Another Holy Kuran Question?
2006-07-30 09:25:22 UTC
So let me understand , followers of the kuran dont believe Jesus is the key to cleansing of sins like Christians do? Christians belief the only way to righteousness and heaven is through acceptance of Jesus as Gods Son and in faith that we are made acceptable to God by the act that Jesus performed of suffering/dying/and then being resurrected miraculously by God ... a defeating of sin that we have access to through faith.
What is the key to salvation in the Kuran? Just believing God exists and following strict rules? I'm curious now ...
Thirteen answers:
2006-07-30 09:43:11 UTC
I'm not Muslim, but I am married to a Muslim and live in a Muslim country. My answer will be kind of long, but please bear with me and you will gain a lttle understanding of their religion. I'm not trying to convert you (as I said before, I'm not Muslim either), rather I want you to understand the truth about what they believe.

Muslims believe in One Unique, Incomparable God; in the Angels created by Him; in the prophets through whom His revelations were brought to mankind; in the Day of Judgement and individual accountability for actions; in God's complete authority over human destiny and in life after death. Muslims believe in a chain of prophets starting with Adam and including Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job, Moses, Aaron, David, Solomon, Elias, Jonah, John the Baptist, and Jesus, peace be upon them. But God's final message to man, a reconfirmation of the eternal message and a summing-up of all that has gone before was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad through Gabriel.

A true Muslim must accept 5 main articles of faith. These are known as the shahada (witness) :

lst Article : Belief in Allah as the one true God. This is a strict, numerical monotheism. A Muslim looks at the Judeo-Christian view of a unity in the Godhead with contempt.

2nd Article : Belief in angels as instruments of God's will. Mohammed allegedly received his revelation from the angel Gabriel.

3rd Article : Belief in the 4 inspired books - the Torah (5 books of Moses), the Zabur (the psalms), the lnjil (the gospel), and the final revelation, the Koran.

Muslims claim that the Koran has been kept perfectly unlike the Christian Bible. While they claim to respect the Bible, they also believe that it has been corrupted. The Muslims make incredible claims about their writings and will always compare our Bible to the Koran for testing the truth. However, many of their claims cannot be substantiated and scholars have decidedly proven them untrue.

4th Article : Belief in the 28 prophets of Allah, Mohammed being the last and the greatest.

According to Islam, there are 124,000 prophets (Note: No one has ever seen the listing of names) which comprised the history of the human race, but there are 28 main prophets which include : Adam, Noah, Moses, David, Solomon, and Jesus. Jesus is viewed as just another prophet in line with the others.

5th Article : Belief in a final Day of Judgment.

Only those who obey Allah and his prophet can enter into Heaven (hopefully). All others will be sent to Hell.

So, if one wants to become a Muslim they need to say the shahada, bearing witness that there is no god but Allah and Mohammed is his prophet. The Islamic believer must perform good works which will be weighed at the end of their life. If Allah is graceful and merciful, the Muslim will enter Heaven. However, the Koran teaches that Allah is arbitrary in passing out his mercy, and no one has any guarantee of making it. The only sure way to make it to Heaven is if the Muslim dies in a Jihad. Only then will they go directly to Heaven. This is their only assurance for salvation. This explains why so many Muslims willingly give their lives in terroristic acts for their cause.

Muslims also have 5 main pillars of Faith and they are;


There is no god worthy of worship except God and Muhammad is His messenger. This declaration of faith is called the Shahada.


Salah is the name for the obligatory prayers which are performed five times a day, and are a direct link between the worshipper and God.


One of the most important principles of Islam is that all things belong to God, and that wealth is therefore held by human beings in trust. The word zakat means both 'purification' and 'growth'. Our possessions are purified by setting aside a proportion for those in need, and, like the pruning of plants, this cutting back balances and encourages new growth.


Every year in the month of Ramadan, all Muslims fast from first light until sundown, abstaining from food, drink, and sexual relations. Those who are sick, elderly, or on a journey, and women who are pregnant or nursing are permitted to break the fast and make up an equal number of days later in the year. If they are physically unable to do this, they must feed a needy person for every day missed. Children begin to fast (and to observe the prayer) from puberty, although many start earlier.


The annual pilgrimage to Makkah -- the Hajj -- is an obligation only for those who are physically and financially able to perform it.

I hope I've been of some help to you. I've included links where you can go research more if you'd like.
2006-07-30 09:42:56 UTC
This is salvation from the Quran:

29:7. Those who believe and work righteous deeds,- from them shall We blot out all evil (that may be) in them, and We shall reward them according to the best of their deeds.

This verse is repeated over and over in the Quran. It means this: a person in order to attain salvation has to Beleive in God, as the only god, and must practice this beleif in their life. Its not just going to Church on Sunday or The Mosque on Friday: Its everyday. Its giving charity: wheather its just a smile that makes someone's day or giving someone food who hasnt ate all day.

Of course, Islam may seem kinda corrupted now do to Muslims beleiving in a book called Hadith, which contradicts the Quran. The hadith says that all muslims will goto heaven eventually after paying for their sins in hell.

Here is what the Quran says to that:

2:80 And they say (the unbelievers) : "The Fire shall not touch us but for a few numbered days:"

Say (God is telling Prophet Muhammad to respond back to these people by saying): "Have ye taken a promise from Allah, for He never breaks His promise? or is it that ye say of Allah what ye do not know?"

So when your learning and asking questions about Islam, make sure your answers are only coming from The Quran, and not Hadiths.
2006-07-30 09:45:56 UTC
Allah sended Prophets in every in single area of the country and Christ was a prophet himself and Shirk what means associating partners with Allah is the biggest Shirk. And yet I ask the Christians no where in the bible it is mentioned that Christ was God. Most people say that GOD comes in human form to correct human errors as a Prophet tell me just this If I made a DVD player do I need to be the DVD player to see how it runs NO! but I just creat an instructional menu and the final instruction menu for man kind is the Quran.

2006-07-30 09:32:47 UTC
Well, At any point in history there was a Prophet sent by God to guide the people, correct? In order to be saved, you must follow that prophet and believe in the message. So at Jesus' time, your owly way of salvation was through him--following his message and obeying him. The message of God sent through Angel gabriel is the same for all prophets--abraham, jesus, muhammad, moses-- in essence, just a few changes in practice catered to each civilization according to their needs. So, when Prophet Muhammad came, you have to believe in his prophethood and follow his message. He came to confirm the message of Jesus and revive the truth that was distorted over centuries...

Christians and Jew who are pious and follow their prophet correctly, and then recognize Muhammad as the next and last prophet will be doubly rewarded because they believed the truth both times!

In order to be saved from hellfire, you must believe in the Oneness of God, the prophecy of all of the prophets (from adam down to Muhammad), the angels, and the Books (Torah, Bible and Quran)...etc...

Muslims do not believe that Jesus died on the cross, or that he was sacrificed to forgive the original sin. Muslims do not believe in original sin because the Quran tells us that everyperson shall bear their own burden and no one elses. Sins can not be passed down from father to son because that would be unfair and God is Just! If we commit a sin, only we can repent and ask for forgiveness...
2006-07-30 09:32:38 UTC
Believe in and serve One God.

Believe in the unseen.

Believe in Angels.

Believe in all previous scriptures with only following Qur'an.

Believe in all previous Prophets with following what Prophet Muhammad (PHUB) was following.

Charity, fasting, praying, helping poor and needy.

Why you want to enforce your beliefs on 1.6 billions Muslims?

The world will be better place if you follow your religion and just respect all the other religious beliefs.

FYI the laws given in Qur'an are very easy to follow. Not strict.
2006-07-30 09:32:47 UTC
Oh yeah u got it all right...and the main key of salvation is believing in God in the first place and then follow his prophet( Mohammad pbuh) and following rules just like praying, fasting, wearing the scarf( for women) and so on...u r a smart one...!!!
2006-07-30 09:42:06 UTC
In Islam, there is no middle man. Each and every one of us are responsible for our own sins, our own good deeds, and our own intentions. What saves us is what we do in life with our health, wealth and knowledge that God blessed us with, and, most importantly, what our intentions are behind those deeds. For example, some people will give charity so they can have their picture in the paper or their name on a plaque. And others will attend worship services merely to show off for the public, while rejecting and ignoring his duties at home.

In Islam, no one is responsible for the sins of another unless they directly caused that to happen, in which case both are responsible. There is no one you confess your sins to other than God (He hears us all without a messenger), and only God knows what is in our hearts. Also, in Islam, there are Muslims as well as non-Muslims who attain eternity in heaven, and there are Muslims as well as non-Muslims who attain eternity in hell. A title does not guarantee one way or the other.

So, key to salvation in Islam = living a good life with good intentions, focusing on your duties to your Lord, enjoining good and forbidding evil, true sincerity when asking forgiveness, patience in hard times, God-consciousness and appreciation in good times, using your health, wealth and knowledge to benefit your society.
2006-07-30 09:41:34 UTC
you see in Islam your actions are your salvation.. believe in God and his prophet Muhamad, pray, fast, pay zakah, and do pilgrimage are the main rules.. but also be a good human being

23:01 ::Successful indeed are the believers,

23:02 ::Who are humble in their prayers,

23:03 ::And who shun vain conversation,

23:04 ::And who are payers of the poor-due;

23:05 ::And who guard their private parts,

23:06 ::Except before their mates or those whom their right hands possess, for they surely are not blameable,

23:07 ::But whoever seeks to go beyond that, these are they that exceed the limits;

23:08 ::And those who are keepers of their trusts and their covenant,


i suggest u read the whole chapter, it's beautiful and practically describes what a devout muslim and mu'min (believer) is

2006-07-30 09:50:04 UTC
in islam the salvation lies in believing with ur heart that "there is no god but Allah n muhammad(peace be upon him) is the messenger of Allah"... n after this to follow all the commands of Allah that r in the Quran n in the Sunnah or Ahadith (what the prophet did n said respectively)!......

the salvation of muslims lie in completely OBEYING Allah almighty n to follow His EVERY COMMAND!!!!!!!!
2006-07-30 10:06:08 UTC
The Holy Quran -Chapter 103

By the declining day,

Most surely man is in loss,

Except those who believe(*) and do good, and enjoin on each other truth, and enjoin on each other patience.


If anybody follows the above 4 conditions surly he will attain salvation.

(*)Belief in true faith of Abraham(may peace be upon him) which is Islam
2016-10-01 10:30:41 UTC
Truths and lies are throughout, although he speaks maximum without delay interior the Bible. in each and each place else there are bits and parts of the actuality. The Lion the Witch and the fabric cabinet is the fashion of e-e book with better products than usualy, although ultimately the Bible is the keyword.
2006-07-30 09:29:41 UTC
Ezekiel 18 (New International Version)

The Soul Who Sins Will Die

1 The word of the LORD came to me: 2 "What do you people mean by quoting this proverb about the land of Israel:

" 'The fathers eat sour grapes,

and the children's teeth are set on edge'?

3 "As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, you will no longer quote this proverb in Israel. 4 For every living soul belongs to me, the father as well as the son—both alike belong to me. The soul who sins is the one who will die.

5 "Suppose there is a righteous man

who does what is just and right.

6 He does not eat at the mountain shrines

or look to the idols of the house of Israel.

He does not defile his neighbor's wife

or lie with a woman during her period.

7 He does not oppress anyone,

but returns what he took in pledge for a loan.

He does not commit robbery

but gives his food to the hungry

and provides clothing for the naked.

8 He does not lend at usury

or take excessive interest. [a]

He withholds his hand from doing wrong

and judges fairly between man and man.

9 He follows my decrees

and faithfully keeps my laws.

That man is righteous;

he will surely live,

declares the Sovereign LORD.

10 "Suppose he has a violent son, who sheds blood or does any of these other things [b] 11 (though the father has done none of them):

"He eats at the mountain shrines.

He defiles his neighbor's wife.

12 He oppresses the poor and needy.

He commits robbery.

He does not return what he took in pledge.

He looks to the idols.

He does detestable things.

13 He lends at usury and takes excessive interest.

Will such a man live? He will not! Because he has done all these detestable things, he will surely be put to death and his blood will be on his own head.

14 "But suppose this son has a son who sees all the sins his father commits, and though he sees them, he does not do such things:

15 "He does not eat at the mountain shrines

or look to the idols of the house of Israel.

He does not defile his neighbor's wife.

16 He does not oppress anyone

or require a pledge for a loan.

He does not commit robbery

but gives his food to the hungry

and provides clothing for the naked.

17 He withholds his hand from sin [c]

and takes no usury or excessive interest.

He keeps my laws and follows my decrees.

He will not die for his father's sin; he will surely live. 18 But his father will die for his own sin, because he practiced extortion, robbed his brother and did what was wrong among his people.

19 "Yet you ask, 'Why does the son not share the guilt of his father?' Since the son has done what is just and right and has been careful to keep all my decrees, he will surely live. 20 The soul who sins is the one who will die. The son will not share the guilt of the father, nor will the father share the guilt of the son. The righteousness of the righteous man will be credited to him, and the wickedness of the wicked will be charged against him.

21 "But if a wicked man turns away from all the sins he has committed and keeps all my decrees and does what is just and right, he will surely live; he will not die. 22 None of the offenses he has committed will be remembered against him. Because of the righteous things he has done, he will live. 23 Do I take any pleasure in the death of the wicked? declares the Sovereign LORD. Rather, am I not pleased when they turn from their ways and live?

24 "But if a righteous man turns from his righteousness and commits sin and does the same detestable things the wicked man does, will he live? None of the righteous things he has done will be remembered. Because of the unfaithfulness he is guilty of and because of the sins he has committed, he will die.

25 "Yet you say, 'The way of the Lord is not just.' Hear, O house of Israel: Is my way unjust? Is it not your ways that are unjust? 26 If a righteous man turns from his righteousness and commits sin, he will die for it; because of the sin he has committed he will die. 27 But if a wicked man turns away from the wickedness he has committed and does what is just and right, he will save his life. 28 Because he considers all the offenses he has committed and turns away from them, he will surely live; he will not die. 29 Yet the house of Israel says, 'The way of the Lord is not just.' Are my ways unjust, O house of Israel? Is it not your ways that are unjust?

30 "Therefore, O house of Israel, I will judge you, each one according to his ways, declares the Sovereign LORD. Repent! Turn away from all your offenses; then sin will not be your downfall. 31 Rid yourselves of all the offenses you have committed, and get a new heart and a new spirit. Why will you die, O house of Israel? 32 For I take no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Sovereign LORD. Repent and live!
2006-07-30 11:35:07 UTC
Khadijah 'Sue - Former pastor,

missionary, professor. Master's

degree in Divinity

"What happened to you?" This

was usually the first reaction I

encountered when my former

classmates, friends and co-

pastors saw me after having

embraced Islam. I suppose I

couldn't blame them, I was a

highly unlikely the person to

change religions. Formerly, I

was a professor, pastor,

church planter and missionary.

If anyone was a radical

fundamentalist it was I.

I had just graduated with my

Master's Degree of Divinity

from an elite seminary five

months before. It was after that

time I met a lady who had

worked in Saudi Arabia and

had embraced Islam. Of course

I asked her about the treatment

of women in Islam. I was

shocked at her answer, it

wasn't what I expected so I

proceeded to ask other

questions relating to Allah and

Muhammad (pbuh). She

informed me that she would

take me to the Islamic Center

where they would be better

able to answer my questions.

Being prayed up, meaning-

asking Jesus for protection

against demon spirits seeing

that what we had been taught

about Islam is that it is

Demonic and Satanic religion.

Having taught Evangelism I

was quite shocked at their

approach, it wa s direct and

straightforward. No

intimidation, no harassment, no

psychological manipulation, no

subliminal influence! None of

this, "let's have a Qur'aanic

study in your house", like a

counter part of the Bible study.

I couldn't believe it! They gave

me some books and told me if I

had some questions they were

available to answer them in the

office. That night I read all of

the books they gave. It was the

first time I had ever read a

book about Islam written by a

Muslim, we had studied and

read books about Islam only

written by Christians. The next

day I spent three hours at the

office asking questions. This

went on everyday for a week,

by which time I had read twelve

books and knew why Muslims

are the hardest people in the

world to conver t to

Christianity. Why? Because

there is nothing to offer them!!

(In Islam) There is a

relationship with Allah,

forgiveness of sins, salvation

and promise of Eternal Life.

Naturally, my first question

centered on the deity of Allah.

Who is this Allah that the

Muslims worship? We had been

taught as Christians that this is

another god, a false god. When

in fact He is the Omniscient-All

Know ing, Omnipotent-All

Powerful, and Omnipresent-All

Present God. The One and Only

without co-partners or co-

equal. It is interesting to note

that there were bishops during

the first three hundred years of

the Church that were teaching

as the Muslim believes that

Jesus (pbuh) was a prophet

and teacher!! It was only after

the conversion of Emperor

Constantine that he was the

one to call and introduce the

doctrine of the Trinity. He a

convert to Christianity who

knew nothing of this religion

introduced a paganistic

concept that goes back to

Babylonian times. Because the

space does not permit me to go

into detail about the subject

insha'Allah, another time. Only

I must point out that the word

TRINITY is not found in the

Bible in any of its many

translation nor is it found in the

original Greek or Hebrew


My other important question

centered on Muhammad

(pbuh). Who is this

Muhammad? I found out that

Muslims do not pray to him like

the Christians pray to Jesus.

He is not an intermediary and

in fact it is forbidden to pray to

him. We ask blessing upon him

at the end of our prayer but

likewise we ask blessings on

Abraham. He is a Prophet and

a Messenger, the final and last

Prophet. In fact, until now, one

thousand four hundred and

eighteen years (1,418) later

there has been no prophet

after him. His message is for

All Mankind as opposed to the

message of Jesus or Moses

(peace be upon them both)

which was sent to the Jews.

"Hear O Israel" But the

message is the same message

of Allah. "The Lord Your God is

One God and you shall have no

other gods before Me."(Mark


Because prayer was a very

important part of my Christian

life I was both interested and

curious to know what the

Muslims were praying. As

Christians we were as ignorant

on this aspect of Muslim belief

as on the other aspects. We

thought and were taught, that

the Muslims were bowing down

to the Ka'bah (in Mecca), that

that was there god and center

point of this false deity. Again, I

was shocked to learn that the

manner of prayer is prescribed

by God, Himself. The words of

the prayer are one of praise

and exaltation. The approach

to prayer (ablution or washing)

in cleanliness is under the

direction of Allah. He is a Holy

God and it is not for us to

approach Him in an arbitrary

manner but only reasonable

that He should tell us how we

should approach Him.

At the end of that week after

having spent eight (8) years of

formal theological studies I

knew cognitively (head

knowledge) that Islam was

true. But I did not embrace

Islam at that time because I did

not believe it in my heart. I

continued to pray, to read the

Bible, to attend lectures at the

Islamic Center. I was in earnest

asking and seeking God's

direction. It is not easy to

change your religion. I did not

want to loose my salvation if

there was salvation to loose. I

continued to be shocked and

amazed at what I was learning

because it was not what I was

taught that Islam believed. In

my Master's level, the

professor I had was respected

as an authority on Islam yet his

teaching and that of

Christianity in general is full of

Misunderstanding. He and

many Christians like him are

sincere but they are sincerely


Two months later after having

once again prayed seeking

God's direction, I felt

something drop into my being! I

sat up, and it was the first time

I was to use the name of Allah,

and I said, "Allah, I believe you

are the One and Only True

God." There was peace that

descended upon me and from

that day four years ago until

now I have never regretted

embracing Islam. This decision

did not come without trial. I

was fired from my job as I was

teaching in two Bible Colleges

at that time , ostracized by my

former classmates, professors

and co-pastors, disowned by

my husband's family,

misunderstood by my adult

children and made a suspicion

by my own government.

Without the faith that enables

man to stand up to Satanic

forces I would not ha ve been

able to withstand all of this. I

am ever so grateful to Allah

that I am a Muslim and may I

live and die a Muslim.

"Truly, my prayer, my service

of sacrifice, my life and my

death are all for God the

Cherisher of the Worlds. No

partner has He, this I am

commanded. And I am the first

of those who bow to Allah in


(Holy Qur'aan 6:162-163)

Sister Khadijah Watson

Sister Khadijah Watson is

presently working as a teacher

for women in one of the Da'wah

(Invitation To Islam) Centers in

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

more stories



Answers to FAQ about Islam

1. What is Islam?

The word "Islam" means peace

and submission. Peace means

to be at peace with yourself

and your surroundings and

submission means submission

to the will of God. A broader

meaning of the word "Islam" is

to achieve peace by submitting

to the will of God.

This is a unique religion with a

name which signifies a moral

attitude and a way of life.

Judaism takes its name from

the tribe of Juda, Christianity

from Jesus Christ, Buddhism

from Goutam Buddha and

Hinduism from Indus River.

However, Muslims derive their

identity from the message of

Islam, rather than the person of

Muhammed (P), thus should not

be called "Muhammadans".

2. Who is Allah?

Allah is the Arabic word for

"one God". Allah is not God of

Muslims only. He is God of all

creations, because He is their

Creator and Sustainer.

3. Who is a Muslim?

The word "Muslim" means one

who submits to the will of God.

This is done by declaring that

"there is no god except one

God and Muhammad is the

messenger of God." In a

broader sense, anyone who

willingly submits to the will of

God is a Muslim. Thus, all the

prophets preceding the

prophet Muhammad are

considered Muslims. The

Quran specifically mentions

Abraham who lived long before

Moses and Christ that, "he was

not a Jew or a Christian but a

ōuslim," because, he had

submitted to the will of God.

Thus there are Muslims who

are not submitting at all to the

will of God and there are

Muslims who are doing their

best to live an Islamic life. One

cannot judge Islam by looking

at those individuals who have a

Muslim name but in their

actions, they are not living or

behaving as Muslims. The

extent of being a Muslim can be

according to the degree to

which one is submitting to the

will of God, in his beliefs and

his actions.

4. Who was Muhammad? (P)

In brief, Muhammad (Peace be

upon him) was born in a noble

tribe of Mecca in Arabia in the

year 570 AD. His ancestry goes

back to Prophet Ishmael (P),

son of Prophet Abraham (P).

His father died before his birth

and his mother died when he

was six. He did not attend a

formal school since he was

raised first by a nurse as it was

the custom those days, and

then by his grandfather and

uncle. As a young man, he was

known as a righteous person

who used to meditate in a cave.

At age 40, he was given the

prophethood when the angel,

Gabriel, appeared in the cave.

Subsequently, the revelations

came over 23 years and were

compiled in the form of a book

called the Quran which

Muslims consider as the final

and the last word of God. The

Quran has been preserved,

unchanged, in its original form

and confirms the truth in the

Torah, the psalms and the


5. Do Muslims worship

Muhammad? (P)

No. Muslims do not worship

Muhammad (P) or any other

prophets. Muslims believe in all

prophets including Adam,

Noah, Abraham, David,

Solomon, Moses and Jesus.

Muslims believe that

Muhammad (P) was the last of

the prophets. They believe that

God alone is to be worshiped,

not any human being.

6. What do Muslims think of

Jesus? (P)

Muslims think highly of Jesus

(P) and his worthy mother,

Mary. The Quran tells us that

Jesus was born of a miraculous

birth without a father. "Lo! The

likeness of Jesus with Allah is

the likeness of Adam. He

created him of dust, and then

He said unto him: Be and he is"

(Quran 3.59). He was given

many miracles as a prophet.

These include speaking soon

after his birth in defense of his

mother's piety. God's other

gifts to him included healing

the blind and the sick, reviving

the dead, making a bird out of

clay and most importantly, the

message he was carrying.

These miracles were given to

him by God to establish him as

a prophet. According to the

Quran, he was not crucified but

was raised into Heaven.

(Quran, Chapter Maryam)

9. What is the purpose of

worship in Islam?

The purpose of worship in

Islam is to be God conscious.

Thus the worship, whether it is

prayer, fasting, or charity, is a

means to achieve God

consciousness so that when

one becomes conscious of

God, in thought and in action,

he is in a better position to

receive His bounties both in

this world and the hereafter.

10. Do Muslims believe in the


God is Just and manifest His

justice, He established the

system of accountability.

Those who do good will be

rewarded and those who do

wrong will be punished

accordingly. Thus, He created

Heaven and Hell and there are

admission criteria for both.

Muslims believe that the

present life is a temporary one.

It is a test and if we pass the

test, we will be given a life of

permanent pleasure in the

company of good people in


12. What is the dress code for


Islam emphasizes modesty. No

person should be perceived as

a sex object. There are certain

guidelines both for men and

women that their dress should

neither be too thin nor too tight

to reveal body forms. For men,

they must at least cover the

area from the knee to navel

and for women, their dress

should cover all areas except

the hands and face. The veil is

not essential.

13. What are the dietary

prohibitions in Islam?

Muslims are told in the Quran

not to eat pork or pork

products, meat of the animals

who died before being

slaughtered or the carnivorous

animals (as they eat dead

animals), nor drink blood or

intoxicants such as wine or use

any illicit drugs.

14. What is Jihad?

The word "Jihad" means

struggle, or to be specific,

striving in the cause of God.

Any struggle done in day-to-

day life to please God can be

considered Jihad. One of the

highest levels of Jihad is to

stand up to a tyrant and speak

a word of truth. Control of the

self from wrong doings is also a

great Jihad. One of the forms

of Jihad is to take up arms in

defense of Islam or a Muslim

country when Islam is

attacked. This kind of Jihad

has to be declared by the

religious leadership or by a

Muslim head of state who is

following the Quran and


15. Was Islam spread by the


According to the Quran, "There

is no compulsion in religion"

(2:256), thus, no one can be

forced to become a Muslim.

The Junior Encyclopaedia of

Canada says:

"Islam is the fastest growing

religion world-wide" (The

Junior Encyclopaedia of

Canada, Hurtig Publishers,

Canada, 1990, Vol2, p396)

What explains this

phenomenon? Who is forcing

anyone today to become

Muslims? Muslims are not even

engaged in active preaching in

any noticeable degree. People

are voluntarily coming into

Islam because they find Islam

makes sense.

Huston Smith discusses in his

book entitled The World's

Religions, on page 256, how

the Prophet Mohammed, on

whom be peace, granted

freedom of religion to the Jews

and Christians under Muslim

rule. The Prophet had a

document drawn up in which

he stipulated that Jews and

Christians "shall be protected

from all insults and vexations;

they shall have an equal right

with our own people to our

assistance and good offices,"

and furthermore, that they shall

"practice their religion as

freely as the Muslims"(Quoted

in the World's religions by

Huston Smith, Harper Collins,

1991, p256) Smith points out

that Muslims regard that

document as "the first charter

of freedom of conscience in

human history and the

authoritative model for those of

every subsequent Muslim


So, was Islam spread by the

sword? The following short

answer comes from Ira ZeppJr,

a non-Muslim, in his book

entitled A Muslim Primer:

"It is unfortunate that Islam has

been stereotyped as the

'religion of the sword' or that

Islam was spread by the

sword.' The historical reality is

that the expansion of Islam was

usually by persuasion and not

by military power. In any case,

Islam cannot be forced on

anyone; if profession of the

shahadah (i.e. the declaration

of Islam) is forced on someone,

it is not true Islam" (A Muslim

Primer by Ira Zepp, Jr., 1992,

Wakefield Editions, US, p134)

16. Does Islam promote

violence and terrorism?

No. Islam is religion of peace

and submission and stresses

on the sanctity of human life. A

verse in the Quran says,

[Chapter 5, verse 32], that

"anyone who saves one life, it

is as if he has saved the whole

of mankind and anyone who

has killed another person

(except in lieu of murder or

mischief on earth) it is as if he

has killed the whole of

mankind." Islam condemns all

the violence which happened in

the Crusades, in Spain, in WW

II, or by acts of people like the

Rev. Jim Jones, David Koresh,

Dr. Baruch Goldstein, or the

atrocities committed in

Bosniaby the Christian Serbs.

Anyone who is doing violence

is not practicing his religion at

that time. However, sometimes

violence is a human response

of oppressed people as it

happens in Palestine. Although

this is wrong, they think of this

as a way to get attention. There

is a lot of terrorism and

violence in areas where there

is no Muslim presence. For

example, in Ireland, South

Africa, Latin America, and Sri

Lanka. Sometimes the violence

is due to a struggle between

those who have with those who

do not have, or between those

who are oppressed with those

who are oppressors. We need

to find out why people become

terrorists. Unfortunately, the

Palestinians who are doing

violence are called terrorists,

but not the armed Israeli

settlers when they do the same

sometimes even against their

own people. As it turned out to

be in the Oklahoma City

bombing, sometime Muslims

are prematurely blamed even if

the terrorism is committed by

non-Muslims. Sometimes those

who want Peace and those who

oppose Peace can be of the

same religion.

17. What is "Islamic


There is no concept of

"Fundamentalism" in Islam.

The western media has coined

this term to brand those

Muslims who wish to return to

the basic fundamental

principles of Islam and mould

their lives accordingly. Islam is

a religion of moderation and a

practicing God fearing Muslim

can neither be a fanatic nor an


18. Does Islam promote


No, polygamy in Islam is a

permission not an injunction.

Historically, all the prophets

except Jesus, who was not

married, had more than one

wife. For Muslim men to have

more than one wife is a

permission which is given to

them in the Quran, not to

satisfy lust, but for the welfare

of the widows and the orphans

of the wars. In the pre-Islamic

period, men used to have many

wives. One person had 11

wives and when he became

Muslim, he asked the Prophet

Muhammad (P), "What should I

do with so many wives?" and

he said, "Divorce all except the

four." The Quran says, "you

can marry 2 or 3 and up to 4

women if you can be equally

just with each of them" (4:3).

Since it is very difficult to be

equally just with all wives, in

practice, most of the Muslim

men do not have more than one

wife. Prophet Muhammad (P)

himself from age 24 to 50 was

married to only one woman,

Khadija. In the western society,

some men who have one wife

have many extramarital affairs.

Thus, a survey was published

in "U.S.A. Today" (April 4, 1988

Section D) which asked 4,700

mistresses what they would

like their status to be. They

said that "they preferred being

a second wife rather than the

'other woman' because they

did not have the legal rights,

nor did they have the financial

equality of the legally married

wives, and it appeared that

they were being used by these


19. Does Islam oppress


No. On the contrary, Islam

elevated the status of women

1,400 years ago by giving them

the right to divorce, the right to

have financial independence

and support and the right to be

identified as dignified women

(Hijab) when in the rest of the

world, including Europe,

women had no such rights.

Women are equal to men in all

acts of piety (Quran 33:32).

Islam allows women to keep

their maiden name after

marriage, their earned money

and spend it as they wish, and

ask men to be their protector

as women on the street can be

molested. Prophet Muhammad

(P) told Muslim men, "the best

among you is the one who is

best to his family." Not Islam,

but some Muslim men, do

oppress women today. This is

because of their cultural habits

or their ignorance about their

religion. Female Genital

Mutilations has nothing to do

with Islam. It is a pre Islamic

African Custom, practiced by

non Muslims including coptic

Christians as well.

20. Is Islam intolerant of other

religious minorities?

Islam recognizes the rights of

the minority. To ensure their

welfare and safety, Muslim

rulers initiated a tax (Jazia) on

them. Prophet Muhammad (P)

forbade Muslim armies to

destroy churches and

synagogues. Caliph Umer did

not even allow them to pray

inside a church. Jews were

welcomed and flourished in

Muslim Spain even when they

were persecuted in the rest of

Europe. They consider that

part of their history as the

Golden Era. In Muslim

countries, Christians live in

prosperity, hold government

positions and attend their

church. Christian missionaries

are allowed to establish and

operate their schools and

hospitals. However, the same

religious tolerance is not

always available to Muslim

minorities as seen in the past

during Spanish inquisition and

the crusades, or as seen now

by the events in Bosnia, Israel

and India. Muslims do

recognize that sometimes the

actions of a ruler does not

reflect the teachings of his


21. How should Muslims treat

Jews and Christians?

The Quran calls them "People

of the Book", i.e., those who

received Divine scriptures

before Muhammad (P). Muslims

are told to treat them with

respect and justice and do not

fight with them unless they

initiate hostilities or ridicule

their faith. The Muslims

ultimate hope is that they all

will join them in worshipping

one God and submit to His will.

"Say (O Muhammad): O people

of the Book (Jews and

Christians) come to an

agreement between us and

you, that we shall worship none

but Allah, and that we shall

take no partners with Him, and

none of us shall take others for

Lords beside Allah. And if they

turn away, then say: Bear

witness that we are those who

have surrendered (unto Him)."

(Quran 3:64)

What about Hindus, Bahai,

Buddhists and members of

other religions?

They should also be treated

with love, respect, and

understanding to make them

recipients of Invitations to




Almighty God is

Compassionate, Loving and

Merciful. The essence of

falsehood is the claim that God

cannot deal with and forgive

His creatures directly. By over

-emphasizing the burden of sin,

as well as claiming that God

cannot forgive you directly,

false religions seek to get

people to despair of the Mercy

of God. Once they are

convinced that they cannot

approach God directly, people

can be mislead into turning to

false gods for help. These

"false gods" can take various

forms, such as saints, angels,

or someone who is believed to

be the "Son of God" or "God


The original, unchanged

revelations given to Abraham

and other prophets(like Moses

and Jesus ) reaching back to

Adam all came from the One

True God(The Creator). This

common origin explains their

similarities in many beliefs and


However, over time the

teachings of the various

religions, due to a variety of

reasons, have become

distorted and mixed with made

-man ideas.

The last Prophet and

Messenger of God, Muhammad

, who is a direct descendant of

Abraham through his first born

son, Ishmael, was sent with the

Last Guidance, Revelation and

Testament, the Holy Qur'an

(koran) to amend and correct

the changes and corruption

made to the the "Torah" which

was sent to Moses and theTrue

Gospel of Jesus.To say the

truth ,God preserved all the

other Holy Books plainly by

preserving His Last Book the

Holy Qur'an(koran)which

contains the right and the truth

of all that was changed in those

other Books.

This is why this last Revelation

which was sent 1423 years ago

has remained unchanged, not

even a word or a letter has

been altered.

There is not even one word of

difference between two Arabic

Qur'ans, anywhere in the

world. There has been no

disagreements in history

among Muslims as to what

should and should not be in the

Qur'an. However, in the case of

the Bible, even the most

ancient manuscripts conflict

with one another so that no two

are identical. Footnotes in all

modern versions of the Bible

prove this fact.

These revisions serve as

concrete proofs that all the

Biblical books are not at all

divinely inspired. This is

because it is beyond man's

ability to correct the work of his

Creator, who alone is Almighty

and perfect

It was only natural for Almighty

God to preserve the scripture

revealed to Prophet

Muhammad, because he was

the last Prophet and Final

Messenger of God.

Islam teaches us that we must

pray directly to God without an

intermediary and no soul can

bear the burden of another and

that the nature of humanity is

good, and we did not inherit sin

from Adam. Each soul comes

into being free of Islam

there are no priests or clergy --

each worshipper, man or

woman, has a direct

relationship with their Merciful

Creator -- Almighty God. Since

God is the Owner and

Sustainer of everything, as well

as the only one who can

provide true and complete

forgiveness, it is completely

futile to try to approach Him

through anyone else.

The oneness and universality

of God's message requires that

people accept all the

messengers of God. Rejecting

one of them amounts to

rejecting them all. The Jews

reject Jesus's mission and

Muhammad's mission; the

Christians reject Muhammad's

mission; whereas the Muslims

accept them all, but reject

incorrect historical

interpretations and human

elements in these missions.

As the Qur'an is the final

revelation and Muhammad is

the final prophet, humanity is

obligated to accept it: "If

anyone desires a religion other

than Islam, never will it be

accepted of him; and in the

Hereafter he will be in the

ranks of those who have lost all

spiritual good" (3:86).

The Final Prophet Muhammad

said: "Whoever believes there

is no god but God, alone

without partner, that

Muhammad is His messenger,

that Jesus is messenger of

God, and that Paradise and

Hell are true, shall be received

by God into Heaven."

you can do that now as you are

reading these lines is to

pronounce the two

confirmations and attestations

of faith, here it is











The right picture of lslam is

conveyed in the Qur'an, which

is exemplified by Prophet

Muhammad peace be upon

him. The reality is that it is not

fair to judge a religion by the

actions of its followers alone

because there are good and

bad followers in every religion.

The correct thing to do is to

judge a religion by its

documented revelation from

God and the prophet who

brought that revelation.

I encourage Christians and

other religions to learn about

Islam from Muslim sources and

The Basis Of The Muslim Belief

and not rely on second hand

information which in many

cases is distorted or contains a

deep seated anti Muslim

agenda. This is indeed a more

scholarly approach

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.