The very word "relative" bespeaks "relationship," which involves twoness or separation. As long as we see division from one another, from all things, and from God/Source, we will see truth relative to a plethora of factors arising out of our own separated "personal" experience. From this viewpoint all truths are, indeed, way is the right way, so to speak. From this point of view, the false ego is king, demanding allegiance to its truth du jour. And there lies the litmus test: changing, impermanent, phenomenal personal truth vs. unchanging, permanent, Absolute universal Truth.
The lesser, relative truth imprisons us in limitation, stroking our false egos, whereas Absolute Truth catapults us into the infinite and eternal, aligning us with All That Is in joyful and harmonious congruency. Time and space encapsulate here and there, past and future...all relative to individual perception/conception of truth. The Absolute contains only Now...this very moment unfolding in wholeness and perfection. Here, nothing needs parsing (breaking down into parts) for it encompasses All That Is as it is in its fullness. This is the All in All without boundaries.
Paradoxically, of course, the relative is contained within the Absolute and functions as a pointer, a sign, a way-shower to the Absolute Truth. Our mistake in our travels is that we "think" we have arrived at our destination when we come to the place on the map named Relative Truth. If we stop here, thinking it is the end of the journey, we will never arrive at Absolute Truth. In the Cilty of Relative Truth there is a cacophany of noises, a hustle and bustle of activity, certain to detain us. While in the City of Absolute Truth, there is a stillness and silence that enfolds and supports us. This is our true home.
i am Sirius