We need not get confused in these terms. For clear answer we need to understand Gita. Plz read the given text---
GITA's OPINION --- What about the Universal Eternal & Right Path to GOD?
The path to God is actually triple way path.
One needs to seek & pray for God's inspiration to one's intelligence towards the right path to God, away from evils & satanic properties( the triplet ie lust ,greed, anger and many more evils generated out of triplet)
The three main constituents of this eternal path are as given below.These need to be followed simultaneously.
1;- SWADHERM ( simple duties as per one's nature)
2:- POONYAKERM ( duties to pure mind)
3:- ABHYAS ( exercises to awaken spiritual energy )
SWADHERM as PRIMARY DUTIES i.e. 1st Constituent ------
As per The Gita's chap. 18 Swadherm is defined as simple duties according to one's nature. it has also been termed as SWAKERM.
Read the wonderful verse in chap 18 The Gita-
SWAKERMNA ( by one's duties) TUM( that) ABHIARCHYA( having worshipped) SIDDHIM( upliftment) VINDETY( gets) MANAV( man).
Its literal meaning
Having worshipped that God by one's duties man achieves upliftment in the way to God.
so the Gita explains that PERFORMING ONE'S DUTIES WELL & HONESTLY is the
FOREMOST WORSHIP TO GOD and forwards a person on the path to God .
Many references are found there in different chapters in this regard. Fulfilling one's family duties are also associated with swadherm.
In chap 18 The Gita, Poonyakermas are defined as mlnd purification duties.
Read the verse in chap 18--
YAGYA( worship rites) DANEM( donations) TUP(austerity) CHA( and) AIV( only) PAVNANY( puryfing) MANISHINAM(high thinkers).
Its literal meaning
Worship Rituals , austerity & donations are only for the purification of high thinkers.
Poonyakermas are termed as triplet i.e. 1.YAGYA (worship rituals)2.TUP(austerity) 3.DANEM(donations) and there is extensive explanation in chapt 17 of The Gita.
YAGYA :--There are various beautiful sets of noble worship rituals & practices associated with various faiths as per one's choice. They come in the Yagya Category & should be performed daily in the early morning and on special occasions & places.
TUP :---- Respect of Sages, Learned ,Elder & Enlightened Ones , Physical Purity, Non Violence, Control on Sex & Sense Organs, Non Provoking True Sentences for the Welfare , Self Study , Contentment of Mind , Simplicity , Self Control ,Pure Feelings etc. are in the Tup Category.
DANEM :- Donations to deserving person according to the need of time & place are in the Category of Danem .
Regular MIND PURIFYING DUTIES ( as we regularly clean physical body) help a person cherish Divine Values against Satanic Values and so hold MAINSTREAM IMPORTANCE in the way to God.
There is a set of various exercises to awaken one's own spiritual energy. This needs much patience, regular practice & devotion . This is the last & final exercise a man can do.
Having awakened the one's own spiritual energy ( SELF REALISATION) , a man should recite the Name of God through spiritual vibrations.
Read the verses from chap 8 in The Gita--
" ABHYAS YOG YUKTAIN ( with the exercise to awaken spiritual energy )" & " BHROOVO MADHYAY PRANEM ( breath in the forehead between eyebrows)"
& "MURDHENY ADHAY ATMAANA PRANEM ( one's breath established in forehead)".
In this way reciting God's name while leaving one's physical body ,
SEH ( he) YATY (attains) PERMAM ( supreme) GUTIM ( destination)
It means --
He attains Supreme Destination i.e. God.
But this supreme state of being is possible only by the grace of God when there is total submission & dedication to God through one's all feelings and acts accordingly.
Read the verse from chap 18 in the Gita --
TUM( to That) AIV ( only) SHARNEM ( shelter) GACHH ( go) SERV BHAVAIN ( by all feelings) .
In simple words, one's all duties i.e. simple duties as per one's nature , purifying duties and self awakening exercises should be God centered .
Then by God's grace one attains ultimate supreme position despite he/she may be on any step and stage of the Path to God. ( as per chap 12 in The Gita)
In The Gita this ETERNAL PATH has been termed as SUTET YOG, BOODHY YOG, RAJ YOG, KERM YOG i.e. continuous , intelligent, royal & dutiful joining to God .
The very same path with the proper combination of these 3 steps ( mentioned as Asambhooty, Avidya & Sambhooty i.e. Viidya in Vedas) has been strongly suggested in The Ishopnishad ( chap 40 The Yajur Veda).
Sticking to only 3rd constituent i.e. Spirituality without doing 1st & 2nd constituents has been discouraged by The Gita and strongly condemned by The Yajur Veda.
Let us pray for God's inspiration to our intelligence towards the right path to God. ( as prayed in The Veda's supreme prayer named as Gayatry Ve