Why are we here on earth and whats the meaning of life?
live life
2009-10-05 19:42:50 UTC
Why are we here on earth and whats the meaning of life?
Why are we here on earth and whats the meaning of life?
i think life is really ****** up.. humans are the smartest form of life on this grate big ball we live on, but we still dont know how we got here.. its really sad.. like just think about it.. who was the fist human on earth.. why did he not write a book on how he or she got here.. so we can know.. i think this question. is the questions of all questions... just think about it.. ask your self.. why we are here.. and what are we here for.. you will be thinking for a long time.. just like me.. i only started thinking this for the past 2 years.. and it has not got out of my mind.. its driving me fuc.kin crazzzy.. thers not a day that gos by.. i dont think about it.... anyway.. thanks for your time and i will pick the best answer..
Nineteen answers:
2009-10-05 19:54:58 UTC
All the questions you are asking, are actually found in the bible. Just like when you go to the store to buy a complicated piece of equipment....that you have to put together so as to understand how it is to functions successfully and properly. You need a set of good instructions or somekind of thorough manuel. That is what God has done by giving his word the bible to his creations. This to help him them to understand what has taken place in the past, what will take place in the future, how WE are to fit in, in the scheme of things.....and what we should be doing, so as to have a successful and happy life until his day arrives.
2016-05-21 07:17:04 UTC
the point is we were not placed on Earth just like that. We evolved so the definition of the first human is different depending on who you ask. Anyway the first human could write much less speak so how could they write a book. The meaning of life is to do something to make the world a better place and we weren't put here for any reason we are just here.
2009-10-05 19:55:41 UTC
There is no meaning. Two people humped a few decades ago and made you. The same for me and everyone reading this. The same for our fore-bearers, just add some decades. No one knows how it began, and if they do, they aren't sharing the tale. IMHO, humans are not all that smart. We have jacked up our entire planet and wiped out entire species of animals and created these illogical societies with stupid, unfair laws and governance led by morons...worldwide this is generally true. We have trashed space and our oceans...what animal can claim that glory but man? We are too stupid despite all our fancy technology and brainpower to realize that we only got one Earth out of this deal, and if we trash it, we may just die out along with everything on this rock except steam vent bacteria in deep undersea volcanoes and cockroaches...but power means too much to man. In fact, ask any pop-addicted, mainstream media junkie. They just may tell you that power and 'success' are the meaning and ultimate pinnacle of life on Earth. Just put one foot in front of the other and keep breathing.
2009-10-05 20:19:49 UTC
People DID write the reason for life, but the churches wouldn't allow us to know it, because if we did, there would be no need for church! So they wrote the bible to scare us and keep us under control. I think the meaning of life is simply that our "souls" continue to grow and our life here on Earth is just another "test", if you will, for our "souls" to continue maturing. We learn good, bad, temptation, love, hate, all of these Earthly carnal things that our "souls" otherwise wouldn't understand fully. Like, being shown a picture of the beach and told all about it, but it's not fully absorbes untill you actually go to the beach and see for yourself. Maybe....
2009-10-06 03:13:48 UTC

WHY do you enjoy walking in a park or strolling through a field of sweet-smelling flowers? Why is it that your spirits soar when you see a beautiful lake or towering mountains with their peaks in the clouds? Why do you stop to listen as birds sing their cheery songs in the treetops? And why is it so pleasant to watch a graceful deer bounding along or a flock of sheep grazing in a meadow?

There is one answer to all these questions. We were made to live in Paradise! That is where our first parents, Adam and Eve, began their life. We got our desire to live in Paradise from them, and they got it from their Creator, Jehovah God. He knew that we humans would be happy in Paradise because he created us with the qualities needed to enjoy such a wonderful earthly home.

Why did Jehovah create the earth? He “formed it even to be inhabited” by humankind. (Isaiah 45:18) “The Maker of the earth” gave Adam and Eve a beautiful paradise home, the garden of Eden. (Jeremiah 10:12; Genesis 2:7-9, 15, 21, 22) How they must have enjoyed its streams, its flowers, its trees! Graceful birds could be seen in the sky, and animals of various kinds roamed the land—none of them a threat to humans. Fish and other creatures moved about in earth’s clear, clean waters. Best of all, Adam and Eve were together. They could bring forth their kind and expand their Paradise home in joyful association with their growing family.

Although the earth is not a paradise today, it can be compared to the fine home of a happy family. Our God-given global home has what we need—light, heat, water, and food. How we appreciate the sun’s light and heat and the moon’s soft glow at night! (Genesis 1:14-18) In earth’s cellar there are fuels, such as coal and oil, that we can use for heating. Because of the water cycle and earth’s system of rivers, lakes, and seas, we have water. And as a carpet, the earth has green grass.

Just as food may be stored in a home, there is plenty in earth’s pantry. By means of crops in the fields and fruit in the orchards, Jehovah ‘gives us fruitful seasons and fills our hearts with good cheer.’ (Acts 14:16, 17) Since the earth is already such a fine home, imagine what it will be like when “the happy God,” Jehovah, makes it a paradise!—1 Timothy 1:11.

God’s Purpose for the Earth

Soon to Be Fulfilled

WHEN Adam and Eve were still in Paradise, they received this God-given mandate: “Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it, and have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving upon the earth.”—Genesis 1:28.

Subduing the earth meant more than cultivating or caring for only a small part of it. Adam and Eve and their offspring were to extend Paradise until it covered the whole globe. However, the first human couple sinned and were driven out of the garden of Eden. (Genesis 3:23, 24) But that did not mean that the earth would never be subdued.

With God’s blessing, Israel’s fields produced plenty

Because they will be blessed by God, obedient mankind will be able to subdue the earth. When the people of ancient Israel had God’s blessing, their fields produced fine crops and their orchards excellent fruit. Similar conditions will exist as our globe gradually becomes a paradise. As promised in God’s inspired Word, the Bible, “the earth itself will certainly give its produce; God, our God, will bless us.” (Psalm 67:6) In effect, the earth’s meadows and mountains, its trees and flowers, its rivers and seas will rejoice. (Psalm 96:11-13; 98:7-9) Our globe will be alive with lush vegetation, colorful birds, splendid animals, and warmhearted people.

Things New and Wonderful!

Jehovah certainly gave us a splendid home when he prepared the earth for human life. He himself said that all his earthly work was “very good.” (Genesis 1:31) Satan the Devil led Adam and Eve into rebellion. (Genesis 3:1-5; Revelation 12:9) However, God will soon see to it that the upright have “the real life.” That is “everlasting life” under perfect conditions in Paradise. (1 Timothy 6:12, 19) Let us now consider some of the blessings that will be enjoyed at that time.

During Christ’s Thousand Year Reign, Satan will be restrained and will be unable to bring woe upon humankind. Says the apostle John: “I saw an angel [the archangel Michael, or Jesus Christ] coming down out of heaven with the key of the abyss and a great chain in his hand. And he seized the dragon, the original serpent, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. And he hurled him into the abyss and shut it and sealed it over him, that he might not mislead the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended.” (Revelation 20:1-3; 12:12) Besides freedom from Satan’s influence while he is abyssed, mankind will enjoy many other blessings under Kingdom rule.

Wickedness, violence, and warfare will be things of the past. The Bible promises: “Just a litt
Kris Lantijn
2009-10-05 20:44:33 UTC
This book does exist, it's even on the internet. Probably you won't be able to read it and if you can, you may not be able to understand it or you will think I'm crazy too. But since you have asked for it, you'll get it. Let's hope you'll find the determination and patience and receive the mercy to go through it. And after you have read it, that you may take up the path given therein.

Good luck
2015-01-28 14:48:22 UTC
Singing is something that everybody can learn and improve. Of course, some are more naturally skilled than others, but even a poor voice can be overcome by dedication, practice, and more practice. Even if you're content to sing in the shower, there are some things you can do to improve your voice. This is probably the best online course to improve your singing skills

Your golden voice will be ringing out in no time!
2009-10-05 19:55:29 UTC
We are here to get to know and serve our Creator and Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, and to be made ready for eternity with Him.

John 3:16
2009-10-07 09:30:24 UTC
This is a summary of what I discovered, so it’s more than just a belief or something I thought out. It’s completely conceptualized in a book called God Speaks by Meher Baba, which added more insights and tied it all together. The book is free as a PDF at:

Life is a journey, and the first phase is evolution. It is initiated from a totally unconscious God, as if an infinite Ocean were in a state likened to deep sleep. This unconscious God speaks the First Word "Who am I?” This question disrupts the limitless, undivided, absolute vacuum, and its reverberations create individualized souls, compared to drops or bubbles within the Ocean. By speaking the First Word, God establishes the process of Creation, in which he assumes evolving forms to gain increasing consciousness.

Individuality is the vehicle of this quest. Evolution marks a series of temporary answers to "Who am I?" The soul traverses a multitude of forms, beginning with simple gases and proceeding slowly through inanimate stone and mineral forms. These early evolutionary stages obviously have only the most rudimentary consciousness and cannot provide a satisfactory answer to God's original question.

The original query thus provides a continuing momentum for the drop soul to develop new forms, each with greater consciousness, including the many plant and animal beings. Every evolutionary kingdom reveals new dimensions of consciousness and experience. Each also offers opportunities to gain different kinds of awareness. For example, when the soul identifies itself with varied species of fish, it experiences the world as a creature living in water, conversely, as a bird, it enriches its consciousness by flying through air.

When the drop soul finally evolves to human form, consciousness is fully developed, but an individual is still not aware of the potential of his or her consciousness.

So the original "Who am I?" imperative persists and inaugurates the second phase: reincarnation. Since consciousness is fully developed, there is no longer a need for evolving new forms. The individual's experience, gathered in early stages of evolution, is now humanized and expressed in countless lifetimes. The impulses gained in sub-human forms can play themselves out in the broader context of intelligence, emotions, choices, diverse setting and interactions with people.

But obviously no single lifetime can bear the burden of "humanizing" the entire evolutionary inheritance randomly or simultaneously. There must be a method for re-experiencing the pre-human legacy in manageable segments. The soul thus experiences alternately a series of opposites, organized according to themes. Accordingly, in different lives, the soul becomes male and female, rich and poor, vigorous and weak, beautiful and ugly. Through exploring the potential of these many opposites, one eventually exhausts all possible human identities and, therefore, has fully learned the entire range of human experience.

Here begins the third phase: involution, the process by which the soul returns to the full awareness of the Divine Force, which created him. As Meher Baba puts it, "When the consciousness of the soul is ripe for disentanglement from the gross world (the everyday world of matter and forms), it enters the spiritual path and turns inward."

Like evolution, involution has certain states and stages, consisting of "planes" and "realms." But individuality continues along this spiritual path. In fact, the book, “God Speaks,” quotes the Sufi saying "There are as many ways to God as there are souls...."

Each new plane denotes a state of being that differs from the states that preceded it. The first three planes are within the subtle world or domain of energy, "pran." There follows the fourth plane, the threshold of the mental world, where misuse of great power for personal desire can lead to disintegration of consciousness.

The fifth and sixth planes represent true sainthood, which is understood to be increasing intimacy with God as the Beloved. On the sixth plane, the mind itself becomes the inner eye that sees God everywhere and in everything. "The loving of God and the longing for His union," says Meher Baba "is fully demonstrated in the sixth plane of consciousness."

The seventh plane marks true and lasting freedom. Impressions go. Duality goes. The drops burst and again become the Ocean. God answers his question of "Who am I?" with "I am God." The Infinite has returned to the original starting point. He now knows, however, with full consciousness and full awareness that he was, is and always will be infinite, with infinite bliss, infinite power and infinite knowledge. And, he realizes that the entire journey has been an illusory dream, the purpose of which was the full awakening of his soul.

God Speaks by Meher Baba, free in PDF at:
2009-10-05 19:49:13 UTC
There is no meaning to life.

The question really makes no sense.

What would be a meaning of life?

There is no more reason for us to be here than there is a reason for oak trees or walruses to be here.
2009-10-05 19:46:48 UTC
The meaning of life is 42.

We are here for whatever you so choose to believe we are here. That could be to serve a god, or it could be to survive. It all depends on you, because nothing regarding this is set in stone.
2009-10-05 19:47:26 UTC
We are here on earth to have a chance to choose where we will spend the rest of our life.
slow motion
2009-10-05 19:47:09 UTC
its like figuring out how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop..."the world may never know"
2009-10-05 19:46:28 UTC
If you can't find the answer on Google, then what makes you think we would know? lol
2009-10-05 19:46:29 UTC
because God put us hear on Earth. and sometimes life is bad because god allows sin in our world
2009-10-05 20:20:13 UTC
He or she who has the most toys wins !
tree top
2009-10-05 22:08:08 UTC
we are all born into this world dead spiritualy, thanks to adam, but the gift of god is life, receiving the offer of life 1john 5:11,13
2009-10-05 20:31:16 UTC

6ofUs³ ~Only Sky~
2009-10-05 19:46:27 UTC
42. So long and thanks for all the fish.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.