How can anyone truly know if God exists or not?
2015-02-27 19:52:40 UTC
How can anyone truly know if God exists or not?
28 answers:
2015-02-27 19:53:49 UTC
You can't.

Atheists will never prove God does not exist and Religious people will never prove God does exists.

It's all based on your opinion and beliefs.
2015-02-28 05:44:15 UTC
Many feel it is hard to believe if God exists simply because they cannot see him. If God made himself physically visible to humans then there would probably be no doubt in anyone's mind that he is real. However, just because you cannot visibly see something with your eyes does not mean it doesn't exists. What you have to look at are the surrounding evidences. For example: how do we know air exists? We cannot physically see air, but what do we see and feel on a breezy day? We see the leaves swiftly moving on the trees, we feel the cool breeze against our face, we can tell that it fills our lungs as we breathe. Even though we cannot see it, based on the proved evidence surrounding us we know air exists. Other examples are gravity, electricity, odors, sound waves etc.

The existence of these things can still be proven despite the fact that we cannot see them. So, what sound reasons do we have to prove God exists although we cannot physically see him? Look at the surrounding evidence around us! Creation. Have you ever intently observed the beautiful stars at night? Or meditated on the precise arrangement of the solar system? Do you have a pet at home? Or a favorite animal? Have you ever thought about the reasons why these animals were created with such beauty, charisma, intelligence and some simply for your mere enjoyment? The bible tells us at Psalms 104:24 " How many your works are, O Jehovah! All of them in wisdom you have made. The earth is full of your productions."

Revelation 4:11 " You are worthy, Jehovah, even our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things and because of your will they existed and were created"

A member of the French Academy of Sciences stated: " Natural order was not invented by the human mind or set up by perceptive powers...The existence of order presupposes the existence of organizing intelligence. Such intelligence can be none other than God's"

Surely, the intelligence and order behind all creation comes from a superior being-God! Which gives us more then enough evidence to prove he exists. If you haven't already, continue to not only observe creation but peer into Gods word. Read it daily, and your faith will grow!
2015-03-01 08:33:13 UTC
The universe requires a cause because it had a beginning, GOD unlike the universe, had no beginning, so he doesn’t need a cause. Einstein’s theory of general relativity, which has much experimental support, shows that time is linked to matter and space. So time itself would have begun along with matter and space. Since GOD is the creator of the whole universe, he is the creator of time. Therefore He is not limited by the Reality, Time dimension He created..

You can't see the wind, but you know it is there because you can see what the wind is doing. You can know that the wind is there because you can feel it.GOD is like the wind, you can't see him.

The mystery's of faith an GOD are beyond our ability to understand.
2015-03-01 05:15:18 UTC
Yes, the Bible provides compelling evidence that God exists. It encourages us to build faith in God, not by blindly believing religious assertions, but by using our “power of reason” and “mental perception.” (Romans 12:1; 1 John 5:20, footnote) Consider the following lines of reasoning based on the Bible:

The existence of an orderly universe containing life points to a Creator. The Bible says: “Of course, every house is constructed by someone, but the one who constructed all things is God.” (Hebrews 3:4) Although this logic is simple, many well-educated people find it to be powerful. *

As humans, we have an innate desire to understand the meaning and purpose of life, a type of hunger that can remain after our physical needs have been met. This is part of what the Bible calls our “spiritual need,” which includes the desire to know and worship God. (Matthew 5:3; Revelation 4:11) This spiritual need not only gives evidence that God exists but also indicates that he is a loving Creator who wants us to satisfy that need.—Matthew 4:4.

Detailed prophecies in the Bible were written centuries ahead of time and came true exactly as predicted. The accuracy and detail of those predictions strongly suggest that they came from a superhuman source.—2 Peter 1:21.
2015-02-27 19:59:43 UTC
The Bible states: “Every house is built by someone, of course; but God built everything that exists.” (Hebrews 3:4, The Jerusalem Bible) Since any house, however simple, must have a builder, then the far more complex universe, along with the vast varieties of life on earth, must also have had a builder. And since we acknowledge the existence of humans who invented devices such as airplanes, televisions, and computers, should we not also acknowledge the existence of the One who gave humans the brain to make such things?

The Bible does, calling him “the true God, Jehovah, . . . the Creator of the heavens and the Grand One stretching them out; the One laying out the earth and its produce, the One giving breath to the people on it.” (Isaiah 42:5) The Bible rightly declares: “You are worthy, Jehovah, even our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they existed and were created.”—Revelation 4:11.

Yes, we can know that there is a God by the things he has made. “For [God’s] invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things [God] made.”—Romans 1:20.
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2015-02-27 20:10:13 UTC
Dude I saw God the other day. I played "Angel of the Morning" and La La the baby and my Grand daughter were here. La La was standing in the green chair and started yelling, "Dance! Dance!". I got up off the recliner and started to bust a move but I remembered my grand daughter. Just then La La slid from the cushion and thrust out her hip and it caught Grandpa's attention (according to my friend) so we danced a little together. Episodes like that are what I call grace and that's how my Savior is going to save me and I'll be Redeemed.

Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb.
2015-02-27 21:34:29 UTC
I have my own doubts about God not existing.. But then again, all my prayers come true and i end up being happy at the end of each day :)
2015-02-27 20:10:41 UTC
Faith comes by hearing . . . the Word of God. Jesus Christ changed my life and the lives of many, many people. Also, many Bible prophesies have been fulfilled already. Realize that you have offended a holy God with your sins and ask His forgiveness. If a person is willing to humbly ask Jesus Christ into their life as Lord and Savior and trust in what He accomplished on the cross for their salvation, that person will know the truth.Please read the New Testament for more information, starting with the Gospel of John. Pray. I'll pray for you too.
2015-02-27 20:30:48 UTC
How can anyone truly know if God exists or not?

~~~ Knowledge = experience!

Mystics Know!

It is personal experience!

God = Love (unconditional) = Enlightenment!

To Know Love/Enlightenment/Self... is to Know God!

Not 'believe', not 'think'... but Know!

The new, critically updated, all inclusive, final definition of 'Knowledge';

"'Knowledge' is 'that which is perceived', Here! Now!!"

All inclusive!

That which is perceived by the unique individual Perspective is 'knowledge'.

All we can 'know' is what we perceive, Now! and Now! and Now!!!

'Ignorance' is that which is NOT perceived, at any particular moment, by any particular unique Perspective! Here! Now!

True, unconditional Love is ALWAYS recognized by It's Virtues; Compassion, Empathy, Sympathy, Gratitude, Humility, Charity (charity is never taking more than your share of anything, ever!), Honesty, Happiness, Faith...


Want to Know for yourself?;

“Your task is not to seek for Love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” - Rumi

True, unconditional Love is ALWAYS recognized by It's Virtues; Compassion, Empathy, Sympathy, Gratitude, Humility, Charity (charity is never taking more than your share of anything, ever!), Honesty, Happiness, Faith...


(Now you can tell the real thing from the cheap-thrills offered by the ego! *__- )

Love requires practice, like a fine violin!

Practice! Practice! Practice!

Who is unworthy of Love?!

"If it cannot be thought with Love,

it doesn't need to be thought!

Don't think it!

If it cannot be spoken with Love,

it doesn't need to be said!

Don't say it!

If it cannot be done with Love,

it doesn't need to be done!

Don't do it!

If the day cannot be Saved by Love,

the day isn't worth saving,

offer it up with Love!!"

Wage Love! Practice Compassion!

tat tvam asi (

Faith = Knowledge!
2015-02-27 20:24:05 UTC
Get oneself into a straight jacket and ask God to scratch one's Itchy balls.. Now it's the ultimate test of faith. Itchy balls and tied up hands who will help, is it gonna be God, Is it gonna be some person or the impermanence of the itchy feeling...
2015-02-27 20:42:57 UTC
I was a wretch, living in a pit. I gave my life to Christ and wow, he showed up big time. I have never felt so much peace. he changed me and made me into a new person, he answered prayers and did miracles. He even gave me the desires of my heart. People don't recognize me anymore.

And then you meet thousands of people that went through the same experience...different journeys, different circumstances....same outcome.

You bet he is real. You bet he comes when people surrender and seek him. You bet he can do exceedingly and abundantly above anything you can ask or think...

I am a witness.
2015-02-27 20:08:48 UTC
They can't, anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar. People can rationalize however they want, but they will always fall short of proof. That's why religion is faith-based.
2015-02-27 21:07:11 UTC
Faith is what is important to the Lord and belief in God.

Hebrews 11:1

"Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see."
2015-02-27 20:03:11 UTC
The people who say yes because I feel him in my heart, forget that your heart lies. There's absolutely no way to use science to prove, or disprove a god. Science is all we have to determine reality. Our senses are limited and proven to be flawed. So no.
2015-02-27 20:00:04 UTC
Belief in God will ultimately be a matter of faith because absolute proof (or disproof) of the supernatural will never be found. However modern Astrophysics has proven the existence of God beyond a reasonable doubt.

++ First Cause ++

Newton's Third Law of Motion states "For every action there is equal and opposite reaction." Every action in the universe was caused by a prior equal and opposite reaction.

If we logically follow each and every action and reaction back to the beginning then logically there has to be a first action without a prior equal and opposite reaction. Modern astrophysicists call this event the Big Bang.

This first action was completely independent of outside forces. This action was God, the un-caused cause, creating the universe. This proof also fulfills the principle of Occam's Razor.

By the way, it was Georges Lemaître (1894–1966), a Belgian Catholic priest and professor of physics and astronomy, who proposed what became known as the Big Bang theory of the origin of the Universe.

++ Fine Tuning of the Universe ++

A universe in which life has a chance to exist can only happen in where a couple of dozen universal constants coincide, including:

+ Minimum interval of space

+ Minimum unit of time

+ Planck's Constant

+ Maximum velocity

+ Gravitational Attraction Constant

+ Weak Force Coupling Constant

+ Strong Nuclear Force Coupling Constant

+ Rest Mass of a Proton

+ Rest Mass of an Electron

+ Electron or Proton Unit Charge

+ Minimum Mass of the Universe

+ Total Visible Rest Mass

+ Boltzmann's Constant

+ Hubble Constant

+ Cosmological Constant

+ Cosmic Proton/Photon Ratio

+ Permittivity of Free Space

+ Electromagnetic Fine-Structure Constant

+ Weak Fine-Structure Constant

+ Gravitational Fine-Structure Constant

A couple of percent difference in any one of these constants would make the universe completely uninhabitable. Roger Penrose, a peer of Hawking, calculated that the chance of a universe capable of supporting life as we know it as one part in 10 raised to the power of 10 raised to the power of 123.

This fine tuning of the universe, while not an absolute proof of God, can be used to help prove the existence of God beyond a reasonable doubt (which is my claim).


For credible scientific and factually reliable evidence for the existance of God see the Magi's God Wiki: "Why Believe in God?"

I also suggest you read Robert Spitzer's book "New Proofs for the Existence of God: Contributions of Contemporary Physics and Philosophy"

With love in Christ.
2015-02-27 19:59:29 UTC
How can anyone truly know anything ?

I do know that earth is round so it is round because i know it is i was told it is and i saw it was.

I know God is real caz His Word (Bible) said earth is round before men discovered it.

So i thought, if God knew it before men did then He must exist.

Otherwise life makes no sense.
2015-02-28 06:26:27 UTC
I find it fairly obvious that no god exists!, but that's just me!!.
2015-02-28 16:34:54 UTC
For those who do not know God they will never have his spirit to understand anything about him or his workings.
2015-02-27 19:58:37 UTC
The universe didn't create itself,no way there was nothing then bang the universe exist.Nothing can create nothing,however something can create something.

No magic without a magician,no creation without a Creator.
Anne Arkey
2015-02-27 19:57:42 UTC
No one can really know without mounds of actual evidence, yes for some reasons theists think they can. They think centuries old stories and legends are the "word of god," and all without evidence other than these myths.

As far as I can see, the evidence -- or monumental lack of it -- points to the "no god" position, ergo I do not believe one does exist.
2015-02-27 19:55:48 UTC
we know God exists because existence exists
2015-02-27 19:55:13 UTC
regardless if you are a atheist or evolutionist or creationist

evolution started with one thing - and that thing is the creator - to some it's god

i doubt very much , it is a white bearded man sitting in a cloud though
2015-03-01 04:18:13 UTC
dont care for.

if He doesnt exist, ok.

if He exists, i condemn Him.
2015-02-27 19:58:07 UTC
if God reveals Himself to them ..
2015-02-27 19:55:49 UTC
Obey His doctrine and you will come to know He lives.
2015-02-27 19:54:16 UTC
(*sigh*) people who love sin and immorality deny and reject God. It's as simple as that.

Jesus claimed equality with God. He also said that He is the way, the truth, and the life, and that no man comes to the Father but by Him.

Then He said that if you REALLY want to know if His teachings came from God (implying the existence of said God), then "OBEY THESE COMMANDS (follow these instructions), and you SHALL know (one way OR the other)" (Referring to the Sermon on the Mount, beginning in the 5th chapter of the gospel according to Matthew)

This is an objective "litmus" test that Jesus gave, and He said nothing at all about having faith or believing. If you really want to know if Jesus really IS the Son of God (the God who is there), (er – DO you really want to know?) then read and obey the Sermon on the Mount.

If Jesus never existed, then nothing will happen.

If Jesus was a liar, then nothing will happen.

If Jesus was a lunatic, then nothing will happen.

If the Bible is nothing more than the writings of some crazy bronze-aged, goat-herding cave men as the atheist mockers keep insisting, then nothing at all will happen.

In other words, to the atheists who claim there is no evidence, PUT UP OR SHUT UP! Actions speak louder than words, so put your money where your mouth is! Take the challenge Jesus gave and prove Him wrong!

For anyone who flat out rejects this test, I have to remind them of some other words Jesus said. Jesus said that the reason people reject God is “because they are evil (their deeds are evil), and they love darkness (i.e. they love their sins and immorality), and they hate the light (i.e. they hate Truth)!” The only reason they don't believe in God is because they don't WANT to believe in God, and for no other reason, and their mind is set in concrete, and their theme song is "Don't confuse me with Truth; my mind's already made up!"

In his famous book “Mere Christianity”, C. S. Lewis makes the following observation: “I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: ‘I'm ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don't accept His claim to be God.’ That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic--on a level with the man who says he is a poached egg--or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great moral teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to."

But if you honestly, truly believe God doesn't exist, then why are you attacking and mocking God so much? It looks and sounds a lot like "tilting at windmills" (Ref: Don Quixote), or trying to fight clouds with a butter knife. Or, based on the words of Shakespeare, "Me thinks he protest too much!"
2015-02-27 19:54:37 UTC
Ask Him for faith. You can be 100% sure. Give it time.
2015-02-27 19:54:42 UTC
Read the bible and pray..God has revealed his self to many

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.