1) you have the extraordinary claim, so you need to provide the extraordinary evidence for your god. You believe a most intelligent, most complex, and therefore most improbable (ironically according to creationist arguments) being just existed for no reason whatsoever, so you do need to have good evidence for it.
2) We have provided evidence, over, and over, and over, and over. Science, logic, history and probability (as in point 1) are on our side, not yours.
3a) we don't have to because most Christians on this forum have already proven their version of their god can not exist, by lying all the time. If your religion has such good evidence, there would be no need to lie.
3b) we don't have to because most Christians on this forum have already proven their version of their god can not exist, by presenting arguments that prove their god can not exist. Here are a few examples:
The 'we hate God' argument means we must hate all gods. Which means they must also exist, and therefore the one and only 'God' can not exist. The argument from personal experience also falls in this category.
The argument from objective morality means any god who says what is moral can not exist, as those morals would not be objective. So if objective morality does exist, that specific moral defining 'God' can not.
"So now if you have any amount of dignity provide your proof or stay quiet forever." - Now you ask for 'proof'. Here's where you fall flat on your face. Three times.
1) You made a big mistake in first asking for evidence instead of proof. You see, we can not provide proof, so the religious can dishonestly claim their beliefs are therefore equally valid. Asking for evidence proves this is not so, as I demonstrated above.
2) As YOU can not provide proof for your version of your 'God', then if you have any dignity and don't want to be a hypocrite, that means you will be deleting your account. Bye bye.
3) As you can not provide proof the Abrahamic god does exist, then you must remain silent when religious nuts commit acts of terrorism. So please, please, please delete your account, because people who support terrorism in any way should not have a platform to speak.