1. They dont, its a boldy gentle approch, its in Galations 5:22-23 when you examine the fruits of the spirit, a more worthy focus than either anger managment or violence a form of anger, oh bye the way, log onto google get a password and all they have bible search engines their where they respond better to words like anger than me and look for yourself but right mouse click any copy paste coz they come with annoying hidden link macro's where your blog or teacher can find where you got it?
2. Human life is sacred right down to the sperms and ova eggs where even the act of abstenance can produce holiness, several other religions teach this too like the Indian seeks?
3. Christian love is faith hope and charity, the greatest of these is charity, but very rarely focus in on hope and strength too if fit for men but women, a little know part, find out where before use!!! Seriously!
4. That the body is a temple to be worshipped, but folks actually put any food in there thinking God can work miracles even though the bible says to not put the lord your god to the test. Luke 14:28 is interesting too, as far as buildings are concerned, the body is a building of gods creation, so focus not on construction here but the fact, if you knocked up a shed instead of a cathedral you would be excommunicated, yet most churches issue fizzy drinks this is despite it being a well known fact calcium and magnesium get leached from the body with this drink the way b group vitamins do with alcohol. examine cellular nutrition in much the same way as stem cell research and you can find at length it is now possible to re create a perfect human cell just on the foods we eat!!!
5. Euthanasia is murder, you wont find even the Catholic Church suggesting Philip Nitchke take his own medicines. Quite the opposite, a person was put down for dementia by him the other day, and this on the whole whilst not curable is healable using nutrition, I tried to get an audience with the pope in Sydney but couldnt get past the opus dei they really can be their own worst enemy sometimes, I mean I thought His Holy Fathers teaching was more important than individual ego?
7. We are all created equal in the sight of God, although, distinctions in rank are needed to preserve due order and authority.
8. It doesnt directly indirectly its generally recommended we be custodians, its more about responsible conduct and the conduct we have as indivuals for be circumspect for our actions and accountable, examine 1Peter2:11-12 "Brethren, I appeal to you as strangers and refugees in this world, (some versions say sourjorners and pilgrims following world youth week in Sydney) Do not give into bodily passions which are always at war against the soul, instead your conduct should be upright so that when others falsely accuse you, you may not be found wanting" Basically also look in Romans for righteouness and also in the Beatitudes for sermon on the mount matthew 5 where it talks about being strong as weak and weak as strong, this context means the environment is not our focus essentially but a flow on from our conduct, also look at the examples of custodianship where the virgins and lamp oil for non renewable resources and also for the three keepers of gold coins being wisely invested. Basically if we waste resources putting Gods money at risk as a gamble is unacceptable or even looking to the commandments it says nothing there about violence, but if you loved your neighbor as yourself, you would not knowingly play with your own foods as poisioned nor poison your neighbors foods, or even risk anything where resources were concerned, the act of teaching discipline as an act of learning says nothing about punishment either but various orders have a sect approach based on the parable of the sower about being aware of what you become?
Sexuality several references, not be effeminate as a bloke 1 Corinthians 6 also same reference homosexuality, go further back into the old testament two references, one is leviticus and you find the other. something 20 about the abomidable act of buggery, also has references about beastiality, oh whilst on sexuality a positive role model check out Ruth, it is the bible but: "and her mother in law, said unto her" ie she had hay all over her? "Where rortest thou" You have been rolling in the hay gal mm m you is gonna be pregnant? "Blessed be he that did take knowledge of thee" Your cheeks are flushed gal, who is the father of the child gonna be? "And she shewed her mother-in-law with whom she had rort" ie here he is mom? "And said the man's name with whom I rort today is Boaz." Basically if ya gonna get into trouble find out who the father is? You did not get that advice from me, please check other references too on 1 Corinthinas 6 & 7 about abstaining before marriage as manditory!!!
Oh before I leave this section there are numerous references on religious discrimination like dont be unequally yoked about non believers etc etc etc
sorry combined two sections!
9. Actually there are numerous references to war, unlike Buddhists Christians are allowed to kill in self defence, case sighted where mao tse tung over ran the lammasery in Tibet, keep of that as a typically hot potatoe politically with the Olympics at the moment. Um, there is one commandment about "Thou shalt not murder" But several other parts, about Cain killing Able and being banished to wander the earth forever, check out the covernant made with Yahveh himself where cain pleads the lord about being killed for killing his brother then God says seven fold will he curse cain's enemies for protection and 49 fold cain's friends, and seven times 49 for cain's friends friends, and cain means warrior!
War, by its very nature means killing, so in Catholic faith with life being sacred it would mean, not tolerated but some of the best chaplians are in the regular army to give last rights to soldiers who volunteer. Last rites is a sacrement like clergy, the host, etc etc, examine your sacrements, why isnt that here?
10. christian love must act. To be specific, Christians are called to be charitable, and by this we comprehend humanity. To listen to one, means to hear and act. Specifically, what we can do is join worthy causes like World Vision, or even the church itself feeds whole countries for example look at one in South America for example 7 million folks total, of which 6 million are fed by the church. We are called to teach folks to fish rather than feed them fish so encouraging world trade and creating prosperity would be a more responsible use of resources. Charity begining at home is a trueism there maybe a biblical reference for it other than, honour thy father and they mother, so that thy days on the earth may be long, honour being a form of love, also google compassion and caring under that search engine for biblical references I gave you at the start? There is that bit about getting into heaven in the bible, where jesus says in Gosple teaching about denied entry at St Peters gates, where it says "When you did it for the least you did it for me" this also refers to prison and homelessness? Also again Galations 5 :22-23 hospitality is a pretty important attritbute to have as a christian.
Poverty, interestingly some sections even whole orders in the catholic church wrongly suggest Christ was born into poverty, quite the opposite, there was a sensus on at the time of his birth and they were all going back to the places of male birth, ironically Joseph was a carpenter and allowed to travel under lisence, its the equivalent of a master builder, they would have been the kind of trained professional or tradesperson in those days where a large trust also sums of money were given as the idea for errecting synagogues. Christ was never poor as a part of the Royal Bloodline of the House of David, this is a key point amongst poorer nations to submit poverty as a teaching for control. Also research such ideas as prosperity doctrine, the eye of a needle what was really meant by it etc etc large numbers of books have been written on this area alone, But, do not be mislead, Christ was NOT poor, in fact, the Myre, Frankeinsense, and Gold were all present at his death. The Frankeinsense was used by Mary Magdeline for wiping on his skin with her hair as the expensive ointment earning a rebuke for wasting money whilst not knowing he was to be killed. Also the Myre which was used as a funeral clothing spice as preparation, created the miracle recored where kindness was rewarded by his face being imprinted upon a rag, gold from his birth was later found in a temple in southern france, know to the prior de sion, later again the same gold was found in Rosyln Chapple in Scotland and its current wear abouts remains a mystery!
11. Aids is not in the bible, this is being confused with the Doctors and nurses taking a hypocratic oath. Regarding oathes two references spring to mind as new testament teaching Matthew 5:34 also John 10. Be very aware, that six references about the making of oathes exist in the old testament. Eg where Noah had God promise he would never again flood the entire earth so disregard the Tsnami in Indonesia of December 26th 2006 and etc. But also Genasis 4 regarding cain again. Particularly you can not control what you promise, telling the truth is very important, so much so there is a commandment about it at something 20 where thou shalt not bear false witness and numerous references about misleading folks with teaching the holy word which is why I am being hypocritical to my beliefts and taking so gosh darn long at 150wpm with no spell check sorry.
Aids, more a thing of hypocrisy, preventing murder? Basically parable of the sower, be aware of what you become? Try to preserve life, although sorry about this a friend using cellular nutrition has a very high T Cell count but dont be interest