Do you think God will answer a Lesbian's prayer for a girlfriend/life partner?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Do you think God will answer a Lesbian's prayer for a girlfriend/life partner?
Nineteen answers:
2009-04-26 23:37:44 UTC
Don't let people brainwash you. There's nothing wrong with being gay and God loves you just as much as s/he loves straight people. Being single at the moment isn't a punishment for your sexuality. There are plenty of lonely, single straight people as well. The best advice I can give you is to just keep putting yourself out there. I know it's hard, but it's the only way to meet people and someone you really connect with doesn't usually just fall into your lap. Best of luck.
2009-04-26 23:37:23 UTC
of course

God loves us for who we are

even though in the bible it does say stuff against homosexuals

just think...

if some of us are gay, and we'r made in God's image,

then i think that God's just a little bit gay himself.

:) (in the words of Adam Hills)
2009-04-26 23:43:19 UTC
God is near you when you seek him, and you will find him when you seek him with all your heart. I know he has a plan for you, and he has never left you. I was lost, and almost divorced and drugged out, God gave me a new life I never could have seen coming. it took seeking and surrender. you cant imagine the kind of love God has for you

feel free to email, I dont know much about what your going through, but I have seen God work in my life, answered prayer, miracles, and a changed life.
2009-04-26 23:40:30 UTC
To those of you saying "its an abomination!" consider the following...

Nicole Lamarche, Miss California 2003 and now an ordained minister

"As a pastor and a former Miss California, I am often asked to interpret what the Word of God has to say on a particular subject. I am quite confident that God prefers that we human beings stick to speaking for ourselves. And yet there are occasions when God’s Word is used as a weapon, and I feel compelled to speak.

In the past few days, much has been made of the words of Miss California USA, Carrie Prejean. She stated that marriage is between a man and a woman. I write not in response to her opinion, but rather about her comments that followed: that the Bible condones her words. She said, 'It's not about being politically correct, it's about being biblically correct.' While this sentiment is shared by many who seek to condemn gay people and gay marriage, citing pieces of the Bible to further one’s own prejudice fails to meet the Bible on its own terms.

Most people seeking to condemn gay people point to the Book of Leviticus, where we read that men lying with men is an abomination. However, we rarely hear of other verses found in the book of Leviticus that are equally challenging. For example, Leviticus also tells us that eating shrimp and lobster is an abomination. And that a person should not wear material woven of two kinds of material—an impossible mandate for a pageant contestant!

In Paul’s letter to the community in Corinth we read, ‘For it is shameful for a woman to speak in church….’ And yet these words have not prevented Christian denominations from ordaining women, such as myself. Sadly, the Bible has been used to further prejudice throughout history. We have used it to permit ourselves to enslave people; to conquer and kill; and to denigrate the earth.

The truth is that it is difficult to know for sure the intentions of the biblical authors, but we do know something about God. Those of us who know God through Jesus of Nazareth know that he went to great lengths to express God’s love to people who were labeled as outcasts. He spent time with children, prostitutes, and lepers, all of whom were labeled as outside of the grasp of the Holy. As we continue to seek God’s vision for us as a nation grounded in a love for justice, I pray that we might move closer to the cause of grace.”

To answer YOUR question, I think if you keep following the right path, you will find your soulmate - regardless of your sexual orientation.
2009-04-26 23:39:01 UTC
god loves and accepts people

don't feel guilty for who you are. its not a decision, god made you this way
2009-04-26 23:40:54 UTC
See what religion does to gay people.... I can't even understand why a gay person would go to a church unless it were gay friendly.

If you need to have religion in your life at least go to one where you will feel supported by the congregation. You will get nothing out of it by thinking you are being punished. There is nothing wrong with being gay. I am 60 and your god hasn't struck me down once.

Contact the local gay center and for the names of gay friendly churches. And ONLY go to on that will make you feel OK being gay. Don't pray for a gf, get out there and meet people.

I've been alone since 1999 -- that's something to whine about.

Get out there and be active in your gay community and meet new people. Be well. Be happy. Stay away from gay bashing churches.
2016-10-18 09:16:17 UTC
All prayers are responded, do no longer tell God the thank you to do it. in line with threat you're greater suitable off with out her. in line with threat she desires time to accustom herself to the thought there is not any longer something incorrect on your relationship.
2009-04-26 23:53:07 UTC
1. God will answer any prayer that is asked according to His will.

2. God has given us free will to make whatever choice we wish.

3. God would not make you gay then express His will against it.

(as He has in the Bible.)

4. Gays often say that "God made me this way" but the truth is that

satan has exploited a weakness that influenced the person to

choose homosexuality.

Finally, gay people, God nor actual Christians don't hate you for the choice you made. An actual Christian loves the sinner but hates the sin. Also, understand that satan is at work in everyone's lives...even

Christians. Ideally, a strong connection with Jesus insulates us from the worst that satan can do to us.
2009-04-26 23:46:12 UTC
I don't see why not. Since the whole "Gay is a sin" thing got started with King James feeling guilty about having those feelings himself, and so editing his version of the Bible to demonize such things. Take an objective look at other religions (I assume you're referring to the Christian God) as well as the origins of Christianity (pay special attention to mistranslations)
2009-04-26 23:57:50 UTC
God has a plan and a purpose for your life and he already knows what your desires and needs are. God asks that you stay in faith and believe He will fulfill your desires in His time, and if it is His will. His will is key to all things any of us desire in our lives.

I cannot answer whether God will bring a girlfriend into your life to become your life-long partner. This is something that is between you and God. You sound like you might be confused about your sexual preference, but just remember that God never leaves you and He is working along side of you to help you make the right choices for your life so He can use you for His glory.

You are in the palm of God's Hand and when you are there, you are never lost.

May God bless you and Lord, please guide Your child and show her what You would have her do with her life...Amen
2009-04-27 00:36:22 UTC
It is never wrong to pray for our loved ones ; straight people sin too ; yet God loves us all and He delights in all of our prayers... To love someone of the same sex is not wrong ; but when we engage in sexual intercourse without allowing the gift of life then we misuse our sexuality (whether straight or not) ; such misuse is sin and should be discontinued. God allows you to be straight ; but our current culture is misleading, slotting people as gay or not ; confusing everybody. No one person is gay ; even if they love someone of the same sex ; homosexuality is about the sexual act ; not about the love ; if you do your best to avoid practicing homosexuality then you are not homosexual ; then you are just a wonderful person that I love and admire for your chastity ; what you are experiencing is a sensibility a disposition to love someone of the same sex ; that in and of itself is beautiful and is not wrong ; it is the homosexual act that is wrong. The call to become a nun should really not have anything to do with the success of your romantic life or lack thereof ; you might need to discuss it with a mother superior. You feel lost and lonely... Nowadays, most people do ; do you want to grow in your intimate companionship with Jesus ? try the link below ; it did wonders for me. But regardless, you are not alone ; Many of us who are His Body, the Church, love you and so does He. May God Bless you and confort you always.
2009-04-26 23:45:40 UTC
yeah - good luck

bisexuality isn't a third gender as it's a sexual orientation

"homosexual" was a term coined in 1869 so it can't be a sin or in the bible

many may think God's testing you? maybe God wants you to be in love and tuff and then be a happy lesbian in heaven?

edit: Aerostar - it's not choice or a sin
2009-04-26 23:45:35 UTC
God cares about you finding a partner just as much as he cares about anyone else finding one... or the magic milk bottle for that matter.
2009-04-26 23:37:20 UTC
why dont you pray that all the wars end and little children dont have cancer and nobody burns up in a fire this week and no more animals go extinct.. maybe then He would send you some good luck for not being such a self-absorbed person who doesnt think about anything but their own sex life.
2009-04-26 23:36:58 UTC
This is way out of my league, but yeah, he probably wanted you to be a nun. Which is why you should go out and find a gf quick, because being a nun really sucks.
2009-04-26 23:38:12 UTC
I think no... God only made two genders, male and female. If God is here, he would be mad. He doesn't made bisexual genders...
2009-04-26 23:37:02 UTC
No, start serving Jesus and you won't want to be a lesbian anymore.
mom 2-2 "report me again, coward"
2009-04-26 23:35:52 UTC
No, I don't.

God say homosexuality is wrong so why would He encourage it?
2009-04-26 23:35:31 UTC
wicked can change they choose not too!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.