

God is real.


End of story.
2008-07-19 21:54:32 UTC
Ah, but don't you see the inherent flaw in your request? Faith involves believing without are asking to see first so you can have faith but that simply isn't possible! (Heb. is the substance of things hoped for...the evidence of things unseen).

More importantly, what makes you think that all the evidence in the world would give you enough faith to eliminate your doubts? Peter lived with Jesus...he saw the miracles, he heard the words and saw plenty of other evidence...and he still did Thomas. God led the Israelites out of Egypt all the while performing dramatic miracles to help them along the way...and within a few days of arriving at their destination, they were melting down their jewlery to make an idol to worship! The bible is filled with stories of people that had dramatic encounters with God...and they still doubted...why would you be any different. Fact is, if you don't have at least a measure of pure faith, you wouldn't believe it if God showed up in your bedroom and shared everything he knows with you!

I'm not trying to pick on you...I'm actually trying to give you the only tip I know...that faith is a choice...and it is one you have to make every day if you want to have any chance of finding the evidence you seek. I know it isn't easy...people tell us things about God (and about Jesus) that just "don't seem right" to us (and they probably aren't)...we learn something about the world we live in that seems to contradict something we believe about God (and forget to consider that WE are the source of the contradition...because what we think about him is wrong!)...we pray for something we really need and don't get it so we doubt he's listening...something horrible happens to us and we doubt his promise to protect us. That's kind of the point of life...a great big classroom designed to teach us how to consciously and actively choose faith even over our own senses.

Doubts don't make you agnostic...they make you human. The key is what you do with you allow them to motivate you to demand answers and proof or do they cause you to surrender them to God. Jesus didn't slap Peter or Thomas when they doubted...he was perfectly willing to help them overcome those doubts...and he will do the same for you IF you are willing to ask for his help.

...a final tip...make sure you're asking not demanding...there is a huge difference. You may think you know what you need to reduce your doubts (or to make you happy, or whatever)...but the chances are pretty good that you're wrong. God knows EXACTLY what you need...and when you go to him with an attitude of "your will be done", he'll give it to you.
2008-07-20 14:50:09 UTC
You tube has a great answer based upon Thomas Aquinas logic I have sourced it for you .

Hope it helps.
2008-07-20 09:24:31 UTC
U need to trust God more . He is everywhere around u. Make sure that He knows how u feel .

Good Luck!!
2008-07-20 06:28:26 UTC
wat u did is wat u get. when u did sumtin u hv to receive the karma. refresh is to beautiful to hope. why dun u keep doin good things rather than think that u can't be refresh?

just like a glass of water,if ur sin is a spoon of salt,then pour more water,n keep pouring till the salty can't be tasted again. water means do good things.
Two-edged Sword
2008-07-19 21:41:16 UTC
Asking a question in a crowded room and then everyone giving you an answer at the same time is noisey and confusing. You can't be helped by listening to this noise. If you are sincere about this lets talk. There are some things you really ought to know.
2008-07-20 17:54:14 UTC
I have worked in many places in Africa, with many tribes. They all have their own god. That tells you something.

I suggest you read the book " the god delusion " by Richard Dawkins.
2008-07-20 02:39:06 UTC
y'know, instead of trying to look for God, just try feeling it. see how that works for ya. (trust me.) and then you don't have to worry about WHAT you call it because you know it and it doesn't need a name.
2008-07-19 23:57:50 UTC
Jesus can resfresh your faith !!! :) ok like just pray with your whole heart ... and remember that just because crap happens it doesnt mean that God stops existing he is very real God bless
2008-07-19 22:32:37 UTC
The empty tomb.

You gain faith by hearing and reading your bible
2008-07-20 19:43:37 UTC
if you beleive him, GOD he is in your heart doubting is a tool satan use he is a lier and the father of lie's ask yourself this question ''i would rather die knowing its a GOD then die knowing i will burn in hell for eternity'' get in the word ask the LORD for wisdom knowledge and understanding if said if you ask in his son JESUS name he would give it to you then you won't have to ask others
2008-07-20 06:10:33 UTC
just read the bible start with genesis 1 then read the book of john and then read the new testament. try to indulge yourself to Christian activities such as cell group prayers, joining the choir or the dance ministry, join bible studies...etc.

part of the causes of your doubt is your stressed mind and body,

try also to indulge yourself to recreational activities with your friends, church mates, peers, other groups and specially to your family....z....
2008-07-20 14:36:16 UTC
Bible or faith fuel by tony nolan
2008-07-20 14:08:37 UTC
Without Christ, how can you call yourself a Christian?
2008-07-20 06:13:23 UTC
read Hebrew 11
dawn m
2008-07-20 19:39:06 UTC
First, tell me what makes you think you are a Christian. Then I can logically answer your question with scripture.
2008-07-20 18:41:51 UTC
sure, i can tell you that whenever i ask for a revelation about an issue and i is revealed to me.

i can tell you that in 48 years of my life God has shown himself to be alive and very instrumental in providing for me and my kids (widow) we have been in some very very difficult spots..........and HE is there...

have you called on HIM lately?


be very specific.
June smiles
2008-07-20 11:22:33 UTC
You have to believe in God deep in your heart and soul.

May God help and guide you.
2008-07-20 20:52:11 UTC
Find a Roman Catholic church and inquire about their RCIA sessions, Right of Christian Initiation of Adults. They are very informal inquiry sessions and can be very informative for you.
2008-07-20 14:29:08 UTC
is there something that has made u feel this may maybe a death of a close one ?

get people close to you to pray for you ... it should help
Jesus freak
2008-07-20 11:07:24 UTC
I f you have a conscience, you'll know that there is a God. God speaks through our conscience a lot.
2008-07-20 09:35:26 UTC
If you're a Christian, you've read atleast part of the Bible, right?

Then, there's your proof. Read it with an OPEN heart.
2008-07-20 19:28:30 UTC
Think on your existence.

Whoever controls your heart is your creator.
briann f
2008-07-20 15:29:45 UTC
take a walk in nature and ask yourself questions of god pray in jesus's name
2008-07-19 22:08:14 UTC
yesi have some the bible..pray and dont think to much about science...what will it give you to not believe in wont get a lifetime supply of yogurt so why dont you just believe in him and it might help you get to heaven
2008-07-19 21:43:51 UTC
Eric, the best answer that I can give you is that everyone has to have an experience with G-D for himself/Herself. If you looking for facts all you have to do is to look at nature and realize that there must be a genius behind it and that things are not done at random. G-D is the basis of all theories philosophies, equations, etc. In Math there is a basis for everything and so it is for spirituality, but unless you experience G-D's existence for yourself it will be impossible for someone to really explain that to you. I would like you to do this though, if you feel that your faith is weaker than your doubt, please asks the following to the Universe "If there is a G-D, please help me believe in you". But if your faith is stronger than your doubt, I would like to read the bible, especially psalm 103 and understand that like king David you are having doubt and need to review what G-D has done for you. Then, I want you to pray to G-D and ask him to deliver you from your doubt.

PS As Christians we should always read the bible, pray to G-D, ask other for assistance in prayer and review in our hearts our own testimonies of G-D existence in our lives.
good day
2008-07-20 06:17:56 UTC
Go to:

this is a practical bible believing site/

that is for in-depth explanation

and in-depth learning for serious

bible students
2008-07-20 08:13:36 UTC
2008-07-20 06:58:31 UTC
Perhaps you'll find what these people said to be interesting;
2008-07-20 02:52:07 UTC
There are none, and surrounding yourself with other believers, that is like just giving up and they will screw up your head even worse than it is now.
ali c
2008-07-19 22:02:51 UTC
I went through the same thing you did. You will always have to rely on faith, but I read one book that pushed me in the right direction. The Case for Faith by Lee Strobel is amazingly helpful to give you scientific and philosophical backing for the existence of God.

Ask God to reveal himself to you, he will. He has to me.
2008-07-20 16:38:01 UTC
Please consider this by Christian astrophysicist Hugh Ross:

also, please Read the story of this (former) atheist's NDE:

and if you have time, check out this excellent video:
2008-07-20 19:23:17 UTC
Look on youtube, Zeitgeist, it has different topics but the religion one is there. This will answer your question.
2008-07-20 10:29:36 UTC
no atheist comments?

So, I guess you really do not want the facts that you just asked for.
2008-07-20 03:44:26 UTC
The only way you can ever find out is to ask god. (But don't dout him.)
David S
2008-07-19 21:55:32 UTC
Have you been spending much time in the Word lately? Reading the Bible is the best way to build your faith.
2008-07-20 05:37:49 UTC
What pleases me about yout call for help is that you understand that no one can refreash your faith. You know that it is a gift from God.

That said I can give you some evidence that has helpfed me when my faith thins. Two passage of the Scripture one from the Psalms and one from Isaiah. Again let me say that this is not proof but can support your weakend faith if you want it bulstered.

Psalms 22:12-18

Many bulls have compassed me: strong bulls of Bashan have beset me round.

They gaped upon me with their mouths, as a ravening and a roaring lion.

I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint: my heart is like wax; it is melted in the midst of my bowels.

My strength is dried up like a potsherd; and my tongue cleaveth to my jaws; and thou hast brought me into the dust of death.

For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet.

I may tell all my bones: they look and stare upon me.

They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture.

King David wrote that 900 years before Christ.. Crufixtion hadn't been used as he recorded those words..

Isaiah 53

Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed?

For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.

He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.

But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.

He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.

He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken.

And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth.

Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand.

He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities.

Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.

There you are... I hope they help you see Jesus and His work on you behalf in these ancient writtings. I will pray that you find peace, I will pray you find His peace.. IHS Jim
2008-07-19 22:36:35 UTC
just do NOT accept reality, be an idiot and wait.

OR smoke weed everyday so God will call you
zee zee
2008-07-20 08:56:29 UTC
remember you are a spirit being just having a human experience ........... get more in touch with your spiritual side.
2008-07-19 23:54:04 UTC
look around you and see all the beautiful world where do you think that all came from that is the real proof to me.
2008-07-20 09:18:13 UTC
2008-07-20 12:35:06 UTC
Hi! Well, agnogstocism is not really "doubting", it is just taking a stance that says "I don't know" or "No one can know".

Believers all through time have had doubts. Oh, sometimes their doubts have cost them dearly, when they acted upon them and deserted trusting in God just before He would have come through for them, still, hey, it happens, history's full of guys who let go.. just too soon.

But faith is not a passive thing! Nobody just "has" faith. Faith comes, it grows By faithful study of God's word.

You're not just gonna bend over and pick up a 250 kg. barbell and press it! Yeah? I'll watch, I don't care how much faith you SAY you've got.

You start with something MUCH less than that and you work at it weeks and months and years: 60-70-80-oooh--120! Man oh man! And someday, if you don't slack off, you'll be up there with the professionals, maybe.

The life of faith is certainly NO DIFFERENT.

I've said this before, on another "best answer" so here's the link:

I cannot tell you the cure-all for your "failing" or lacking faith. I CAN tell you where faith comes from: It comes from "hearing the Word of God" (Romans 10:17) and that is not talking about reading the Bible only but rather also letting God speak to your heart and then following through on what he shows you.

I can also tell you what worked for ME, and that was laying it all out before Him. Praying and telling Him what it looked like His Word was saying to me and what it looked like I could expect form Him due to the promises that were there in black and white.

And He DID answer, WONDERFULLY! Don't you think God -if there IS a God--wants you and others to know that He's there, and that He's useful and a help? His name actually MEANS "help" in Hebrew. He doesn't mind --sometimes-- remaining "behind the scenes" so to speak, but He's not hiding out either, and doesn't need to. He wants to be known! Well known!

Jeremiah 31:34 And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.

Here's a poem I really like:

"God is Still On the Throne"

"How sweet the memory--as a child

when disappointments came

My mother's faith & courage sweet,

that put my own to shame.

For in the time of trouble deep

my faith would weaken sore,

While hers just seemed to thrive on trials and only grow the more.

And then it was I'd hear her say

as my doubts took to wings,

"Why,--God is Still upon the Throne

and prayer changes things."

But, after years, I wandered from

the shrine at mother's knee;

For seeming wise & learned men

had clearly shown to me

That such a simple, childlike faith

was now quite obsolete,

Belonging just to ages past,

today--for fools 'twas meet.

"All this", they said, "is only myth

and from gross ignorance springs,

That God is Still upon the Throne,

and prayer changes things."

Their way seemed well in weather fair

but Oh! when troubles came

It didn't meet the need at all--

'twas such a futile game.

"Now just hold on", the scoffer said,

"there's nothing else to do."

But that was just the trouble when

there was naught to hold on to.

For I had lost the simple faith

that such assurance brings,

That God is Still upon the Throne,

and prayer changes things."

So I turned back with eager heart

to the old-fashioned way;

And now I KNOW that God is real,

no matter what they say.


And answered too in such a way

as to know--God is there.

And where is greater happiness

than the peace that this truth brings

That God is Still upon the Throne,

and prayer changes things."

--- Virginia Brandt

God exists, you may be sure, but only you can generate the energy to give Him the chance to reveal Himself to you!

Did you read the Gospel of John, The Book of Acts?

Edit, sorry Mommaka; good answer, except "being a Christian " is NOT "following" a "set of doctrines". It's believing in Jesus, and receiving Him as your Savior. That's not "church" doctrine but "Bible" doctrine.

'nother edit: Look , I think you have clearly hit on the real problem yourself: It's in the WAY you're "leaning". If you are a Christian, why aren't you "leaning" in His direction. If you go to Jefferson High, You gotta quit hangin' out at Roosevelt and start showin ' up for classes at the right school. Your life, and your soul and your future, as well as the futures of all those you could help set on the right path, is not some knd of a joke, or a "Ho-hum, maybe I will, and maybe I won't.." kind of a deal! The devil's playin' for KEEPS, and you seem to be givin' him more than the time of day. Looks like you already invited him in for coffee,..

"Well, you know, good buddy, course I do believe in God..that is to say I'm a "sort" of a Christian, but I'm actually not too convinced that should be doin' any of those things that God already showed me I ought to be doin'.. so maybe you'd like to pull up a seat here and we could swap a few yarns about why you might want me to do something else, or who knows ..anyway.. got any good ideas?"

Pardon my French, man, but what the hell kinda "Christian" are you if you don't even know if there's a God??!!

Even the Devil knows that. Good grief! I don't think you're "agnostic" I think you're spoiled rotten AND quite selfish. I'm sorry, I don't usually talk to people like this on Yahoo or like this to people PERIOD, but I think you NEED it. There's a spiritual WAR goin' on and you're shilly-shallying around playin' footsie whith the enemy of your soul!

I just can't do the subject justice!
2008-07-20 13:15:41 UTC
-there is not one shread of evidence- richard dawkins, the most well known atheists.
2008-07-19 21:38:20 UTC
The best way for you to hold on to faith now is Read the book of "St. faustina" It will help you in many ways Also read the bible every day .

The devil wants you to doubt so that you will not be saved and go to hell. When ever doubt comes take the name of jesus and ask his help.
2008-07-20 11:05:55 UTC
I'm same as you. I'm starring your question!
2008-07-20 08:38:16 UTC
Ha ha...absent faith, there ain't none!
2008-07-19 21:54:29 UTC
Look at the sunset. Stare into the night sky. Experience the birth of a child. Hold the hand of a dying loved one. Everyone will call on God eventually. He is in everything. We just choose to ignore him sometimes.
Pagan Queen
2008-07-20 12:43:04 UTC
Look at yourself!!! You are alive. God had something to do in that!!!
2008-07-19 23:39:41 UTC
Watch these short clips... its very encouraging for a christian
Priรciℓℓα ✟
2008-07-19 21:32:45 UTC
I sent you a message, check it out
Mrs. Mess
2008-07-20 20:12:43 UTC

don't be so close minded...

2008-07-19 22:10:15 UTC
how about your life
2008-07-20 12:19:41 UTC
go to church
2008-07-19 21:27:31 UTC
You're probably going to have to go beyond this website to find what you are looking for. Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Anselm, Aquinas, Godel, Kant, Hegel, Leibniz and Locke all proposed arguments for the existence of God. Your best bet is to read "There is a God" by Antony Flew, for starters, and then roll your sleeves up and wade into the philosophical arguments for the existence of God.
2008-07-19 22:24:30 UTC
wow no atheist comments...

gord does not exist!

boohooo im an atheist.
Bobby Jim
2008-07-19 21:31:10 UTC
A friend was an Atheist-Scientist. He set out to disprove God's existence many years ago.

He ended up converting to a Christian Creationist.

His website is

Poke around there, or pick up some of his early books/presentations, and maybe you can see what he found in his search.
2008-07-19 21:28:55 UTC
like jsr said read the bible. i know how you feel, i used to doubt God too, dont worry tho. Fine a good reference book, like the students guide to the bible and it will answer some of your questions.
2008-07-20 17:59:23 UTC
talk to your preacher. God loves you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ><>
Mr. John
2008-07-19 21:38:39 UTC
You are the proof that there is God who created you.

Did you come into this world by your own will?

Did you come here by an accident? That from none life a speck of life appeared, then it evolve into jelly fish , into a crocodile, into a bird, and later it becomes you?
Pink Monkey
2008-07-20 18:28:18 UTC
2008-07-19 21:25:33 UTC
how else do u explain hwo we get up every day and go 2 sleep at night?? i used 2 b like u but then i realized that how would life b possible w/o God? i ttly understand and God isnt about giving proof its about believing in him, which i believe is one of the ways that he stays real; by believing in him!
2008-07-19 21:27:03 UTC
lets see.

im not lying either.

im catholic.

and i had almost got into a wreck and my dad was talking 2 the passenger next 2 me and she yelled look and without even noticing my dad almost hit a car that is stopped.

and he just swerved into the next lane without even looking and there happen 2 b no car and i had my seat belt off because i had dropped my soda bottle and i just happen 2 not have gotten hurt what so ever.
2008-07-19 21:28:35 UTC
You're the one on a public message board, so suck it up.

There is zero evidence for the existence of any god, especially the brutal bloodthirsty tyrant of the Old Testament.

You're waking up to common sense and reason. Believe me, it's a good thing.
2008-07-19 21:24:08 UTC
The Bible is the best way to refresh your faith.
2008-07-19 21:24:05 UTC

(I'm gay, and if there is a god, well, I just think it's really crappy that he won't love me even if I'm a good person)...

Sorry I answered that, even though you said not too. By the way atheist is shunning god, agnostic is doubting it...

I guess I'm more of an agnostic, but anyways


2008-07-19 21:24:04 UTC
Go outside and look at the stars.

Also, read up on other religions. You may only be doubting your religion's view of God, so remember that Christianity doesn't own Her.
BaC Helen
2008-07-19 21:23:39 UTC
Read a book like Case for Christ. Surround yourself with strong believers, and attend the church you trust

It helped me when I realized how very reliable the Bible really is.
Darth Nihilus
2008-07-19 21:23:28 UTC
Not asking for us is gonna bring us...

No one can. The Bible is an old book with a bunch of unprovable things in it
2008-07-19 21:23:07 UTC
there are no facts when it comes to evidence of is all about 'feelings'.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.
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