They say God exists but is not seen. What is the need for God to hide himself/herself.?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
They say God exists but is not seen. What is the need for God to hide himself/herself.?
114 answers:
2009-04-10 05:17:37 UTC
Who said God is not on the earth. He is Omnipresent. If you come across some serious accident and you are rescued by somebody. He who saved you is nobody but God in that human being's shape. As far as punishment is concerned, you are mistaken that everybody would be punished only on the day of resurrection. Depending on our Good & Bad Deeds, people are partly punished during our life time. All kinds of miseries, struggling, problems, illhealth, staying away from families, etc are nothing but one kind punishment from the Almighty God.
2009-04-07 21:33:28 UTC
God does not hide himself/herself. HE is watching everybody irrespective of the fact that whether a person is doing good thing or bad thing. Suppose if, a person is committing a sin (of any kind) then it is also the fate of the sufferer that he/she is getting paid for his/her sins in the past.

If God starts punishing every individual then there would be a dooms day in a few moments and all is destroyed. Because there is no person who can say that I haven't done any crime/sin since his/her birth.

Sinners are classified in various categories just like there are prisoners, some are getting one month, two month jail and in the very same prison a hard-core criminal is getting life term sentence.

So, God punishes everybody one day or the other but according to the volume of the Sin one has committed.
2009-04-06 23:20:29 UTC
Well you do make a good point.But the reason why he doesn't do that is because he has given humans free will.all though we don't get punished ASAP God does do it. God will make you think about what you did and let you make the choice of right and wrong also, God is full of love and is gracious. He forgives us but only if we ask for it and be liven what we did is wrong and chang our ways. And the evils will get theirs in the end sadly but they will.

i hope that kind of gives you a slight answer.
2009-04-06 23:12:09 UTC
Here's how I picture it if He punished us instantly He wouldn't be a very loving God. If He did punish us for sin instantly we wouldn't be able to repent and would all go to Hell for not repenting and accepting Him. I think He keeps Himself hidden because He wants us to come to Him on our own free will. Thats what I think personally.
2009-04-10 01:25:43 UTC
do you think that you (or anybody else )is worthy enough to see God, let alone live with him physically.

actually the real God respects our freedom and does not want us to be slaves to anything or anybody. but we humans are so interested in being slaves of sin that we dont remember that our bodies are small temples of God it becomes difficult for God to live in a dirty(sinful) place
2009-04-09 13:30:20 UTC
Can u explain the origin of man? if its from monkeys then origin of monkeys.. and so on.. how is the worlds first creature created or formed..

this is the reason that i believe on the supreme power.

if we simply sit and just pray 4 food wil we get it?

similarly we should work for peace..

If we try we can stop every bad r good happenings. Every human being have supreme power in himself.

Stop arguing about god and start stopping our mistakes, will give peace...

Y man do evil and expect god do punish????
2009-04-06 23:11:53 UTC
It's more like purification process, like how gold is purified, through extreme heat. We need to undergo the challenges of this world, so that God will be able to find out who will be worthy of His final grace, heaven / paradise.
2009-04-06 23:10:54 UTC
God has a plan & it's in the bible. It is shown in His Holy Days Lev.chapter 23. It's a 7 step plan. He doesn't need to show Himself now but He could if needed.
2009-04-06 23:09:00 UTC
What if he created us and has NO CLUE he did it?

It would explain a lot!
2009-04-06 23:08:58 UTC
God gave us free will... he can not take that back. He won't take that back.

I see God, I hear God and I feel God. But that's just me
2009-04-06 23:23:50 UTC
If you read the Bible, you would understand why God hides Himself.

Moses asked to see God. Read what God said:

"Then Moses said, "Now show me your glory."

And the LORD said, "I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim my name, the LORD, in your presence. I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. But," he said, "you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live." "

Exodus 33:18-20

Furthermore, God revealed HImself in a cloaked fashion to the children of Israel. Read their reaction:

" When the people saw the thunder and lightning and heard the trumpet and saw the mountain in smoke, they trembled with fear. They stayed at a distance and said to Moses, "Speak to us yourself and we will listen. But do not have God speak to us or we will die."

Moses said to the people, "Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning." "

Exodus 20:18-20

God also became so provoked at the stubborn rebellion of Israel that He said this:

"I have seen these people," the LORD said to Moses, "and they are a stiff-necked people. Now leave me alone so that my anger may burn against them and that I may destroy them. Then I will make you into a great nation." "

Exodus 32:9-10

Later God said this:

"The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your own brothers. You must listen to him. For this is what you asked of the LORD your God at Horeb on the day of the assembly when you said, "Let us not hear the voice of the LORD our God nor see this great fire anymore, or we will die."

The LORD said to me: "What they say is good. I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brothers; I will put my words in his mouth, and he will tell them everything I command him. If anyone does not listen to my words that the prophet speaks in my name, I myself will call him to account."

Deuteronomy 18:15-19

We are told in the New Testament that this Prophet like Moses was the Lord Jesus Christ (see Acts Chapter 3).

Indeed , far more that a prophet, this is what is written of Him:

"He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together."

Colossians 1:15-17

Yet His own people rejected Him, and became scattered throughout the nations for nearly 1900 years. Yet not all rejected Him, because God has always kept a remnant for Himself among the Jews. As for those who accept Him as Lord and Messiah it is written:

"He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God.

John 1:11-13

If you will by simple faith receive the Lord Jesus Christ, you too will be saved and you will know the meaning of this Name: Immanuel - God with us.
2009-04-07 02:31:39 UTC
Do you see the light ? You don't. But you can see the materials on which light reflects. Light exists, but is not seen. Light is in everywhere, in every place. We need light just to see everything. We don’t need the light as a material. Just imagine, light is a material like water or dust or any nonliving thing and it is spreading / lying over every materials. So, what happened to us! That would be very disgusting for us.

God is in everywhere, every place. You can just feel him, with your mind, your soul. You can’t see by eyes. If you can’t see by eyes that doesn’t mean God doesn’t exist.

God doesn’t punish us. All the activity is going on is a life cycle. The tiger kill the deer. So, we may think tiger is a killer, he is a sin maker. But is it real ? Someone do the good thing, someone bad. In this way our life cycle will run properly. Just think, if we all are the good, no one in the world are bad. Then these two words ‘good’ and ‘bad’ will be inoperative. Also we good people will not be good, because the word ‘good’ doesn’t exist. If bad doesn’t exist then what is the necessity of good. That is the cycle. And to run this cycle one have to up and one have to down. That doesn’t mean GOD PUNISHING.

So, you just ask yourself. Ask the god, believing his/her existence. Definitely you will got the answer.

All the best….
2009-04-07 01:28:56 UTC
The simple answer to this is because we are not pure enough to see God.

He is there within us, around us.

But do we really have the calibre to see HIM, because why it is so that only saints of high calibre ( not the bogus ones), can see them, talk with them, and so....

Now He does not have any reason to hide as He is there everywhere.

And you asking for punishment for crime then He is of forgiving nature, if you look at the stories of saints who had attained oneness with God are also forgiving.

He never destroys the sinners( as soul cannot be destroyed), He does all the possible ways to change them from bad to good and those who fail become sinners, If you look around carefully or even in your own life you will see that God has given lots of opportunities for repenting for our sins and wrongdoings but how many of us recognize the opportunity and grab it.

We ignore all the opportunities given by HIM and then have to suffer for it after death.

This law of karma is very very complicated for example consider some one teases you and you slap him without thinking of anything.

Now this action takes into consideration your previous birth encounter and scenario with that person and this encounters scenario also what thoughts are going on in boths persons mind and many others scenario, this is even more complex than it seems.
2009-04-06 23:39:34 UTC
Anything not thought about, is either hidden, or not existing in the mind yet.

Even if there were no God, we would still continue as we do, because we have been given the choice to do what is considered right, or do which is considered wrong.This governs the consequences of our actions.

It is us who wait for things to become extreme and then want to act...and msot times on our own steam, and as a last resort - we pray...

What is more extreme than death, yet is has to happen.Then the big question of afterlife arises...

There is not one instance where victory is before the battle.

Interesting end to your question - himself/herself..I think God is male, the seed being male ( thoughts, words ) and the mind female, mother earth.
2009-04-10 08:52:31 UTC
in simple words i ll answer this by saying that god is not just a human.i would also like to add that god is not running any government over here that he has to decide our good deeds or our is the duty of an administrator to frame rules and make people obey them . every ruler that exists makes his own law.but like it is generally said " the strange are the ways of god",we have to understand what or who god is .

to cut short i will say ,you think about any other living specie on this planet earth.apart from humans,the basic need for any animal is just food,shelter and sex.but we humans just did not stop at these basic requirements.we invented so many other things and we are still doing this makes us a class apart from all other living things.more and more materiallistic things brought inequality amongst us . a few got richer more than it was required and few can hardly make two ends meet. this disparity brought in crime,greed and all other vices. this brought in fear and we started looking for god . this disparity or adversity made us remember god even more and more.

now how to define god . it cannot be done in a single word or a phrase.its something we experience everyday.the god we get to see in the churches and temples is a god created by somebody else. and its a pity that our search is focussed only on that god which is projected at these religious places.god is the truth within ,its the peace within.its a force that has kept Nth generations well provided. its a force that controls the universe . it is the one that has made orbits for the is something that has kept us living and protected.

my friend ,this can go on and on . i am not writing all this to get some kind of rating but only to say god is not only concerned about us humans. if he has given us mind to think ,then it becomes our responsibility to make life beautiful and worth living on this becomes our responsibilty to decide what is good or bad .... regards
2009-04-08 11:32:51 UTC
Ya this will happen at the end of this Kaliyug. The time has left where God punished when someone commits sin.The earth has become so much cruel that everyone is becoming selfish. So the only solution is that he will come down to earth & cleans all those people who commits sin.Might be he want to test everyone that "even without his presence one should not commit sins"
Ashoke Kumar Saha
2009-04-07 09:00:02 UTC
God is nothing or everything and it depends upon your thinking.When anything is alive(?) we say it is and when it is dead(?) we say it is not. But in both the cases it is or it is not.

The existence of the God can only be realized. Nobody can show you. As a germ can't think beyond a molecule, as an ant can't think beyond a football, as tiger can't beyond a jungle similarly we can't think beyond universe and max.up to a level of furthest star that we can see by naked eye or clearly by a telescope/ with the help of science. But science has also limitations. Moreover science is not a external factor that helps us.It is the result of thinking power of human being.So only knowledge/power of thinking can only give an idea about God.

In ancient days, the saints so tried to acquire that power practicing yoga/dhyan year after year.

My feelings, God is like Ethernet,which is spread everywhere also within you. So you can also feel yourself as a part of God.Every particles, animals,plants are part of God.Everything get changes not ends and it is in cyclic order.

So, try to realize only.

I am also trying same thing more & more but no limit.
2009-04-07 00:55:25 UTC
Our universe is 13 billion light years away from us. Man cant even imagine one light year. When we cant perceive the creation, then how can we see the Creator? This life is test for all the humans to recognise and obey the Almighty God. Every moment is a test. Few may be tested by wealth, poverty, health problems, death of the near and dear, loss of property and so many things. U cannot find an individual who is not undergoing this test of this life. Be it George Bush or Bill Gates or a poor man from Ethiopia. This is God’s plan for all of us. Same time humans are given a Free-Will to act. He/She can go right or wrong. She/He can do good or bad. This discussion has to be concluded with only one answer (ie) to have “Faith in Unseen”. Meditation is part of the religion. It helps man to control his actions and lead his life with perseverance and patience.
2009-04-06 23:13:18 UTC
If God punished people for sin right then and there it would be no better than creating people without a choice. God remaining invisible gives us the choice to choose Him or not. God also puts off punishment to allow for repentance. The wage of sin is eternal death... So if God punished all sin on the spot there would be no humanity to love anymore. That is why God allowed sacrifice for the remission of sins. God is Loving, but He is also Just. Those do not choose Him will eventually pay the ultimate price. If you think about it long enough it will make more sence.
2009-04-09 04:25:19 UTC
Dear friend, there is lot of thing in this world which you can't see but they do exist. Best example for it is hunger or say air. You can just feel your hunger or air but you can't see it. Similar way God do live with us but we can't see him instead we can feel him. But it require faith and I would say complete faith on Him. If you have faith on Him then He does answer your prayer or your questions.

Take a simple exercise whenever you face any problem or you are in any dilemma then just ask Him to help you. I am not saying He will just come up solve your query. But He will definitely answer you in the form of any thing, it can be in the form of nature or any thing.

And about your question that why does He take so long to punish people? Then I would say whenever He sends us on this earth, He gave us complete freedom to choose our path or if there is no path then He show us the way to build a path. Now it is upto us that which path we chose and how we go on to it. Because the path we chose leads us to our destiny. It can be good or bad. If it is bad then we say that God has punished him for his sin. And it may take longer. So it is not that God has punished us, He is so great that He does not punish anyone. But this punishment or destiny is chosen by us.

Take an example, if I run away from my responsibilty and leave my parents in their old age when they really need me. Then one day my child would also do the same for me. Beacuse I presented a bad example before them. You would say God has punished me but I would say that this path (or destiny) was chosen by me only.
2009-04-08 02:04:58 UTC
Here the matter comes whether God really exists or not?

- How God looks like?

- In which form?

-Are they like humans?

-What is there to believe in God?

One will like to give credit to God if something good happens to him/her and why should we all credited to god? Does not it have any value for his hard work and labour? Even true devotees of God find unworthy things in his life and those who have plain thought about god lives a worthy life. Had the God exists on earth, the world will not be a field of crimes. God hide himself because God does not exist.
2009-04-07 08:09:49 UTC
Because if sinners are punished then n there, then they wont get a chance to repent!!

They wont learn that making a mistake is fine unless you learn from it...

U have to understand that all sins are not equivalent.

Like, for example, if u lied that u have not done ur homework because u dint understand it, is different than lying to ur wife abt with whom u were last night!!!

The sin is the same => U lied...

But wud it be ok if U got the same punishment in both instances?

Think abt it!!!!

N the question u hv asked abt Him reincarnating....

Well, I wil say just one thing....

Ask that to ur self... Ur being!!!

If u r self aware u will surely get an answer!!!!
Om T
2009-04-09 03:54:14 UTC
Who say?

Do you say HE exists !

If you answer is yes, please go ahead. Else...

don't mind you can go ahead anyway.

If you believe HE is GOD, then, no place for questions and comparisions.

Yes, it is a suggestion you may kindly place before HIM and he would certainly one day follow it.

Explaining God is unlimited and multifold. Explaining his ways is also manifold, thus, above the capacity of our brain to analyse.

You may be right but why God hides may be for a certain cause best known to him only! Of couse, you may have a lot of answers and you may agree to the one you would like to agree and none else. This would only satisfy your soul, but, what if the things go the way they are going. I mean what if God keeps hiding even if you get your answer?

Child to feel the warmth you neednot think sins are not important. These sins only make the difference between earthly/materialistic world and the Heaven.

Please allow HIM do his work to create a beautiful world. Who knows your suggestion is already in a queue before HIM.
2009-04-07 22:53:16 UTC
God is there in the world and on the earth but you cant see him because we the human has commited many sins to se the god we should clean our hearts from sins and for this also we have to pray to god .But we can feel the god,look at the light what do u think from where it is come, how it is coming i know u will say it is from the sun but who is the creator of sun?who is the creator of monanswer is god.look at the water and feel him ,feel the air and feel the god .

God is a creator of whole universe and whole world,each and everything has been created by him.The law of land or of any country which punishes anybody who commites crime,mistake or sin is the punnishment given by god through them and whoever didnt get punishment in this world then he will get punishment on the day of judjment after death..If he exists on earth then there will be no use of all these laws and you know he is the creator whole mankind he can punish anyone at anytime and he is not require to come on earth he can punish from where he is.
2009-04-07 06:50:12 UTC
Why do you think you are not being punished this very minute in this hellish little nightmare control scenario? Nothing hidden about God. A better question would be "Who is punishing you, and how?" Take care of that only and leave others out of it. Leave the rest to God and mind your own business. Find this out and you won't worry about what "they say." You'll be far too busy figuring out what God is up to with you only.
2009-04-07 03:29:08 UTC
Sigh, it is not that simple. Do you know what is Free Will?

Please tell me one thing, if you can "see" God, would you still commit wrong? If you know who or what He is, and what He can do, I don't think you will ever think freely from now on. Another way to put it is, do you think anyone will dare to play "punk" knowing the severity of the consequences upon their deaths? Nearly all of humanity will be scared, shaken within, if they knew of the Higher Universe. Most men, especially the evil ones, the less developed ones, will constrict within out of fear. Free Will will no longer have any meaning, because it is not out of a stance of personal choice, a decision derived from their will that caused them to "stop" doing evil. In other words, it is entirely lacking the foundation of the person's sincerity that gives there mere actions of good deeds substance. This what separates Falsity from Truth. It follows from here that Free Will is given to us, in order to CHOOSE what is right, against what that our desires compel us. That, then has meaning. Ok, I have more to say, but just respond in Additional Details, and I will say the rest.
2009-04-07 11:08:09 UTC
Man exists though he was invisible in the beginning , and is visible in the middle and again becomes invisible .God id not hiding from anybody .for those whose mind id blind , God id invisible - that is for those who do not know what God is ,God invisible.

Assume that one does not know what a horse is .Will he be able to understand that he is seeing a horse when for the first time he sees it without anybody telling it ? , He would not know that he has seen a horse .so is the man who does not see God .God is the life of everything . You must know that there is nothing as inanimate as even those materials which you call inanimate are composed of atoms of elements that are alive with energy particles like .e.ectron and protons .all matter is made of enegruy particles that are indestructible only.they exist ; but you do not see them.Just because you are not able to see them, you can not say that they do not exist .You can say that you do not see them or you are not able to see.them.Thre are sounds below and above your audible range .They exist though you do not hear them.So is the case with God also.Many who know what God is,.are already seeing God .always .
2014-09-05 07:13:27 UTC
He is Omnipresent. If you come across some serious accident and you are rescued by somebody. He who saved you is nobody but God in that human being's shape. As far as punishment is concerned, you are mistaken that everybody would be punished only on the day of resurrection. Depending on our Good & Bad Deeds, people are partly punished during our life time. All kinds of miseries, struggling, problems, illhealth, staying away from families, etc are nothing but one kind punishment from the Almighty God.
2009-04-07 02:56:57 UTC
Only a fool will never realise that punishment is being handed over in the very lifetime of that person. That's law by any theory.

Sometimes we require a few moments[could be days, months even years] to decide on things that were unpleasant in our deed and rectify it.

Wouldn't you like that opportunity of grace time to realise your mistake and make amends? Failing to do so, the law of opposites[kind of taste of your own medicine] will take it's course. You want to believe that God hid Himself all the while to spring a surprise punishment on you, go ahead and think so. Justice is served one way or another.

I think that's just.
2009-04-10 21:19:48 UTC
This surely is an interesting question that has haunted the human brain since ages. Perhaps it is the quest of the supreme power (called God) that has given birth to all religions and philosophies on this earth. Why did Mr. God (if he there) make this world the way it is and make it behave in the way it does.

Firstly all such questions occurs to man only who has been given the power to ask, reason or reflect about. Tigers or cows or ants do not think this way and they all behave like a river or a volcano behaves. That is guided by natural/physical forces.

God has given us a faculty called conscience or ability to distinguish between right and wrong. He has also given the urge to become rich and powerful and the ability to earn and amass (rightly or wrongly) power and pelf. Man has the ability to make/twist the reasoning behind all observations. He also sometimes help the needy and the poor. Makes schools and hospitals and carries research to cure diseases. At the same time he indulges in fodder scam or Satyam ghotala.

Before Galileo, people believed that heavier objects fall on earth faster than lighter objects. It took thousands of years for man to understand the nature of gravitation. Likewise Our PM says one of the biggest banes of our society is the prevailing caste system. But in the next breath he says that the first right over our scarce resources is of minorities.( It is this very minorities who did not want to stay with the majority and caused partition of this ancient land). He gives subsidy for Haz and Jerusalem journeys to muslims and christians but not to hindus for Kashi or Amarnath yatras. Yet he is 'secular and not supposed to be promoting castesim/communalism. What precisely Varun Gandhi has said is not quoted by any one not even the press. But our PM is outspoken in declaring that Varun Gandhi actions are most shameful (without mentioning which precise action). Similar statements have been made by Lalu Prasad and Srinivas of AP congress. But Mr. Naveen Chawala of Election commission is keeping quiet. This is the interpretation of democracy and secularism by these gentlemen. Similar is the interpretations about God made or proposed by the muslim jehadis or by the christian preachers who think whole world is wrong and therefore it should be saved by converting them to their religion.

That is why God is so obscure. One has to develop his reasoning in much more balanced and impartial way to understand Him. Amen.
2009-04-07 00:14:04 UTC
Have u seen environment in Courts

God would have become like a Judge and all of us would have been chasing him for Justice and this Earth a big Court.

Come on Yaar God has better jobs to do then only to become a Judge
2009-04-07 03:17:24 UTC
i dont think u are a believer in God Almighty yourself. God dosen't punish sinners. he dosen't throw every sinners to hell. he throw to hell only those who refuse to accept God is real and who refuse to regret of their sins even in their last minute of life.

God isnt hiding as u say. what is the need for him to hide? he is present everywhere only no one can see him. he is inside yourself. but to see him, you will have to recognize the God in u.

you doubt is natural dat why cant God punish smn one the very moment. if he does so can u promise that u wont be punished? if he does so every single being of the world ought to be punished. thank him that he is not doing that instead of questioning him...
2009-04-09 03:23:15 UTC
God Exits but not visible so that he can watch us that ever we are doing is correct or not.He/She Keeps an eye on us.If God is visible then the people will go directly to god and apologize for his/her doings.


We can Say that the God is fed up of this world that's living in some other world
2009-04-06 23:13:35 UTC
God works in mysterious ways. Maybe I am Him. Why do you think he needs to be seen? Isn't it enough he has created the whole universe including you? Do you not think someone living a happy wealthy life is not being rewarded for their good deeds possibly from a prior life or due to a goodness within them or the hard work they put in? Life doesn't start in the grave, it is already in progress.
2009-04-07 04:13:19 UTC
Thank U for posing these questions,,,don't keep this question with urself and intimate my answer to each and everyone whom u knows.--------

From my side i am very much feeling gratitude to this question pose by u.

for everything there is a way

for eg: to pose a question/answer in yahoo answers,there is one way like logging to yahoo answers etc.

Like that to see God one way is there,,,,,it is nothing opening our heart and closes our mind(not physical -- related to inner world).

to open heart and closes our mind one should undergo neuro biological process.

God reincarnates every minute in several forms,but some forms who utmost faces and wins the extremes bad/sin will be known to world.

god always tries to reduce the sins from all aspects like thru humans,devotees,relationship,friends,nature,work etc.
Muthu S
2009-04-07 02:26:12 UTC
Bringing forth the universe God wanted to be busy.

In the divinity of creation inherent unity is there.

even in evil-minded people there is a search for God

Wrongdoer is the correct word for sinner

Sins are committed out of ignorance/delusion

In evil and in good, God is coaxing us back to Him by our search for happiness
2009-04-06 23:17:51 UTC
How would that increase your faith?

Also, agency is a part of the plan of salvation. It must be the choice of each individual to choose good or evil. If God simply annihilated everyone who committed a crime or sin, that would infringe upon agency. He will not do it.
2009-04-06 23:17:33 UTC
If he manifests himself right now, then people don't really have a choice anymore, as God would literally be throwing himself in people's faces. By retaining that element of subtlety, he encourages people to read the Bible more indepth and search deeper for the truth.
2014-03-04 13:18:14 UTC
He has no need to hide. We are physical beings. It is impossible for us to see into the level of existence where He resides. Quite dangerous for us to do so also. We would fry if we could actually get close to Him. He contains much more dynamic energy than a trillion suns.
2009-04-08 21:38:42 UTC
If you believe in your self then there is god.

Water flows out only when the vessel is full. so God waits for the things to reach extreme before he reincarnates
2009-04-06 23:29:36 UTC
god is not hiding, rather it's more accurate to say our inability to fully capture him. like a 1 megapixel camera trying to capture the resolution of real life. we don't see god as god rather more as a partial manifestation of something.

earth could be a beautiful place to live as intended, but human abuse their powers and their free will to do evil. god wants you to chose to do good and not sin and learn from your mistakes. he is not interested in dead robots.

punish is not the right word, more like learning one's mistake. dare is not the right word, god does not rule by fear, pain, and punishment like a despot rather it's by love. god has the power to rule but chose not to. he wants us to be his equal.

sometimes people are so stubborn that things need to go to extreme before people learn. i don't believe god destroy sinners. i'm afraid christians misunderstand and underestimate god. his love, understanding, mercy, and patience is much greater than we can even imagine. god does not destroy the sinners, rather it's the sinners feel that they are unfit and have room for further growth that they condemn themselves to some solitude more appropriate for his or her soul for healing and reflection so they may be set on the right path again.
2016-05-23 03:02:32 UTC
Very Good Question. Life is a Test and we all are undergoing a test. If God appears before us then everyone would have a belief and there wont any disbeliever. SO, absence is the actual test as to how we react to various situations in our life. :)
2009-04-07 07:51:26 UTC
Please understand that, God is not live in other place. He lives at our heart. You have no eyes to see the god in your inner body. First we will make the eyes inside to see the god. Then can get the answer for the above questions.

If all of us seen the god through inner eyes, then there is no crime or seen.
2009-04-07 06:25:19 UTC
HI brother

you are saying that you didn't saw god that's why god doesn't exist...

how funny...

i after some time may be you are gone say that there are no other solar-systems present in universe because you have not seen that...right ...think on it....

for more details(scientific study) read Swami Vivekananda's writings..

ideas unlimited
2009-04-10 05:50:55 UTC
Life is like a drama

Life is an experience

how good develops to bad because of ego

bad changes to good because of repentence

In a drama, first role is small

then villain

then hero

then voted as chief minister in real life !!

we go and develop stage by stage.

If every one in the drama is good, there is no story

and it will end in 2 minutes

if every thing is good , there is no life

good can bad are complementary

good and bad are GOD's act

God is within and to realise the divinity, life has to go like that

just like in drama,the actor reveals his good role undergoing all experiences down the line

To show life is experience and god is all perwading

life is full of thrills,God himself appears in different roles

everything is god made

Like we make different kind of sweets and arrive at best with our experience

to show good and bad are complementary, life goes on like this

we feel it because of our vasanas

otherwise self is realised and godly with every one. we are not able to realise because of vasanas and so we seemed to play the role of good and bad
2009-04-09 03:28:54 UTC
hi if u always say that god is not punishing u r right but if you say think of it every thinks and so god can`t look invented people and every one have done wrong so like this i guess you might have done and i supposese any one stole your pen you did not told him to give back the pen but you thought god will punish no god will not come you ur self have to solve the problem because god can`t be every where and it is also not possible that god will help me not you god helps but not alway actuallyly we have to fight angainst and have justice we have the right to express opinionnon


hope you love this answer
2009-04-08 19:54:08 UTC
God has remained hidden since the miracles performed by Jesus Christ. Hopefully some time in our lifetimes he will again show his power. Perhaps he has shown his power since then but it was not documented for us to know about. I guess you could say that since the Nazis lost WWII, we know that God still is good and at work.
The Florgin
2009-04-06 23:13:21 UTC
He hides himself to test men to see if they will obey His Will just on His Word. He can neither deceive nor be deceived. He does not punish people on the spot because He is all merciful, yet punishes them later because He is all just. He also has His own reasons because he is all knowing.
2009-04-10 13:52:56 UTC
GOD exists in you only if you think it is wrong then it is.

you arte the creator of ur own destiny..

you have the complete authority on your life...your punishment is depend upon the works you do and the success comes as per your hard work.....

buty not even god can make you success its your work and talent to make you success..

so the real god is YOU.....

trust yourself...
2009-04-07 20:27:00 UTC
What's the need to see God. If u have faith n u can feel him. God is there. There is an ULTIMATE POWER that rules us & sometimes we can feel it. Those who think that it is all rubbish, then let me tell u that there will be a time when u will be forced to believe in HIM.
2009-04-06 23:29:06 UTC
What they say is a lie. God never exists. If he exists, there is no need to hide himself.

If God exists and if he is a good ruler, he would punish people for their sins then and there. He need not wait to the extreme. You are 100% right.

From where do you get this idea? Have you ever read Brahmananda Sivayogi's books?
2009-04-10 20:59:57 UTC
i can not say firmly god is there or not because i never seen it.

but i do be live in god because i think u can lie with everyone from this world but not to ur self and i think god is there , and that spirit or that think avoid most of the people from doing wrong thing.

so if u want to live good life then always think that some one is there who is watching me .

and my dad say if u r not able to do some good thing for some one never mine for that, ,but dont do anything bad for him.
Someone's Baby
2009-04-06 23:09:55 UTC
For God is a loving God and gave us freedom to choose if we will serve him or not. But God has also a timetable where he has to put an end to all these things.
2009-04-06 23:13:10 UTC
Who said that God is hiding and where did u get that from? God is Not the devil nor can he reincarnate himself. U need to do ur research.
2009-04-06 23:11:06 UTC
God wants us to believe in Him. He gave us free will and the option to believe or not to believe. It's not a faith if everything is placed in front of you. You have to accept Him despite the hardships of life. There are a lot of Biblical stories dealing with God testing the faith of his most faithful. Never presenting himself, as you suggest he should, is just one more demand for faith. Blind and sheepish faith.

I don't buy it myself, but that's my understanding of why God remains hidden.
2009-04-09 05:57:38 UTC
i think there must be something that is driving this whole can see that in this world every people have a unique face and a unique soul. so after looking and thinking about sach a variety we got compelled to accept that yaa God exist....
2009-04-09 02:22:27 UTC
First of all I would like to say that your question is a stupid one.That's because god does not exist. I am sorry, because my line could have hurt someone.

For making you sure, I have a question for you.Tell me about any incident or happening from your life that makes you sure about your description on god.Send your answeron my email.
2009-04-07 20:24:57 UTC
Well, it could be to see if people have real character and put forth honest skepticism or they are cowardly nitwits playing it safe...

An independent spirit like God should like atheists and not the human sheep..
Bad bus driving wolf
2009-04-06 23:12:23 UTC
By your reasoning you would have been punished for asking your own question. Since God is God, it is up to him as to whether he decides to be seen or not, not up to us.
2009-04-09 01:22:23 UTC
Just like a movie in which everything got scripted. our life also has got scripted with the pen called luck by the god.

He /she has once written that script and now he is enjoying by watching us playing their own roles. its upto him/her to whom he wants to make hero or zero.

After writing this script, he is now sitting in some corner of this universe and enjoying the whole movie.

God, the Selfish guy
2009-04-07 03:45:35 UTC
Yes God do exit They hide so we can stand up for our self rather than asking him for help every time
2009-04-07 05:15:55 UTC
it's quite impossible because according to Hindu mythologies as well as Religious there are thousands of god es some people believing veg and some people believing non veg god es so according to me there is only one god that's a supernatural.
2009-04-06 23:10:06 UTC
God's presence is everywhere, but if we were to look directly at him, we would be destroyed. So how come we aren't destroyed now by the fact that he's everywhere? His mercy.
2009-04-10 07:33:10 UTC
because the god is not the normal entity like us which can run or eat or drink .it s the thing to feel nd think that there is a someone who made us to be on this beutiful earth.
2009-04-10 08:42:04 UTC
Hey do u belive in god_.Yeah man I belive in God.Because He has made a wonderful world.And amazing things Have been performed by him.This shows us that there is God....... Waise If u don't belive in god.........start beliving now! Thanxji
2009-04-07 07:56:17 UTC
God has His own ways of handling worldly issues. He allows bad things to happen because they are parts of something bigger.
2016-03-02 19:42:49 UTC
"He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God.
2009-04-07 06:19:05 UTC
HEy hey hey........

c as Shakespear says world is like drama and we r part of it.

if no bad things r ther then how do we understand wat good things r?

we will hardly get chance to appreciaate Police, army, and even heroes too.]

they r hero coz villain exists otherwise how one can be hero.

and we always feel nice after relasing from pain that is pain gives us pleasure,

if there r no tension then how do we pray god.........

and even how do we get chance to celebrate and to enjoy!1

2009-04-08 09:47:26 UTC
God itself is a myth

God is basically our belief system.

ie if we believe i will pass my exams ,..i will pass

I willl pass due to my believe in it.

No one knows wheather god is there.

But someone is watching us

IT is actually a myth you can take 100billion years but no one will exactly know who is GOD

GOD just wants that humans should behave equally to each other.

all you want to know no one can answer,

everyone will have his own theory

Saints will say ....something else...

best of luck
2009-04-06 23:09:36 UTC
It is not that G-d hides himself, so much as that He simply isn't a physical being. He CREATED the physical world.

Not everyone believes that G-d became a man. One of the thirteen principals of the Jewish faith is that G-d is non-corporeal.
2009-04-09 08:58:23 UTC
Yes. I agree with you.

But god wait because he want to give chance to correct his mistake.

If he quick take action on it then how can people know whats my mistake and how can he correct it.
durga p
2009-04-07 02:57:43 UTC
Could you ask a HEN whether EGG fist came on earth or HEN came on earth first.

There is NO CLUE.
2014-10-30 23:39:43 UTC
Like that to see God one way is there,,,,,it is nothing opening our heart and closes our mind(not physical -- related to inner world).
A Learner
2009-04-10 13:14:30 UTC
Sun cant hide itself from us.... Yes we can close our eyes and pretend its not there.....

God isnt hiding.... u need to see him... he is everywhere....

Punishing and rewarding appropriately...

Giving us plenty of time to realise and correct our mistakes...
2014-05-31 18:32:51 UTC
Not everyone believes that G-d became a man. One of the thirteen principals of the Jewish faith is that G-d is non-corporeal.
2009-04-09 01:00:31 UTC
what is the use if God is with you and u can see Him? u will ask for everything and stop doing hard work for success. i think that's why he is not seen to our eyes but shows his divine deeds on us
2009-04-08 01:02:27 UTC
yes,why should the god wants to hide,is he a thief?only a thief would hide himself.Or is he a air?We cannot see air but we can feel it,In case of god we cannot see him and also cannot feel that he exists.
Sam Fisher
2009-04-10 09:46:34 UTC
luk though i strongly believe in GOD but i think this varies from person 2 person and shud b kept as a secret
2009-04-07 00:05:16 UTC
He is not hiding. He did his work many years ago. He is taking rest. Can all see Prime Minister at all times. If we are unable to see PM, it is not true that PM is hiding. PM is doing his work.
The Brown Cow [self-made]
2009-04-08 13:41:54 UTC
It's the Christians, believing in something that is all powerful and that created everyone and everything. Yet we CONVENIENTLY can't see him.

*rolls eyes*
2009-04-08 22:08:29 UTC
yes i believe in GOD
2009-04-06 23:08:45 UTC
Well, statistically I am an agnostic, which, for those of you who DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS: LOOK IT UP. but, more realistically, it's because god doesn''t actually exist. -john in Iowa, a very realistic state with realistic values.
2009-04-10 00:02:13 UTC
yes i believe in god.we are toys of god.he play with us some times good games ,some times bad.
2009-04-07 22:19:15 UTC
whether he existing or not existing but people will not to do some mistakes and sometimes forcefully they don't do cruel things
2009-04-10 10:15:37 UTC
-I believe but not in the sense you think

-You know that you can write E mail messages to me through this section by clicking the word e mail which is visible if you click my name here to open my profile
2009-04-08 01:12:07 UTC
yes. because if there is god im beleiving bcoz im so happy for each and every what hap[pening on our life
2009-04-07 04:17:02 UTC
If u believe in ghosts then u have to believe in god...
2009-04-06 23:07:18 UTC
alternate universes
2009-04-08 13:39:15 UTC
Jesus tried that way but it did not the God decided to be invisible.
2009-04-07 03:27:13 UTC
i trusts to god b'cos everything made by god in this existence.i mean every where is god.
Joseph J
2009-04-07 07:17:31 UTC

he gives us chances to make ourselves solve our problems

if we fails repeatedly then he has to reincarnate
2009-04-07 07:42:05 UTC
2009-04-06 23:09:39 UTC
well everyone would believe in him if he was here on earth and well everyone would go to heaven. but the thing is if he is in heaven and no one can see him. it is faith and believing
2009-04-09 13:36:21 UTC
mr pickle
2009-04-06 23:08:30 UTC
He is just a jolly little fellow. Does his own thing.
Umbrella and Top Hat
2009-04-06 23:09:33 UTC
Epic battles are far more interesting.

That, and it is easier to say "He'll be coming...eventually!" then it is to say "Uh....yes, he is working in the moment....those bad guys? Pshaw. They're in your imagination".
2009-04-06 23:09:23 UTC
it makes it more convenient for those who want to exploit god for him to be neither seen or heard, but they guarantee that he's there regardless.
2009-04-10 07:43:40 UTC
first you tell me god is HE or SHE only then i can answer your question
2009-04-08 06:14:39 UTC
yes i believe in that, some power is there
2009-04-09 21:53:47 UTC
This is not a valid question
2009-04-08 02:32:11 UTC
god is we doesnot see air but feel it everytime....GOD is just like that
2009-04-06 23:10:24 UTC
Because god doesn't actually put humans before everything else like all you egoist think.
ram b
2009-04-09 01:49:07 UTC
i don't believe god
2009-04-10 03:19:33 UTC
to help every one
2009-04-06 23:08:39 UTC
As bible-thumpers would say, "He works in mysterious ways."
2009-04-06 23:08:28 UTC
Its all made up so people feel there is a purpose to life...
2009-04-07 02:57:21 UTC

Answer in just 1 word
2009-04-10 02:52:15 UTC
there should be no doubt about god,,,,,,,many things had happened in the world like tsunami,Earthquake,robbery,and you are still alive......................................
2009-04-10 10:26:45 UTC
plz wisit to
2009-04-09 02:43:05 UTC
2009-04-07 16:31:32 UTC
2009-04-08 08:38:52 UTC
Michael S
2009-04-06 23:08:35 UTC
"they" are morons
2009-04-07 03:55:04 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.