2010-12-23 11:11:11 UTC
Christmas is supposed to be a celebration of the birth of Christ..you don't have to belive in Him, but that's what the holiday is supposed to be about..If someone told me..Happy Hannukah, I wouldn't be offended even though I'm not Jewish..
Though Christmas trees and wreaths have nothing to do with the real meaning behind
Christmas, they are symbols of the holiday that people put up not to indoctrinate others into the Christian religion, but to celebrate the season.
It's like getting angry at someone for putting up a menorah in their window for Hanukkah. It doesn't make sense to get angry to me.
One doesn't have to believe in the religion to respect someones right to believe it...and once the holiday is done, those symbols get put away..
I'm honestly curious..and not trying to bash anyone...
Your thoughts?