Christians, would Jesus approve of denying Americans universal health coverage?
2008-07-25 02:31:51 UTC
Jesus healed the sick, the lame, the leppers, the mentally ill and those who were broken of spirit (which can mean depressed people). And he did it all for free out of his selfless determination to serve humankind.

Why, then, would you people be opposed to a universal health care plan in America that works? England has universal health coverage but so does a place not too far away from the U.S. called Canada.

Perhaps you think we should all be healed with Jesus power instead of doctors.
Twelve answers:
2008-07-25 03:16:23 UTC
You're ignoring the most basic fact: Jesus healed people using His own healing powers as the son of God. He didn't confiscate power from other people to do His healings. His healings didn't require that a third party - or several million third parties - have part of their power or their livelihood or their belongings taken away from them.

He also didn't heal every person who came to Him for healing. We don't know what criteria He used to select which persons would be healed and which would not; we just know that He healed only a fraction of the people who came to him for healing.

Did you read where Jesus said "the poor will be with you always"? Did you also read where he talked about caring for the widows and the orphans and the poor? He never said, "Let your government come up with an under-funded and poorly managed plan, and be grateful when they confiscate your income to pay for it." He said it was the responsibility of INDIVIDUALS to help other INDIVIDUALS, and to base their giving on the financial blessings they had received. He made it abundantly clear that charitable works and charitable giving are expected of all people - INDIVIDUALS, not governments - and that the performance of these acts and the giving of this money was to be a private matter between the giver and God.

Jesus was also really big on personal responsibility. He made it quite clear that actions have consequences, that some of the consequences might be unpleasant, but that the person making the decision is responsible for what follows. He never, ever, not even once, suggested that one person should be forced to support another person.

And frankly, with the number of Canadians coming to the US for the health care that they can't get at home in a timely fashion, and with the British system drowning in red tape and rules that block access to health care, and with the incredibly poor management of government health programs, I can't see Jesus having anything good to say about universal health care at all. He would have PLENTY to say about the politicians and administrators who are bankrupting the programs (and thereby putting an unconscionable burden on taxpayers), and he would have plenty to say about the rules and regulations and exclusions that prevent people from getting the care they need. And he surely would have LOTS to say about people who manipulate and cheat the system to get benefits they aren't entitled to .... again putting even more of a burden on taxpayers.

Personal, individual responsibility. Choices and actions and consequences. Individuals helping individuals. But never government-mandated programs, taxes for funding, and unending corruption and waste.
2008-07-25 12:36:06 UTC
When the government is involved in pretty much anything it gets messed up. It creates red tape and bureaucracies that hinder what free markets do so well. Private schools outperform public schools. The private housing sector is much better than public housing. The war on drugs is a joke, the war on poverty keeps people poor. Why would any one want to take the worlds best health care system and destroy it this way? People come from all over the world to receive medical services here because it is the best the world has to offer. Why would we want to turn it into another government program that does more harm than good?

Jesus taught us to help those in need. He didn't say let the government take care of things for us. Freely we receive and freely should we give. When was the last time the government did anything for free. Government involvement is not free, it cost money and our personal liberties.
2008-07-25 09:46:02 UTC
That's funny, it has been tried in countries all over the world and has NEVER WORKED!

It certainly has NOTHING to do with religion.

... Ask the Canadians who have given up on their nationalized system and travel to other countries to have medical procedures done.

My dad's 1st cousin in BC (Western Canada) was told to get on a 5 YEAR WAITING LIST when his pacemaker battery failed...


Michael B: "Helping the less fortunate" is NOT the job of GOVERNMENT, which, by its very nature, does NOTHING EFFICIENTLY except collect taxes...

I have spent hundreds of hours working with various charitable organizations in a major US metropolitan area and have seen first hand MANY cases where governmental action made the work harder and/or more costly than it would have been without that government INTERFERENCE.
Live free or Die
2008-07-25 10:07:51 UTC
Yes he would be because he wouldn't let people wait 6 months for regular surgeries like in Canada. Universal health care is a joke. It's innefective,drives good doctors away and is lied about by those like Michael Moore. He acted like Cuba has better health care and recently there was a film I saw on TV that showed Cuba hospital patients in disgraceful conditions and it looked like a third world country.

Let me ask you would Jesus steal from people like Robin Hood to give free health care to others? The top 10% I heard pay 70% of the taxes and taxing is the reason we fought for our freedom from Britain in the first place. Socialism DOES NOT WORK!

FYI Obama wants to give health care to illegal aliens as well as regular Americans. Want proof? He has said many times he will cover 47 million uninsured Americans. I did the research with the US census and it is true! Included in the 47 million uninsured Americans is 9.8 million illegal aliens as of 2006.

Dems also wants to give illegal aliens instate tuition if they can duck ICE for five years as a gift for doing so when MY CHILDREN have to pay tens of thousands of dollars more.

Obama wants to repeal Bush's ending of the death tax. It will end soon and if Obama wins he will raise it to 55%!!!

So a family that saves $200,000 for their children AFTER TAXES will have to pay 55% on that money a second time before their children get it when parents pass on. This is no Bs it is a fact. Look up the death tax rates and it ends in a year or two,but if Obama repeals Bush's taxes it will kick in to 55%!

So say it's a family of 4. $110,000 will be paid in taxes AGAIN and go to the government and $90,000 will be split and each child will only get $22.500!

The problem is that most democratic citizens don't know they are being brainwashed by the hiding truths of the democratic party!

Take your socialism back to Russia!

victorio locco Jesus would be for a free country which capitalist America is the most free! I think whatever your country's system is must be LOCCO!

Thewoo: How does that koolaid taste?

Dexter: How did Hilary care pan out huh? IT WAS A FAILURE! Also theeconomy is better than in Clinton years! Look it up my socialist friend! The GDNP has grown MORE each yearon average than in Clinton's eight years! The economy is bad because of 911 PERIOD! Clinton never went after terror training camps after the first WTC bombing so this is HIS FAULT!
2008-07-25 09:40:32 UTC
I wonder if jesus gives the Canadians gas money to drive over the border to take advantage of our health care system.
Michael B - Prop. 8 Repealed!
2008-07-25 09:48:53 UTC
Not all Christians are opposed to universal health coverage. I'm not. Christ warns us that on Judgment Day many will be turned away from Him for not helping the less fortunate. The sad fact is that many Christians have interpreted "help the less fortunate" to mean "promote homophobia and prevent law-abiding, taxpaying, gay Americans from having civil rights." They have turned their homophobia into idolatry and lost track of Christ's teachings and they will be judged accordingly.
2008-07-25 09:43:32 UTC
American is more driven by capitalism then Christianity. If universal health care were good the money makers then we would have it.
2008-07-25 09:40:11 UTC
We have universal health care here in Australia, and I think it has the potential to be one of the most ethical and fair health systems if properly managed.
2008-07-25 09:37:33 UTC
Technically speaking Jesus would probably not even approve of the way your economy functions . In fact he probably would disagree with capitalism.
2008-07-25 09:43:03 UTC
Lol, it's one of the great ironies of America that if Jesus was alive today he'd probably be denounced constantly by Bill O'Reilly and on talk-radio for being a nut-case liberal.
2008-07-25 09:35:39 UTC
American Christians don't like the teachings of Jebus, they prefer the co-opted teachings of money-grubbing pigs.
I am the son of God
2008-07-25 09:37:22 UTC
yes I would disaprove of it

you lack faith people.

doctors are there to practice only they practice robbing people.

if you have faith then heal. dont get robbed

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