How does a Christian witness to someone who wants to become a JW?
2008-11-27 00:46:42 UTC
PLEASE!!! I do not want to argue if JW is Christian, or anything like that. That's not the premise of this question.

The premise of the question is: You are Christian. Your close friend is "studying" to become a JW. You wish to witness to him/her about how he/she is being mislead.

Please provide any argumentation you would proffer. Also, if there are any resources (links?) where the person can get reliable "comparative" information they can refer to.

This is not about debating with a JW "salesperson." That, also, is a different situation. This is about trying to "de-influence" someone who is being proselytized, and being as effective in countering the misleading tactics as possible.
26 answers:
The Cat's Meow
2008-11-27 01:01:13 UTC
Pray for yourself to be a good witness, and then RELY on the Holy Spirit to give you the words.
2008-11-29 19:24:51 UTC
Simple. Go back and look at the arguments used by the Jews to keep ones out of being a Christian. They are all similar arguments, as they follow all the same practices as the original congregations.

Find a well educated theologian like Saul of Tarsus who because of his extensive study of the scriptures, could clearly prove Christianity was a false religion, as they have often been called.

Perhaps your church has a ritual similar to those done in the Jewish Temple that helps keep members in line with the faith, during which they might have prayed and asked for forgiveness for those they saw as duped by this new Jewish sect (Christianity).
2008-11-27 17:42:16 UTC
I think the best way to do that is to read their material and try to find the flaws. A certain person did that to dissuade his wife and became convinced it was the truth. He was involved in a superconducting supercollider for research on subatomic particles to help find the origin of life. In the end the project was scrapped because of cost and it was noted by a committee member on federal research that the answer could be found from the JW's for a lot less, at that time it was 25 cents, now it is free.
2016-10-22 01:20:38 UTC
hi hon!!! i might prefer to ask what sparked your activity in desirous to be a JW? you will get a great style of damaging comments and for this reason. James 2:26 faith with out works is lifeless. who's following the Bible to the suitable of their ability? The Bible says merely considering which you have faith would not advise you would be completely stored you're able to desire to stay your existence in accordance to the Bible standard. Which faith does the suitable activity? The Bible says at Matt. 7:13-14 flow by the narrow gate by way of fact wide and spacious is the single top-rated to destruction and a great style of are those dealing with it, the place as cramped and narrow is the line top-rated to existence and few are those finding it. So specific thousands of religions are asserting the comparable element yet purely some are good in accordance to the Bible. So returned who's following the Bible the suitable? Who is going door to door like Jesus commanded? Matt. 28:18-20 Which team of persons have acquaintances international extensive by way of our cohesion? seem at each and all the encouragement and you haven't any longer even grow to be a JW yet! those are human beings from throughout and we are all acquaintances b/c Jesus pronounced they are going to understand you're my disciple in case you have love between yourselves. You question makes this very obvious. right this is yet another element for you. John 15:17-21 Jesus pronounced that the international hated him and could persecute him and that they are going to hate and persecute his real followers. Which faith is hated the main? Which faith is it while somebody says they have replaced their faith that's the only one that's no longer suited? Which faith is it while human beings ask questions they are going to hear until they discover out what faith you're? seem at each and all the nasty comments approximately us. that's Jehovah's Witnesses. we are loose from lots of issues including ailments and worry b/c we abstain from blood and fornication. We extremely are a sparkling human beings. we've solutions to all your questions and that they are consistently BIBLE based. you're able to additionally use your guy or woman BIBLE you have at abode! What different faith does that?
2008-11-27 21:26:15 UTC
I agree to Adams rib answer. I find it funny that people could not witness without mentioning JW teachings. THey have to rely on it or start with it. But we JWs, in preaching, we do not rely on other religion's teachings, all we have to do is stick with the bible. So just do the same. The truth can stand on its own =) So if you believe you have it, you can de-influence the mind of your friend without concentrating on our beliefs. Present the biblical teachings you have. If you have the truth, they can counter-witness. If they don't have, it will be difficult. =)

Well I am not alse here to argue. This is just my opinion.
pestie58 the spider hunter
2008-11-28 02:59:50 UTC
If you want to help your friend then to counter what she is being taught i strongly suggest you take your bible & start a home bible study with Jehovah's Witnesses.

You will need to look up many scriptures & really come to understand the bible because Jehovah's Witnesses only teach what the bible teaches .

You may have to try to convince her the doctrine of men is what God really wants rather than us to listen to his word the bible.

Or if you really are a friend then support her choice .
2008-11-30 14:35:55 UTC
Show Him (After reading) this Web site

A Biblical Response to Jehovah's Witnesses
2008-11-27 10:50:15 UTC
J Ws ,are as all imperfect humans,however strive to bear a perfect witness about the truth for all to hear and see,as Jesus commanded his followers .And in being associated with a world wide society have access to an abundance of material (some updated as the light of Truth becomes much clearer) and contrary to what one commenter said here that they are secretive,they provide all information for all to see and in their best efforts encourage it.You will find many on here with an axe to grind using great effort to misinterpret the true teachings and many others who innocently misinterpret. Let the TRUTH speak for itself, check with this Link ( ,learn to use it to the fullest if you are serious about wanting to help your friend.
2008-11-27 11:01:38 UTC
First, why do you fear so much your friend studying out of the bible the word of God, if you claim to be Christian as well? It sounds kind of moronic (not calling you, but saying your statement does) if you ask most, with common sense.

The best way is to lead by example. If your religion and way of life is the epitome of how Christians are commanded to live, then your friend will no doubt see the difference seeing he/she is studying from Gods word no matter who's doing the studying.

Trying to make someone see things your way is a dangerous approach, especially when it comes to ones religion. Hence why you should show them from Gods word, that backs up your choice of religion and way of life. If it's TRUTH then it can't be denied! And if they do deny it after you have proven what you believe to be the TRUTH of God, then ultimately they have to answer to God for it if in fact it is truth.

And like others have stated, maybe you should find out what JWs really believe and not base your opinion off of hear say. Because I'm sure if someone doesn't know much about your religion they could possibly form wrong opinions as well. Agreed?

ADD: I see you responded and can personaly say, that your question did not offend me in any way. Many ppl want to know how to counter "witness" the JWs. It's a common question on R,S.

If I'm to understand your response correctly, you basicly want to prove that what your friend is being taught is not scriptual, and want to know how to prove them wrong or "counter witness" correct? Well if it's a case of your friend trying to witness to you, just simply tell them you're not interested in it, and wish that they no longer discuss the JW religion. If that's not the case, and you want to show them the light so to speak well....

Without offending the only way to do this is by regular personal bible study on your part. That way when you do "evangalize" your "convictions" you'll be better equiped to do so. You very well can't tell or prove what someone is learning from a particular religion is wrong without knowing the scriptures yourself. 2 Tim 3:16,17-

ALL SCRIPTURE is inspired of God and BENEFICIAL FOR TEACHING, FOR REPROVING, FOR SETTING THINGS STRAIGHT, for disciplining in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be FULLY COMPETENT, COMPLETELY EQUIPPED for every good work.

[* I emphasized the words that related to your question]

Sorry but that's common sense, and something a woman (solely going off of your avatar) your age SHOULD know.

Look at it like this. Lets say you work for a company and one day your sitting in on a staff meeting. Some guy/girl says to the boss "you know I have a perfect idea of how to run this company", and proceeds to explain how. Well you strongly disagree with everything that staff member suggested, and your afraid the boss might actually be leaning toward their idea. So what do you do?

Wouldn't it be the wise thing to investigate whether what the other staff member said was true or not? Crunch the numbers so to speak. How else are you gonna convince the boss that to look at it your way, if you know absolutely nothing about the co workers ideas, or even worse the company you're representing. How are you gonna persuade the boss to see things your way? No doubt you know you're gonna look VERY foolish if you're illprepared.

So the same holds true if your trying to "counter" ANYTHING. YOU...have to be prepared! If what you are trying to convey isn't important enough for you to have a deep understanding of it, how are you going to convince someone else to have the same conviction?

I bet you never thought when you asked this question, that a JW would be telling you how to "counter-evangelize" the JWs,LOL=)). Which isn't what I'm doing, but just trying to get you to see things in a different light. I wish you well wyomugs because trying to convince us JWs otherwise is a hard fought uphill, dang near impossible battle.=)
2008-11-28 04:29:46 UTC
Stick to the bible and let Gods word be Truth...Remember what our King Jesus said.....

(John 6:43-45) In answer Jesus said to them: “Stop murmuring among yourselves. 44 No man can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws him; and I will resurrect him in the last day. 45 It is written in the Prophets, ‘And they will all be taught by Jehovah.’ Everyone that has heard from the Father and has learned comes to me.

(John 17:3) This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ.

(John 17:25-26) Righteous Father, the world has, indeed, not come to know you; but I have come to know you, and these have come to know that you sent me forth. 26 And I have made your name known to them and will make it known, in order that the love with which you loved me may be in them and I in union with them.”

(Romans 10:11-15) . . .For the Scripture says: “None that rests his faith on him will be disappointed.” 12 For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for there is the same Lord over all, who is rich to all those calling upon him. 13 For “everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved.” 14 However, how will they call on him in whom they have not put faith? How, in turn, will they put faith in him of whom they have not heard? How, in turn, will they hear without someone to preach? 15 How, in turn, will they preach unless they have been sent forth? Just as it is written: “How comely are the feet of those who declare good news of good things!”

Jesus says :Look! I am standing at the door and knocking. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come into his [house] and take the evening meal with him and he with me.

(Revelation 3:20)
Ish Var Lan Salinger
2008-11-27 10:09:03 UTC
Well, you repeatedly refer to your friend as being misled. Do you actually know what he is being taught??? I suggest you, firstly, know your beliefs extremely well. Then start learning what he's being taught. THEN try to find where what he is being taught is against the Bible.

Remember to be polite to him and his right to believe, even if he believes differently from you.

I am a Christian, one of Jehovah's Witnesses.
Rolando C I
2008-11-27 16:05:05 UTC
Why would you want to mislead someone who is headed for great blessings now and greater in the near future?
'maters Granny
2008-11-27 04:35:36 UTC
How do you know they are being misled? Maybe you are just believing the lies about us you have been fed over the years and never took the time to find out what we are about. Talk to this person, see what they are finding so interesting. You don't have to like it, but if they are happy then be happy for them. You cannot make someone do what you want.
2008-11-27 00:56:06 UTC
Anyone who is studying is off to a good start. If you wish to influence their spiritual path, you can provide them with an example in yourself, or balanced books/readings that show what your alternative is, in a constructive way.

If you are the light of the world, don't hide your light under a bushel. but one question you can ask is for your friend to explain why God is only going to allow 144,000 people into Eternity, and where God came up with that number. It is always easier to make a person think for themselves than to convince them of your beliefs---if this is a big deal for you, study up on the JW stuff enough that you can ask intelligent, provocative questions.
2008-11-27 01:20:52 UTC
So don't want your friend to enter into an organisation that will help him learn the truth about God that will ultimately save his life and those who he teaches in return.

hmmm, great friend.

and to "the sh*t", how can JW's be a secretive organisation when we are the only organisation who go from door to door trying to teach people the truth and help them come to an accurate knowledge of Jehovah, his kingdom and Jesus, his son?

dont understand your reasoning on that one, im afraid.
Martin S
2008-11-28 23:27:18 UTC
Here's a sight that is has a lot of techniques that you might find useful.

How to Get Jehovah's Witnesses

2008-11-27 01:01:35 UTC
I think I would start with the ??? authorship of the NWT. The key words in your question are "close friend"....YOU obviously know them better than anyone on Yahoo...Yes the internet is VERY helpful regarding information; but information isn't the bond in friendship....

I would START with prayer for my friend, and I'm not sure where I'd go from there. I do KNOW that I could NOT be quiet and do nothing...It is not meant for us to put our light under a basket or turn down the "dimmer" for the sake of "friendship"....If MY BLIND friend were walking toward a cliff, I would TACKLE them if necessary.

Happy Thanksgiving!!
2008-11-27 01:03:00 UTC
Ask yourself this, How do you know this person is being mislead? can you say with 100% certainty that your belief's are the correct ones? Has God spoken to you directly and told you that your religion is the right one?

Best advice you can get from Yahoo Answers is very simply to mind your own business.

It is this persons right to choose how he wants to believe.
2008-11-27 01:03:35 UTC
This sounds like the blind leading the blind.

You are wanting to steer someone away from something you know nothing about. Doesn't your friend have any smarts?
The Sh*t
2008-11-27 01:00:47 UTC
Well, the best I could tell you is to learn as much as you can about JW, they are a fairly secretive group so that might not be incredibly easy. Then try to find ways in which their beliefs may not be in line with some of the things your friend has claimed to believe in or some of the concerns you have about some of the ways other JW members have been treated. For example, a friend of my mother's grew up in a JW family, but when she became an adult she decided not to continue as a JW. As a result her entire family, mother father sisters brother, basically disowned her and shunned her from the family completely. She claims that's pretty customary of JW's. Again, since I really don't know much about the religion itself, I can't give you any real specifics but research always tends to add strength to any argument. Ultimately though, you are going to have to realize that they need to make the choice that's right for them, whether you agree with it or not. Make your argument but ultimately let them live their life the way they see fit. Good luck.
2008-11-27 00:51:33 UTC
mislead about what

Reed this book: "The Paganism in Our Christianity"

And do some RESEARCH and you'll find the trinity was stolen from anther religion and had nothing to do with Christianity
2008-11-27 19:24:17 UTC
JW is called a cult. Read up on that church and then point out to her the things that are opposing what the Bible really teaches. Make a list of them and show it to her. And tell her it is taught as a cult. I have a book on cults that tell all about the church. For one thing, they don't believe there is a hell and Jesus talked about hell more than heaven. They say Jesus was an angel and the truth is, Jesus is the only begotten Son of God.
2008-11-27 00:59:19 UTC
jw's claim to be christian
2008-11-27 01:03:46 UTC
friends don't let friends become Jehovah Wittiness

I would tell them what I know about Jehovah let them know its a cult and not a religion
2008-11-27 00:56:54 UTC
""de-influence" someone who is being proselytized..."

Oh, my... Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

You could always default back to the Christian "convert or be killed" mantra.
2008-11-27 00:52:00 UTC
They could careless.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.