How are god and hitler different?
2016-06-24 18:27:39 UTC
God drowned millions to make a perfect world Hitler gassed millions to make a perfect world.
493 answers:
2016-07-04 18:07:18 UTC
'How are god and hitler different?

God drowned millions to make a perfect world Hitler gassed millions to make a perfect world.'

Well, the difference between them is that God used floodings and Hitler used gases. Any idiot should be able to figure that out.
2016-07-05 12:32:08 UTC
Great question. Hard to reconcile but I'll give it a try.

God created man in his own image complete with free will. Noah had a premonition of a flood and built an ark to survive relying on a stubborn "I'm going to listen to what the big guy is telling me" mentality. None of Noah's neighbors were interested in his ambitions largely because they did not share his belief in one source of divine inspiration. Of course the differing belief systems kept them from being buddies. Well you know the rest of the flood story. Take note that what was revealed to Noah was a pending natural disaster, part of the earth's evolution.

Now, Hitler. This guy had a huge chip on his shoulder that stemmed from his country losing WW1 and the resulting punishments exacted by the winners. Hitler didn't have any faith in divine inspiration but he did have massive ambition to Make Germany Great Again. lol.

God allowed both events to happen with free will being unrestricted.

Oops I've run out of charact
2016-07-04 21:07:33 UTC
well, it looks like i will have to give a logicala answer, god did kill millions with a flood, however he did it because he saw that the whole world was completely covered in sin, except for Noah and his family, he used the flood to start everything over, and make the world a more pure place. Hitler on the other hand, killed millions of people to further his ambition REGARDLESS on whether they were innocent or guilty of anything, Hitler killed many innocent and good people, god on the other hand saved the few people who were innocent in the world, Hitler did not.
2016-07-04 19:54:42 UTC
If you are that far from God that you can ask this question, only God can help you!

When God kills a person, it is that person's fault. When Hitler does, it is Hitler's fault. God has a vision. You and I don't. Hitler didn't either.

This may be hard for you to swallow, but it is the truth and the truth is always liberating! If you are sincere, then that is why you are curious.
2016-07-05 16:57:17 UTC
God is good Hitler was bad Hitler killed many ppl
2016-07-04 14:50:52 UTC
OK to the guy who listed the differences let me clarify what was asked, he asked for differences not opinions so let's actually list some true differences. For one Hitler wasn't German, he was Austrian. Second off how do you judge how Hitler looks. Of course he was a horrible guy but there may have been women who thought he was attractive so to say he is ugly is not a difference.
2016-07-05 07:02:50 UTC
How is god and Hitler different ? The questioner did not state which GOD how can i make a comparison if one does not IDENTIFY the god to make the comparison to . its like playing into the BIAS of Christianity Judaism or ISLAM that THEIR god is the only god EVER ASSERTED

so if one says the word GOD one has to conjure up an Image self produced IDEA or some similarity of what THEISTIC religions ASSERT .

so its all taking place in ones mind called to IMAGINE

so it depends on WHICH GOD is being asked about one can assert the QUESTION is referring to Their god or a particular god of some theistic religion using the singular GOD a monotheistic religion as in a sense DISQUALIFYING to say that people who are Hindu do not exist or polytheist religion do not exist

. apparently EACH theistic Religion asserts only THEIR god or gods exist

Hitler was a REAL person and his actions are DOCUMENTED and demonstrated in reality

I like Clarity so a clearer question would be

How is the Christian Judaism and Islamic god or YAHWEH or ALLAH different from Hitler

as presented I could compare Hitler to Thor or Zeus or Krishna or Vishnu or PELE the Volcano god

. then one would have to clarify if Christianity is Monotheism since they have the trinity many say they worship god but are always referencing a JESUS so i always question who is their god Yahweh Jesus or Spirit ghost
Yvette aka EvilMistress
2016-07-04 21:58:20 UTC
G-d witha world made Earth from the darkness and the void. Hitler did not. He was the essence of pure greed, evil, and egotistical venerial brain gone mutant.

G-d flooded the world with Noah and his family because the Angels of man, where not G-ds angels, but fallen angels, agents of Lucifier. They mated with the Women of Earth, and through that Evil that existed inanother realm, was able to now exist in our Earthly plane. This is why G-d told Noah to build the Ark, so that He could rid the beauty of Earth, that He created for Us, whom He loved above all. And take it back to what He had made in Their inage, in where He made for us to multiply and prospure. Hitler was on an opposite scale. Go read the ******* Bible Dumb ***!!! Just Genisis if more than 30 pages is too diffecult for your wee little brain to handle.
2016-07-04 23:30:47 UTC
God created humanity , hitler was human
2016-07-05 08:39:39 UTC
Hitler existed but God doesnt
2016-07-05 00:33:13 UTC
God drowned millions because they were all like Hitler. And Hitler killed millions because he was a monster who had made a pact with the devil.
2016-07-05 10:52:51 UTC
God likes jews and hitler doesn't
2016-07-04 15:06:53 UTC
Easy, good has a beard and Hitler a moustache. That's about it.
2016-07-05 16:49:24 UTC
depending on which religion of God your referring to. then the one im talking about which is in islam, Christianity, jewish, nondinonination..... ect. had learned from his mistakes. such as stating that he is a jeaoulous god, but now tells people to not have idols just to accept him as a person. also he said he made man in "his image" man is not perfect. he also said that he will not create another flood again. god is always learning just as everything else is always learning. DROPS MIC. Hitler never had his epiphany
2016-07-05 00:47:44 UTC
Hitler is a human and god is not a human or any living thing.It is a type of energy.
2016-07-04 13:22:14 UTC
God created people. Hitler didn't kill anyone. He ordered them to be killed and his men should have turned on him...but they chose to kill for him. Hitler created nothing. Very different. Stupid question
2016-07-05 05:59:13 UTC
Hitler was real.
2016-07-04 15:41:09 UTC
Hitler was real, gods are imaginary.
2016-07-05 15:59:53 UTC
Hitler was at least right about the LGBT community. Unfortunately he was unsuccessful in the cleansing.
2016-07-04 19:03:15 UTC
God isn’t real and hitler was
2016-07-04 18:48:17 UTC
Whos god?
2016-07-04 15:30:20 UTC
Hitler was real, not fictional.
2016-07-05 11:19:06 UTC
God doesn't exist
2017-01-11 20:15:32 UTC
One accepts Jews
2016-07-05 14:52:52 UTC
hitler existed/exists
2016-06-29 19:49:53 UTC
What makes them different....

1. God created Hitler. Hitler thought he was god.

2. Nobody has seen God. Everyone has seen Hitler!

3. God is beautiful. Hitler was ugly.

4. God is everything. Hitler was just a angry German.

5. People pray to God. Many people are happy Hitler is dead.

6. God created a endless world. Hitler only had World War 2.

7. God can be anyone's friend. Hitler had no friends.
2016-06-29 00:50:58 UTC
god is perfect
2016-06-27 05:51:32 UTC
Rainbows existed long before humans invented gods
2016-06-27 02:33:32 UTC
Hitler himself believed he was doing god's work .

Also his speech during the enabling act mentioned the clauses against the atheistic organizations
2016-06-25 01:43:52 UTC
hitler was a sexy beast who preferred white blondes whilst God was more into the Jews
2016-07-04 00:09:34 UTC
Hitler increased public awareness that cigarettes cause cancer. God created tobacco.
2016-07-02 04:03:47 UTC
hitler did god's work.
2016-07-01 07:49:23 UTC
Hitler is dead. Very simple.
2016-06-30 22:33:11 UTC
God is the perfect human, hitler is the opposite
john wondering
2016-06-30 02:59:54 UTC
Hitler was real - that's the difference!
2016-06-29 14:17:52 UTC
one didn't exist


*this answer was written using a sarcastic key board
Iron Butterfly
2016-06-29 07:01:10 UTC
no one knows if god exhists and hitler definielty did
2016-06-28 00:25:21 UTC
The three prominent functions of God are: Creation, Evolution and Destruction in order to create again for a new beginning. He is Omnipotent, Omniscient, compassionate and above all never 'drowns' others but saves the drowning ones. This has been evidenced in day to day lives of us all.

Contrarily, Hitler gassed the hapless people and we have proof for the same. Hence comparing God and Hitler, in my view, is far fetched and not warranted.

2016-06-27 21:17:12 UTC
God is God.. Lord over all. maker of all and as the only creator can and has a right to execute any and all mankind.. after all He gives life He can take it, He owes us nothing, not even life... Hitler never gave life to anyone, never created anyone and made himself ruler over any one He could bully.

If God came before you, which one day He will... you will tremble like a leaf and He will judge you, not you judge Him... His perfect judgement is beyond you, you are just a little amoeba to Him...

But in His Love and righteousness as perfect ruler over HIS creation, through no merit of yours, He gave His only Son so that YOU could live forever... how is that for a loving father?
2016-06-27 09:10:22 UTC
How are god and hitler different? The same way darth vader and hitler are different. The same way the monster under my bed and hitler are different. The difference is obvious. Hitler had a sexy mustache. We must excuse the actions of those with sexy mustaches. That's why they're allowed to tie damsels to railroad tracks and wear top hats and carry around those bombs that look like bowling balls with fuses in them.

If you want me to play devil's advocate here though. Er, god's advocate. The difference that those who actually believe in that bunk can very well give is that god is a superior being. Just like how we can keep pets and beasts of burden and decide whether they live or die, you can't use the same standard of ethics, we'd be like nothing to him, we'd be like mosquitoes, not even that. Or even less than that, we'd be like characters in a novel, with him the author. Of course it's not doing anything immoral for the author to have the characters do whatever or have any old thing happen to them. We could be simple trivial abstractions as far as god is concerned. You know, we have different rules for how WE treat humans from other animals because we presume ourselves superior to the other animals but not the humans. Even secular people will go along with that. You'll find a lot of people who advocate spaying or neutering your cat. Not so many advocating spaying or neutering your children. So naturally there would be lots of things that it would be ok for god to do that would not really be a big deal.
2016-06-27 02:56:11 UTC
Yes. God doesn't exist.
2016-06-27 01:06:56 UTC
Hitler was a hero, God is a genocidal manic.
2016-06-27 00:36:55 UTC
Some answers here are way too funny
2016-06-26 23:17:47 UTC
If you have to ask, then the chances of you picking a logical Best Answer are zero.

God drowned people who were mini-Hitlers. Hitler of the 20th century epitomized the evil in those ancient people.
Linda R
2016-06-26 14:42:52 UTC
GOD is who ever religious people want to believe in and Hitler was a human being.
2016-06-26 13:57:06 UTC
One starts with a G, and one starts with an H
2016-06-25 22:02:01 UTC
God is cool he forgives you if you have sex when your 15 and Hitler hates everyone, even himself. So that's how they be different and shid.
Andy P
2016-06-25 19:04:49 UTC
God gave us a rainbow after His mistake
2016-06-24 22:46:19 UTC
You idiot.
Roberta B
2016-06-24 21:09:24 UTC
Morally, God can read minds, and can fairly mete out justice.

Hitler could not, and murdered millions of people because they fit a category.
2016-07-04 00:40:54 UTC
I thought they were the same. Or at least it seems that way XD ~ I'm an Agnostic Atheist BTW
2016-06-30 09:56:56 UTC
one of them is a psychopath
2016-06-30 02:57:37 UTC
Hitler came on earth and there is evidence of it and God came on earth as an incarnation through Jesus but there is no evidence to confirm it.
2016-06-29 14:23:39 UTC
They're the same, no offense to the Christians
2016-06-29 07:13:45 UTC
Hitler's existence can be proven. God's cannot.
2016-06-28 20:23:04 UTC
God who is Almighty and Righteous and Omnipotent and PERFECT, should not even be mentioned in the same sentence as Hitler, who was to start with just an ordinary man until he became a controlling dictator and a wicked, evil murdering despot.

God is absolutely pure and righteous. He doesn't just judge someone for their actions but for what is actually IN THEIR HEART.

Mankind on the other hand - dictators who kill the innocents like Hitler, tend to be narrow minded and bigeted and they kill indescriminately anyone they don't like the look of.

They don't judge a person's heart but what they look like on the OUTSIDE which is a ridiculous reason to kill anyone.

God knows what He is doing when He has to rid the world of CANCEROUS IDEAS which which have spread to EVERY one.

There was not one other person (besides Noah, his wife, his three sons and their wives) who believed God, worshipped God, trusted God or did good.


What was God supposed to do? It was better to start all over again with fresh seed from Noah because all the other had been interspersed with demonic angels who mated with women on earth. It was vile and revolting and only produced Nephilim.

God had to do it and HE KNOWS BEST.

Mankind has no right to do such wickedness because they are not GOD.

God is the CREATOR, so He has the right to fix things in whichever way HE KNOWS IS BEST.

So don't criticise your MAKER.

Know that His ways are always right/perfect/good/best.
2016-06-28 19:05:19 UTC
You forgot something- when god says he was gonna cash in all life on earth and start over, he chose the most inefficient method of flooding, thereby sparing the aquatic creatures. He must've had something against the other animals, since they were toast, but the aquatic fishes and such were sinless, evidently. another example of the schizoid nature of judeo-christianity.
2016-06-28 01:09:29 UTC
Basically, God is our Sovereign Creator and living Lord, and

Hitler was a deluded moron who reaped what he sowed.

You are incapable of recognizing your own nonsense ...

Hitler created NOTHING "perfect". He was a psychopath,

a control-freak and a loser. He failed. He LOST. He DIED,

as mortals do. Weren't you able to catch up on history?

God is infinitely higher, just, holy and eternal .. seeing all

things, and knowing what would have a bad ending before

it can happen. He knows what He is doing, and His motives

are pure. You are clearly on a different page. Learn better ..

and perhaps grow up a bit, instead of celebrating ignorance.
2016-06-27 22:37:05 UTC
But one thought he was God, the other was God.
2016-06-27 21:30:43 UTC
God wiped the Earth because it was destroyed by Sin, so he made a flood to wipe the Earth from evil. However, Hitler killed for no reason.
VeggieTart -- Let's Go Caps!
2016-06-27 19:23:14 UTC
Hitler was real.
2016-06-27 12:52:52 UTC
Aren't you confused! In the beginning, God created everything good and perfect, but then Adam, Eve and Satan rebelled against God when God told Adam not to eat from the tree or he would die. Adam had eternal life until he ate from the fruit Eve gave him and Satan twisted God's words by saying, "Surely, you will not die." Adam had eternal life, but lost it for all of us in the Garden of Eden. That is why God came down in human flesh as Jesus to win back eternal life for those who believe Him. That is why Christ is returning to make all things new, because the old heavens and earth have been polluted by sin. Christ is returning to rule with a rod of iron.
2016-06-26 19:02:00 UTC
Hitler was real
2016-06-26 10:16:39 UTC
God did NOT drown millions to make a perfect world....Jesus, who the hell told you that?

God brought on the flood "to the world of the ungodly" which were angelic beings who copulated with women and created offspring that were giants....they were satanic spirits that were in those born, ungodly hybrids. They needed to be destroyed, and they were. Also present were other hybrids...those fallen angels were also causing hybrids of human/animal, or one species mixed with another animal species....a rabbit and a reptile, for example.

It would have destroyed mankind and it was a real disgusting mess. God cleaned it up.
Your Word is a light to my roadway
2016-06-26 09:52:14 UTC
God flooded the world to removed excessive wickedness, Hitler killed people because he was prejudice.
2016-06-25 20:10:34 UTC
atheists worship one and not the other
2016-06-25 07:03:28 UTC
God is the creator. Adolph Hitler just took pleasure in killing anyone who wasn't Aryan in appearance.
2016-06-25 03:27:20 UTC
Yes. God has had much longer to kill and torture far more people, and he has the bonus that Hitler never had of continuing his baleful habits for eternity. Still, that's God for you. Oh, and his son Jesus, our Lord and Saviour, of course.What losers.
2016-06-24 21:49:11 UTC
One exists.
Elsie Treize
2016-06-24 19:03:00 UTC
Hitler actually existed. All gods are imaginary.
2016-07-04 12:45:25 UTC
God is actually way way more patient than i would have been.

Problem is most people do not understand the absolute depravity of man they don't comprehend the unimaginable evil that man kind is not just capable of but eager to do. For example what would you do if you looked down from heaven and saw someone put a baby inside a barque grill shaped like a bull and then build a fire under the bull? When the baby would scream in agony, It would sound like the bull had come to life and was mooing. And when they finished burning the new born child they would appear to be grinning because the skin and lips had been burned off the face and the muscles draw back giving the appearance of a grin. They they worship their homemade god and dance and celebrate. That is just one example, here is one a little closer to home. What do you figure he thinks when a girl in Pakistan marries her child hood sweet heart and her mother murders her because she thinks somehow the girl has disgraced her? And how do you think he feels when he gives a couple a child and they kill it in its mothers womb?

2Peter 3:3 Dear friends, this is now my second letter to you. I have written both of them as reminders to stimulate you to wholesome thinking. 2 I want you to recall the words spoken in the past by the holy prophets and the command given by our Lord and Savior through your apostles.

3 Above all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. 4 They will say, “Where is this ‘coming’ he promised? Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.” 5 But they deliberately forget that long ago by God’s word the heavens came into being and the earth was formed out of water and by water. 6 By these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed. 7 By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly.

8 But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. 9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare.[a]

11 Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives 12 as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming.[b] That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat. 13 But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells.

14 So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him. 15 Bear in mind that our Lord’s patience means salvation, just as our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him. 16 He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction.

17 Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position. 18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.
2016-07-03 19:14:17 UTC
god used water, hitler used gas.
2016-07-03 06:45:07 UTC
2016-07-02 14:10:23 UTC
Hitler was real....
2016-07-01 19:45:12 UTC
both seek power..

i suppose one is devine
2016-07-01 05:08:40 UTC
Hitler meets God
2016-06-29 23:13:08 UTC
God doesn't and hasn't existed, and Hitler definitely existed at a point in history.
2016-06-29 21:36:38 UTC
Hitler actually existed xP
Bryan G
2016-06-29 11:37:08 UTC
God destroyed a world of wickedness and violence. Hitler was not a heavenly being, he, thinking to spite God, and listening to spiritualists, decided to commit genocide, there is no comparison.
2016-06-28 09:01:32 UTC
2016-06-28 00:41:28 UTC
Apparently God did what God did for us,............ Hittler did everything for his own needs.

This is if you believe in God.
Tad Dubious
2016-06-27 05:39:23 UTC
God allows you to ask this question; Hitler would not. The flood is religious imagery; Hitler's murders are documented fact. God is a spiritual being; Hitler is a dead man.
The Great Big No
2016-06-26 16:35:31 UTC
Hitler was real.
2016-06-26 14:34:37 UTC
God killed for our own good,Hitler killed for the Nazi's personal gain.
2016-06-26 11:57:22 UTC
Hitler was German.
The Freak Show
2016-06-26 10:09:41 UTC
God's mustache game was strong! Hitler's? Not so much... I'm sure there are other differences we could talk about, but that was the first that came to mind.
2016-06-25 06:15:14 UTC
God cares about everyone while Hitler only about himself and Germany
2016-06-24 20:58:56 UTC
Hitler murdered and God killed. He is the law giver and He told Adam if they ate they would die. Adam and Eve both died. Gen 5:5 And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died.

If we do not do the things that God has said to do we also will die the seconded death.

Rev_2:11 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death.

Rev_20:6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.

Rev_20:14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

Rev_21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

Rom_6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

1Pe 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:
2016-06-24 20:36:23 UTC
The difference betwwen God and Hitler is This is God's world. He created the worlds and everything in it. It is his perogative to do as he pleases as the creator of everything that is. The only thing Hitler ever created was mayhem in Europe and the Holocaust of Jews.
2016-06-24 19:05:19 UTC
== God drowned millions to make a perfect world ==

yes, God drowned the whole human civilization except for noah & family.

do you know why ...

demon+human hybrids have contaminated the HUMAN bloodline ... except for noah & family.

satan's strategy went down the drain ... hehe

and here you are, condemning God's actions like you're righteous and God isn't ?

== Hitler gassed millions to make a perfect world. ==

hitler, as a white man, knew his origins ... ie. demon+human hybrid

it is a known fact that hitler wanted to create a .. superior race ... of people w blonde hair, blue eyes.

the white race is not the master race for no reason ... its the bloodline !!!

obviously , satan wants his bloodline to take over the whole earth, to destroy the human race.

so the bloodline started after the flood all over again ... till it is like in noah's time NOW.

david the human ... killed ... goliath the giant (demon+human hybrid).

God says in the bible that He will not bring another flood to the earth.

so how will God handle the same situation now ? rapture

i believe it could happen anytime now, after the jubilee ie. after oct 2016.

if you youtube the tunnel opening of cern, you'll witness a ... satanic ritual done openly ... w many WHITE leaders attending. Obviously, there's more to it than just a tunnel opening ceremony, right. Some on youtube suggest that its a celebration of a portal.

so you see, blasphemers like yourself , clearly don't believe in God , therefore , have no knowledge of what's coming ... the gates of hell have been opened ... in my humble opinion. I believe THAT is what the portal is about which explains the satanic opening ritual.

== How are god and hitler different? ==

well, God create the human race.

hitler is a product of the fallen angels mingling their seed w God's humans.

you are a blasphemer . Should i feel sorry for you knowing that bad things will happen to you ...

no one condemns or criticize God ... NO ONE ... when will people learn.
2016-07-03 20:04:50 UTC
God created people to begin with! Hitler didn't! God can take life back, because he gave it as a gift in the first place! The people God destroyed were wicked! The people Hitler destroyed weren't wicked!
2016-07-03 08:33:58 UTC
2016-06-29 05:01:57 UTC
Hitler actually existed.
2016-06-28 16:26:04 UTC
I think it's the mustache
2016-06-28 14:14:31 UTC
one is spirit and the almighty

the other was human and a tool of the devil
2016-06-27 14:19:18 UTC
God isn't real so in that way there different guy you have a point if God was real thy would both be genocidal maniacs
2016-06-27 13:37:19 UTC
God also made morons who think they are intellectual giants when they post ridiculous questions on here.... so......
2016-06-27 10:22:11 UTC
God is holy and hitler murdered many innocent people.
Steve B
2016-06-27 09:19:00 UTC
Hiller killed many man, women, and child. Mostly in Germany

god killed most every living man, women, child, and animal on the planet.

Only some fish and survive in both fresh water and salt water.

so, I'm thinking the gob is worse.
2016-06-27 03:47:46 UTC
God gives humanity the chance to make decisions, Hitler made them for the people. God is alive and still in control of the cosmos, Hitler died long after the government lied about. God gave His Son to save a world not worth of such a gift to save us from our OWN mistakes, Hitler destroyed the "mistakes" he deemed mistakes.
2016-06-26 16:45:50 UTC
They both love ?
2016-06-26 12:45:06 UTC
Neither won, did they? ........
Just A Random Girl
2016-06-26 10:38:38 UTC
God drowned millions because they were all committing sins even after many warnings. Hitler gassed millions of people, but why don't you remember all the other bad things Hitler has done.

Oh, and God is wayyyyy more powerful than any one.
2016-06-25 16:35:14 UTC
It is much worse than you think. God has killed billions of people.

Technically, everyone who dies by natural causes is killed by God. This is one of God's jobs.

This is why murder is considered so bad. The murderer is trying to be God and forcing someone to die when they want and not when God wants.

Remember dying is just the last step to eternal life.

With love in Christ.
2016-06-25 15:48:56 UTC
They aren t. They are both made up to scare the people into living in fear of what those above hold the power to do.
2016-06-25 07:43:36 UTC
Hilter is Evil and God is love
2016-06-25 04:47:28 UTC
Everyone on the Earth, in Noah's day, had the opportunity to get on the Ark. Noah took 120 years to build the Ark and preached the whole time about what was going to happen. People didn't listen. How many did Hitler, Moa, Stalin etc give the opportunity to recant (many would not have done so, anyway) and live? I suggest the answer is ZERO.

But, I suppose that is not what you want to hear.
2016-06-25 03:24:23 UTC
God did not do it. It's a natural disaster. Spirits can realize before it happens. Noah (Bible) was alerted by a spirit. Spirits help people who believe and worship them. There is always a common fate which is always applicable to all creatures including human beings. That is, we are like other creatures except that we have an additional sense (sixth sense). This sense had changed only the living conditions of the human beings but not the fate. The fate is almost same to all creatures including human beings.

I guess you must know this too. God never bothers who believe Him. God cannot watch each and every human being at the same time. That's why He had created the spirits to watch, guide and determine the destiny of the human beings from their daily activities, talks and thoughts too. Your past determines your present and your present determines your future. God has given freewill to all creatures including human beings. According to this, all human beings have all right to live a life as they wish. But if it happens to be bad and hurts someone, they have to face the consequences. These consequences are created by spirits. It's a natural system. After death no one lives in any form. Heaven and hell are only for spirits. Spirits are separate elements. A human being is not a single spirit. A human being during his/her life time is living with many spirits which have joined one by one since birth. They are knowledge, skills, feelings, emotions, interests and everything. Even thoughts are not your own. When you want to take a decision on a subject, one after another the spirits think and you just listen, choose or reject the ideas which they transmit to your mind through your brain in the form of thoughts. A human being is just a robot made of flesh, bones, tissues etc., and a toy of the spirits for their games.
2016-06-24 23:52:24 UTC
Different moustaches.
2016-06-24 18:39:31 UTC
God sent the flood because there was sin in the world and Jesus had yet to be born. Hitler wasn't trying to create a perfect world, but create a tyranny. Killings millions of Jews is genocide and genocide is not looked at pleasantly. Hitler is one of the most hated people on earth. He wanted to create a society with blonde hair and blues eyes, features that he didn't have.
2016-07-04 10:32:43 UTC
The difference is very clear. Hitler gassed people. That is unquestionable fact i.e. it is provable. God supposedly drowned people, that is fiction i.e. it can never be proven. I do not understand your question. If you are saying god is no better than Hitler, then that is a different question to whether Hitler is godlike because they both supposedly did the same thing.
2016-07-03 08:21:20 UTC
The only true God Jehovah is love - Hitler hate God's people.
2016-07-02 12:17:58 UTC
Hitler actually existed!!!
2016-07-01 12:48:48 UTC
One existed
2016-07-01 08:57:41 UTC
well noone has any concrete proof as to the origin or identity of "god". hitler on the other hand has been firmly documented to have existed. that being said if you added up all the humans that died as a result of all "holy" wars and conflicts which resulted from religion, you would needs hundreds if not thousands of hitlers to match that body count. just sayin.
2016-06-30 19:22:31 UTC
Man is not God. God created man and man is of God, in an image although incomplete. Man may strive to be good, but will never equate to God. Science will never fully explain God or Creation, because life is spontaneous and science is rigid.
2016-06-30 09:01:06 UTC
God got away with it.
2016-06-30 06:53:11 UTC
Hitler was real. God isnt
2016-06-29 21:51:34 UTC
They both can spark some heated debates. The only difference I'm seeing is that those on team hitler/anti-God are being a lot more hateful against religion, something which, if i remember correctly, was a big part of ww2 or something. Butthatsnoneofmybusiness.
2016-06-29 11:35:35 UTC
God is a God that exceeds anything while hitler is a normal human being.
2016-06-29 11:33:17 UTC
The existence of God is an opinion, no ones knows for sure and can prove that God exists, Hitler was real and did exist
2016-06-28 06:45:56 UTC
That's just a stupid statement retards made up because they're still butthurt and salty about their bad childhood.
2016-06-28 01:17:35 UTC
God destroyed what was making the earth bad, what was destroying the earth slowly. Hitler killed people at his own accord because the were not wanted to him not because they were doing wrong. But then lets be honest we are all killing the earth of anyway.
2016-06-27 20:28:15 UTC
If you read Genesis, and study it, you ll discover that the millions God killed were called nephilim. And in order to protect the bloodline that Jesus Christ had to be born through, the nephilim had to be destroyed. Noah s family was the only family left with a pure bloodline that came from Adam, who came from God. Jesus had to come from that bloodline in order to be the Son of God. Look up nephilim and the flood... There will be plenty of articles to explain it better than I can.
2016-06-27 15:50:19 UTC
You'll find out after you take your last breath.
2016-06-25 16:59:01 UTC
You're an idiot. Stop trying to make God look bad just because you're a low life.
2016-06-25 16:17:37 UTC
Hitler's german.
2016-06-25 13:47:36 UTC
Oh you really frustrate me! What a little upstart you are! Yet I have to smile at your "sense of humour!"

Clyde my dear boy , go suck an egg! You no nothing of the truth!
2016-06-25 10:15:30 UTC
God is kind, just and Creator of all thing.
2016-06-25 09:03:19 UTC
You're rude
2016-07-03 20:59:44 UTC
Hitler was real.....
2016-07-01 20:00:24 UTC
ask yourselves and if it feel something then, that sth is different you are human being can't you differentiate such a tiny story.
2016-06-30 20:54:42 UTC
Hitler spoke German. God couldn't.

Hitler only had one bollock (allegedly). God had none.

Hitler had a creepy moustache. God had no body hair.

Hitler was a genocidal maniac. God was a zoocidal maniac.
2016-06-30 15:15:37 UTC
Hitler better than Today's Muslims Extremists
2016-06-30 15:00:50 UTC
God made 6 million jews, Shitler killed 6 million jews.
2016-06-30 10:28:15 UTC
God doesn't exist while Hitler did.

God is someone's twisted imagination while hitler was a real thing with a twisted brain.
2016-06-30 05:35:26 UTC
Define youre god or God?
2016-06-29 18:38:37 UTC
God created man and has the right to preserve life or to destroy it. God didn't just kill those who were evil during the days of Noah. He had Noah build the ark, and to warn the wicked so that they could repent and live. But they did not listen and therefore, they perished during the flood.
2016-06-29 14:47:58 UTC
God is Sovereign, The Creator, Holy, Perfect in His judgments, Cannot Lie, Cannot Sin, Loves Us with and Everlasting Love.

"Woe to those who quarrel with their Maker, those who are nothing but potsherds among the potsherds on the ground. Does the clay say to the potter, 'What are you making?' Does your work say, 'The potter has no hands'?" (Isaiah 45:9)
2016-06-28 19:16:40 UTC
God is GREAT. Hitler was only good at what he done.
2016-06-26 20:12:39 UTC
Only God, who provides life,

has the authority to end life.

Can Hitler say that?
2016-06-26 14:55:31 UTC
They are both also dead. Hmmm.
2016-06-26 13:43:08 UTC
The difference is this. Adolf Hitler existed (1889-1945). There are no, and never has been, any gods.
2016-06-25 15:41:20 UTC
God doesn't exists, Hitler does...
Campbell Hayden
2016-06-25 11:52:14 UTC
Hitler would have hung 'jesus' by the neck, and built a bonfire under his stinking @ss.

God was far more inspired, and more of a `chance-taker` ... so he used good 'ol reliable nails.
2016-06-25 08:47:49 UTC
Actually the god of the torah,bible,and koran is many times worse than even Hitler.Hitler murdered millions while god murdered many billions.Hitler only murdered his victims,god however also tortures and burns them alive for eternity in Hell.
2016-06-25 07:32:34 UTC
A little knowledge is dangerous. The human race gene pool was highly contaminated with the DNA of fallen angels who raped and kidnapped women to proliferate their hybrid version of man. Evidence of this has been all but wiped out by the politically motivated Smithsonian national museum. They have a men-in-black division that travels the world stealing fossil evidence of these hybrids. Many accounts abound. All human DNA was polluted at that time except Noah, and he was specially infused (not created by man's seed but just the woman's egg) to make him genetically pure. Thus there were still remainders of the hybrid gene even after the flood which had to be wiped out through genocide.
2016-06-25 03:38:13 UTC
First: Hitler existed.

Second: God is, much, much more violent, selfish, vengeful and evil than Hitler.

Hitler killed people and that's it. God tortures them forever for not being his slaves.
2016-06-24 18:31:04 UTC
atheists can't blame either one of wrong doing
2016-06-24 18:29:18 UTC
God is the giver of life and Hitler isn't... let's say you made a 100 little people and you made rules for them to abide by and they broke them and everything they did just started going wrong..would it be wrong for you to wipe them out ? Nope
2016-07-03 18:03:04 UTC
God liked the Jews, Hitler not so much...
2016-07-03 16:26:06 UTC
Hitler existed, God doesn't
Richard Prentice
2016-07-03 01:49:07 UTC
God made Hitler. Hitler was good and chose to become evil.
2016-07-01 14:48:48 UTC
God is a human ideal who has goals that "coincidentally" match the goals of the religion. He was created by thousands of ineducated fools who did not have the knowledge to answer their questions ans so filled the gap with someone to look after them no matter what, called "God".

Hitler is different because he existed.
2016-07-01 05:30:09 UTC
Good luck sorting through these questions. To answer your question, though, Hitler killed innocent people. God killed abusers, murderers and all sorts of dangerous, evil people. He gave humanity the chance to start over and improve our behaviour, thus improving our society, making the world a safer place and allowing us to have the chance to enter heaven. He made the best choice for our future, even though the choice that He made was the last thing that He wanted to do.
2016-07-01 03:30:44 UTC
There is NO god and now NO Hitler Hooray
2016-06-30 18:15:22 UTC
God is an all powerful source of the universe. Hitler was a human. The two are totally different.
2016-06-29 22:46:52 UTC
Hitler was an Atheist xD
Little Ms Sunshine
2016-06-29 14:58:43 UTC
God is real all right, but where so many people get it wrong is that they create God in human's image instead of encouraging humans to be more God-like and use our innate spark of divinity for good.

Whatever is good in or about people, that is God. Whatever is good in or about a situation or the world, that is God.

There's just so many distortions and prejudices and really stupid dogmas that try to make God some humanoid dictator, which surely Hitler was. That's not God, though, that's people using God as an excuse for their own frailties and shortcomings.
2016-06-29 10:13:59 UTC
God will save anyone who asks, Hitler killed people.
2016-06-29 08:12:32 UTC
Because GOD kills and punishes people like Hitler in HELL. GOD punishes human for being a sinner. Hitler punishes human for his hatred to jews and other "less" white than his race.
2016-06-28 03:38:54 UTC
god will take you to heaven hitler will send you to hell

even if god send to hell because he likes you and your own good but

hitler he doesn't like at all he want you to burn in hell
2016-06-27 15:02:17 UTC
"God drowned millions to make a perfect world".

Obama will kill millions to make a temporarily perfect world.

The president of China will kill millions to make a perfect world.

Of course, I am talking about global warming. All these world leaders are happily allowing factories to continue, and companies to pollute. They don't care that in a century, this will have catastrohpic effects.

Thanks to all this pollution they allow, sea levels will rise (drowning people and making them homeless) and global desertation will cause famine. Millions and millions of people will die because of modern day world leaders trying to make a "better" modern world with 50th generation smart phones and super-cars.

God may be worse than Hitler, but they all pale in comparison with the thoughtless and callous modern leaders, and the selfish people of the modern world.
2016-06-26 16:12:58 UTC
which God specifically are we talking about? There's hundreds of them?????????

This could be the Fijian Volcano God for all I know, or Buddha, or Allah or Ra or jehovah or Voldermort?
2016-06-26 14:47:02 UTC
One is real, the other is not. Guess which.
2016-06-25 21:37:21 UTC
Let's but it this way. If a Artist destroys his art it is no big deal because it is his to destroy, but if a bystander destroyed an Artists art it would be a tragedy. That is how it is different.
2016-06-25 11:34:45 UTC
God is the creator and has the right to rule mankind. As a human race, mankind refuses to accept that. God warned us of the grief that independence from his rightful rulership would bring. Humans do not listen and then blame God for the messes they get themselves in. Soon enough God will bring everyone to account - whether we think it is fair or not. We have been given plenty of time and plenty of chances to accept his rightful sovereignty. So according to the Bible, God did it once - the flood in Noah's day. He will do it again very soon in our time. Noah and his family preached and warned people then. And God's judgment is being preached today as a warning - Matthew 24:14.
2016-06-25 09:39:06 UTC
"How are god and hitler different?"

Hitler actually existed.

There is no credible evidence that any gods exist or have ever existed.

BTW, Hitler was a practicing Christian (Catholic to be exact), as was ever other Nazi except for Himmler.
2016-06-25 09:17:08 UTC
Hitler existed, God didn't
2016-06-24 20:54:30 UTC
One of them is real the other is fake
2016-07-03 12:45:41 UTC
Hitler had this aryan race going
2016-06-30 21:23:38 UTC
Well they are both awful
Servant A
2016-06-30 19:30:52 UTC
Neither God nor Hitler are different, they are the same, however God the

Father and Hitler are total opposites.

Jesus told you in Matthew that we are to pray to God our Father, and that Hallowed is His name and in John 17:11 Jesus said our Father's name was the Holy Father.

God is not our Father as in Matthew 23:9 Jesus said we have but one Father and that we are not to call any man on earth father.In John 8:41-49 KJV Jesus told us several times that your father is the devil and our Father is God the Father. Your father is the father of lies and is a murderer, because your father is a liar, he lies about who he killed first and because he is your father you believe his lies, was not the first

murder when he DEVOURED the man-child in the first earth age, when dominating flesh on the earth where Dinosaurs, did he not kill them all in the battle known as the Catabol?
2016-06-29 16:42:21 UTC
Hitler existed, and God doesn't.
chacha tudou
2016-06-29 12:36:42 UTC
God loves everyone and Hitler didn't
2016-06-29 03:43:27 UTC
God is good, Hitler is bad
2016-06-29 01:33:56 UTC
Jermaine president are god and hitler different?
2016-06-28 09:20:17 UTC
The earth wasn't perfect after the flood. There was no claim of that by God.
2016-06-27 18:03:12 UTC
One killed good people and the other kills bad people
2016-06-27 17:52:38 UTC

God is right.

Hitler was wrong.

Case closed.
2016-06-27 09:49:43 UTC
The Flood was punishment, Hitler's killings weren't.
2016-06-27 08:00:26 UTC
GOD who created the universe was not human and Hitler was
2016-06-27 05:46:35 UTC
Hitler is a creation of God. A (Slave). God is the al wise the al seeing creator. Read the Qur'an.
2016-06-26 05:35:25 UTC
If you can't see the difference you have major problems...
2016-06-25 11:22:36 UTC
2016-06-25 07:17:40 UTC
God is good
2016-06-25 06:08:14 UTC
The main difference (aside from one being real and one being fictional) is probably that God killed way more people. Oh, and also that God's killings were, in a way, even more pointless. Hitler wanted to make a perfect world which in his view meant he had to get rid of certain people. Now God, on the other hand... Assuming he's an all-powerful being, the almighty creator of the universe and blah blah blah, he could have created the perfect world without killing anyone! With all that supernatural magical power, he could just say "let there be world peace" and there would be world peace. He could say "let all humans be cleaned from sin and live in harmony together" and it would happen. But no, instead he decided the best option was to murder millions of men, women and children, when he could just as easily have snapped his fingers and poofed the world into perfection.
2016-06-25 02:20:30 UTC
I'd rather be drowned than burned alive or gassed. God showed some mercy Hitler showed none
2016-06-24 20:12:59 UTC
Hitler was real.
2016-06-24 18:47:02 UTC
Hitler was real, so were the gas ovens.
jason w
2016-07-03 16:00:01 UTC
God rules
2016-07-03 13:39:50 UTC
2016-07-03 10:00:24 UTC
Hitler at least existed...
2016-07-02 19:08:29 UTC
2016-07-01 03:27:50 UTC
One is a stupid prick with a terrible belief system the other's the leader of the Nazi party
Tom S
2016-06-30 18:28:55 UTC
Hitler existed.
2016-06-29 19:43:32 UTC
Anyone who believes in Christianity deserves to have their entire body cooked alive in ever-increasing heat.
2016-06-29 14:43:06 UTC
Hitler killed ones he did not like . God lets all those He does not like Die here !
2016-06-29 09:23:50 UTC
Two ways:

1. Hitler existed. God doesn't.

2. Assuming God actually does exist, then they are different because God did far more terrible things over the course of history and killed millions more people.
2016-06-28 14:33:36 UTC
hitler can't grow a proper beard, but God can
2016-06-28 08:52:19 UTC
Hitler was mortal, not omnipotent, and could be stopped or killed. According to the monotheistic religions, God is an almighty, immortal bully who will ultimately have his way and punish anyone who opposes him no matter what you do.
2016-06-28 04:43:54 UTC
God creates this earth, and all who live in it (yourself included), and offered us Salvation and life through his only begotten son. Hitler murdered millions for ideological sport and hatred, without mercy, did not create anything (as a mere mortal), and has your fallen, sinful nature in him (meaning, you as a human have the same depraved spirit, if left to your own devices).
Blue Hawk
2016-06-27 09:17:39 UTC
No different whatsoever. God hates ***.gers; Hitler also hated ***.gers.
2016-06-27 07:16:36 UTC
Uh Hitler's dead! Gods listening to people mock him and Everytime somebody does he creates a new punishment for man.

How idiotic if you know someone is mean and a little to anger them so they will go throw some more wood on the fire
2016-06-27 04:51:14 UTC
Light Yagami heart-attacked millions to make a perfect world.
2016-06-25 22:18:12 UTC
God never turns off his oven.
bernie boy
2016-06-25 14:42:55 UTC
Hitler was real and a carbon based life form. Plenty of evidence for it.

"God" is effectively a fictional construct, which is used to validate some people's ideas in books. The idea of a "God" is an enduring method of presenting someone's idea of right and wrong, aka justice, to the masses. Often used as a means of coercing sections of a community though.
2016-06-25 10:25:20 UTC
God was just his "boss".
2016-06-25 03:23:41 UTC
They both have strange ideas of what constitutes a perfect World.
2016-06-25 00:59:21 UTC
Hitler sent people to heaven with the help of gas. God increased the burden by adding ego and drowned millions. People were thus ditched by God. Hitler is thus greater than God.

Install Hitler's image instead of God in all the temples. so that people can pray to Hitler only.
2016-07-03 15:41:36 UTC
White blondes r hot. I do one every nite.
2016-07-01 16:06:19 UTC
mx. know it all
2016-07-01 10:24:29 UTC
God does not discriminate between races. White, black, red yellow or blue blooded! He treats all equally!Hitler chose Jew above all!.
2016-06-30 23:22:52 UTC
God is amazing
2016-06-30 15:00:42 UTC
ones fake, ones real
2016-06-30 08:03:25 UTC
Why don't you ask Jesus that question at Armageddon. (2 Thess. 1:7-9)
2016-06-29 22:34:55 UTC
Hitler was real

God isn't
2016-06-29 13:32:32 UTC
God tells us to idolize his Jew son and he(because that would make God a Jew).Hitler proved the Jews were the biggest problem yet so coddled as a minority.
2016-06-28 11:10:05 UTC
Allah is one he is eternal he is neither born nor give birth there is nothing like him
2016-06-27 16:56:39 UTC
There is a great difference. God doesn't exist. Hitler actually did. Hitler merely kills people, god tortures them on his burning oven for eternity.
2016-06-27 15:06:49 UTC
hitler is dead ,god is from everlasting to everlasting
2016-06-27 06:51:06 UTC
God is a god and Hitler is a man.
2016-06-26 13:45:57 UTC
Because God is God. He can rape you right now if he wanted. Now run along and play little child. Go kill babies, cause its apparantly ok when you do it and not God.
2016-06-26 09:58:08 UTC
Hitler existed but god didn't.
2016-06-25 15:47:55 UTC
There is no difference.


Because there is only God, (not the Bible or Quran, or any other versions).

There is nothing that God is not: All That Is, is in the killer and the killed, the beauty and the bestial.

We are not seeking God, we are, every one of us, a part of the All That Is spirit.

We are God, because there is nothing that is not God.


The Soul that we are, before we come here, knows all there is to know; we are one; we are God.

But knowing is nothing without feeling, without experiencing, and so we come here, not to learn but to experience what we already know.

We cannot know Light if we have no knowledge of Dark, Joy without Pain, Life without Death.

We know what they are but we need to experience them, separately to understand them, to put a context to what we already 'know'.

But we cannot experience that of which we are aware if we are already aware of it, so we forget, totally, before we come and therefore what we call experience is the 'remembering' of what we already know, in a world that can contain them separately.

Every Soul here comes for a purpose and there is no deviating from that purpose, you don't even know what that purpose is, your Soul/Sole reason for coming here was to remember and experience what you already know but have never experienced.

Where do people like Hitler go after serving the only purpose for which they came?

Back to the All That Is, before they come again for a different purpose; that which we all do over countless lives until we are complete.

There's nowhere else for any of us to go.
2016-06-25 14:50:29 UTC
Hitler was real. God is not.
2016-06-25 13:35:13 UTC
Looks like the fire and brimstone brigade are out in force on this question. Lol

God was not a member of the Nazi party
2016-06-25 06:40:25 UTC
The latter is the one atheists love.
2016-06-25 01:23:28 UTC
No comparasion. God reads hearts. He saw there were people who were mainly wicked. There was also GIANT NEPHELIM the hybrid progeny of wicked angels and women. End of story. Only 8 survived.

Hitler - he was just wicked.
2016-06-24 22:33:18 UTC
God killed many people with his righteous judgment against them. Hitler performed his own faulty judgment against people he knew nothing about. He just fed off of hearsay and nit picking words. God destroyed those who he "knew" was evil and breeded evil. (Demons were breeding through the females of this time) Hitler, on the other hand, was a mere human like anyone else that killed those who he "felt" was bad. Imperfect, faulty, hot headed and misleading lots of people by fear=Hitler. 🙈 🙉 🙊 Vs Perfect, Almighty, All knowing and Only true God=Jehovah. 👨👩👦👧
Mega Society
2016-06-30 21:11:38 UTC
Hitler is evil, and god is love.
2016-06-30 07:20:45 UTC
Hitler had morals
2016-06-29 19:18:25 UTC
Well since you put it that way there is very little contrast between the two.
2016-06-29 07:59:23 UTC
Hitler existed.
2016-06-28 14:35:58 UTC
Hitler was real
2016-06-28 10:27:03 UTC
2016-06-27 23:03:27 UTC
The difference is that God's own people were Jews whilst Hitler and his followers hated them. However, God's Son was killed by Jews.....which kinda justified Hitler's views.
2016-06-27 22:56:44 UTC
God's judgments are righteous. The righteous will rejoice on God's judgments, not just the ones you like or enjoy.

The righteous will rejoice when he sees the vengeance; he will bathe his feet in the blood of the wicked.

-Psalm 58:10

As for Hitler, he was on point for killing the homosexuals and the Jews.
2016-06-27 21:56:32 UTC
god is god plain and simple he is perfect there was a good damn reason he made the floods and the rapture hitler just killed just to kill out of his own misguided insanity that unfortunately masses of people followed and allowed out of their own ignorance. plain and simple nothing more nothing less
2016-06-27 17:44:06 UTC
They're nothing alike to be compared.
2016-06-27 12:41:56 UTC
If Christianity is the one true religion then God has killed a lot more. And orders the deaths of homosexuals.

Luckily my religious views aren't exactly the same as the Abrahamic ones, there's a lot more to it.
2016-06-26 18:47:25 UTC
God drowned out the bad influence and murderous ways of the nephilim. If he hadn't there would be nothing but giants roaming the earth today. That's not what he intended and it's not natural. if he hadn't done it you wouldn't be here to ask such a ignorant question.
2016-06-26 17:55:25 UTC
Hitler died in SA.God did not die.
2016-06-26 05:02:05 UTC
Did Hitler send His Son to die for Israel's transgressions?
2016-06-26 04:34:50 UTC
Hitler existed
2016-06-25 13:53:05 UTC
what a stupid comparison to make.
2016-06-25 09:21:26 UTC
The fact of the matter, NO, God did not drowned millions of people to make a perfect world, because the world was perfect from the beginning, the reason God killed those people is because of unbelief of God, and just like are day God will kill all of those of unbelief, because God is the same, today, yesterday, and tomorrow, the law of God can not save you, the only thing the law of God was for is for the unjust of the world, because if you are a true believer of God, you walk by faith, and God word the bible only. Hitler was a sinner, God is Holy and just and is are creator, and is truth, and that is why God can justify in anything God does, because God, is eternal, and everything God does is perfect, even those we may disagree, in the end it is God way, and only God way, because in the end everything will be destroyed, except God chosen, and God will create a new heaven and a new earth, without sin.
2016-06-25 06:18:52 UTC
Hitler is the son of the "g"od Satan , the dictator / master of the Illuminati "Free" \m/asons Satanic \m/afia
2016-06-24 22:45:38 UTC
God caused the flood because men were evil. Hitler murdered people because they were good.
2016-06-24 21:01:27 UTC
God created all things good . Adolf created a steak sauce.
2016-07-04 05:39:20 UTC
Jehovah is the true God of the Bible, the Creator of all things. (Revelation 4:11) The prophets Abraham and Moses worshipped him, as did Jesus. (Genesis 24:27; Exodus 15:1, 2; John 20:17) He is the God, not just of one people, but of “all the earth.”—Psalm 47:2.

Jehovah is God’s unique name as revealed in the Bible. (Exodus 3:15; Psalm 83:18) It comes from a Hebrew verb that means “to become,” and a number of scholars suggest that the name means “He Causes to Become.” This definition well fits Jehovah’s role as the Creator and the Fulfiller of his purpose. (Isaiah 55:10, 11) The Bible also helps us to know the Person behind the name Jehovah, especially his dominant quality of love.—Exodus 34:5-7; Luke 6:35; 1 John 4:8.

The name Jehovah is an English translation of the Hebrew name for God—the four letters יהוה (YHWH), known as the Tetragrammaton. The exact pronunciation of the divine name in ancient Hebrew is not known. However, the form “Jehovah” has a long history in the English language, first appearing in William Tyndale’s Bible translation of 1530. *

Why is the pronunciation of God’s name in ancient Hebrew unknown?

Ancient Hebrew was written without vowels, using only consonants. The Hebrew-speaking reader could easily provide the appropriate vowels. However, after the Hebrew Scriptures (“Old Testament”) were completed, some Jews adopted the superstitious belief that it was wrong to utter God’s personal name. When they read aloud a scripture that contained God’s name, they substituted expressions such as “Lord” or “God.” As centuries passed, this superstition spread and the ancient pronunciation was eventually lost. *

Some feel that the divine name was pronounced “Yahweh,” while others suggest different possibilities. A Dead Sea Scroll containing a portion of Leviticus in Greek transliterates the name Iao. Early Greek writers also suggest the pronunciations Iae, I·a·beʹ, and I·a·ou·eʹ, but none of these can be proved to be the pronunciation used in ancient Hebrew. *

Misconceptions about God’s name in the Bible

Misconception: Translations that use “Jehovah” have added this name.

Fact: The Hebrew word for God’s name in the form of the Tetragrammaton appears some 7,000 times in the Bible. * Most translations arbitrarily remove God’s name and replace it with a title such as “Lord.”

Misconception: Almighty God does not need a unique name.

Fact: God himself inspired Bible writers to use his name thousands of times, and he directs those who worship him to use his name. (Isaiah 42:8; Joel 2:32; Malachi 3:16; Romans 10:13) In fact, God condemned false prophets who tried to make people forget his name.—Jeremiah 23:27.

Misconception: Following the tradition of the Jews, God’s name should be removed from the Bible.

Fact: It is true that some Jewish scribes refused to pronounce the divine name. However, they did not remove it from their copies of the Bible. In any case, God does not want us to follow human traditions that deviate from his commandments.—Matthew 15:1-3.

Misconception: The divine name should not be used in the Bible because it is not known exactly how to pronounce it in Hebrew.

Fact: This line of reasoning assumes that God expects people who speak different languages to pronounce his name identically. However, the Bible indicates that God’s worshippers in the past who spoke different languages pronounced proper names differently.

Consider, for example, the Israelite judge Joshua. First-century Christians who spoke Hebrew would have pronounced his name Yehoh·shuʹaʽ, while those who spoke Greek would have said I·e·sousʹ. The Bible records the Greek translation of Joshua’s Hebrew name, showing that Christians followed the sensible course of using the form of proper names common in their language.—Acts 7:45; Hebrews 4:8.

The same principle can be applied to translating the divine name. Far more important than the exact pronunciation chosen is that God’s name be given its rightful place in the Bible.
2016-07-03 05:35:05 UTC
God killed a few million fewer people than Hitler killed, although at the time, there were only about 2 million people on Earth. Who's worse? I'd say God - after all, if there had been as many people on Earth as there were in Hitler's time, God would have drowned almost all of them.
2016-06-30 12:59:31 UTC
“The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time.”

‭‭Genesis‬ ‭6:5‬ ‭NIV‬‬. All of the people on Earth except for Noah and his family only had evil thoughts all the time. These people did not deserve to live since their entire life was in rebellion of the God that created them. Hitler, on the other hand, was a human who had no right to judge humans and determine whether they should live or die, especially since many of these people were Jews who did, in fact, love the God who created them. Major difference.
2016-06-30 12:09:11 UTC

2016-06-30 01:47:27 UTC
hitler was real...
2016-06-29 17:33:18 UTC
Wow such funny opinions I got to read : D God enables positive vibes while Hitler gives jitters down your spine (hearing of his heinous crimes) . God brings a smile (Most of the people) on faces while Hitler gets a disgusted face along with a frown and some abusive words
2016-06-29 04:25:30 UTC
God is holy
2016-06-28 23:34:16 UTC
the chicken god is fake. the turkey god is fake. Hilter is real who killed millions of people

all gods are fake except the chicken god. the chicken god is real.
2016-06-28 13:08:42 UTC
LMAO true.
2016-06-28 09:49:59 UTC
Their blood was polluted (animals and people) via the nephilim and possibly other forms of evil. If He would've allowed the beings to live this planet wouldn't be livable now. He did it for our sakes. There's some things in scripture that takes more work to interpret but I assure you, God doesn't find any joy when He sees that He has no choice but to wipe parts of His creation out due to the pollution of evil spirits and the intense willingness of human beings to be content with evil via inspiration by demons and stuff. Based on what I've studied in scripture and due to my oneness with Him He actually goes through more anguish then we can understand when He finds He has to wipe out. He hasn't come back because He's busy saving people's souls. He loves people more than we can understand and like I said not all scripture is easy to understand. As a matter of fact it's not translated in the original language because only Latin can mostly be used for English translation. So it takes time
2016-06-27 05:25:22 UTC
Nt sure
2016-06-26 11:13:22 UTC
God is a real or imaginary being that unspecifically answers the unknown questions in this world and also is very often associated with religion. In state of mind, God is the supreme being, really he is who people make him out to be in the state of their minds. Often times people associate "God" with the basis of everything; the reason why we are here. God for some people can be malicious and hateful, but to others he is very loving and caring. So with your example, im assuming that you are talking about the great flood, which took place in the bible. Yes, millions were wiped out, and there are may different ways people interpret that event ( whether good or bad real or fake etc..)

Hitler was not an interpretation, rather he was a man who had hatred for certain groups of people he didn't deem "purified". This was the Jews, blacks, communists, mentally or physically disabled, and many other groups. Hitler wanted to "purify" his country, and indirectly killed millions in attempting it
2016-06-26 08:29:43 UTC
Hitler's outfit had a large overlap with God's, but by and large WAS a _smaller_ fan club.

And it had a representative figurehead who could actually make public appearances.
2016-06-26 08:09:09 UTC
They are both bad like you.

Christ Jesus is the best for the future of humanity.
Noah's Ark
2016-06-26 05:15:47 UTC
God has the right to do it , Hitler did not have any right to kill his fellow human beings... God has the right to get rid of anyone He created .. Hitler is not God .. God in turn gets rid of anyone who thinks they do and will return those people Hitler killed .. Hitler will not be returned to life.. It will be the same for anyone who kills anyone.. God has not given anyone the right to kill another .. Only a fool argues the point with a God...
2016-06-25 08:06:55 UTC
Hitler would have drowned you from birth, however, God still had mercy on you, and gave you life, even though he knew you would have hatred for him.
2016-06-25 06:48:25 UTC
Hitler had only one testicle
2016-06-24 20:04:47 UTC
God went to the cross and paid the price for your mistakes so you will never have to go through the gates of death.

Hitler build the gates of death so that everyone that is Judeo-Christian will go through them and be eradicated...

This is what worries me, I see the same pattern with liberals and atheists today.
2016-06-24 19:39:57 UTC
God is the Creator of Creation and Hitler was a lunatic the world would have been better off without.
2016-06-24 18:29:17 UTC
Hitler was an underachiever, but he had the right idea.
2016-07-03 12:21:57 UTC
That's a ridiculous comparison!

First, GOD is the creator of human life.

Second, there were not millions in the flood.
2016-06-30 05:47:03 UTC
Because one is real and one is a story made up to scare kids. Pffft, who believes hitler existed anyways!
2016-06-30 01:51:47 UTC
Hitler is real
2016-06-29 23:09:11 UTC
God has authority over humanity he can take all the life he wants because he owns us, hitler was a stupid man was thought he was doing good thing by killing jews bug wasn't and he is going to hell

Ps Allah is best
2016-06-29 12:56:04 UTC
Hitler is imaginary.
2016-06-29 12:44:44 UTC
One is a genocidal maniac who loves killing innocent lives and the other one is Hitler.
2016-06-29 08:55:34 UTC
God to believers is something that is everywhere whilst also not existing in a physical form of any kind.

Hitler to his followers is also this strong almighty powerful thing that to his followers may not of been human.

God did kill millions by drowning them, Hitler did the same but by killing them with gas.

They both believed in making the perfect world, and both were good things in their mind due to them believing it was right.
2016-06-28 14:55:38 UTC
Hitler mercilessly killed millions of people with no remorse. I guess he mag have believed that he was doing God's job. God created this world for us to live in, and wanted it to be perfect, but *some* humans (murderers, extremists etc) ruined it.
2016-06-28 00:05:07 UTC
According to the Book of Enoch, God shed tears because of the wickedness of men, who had rebelled against him. The flood was actually a mercy to the unborn.
2016-06-27 08:34:59 UTC
Yes, they have much in common as icons. In particular, they both have an enormous legacy of judgment, death, and destruction.

I'm not sure where their similarities stop, but the major one is that Hitler actually existed whereas god is purely fictional.
2016-06-27 07:53:14 UTC
One was real
2016-06-27 06:32:19 UTC
Hitler was a man and is now dead. GOD is forever!
2016-06-26 23:54:50 UTC
Hitler did not use gas to kill people
2016-06-26 10:01:25 UTC
Hitler eventually stopped in his rage. Jesus, King of Nazareth, or God's only begotten son. Think of how God condemned his own son.

I am no Hitler fan, but he had morals at least.
2016-06-26 05:23:25 UTC
Because God did not actually drown millions
2016-06-26 00:45:55 UTC
god is an idea, Hitler existed
Bamboo tiger
2016-06-25 15:22:47 UTC
Jehovah is the creator and as such everything and everyone belong to him. Hitler did not create anyone, or give life to anyone or anything.

(Psalm 36:9, 10)  9 With you is the source of life; By your light we can see light. 10 Continue showing your loyal love to those who know you, And your righteousness, to the upright in heart.

Secondly, Jehovah brings judgement upon people because of what they choose and only when they are warned and refuse to change.

(2 Peter 2:5) 5 And he did not refrain from punishing an ancient world, but kept Noah, a preacher of righteousness, safe with seven others when he brought a flood upon a world of ungodly people.

(Matthew 24:37-39) 37 For just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be. 38 For as they were in those days before the Flood, eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, 39 and they took no note until the Flood came and swept them all away, so the presence of the Son of man will be.
2016-06-25 14:01:42 UTC
Hitler was real, god isnt!...
יהוה I AMיהוה
2016-06-25 07:48:59 UTC
The perfect world in Hitlers eyes is **** compared to the perfect world envisioned by The Architect of this universe. Also, stories are stories. The story of Noah is highly symbolic for rebirth and baptism and contains symbolic images and numbers which makes it obvious that it was not meant to be taken as history.
2016-06-25 01:28:44 UTC
Hitler existed; god is imaginary.
2016-07-02 00:57:49 UTC
God sent his Son, Jesus to die fr anyone who believes in Him. God loves everyone.
Maid Angela
2016-07-01 16:39:46 UTC
The difference is that Hitler was real and god is imaginary
2016-07-01 06:37:20 UTC
In the Lord of the Rings, Aragorn fights and kills orcs, and orcs fight and kill humans and others who are innocent.

God acted similar to Aragorn.

Hitler acted similar to the captain of the Orcs.
2016-07-01 06:01:27 UTC
2016-07-01 05:09:09 UTC
Hitler existed......god does not exist.
2016-07-01 01:27:22 UTC
You can't even begin to compare. Some here have tried. God is LOVE. Hitler was following demonic instructions, basically evolutionary attempts to create the perfect race, as he saw it. The annihilations God ordered the Israelites to perform were specifically to eliminate the evil that was rising up. When people started sacrificing their own children at the feet of pagan gods, and doing many other unspeakable things, God ordered them all killed. And who would argue with that? If He had not intervened, perhaps the population would have eliminated itself in a short time. Don't make judgments on God; He is the one who should make judgments on us.
2016-06-30 18:30:59 UTC
Well besides the fact that Hitler was a meth addict. He was not very smart and definitely bat **** crazy. I don't want to live in what he perceives to be a perfect world, and I doubt you do either. Do your research. According to the Bible God flooded the Earth because fallen angels had begun to have sex with women and were filling the Earth with their offspring. Essentially destroying humans/humanity. I for one am happy the flood happened. I don't mind being mixed but I for sure don't want to be part demon. And I don't want to have to compete for pussy with demons, or giant half demons.

BTW I got a feeling another flood type event is on the horizon.
2016-06-30 15:35:56 UTC
Hitler's a human who thinks it's his place to decide who lives and dies... And God is someone who 'plays god' because he is God.
2016-06-30 15:29:56 UTC
The same way horse droppings and your brain are different.
2016-06-29 13:25:24 UTC
2016-06-29 00:01:27 UTC
Well God is a man made myth, hitter probable was influences by the crazy religious nutters of the past. And like religion just tried their system of brainwashing everyone into believing in his crazy theories . Just went to his head, no different than the poope really !
2016-06-27 22:40:55 UTC
Hitler was hell for God.
2016-06-27 17:37:09 UTC
2016-06-27 02:31:55 UTC
God : you say bad words about him , and still he gives u opportunity to repent before ur death .

Hitler or any other human : if u just thought of saying or doing something bad to him ,he would kill you in the moment..
2016-06-26 15:39:20 UTC
In the early 1990s, James Bakker, who served as Chief of Staff during Reagan’s first administration as well as Secretary of State under the first president Bush, stated,

“We painted Hitler as a monster, a devil. And that’s why we could not move away from that portrayal after the war. We had mobilized the masses against the devil incarnate.

And so we were forced to continue in this satanic scenario after the war. We could not possibly have explained to our people that the war had actually been only a preventative economic measure.” Your post is ignorant, and very typical of those who have never investigated history or anything else in their lives ...
2016-06-26 11:27:52 UTC
Hitler is proven to have existed, whereas no-one as yet has proven the existence of God. I'm not trying to be devisive , just stating a fact. Belief does not equal existence.
2016-06-26 10:29:10 UTC
If you are talking about the Abrahamic god Yaweh, they are quite similar in character, but had different enemies.
2016-06-26 06:32:19 UTC
Hitler was real.
2016-06-24 22:04:55 UTC
The problem with your comparison is that there is none.

God created and thus owns the entire universe, including the ants called humans on this little insignificant planet.

He set standards that we must live up to - to be viewed as superior to animals, those who do not, get to live and die as animals, end of story for them. It is a matter of justice, pure and simple, the mathematics of your actions summed up, do they go positive or purely negative.

Besides, death is no problem for God. After all, even the ones who didn't die in the flood,have died of old age; all shall be getting a review of their actions on judgment day. If they deserve to be resurrected, they will be rising up in Paradise, like the evildoer hanging at Jesus' side on the cross.


Hitler was simply killing those he found in his way, whether simply out of expediency, or for reasons of political hype. I am fairly sure he shall rot in hell for all eternity. (eternal death, not torment)

If you do not study the issues and blame God unfairly, slander, you'll probably also be together with Hitler. So, watch what you do and say. The end is sooner than most think.
2016-06-24 21:29:42 UTC
God has more facial hair than Hitler did.
2016-07-01 21:48:31 UTC
there is no god, but hitler exists
Wellll... hello then!
2016-07-01 13:22:46 UTC
2 different spirits!
Jan C
2016-06-30 13:02:24 UTC
God is Holy and Hitler was an evil man.
2016-06-29 16:12:29 UTC
dumb question.
2016-06-29 16:07:50 UTC
God is in charge - Hitler was a nut.
2016-06-29 10:28:56 UTC
You are truly retarded aren't you
2016-06-29 06:54:54 UTC
God assessed the penalty of other's transgressions upon Himself while Hitler assessed the penalty of his transgressions on others.
2016-06-28 22:59:33 UTC
Hitler never killed anyone.
2016-06-28 08:14:31 UTC
God gave the life that He took. Just as God had the right to give, He had the right to take.

Hitler was not a life-giver.

God took life as a form of punishment for wrong-doing.

Hitler took the life of the innocent. Hitler killed people based on their race.

Hitler was equal in nature to those he chose to kill.

God is superior.

Finally, if you don't believe in God, you don't believe in the flood; therefore, in your mind, you are using a non-existent event to attack your impression of the nature of God. You have begun your argument with a precept that you have already rejected. You have rejected the basis of your argument, therefore, your argument is invalidated.
2016-06-27 13:23:23 UTC
Because the people of the world that God drowned were wicked and sinful. He saved the good and kind people (Moses and his family) where as Hitler murdered Jews for no good reason. God is wonderful and created all life and the universe, where as hitler was a dirty power hungry murderer.
2016-06-27 10:06:15 UTC
well, you don't know what those people did. they were horrible people God had no choice but to destroy them. most of them were nephilim. to be honest with you, it's not wise to disrespect God like this. he is the only reason you are breathing right now. he can take away the life he gave you anytime. if you are Christian please read the bible and try to understand our faith.
every time I die
2016-06-27 04:07:39 UTC
one had a white beard, the other has a pencil moustache.
2016-06-26 09:35:59 UTC
Hitler existed. God does not
2016-06-25 20:44:42 UTC
God Exists


Hilter is no more.

God made the world threw Jesus Christ his son,

Hilter made nothing,

who made who AC DC.
2016-06-25 18:58:47 UTC
In a sense they aren't
Rising Dove
2016-06-25 18:33:18 UTC
God is always good He has a plan of salvation for us and hitler has no plan of salvation for us.

God won the battle against evil but Hitler lost his war.
2016-06-25 18:02:45 UTC
Hitler killed Jews, Gypsies, gays and the disabled. God killed nearly everyone in the world.
2016-06-25 14:46:28 UTC
Hitler could only kill people once. God can kill someone and bring him back to life and kill him again as many times as he wants
2016-06-25 09:01:00 UTC
"The only difference between God and Adolf Hitler is that God is more proficient at genocide."
2016-06-25 03:12:19 UTC
Hitler existed
2016-07-04 12:34:21 UTC
God is the creator of everthing and know there's no good from them in being alive he ofcourse know everything the past and the future and knows that it is impossible for them to change in any circumstances but Hitler isn't god and he doesn't know if there's no good from them in being alive and doesn't now the future or past put still gassed them without knowing if there is a chance for them in being good people
2016-07-03 16:56:45 UTC
Every answer is controversial here. This question is very interesting, because Hitler was someone who changed the misery of people in Europe into something that made them feel superior - or at least better after the prior war. They were in misery and needed a leader to help the country at it's state. I, by no means, am in support of what Hitler did to millions in the groups he targeted.

God, I think, gives people hope and faith, in a way Hitler may have, by bringing orders and showing that greatness could in fact come to the poor and the classes. I think indoctrination may play a part as well in baptizing, but if handled correctly, it is nothing controlling over someone's lives.

I think that what is so different is that God has created something out of nothing in people's hearts. Hitler had created something out of nothing in people's minds.
2016-07-02 21:25:06 UTC
Gods nice hitler was a little misguided and evil y'all know the story
2016-07-01 22:30:01 UTC
Hitler didnt create millions
2016-07-01 15:19:42 UTC
hitler was real
2016-07-01 10:02:47 UTC
Just another ignorant athiest
2016-07-01 08:47:33 UTC
god is omniscient ( supposedly knows everything ) .so he knew what hitler would do , he knew about slavery , racism , world war 1 and 2 , adam and eve eating the fruit , that the devil would betray him , he knew about the genocide in rwanda ...... i could write for and eternity about all the bloodbaths of humanity .

what did the hot shot called god do even though he knew about all the fore-mentioned atrocities ;well he did nothing and blamed humans . f**&%%$$ him
2016-06-28 17:19:23 UTC
God is the creator. Hitler is the Savior

2016-06-28 10:24:57 UTC
God's action was an act of compassion, since those destroyed by flood waters had entered an inescapable cycle of violent self-destruction that would have robbed them of all human dignity. When God acts to intervene in the processes of evil, death arrives swiftly and overwhelmingly while peace and dignity are restored abruptly.

Hitler's actions were the actions of a vile coward who wore the mask of righteousness for personal ambition and greed, (like Judas Iscariot). That mentality is always revealed by culminating in personal self-destruction, ('suicide'), the same self-destruction God chooses to interdict once it grows to 'civilizational' scales. The 'Nephilim' mentioned in the account just before the flood were harsh rulers developed by God to quell the deepening cycles of violence and avoid the need for the deluge. They failed, but God employed them anyway because it was the right thing to do according to His justice.

This installation of the Nephilim is similar to why God permits men like Hitler to return upon us our own heartless indifference to human life. In particular, this is most apparent when these evil men use the same poorly secured machines of mechanized death which we claim to have created to keep peace. If that had been our true intention, we would have made the highest priority of properly securing them, rather than succumbing to abject greed. Hitler's motives expressed God's anger with that unlawful access to sacred knowledge and failure to wisely secure it, (Matthew 7:6). However, Hitler is viewed by God as one of the 'dogs and swine' who have no business being given access to powerful expressions of divine knowledge. Failure to learn the lessons he represents about properly securing powerful forms of knowledge will result in continuing manifestations of this aberrant violence, until God must finally intervene again. We are assured however, that whatever future form this compassionate intervention might take, it will never involve using flood waters again.
2016-06-28 01:25:43 UTC
Hitler I believe is a reference to the German chancellor during the second world war. And god is a reference to a creator God.

On the basis of the above assumption it is really difficult to give precise answer. The difference I see is God created humans to die. Since God is omnipotent he must take the responsibility for the death of all. Hitler was responsible for the death of a few million jews only.

I have answered the above question. However, one cannot compare oranges with apples. I do consider the question is in bad taste. Whether one doesn't believe in God or not is irrelevant, Billions of people since the dawn of history have been worshipping God or gods; that is the fact.

I must say here I am not a believer in God.
2016-06-27 17:12:48 UTC
2016-06-27 12:42:38 UTC
God is righteous and holy. Hitler was a human who did evil.
2016-06-27 11:44:23 UTC
Ones real one isn't
2016-06-27 11:22:38 UTC
I have absolute evidence Hitler existed and that six million Jews, Gypsies and other "undesirables" were killed. There's more evidence, way more, that the Noah and the Flood thing is a myth borrowed from another religious text - The Epic Of Gilgamesh I think. Other flood myths exist as well.
chris s
2016-06-26 09:05:01 UTC
God destroyed people like hitler, who were always wicked.

Satan destroyed people like Jesus, who were never wicked.

Take your pick whom ye shall serve..
2016-06-26 05:08:03 UTC
Hitler was evil, God isn't
2016-06-26 00:50:55 UTC
Hitler was real,

God isn't.
2016-06-25 20:00:26 UTC
Hitler killed 6 million Jews because he thought that his race was the dominant race of the humans. God gave his people a chance before doing what he had to. You compare a murdering dictator coward to the all powerful creator. You're bad.
2016-06-25 12:13:10 UTC
God made and owns all souls. He may do with them as he pleases. Hitler was a human murderer.

Eze 18:4 Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die.
2016-06-25 10:19:05 UTC
God has full authority over life and death of His creation. Hitler didn t. This is precisely why murder is morally wrong. It means that a mere creature takes upon himself an authority that belongs to God alone.
2016-07-02 21:28:05 UTC
God killed the wicked and saved the good. Hitler killed people because he was greedy. Hitler killed innocent people. Yes, it's wrong in Christianity to be Jewish, but it's also equally as bad to murder. God is perfect!
2016-07-02 19:53:58 UTC
The atheist god and Hitler are exactly the same.
2016-07-01 15:11:33 UTC
The difference is God murdered in the name of CREATINIST philosophy. Hitler did it for DARWINISTIC philosophy.

Both ideas were half baked though
2016-07-01 13:26:35 UTC
2016-06-30 13:00:47 UTC
Hitler and God are synonyms brah.
2016-06-30 09:05:49 UTC
Hitler killing millions is a documented fact, God drowning millions has no proof, no multiple witnesses, no documentation, no film. Only a story passed from generation to generation and embellished on the way. The crimes of the Nazis are recent past, not enough time has passed for embelishment, witnesses still survive.
2016-06-29 22:12:44 UTC
God is God
2016-06-29 16:55:29 UTC
God got rid of wicked people who made life handed for people who wanted to do the right things . And God created people and can read there hearts so he can make those kind of judgments hitter did not create any humans nor did he have any ability to read hearts
2016-06-29 12:54:07 UTC
The Goat Nose
2016-06-29 09:11:11 UTC
God is a deity and Hitler was a human who committed atrocities that were evil in nature.

Don't get hung up on Noah's Ark as God destroying everyone on earth - that is not a correct interpretation of the story.
2016-06-29 06:05:39 UTC
god is a construct of man.

Identity= culture, culture= propaganda, god falls in the same construct as culture. an authority figure for the construct of religious authoritarianism. a sub-group of cultural authoritarianism.

hilter is a man. his western doctrine is very similar to that of manifest destiny. "the 19th-century doctrine or belief that Anglo expansion of the nation we call United States throughout the American continents was both justified and inevitable." but hitler use "his" doctrine on behalf of Germany to force unify all of Europe, with Germany the leader and headquarter of the 3rd reich. and like the Anglo expansion in United States. the racial and cultural genocide was inevitable of the indigenous people and their identities.
Fort Erudite
2016-06-27 14:41:17 UTC
The pagan 'god' is a myth and Hitler was a dictator. The Almighty God gave Noah warning about the flood. All those who drowned were ignorant and nonbelievers. Noah and his family were not perfect human beings living in a perfect world.

Hitler didn't want a perfect world. He wanted to eradicate minor races so that one superior race would exist for a thousand years.
2016-06-27 10:48:31 UTC
The people God killed in the flood kinda deserved it. The people hitler killed were mostly innocents
2016-06-26 23:02:19 UTC
Hitler was leader, and God was a child molester
2016-06-26 22:14:19 UTC
According to fundamentalist Christian beliefs, God and Hitler are different in how long their torment of Jews lasts.

When Hitler sent millions of Jews into his ovens to be gassed, their months or years of torment ended with their death. But, according to fundamentalist Christian beliefs, when God sent those dead Jews into His ovens to burn, their torment did not stop. It continues to this day and will go on and on forever and ever. Also, according to fundamentialists' moral values, Hitler's finite tortures were evil, while God's infinite tortures are good.
2016-06-26 09:46:53 UTC
God didn t do this to make a perfect was in their power to be and they didn t do it..i don t know why,maybe you can say,i didn t plan to sin, s enough satan s ordonary temptation.we should take care to not to fall in the trap did by satan through other s mouth..looking like then like to God - The matter where our stupid mind hears a word..we start to try to see to inquire is true is not true about stupid was probably all a sinful world.god was very kind,he promised to save sodom if tbere were 5 and there weren he saved just lot and his corupted daugheters and wife it looks..she was transformed for disobedience into a pillar of sault,and there is dead sea,over that place? Salt is an antimicrobian agent..and his daugheters..prooved to be corrupted ,they were old enough being married actually in sodom ,and while Lot was afraid to live in town,and sit apart,and..his daugheters gave him to drink and slept with him to have children,as if they were mad.
2016-06-26 08:04:47 UTC
Hitler was an evil dictator
2016-06-25 10:13:51 UTC
Hitler didn't gas millions of living people! and didn't have any right to do so! God almighty gave all people a clean Breathable gas called air, and everything besides, including some simple to live by rules! At the time of the Great food people were a magnitude worse than those that just refused to follow any of his rules that support life! they were sacrificing babies eating children, and interbreeding with forbidden beings that were Evil at their creation, and plotting great evil works days by day, Just as they do today, being Nice to those that do wickedly prolongs Global agony and destruction, sometimes Cruel to be kind for a greater cause! is justified. clearing and cleaning a house can involve the destroying of cockroaches spiders mice rats snakes fleas and even undesirable people such as burglars murderers etc This is ultimately Gods house and it shall be cleansed once again for all time.
2016-06-25 08:56:18 UTC
God have create the world nice and clean, herafter the human come and corrupted it...
chev varann
2016-06-25 05:14:23 UTC
Eli Dixon
2016-07-04 07:11:58 UTC
God never deliberately made anyone suffer
2016-07-01 13:40:59 UTC
One was real one is a fairy tale.
2016-07-01 07:56:47 UTC
2016-06-30 21:55:28 UTC
Hitler really existed. God never exists.
Lrac Nagas
2016-06-30 15:34:11 UTC
It was a mistake.
2016-06-30 15:17:58 UTC
2016-06-30 14:47:00 UTC
Hitler is proven to be real
2016-06-29 12:46:37 UTC
The difference is, God is God, Hitler isn't -- nor is anybody else. In other words, nobody has the right to take God's prerogatives into their own hands. God is the Author of life -- He created it. It is His to give or to take. And only He knows what is ultimately good for the universe. What He did in the Flood was for the good of mankind. Like cutting out a cancer from humanity. If He hadn't done it, there would have been nobody saved in the future. It was a desperate measure to save those who would accept salvation in the future, and to serve as a warning to future generations not to make the same mistakes. But alas, the world is quickly becoming the same as them.
2016-06-29 08:18:29 UTC
Gods and mortals have their Day.

Even the tectonic plate I'm on is

being dragged under North America.
2016-06-28 17:47:49 UTC
hitler is a monster and im not sure about my religion so I cant answer about a god....
El cabrón
2016-06-27 10:34:28 UTC
Hitler was a sadistic bastard, God ain't. Simple!
2016-06-27 08:51:24 UTC
They are nothing alike.
2016-06-27 04:41:27 UTC
hitler is actually real
2016-06-26 17:03:05 UTC
Hitler was real god wasn't
Guru Hank
2016-06-26 16:24:37 UTC
Hitler wrote his own books.
2016-06-26 15:04:37 UTC
that doesn't even deserve an answer.
2016-06-26 12:10:33 UTC
Hitler was real
2016-06-26 06:27:37 UTC
If you don't know how they are different then you don't know the difference between Jeffrey Dahmer and the Pope.
2016-06-26 04:27:26 UTC
God is good & poweful! He's the King & controls all things. Hitler was a human being & a sinful Psycopath who was created by God. They are very different!
Don Enrique
2016-06-24 23:09:21 UTC
God has long hair and a beard, Hitler had short hair and a funny mustache!! It's obvious!!!
2016-07-04 08:18:45 UTC
they aren't
2016-07-01 23:27:32 UTC
hitler existed
2016-07-01 19:41:54 UTC
The simple answer is: God killed millions of people because they were wicked and unrepentant and were going to bring about the total destruction of man. So by killing them and saving the few righteous that were left on Earth, he ensured that humanity was saved. Hitler killed millions of people just because of their race or religious beliefs. He also killed homosexuals but, while homosexuality may be a sin, we are now living in the time after Jesus died and paid the penalty for ALL of our sins. Since Jesus blood covers all our sins he no longer punishes humanity for their sins, like before the cross. He took the punishment for us! Praise the Lord! God is so good! He lets us live our lives and choose how we want to live. Whether we go to Heaven or Hell is completely based on our own choices.
2016-07-01 07:14:03 UTC
One existed, the other has never existed. ;)
2016-06-30 21:11:39 UTC
God got away with it, easy!
2016-06-30 09:59:42 UTC
Did mommy say you could use that computer all by yourself?
2016-06-30 09:04:32 UTC
God is god
2016-06-29 17:07:12 UTC
God is a fabrication of bronze age men with undeveloped moral systems who thought that "might makes right "

Hitler on the other hand, for one, was real. Being a romantic Catholic he was influenced by racism and violence from the bible which caused him to feel justified with ethnic cleansing.

If you simply take gods character from the bible and contrast it to hitler you will see that they are in fact quite similar in that they demand to be worshipped- and believe they are justified in slaughter because they are 'higher beings'
2016-06-29 08:49:27 UTC
they aint

hitler was the second coming
2016-06-29 07:47:09 UTC
How are Hitler and God different? Hitler was real.
2016-06-28 14:18:35 UTC
Hitler is not pious
2016-06-28 07:14:07 UTC
2016-06-28 06:14:18 UTC
2016-06-27 15:28:12 UTC
God created Hitler, you and me. He has given us free will to choose good or evil. God judges all mankind as well as Hitler, you and me. This day, choose who you will follow.
2016-06-27 00:02:46 UTC
hitler existed, god is imaginary.
Zlatko Zmijanak
2016-06-26 00:46:51 UTC
Mot the same
2016-06-25 20:20:39 UTC
hitler is small and visible, god is something else.
2016-06-25 10:56:55 UTC
And apparently the first didn't work so well
2016-06-24 18:53:26 UTC
No, God prevented the total descent and destruction of the human race.
2016-06-24 18:46:13 UTC
Hitler would be like what Jesus would be like if he woke up as a zombie, years after being horribly murdered for saying I am God. The Satanical viewpoint is I am God, the Buddhist view is God is everything. The left facing swastika means Buddhism and eternity, while the right facing swastika is the Hindu symbol for evolution.
2016-07-03 05:52:40 UTC
Hitler actually existed.
2016-07-02 10:06:19 UTC
Mass murder is okay when God does it. Question nothing!
2016-07-02 07:53:46 UTC
The existence of a theist god is not provable. Hitler and his regime are factual.
2016-07-01 19:30:21 UTC

2016-07-01 16:23:57 UTC
God is love , hilter was hate God is good Hilter was posses enough said
2016-07-01 11:39:38 UTC
God doesn't exist but it would be a better world if he did, Hitler actually existed but it would have been a better world if he didn't.
2016-07-01 01:54:16 UTC
How is global warming related to the shape of a pear?

Compare the sense of my question to the sense of your question.

Equally senseless, yes?
2016-06-30 14:17:35 UTC
God is supposedly perfect. Hitler was only human. Of the two of them, the offenses of God are less forgivable b/c God has infinite power.
2016-06-30 09:32:19 UTC
2016-06-29 13:03:59 UTC
Different names
2016-06-29 08:03:26 UTC
Jesus died for the ungodly.Hitler caused them to die for Him.
2016-06-28 18:00:18 UTC
Look you should never compare the two because God created everything so you nor I would be here so think before you ask a dumb question like that
2016-06-28 12:50:11 UTC
Hitler was evil simple as
2016-06-27 16:45:42 UTC
Hitler was real and the God wasn't.
2016-06-26 21:29:57 UTC
There is no such thing as a stupid question but there are stupid people who ask questions.
2016-06-26 15:46:24 UTC
God and Hitler are spelt differently so...

2016-06-26 00:43:31 UTC
God never exsisted....
2016-06-26 00:20:23 UTC
because hitler did nothing wrong
2016-06-25 04:36:15 UTC
So God's plan to wipe out Satanic bloodlines and rid the earth of sin backfired, much like Hitler's plan to wipe out the Jews of Europe.

The main difference is when Hitler ordered executions, that was it. When God kills sinners, they then go to an everlasting Hellfire. To be tortured, foreverand ever and ever.

Compared to God, Hitler is a friggin SAINT!
Lighting the Way to Reality
2016-06-24 18:30:25 UTC
God killed more people than Hitler did. Except that he didn't because he doesn't exist.
2016-07-04 08:48:29 UTC
One is real while one is fake.
2016-07-02 18:24:20 UTC
2016-07-02 10:20:38 UTC
There is no comparison. God is the creator of the Cosmos and everything else that ever existed and God is not a man but the supreme being, intelligence above all. Everything that is visible, invisible was created by God.
2016-06-30 15:01:14 UTC
Good questions! All questions are valid and have an answer!! God created the world - He can do as He sees fit - Hitler was just a man - who made him make himself into a god?? How could he take other creations same equal as him and wipe them out??? the sheep arrogance! God isn't arrogant - He's the Creator, the Owner and the only One with the authority to decide who deserves to live or die! Who's Hitler to decide such Godly stuff???
2016-06-29 20:47:41 UTC
god has a beard, hitler has small mustache
2016-06-28 17:17:18 UTC
Yeah but god also gave life to millions of people while hilter just killed them.
Sandra K
2016-06-28 07:21:53 UTC
Hitler existed, but God doesn't.
2016-06-27 10:59:11 UTC
I think you have answered the question yourself.

The god in the bible is a dirty mean hate fuelled wee bstrd. Any other peoples are just destroyed by him/it.

Much the same as hitler.

Well observed you.
2016-06-27 09:16:03 UTC
God killed unrepentant, irreverent, wicked, evil sinners who transgressed His laws, thereby washing the Earth anew, completely cleansed of all matters of sin. Hitler was a remorseless, hard-hearted, psychopathic tyrant who tried to destroy those who weren't his race and rule the world in a way he saw fit.
2016-06-27 07:47:24 UTC
How are your father and an abuser different? Both enjoyed bathing you as a pre-pubescent, taking photos of you naked as a baby and sleeping with you. Both smacked you when you didn't do as you were told.

How is your mother different to a prostitute? Both have more sex with your father when he opens his wallet.
2016-06-26 10:50:48 UTC
Well, for starters Hitler was not perfect, and is known for making tons of wrong decisions throughout his campaign. The scriptures cite that all of Jehovah's ways are perfect and just. (Deuteronomy 32:4) Hitler sought to kill people because of their race, political or religious views, while Jehovah destroyed the pre-Flood inhabitants because the majority of people had bad inclinations in their heart all the time, filling the Earth with badness. (Genesis 6:5, 11-13) Hitler had no idea what was in people's hearts or minds and at best could only guess, while the scriptures say that Jehovah is able to know what's inside man's heart and thoughts(1 Chronicles 28:9), enabling His judgements to be perfect every time.
2016-06-26 10:30:12 UTC
Day and night.
2016-06-26 07:37:19 UTC
God had a just reason for taking the lives; they constantly disobeyed him. We cannot understand why God does somethings, but one things for sure; God only does things out of righteousness. Think of Noah's ark, God gave the people 110 YEARS TO REPENT, yet they wouldn't change! God even used Noah to warn them to change their ways and get on the ark to save their lives but the people were all like ''haha you're crazy man what flood? it hasn't rained in soooo many years it's not gonna be possible'' Because they did not believe God and change their evil ways, God sent a flood (which he clearly stated many times through Noah) and drowned all except for Noah, his family, and his sons' wives, and the animals in the ark.

Hitler unjustly took the lives of many, especially the Jews.
2016-06-26 06:45:39 UTC
Hitler was a real person.

God is a fictitious character.
2016-06-26 01:01:21 UTC
Their judgment was death. The only reason they were drowned was because they enslaved thousands for 400 years and continueed to pursue for their elimination. Hitler was one playing God. Satan actually. The Jews, Homo-sexuals, Communists, disabled did absolutely nothing wrong. Hitler killed them simply because he didn't 'like' them. They were as innocent as ever. It was murder not sentencing. Besides what do I know. I'm just a kid lol.
2016-06-25 19:59:20 UTC
God gave us his only son. Hitler didnt have any kids
2016-06-25 15:50:09 UTC
That was the Lord in Genesis 6:7, not God the Father. God the Father never killed anyone, the closest he comes is giving his son authority to lay down his life, only to take it up again. John 3:16
2016-06-25 10:44:08 UTC
God killed in self defense(justified), Hitler killed for selfishness(unjustified). 2 different motives.
Dr Yes level 9 since 1999
2016-06-25 09:12:21 UTC
One of them was real.
Your worst nightmare
2016-06-25 05:03:33 UTC
Hitler was slightly taller.
2016-07-03 19:43:54 UTC
Hitler more accurately reflects the deviant and defective nature of human kind, more so than God. God reflects purity, love, patience, kindness, and all of the virtues of a devine being. Hitler's dead, but God lives forever.
2016-07-02 20:13:55 UTC
One is a master and the other is the servant .
2016-07-02 11:14:09 UTC
God destroyed evil people who would have murdered the innocent. Hitler was evil and murdered innocent. But God IS merciful and gave Hitler and those like him as much chance to turn away from evil as he did anybody else.
2016-07-01 17:00:57 UTC
God is not real I'm sorry don't mean to effend anyone but how crazy dose this sound "thier is a man in the sky who created everyone and everything, no ones ever seen him but we all put our hands together and thank him for everything we have" it's not logical, where as hitler as been seen hutler was a human being living on earth like us, he was a horrible person who did so much wrong in the world.
John Thomas
2016-07-01 09:07:07 UTC
One is real, one is not.
2016-07-01 02:20:51 UTC
They don't
2016-06-30 16:49:28 UTC
Umm, very intelligent question!
2016-06-29 23:58:34 UTC
One we wish was real, the other we wish wasn't real.
2016-06-29 16:59:42 UTC
God is fake and Hitler was real.
2016-06-29 12:52:59 UTC
Hitler killed people to take over the world.. Plus he died so I will have my say on this and if you where my husband is chuck you out the bloody window!
Joseph hola
2016-06-28 17:26:21 UTC
God has to punish evil sooner or later, Hitler did not have to. Also for those who object by saying that babies drowned God allowed them to go into heaven, so basically it was an escape route. After all, Jesus who knew all about the old testament said little kids are the archetype for those that'll be in heaven.
2016-06-28 11:02:41 UTC
Hitler is real, God is not. God is a story has anybody ever seen him no. Humans have made him up religion causes more fights than anything. People who believe in him are brainwashed and stupid show me god then I will believe.
2016-06-27 12:14:36 UTC
God killed criminals whilst Hitler killed innocent people.
2016-06-27 11:06:12 UTC
hitler is far from perfect god is most def perfect
2016-06-27 09:00:57 UTC
In God, there is no darkness. He is not a tryant but he is a warrior! He will defend his people... Hitler sought to destroy Gods people, therefore he was /is an enemy of God and all righteousness. so are all Nazis under the false belief system of a pure Race , see Romans ch. 2 and 12.
2016-06-26 18:46:20 UTC
GOD created all of us.
2016-06-26 07:19:31 UTC
I heard a rumor Hitler was living in New York, and Ava died like 30 years ago. When I was there in November. But they both are/were/is real. But you can trust God, you can't trust Hitler. Also God both likes and loves Jews and Christians and the innocent people and believes in morality. Hitler was basically a warlock and a Devil worshiper and a racist, and religious persecutionar and persecutor of the sick and disabled.
John Kendrick
2016-06-26 01:11:07 UTC
well the ppl who drowned where evil to the jews so god saved them hitler was self hated an a control freak
2016-06-25 15:13:17 UTC
The people who died in the flood were wicked. The millions whom Hitler killed were innocent.
2016-06-24 20:52:55 UTC
Hitler actually existed. We have proof!
2016-07-04 12:46:23 UTC
Hitler is real,

God is not.
Good As Gold
2016-07-03 20:45:28 UTC
God is make-believe.
2016-07-03 11:23:15 UTC
God is love. Hitler hate
2016-06-30 17:53:02 UTC
Hitler is more like you than you are like God. That's the difference.
2016-06-30 16:20:12 UTC
The difference is that one is from a story book and one was a real person.
2016-06-30 15:40:25 UTC
2016-06-29 10:53:34 UTC
they are the same
2016-06-28 11:31:17 UTC
During the war with Germany, the Brits were becoming depressed, food was low everything was looking bad. People were beginning to flag. To give us a second wind, people were told stories about how the Germans were throwing babies up into the air and catching them on bayonets. They spread lots of other rumors about the Germans, what they were going to do with our children and families. It worked and people became determined again. The problem with this was those rumors were never taken back after the war. There are still older people who thought and still think that they the Germans were all wicked. In truth, they were only young lads like our own. They shed a tear and didn't want to fight just like our own. I wonder how much we know about Hitler is possibly still propaganda. I know about the gassing and that it happened but I wonder if he was as directly responsible as we think? was He possibly a puppet?
2016-06-28 00:57:57 UTC
Hitler existed at one point.
Stan M
2016-06-27 17:18:56 UTC
Hitler was real.
2016-06-27 03:02:50 UTC
If the biblical god exists it is evil beyond all possible imagination, comprehension or our ability at communication. Compared to the biblical god Hitler was a naughty boy.
2016-06-25 13:43:29 UTC
Hitler killed 6 million. God kills everybody.
2016-06-25 06:14:55 UTC
A really ignorant question. Read the Bible, draw close to God and I think the answer will become clear if you truly seek an honest answer. John 17:3;1 John 4:8
2016-06-25 04:46:02 UTC
The difference is that Hitler existed.
2016-06-24 19:16:20 UTC
King Apologist
2016-06-24 18:30:55 UTC
God and Hitler are only slightly different, and here's how:

When Hitler ordered Jews to be killed, it was for German nationalism.

When God ordered Jews to be killed, it was because they committed sins, such as religious freedom (worshiping other gods), homosexuality, picking up sticks on a Saturday, or having sex with someone they weren't married to.

Oh, and when Hitler harmed Jews, it was only for a temporary time. When God harms Jews (because they didn't accept Jesus as their savior) it will be for eternity.
2016-07-05 19:15:40 UTC
God is like an abusive boyfriend, making your life a living hell so you'll realize you "need" him. Besides god is just a delusion.
2016-07-05 05:07:35 UTC
God didn't design the VW Beetle.
2016-11-29 18:53:01 UTC
No difference yo
2016-07-04 16:33:24 UTC
No difference really
2016-07-05 15:04:22 UTC
Hitler was sexy.
2016-09-18 16:50:12 UTC
need more information before I can give an answer
2016-07-05 09:35:21 UTC
hm....God is Love

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.