Is Evolution Christian or Not?
2011-05-01 19:06:56 UTC
My daughter told me at school they are learning evolution in science class, I was wondering if this is excepted for Christians to be taught.
If not, should I write a letter telling the school to stop teaching it? How would our SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST feel about evolution?

Thank you!
27 answers:
2011-05-01 19:10:40 UTC
to a point it is like natural selection is partially right but be weary though.
2011-05-01 19:10:55 UTC
Evolution is science not religion. It's also a proven fact. It has more evidence supporting it then most theories.

Many christian churches fully accept evolution.

You can write a letter but it a battle that's already been lost.

You can't force the school to stop teaching scientific fact because your own personal beliefs.

Asking people how Jesus would feel about this worry's me.

Do you actually believe, that a mere man, could speak for your Savior Jesus Christ?

Troubling indeed.

Best of luck.
2011-05-01 19:23:40 UTC
Evolution is correct science, so children must be taught it in science class. There are no religious exceptions just as there aren't any religious exceptions to your child learning integrals in calculus. School is there to teach your children facts as they are, not as you wish they were.

FYI- obviously you didn't make it through science in school, because evolution doesn't say that we came from monkeys. We have a COMMON ANCESTOR with monkeys.

@ Star and Sam-

You obviously don't know what the word "theory" means in science. It isn't the same as common language usage- it is the most supported a scientific idea gets. Gravity is a theory, for goodness' sakes.

@Bird of Paradise-

The book is actually called "Darwin's Black BOX" and it is by Michael Behe, who isn't even a biologist and has been debunked many times over by the scientific community. He basically posits "irreducible complexity" (which doesn't exist), meaning "I don't get it, therefore God". It's a poor work.

EDIT- Biochemistry is a CHEMISTRY discipline, not a BIOLOGY discipline. And his flaws are far more major than that. His arguments for "irreducible complexity", on everything from flagellum to hemoglobin structure to the eye have been repeatedly and soundly debunked by biologists. He also makes the logical and scientific fallacy of presupposing a creator and then trying to find explanations that jive with that presupposition rather than follow correct scientific procedure and make conclusions only AFTER the facts have been analyzed. He brings the supernatural into a purely natural field, and thus is not acting as a scientist at all when he does so.
2011-05-01 19:25:25 UTC
First, we have to define evolution.

Evolution itself is nothing more than a change in species. For species to change over time is not non biblical. In fact, even the diea that whales once had legs can be biblical.

The idea that humans were once primitive is possible as well. The bible never described Adam and Eve in detail. They could easily be primitive.

How-ever, despite popular belief, there is no true physical evidence that we came from a common ancestor with non-human primates. It is true that the more similar the two species are, the more likely the have a close common ancestor, it is still only "likely". And likelihood is not physical evidence.

A good thing to do, as a parent, is to study evolution as well as the counterarguments.

A well known and credible book is Darwin's Black Book.

@Above me

First off, he does have a biology background. He has a PhD in biochemistry, did research on sickle cell disease, and even worked with the National Institute of Health with DNA (for postdoctoral work)

Secondly, his mistakes are very minimum in the book and often do not revolve around evidence against some of the evolution theory. One of the only real mistake fond in his book is that, when talking about complexity of bacterial flagellum, he states 40 proteins are needed for a fully functional flagellum. The mistake with this is that it is true of things like E.coli but not others...

Beyond that, the majority of the controversies revolve around his observations of the science world, and how the science community is quick to discredit things. Lastly, the other complaints are basically nothing more than his stance and argument. He argues his point on the microscopic level of evolution, and the flaws and holes that the average person doesn't realize.

@Above me:

Yes and no. Biochemistry is similar to Quantum Physics. While the discipline is in physics, it includes are large amount of chemistry. Biochemistry is the same. The discipline is in chemistry, but it requires a large amount of biology, specifically at a molecular level. To earn a PhD in Biochemistry usually requires at least a BS level of knowledge in biology. Biochemistry strongly incorporates microbiology. Remember that biochemistry is defined as the study of living matter, except at a molecular level.

Secondly, the books is not about trying to prove a creator. The focus of the book is micro evolution and looking at everything at a molecular level. He does not use science to prove a creator or intelligent design. Rather he simply points out the holes with evolution at a molecular level. Any topic he brings up on God or intelligent design is actually philosophical. The purpose of this book is clearly not to prove a creator. He talks about a God to a Christian audience, who already believes in Him. He doesn't truly try to prove or explain the existence of a God. His book clearly does seperate the supernatural and the laws of nature. He never talks about God in a scientific sense (or tries to imply it), and I don't know where you get that idea from.
2011-05-01 19:11:35 UTC
I honestly feel that evolution does not negate Christianity at all.

God built intelligences that dwell in mortal body as souls. What counts is the spiritual evolution of mankind and that it should keep aligned to God's will.

What the physical body does or experiences as a result of our environment, whether it be from "natural selection," evolution, unintended chemical exposure, genetic deformations...that's all out of our control...doesn't matter in the spiritual law of the Lord.

You can do what you please, explain your cause and your point of view - but personally, I feel this is not a danger to learn about.
2011-05-01 19:08:38 UTC
It is science. It has no relationship whatsoever to Christianity or any other religion. Some fundamentalist Protestants reject evolution because it conflicts with their misinterpretations of the Bible. But most Christians are sufficiently well educated to recognize biological evolution as one of many natural processes designed and set into motion by the Creator. There can never be any conflict between true religious beliefs and true scientific discoveries. Truth cannot conflict with truth.
2011-05-01 19:19:52 UTC
Scientific theories aren't religious,they are explanations.We did not come from "monkies",are we the results of multiple humanoid species breeding with each other.Yeah,they just released the new human family tree.

And Jesus would probably agree with it if he was real,which he might have not been.Disagreeing with the facts makes you look stupid.He has a image to keep up doesn't he?
2011-05-01 19:16:04 UTC
What I believe is that when God created the universe, he also created the set of laws - that we call "science" - evolution as creation is FAKE, although "natural adaptation" is true.

i.e. Tiger A and Tiger B have 3 kittens. Kitten A and B do not have a gene that C has, which allows him to go faster. Therefore, Tiger C will get more food and thrive, while the other 2 die young or do not mate, so the "fast" gene will thrive and the population (family) will end up getting faster over time.

Hope that answers your question :)
2011-05-01 19:10:48 UTC
Their is no specific view from the church. Really the most important thing is to know that God created the world.

No you shouldn't write a letter because your children or the kids in school can know what a lot of people believe. And make their own decisions in the future.
2011-05-01 19:13:40 UTC
Evolution is a Theory. That is why they call it the Theory of Evolution. If your school is teaching it as fact I would complain. It is fine I think for children to learn the different theories of the world, but they should not be taught as a false truth. As America seperates church and state however, you will not be able to stop them teaching this in your school.
Robert Abuse
2011-05-01 19:10:04 UTC
1: Evolution is real whether you believe it or not.

2: Who really cares what Americans think these days if they don`t care themselves?

3: "You can ask a public school to exempt your child from her having to take that unit." (sic)

Unbelievable in the 21stC First World, but, see `2` above.
Amanda Paustian
2011-05-01 19:13:31 UTC
i dont want to hurt ur feelings considering this is about ur religion and ur daughter but in my opinion evolution is not a christian belief. i dont think ur daughter will be condemned to hell for believing it or anything but if u believe that God created the world and all in it then dont believe evolution is true. i also dont think it is nessisary for u to write a letter to the school about this. if u raised ur daughter to believe the way God wanted things to be and u talk to her about this it shouldnt do any harm for her to just learn about this. i go to a christian school and we even learned about it just so we know wat it is but then we watched this video about this guy using verses from the bible to prove evolution wrong and it was very interesting. hope this helps.... but dont just take my advice...pray about it and try to make the right decidsion
☦Angel 4 Truth☦
2011-05-01 19:12:25 UTC
I am a Christian and well I don't accept evolution I understand it on a basic level from my bio class... look at it this way... you can't argue intelligently if you don't understand what it is you're arguing against... Have her learn it and decide for herself... it's not like it's atheism... it is a scientific theory... only complain if it's taught as absolute fact
2011-05-01 19:13:34 UTC
Evolution is truth. Are you against your daughter being taught the truth?
2011-05-01 19:11:28 UTC
It is not necessary to know. All you need to know about the Earth is that God created it. Also, you have to keep on mind that God has created everything already. It's just that they are being revealed to us one by one. For instance, babies are still coming to the Earth each day right? Although, God already created them.

There are some things that we can never understand with our human mids.
2011-05-01 19:17:19 UTC
Not! It is against the Bible and the writings of the Church and even Jewish Fathers such as:

Philo of Alexandria (20-50 A.D.)-Creation 13

Flavius Josephus (37-100 A.D.)-Antiquities 1.1.1 (1.27-33)

Theophilus Bishop of Antioch (180 A.D.)-Autolycus 2.11,12

Clement (160-225 A.D.) Head of the Catechetical School of Alexandria- Miscellanies, 1.21, 6.16

Hippolytus Presbytyr of Rome (170-236 A.D.)- Genesis, 1.5, Daniel 4

Origen (185-253 A.D.) successor of Clement, Head of the Catechetical School of Alexandria- Celsus, 1.20, 6.50,60

Methodius (311 A.D.) Bishop of Olympus- Chastity 5.7

Victorinus (304 A.D.) Bishop of Pettau- Creation

Ephrem the Syrian (306-373 A.D.)-Commentary on Genesis 1.1

Epiphanius Bishop of Salamis (315-403 A.D.)-Panarion,1.1.1

Basil Bishop of Caesarea (329-379 A.D.)-Hexameron 2.8

Cyril Bishop of Jerusalem (387 A..D.)-Catechetical Lectures 12.5

Ambrose Bishop of Milan (339-397 A.D.)-Hexameron 1.10.3-7

Augustine Bishop of Hippo (354-430 A.D.)-Literal, 4.22.39, City 12.11, 20.7, Exposition of Psalms 90.5, De Genesi ad Literum 4.27

Eusebius Bishop of Caesarea -Chronicle

Julius Afrcanus the Historian-Chronology, Fragment 1

Barnabas (70-135 A.D.)-Epistle, 15:1-4

Ireneaus Bishop of Lyons (115-202 A.D.) a student of Polycarp who himself was a student of John the Apsotle and chosen by him to be Bishop of Smyrna-Against Heresies 5.28.3

Gaudentius of Brescia (After 410 A.D.)-Tractatus 10.15

Hilary Bishop of Pontiers (315-367 A.D.)-Matthew 17:1; 20:6; Tract Myst. 1.41; 2.10

Lactantius (317 A.D.)- Divine Institutes 7.14-27

Firmicus Maternus (346 A.D.)-The error of the pagan religions 25.3

Sulpicious Severus (363-420 A.D.)- History 1.2.1

Book of Jubilees 4.29

Tyconius (400 A.D.)-Book of Rules 5
2011-05-01 19:09:58 UTC
It has NOTHING to do with Christianity or any religion. It simply gives us the answer for why there are so many species and why there are variations in those species.
The Wise Owl
2011-05-01 19:09:38 UTC
Why do I feel like this is a Poe, while at the same time feeling like this is a question from a Christian?
2011-05-01 19:09:47 UTC
Evolution is neutral. Anyone can accept science for what it is (even christians).
Rogue Christian: Lachrymose
2011-05-01 19:08:49 UTC

Evolution is how life has adapted to the environment. That's basically it.

@Asker: Not an evolutionary concept...humans from monkeys...
2011-05-01 19:08:49 UTC
You have no say in what is taught to your children. If you don't like it, tell your daughter she doesn't have to accept it, but she does need to know it for the exam.

GOD FORBID she learn something!
2011-05-01 19:10:21 UTC
Evolution has no religion. If you choose to have your children remain ignorant little twits, that's on you.
eric k
2011-05-01 19:09:10 UTC
Evolution is science, not Christian, just like physics isn't Muslim, and chemistry isn't Hindu.
2011-05-01 19:09:05 UTC
If you don't want your child to learn something, tell the school to take her out of the class; thankfully (for you, sad for us) it's not considered child abuse to brainwash and intentionally retard your childs learning.
Bob T
2011-05-01 19:09:55 UTC
Evolution is contrary to creation, the Bible's explanation for the beginning of the world. You can ask a public school to exempt your child from her having to take that unit.
One Man's Opinion
2011-05-01 19:54:06 UTC
Evolution is an attack on Christianity! Charles Darwin was NOT a scientist in search of the truth of how species came to be. Instead, he was an atheist who rejected the Biblical account NOT based on science but based on bias, a hatred of the God he denied, etc.

Darwin arbitrarily removed God off the table, again, not through any scientific means, but he simply rejected God and was not in search of any explanation that involved God.

Make sense?

The fact is there is a huge atheistic movement in science today. Dr. D. James Kennedy unearthed a conversation between two former Darwinian evolutionists who had admitted that this theory is full of holes. One asked the other: Why were we so quick to jump on it as truth? The other said simply: It was too good to be true. If there was no God then that meant there is no right and wrong. We could have as much sex as we want without fear of punishment. LOL! There's your "science"!

And in fact to this day, Christians are bullied by these same evolutionists because it is important to them to DENY GOD!!! They pretend that evolution is science as a way of adding street cred to their hatred of God!

Here are the facts:

1. Darwin did in fact eliminate God without scientific cause! As far as science is concerned, the question of the existence or non-existence of God is an unanswered question. Darwin said in effect: Forget that! I don't have time to wait on an answer! I'll answer it! There is no God.

As I said: That's a violation of the rules and guidelines of the scientific method! It's not science. Evolution is a theory--meaning UNPROVED!!! If someone wants to call your faith in God "blind" faith then ... so is evolution. It's not fact from beginning to end. Examples to follow:

2. Darwin began his theory without answering the question who, what, when, why, or where life began. UNDERSTAND ME! Darwin's theory for the ENTIRE ORIGIN OF SPECIES cannot explain the origin of life! Here he is at once denying God and at the same time skipping right past who or what created life. HOW?!?!?!?!? Etc.!!!

3. By the way: Science has TRIED to prove that life can just begin on its own. It has not done so! So, Darwin wants you to assume it, but it's not science! God is AT LEAST as plausible an explanation for the origin of life as is just saying: It happened. Duh!

4. Darwin's theory just makes up a first life, the so-called "primordial slime." ANYONE who cares about truth would be like, WHAT?!?!?!?! You don't know who, what, when, why, where, or how life began, but you presume to know that it began as this so-called primordial slime?

Again, this isn't science! There's no proof that God didn't create life. There's no proof that God didn't create all the species. And equally there is no proof that life began spontaneously as this so-called primordial slime from whence all other life is said to have evolved. LOL!

5. I could go! Like ... they say that species evolved from this slime. But wait! That first evolutionary new species had no way to procreate! HOW did various species evolve male and female? HOW did it take care of the details to FIRST create a new species by evolution then ... quite miraculously on its own impart to this newly evolved male and female to ... join to procreate?

Frankly, it's utterly preposterous!!! But again ... this isn't a scientific theory. It's a theory aimed at attacking God! And if you don't believe that there is an outright conspiracy against God, Christianity, faith, etc., I refer you to a list of 45 goals of Communism to take over America, which was first published in 1958 in Cleon Skousen's book, The Naked Communist. Check it out:

Read the list VERY CAREFULLY! Skousen TOLD America what they would do and why! In the 50 plus years since we see that they did it! They HAVE infiltrated Hollywood, the media, academia, the arts, etc. They have attacked the Constitution, America's heritage, capitalism, freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, etc. They have promoted deviant lifestyles like homosexuality! They have promoted a "secular" agenda. They have ... they have ... they have.

Promoting evolution is perfectly consistent with their broader aim to de-God America, de-Capitalize America, de-patriotize America, de-Christianize America ... ALL toward the aim of taking control. When Conservatives say they want "big government," "more government programs," and they "think government is the answer to everything," it's about CONTROL! Communist nations control the media, speech, academics, religious freedom, travel, housing, birthing decisions, food supplies, etc. NOW ... look at the Communizing of America: Abortion. Fight for academia (as in THIS lesson on evolution), political "correctness" seeks to control speech, gun control seeks to take away our arms, etc. ... etc. ... etc.
2011-05-01 19:16:34 UTC
You are kidding right? Please say you are...

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.