Hi! Well, agnogstocism is not really "doubting", it is just taking a stance that says "I don't know" or "No one can know".
Believers all through time have had doubts. Oh, sometimes their doubts have cost them dearly, when they acted upon them and deserted trusting in God just before He would have come through for them, still, hey, it happens, history's full of guys who let go.. just too soon.
But faith is not a passive thing! Nobody just "has" faith. Faith comes, it grows By faithful study of God's word.
You're not just gonna bend over and pick up a 250 kg. barbell and press it! Yeah? I'll watch, I don't care how much faith you SAY you've got.
You start with something MUCH less than that and you work at it weeks and months and years: 60-70-80-oooh--120! Man oh man! And someday, if you don't slack off, you'll be up there with the professionals, maybe.
The life of faith is certainly NO DIFFERENT.
I've said this before, on another "best answer" so here's the link:
I cannot tell you the cure-all for your "failing" or lacking faith. I CAN tell you where faith comes from: It comes from "hearing the Word of God" (Romans 10:17) and that is not talking about reading the Bible only but rather also letting God speak to your heart and then following through on what he shows you.
I can also tell you what worked for ME, and that was laying it all out before Him. Praying and telling Him what it looked like His Word was saying to me and what it looked like I could expect form Him due to the promises that were there in black and white.
And He DID answer, WONDERFULLY! Don't you think God -if there IS a God--wants you and others to know that He's there, and that He's useful and a help? His name actually MEANS "help" in Hebrew. He doesn't mind --sometimes-- remaining "behind the scenes" so to speak, but He's not hiding out either, and doesn't need to. He wants to be known! Well known!
Jeremiah 31:34 And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.
Here's a poem I really like:
"God is Still On the Throne"
"How sweet the memory--as a child
when disappointments came
My mother's faith & courage sweet,
that put my own to shame.
For in the time of trouble deep
my faith would weaken sore,
While hers just seemed to thrive on trials and only grow the more.
And then it was I'd hear her say
as my doubts took to wings,
"Why,--God is Still upon the Throne
and prayer changes things."
But, after years, I wandered from
the shrine at mother's knee;
For seeming wise & learned men
had clearly shown to me
That such a simple, childlike faith
was now quite obsolete,
Belonging just to ages past,
today--for fools 'twas meet.
"All this", they said, "is only myth
and from gross ignorance springs,
That God is Still upon the Throne,
and prayer changes things."
Their way seemed well in weather fair
but Oh! when troubles came
It didn't meet the need at all--
'twas such a futile game.
"Now just hold on", the scoffer said,
"there's nothing else to do."
But that was just the trouble when
there was naught to hold on to.
For I had lost the simple faith
that such assurance brings,
That God is Still upon the Throne,
and prayer changes things."
So I turned back with eager heart
to the old-fashioned way;
And now I KNOW that God is real,
no matter what they say.
And answered too in such a way
as to know--God is there.
And where is greater happiness
than the peace that this truth brings
That God is Still upon the Throne,
and prayer changes things."
--- Virginia Brandt
God exists, you may be sure, but only you can generate the energy to give Him the chance to reveal Himself to you!
Did you read the Gospel of John, The Book of Acts?
Edit, sorry Mommaka; good answer, except "being a Christian " is NOT "following" a "set of doctrines". It's believing in Jesus, and receiving Him as your Savior. That's not "church" doctrine but "Bible" doctrine.
'nother edit: Look , I think you have clearly hit on the real problem yourself: It's in the WAY you're "leaning". If you are a Christian, why aren't you "leaning" in His direction. If you go to Jefferson High, You gotta quit hangin' out at Roosevelt and start showin ' up for classes at the right school. Your life, and your soul and your future, as well as the futures of all those you could help set on the right path, is not some knd of a joke, or a "Ho-hum, maybe I will, and maybe I won't.." kind of a deal! The devil's playin' for KEEPS, and you seem to be givin' him more than the time of day. Looks like you already invited him in for coffee,..
"Well, you know, good buddy, course I do believe in God..that is to say I'm a "sort" of a Christian, but I'm actually not too convinced that should be doin' any of those things that God already showed me I ought to be doin'.. so maybe you'd like to pull up a seat here and we could swap a few yarns about why you might want me to do something else, or who knows ..anyway.. got any good ideas?"
Pardon my French, man, but what the hell kinda "Christian" are you if you don't even know if there's a God??!!
Even the Devil knows that. Good grief! I don't think you're "agnostic" I think you're spoiled rotten AND quite selfish. I'm sorry, I don't usually talk to people like this on Yahoo or like this to people PERIOD, but I think you NEED it. There's a spiritual WAR goin' on and you're shilly-shallying around playin' footsie whith the enemy of your soul!
I just can't do the subject justice!