1st - Physics (Electricity), Archeology
2nd - Biology, Chemistry,
Currently a student at the University of Calgary
As for some of the details you popsted.
true maybe religion shouldn't be taught in public schools but also
only Pure science should be taught in schools
Theories are not pure science.
I have been studying Science for the last 10 years
and as for the Theory of Evolution, it is Just that a Theory.
it is basiically like trying to guess what a picture is by only looking at less than one percent of the whole picture.
There are millions of species alive today, and many more species have gone extinct over the history of this planet. also out of the billions of single life forms that have lived on this planet very few Fossils have actually been discovered.(this is the <1%)
these fossils that have been discovered have been used to map out a Theory of Evolution composed of Plateus (rungs of a ladder or steps on a staircase, but with nothing connecting the steps or rungs together) of species. but there are no fossils that have been found that are between these Plateus. for the Theory to ever become a Fact what is reqired is to find fossils that clearly show the change of one species into another (rope, rope-ladder(rungs), or chain of fossil evidence, when graphed will show a slope with horizontal flat sections) or for some currently living animal to give birth to something that is unable to reproduce with the Mother species but is able to reproduce with one that is identical to it.
An Evolutionary-Mutation would be fertile,but would have a completely different Genome from the Parent Species, unlike a normal mutation which damages the genetic code leaving the child infertile or with severe birth defects that ussually end in death, example is a mule which is the cross between a donkey and a horse. though it is similar to the parent species it is unable to reproduce with either species or with other crosses. it is there fore infertile and there for it is a mutation and is not considered a new species.
Many people have tried to claim that the Finches of Galapagos Island and other areas of the world are able to evolve. this is not the case all it is is a case of special specialization. it is simply a case of rececive genes taking dominance through variences in food availability. (the differences noticed in the Finches have been beak sizes and shapes).
As food availability changes the finches that have the genes which will enable them to make the best use of the available foods will gain dominance over those finches whose beak genes are specialized toward the food that is out of season or no longer available. there fore the average shape of the beaks will change over time in acordance to what food is readily available.
The finches have not changed species thay have just become specialized within their species. this can also cause some Genes to become extinct within a Species or Race. this is why "Race" could even be concidered to exist. Can make the Species Stronger or weaker based on what genes are lost over time.
On the other hand if the finches were no longer able to reproduce with the parent species but were only able to reproduce with other finches with the same beak size and shape then that Would mean that they had undergone Evolutionary-Mutation.
But this could only be tested in a Labratory under Precice Conditions.