How can There be three persons in One God? or?
2008-08-13 11:35:54 UTC
How can GOD be three and yet one? Isn't this a contradiction?

It would seem that GOD could be one and not three, or three and not one.But he cannot be three and one at the same time. It would be a violation of the most fundamental law of thought, namely the law of non contradiction.

Unless you accept the thought that GOD is both three and one in essence. That GOD is three persons but only one in Nature.
To put it out GOD is like a triangle to the third power (1x1x1 =1) Not 1+1+1=3.
32 answers:
2008-08-13 11:39:40 UTC
God, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are three distinct personalities within a single Godhead. It is like the concept of light. Is there such a thing as white light? Yes. Does it exist as one light? Technically, no. It exists as a compound unity of equal illumination of red, green and blue spectrum. So white light does NOT exist? Of course it does. But in the form of three-in-one. Science can explain it, and we have just gotten used to it. In the eternal, such things are equally possible and exist. God is light, and in Him, there is no darkness at all. What color? Pure white via a three-fold unity.
2008-08-13 11:51:15 UTC
Pityblues, those believers are dancing all around your question, because they are just attempting to make up anything that they think can pass for an answer. OK, Jamal, if there was a god, is correct IMO. If there was a god it would be only one, because somewhere along the line three of them would surely come to blows. Light is a different thing from a living entity as believers accept god to be. Then there is that HUH godhead. I know about religion but godhead is one of those totally stupid things in the world. So far your question has gathered that those three gods have one head but, they can be apart, at least that holy spirit must have been apart from JC and god when he wanked Mary for that god so JC could be born. Good-luck Pityblues, but that has to be the a story designed for belief by the truly stupid and the inventors knew what they were doing, but believers haven't got a clue.
2008-08-13 12:14:17 UTC
Did you know The New Encyclopedia Britannica says"Neither the word Trinity, nor the explicit doctrine as such, appears in the New Testament, nor did Jesus and his followers intend to contradict the Shema in the Old Testament;Hear o Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord' Deut.6:4 and The New Catholic Encyclopedia "The formulation one God in three Persons' was not solidly established,...prior to the end of the 4th century. The biggest thing that shows they are not one is at Acts 7:55,56 "Stephen was given a vision of heaven in which he saw "Jesus standing at God's right hand, and in this verse he made no mention of the holy spirit. here are some scriptures to look up to prove that they are not one Matt. 26:39 John 8:17,18 the one i like the best is at John 17:1-3 Father,.. this is eternal life, that they know thee the only True God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent.
2008-08-13 11:53:10 UTC
Indeed, it is true that God is 1, but has 3 entities. The Father, that's God the Father, the son, which is Jesus, and the Holy Ghost, which is the form that comes into your life to convict you and to assure you once a person is saved. I'm not sure i can really explain this question that well, but i can say that because Jesus was sent to die for us and because He lived a perfect life like God, i think it proves that Jesus is not only God's son, but also in God. The Holy Spirit, or ghost, is the form of God that, once a person has received Jesus into his or her life, God sent to that person to convict that person of sin and reveals other Godly things to that person. That's about as well as i can explain it. Sorry if this doesn't help.
2008-08-13 12:01:03 UTC
God is described with different words in the Bible, a few of which translate into English as LORD, Lord, the LORD almighty, God, God Almighty and so forth. When reading these in different places in the Bible, you become aware that although God is “one” He is also “more than one”—God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit (Holy Ghost). Together, they are referred to as “the Trinity” or “the Godhead.”
2008-08-13 11:53:41 UTC
This is one of the ways that monotheists have of dealing with other gods, or with new gods who pop up.

An alternate god is either (1) really a demon or (2) really a part of the one true god or (3) not really a god at all but a subsidiary being such as an angel or a sainted person.

There are examples of all these strategies in the Judeo-Christian monotheistic tradition.

Some of the Judeo-Christian demons such as Ba'al and Dagon started out as other people's gods.

Yahweh, the god of Genesis 2, started out as a subsidiary god in the Ugaritic pantheon, but as He developed into the monotheistic god of the Israelites, His identity was merged with that of His father El-yon, the chief god of the Ugaritic pantheon (the Elohim of Genesis 1). A similar process occurred when Yahweh had a son, Jesus---at first, Jesus was a separate entity, but as Jesus became more devine He was merged with His father Yahweh to become a unified, if triune, god.

Jesus' mother, Mary, has divine attributes, but is defined to be strictly human and is not therefore an additional god.
2008-08-13 11:46:57 UTC
nope not a contradiction at all. God the Father is all we'll ever know, God the Son is all we'll ever see, and God the Spirit is all we'll ever feel.

He is triune and a threefold God. meaning He is one God in three different plains of existence... He is God over creation and upon His throne, He is God in the midst of His creation (Jesus) and He is God perforiming His will through creation (the Spirit). you may lose your mind trying to understand the nature of our God. yet He gives understanding to His chosen ones. Jesus is the faithful witness, He is the threefold God wrapped up in one. He is the Son from the Spirit and the Father abides in Him through the Spirit just as He does for every believer, we are the image.
2008-08-13 11:42:54 UTC
i am more than 3 people wrapped up into one..... i am a daughter, i am a mother, i am a girlfriend, i am a friend, i am a sales person... etc... why are you letting little details confuse you? some things are just not meant for us to understand... I don't know about you, but I do not believe I am important enough to have all the answers... but I do believe that I am important enough to be assured of all the answers when the time is right....
Allahu Akbar
2008-08-13 11:49:11 UTC
This is the confusion which humans have put themselves in. Jesus is not God's son and he definitely is not a God himself. There is only one God and that is Allah, and He is the One and Only who shall be worshipped. Jesus was only one of His messengers. And if you would like to understand the truth of Jesus, I invite you with open arms into the world of Islam to know the truth, the last religion put down by God for worship. He may have sent down Judaism and Christianity, but, Islam is the perfected religion in which He tells you to practice. I hope that you find the truth to what you are looking for because if you don't find it now, then at the Hour when it forced upon you and many other disbelievers, it will have been too late.
2008-08-13 11:45:35 UTC
Look at it this way:

God is infinite.

Infinity divided by 3 = Infinity times 3 = Infinity

Divide Infinity by 3, take those three Infinities, and put them back together, and you still have Infinity.

I realize it is meaningless to say that something is infinite, but that's what they do, so the "three in one, one of three" concept is at least internally non-contradicitory.
2008-08-13 11:47:05 UTC
Each person of the Holy Trinity has His own nature, characteristics and attributes. Each has His own purpose and function not unlike the human body: spirit, mind (soul), and physical body in ONE human form body. That is because we are designed in God's likeness and image, three in one.

I am a Christian. A human in a three-part or triune body. I believe, have faith in and serve one triune God.

2008-08-13 11:41:31 UTC
God doesn't follow the same laws humans have God is 3 but also 1. No human can scientificallyly or mathmatically accept that. You just have to beileve.
2016-10-12 03:39:35 UTC
chum, you attempt to make god in 3 persons, permit me clarify something to you, God is a spirit because of the fact the Holy Ghost is a spirit, yet yet there is in simple terms one spirit of God. God isn't, I say God isn't a individual & neither is the Holy Ghost a individual, they are the self comparable spirit of God, in simple terms working in a diverse workplace or manesfestation of the comparable spirit of God, you assert that when forty days that Jesus went to heaven, it rather is authentic, yet you besides could say the very next day that the Holy Ghost got here lower back to stay in those human beings, chum you're incorrect in this fact, The Holy Ghost did not decend until 10 days later that's additionally customary as Pentacost, & you assert that Jesus is sitting on the main appropriate hand of God, do you comprehend what that suitable hand potential, No Jesus isn't sitting on yet another throne in heaven seperate from God's throne neither is Jesus actual sitting on God's suitable hand, it rather is a term used to describe that all and sundry skill is given unto Jesus Christ. there is in simple terms one throne in heaven & Jesus Christ himself is sitting on that throne as our mediator. you will locate that many situations in Revelation while John regarded & observed no guy worth to open the seals, & then he seem & observed one that is worth to open the seals, & he exchange into like the lamb of God, & it rather is Jesus Christ.
2008-08-13 11:59:20 UTC
I don't think we're supposed to understand the Holy Trinity. That's part of the mystery of GOD, there's no explanation for it.
Agent Smith
2008-08-13 11:43:46 UTC
A good question.

A good question because the mission of Jesus was to explain God.

So, he either invented "God" or explained God and we didn't believe him.

Read the NT. Carefully.

Best regards. God love you!
2008-08-13 11:46:35 UTC
Jamal V i mostly got what you where saying till you said no holy spirit the quran says there is a holy spirit and though jesus was not son of god he was a prophet of god and the holy spirit was with him (i have read it three times now)
2008-08-13 11:41:47 UTC
Their is not because according to the Hebrews they only worshiped Yahweh only. The trinity is something the New Testament teaches it was a belief that was borrowed from the Egyptians it was called the Mystic Triad of Osiris where Osiris (Wizzer) was the Father and Horus (Heru) was the beloved son and Aset (Isis) was the holy ghost. From the Holy ghost going into Horus he was able to rewaken Osiris. Thus Horus becoming the son who became the Father.
2008-08-13 15:32:30 UTC
Hey, "Pitybluesboy"!! Great question! (He is One Holy Compound Unit!) An Awesome Oneness that we as finite humans cannot possibly comprehend but when we do see Him as He is we will be so awestruck!!
2008-08-13 11:42:10 UTC
God is God..... The Trinity is composed of the following...God(Father), Jesus (Son), Holy Spirit(God)

for my pov on the subject you may read at:
2008-08-13 11:48:57 UTC
God has shown himself to us in 3 ways but he is God so can be any thing he likes.
orch dork
2008-08-13 11:40:48 UTC
1. First of all..that's what faith is for.

2. Second it's just how it is, God is composed of 3 yet is one complete.
2008-08-13 11:43:16 UTC
YHVH is Almighty. YAHOSHUA the Savior is Almighty. (That is two) If you eliminate heathen names (Ex 23:13) your questions, and maybe your thoughts, will make more sense.
2008-08-13 11:45:53 UTC
How can you be one person and claim to have a body,mind and soul ? Isn't that a contradiction?
John 3:16
2008-08-13 11:45:43 UTC
one God in three persons.Three parts to one God
2008-08-13 11:40:02 UTC
yep, i've always thought of it as the 1x1x1 thing..

many man are a dad, brother and son, same thing, kinda.
2008-08-13 11:40:26 UTC
U very ignornant..I hear alot of Muslims say that..Im married to one before ppl start bashing me for saying that

And if ur nt Christian how dare u talk about a religion you dont know or believe. Get overself. If u have questions about Christianity..Open the Bible and read it..Its open to everybody of all faiths..IT EXPLAINS ALL

Like i said ur ignorant..
2008-08-13 11:40:50 UTC
It's another one of those impossible things that people of faith are just supposed to believe. Just have faith. Don't ask questions.
2008-08-13 11:39:46 UTC
i dont get wut ur sayin, but when sum1 says God is 3 people, it means He is the Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit
Atheist Mafia (AM) Henchman
2008-08-13 11:40:46 UTC
Because God could never have 4 heads...
2008-08-13 11:41:53 UTC
When you're dealing with magic and spirits... anything goes.
2008-08-13 11:39:18 UTC
How can matter be made up mostly of empty space?
2008-08-13 11:39:44 UTC
im muslim and theres only one god and jesus is not the son of god in my opinion and there is no holy spirit.. the one god is the one god one god one god

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