Hinduism- Which path is the highest ? Karma ?Jnana? or Bhakti ? Why?
2010-05-13 22:47:01 UTC
which is your path and why you think this is better than others
22 answers:
2010-05-14 01:55:34 UTC
We need not get confused in these terms. For clear answer we need to understand Gita. Plz read the given text---

GITA's OPINION --- What about the Universal Eternal & Right Path to GOD?

The path to God is actually triple way path.

One needs to seek & pray for God's inspiration to one's intelligence towards the right path to God, away from evils & satanic properties( the triplet ie lust ,greed, anger and many more evils generated out of triplet)

The three main constituents of this eternal path are as given below.These need to be followed simultaneously.

1;- SWADHERM ( simple duties as per one's nature)

2:- POONYAKERM ( duties to pure mind)

3:- ABHYAS ( exercises to awaken spiritual energy )

SWADHERM as PRIMARY DUTIES i.e. 1st Constituent ------

As per The Gita's chap. 18 Swadherm is defined as simple duties according to one's nature. it has also been termed as SWAKERM.

Read the wonderful verse in chap 18 The Gita-

SWAKERMNA ( by one's duties) TUM( that) ABHIARCHYA( having worshipped) SIDDHIM( upliftment) VINDETY( gets) MANAV( man).

Its literal meaning

Having worshipped that God by one's duties man achieves upliftment in the way to God.

so the Gita explains that PERFORMING ONE'S DUTIES WELL & HONESTLY is the

FOREMOST WORSHIP TO GOD and forwards a person on the path to God .

Many references are found there in different chapters in this regard. Fulfilling one's family duties are also associated with swadherm.


In chap 18 The Gita, Poonyakermas are defined as mlnd purification duties.

Read the verse in chap 18--

YAGYA( worship rites) DANEM( donations) TUP(austerity) CHA( and) AIV( only) PAVNANY( puryfing) MANISHINAM(high thinkers).

Its literal meaning

Worship Rituals , austerity & donations are only for the purification of high thinkers.

Poonyakermas are termed as triplet i.e. 1.YAGYA (worship rituals)2.TUP(austerity) 3.DANEM(donations) and there is extensive explanation in chapt 17 of The Gita.

YAGYA :--There are various beautiful sets of noble worship rituals & practices associated with various faiths as per one's choice. They come in the Yagya Category & should be performed daily in the early morning and on special occasions & places.

TUP :---- Respect of Sages, Learned ,Elder & Enlightened Ones , Physical Purity, Non Violence, Control on Sex & Sense Organs, Non Provoking True Sentences for the Welfare , Self Study , Contentment of Mind , Simplicity , Self Control ,Pure Feelings etc. are in the Tup Category.

DANEM :- Donations to deserving person according to the need of time & place are in the Category of Danem .

Regular MIND PURIFYING DUTIES ( as we regularly clean physical body) help a person cherish Divine Values against Satanic Values and so hold MAINSTREAM IMPORTANCE in the way to God.


There is a set of various exercises to awaken one's own spiritual energy. This needs much patience, regular practice & devotion . This is the last & final exercise a man can do.

Having awakened the one's own spiritual energy ( SELF REALISATION) , a man should recite the Name of God through spiritual vibrations.

Read the verses from chap 8 in The Gita--

" ABHYAS YOG YUKTAIN ( with the exercise to awaken spiritual energy )" & " BHROOVO MADHYAY PRANEM ( breath in the forehead between eyebrows)"

& "MURDHENY ADHAY ATMAANA PRANEM ( one's breath established in forehead)".

In this way reciting God's name while leaving one's physical body ,

SEH ( he) YATY (attains) PERMAM ( supreme) GUTIM ( destination)

It means --

He attains Supreme Destination i.e. God.

But this supreme state of being is possible only by the grace of God when there is total submission & dedication to God through one's all feelings and acts accordingly.

Read the verse from chap 18 in the Gita --

TUM( to That) AIV ( only) SHARNEM ( shelter) GACHH ( go) SERV BHAVAIN ( by all feelings) .

In simple words, one's all duties i.e. simple duties as per one's nature , purifying duties and self awakening exercises should be God centered .

Then by God's grace one attains ultimate supreme position despite he/she may be on any step and stage of the Path to God. ( as per chap 12 in The Gita)

In The Gita this ETERNAL PATH has been termed as SUTET YOG, BOODHY YOG, RAJ YOG, KERM YOG i.e. continuous , intelligent, royal & dutiful joining to God .

The very same path with the proper combination of these 3 steps ( mentioned as Asambhooty, Avidya & Sambhooty i.e. Viidya in Vedas) has been strongly suggested in The Ishopnishad ( chap 40 The Yajur Veda).

Sticking to only 3rd constituent i.e. Spirituality without doing 1st & 2nd constituents has been discouraged by The Gita and strongly condemned by The Yajur Veda.

Let us pray for God's inspiration to our intelligence towards the right path to God. ( as prayed in The Veda's supreme prayer named as Gayatry Ve
2016-04-12 03:07:58 UTC
The Bhagavad Gita introduces 3 yogas: Karma (work, which originally meant being meticulous about ritual observances, not work in general), Bhakti (devotionalims) and Jnana (knowledge-seeking--the word is related to the Latin word Gnosis). It is considered a higher form of yoga and not for "everyone" because it entails discriminating between the "real" and "unreal" and getting a grip on what reality really is. Intellectual and perceptual effort is required. Advaita Vedanta (of Shankaracharya) is somewhat synonymous with Jnana yoga. The Bhagavad Gita can be interpreted from an advaita standpoint or dvaita (which is related to the Krishna Consciousness current of Vedanta).
2010-05-13 23:26:50 UTC

Bhakti does lead u to an easy salvation, and so does jnan.

but karma is fighting all odds and acheiving what might not have been written in ur fate.

Karma on the whole is incomplete without Bhakti and Jnan. So Karma is the highest path.

When one spend his life in Bhakti and Jnan, these help him sail through his life, but the fruit of Karma in a birth helps u sail through many lives. Hence the path highest for me is KARMA.
2010-05-13 23:11:38 UTC
It's not a matter of which is highest. It's a matter of which suits your temperament, that's why they exist. For me it's Jnana because I've always pursued wisdom and philosophy, but others are more devotional in nature and so Bhakti is best for them. Which are you most attracted to? Following a path you hate wont work for you, so pick a yoga that makes sense to you and feels natural. Karma Yoga is good for everyone.
Hari Jann
2010-05-14 03:05:51 UTC
niyataḿ kuru karma tvaḿ

karma jyāyo hy akarmaṇaḥ

śarīra-yātrāpi ca te

na prasiddhyed akarmaṇaḥ

Bhagavad-gītā 3.8

Perform your prescribed/obligatory duty ‘nitya karma’, for doing so is better than not working. One cannot even maintain one's physical body without work.

Without action ‘karma’ it is difficult to sustain oneself even simple actions like taking a bath daily, eating healthy food, and a nice good sleep are all obligatory to keep a healthy body and mind to acquire excellence in knowledge ‘jnana’ and or devotion ‘bhakti’ yoga. Even a simple act of breathing is ‘karma’ and from the smallest atom to the complete universe all is engaged in karma.

Friends may say that ‘jnana’ or ‘bhakti’ is supreme but acquiring it itself is a ‘karma’. But for us mortals only our 'karma' will lead us finally to 'jnana' or 'bhakti' whatever one may choose.
2010-05-14 00:15:43 UTC
Jnana is the highest of all Margas; but Bhakthi is the easiest to adopt. You dont need to have special qualities to adopt the Bhakthi Maarga except real devotion and this ultimately leads us to Gnana. Most of the saints like Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Nandanar, Ghora Kumbh, Meera followed the Bhakthi Marg and attained salvation. This is why Sri Sankaracharya, who propogated Gnana Marga by writing Vyagyanas to all Vedas and smritis, finally gave Shanmatha, a way of Bhakthi to the world, so that everybody can easily adopt the religious path by Bhakthi.
2010-05-14 11:17:26 UTC
In gita shri krishna says that a person will get moksha if and only if he/she remembers only lord at the last breath of his/her life.This will be achieved through bhakti which is the abhayas during lifetime to remember only god and leave all the other aspects. In gita lord describes that you will get the new birth according to the feelings and thoughts you have at your last breath.

Karma and gyan are the ladders to achieve the path of bhakti, which is the ultimate that can bring oneness to the god. There is no other path apart from bhakti to reach god.

Such persons who through the path of atoot bhakti till the last breath, reaches baikunth dham of lord according to gitaji.
Veers த‌மி‌ழ்
2010-05-14 02:50:29 UTC
Karma is the highest path if we follow righteousness in all actions and without expecting fruits. Without Karma yoga, the very functions of the world will come to stand still.

Karma Yoga is better according to Lord Krishna!

Thy right is to work only; but never with its fruits; let not the fruit of the action be not thy motive, nor let thy attachment be to inaction.

Bhagavan Sri Krishna, Bhag. Gita - II.47

Arjuna said:

3:1. If you say, O Janardana, that the path of knowledge is superior to the path of action, then why do you encourage me to such terrible action?

3:2 Your unclear words confuse me. Tell me certainly: how can I attain bliss?

The Blessed Lord said:

3:3 There are two possibilities of development, as I said already, O sinless one: the yoga of consideration and the yoga of right action.
Jai Shri Krishna
2010-05-14 03:56:44 UTC
I fluctuate between these 3 paths ...

but when one shows bhakthi towards God ..especially taking into account the present age of kali ...

jnana is very tough to follow these days ..because in those days human life spanned over 1000 years and they could practice this ...

this life span in the kaliage has come down to 100 years ..which means we don't have enough time our ancestors did ..and as this age progresses it is believed hat the life expectancy is going to decrease further so at such a time bhakthi is like a ocean in the desert ...

also bhakthi can be easily practiced by anybody need not love God just to get to his highest abode can love God just asa mother or a father loves her/his child ...they don't look for any gain ...this I feel is devotion at its highest form ..called bhakthi ...

to one who is fully absorbed in god what duty is there for Him to do???

2010-05-14 00:04:57 UTC
u may choose any path. no path is superior or inferior to others. if somebody has ralised truth through bhakti, his followers will tell the world that bhakti is superior toall..j-KRISHNAMURTHY REALISED TRUTH WITHOUT READING ANY RELIGIOUS OR A HOLY BOOK.buddha realised truth through serious vipashna meditative practices.When usuf meherali went to raman maharshi . he found him highly pious and pure(although he was a muslim).

the individual should have intense desire to find out the truth. thats all.let him belong to any country,community or religion,.He can experience the truth without following karma,jnana or bhkti.
2010-05-13 23:43:36 UTC
ALL 3 ARE EQUALLY IMPORTANCE. Also depends on who can effort what as per his convinience.

Because following any one path perfectly i.e. of Karma, Jnana or Bhakti, will lead to One GOD. Also its told that all this 3 paths intersects one another when goes ahead. This is the reasons why we are seeing that in BHAJANS of NARSHIGH MAHETA we feel, that he has attain more jnana in his life. But the path of him was BHAKTI. But this path has given him Gyan also because following one path parfectly will give result of all three paths.

Also all 3 are important because in BHAGVAD GITA if you will observe GOD has focus not only one path but on all path. If you will observe

1ST 6 CHAPTER OF GITA (1-6) ==> Tells about KARAMA

THEN 6 CHAPTER OF GITA (7-12) ==> Tells about BHAKTI

THAN 6 CHAPTER OF GITA (13-18)==> Tells about JNANA

So all 3 are important.

In Bhakti Yog there is Parmatma - ashray (dependence on God)

In Gyan Yog there is Sva - ashray (dependence on self)

In Karma Yog there is Dharm - ashray (dependence on duty)

In Gyan yog, as soon as you realize that you must give up something, you are giving importance to the existence of that.

But in Bhakti, its very simple because you consider everything as God.

In Gyan and Karma Yog, mind is more important and in Bhakti Yog, impotant of self is more important. we dont have to do anything to attain suprim god.To go to that stage, we have to do many activities of chanting, meditation, taking fasts etc. Then we will realize that we are above these world's attachments & dependence. We are dependent only on God as dependence on family, money, society will lead us no where.

Accept God with a truthful heart. Pray to Him. If you will not be able to stay without Him, He too cannot stay without you.

But, for kaliyug, Ramkrishana has told that Bhakti path is good.

"There are three mains streams of yoga in divine chapter bhakti yog, gyan yog and karma yog; each has its own merit but bhakti yoga is great among all."-RAMKRISHNA PARAMHANSHA
Vasudevan p
2010-05-18 11:04:58 UTC
The best path is 'BAKTHI' Because it is the easiest way. Jnana takes long time to obtain. Karma involves time and energy. My path is "Bakthi' It is the best way and in Kaliyuga it is recommended by Sri Krishna Bhagwan himself.
2010-05-15 09:29:12 UTC
All are of the same effect or result.In "Karma" one is expected to perform his assigned duty without expecting it s fruitful result. Here it will apply equally to both literate and illiterate.Jnana path is easier for one who is having self realization and knowledge of Supersoul or Paramathma due to his education.Bhakthi path is better for one who does not have self realization nor knowledge but devotes to God exclusively.
2010-05-13 22:59:28 UTC
Karma: is the highest.

Because Hinduism say Work is Worship. Our Ancient Rishi Muni Invented Powerful Missile by Education and Hard Work. Our Many Holy Book say that india has Many Missiles, Nuclear Bomb, Fighter Jets in Ancient Time. These are Invented by our Rishi Muni's By Hard Work. But in modern age, people say that Bow and arrow was used in that time, but this is totally WRONG. In Ancient Time India had

Missile Like: Pashupati Astra, Brahmastra, Ekghni. [Found in Mahabharta].

Nuclear Bomb: Strong Evidence that india has a nuclear power in Ancient Time. [See:]
Please answer
2010-05-13 22:51:03 UTC
Bhakti (devotion) with jnana (knowledge)
2010-05-15 10:27:30 UTC
When I go to villages, meeting people without minimum education, I was dumb stricken by their dedication or bhakthi towards god, and they feel doing karma is their dharma or duty. The 'gnana' part of god explained through 'hari kathas' by bhagavathars, bhajans, dramas and many more ways unfolds the multi dimensions of god to them which makes the faith in god become more strong. Thus, all three karma,gnana,and bhakthi are complimenting each other.
2010-05-14 02:33:02 UTC
I think Karma is important because its karma which brings our objectives before us. Lord Krishna said like that.
2010-05-19 04:21:23 UTC
Jnana - knowledge , because self knowledge is the most ULTIMATE knowledge, having that self knowledge would help you understand yourself, and when you can understand yourself, you can understand anything and everything
2010-05-19 02:16:57 UTC
Dear Friend

A prominent Sanskrit verse of the Vedas says, "Through bhakti, God is visualized; through bhakti, God is known; through bhakti, you can merge in God; through bhakti you see God in His Divine personal form." All scriptural knowledge and all paths described in the scriptures culminate in bhakti. All spiritual seekers who desire to find God must come to this point, called divine-love-consciousness in modern English. This consciousness is the joining link between a soul and God.

When divine-love-consciousness begins to develop in the mind, when the inner spark of Divinity is awakened, a spiritual rejuvenation of your entire personality slowly takes place. The warming rays of true selfless love for your Divine beloved will open the lotus of your heart to receive the eternal shower of God's Grace. That Grace is the direct means of knowing God in His true and eternal form.

The path of ‘divine love consciousness’ is the eternal path, revealed by God Himself through our very ancient scriptures like the Vedas (Radhikopnishad, Krishnopnishad), the Gita, and the Bhagwatam, etc. This path is the universal and the original Divine theme of all the religions. So, everyone can follow this path, regardless of his nationality, religion or cultural background.

The most important thing for a person is to realize the importance of God realization. If he understands that true happiness lies in the personified and most charming original Divine Beauty who appears with a flute in His hand and Whom we know by the name Sri Krishna; if he understands that his present life is the only chance to perceive that Divine Beauty; if he understands that sensual attractions are the deviations from the Divine path; if he understands that Sri.Krishna is only too willing to Grace His selfless devotees; and if he understands that His Grace is easily attainable through selfless love and faithful surrender to a real Saint, he will surely follow the path of divine love consciousness, and a day may come when he will taste the Divine lusciousness of Divine love.

That same ‘love’ is demanded by your soul; you cannot rest until you obtain it.

They are the most fortunate ones who have attained Divine love and they are also fortunate who follow them to attain that ‘love’.

Bhakti is eternal. It means that it is the eternally existing path to attain God. God is one, so the path of His attainment is also one, and thus, the same path of bhakti ensures the attainment of any of the forms of God. The path of bhakti is prevalent in every brahmand of this entire universe and it is for all the souls of this universe.

It remains the same in all the four yugas (satyug, treta, dwapar and kaliyug) and, as it is directly related to soul and God, it is above caste, creed, sect and nationality. It can be adopted by any person of any nation of this world, because it is gifted by the supreme God Himself for the benefit of the humankind; and again, there are no physical requirements in doing bhakti.

There are no meditation postures to adopt, no concentration techniques to follow and no rituals to observe. So it can be done by anyone, young, old or sick, and at any time in twenty-four hours, because bhakti is the pure love of your heart that longs to meet the Divine beloved of your soul in this very lifetime.

The philosophy of bhakti is also described in Narad Bhakti Sutra and Shandilya Bhakti Sutra.
2010-05-14 12:49:09 UTC
GYAN YOG NEEDED IN ALL THREE BUT WITH DIVOTION .SO 3 OF THEM ARE HIGHEST WITH DIVOTION. BUT NOTHING IS GOOD WITHOUT GYAN. without knowledge every thing will be a kind of blind faith. so be careful do not go with these who saying bhakti is better than any thing.without gyana nothing is better. thanks.
2010-05-14 13:45:17 UTC
these threes are not different from each other. they are three in jnana of three make the path easy no matter you choose bhakti.karma or gyan. so they are inter related. thanks.
2010-05-13 22:49:56 UTC
karma, is the only path, because lord krishana says, karm kar fal ki echa mat kar, tumhare karm he tumhari mukti ka marg kholenge,

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.