ALL Faiths/religions teach peace, and tolerance. All permit warfare as a DEFENCE of human liberties, life, and homeland. They do not promote greed or cruelty. Unfortunately, some followers, of ALL Faiths/religions, take this too far. If everyone lived by the teachings of defending ones land, Not attacking another nation or individual, there would be no war, or terrorism.
This world produces sufficient resources, food, fuel etc. for every person alive to have a good standadr of living. Due sloely to mans inhumanity to man, Political corruption, and greed of those in authority, these resources are not equally distributed, leaving many in great nedd. It is therefore understandable that some people will rebel, and twist their religious teaching to justify this.
If we could all live, and look out for others, in preference to ousselves, the world would be a far nicer place to live in. (Oh, by the way, we would not need to look after ourself, someone else would do that for us).
I realsie this is an idealistic viewpoint, but the question was IS it possible to live in peace. I believe it is.