Atheists when are you going to provide evidence that God doesn't exist?
2017-06-13 20:06:10 UTC
You're the ones making the claim of his non existence so the burden of proof is on you. As for me since I was a child I believed he exists. So I'm not making any claim. Before you say you can't prove a negative that's nonsense. I can prove a negative. I can prove the sun doesn't speak Chinese. I can prove that no elephants exist on the Sun. I can prove that no other star exists in the solar system. Here I prove many negatives. So now if you have any amount of dignity provide your proof or stay quiet forever.
97 answers:
2017-06-17 15:31:12 UTC
The key point is that, and I quote you, "since I was a child I believed he exists".

You BELIEVED he exist but you never really know he exist.
2017-06-16 07:41:09 UTC
If you can prove a god exists you could be ruler of this planet. Better get to it
2017-06-15 08:09:38 UTC
Atheists can't prove that God doesn't exist, because they know deep down that He does exist!
2017-06-15 06:24:54 UTC
when are you going to prove he DOES?
2017-06-15 01:11:19 UTC
god already proves it for them
2017-06-14 20:51:02 UTC
Kingdom of Moron, population; YOU! :)
2017-06-14 11:01:01 UTC
Not possible...does the bogeyman not exist? You tell me how to prove that. Just because you think you know that something as ridiculous as the sun speaking Chinese can't be true....IS NOT PROOF...otherwise I could say that something as ridiculous as supernatural gods --- heaven----hell, etc can't be true....

Think about it. You are probably too young to understand the nature of proof...evidentiary proof...but that does not give you the right to be so disrespectful to atheists with your nonsense.
2017-06-13 20:26:18 UTC
"You're the ones making the claim of his non existence so the burden of proof is on you..." Saying something doesn't exist isn't a claim numb nuts.
2017-06-13 20:13:55 UTC
Your lack of understanding how the burden of the proof work just show all of us, no god was involved in the making of your brain....

Another proof... all the gods that lose their believers get empty temples, their oracles and prophets go silenced, people call them myths... all of them will end there ....why? Because religions are a jumble of false assertions, with no basis in reality and the very idea of gods is a product of the human imagination.

So you think you can prove the sun doesn't speak Chinese, I don't need you to prove that... because I will be laughing hard about that made up claim... because in all realms that are not religious when you make any absurd claim, or jumble non sense, with no basis in reality... you will pay the laughs.
2017-06-13 20:13:26 UTC
Can there be objective evidence for God?

From scientist and author Victor Stenger's " God: The Failed Hypothesis"

1. Hypothesize a God that plays an important role in the universe.

2. Assume God has specific attributes that should provide objective evidence tor his existence.

3. Look for such evidence with an open mind.

4. If such evidence is found, conclude that God MAY exist.

5. if such objective evidence is not found, conclude beyond a reasonable doubt, that a God with these properties does NOT exist.
2017-06-15 14:58:37 UTC
Of course you ate absolutely right. This is also how we know Allah, Odin and Shiva exist, because you can't prove they don't.......
Logos Lore
2017-06-15 14:43:21 UTC
"I can prove the sun doesn't speak Chinese. I can prove that no elephants exist on the Sun" Those examples although highly improbable, don't constitute proof of a negative. Proof is only applied to when a positive claim is made. I could claim that rainbow colored fairies exist all around us. Does that now require you to prove they don't exist? Oh you can't? That must mean rainbow colored fairies exists! No, I as the one making the claim, have to prove they exists. The same way I have to prove Angels exists or the existence of a god. No one can prove god doesn't exists, however until there is evidence to suggest such a being exists, the default position should be that it's highly unlikely that a god exists.
2017-06-15 14:15:38 UTC
They never will because He DOES exist. There have been atheists that have looked into it with an open mind and actually changed their beliefs. Most atheists will not do that. I have respect for the ones who do. If you really want to know the truth about something you will put effort into finding out. They just want to stay where they are because it is comfortable.
A Nonny Mouse
2017-06-15 10:53:06 UTC
At the same time as you prove that Unicorns, leprechauns, fairies and Martians don't exist.

Another retard fundie who doesn't understand the basic principle of burden of proof.
Randy the Atheist
2017-06-15 02:23:05 UTC
Gods are man-made ideas that were invented extremely late in human history - first appearing in the Neolithic around 11,000 years ago and gradually spread from a tiny corner of the world that lay somewhere between the ancient cities of Ur and Nineveh.

Prior to the invention of gods, people long believed in various flavors of shamanism where a priest or "medicine man" would awaken sleeping spirits and call upon them to do good or evil deeds. Shamanism itself was preceded by an even older belief system called animism where every object including rocks and rivers were thought to contain a spiritual force.

The transformation from earth-bound spirits to sky gods followed the invention of agriculture. Agriculture required the precise charting of the sun and the stars in order to track the seasons. Large stone monuments appeared and curious points of light were discovered that crossed the constellations. These lights which are now known as planets became embodied in mystery and eventually into the realm of the divine.

Celestial gods were gradually replaced with supernatural personified beings after the Egytians and Greeks began immortalizing their kings, pharoahs and famous hero warriors. The idea of humans born as gods ultimately sparked the belief that ordinary men living on the fringes of society could also be gods as well - one individual in particular that continues to be celebrated to this day.

The progression of our religious beliefs demonstrate that gods are only provisional ideas - human ingenuities that have come and gone throughout our history - manufactured from previous concepts that faded from popularity as newer and bolder ideas emerged.

Your turn.
2017-06-15 01:03:20 UTC
They will be having quite some difficulty there!
2017-06-14 17:07:59 UTC
It's not up for the doubter to provide evidence, sorry. The truth is, you have no evidence that your religious beliefs are correct, and as you have personal doubts, you try to shunt off responsibilities for your faith onto others. You think if you challenge others to disprove your beliefs, and they can't, then maybe it means they're true.

But, this isn't how it works. You can't actually prove an absence of a thing. Occasionally, you can prove a contradictory truth, but with religion, there's always the believer running through endless mental gymnastics to give reasons why X, Y, or Z doesn't contradict their beliefs. Because there is no logical framework or workable definition of "God", there's no way to collect evidence for, or in contradiction, of this premise.

In reality, atheists simply lack a belief in any deities. You're trying to claim this is a belief that there are no deities, but this is just a case of you lying about atheists. You construct a straw man because attacking atheists is apparently the only way you have to prop up your astonishingly weak faith, and if you were to actually address them honestly, you'd have absolutely no argument. So, you lie.

It's your job, in the end, to uphold your own faith. You can believe whatever you like. Lying about others because of your own weakness of faith is shameful and cowardly.
2017-06-14 14:03:28 UTC
You can't prove/disprove a negative. It is not an assertion that a god doesn't exist, it is a lack of belief that a god, or any gods exist. Atheists reject the god claim. They do not assert that one does not exist. Pay attention to what is being said. Any time someone makes a claim about anything, that is an assertion. They MUST have proof and evidence to back it up and prove it. Otherwise it can be dismissed without a second thought.
2017-06-14 06:34:43 UTC
When you can prove your god exists.
2017-06-14 00:16:21 UTC
How do you know what is in the sun actually? Did you ever go there?
2017-06-13 22:37:51 UTC
Atheists aren't hated for their lack of faith so much as for the "believer's" lack of faith. If they had real faith atheists shouldn't bother them.
2017-06-13 20:39:12 UTC

Every one of us was born an atheist. If it weren't for churches, preachers, bibles, and whatnot the world would be atheist.

You believed in God because you were indoctrinated to do so. I know this because no child could come up with a concept of God and any paranormal experiences would be reacted to with indifference or outright fear.

Prove your god. Stop lying to us and yourself that he does any more than what can be considered random chance and that he speaks louder than any of the voices you can make inside your head.
james o
2017-06-13 20:36:25 UTC
So far as you know! That's not proof.

I think you are mistaken and the Sun does in fact speak Chinese. funny that you just happen to mention that. I'm absolutely positive I'm right.

This is a good illustration of how people who don't understand the discussion get the most basic stuff wrong. Both of the points you attempt are actually maintaining that something IS true, by the way.

People have been aware for -- I don't know, centuries? -- that you cannot prove a negative, and it's sort of to the point for you to say, "If scholars have maintained this view for a very long time, and I do not see it, perhaps I don't get the whole picture."

But, like anyone about twelve years old, you jump right to the "everyone else says you can't prove a negative, but I alone am right" position.

There are two ways of having a discussion: (1) I shall prove that you are wrong and I am right. (2) I want to find out what is true even if it means my point of view is all messed up, because if I wind an argument with a wrong point of view, folks may be well aware of the facts, and frequently they don't want to get involved, so they say, yeah, sure, whatever, and go someplace else.

Most atheists are well aware that (1) people of faith disagree with their view, and (2) no matter what they do, they will never convince a person of faith that their view is correct. One can say the same thing, of course, about people who take the literalist view of god and scripture (Bible =perfect, free from error), incidentally.

Neither of these dies is able to provide compelling evidence for their point of view, yet they maintain their point of view anyway, no matter what evidence might be presented to refute it. Atheists and literalists are two sides of the same extremist coin.
2017-06-13 20:32:31 UTC
Everything that actually "exists" is made of atoms and molecules of physical matter. If God did exist, He would have to be made of the same substance as everything else that actually exists. If that were the case, His body would absorb and re-emit light and we'd be able to see Him. Humanity now has telescopes so powerful we can see everything for millions of light years. If God were actually out there, we'd be able to see him -- and we don't.

The truth is that God is a subjective mental experience occurring within people's minds and Christians are so completely brainwashed they actually pretend their own perceptions are part of reality. Aristotle and the Roman Catholics created this problem by insisting that mental experiences are the basis of reality. Humanity has known for 376 years that subjective mental experiences are unreal abstractions, formed within a person's mind by their own living brain, and that Aristotelian philosophy does not correctly describe objective physical reality.
2017-06-13 20:27:54 UTC
How are you going to prove a god does exists? You can't, just like Atheists can't prove a god doesn't exist. It's just the way of the world. Let people believe in what they want. Don't criticise people for believing or not believing a god exist and get over it
2017-06-13 20:17:14 UTC
lol. It never gets any less funny when theists try to shift the burden of proof. Try using that "logic" ANYWHERE else in society.

"I don't own a Ferrari"

"Oh yeah, PROVE IT!"

"Uh... what?"

"Vampires don't exist"

"Oh yeah, PROVE IT!"

"Uh... what?"

"I am not telepathically communicating with aliens in the Orion Nebula"

"Oh yeah, PROVE IT!"

"Uh... what?"

It's so ridiculous! Yet they think the burden of proof is on the one rejecting the claim, not the one making the claim that a god exists. Funny stuff!
2017-06-13 20:16:08 UTC
The only thing that can be proven is the natural world, everything else is make-believe.
2017-06-13 20:10:50 UTC
When are YOU going to provide proof that an invisible golden laughing dragon doesn't live in my garage?

If you can't prove he doesn't exist... well then, he MUST surely exist.

Wouldn't you agree?
2017-06-13 20:08:48 UTC
They can't see God, so therefore they say he doesn't exist LOL
2017-06-13 20:08:08 UTC
No, I'm going to claim loudly that no deities exist, just like you claim no werewolves exist, or is that an open question for you?
2017-06-15 21:02:48 UTC
There is no real proof that God exists too...
2017-06-15 12:49:33 UTC
Theists when are you going to provide evidence that god does exist?
Barney Google
2017-06-15 11:44:56 UTC
No, I don't think so. Not since yesterday. Yesterday got totally turned against. And you know, I wouldn't claim it otherwise that it does exist, and that these little problems that the Mankind has set about him, there is not a solution to every single problem. To let Him turn on me, I would completely forget me, the ego-tard (LOL) in the machines. Try this on, forget about God. No, if you're serious life without God. Live in separation from God. Live, like you never have before. Atheism is the default belief. If there is no God, you're totally style and y'all can just chill just a little. God is wha--? A spirit? What like a cheap Halloween costume? Who said, "the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence. And that leaves me speechless. NOT!!! If you think atheists believe deep down, you don't know me.
2017-06-15 06:57:19 UTC
Typically, shock therapy is a good method of getting atheists in line with their creator.
2017-06-15 05:41:48 UTC
I advice you not to.
2017-06-15 04:28:04 UTC
Can you provide evidence that unicorns don't exist?

Your logic makes no sense
2017-06-15 02:36:12 UTC
Never seen a Chimp carrying around a bible under his arm, they are not so stupid !
2017-06-15 00:06:25 UTC

Count up all the things magic, religion, and mysticism accomplished the 6000 years and then compare that to all the things science alone has accomplished in the last 150 years.
military supporter
2017-06-14 21:14:25 UTC
Typical. You do understand the rules of evidence. YOU and all the thumpies like you are making the claim. YOU are claiming some gawd thingy exists. Therefore, YOU are responsible to prove a gawd thingy exists before anyone with an IQ will believe you. /and NOW you must provide PROOF of all the things you asserted. Of course, you should start with proving you have a working brain cell. Until you do, it is a reasonable assumption that you are completely BRAIN DEAD. As for evidence that a gawd thingy does not exist, the COMPLETE LACK OF EVIDENCE is complete evidence of lack.
River Euphrates
2017-06-14 19:10:56 UTC
I'd love to see 'Axel' in court: 'Your honor - you can't prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that the body you found in my apartment next to a bloody knife covered in my fingerprints wasn't actually killed by an undetectable entity'.
2017-06-14 15:11:15 UTC
You are wrong. You can't prove that there are no elephants on the sun. Try it.

You say 'There is a god, my specific god.'

I say 'I don't believe you, prove it.'
2017-06-14 14:35:29 UTC
Interesting question. I hope this video helps!
2017-06-14 04:43:10 UTC
Don't be stupid, everyone knows you can't prove a negative
2017-06-14 00:47:07 UTC
If we are related, we shall meet.

As I when I get an opportunity, I will explain everything to you in detail. Don't worry.
2017-06-13 21:33:54 UTC theists are the ones who introduced the idea of a god....It's up to you to prove he exists.

We atheists can't prove he doesn't exist....not possible....It's a negative. You try proving The Tooth Fairy doesn't exist....see what I mean?

2017-06-13 20:24:36 UTC
Believe it or not(hey, get it), believing something does not stop it from being a claim. And your definition of a negative doesn t apply to the situation of a god. All of your claims are specific to a certain area. A negative that would apply to a universal, omnipotent god would be proving that unicorns don t exist in general, or that the lizard people live inside of the sun. You are making a claim by saying god exists, which is a positive. Atheists are saying that god doesn t exist, which is a negative. Since negatives cannot be proven, the burden of proof falls upon the positive side, in this case, yours. Simply believing in god since you were a child does not change the fact that the burden of proving that something DOES exist falls on you. Hence why we do not believe in unicorns or dragons, as no one has proven their existence in the first place. Your god, ever since it was created by the human mind, is in the very same group as the mythical creatures.
2017-06-13 20:13:41 UTC
Prove the nonexistence of the lord god Anu and invisible flying purple unicorns.
2017-06-13 20:11:52 UTC
mr. sunny elephant hasn't received your tithe payment yet, so stfu
2017-06-13 20:10:22 UTC
I'll get on that as soon as I'm done with leprechauns, unicorns and fairies...oh, my apologies, it'll also have to wait until after Bigfoot, Nessy and alien abduction.
2017-06-13 20:10:14 UTC
That which doesn't exist can't be proven or disproven.
2017-06-15 21:08:05 UTC
2017-06-15 20:23:50 UTC
I don't really care to be honest. Real or not, he's a shitty person.
Groove doctor
2017-06-15 13:38:53 UTC
As soon as you can provide evidence that my magical pet unicorn that's theoretically incompatible with your god's existence doesn't exist
2017-06-15 12:08:30 UTC
Atheists are full of bullshit. If they could, they would, their crappy arguments nonwithstanding. The only reason they are atheists is to get some free weed and maybe feel a hippie chick's boob.
2017-06-15 11:55:03 UTC
I can't prove he doesn't exist and you can't prove he does exist.
2017-06-15 11:21:52 UTC
You prove that pixies don't exist and I'll use your methodology for gods. Fair enough?
2017-06-15 05:53:26 UTC
I have no need to provide evidence that God does not exist.

Even if God did exist, it does not follow that we should all believe in him.

Those that believe in such concepts are happy to believe in God, those

of us who do not believe are content in our non belief. I fail to see an issue

unless you are one of those strange people that require us all to be sheep

and believe the same things.
2017-06-15 01:14:13 UTC
well since god hides that pretty much is a win for the atheists
2017-06-14 22:59:24 UTC
An atheist doesn't claim that there's no god. An anti theist does. All anti theists are atheists, but not all atheists are anti theists; if that makes any sense. So a good 85% (probably higher) of atheists aren't claiming that god doesn't exist. They just don't actively believe in or worship any supernatural deity since there's no evidence for doing so. We also don't believe Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny doesn't exist, but oddly, we're never asked to debunk these fairytales.

Christians (I'm using them as a reference because they're who I'm mainly around), on the other hand, actively and publicly state that not only does god exist, but it's THEIR GOD that exists. Since this is the case, the burden or proof is on them. I don't see anyone proving or disproving god anyways. We're all stuck on the same tiny rock in space and have access (or lack thereof, rather) to the same exact information. There's also no proving Santa doesn't exist somewhere.
2017-06-14 15:25:49 UTC
We already have, but the superstitious minds of theists continue to reject it.
2017-06-14 14:49:13 UTC
Won't bother because many Christians declare they will continue to believe in God even if he is proven non-existent.
Freethinking Liberal
2017-06-14 10:21:45 UTC
The same day that Christians provide evidence that God does exist
2017-06-14 07:49:49 UTC
1) you have the extraordinary claim, so you need to provide the extraordinary evidence for your god. You believe a most intelligent, most complex, and therefore most improbable (ironically according to creationist arguments) being just existed for no reason whatsoever, so you do need to have good evidence for it.

2) We have provided evidence, over, and over, and over, and over. Science, logic, history and probability (as in point 1) are on our side, not yours.

3a) we don't have to because most Christians on this forum have already proven their version of their god can not exist, by lying all the time. If your religion has such good evidence, there would be no need to lie.

3b) we don't have to because most Christians on this forum have already proven their version of their god can not exist, by presenting arguments that prove their god can not exist. Here are a few examples:

The 'we hate God' argument means we must hate all gods. Which means they must also exist, and therefore the one and only 'God' can not exist. The argument from personal experience also falls in this category.

The argument from objective morality means any god who says what is moral can not exist, as those morals would not be objective. So if objective morality does exist, that specific moral defining 'God' can not.


"So now if you have any amount of dignity provide your proof or stay quiet forever." - Now you ask for 'proof'. Here's where you fall flat on your face. Three times.

1) You made a big mistake in first asking for evidence instead of proof. You see, we can not provide proof, so the religious can dishonestly claim their beliefs are therefore equally valid. Asking for evidence proves this is not so, as I demonstrated above.

2) As YOU can not provide proof for your version of your 'God', then if you have any dignity and don't want to be a hypocrite, that means you will be deleting your account. Bye bye.

3) As you can not provide proof the Abrahamic god does exist, then you must remain silent when religious nuts commit acts of terrorism. So please, please, please delete your account, because people who support terrorism in any way should not have a platform to speak.
Private Detective Eddie Valiant
2017-06-14 06:01:43 UTC
When are you going to learn what atheism is?
2017-06-14 04:00:07 UTC
Despite your claims, you are the one making a statement rooted in your belief. I am making a simpler statement. I don't believe YOU are correct in your belief. Oh, there is one other statement I make... I have seen no evidence of God's existence. In the absence of evidence, I am not required to give your unsupported claims any credence whatsoever.

From principles of logic, I feel certain that no gods exist, but that statement (that no gods exist) is a universal negative and that is the kind of negative statement that can't be proven. For the record, saying the sun doesn't speak Chinese is a specific negative, which CAN be proved or disproved. But if you had bothered to learn the details of logic by actually STUDYING it, you would know that. Obviously, you must not have studied logic. Yet here you are trying to use it to prove a point with no evidence.

We return to you still wiggling on the hook, having made a claim that God exists (because you say you believe in his existence). That's nice. I believe your statement that you believe in God's existence. I just don't agree that your belief is correct.
2017-06-14 03:11:29 UTC
That is not my problem.

I'm not making any claims

about this hypothetical God,

that you are imagining.



John Popelish
2017-06-14 02:37:24 UTC
Chris Ancor
2017-06-13 22:08:40 UTC
Been done years ago. Try to keep up.
2017-06-13 20:12:48 UTC
From Bertrand Russell: If I were to suggest that between the Earth and Mars there is a china teapot revolving about the sun in an elliptical orbit, nobody would be able to disprove my assertion provided I were careful to add that the teapot is too small to be revealed even by our most powerful telescopes.

But if I were to go on to say that, since my assertion cannot be disproved, it is an intolerable presumption on the part of human reason to doubt it, I should rightly be thought to be talking nonsense.

If, however, the existence of such a teapot were affirmed in ancient books, taught as the sacred truth every Sunday, and instilled into the minds of children at school, hesitation to believe in its existence would become a mark of eccentricity and entitle the doubter to the attentions of the psychiatrist in an enlightened age or of the Inquisitor in an earlier time.

The existence of this teapot cannot be disproved. We can look and scan the skies almost for eternity, and it may always just be the case that it wasn't in the place we looked — there may be another spot we've overlooked, or it may have moved while we were looking. However, given the absurd nature of the specific example, the teapot, we would rightly infer that absence of evidence is evidence of absence. Russell's audacity in the thought experiment was to question why people don't like to apply the same, sound, logic (remembering that formal logic is independent of the actual content of an argument) to the existence of any particular deity; there is no difference in the evidence base provided, therefore there is no reason to assume a God and not a celestial teapot.
2017-06-13 20:06:58 UTC
Right after you prove the nonexistence of flying, pink, unicorns....

No matter how many times you misrepresent the meaning of the word "atheist".... you're still going to be wrong about it.

Atheism is a stance on the BELIEF in deities. Nothing more. You want to be BELIEVED.... provide some evidence.
2017-06-15 22:24:37 UTC
Your logical fallacy is shifting the burden of proof.

Most atheists are agnostic, and are not making any claim. We're just rejecting claims of gods existing.

Hitchens's razor: What is asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.
2017-06-15 20:47:30 UTC
When are you going to prove god is real?

If you say the bible that makes no sense because the bible is a book written by a person who could have made all this stuff up
2017-06-15 06:39:42 UTC
you havn't proved that he does exist yet
2017-06-15 04:09:41 UTC
But you're also using a logical fallacy, and you technically don't have proof of those claims, but you know you are right because you can use logic and reason to effectively make those conclusions without physical evidence (kinda similar to how math works). Besides, just because you've believed something your whole life doesn't mean it's no longer a claim (which say that it does is another logical fallacy). Also, saying something doesn't exist in response to a CLAIM that it doesn't count as a claim, it's a response to a claim. But if it did count as such, claiming someone does exist is a bigger claim so it's the one that requires the evidence, black swans for example. And to conclude, look up Russell's teapot, it will give you some context and show you how we atheists see your claims, also sorry if anything was confusing to read, I'm a bit sleepy right now.
2017-06-15 01:24:42 UTC
"I can prove the sun doesn t speak Chinese. I can prove that no elephants exist on the Sun. I can prove that no other star exists in the solar system. Here I prove many negatives."

You re missing the point. We know the sun exists, and we know its qualities. It doesn t speak and it doesn t harbor life, yet it exists. There is no proof God exists.

Which puts us back to square one. You can t prove the nonexistence of something.
2017-06-14 17:51:41 UTC
Just as soon as Christians provide evidence that Zeus, Ra, Ganesh, Kali, Osiris, and Krishna don't exist.
2017-06-14 17:07:20 UTC
When are you going to give evidence he DOES exist? not just some book some guy wrote a thousand years ago?or some superstitious bullcrap easily explained and PROVEN by science??? answer that question.
2017-06-14 16:21:14 UTC
When who what when where how and Indians like to eat meat and please allow the Indians to hunt and see if they will be as generous as they were when and where what pounds your drum and How is all I have to say

AND who I am is a secret and please do not be mean to me but this doesn't mean that want to live alone or be lacking in funds anymore like yesterday but blessed be for the angels that delivered me from the heck of a situation I was in and would never wish that on anyone but it is going to get better for those who love the planet to conserve life on it forever more
2017-06-14 15:38:58 UTC
you can prove the sun doesn't speak Chinese?

a visit to the sun would indeed be a better use of your time.. as you're clearly wasted here!
Say No to Castor Oil!
2017-06-14 15:37:58 UTC
Yeah...I love when apologetics ask this question. We are not responsible for proving something doesn't exist! Thats easy...its not here...I don't see it...thats my proof!
2017-06-14 10:17:05 UTC
I don't need to as I am sure and certain in my Atheism.
2017-06-14 05:19:33 UTC
We have but the real question is when are you Christians going to provide evidence your God exists?
Sandra K
2017-06-14 00:55:32 UTC
Thomas Jefferson and Mark Twain offered proof long ago. I had the same experience they did. Lots of other people do too. What is that proof? It's just reading the Bible critically and objectively. When you do that, you see lots of ancient ignorance of reality and lots of dumb contradictions. The plot is so unbelievably dumb. Believers don't have any good arguments for their dumb beliefs. They just quote this very bad fiction in the Bible, they tell outrageous lies and they use very bad reasoning. All of this is very good proof God can't possibly exist. There you go. How's that, sports fans?
2017-06-13 22:20:28 UTC
A few generations ago, one of the other Middle Eastern religions invaded a land that was occupied by a people who did not believe in your god or his bastard son. The invaders decided they had the right to convert or kill the native inhabitants of this land and beheading, mass hangings and burning down homes under the cover of darkness while entire families were asleep. If any man, woman or child tried to escape the fire the terrorists would shoot them and claim the dead soul in the name of Jesus Christ. Some of the radical Christian terrorist would convert them at the point of the sword with the sick command to kiss the sword of Christ or die by it. The ones who didn't kiss the sword of Christ were decapitated and the bloody heads were displayed on a pole as a warning to others who didn't want to believe. My ancestors may have kissed the filthy blood covered sword of Christ but i have taken the kiss back. You demand proof from the Atheists but I highly doubt they want someone such as you to hear the truth and believe as they do. As for me, since I was a child I believed that he existed. As for what you claim and believe, well your ignorance has already stripped you of your dignity and you don't seem like the type that will do as your bible commands you to do.
Grinning Football plinny younger
2017-06-13 22:12:33 UTC
When you prove the sun speaks Vulcan and monkeys live on it.
2017-06-13 21:30:31 UTC
Axel my friend, many are our atheist friends who can raise all kinds of objections to God’s revealed Word and His great plan of creation and redemption and who, therefore, will end up eternally lost. Many are the ordinary folk like you and I and children who just hear His word and believe and are saved.
2017-06-13 20:51:18 UTC
I believe no gods exist. That's not a claim of non-existence. So you be quiet...
2017-06-13 20:34:12 UTC
As soon as you prove that you do exist.
2017-06-13 20:14:30 UTC
As an agnostic atheist I am not responsible for claims I have not made. I simply lack faith in all gods. I have made no assertion to knowing that gods don't exist. It is up to those who have made actual claims to back them up.

The sun not speaking Chinese is a terrible analogy. The sun is not a biological being, it is a very large star in space. Actually you cannot prove that elephants don't exist on the sun. There could be an invisible radio active elephant on the sun. How would you know for sure? You cannot prove that no other star exists in solar system. You have not proven your negative at all, you have just presented fallacies.

I repeat I do not have to provide proof for claims I have not made, just as you don't have to. That still doesn't mean I will not question corrupt actions promoted by religious and or spiritual ideologies.
Hell Kitty
2017-06-13 20:07:11 UTC
"As for me since I was a child I believed he exists. So I'm not making any claim" contradiction, so I didn't read any further
2017-06-15 09:30:32 UTC
Genesis:1 1-19 only a fool could screw up creation that bad.
2017-06-15 05:53:58 UTC
HERE, NOW, TODAY. Let's see if you can defeat me or if you are just another stupid lieing theist.

Read my posts. But for a summary, read the following which proves first sin didn't happen so suffering is an evil act of your god (your god is evil), that your god can't create and that hell doesn't exist. Without those, your god is proved beyond any form of debate a fake.

Here's three in the briefest of summary:

1. Thought including emotions, requires tangibles. If there are no tangibles there is nothing to think about. Clearly, if god is in the nothingness before creation, not only is it unable to think create (create what?) there is nothing to cause it to think create i.e. your eternal god couldn't and wouldn't create.

2. Based on biblical definition, "perfect man" in the eyes of god is someone who would never disobey it. In order for Adam, Eve or anyone else to disobey god, they must be created "imperfect" in which case, disobeying god would be the proof that god could create someone who's imperfect. If god willfully creates someone imperfect then god has no moral or justifiable right to punish them for being imperfect i.e. first sin followed by punishhment can only be an evil act by god. God is evil, it doesn't exist as worshipped.

3. To get to heaven everyone must: love their fellow man, forgive their fellow man, treat their fellow man as equal. Heaven is supposed to be free of suffering. God cannot provide a heaven free of suffering if the inhabitants are all suffering because they love, forgive and treat as equal everyone not in heaven i.e. god can't provide both heaven and hell. That removes the reason to worship it as there'll either be no hell or there'll be no heaven.


Now theist, defeat me, admit your god doesn't exist or crawl back down your hole and disappear.

EDIT: So theist, you decided to crawl back down your hole and disappear. WOW what a surprise.
2017-06-14 20:11:20 UTC
That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
2017-06-14 16:22:34 UTC
Somebody does not understand the Burden of Proof!
2017-06-14 12:17:39 UTC
this is why christianity is on the decline....
2017-06-14 03:19:29 UTC

Your 5,000 years of failure to produce one is such evidence.
2017-06-13 20:12:31 UTC
they never will...GOD REMAINS REAL FOREVER WITHOUT their consent!!!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.