Do you think something can come out of nothing ?
2012-01-24 06:49:25 UTC
Science says there was big bang. What was there before big bang ? emptiness ?
Science says energy can never be created nor be destroyed only can be transformed.
If something can never be destroyed then there is possibility of something which can not be created but it is there eternally just as the space is.
Was there only energy in its purest form before the big bang which collectively created the immense pressure within like it happens in the black hole and finally resulted into the explosion and transformed itself into the clouds of dust and gas.
We have thoughts and we know they are there but if a surgeon examine our skull he will not find it there. I can think due to the energy i have within me without energy i can not think. Finally my thoughts would take shape on the key board and an answer would be pasted on Y/A.
Seventeen answers:
Speaking Soul
2012-01-24 08:19:01 UTC
Very nice thought...

Lets understand this concept with my thought...

-- what happen when equal amount of +ve and -ve charge merge. what left ... "nothing".now reverse this process we get positive and negative charge from nothing.

-- what happen when "matter" and "anti-matter" mixed up in equal quantity ... "nothing left" now again reverse this process we take matter and antimatter from nothing...

Now Lets suppose you see a stars and planets in dream ... then this dream need a space to exist?

how it is possible?? you can't say your dream not exist? like wise our religious text books say we are living in a illusion or virtual world.... god is reality ...everything else is like a dream. and this dreams looks so real that we forget our own reality ..that is soul which comes from god
2012-01-24 07:25:57 UTC
You are confusing Greek mythology and science with pseudo-science and supposition.

If you're going to use Greek mythology, you have to define what you mean by "nothing," or lack of everything. Is our consciousness nothing? Or do we see that nothingness has a structure to it, there is something that makes spacetime bubbles possible? It is said that the third theorem of Sir Issac Newton, a great scientist explains the same idea that was expressed by Empedocles, but this is a weak argument either way when talking about origins.

Some people that believe in God ridicule people that the big bang happened all by itself, because: nothing can come from nothing.

Those that don't believe in God ridicule people that believe God is eternal, because: nothing can come from nothing.

The big bang only accounts for the creation of the physical universe, it does not account for where all that energy came from in the first place. This is pseudo-science, or Historical Science, which is not necessarily science at all, but rather a bunch of seemingly scientifically clothed guesses and stories that try to fit the guesses.

Science, or observational science, or empirical science reveals evidence of experiment, that can be duplicated by others, facts derived from observation and experience, not theory. Science has not proven anything about the Big Bang or origins of the universe or life.

There are only two models for the creation of the universe and our solar system: the Solar Nebulae Model and the Creationist Model. Both are compared here:

I have some excellent work on this subject if you want to email me. It won't fit into this little window.
Bastion 「A」
2012-01-24 07:43:12 UTC
1) Nobody claims that there was 'nothing' before the Big Bang, we just don't know because there is no information available.

2) There is no such thing as 'only energy in its purest form'. That's like saying 'heavy in its purest form' or 'width in its purest form'...

3) The Big Bang was not an explosion, it was an expansion.

4) If you take an MRI you can see the brain activity that results in your thoughts. They are not intangible.

5) Again, you do not have 'energy within you'. Energy doesn't work like that.
2012-01-24 06:54:40 UTC
before the big bang there was singularity, all matter in a single point. We have good evidence for the big bang (see red shift and background radiation), but what comes before there is little evidence and much specualtion and competing theories. A current popular theory is an occilating universe that is continually expanding then collapsing. Some experiments going on at CERN on the nature of dark matter and gravity will either give more weight or help to disprove this theory.

It is dificult to resolve the simplicity of quantum reactions and the complexity of human life, that came about through billions of years of evolution, as you are attempting to do
2012-01-24 08:45:36 UTC
Yes. Modern science shows that the entire universe could arise from nothing but the quantum field, which is as close to nothing as can be.

For thousands of years, people have said that their god was behind what they didn't understand -- life, lightning, stars, earthquakes, the origin of life, the world or the universe, etc. Positing a god to supposedly answer a question solves nothing. It just adds an unwarranted level of complexity and stops you from asking more questions.

It used to be that science couldn't answer the question about the origin the universe or of the Big Bang, but that didn't mean we should make up an answer (such as a god) and say that it was the cause. Within the last few decades science has discovered some good answers.

There are many well-respected physicists, such as Stephen Hawking, Lawrence Krauss, Sean M. Carroll, Victor Stenger, Michio Kaku, Alan Guth, Alex Vilenkin, Robert A.J. Matthews, and Nobel laureate Frank Wilczek, who have created scientific models where the Big Bang and thus the entire universe could arise from nothing but a quantum vacuum fluctuation -- via natural processes.

In relativity, gravity is negative energy, and matter and photons are positive energy. Because negative and positive energy seem to be equal in absolute total value, our observable universe appears balanced to the sum of zero. Our universe could thus have come into existence without violating conservation of mass and energy — with the matter of the universe condensing out of the positive energy as the universe cooled, and gravity created from the negative energy. When energy condenses into matter, equal parts of matter and antimatter are created — which annihilate each other to form energy. However there is a slight imbalance to the process, which results in matter dominating over antimatter.

I know that this doesn't make sense in our Newtonian experience, but it does in the realm of quantum mechanics and relativity. As Nobel laureate physicist Richard Feynman wrote, "The theory of quantum electrodynamics describes nature as absurd from the point of view of common sense. And it agrees fully with experiment. So I hope you can accept nature as she is — absurd."

"To surrender to ignorance and call it God has always been premature, and it remains premature today."

— Isaac Asimov

"As far as I can see, such a theory [of the primeval atom] remains entirely outside any metaphysical or religious question. It leaves the materialist free to deny any transcendental Being… For the believer, it removes any attempt at familiarity with God."

— Georges Lemaître, Catholic priest who first proposed what became the Big Bang Theory

For more, watch the video at the 1st link - "A Universe From Nothing" by Lawrence Krauss, read an interview with him (at the 2nd link), or get his book (at the 3rd link).

Rick L
2012-01-24 06:54:56 UTC
The Creationist argument is that the Universe, our World, and our bodies are all too complex to have developed on their own. They claim that this means that there must be a god, as nothing so complex as these things could possibly exist without being created.

But then - who created god? Their answer to this question: God always existed. He exists outside of time and space. However:

How is it that a god can always have existed, but the Universe can not? When religious people claim that their god created the Universe, they don’t worry about the creation of their god, who supposedly has always existed. If you can accept a god that always existed, why can’t you accept a Universe that always existed?

A creator doesn't solve the problem of something from nothing. If god is finite - where did he come from? If god is infinite - why can't the universe be?
2012-01-24 07:23:18 UTC
Oh, so big bang is expanding into empty space. you mean. Right?

Somehow, you trying to draw an analogy between God and energy. Right?

You are thinking but your thinking can dwell on three dimensional entity only. How about if something more is added into dimension, say for example, time, then what will happen?
2012-01-24 18:57:53 UTC

• Science says ,Everything is made of ELECTRONs, PROTONs, NEWTRONs.

Moreover, electrons, protons, newtrons are manifestation of Energy.

Energy is Energy. Whole universe is a bunch of CERTAIN ENENGY.

Energy takes various forms.

Vedas say that not only Physical but spiritual energy also emanated from a SUPREME FORM OF ENERGY i.e. GOD.
2016-11-15 23:19:58 UTC
2012-01-24 06:56:49 UTC
You should meet some of my ex's. They have perfected the art of making something out of nothing, normally at my loss.
2012-01-24 06:53:33 UTC
Where did your god come from? What did he do for the millienia before he dcided "I know, I'll create a universe"
2012-01-24 06:55:14 UTC
Theorems, theorems, theorems. We don't even know what exactly was there before big bang. All we have is theorems....
2012-01-24 06:52:57 UTC
Your "thoughts" are electrical impulses and chemical exchanges in your brain.
2012-01-24 08:19:32 UTC understand everything .
2016-11-13 21:56:11 UTC
ed f
2012-01-24 06:52:56 UTC
God holds the elements together, he gives us breath, it's not from nothing, it's from him.
2012-01-24 06:58:31 UTC

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