Should you stick with the Bible translation you normally use or read different versions when doing?
2010-11-26 20:36:11 UTC
a Bible study

I have four translations, but I only read one regularly. I'm doing a book study and am wondering if I should read each of the versions as part of the study, or would it be too confusing?
Fifteen answers:
Yeshua Lion of Judah
2010-11-26 20:46:33 UTC
Choose the one you enjoy reading the most and understand. You will be able to glean something from each version, but there will be one that you really feel comfortable reading and want to read, that will be the one to stick with.

I also have several different version being I was in seminary, but one that I find myself going back to, and that is the one I read most. The one you enjoy is the one you will read the most also.
2016-05-31 07:04:33 UTC
My preference is the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures but I always carry a King James Bible and when it comes to defending God's word any translation will do. Translators have changed some areas but aren't intelligent enough to change it everywhere it is in the scriptures, this is because the word of God is like a double edge sword if one area is compromised there are many other places the truth can be found. Take God's name [יהוה], it's called the Tretragrammaton, the New World Translation has it over 7000 times from cover and in truth [ALL] Bible translations have the Tretragrammaton [יהוה] over 7000 times they just have translated it GOD/LORD. This is really evident in all early translation but now the newer translations are changing GOD to God and LORD to Lord, Psalms 110:1 will render it this way, the Lord said on to my Lord where the way it's rendered now is the LORD said unto my Lord. This is happening right under the nose of so called Christians because the don't read the Bible yet they call themselves Christians. Soon there will be 7000 Lord/God instead of LORD/GOD, this is one of the main reasons we have false teachings like the Trinity, when you make the true God and his only begotten Son names the same then there is confusion and false teacher(Satan's agents) can easily pull the wool over the none believers eyes(2 Corinthians 4:4) among whom the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through.
2010-11-26 20:51:27 UTC
People who really study the Bible "Do read other translations and get more insight into what the Lord meant when the Holy Spirit wrote the bible". when you confine yourself to only one version you show how fearful you are to read other translations and or your inability to believe all are the same except some are clearer to read then others.

go see more translations at

God will and can speak you through any version He is not held back by the foolishness of some churches who only recognize the KJV.

God is above man's idiosyncrasies.
2010-11-26 20:47:42 UTC
There are translations and paraphrases. A translation is translated directly from the manuscripts. A paraphrase is reworded and simplified from a translation. There are translations that are, as close as possible, word for word, and translations that are thought for thought. For example, if you are translating "out of the frying pan and into the fire" into Chinese. One translation would have the words with a footnote that tells what the proverb means, the other kind would say something like 'He left one danger for another'. The second type is clearer in idiomatic language or cultural differences, but it also contains more of the translators prejudices.

If all your translations are translations (KJV, NASB, etc) go back and forth.

If some are paraphrases (NIV, The Clear Word, NWT, etc) remember they are secondary to translations.
2010-11-26 20:50:51 UTC
lets see shall we...

John 3:16

King James Version (KJV)

Listen to this passage

16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

King James Version (KJV)

Public Domain

English Standard Version (ESV)

Listen to this passage

For God So Loved the World

16"For(A) God so loved(B) the world,[a](C) that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not(D) perish but have eternal life.


a.John 3:16 Or For this is how God loved the world

Cross references:

A.John 3:16 : Rom 5:8; Eph 2:4; 2 Thess 2:16; 1 John 3:1; 4:9, 10

B.John 3:16 : John 1:29

C.John 3:16 : Rom 8:32

D.John 3:16 : John 10:28

English Standard Version (ESV)

The Holy Bible, English Standard Version Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers.

American Standard Version (ASV)

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life.

American Standard Version (ASV)

Copyright © 1901 Public Domain

New International Version 1984, ©1984 (NIV1984)

Listen to this passage

View commentary related to this passage

16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,[a] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.


a.John 3:16 Or his only begotten Son

New International Version 1984, ©1984 (NIV1984)

Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by Biblica
2010-11-26 20:41:50 UTC
I would use only 2 if you feel you might get confused. Use your regular one and if there is a passage you do not understand look up references that your bible gives. If you still do not understand then use the other version to clarify the words.

I.E. using the Message or New Living Translation will make the OLD ENGLISH of the KJV easier to understand in TODAY's language.
2010-11-26 20:41:20 UTC
Use a literal translation, KJV, NASB, Darby, Literal, etc for accuracy. The other versions may help give insight but should not be the basis of truth. Be very careful with paraphrase versions like the NIV which distort the truth severely in some places.
2010-11-26 20:44:43 UTC
It would be unbelievably confusing, and has the capacity to weaken ones faith.

There is only one bible to study, to read when seeking answers to life's problems, and that is the Authorised King James Version.

This bible (KJV) when combined with Cruden's Concordance, gives you a compilation of every word and where it occurs in the bible, so, for example if you wanted to check out God's promises, it will point you to every instance of his promises, you can then get a picture of what he says.

That's all you need. Don't worry, be happy.
2010-11-26 20:39:28 UTC
You should read all of them when you are studying the bible because they all have big flaws that could alter how you undersatnd the passage...

The only thing I recommend is that you stay away fro the english standard version... they completely distort the original intent of the passages in order to make things simple...
2010-11-26 20:43:13 UTC
I suggest trying to find a modern translation of a Latin bible, it will be more precises than any of the current versions that have been edited multiple times.
The Doctor
2010-11-26 20:41:40 UTC
Compare them. Greek is only distantly related to English and Hebrew not at all. It's not like going from German or Spanish to English.
anthony h
2010-11-26 20:40:32 UTC
stick to what is most accurate, and it will improve you while in the edification process to increase your knowledge in finding out which is most accurate. You want truth. Glad to see ya studying and God bless you.
2010-11-26 20:39:54 UTC
I say move around.

All the way up until today I have used the same translation...

but if you get stuck, it is always good to have other translations near, to help you better understand! :)
2010-11-26 20:38:43 UTC
stick with just one
2010-11-27 12:01:09 UTC
Like Satan did with Jesus rearrangement of words/sentences can warp God's actual message - may seem 2 give insight but the wise take heed:


The English Standard Version (ESV) is the best as its the easiest 2 read (see below). Well-meaning ppl suggest the King James Version (KJV) b/c its the only 1 authorized by a human king [not God] - Greater issue than errors is its written in older English not used 4 over 130 yrs (good in its day) - 2day helps promote Biblical ignorance - huge speed bump). Others suggest the New International Version (NIV/all related NL[living]T,TNIV, etc) but its made 2 appeal 2 humanist nature/ideas (a novel/bedtime story, etc. [what ppl like] NOT what the Bible is 4 = huge roadblock). God's eternal truth that never changes is present in most standard translations (so u dont need 2 learn orig lang) but theres roadblocks/speed bumps b/c of various objectives (i.e. so-called missing bks dont belong in the Bible (see below)).

Many dont trust God/r stuck in old traditions & miss the right criteria 4 finding the real truth (buying a Bible b/c u like it isnt a good criteria). U want a version giving u the quickest path 2 the truth (least amount of speed bumps/roadblocks) 4 the best chance not 2 b confused as u'll hv along the way - especially 4 young ppl - what u feed a child spiritually affects the outcome - input = output - Ur approach/methodology/purpose & attitude (in)directly affect what u learn. I hv access 2 30+ translations. Iv found the best 2 versions (1 or 2 others r almost as good but not needed). Why I use these 2:

The wise know there cant b many versions that can b the best/close 2 old texts. Theres 3 main types of translations with overlaps/mixtures within each category (dependent on agendas/philosophical approach - some may classify some in 1 category when they belong in another - especially within B&C below - 2 a degree more than 1 method may b used 4 readability or depending on agendas/theology concepts):

A. Word 4 word/right amount of literal trans. method

B. Dynamic equivalence/thought 4 thought - over/under used Literal

C. Concept 4 Concept/Paraphrased (free trans.) - warped Literal

1a. Word 4 Word

I use Bibles based in "word 4 word" with right usage of "literal" (4 readability) trans. methods - reason: they adhere best 2 original text structure. The versions, best 1rst, r King James III (KJ III) (newest update) by J. P. Green, also published a Literal Trans. & an Interlinear Version (IV) - includes Hebrew&Greek; **English Standard Version (ESV) - "easiest good version" 2 read (related update of Revised Standard Version (RSV - best older 20th Cnt version). The AB while word 4 word is hard 2 read, has over the top "helps" = confusing meaning = like writing 500 par but leaving u not sure what they mean = a man gets on a horse & rides off in all directions.

1b. Older English Versions

Regrettably all other English versions hv inherent issues/errors. Old English versions like: KJV, American Standard Version (ASV), REV & similar versions (DR, Darby, AmV) r written in older English thats not been used 4 over 130 yrs. While poetically nice the Bible ISNT about poetry. The Bible's hard enough 2 understand w/o trying 2 decipher an old language - even word 4 word trans. wont help.

The truth's hidden in the Bible. It takes lots of time/energy 2 mine it as is. Many ppl claim the KJV is the only "authorized" version (KJV is authorized by a "human" king not God/has errors). Many older English words rnt even rightly definable any more. Use of OLD so-called "modern" English only helps promote Biblical ignorance, overriding its value 4 knowing God.

2. Dynamic Equivalence/Thought 4 Thought

B wise stay away from all other (un)popular versions b/c they, 2 1 degree or another hv rewritten passages/verses. While many were well-meaning they watered down/caused significant changes 2 God's actual message/block the true power of God's word from being rightly understood.

Many well-meaning ppl tried 2 make diff versions so-called easier/more academic (i.e. Bible isnt a school type textbk). They used dynamic equivalence/thought 4 thought & misused literal/word 4 word trans. methods. Where these methods went wrong is they tried 2 1 degree or another 2 rewrite verses (calling them so-called modern English/styles, etc. [sentence structure/word issues/errors] - more liberally applied the worse the version [especially 4 hidden agendas]).

Included versions: [NASB - hard 2 read], NAV, NEB, NKJV, NRSV, HCSV, CEV, GNB, KJERV, NCV, NJB & others with similarly applied methods & sad 2 say all Catholic versions [especially with inclusion of so-called "lost"/Apocrypha books, which dont adhere 2 the same foundation/structure, message &/or contradict God's 66 legit books].

3. Concept 4 concept/Paraphrased/FT

Includes but isnt limited 2: JMV, NLB, LT, NIV, NIRV, NLV, NLT, TNIV, NLV, The Way - Paraphrased/Message Bible (worst offenders but all these versions r almost as bad as these 2 - they make the Bible more like a novel/bedtime stories/humanist appeal than the word of God, trying 2 please humans instead of God - more liberally applied the worse the version [especially 4 hidden agendas] - perversion 2 1 degree or another).

These trans. methods bend/rewrite/water down what was originally intended ([un]intentionally 4 various preferences/agendas). If u want 2 know God's actual message dont use these versions - It has a distorted message & u could wind up remembering them that way - especially our impressionable children. Use the 2 versions I list under set 1 2 know what God actually intended.


Religions made many fatal errors building religions on what man wants God 2 b like. They cant all b right (Theres 1 Bible, why so many interpretations? - II Pet 1:**19-21). Religion wont teach u much about God (they cant teach what they don't know). Who knows more about a house, the Builder or those moving in later?

40+ yrs Iv studied the whole Bible, some parts many times. I know many Biblical things - its most important 2 know about being Born Anew (Jn 3:3,5). Whats Biblical is built on it (NT - Book of John connects 2 the whole Bible). Im not religious under a church label b/c Jesus is about eternal life not rituals (wrong use of the Bible - partly why theres many interpretations). If u love/put the truth 1rst u'll find the true love of Jesus Christ.

2 begin 2 find our real Jesus, go 2 John 3:1-14 - note: Nicodemus was very religious but Jesus flat-out told him he had missed the 1rst most important step - being Born Anew. 2 b Born Anew u must 1rst understand no1 can live w/o breaking God's Law = sin = death (Rom 3:23; Acts 3:19). So, u must pray 2 Jesus asking Him 2 4give ur past sins, accept Jesus Christ as ur only Savior, ask Him 2 give u God's Holy Spirit (Lk 11:11-13; Jn 15:26; 14:26), seek 2 know/follow Him - u always need a Bible (Jn 7:17; Jn 1:12,13; 3:16,17;21; 36; 5:24: 6:37; 8:12; 10:9; 11:25; 14:6; 20:31; Is 34:16; 46:10 - memorize this verse set - later it helped).

In reading the Bible never 4get - Many ways seem right 2 man but its end = death & even verses must b judged with right judgment. The Bible isnt 2 b read as a novel/bedtime story. Many think u can just read it & understand it, its rubbish or pick parts of the Bible not easily understood even by seasoned actual Christians.

Many miss this - Jesus is the only 1 in history who said He's "the" way, "the" truth & "the" life & NO1 can know God except thru Jesus (Jn 14:6 - ref Acts 4:12; Jn 5:39; 10:1,7). So the whole truth was complete/finished thru what Jesus taught/did or God doesn't know what He's doing & cant b God. The truth is either fully true [absence of any lie] or its a lie - cant contain a lie. So any so-called new teaching/other beliefs or from self-proclaimed prophets/teachers r invalid & cant lead u 2 God. But God always knew what Jesus would do.

Jesus couldnt hv done/said what He did unless He fully knew the entire OT (NT didnt exist @ the time of Jesus) - only possible if God sent Him. The Apostles couldnt write the NT unless Jesus allowed them 2 remember/know His purpose (Lk 24:25-27,45). Only God could cause it.

No matter how much well-meaning ppl (religious or not) read the Bible they cant find Jesus w/o going directly 2 Him thru His Biblical instructions (Jn 5:39; 10:1,7; 3:3,5). God outsmarted man - the Bible's the only 1 that cant b properly understood w/o Jesus (Jn 14:6; II Cor 3:14; Is 29:11-12 - If Jewish ppl cant pierce the veil over the OT w/o Jesus 4 sure all gentiles cant) - why theres many interpretations/many thinking its just fairy tales (Jesus came with the sword of division).

The Bible severely warns us not 2 trust humans, not even ourselves, clergy/churches/scholars/scientists or TV (Jer 10:2-5,23; Is 2:22; Job 12:11; Prv 14:12; Acts 17:11). So carefully think over what I say. Dont just believe/dismiss what I write so u wont make the mistake many hv, getting caught up in false religions that dont lead u 2 God (things written about the Bible r by man not Jesus - like books/commentaries/devotionals).

Neither a label (like brother/sister/friend)/title/name, its history, # of members/converts, amount of time it existed nor claims made about them (like persecution) means anything (u can call anything anything). Its whats practiced that makes them either the whole truth or a lie. A dictionary definition doesnt necessarily encompass God's full definition/usage of a word (or His exceptions thereof). I.e. Jesus/Biblical prophets were never muslims no matter what islam claims (calling a dog god doesnt make it God).


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.