Yes he would be because he wouldn't let people wait 6 months for regular surgeries like in Canada. Universal health care is a joke. It's innefective,drives good doctors away and is lied about by those like Michael Moore. He acted like Cuba has better health care and recently there was a film I saw on TV that showed Cuba hospital patients in disgraceful conditions and it looked like a third world country.
Let me ask you would Jesus steal from people like Robin Hood to give free health care to others? The top 10% I heard pay 70% of the taxes and taxing is the reason we fought for our freedom from Britain in the first place. Socialism DOES NOT WORK!
FYI Obama wants to give health care to illegal aliens as well as regular Americans. Want proof? He has said many times he will cover 47 million uninsured Americans. I did the research with the US census and it is true! Included in the 47 million uninsured Americans is 9.8 million illegal aliens as of 2006.
Dems also wants to give illegal aliens instate tuition if they can duck ICE for five years as a gift for doing so when MY CHILDREN have to pay tens of thousands of dollars more.
Obama wants to repeal Bush's ending of the death tax. It will end soon and if Obama wins he will raise it to 55%!!!
So a family that saves $200,000 for their children AFTER TAXES will have to pay 55% on that money a second time before their children get it when parents pass on. This is no Bs it is a fact. Look up the death tax rates and it ends in a year or two,but if Obama repeals Bush's taxes it will kick in to 55%!
So say it's a family of 4. $110,000 will be paid in taxes AGAIN and go to the government and $90,000 will be split and each child will only get $22.500!
The problem is that most democratic citizens don't know they are being brainwashed by the hiding truths of the democratic party!
Take your socialism back to Russia!
victorio locco Jesus would be for a free country which capitalist America is the most free! I think whatever your country's system is must be LOCCO!
Thewoo: How does that koolaid taste?
Dexter: How did Hilary care pan out huh? IT WAS A FAILURE! Also theeconomy is better than in Clinton years! Look it up my socialist friend! The GDNP has grown MORE each yearon average than in Clinton's eight years! The economy is bad because of 911 PERIOD! Clinton never went after terror training camps after the first WTC bombing so this is HIS FAULT!