Catholic Christians: What would you say to this?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Catholic Christians: What would you say to this?
42 answers:
2009-09-08 09:05:46 UTC
As a Catholic convert, I think your statements that "Catholicism is like a spiritual language that I can't speak" and "I kept looking in the windows seeing all of these people who were at home, and I just wanted to come in but I couldn't" represent a common experience for those drawn into the Church. I gather that you recognize the cogency of Catholic ideas and the invitation of the sacraments Jesus authorized, but the form of Catholic worship seems very different from evangelical worship.

One thing that impressed me early was that people kneel and pray in silence in Catholic churches. It took awhile to understand making the sign of the cross, genuflecting, using holy water, and many other practices. These are nearly always actions accompanied by inner prayers.

My suggestion is that you further explore Catholic worship by attending mass (usually held at many times, allowing you to continue evangelical worship) and enroll in RCIA, the introductory class in the Catholic faith that can lead to baptism and confirmation or simply provide a forum for further study.


Kevin S
2009-09-08 10:10:29 UTC
I haven't read any of the answers yet and I'm sure the Catholic haters are going to flock to a question like this like flies, but I respect your decision.

Personally I've been away from Christianity for a long time now and really don't see how I could ever return to it based on all the issues I have with the Bible, but if I ever were, I'd go Catholic - just because I would want the original Christianity, and not something I consider to be corrupted by the kind of angry and hateful fundamentalists I encounter here daily.

Which isn't to say that fundamentalists are all like this, but the few loud and hateful ones sadly spoil it for everyone else.

Bottom line - go with your heart, and go with what feels right.
2009-09-08 11:33:30 UTC
You should Never feel like your stuck in a courtyard between the two...We both Love You.

Please join us for Mass anytime. We'll leave a candle burning for you.

We All Love You, God Bless.
2009-09-08 08:54:41 UTC
I'm not Catholic, Priscilla, but if you are convinced in your mind that the Catholic Church has got it right you should convert. I understand and respect your commitment to pray about this, but it is also true that the Creator gave you a mind. I'm not convinced it's rational to ask God to guide you when He has already done so through the light of reason. Could not your respect and sense of truth in Catholicism itself be God's answer to your prayer?

I've starred this for my Catholic contacts. They will probably be able to give you a better answer to this question than I can.

2009-09-08 08:53:50 UTC
There's a more unconditional aspect with the Catholic faith and it's people. I think it's a great idea if you did. I was born a Catholic and I never had a problem with it. The Catholic faith is more charitable than any other of the Christian groups. There's always an air of happiness around Catholics.

In addition, Catholic people cook way, when you are at a reunion with the fellow brothers and sisters, expect your taste buds to be enlighten.
2009-09-08 14:35:46 UTC
It really does not matter what we say or our opinions when our Lord has already spoken on this issue in unambiguous language in His prayer before His crucifixion in the Garden of Gethsemane. If we really and truly wish to be in His will we will fulfill His prayer with our obedience. It is His will that should be done and not thine.

Joh 17:17 Sanctify them in truth. Thy word is truth.

Joh 17:18 As thou hast sent me into the world, I also have sent them into the world.

Joh 17:19 And for them do I sanctify myself, that they also may be sanctified in truth.

Joh 17:20 And not for them only do I pray, but for them also who through their word shall believe in me.

Joh 17:21 That they all may be one, as thou, Father, in me, and I in thee; that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.

Joh 17:22 And the glory which thou hast given me, I have given to them: that, they may be one, as we also are one.

Joh 17:23 I in them, and thou in me: that they may be made perfect in one: and the world may know that thou hast sent me and hast loved them, as thou hast also loved me.

In Christ

Fr. Joseph
Darth Eowyn Loves Plinkett
2009-09-08 12:06:08 UTC
If you wish to remain with an Evangelical church, then that is your choice, and I respect that. From what it sounds like, you already have Jesus in your heart. I also think that it's normal for a lot of people to be standing in that courtyard and choose the evangelical path. Many stay there, but many discover that their trip through the Evangelical is just a stop on their way to Rome.

There is a program on EWTN called The Journey Home. It's about non-catholics telling their story about their journey into the catholic church. There is also a website that supports people who are 'on the journey'. Check this out. There is a link to audio of past shows featuring converts.

Regardless of where you may end up, God be with you in your quest.
2009-09-08 12:45:56 UTC
Priscilla, you go where your heart leads you. You are an extremely fine example of an Evangelical - quite possibly the best I've ever encountered.

Keep praying, keep loving, and know that we, your Catholic brothers and sisters, love you wherever you are.
2009-09-08 09:34:27 UTC
Even the most devout of Protestant scholars acknowledge the validity of the Catholic Church as the original church established by Peter, as directed by Jesus Christ. The Catholics say this not in boast, but as factual. We offer you history and tradition, Evangelicalism offers you sola scriptura (Bible only), which is only part of the story. Our Bible has more books, because Catholics organized and wrote the original Bible. Don't forget the thousands if not millions of Catholics who were martyred to keep the word of Christ alive. A word that might have been lost if not for these brothers and sisters who refused to deny the Lord.

Most importantly though is Catholicism teaches tolerance. We acknowledge that Christians exist outside the Church and go to heaven. So regardless of your choice, walk with Christ and we'll meet in paradise. Personally I hope you share communion in Mass, but I have made the journey you are making and it is filled with doubts. After many months of meditation and prayer I found myself sitting in a Catholic Church. I know the Holy Spirit brought put me in that pew and told me to never stray again. It was at this time that I completed the surrender, for though it may be enough to surrender to Christ alone, I also surrendered to his church. I am not longer an individual discussing different interpretations of scripture, I am a Christian being taught by my Church as commanded by Christ. The Church is the pillar and the truth. God be with you, sister.
2009-09-08 09:19:13 UTC
Jesus Christ can be found in nearly all of the Christian denominations. The catholic Church, while it has the fullest revelation of Jesus Christ, does not have a monopoly on Him.

Are you sure that you could not exercise your spiritual gifts in the Catholic Church? True, a woman cannot become a priest, but there are many ways in which a woman can spread the Gospel and bring others to Christ in the Catholic Church. Make sure that you are settling for the lead role in a cage just because the alternative is a walk on part in the war (with apologoes to Pink Floyd).
2009-09-10 20:18:04 UTC

You need to be in a worship community that can fit your own Christian needs.

My Christianity is Catholic in nature, but I have also been a member of a Southern Baptist, Assembly of God, Presbyterian, Episcopal, and Berean congregation. I have met many wonderful Christians in all of those places, but, at heart, I am most comfortable worshiping in the Roman Catholic tradition. I reclaimed my Catholic faith through the Newman Center, while I was in Graduate School. I still feel comfortable worshiping wherever Christ is preached, but my comfort level is at its best in the Roman Catholic Church. By comfort zone, I don't mean an untested, unexamined faith. Rather, I mean, I have grown to understand the mysteries of the Church and the beauty of the traditions, preached and practiced within Scripture.

I attended Fuller Theological Seminary for three years, studying Scripture in an Evangelical setting...and I learned much about my own spiritual heritage and foundation there. I made many lifelong Christian friends there as well, but I do not feel the same in worship there as I do in my own tradition. The great thing is neither of us are wrong in our expression of the worship and love of the Lord. The body of Christ is one. The message of Christ is peace, love, and salvation.

The gifts of the Spirit are precious indeed...and you need to be in a community that best helps you express the manifestations of those gifts. For some, that place is the Catholic Church; for others, it is another Christian denomination. Christ's love is big and the Spirit's love inhabits all places where His Word is preached.

True, "Catholic-speak" can seem like a foreign language to some. It did for me, but then I studied and learned...and I found my spiritual home in the Catholic Church...but only after a very long journey and several "Dark Night of the Soul" experiences.

Priscilla, anti-Catholicism has been around for years, so has anti-Evangelicalism. Those people are haters, who would divide what God has brought together. I am glad that you are not being swayed by members of either camp.

I extend a welcome to the Catholic Church to you, but if you do choose to worship and move your membership to another Christian church, you will still be my sister-in-Christ. I hope that you find peace in God to make the decision that is right for you.

- Yggdrasil bids you peace.
2009-09-11 14:49:04 UTC
I went through the SAME exact thing when I was in my early 20's. And like you I found the Lord in Catholic literature and teaching, but knew I didn't quite fit there. I had the same painful history with the evangelical church, but I just knew that it was a better fit for me. As I got older I was able to identify a spiritual gift of understanding in myself. I believe this gift is why I am able to appreciate and see God in many different forms of Christianity and also in other religions. Unfortunately, it is probably part of the reason I have had such a hard time being accepted and understood in my evangelical walk. People often reject any insight I feel I have gained when they find out where it came form. Perhaps you have the same type of gift.
2016-05-19 01:24:50 UTC
Some Christians don't consider Roman Catholics to be real Christians, and these are mostly protestants. But basically, Roman Catholics are Christian but not all Christians are Catholic. Roman Catholics are lead by the Pope in Rome. Protestants don't recognize the Pope's authority and are organized into thousands of different denominations. The Eastern Orthodox(Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox) also do not recognize the Pope, although their teachings and ceremonies are very similar to the Roman Catholics. The Eucharist is supposed to be Jesus's Body and Blood, it is a Holy Sacrament, a very important part of Catholic church ceremony. I don't believe in it. I can kind of understand the concept but I am not Catholic or Christian. Never be afraid of asking questions of your priest or fellow parishioners.
Richard F
2009-09-10 07:06:02 UTC
What a great question you wrote, and a wonderful heart you have. Certainly, whatever decision you make will be the right one.

The antiCatholic crowd is a feisty one, for sure. Sometimes they forget the second greatest thy neighbor.

I grew up in a strict Catholic family. At 18, I, like you, began to search for what I wanted, for the way I wanted to worship God. I visited many other "chrisitan" churches. I also examined the Catholic church. I will share my answer, and you can take what you want.

I read the NT, specifically the gospels and Acts. In there, I did not find the Catholic church. So I left the Catholic Church (much to my family's dismay...they consider me "lost.") But I couldn't find any church that nailed everything "right" according to scripture. For the last 30 years, my wife and I attend only non-denominational churches. Ones that preach the bible, have good missionary programs, reach out to the local community, have good prison ministries, good homeless programs. Help those in need, etc. That's what is all about.

Jesus didn't come here to establish a "religion." He came to demonstrate how we are to love one another. He demonstrated that love for us in that while we were still sinners, he died for us. Love God and love your neighbor as yourself. Who is your neighbor? Everyone.

Good luck with your decision.

2009-09-08 18:06:06 UTC
I am Catholic, but I think that all religions in general can be very misunderstood. It's not about just believing in God and going to heaven, it's about how you be the person that God wants you to be and doing the right thing regardless. There have been Catholic child molesters, Christian Child molesters, Mormon child molesters, Evangelical child molesters, Jehovah's witnesses child molesters, Buddhist child molesters, and every other religion, and yet they all think that they are so deserving of the love of God (or whoever they believe in) solely because they believe in Him.... but that still doesn't make it right. I think that the language of religion is way too fundamental and a waste of time. The reason we read the bible is to become closer to God and to learn how to be the best we can be, but if we can only hear and not listen to message, then we are only wasting precious time that we could spend actually getting out there and DOING God's will instead of just hearing it. If you feel like your Evangelical family is a positive influence on you and your eternal goals in life, then I think God would rather you be able to see the true meaning in life rather than all the unnecessary practices. However, finding the right church can often determine your choice. If one day you moved to a place where both the churches used that churchy language, which would you choose to attend? For me, sometimes I don't get anything out of going to mass, and sometimes I even get frustrated by the fundamentalism and rules that we're like "supposed" to follow, but there is one thing that always draws me back: The Eucharist. I can feel God's REAL presence in me and I know deep down he doesn't care about all the silly stuff, and he just makes me feel at home whether I can understand the almost foreign language or not, because God can understand all languages as a matter of feeling, and not words. The presence and love I feel when I take the Eucharist is what draws me back. You don't need to make a solid choice right now, just believe what you believe; you don't need a label, in fact it's better not to have one. But I'll leave you with this, follow your heart, not your language, and God will hear you.
2009-09-15 07:38:42 UTC
Hey Ms. P.

I noticed your question and found it touching in many ways.

Your need to find a "place" or group, I too have felt and sadly still seek. I have been exposed to so many different beliefs and cultures. People who believe in gods I knew nothing of.

I was raised a Baptist in the south. Ga. I feel a closeness and real knowing there is a God. I have been confused though with others belief because they feel as sure as I do.

Where ever you are, I feel you will be a blessing to those around you and I hope they are to you. I shy away from the buildings and I know I need to get over that. If you find a place you feel at peace, your home.

My best to you and family.

2009-09-08 18:57:59 UTC
I feel for ya. Especially the part about longing. I understand the part about the Eucharist, and I have no doubt many Catholics would consider that the whole point of Mass. Me? I want the Confessional, and you wouldn't believe how much I long for that first Easter morning as a part of the Church. Perhaps someday...

And of course this means I can neither partake in the Eucharist nor in good conscience accept Communion.

So, I understand the feeling of 'I'm not there" (yet?). But here's an insight I got the other day I thought might be of benefit: There's a difference between being a working part of an engine...and being in a picture of an engine. You and I might not yet see ourselves in the Church, but there's really no way of knowing if we fit until we're actually working in it.
2009-09-08 15:40:34 UTC
Many newly converts feel the same way. Catholicism is not an easy thing to grasp - it requires faith and understanding of scriptures. It is especially hard on those who come from different denominations or even other religions. But that's okay, I've been a Catholic all my life and I still don't understand certain things either, but my faith keeps Catholicism alive in my heart.

No one can force you or should force you into becoming Catholic or staying Evangelical. In the end, it is what your heart desires and what you want. Good luck on your journey :)

* Cindy, where to begin with you? Your ignorance is atrocious. Read the Last Supper from the bible, and then come back. It is not cannabolism.
2009-09-10 03:21:13 UTC
You will always feel like an outsider looking in, until you come in. I know you need to be sure that you're doing the right thing, but it sounds to me like you already know it is the right thing but just want to go slowly.

When I came into the Church in1999 I felt a great urgency to do it quickly because I was concerned that if I put it off I might not get another chance (I expected the Y2K bug to cause serious problems). If this might be your last chance what would you feel like you had to do ?

Every chance might be your last.
2009-09-12 03:23:39 UTC
I admire your motivations and think very highly of what you have tried to do. There's a book by Scott Hahn called "Rome, Sweet Home" which tells of his battle with his own convictions about being a Protestant and converting to the Catholic Church. It wasn't easy for him, and even harder while his Protestant wife hadn't yet converted. God calls each an every one of us to Him and I dearly hope you will be part of the fullness of the Catholic Church. I would highly recommend you pray to Padre Pio. He's a great saint to have looking after you.

But my only advice to you is to pray, pray, and pray some more!
Robert S
2009-09-08 19:54:37 UTC
Thanks for the long thoughtful question; I hope people will respect that.

I came to the Roman Catholic church via the Anglo-Catholic church.

So for me the transition was more about obedience than teaching.

For me it's sufficient proof that half of all Christians are Catholic.

Also impressive, is that the Catholic church goes back 2000 years.

Evangelicals have broken with this heritage of teaching & tradition.

I like the image of a little train: The engine is named Facts, the coach

is called Faith, & the caboose in Feelings. Don't let your feelings drive.

Join an inquirers class like RCIA to learn about the facts.
The Truth Hurts
2009-09-13 11:53:50 UTC
vance von Leivanfelds was a nazi prophet that Hitler loved so much he followed through with all his prophecies that he had already written. Over the years people have associated his prophecies were about Hitler. THEY WERE NOT ABOUT HITLER. Leivanfelds actually felt sorry for Hitler when he meet him so he gave him bus money and some literature and sent him on his way. Judge for yourself these facts below are 100% true….

He said the antichrist would raise a battle of between the races know as the aryan race – this 5th race was to be know as the “Race of HOPE”.

He said it would be a war the light ones and dark ones .

He published his findings in a book called OSTARA and spoke about how this race was physically built differently, more agile, adapt to heat and how their techiques in war were very differenent .

He made a chart showing the physcial differences in the races at war some were colored in totally black and other were not colored in so they were white.

He signified this antichrist as Mabus = aMabUS?

All references to vance von Leivanfelds have been removed from the search engines. WHY?

Just very interesting this special ran on History Channel a while back now I can’t find anything about it on their site – please let me know if you find the special they ran.
i aint know
2009-09-13 00:27:43 UTC
Oh brother ....If you had nuns smack you around for 15 years . you'd speak catholicism .. if your neighbor had 26 children you'd speak catholicism .. a point was interestingly made that no christ was mentioned in this diatribe and no animals were injured either an ex catholic I say shame on all the people giving thumbs down to people saying you need a personal relationship with our lord and savior jesus christ ... to them Obamas statement about .. someone ain't been reading their bibles applys .. go look at the thumbs down / hidden answers to this question... lots of good answers and real christians got slaughtered ..very damn sad ..i'm somewhat anti catholic but thats anti christian..
Pastor Art (((SFECU)))
2009-09-14 12:09:02 UTC
I believe you have made the right decision.

Evangelical churches follow the Bible much more closely than Rome does and to me, that is the most important issue.
Bob Vila
2009-09-08 08:46:17 UTC
Check out the Episcopal (Anglican) religion. It is the via media or "middle way" between Catholicism and Protestantism. It has many of the same elements of Catholicism but is more liberal in its beliefs.

We have the same God and many of the same beliefs, but half the guilt. I also like it because there is a bit more intellectual approach to the religion than in some of the Protestant denominations.


Not trying to be anti-Catholic here, but there are different paths within Christianity to the same salvation. It's like C.S. Lewis wrote about Christianity being a great hallway with many doors that lead to the same place (although there are probably some that are broom closets - my opinion not his). If you feel Catholicism is right for you, great. You have still come to Christ, which is the important part.

1 Corinthians 12:

14Now the body is not made up of one part but of many. 15If the foot should say, "Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body," it would not for that reason cease to be part of the body. 16And if the ear should say, "Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body," it would not for that reason cease to be part of the body. 17If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? 18But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. 19If they were all one part, where would the body be? 20As it is, there are many parts, but one body.
『  』
2009-09-08 14:49:11 UTC
If there is a clear statement that in the Scriptures which all Christians should endeavor to put into execution, it is certainly the desire which Christ expressed in His prayer to the Eternal Father on the eve of His Passion and Death, “That they all may be one, as thou, Father, in me, and I in thee; that they also may be one in us; that the world may believe that thou hast sent me” (John 17, 21). What else do such words mean than that all Christ's followers should first of all have the same faith?—“One Lord, one faith, one baptism.” (Eph. 4, 5).
2009-09-08 09:05:23 UTC
I think you need to go where your heart tells you. I think the suggestion of the Anglican Church is excellent. "Catholic Lite" so to speak. They have their own rosaries as well.

I hope you will pray the rosary. It is such a wonderful way to walk with Jesus through the story of his life. This book is a Scriptural Rosary and connects all parts of the bible to an already beautiful experience. I feel sorry for Protestants because they miss such a great opportunity to be so close to Jesus.
2009-09-08 14:21:46 UTC
Priscilla, I done the rounds looking for the right church, [it took 20yrs],

and I do love your Evangelicalism faith,

but I came to the conclusion it was the catholic church.

All christian faiths are good, 'exemption' are those christian groups who promote hatred towards other churches.[are you listening david]

Good-luck to you sister, remember you are always welcome to pop in' passing the church.God-bless Denis C.
Christopher E
2009-09-10 19:45:32 UTC
Don't listen to those Protestants, just focus in your relationship with Jesus.
2009-09-12 08:55:01 UTC
You might want to check Orthodox Christianity too.

2009-09-08 13:40:47 UTC
Maybe God is telling you he does not want you to convert yet?

Keep praying. God will tell you what to do.


edit: forgot to give you a hug :)

cursed lamanite
2009-09-11 18:29:14 UTC
No matter what your decision is, you are always welcome here at your home. The Catholic Church.

Yours in Christ

2009-09-08 18:20:59 UTC
The Modernist Vatican 2 Conciliars are told--and you--that it's all about Doctrine. If one would be Catholic, THAT is what they --and you--must declare, the indefectible un-modernized Doctrine. THAT is the Church. Without the Indefectible Word of Christ in His Church what does a person have? Loss of soul. That is why Pope St. Pius X had the duty to condemn Modernism in the encyclical PASCENDI.

What does the most damage to Christ is the rejection and insults to His teachings--His Doctrine. Protestants already know this--they rejected it and His Church. They modernized His Word. Conciliarists of Vatican 2 are just the newest kids on the block inventing doctrine WITHOUT patristic authority. Conciliarist hierarchy are Roman Protestants who reject Christ's Word. You follow them you get painted with the same brush.

Had you been seeking Truth, you would find Christ in His Church. You would find him by what He teaches through His appointed Apostles and their descendants. But you don't say that you were looking for that. You say you went to "churches," "read books" (you do not say what kind) --but there are theological treatises on doctrine, morals, apologetics, written by REAL theologians, not the current cr*p of Modernists. You do not know yet WHAT you refuse, nor what those doctrines are. You don't say you looked for them either.

You've been praying. God hears the prayer of the unconverted who WANTS the truth, who PLEADS for it! In Divine Justice He gives His Grace to the true seeker, and His grace is sufficient to find the True Church. He hears the prayer of those who want the full truth with all their soul--who will settle for nothing less! That is what it is all about.

Heaven will not take in heretics. Christ hears not those who wish to be against His Truth, His Church, His Doctrine. That is because there is only One Holy Roman Catholic Church of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Outside of Which There is No Salvation. The Conciliars won't tell you that they defy this de fide doctrine. The Conciliars are four generations away from throwing this doctrine away. They are unable to pass on to the generations the intact doctrine of Christ. Doctors of the Church. Aquinas, Bellarmine, who have taught this doctrine, promulgated it, made it de fide, also claim with Christ that it is impossible to be saved without holding it, and holding it FIRMLY !! That and that ONLY is what TRADITION IS. All in one seamless cloth is Christ's Doctrine.

Our Lord came to preach His New Testament, the testament of grace and salvation through the reception of His Sacraments. Protestants and Roman Protestants have yet to admit to the traditional apostolic truths which are not found in Conciliarism, in spite of what they insincerely and falsely claim. They are modernists who selectively obey. They are Roman Protestants who pick and choose. The intact and complete true Doctrine cannot be in the false church because Conciliarism is Modernism, an apostasy of the worst kind, one which lives in a "floating" diabolic doctrine, never anchored in divine truth. The devil has fooled the former hierarchy, his greatest coup.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

patristic scholar, online de fide encyclicals

Also read: EWTN, A Network Gone (modernistically) Wrong purchasable at Catholic Family News. It is "a journey 'home' which is one of the worst modernistic offenses there.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

CONCILIARISTS: You hate this book because it tells the truth. You hate a TRUE CATHOLIC because I tell you Chris Ferrara is right! Read his book and you can learn. What will you say when God tells you that you are wrong? and when He condemns your souls to Hell for acceding to perverted doctrine? of not only royal popes, but sainted ones? This is not about a VOTE, or about how many go with you. This is about Christ's Doctrine, His original one!
Mike M
2009-09-14 19:42:10 UTC
May God give you wisdom and courage during this struggle. Please look into Islam also. Clear your mind of all the propaganda and negativity spread by media and other sources. Following are some verses from Quran:

In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.55. Behold! Allah said: "O Jesus! I will take thee and raise thee to Myself and clear thee (of the falsehoods) of those who blaspheme; I will make those who follow thee superior to those who reject faith, to the Day of Resurrection: Then shall ye all return unto me, and I will judge between you of the matters wherein ye dispute.

116. And behold! Allah will say: "O Jesus the son of Mary! Didst thou say unto men, worship me and my mother as gods in derogation of Allah.?" He will say: "Glory to Thee! never could I say what I had no right (to say). Had I said such a thing, thou wouldst indeed have known it. Thou knowest what is in my heart, Thou I know not what is in Thine. For Thou knowest in full all that is hidden.

73. They do blaspheme who say: Allah is one of three in a Trinity: for there is no god except One Allah. If they desist not from their word (of blasphemy), verily a grievous penalty will befall the blasphemers among them.

135. They say: "Become Jews or Christians if ye would be guided (To salvation)." Say thou: "Nay! (I would rather) the Religion of Abraham the True, and he joined not gods with Allah." 136. Say ye: "We believe in Allah, and the revelation given to us, and to Abraham, Isma'il, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and that given to Moses and Jesus, and that given to (all) prophets from their Lord: We make no difference between one and another of them: And we bow to Allah (in Islam)." 138. (Our religion is) the Baptism of Allah. And who can baptize better than Allah. And it is He Whom we worship.

"People of the Book, go not beyond the bounds in your religion, and say not as to God but the truth. The Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, was only the Messenger of God, and His Word that He committed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His Messengers, and say not, 'Three.' Refrain; better is it for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him - (He is) above having a son." (4:171)

"In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.

Say (O Muhammad) He is God the One God, the Everlasting Refuge, who has not begotten, nor has been begotten, and equal to Him is not anyone."

"God is the Creator of everything. He is the guardian over everything. Unto Him belong the keys of the heavens and the earth." (39:62, 63)

"No creature is there crawling on the earth, but its provision rests on God. He knows its lodging place and it repository." (11:6)

"God has not taken to Himself any son, nor is there any god with Him: For then each god would have taken of that which he created and some of them would have risen up over others." (23:91)

And Why, were there gods in earth and heaven other than God, they (heaven and earth) would surely go to ruin." (21:22)
2009-09-08 08:58:31 UTC
You do not need religion to feel close to God and have genuine joy. What you need is a relationship with Jesus,

John 14: 6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

It doesn't matter in which church you go to (but make sure it isn't a cult... it's full gospel so it focuses on Jesus and not on religion/ church/ sect/ denomination/ politics/ showbiz, etc)

You can go to all religions and stuff, with all their rituals and traditions but you will find satisfaction until you let Jesus be part of your life.
Michael R
2009-09-08 08:46:27 UTC
Keep with Jesus... HE is the author and finisher of your faith.

God is Spirit, and true worship is from those who approach in Spirit and in truth.. Just ask the woman at the well.
2009-09-08 08:55:11 UTC
When I read this, I couldn't help but think you were gloating. I am no Catholic, nor would I ever be, but somehow you managed to talk a lot about religious affiliation without saying a word about Christ. I think you are just as confused as anyone else practicing their "religiosity".

Is it all such a mundane experience for you? So poor in the Spirit?

Forget your denominations. Seek Christ. Jesus is the way the truth and the life.
2009-09-08 08:48:08 UTC
I think that's so long it reminds me of why I became an agnostic. Why would I want to read such long script?
least of all Saints
2009-09-08 09:27:11 UTC
The important thing is to know the scriptures yourself, be led by the Holy Spirit, and worship God according to His Word.

In these last days we cannot trust just anyone to preach the truth to us, not only that but God wants us to know His Word ourselves. Those who are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God, and the Spirit and the Word agree. How will you know the voice of God's spirit if you don't know the vocabulary He uses ? There are many spirits that speak to men but only one that Leads us in all truth.

The Bible says, the just shall live by faith. I submit to you,that living by faith, is among other things...a battle ! This is why Jesus delegated His authority to us,His body. We (in HIM) have power and authority over ALL the powers and spirits of evil. There is a constant effort to deceive us in our minds, we hafta be able to discern those thoughts and cast down what is not of God. Resist the devil and he will flee. Jesus said you will know them by their fruit (the words they speak) You must familiarize yourself with what the Bible says if you are to abide in the Word and you don't necessarily hafta memorize it, just feed on it. Jesus said man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Your physical body eats natural food but your inner man, the new creature in Christ feeds, on the Word of God. You will find as you come to know the will of God more and more according to the Scriptures, that many pastors and many priests are not even ordained of God but of themselves. Wow I know controversial ! But the Bible warned us before the time, their would be many false prophets, false teachers, false christs(christians)

Jesus said signs and wonders would follow 'them that believe' ....HE did not say signs and wonders would follow christians - not everyone who calls themselves a christian actually BELIEVES in God ! faith without works is dead.

if one just "says" I believe but that's the extent of it but another proves they believe by the works of faith that they DO , you decide, which one truly believes?

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ unto GOOD WORKS which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

Be careful who you study under, Be led By His Spirit, Be not concerned with the opinion of man but be pleasing to God ... by your Faith in Him !

God Bless YOU

Have A Jesus Filled Life

In The Spirit Of Truth

Ps. See how they reject the truth ! hmm - go figure

PPs. What am I talking about ? Duh ! catholics aren't desciples of Jesus Christ, if they are than why do they in unison reject the Word of God which is Jesus ? ooh, ooh I know, because they are taught to NOT read the Bible. So, they know nothing of the will of God ! Gee, I hope they don't boast themselves to be wise ! What a blunder and a shame ! Traffic Jam on the path of least resistance ! Pile up on the road that leads to destruction !

Read the Word and Live ! In Jesus Name WAKE -UP !

unbelief is provoked but faith is born, for faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God !
space monkey
2009-09-08 08:52:09 UTC
I pray you get Born Again, not get a religion.

The Roman Catholic and Orthodox pagentry and illusion is very appealing- to our senses. But rites and rituals and pretty dressed priests performing magic rituals do not save you.

Only by receiving Christ- spiritually- to indwell you- saves you. That is not a religion.

Just say yes to Jesus. Then you will find your fellow believers that you desire to fellowship with.
2009-09-08 08:51:55 UTC
You so desire to drink the blood of the lord???

Ok, that's just freaking disgusting. You ARE aware that this is an ancient pagan custom, right?

They'd select a few males and females, hold a religious ceremony in which they were "turned into gods", and then sacrifice them for the sins of the community. Then the priests (and then the rest of the community) would eat their flesh and drink their blood in rememberance of these "gods" and to try to take in their power.

Sound familiar? Why do you think there is nothing like this in Judaism? Where do you think Christianity got it from then?

So that's fine if that's what you want to do and believe in. Just realise that you're practicing ancient paganism, human sacrifice and cannibalism (even symbolically) rather than anything that comes from Judaism.
2009-09-08 08:48:30 UTC
I'm very pleased that your choice is evangelicalism and not Roman Catholicism.

You need have no desire to drink the blood of Jesus. He never told us to do that. He used wine and told us to do the same 'in remembrance of Him'. Do it the way He did it. Remember, He had not shed His blood when He said that so He was speaking symbolically and that is the way you should remember His sacrifice. He shed His blood once, He is not going to do it again every communion service.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.