"Creation Science" is no more than an amusing oxymoron.
"The Bible has been prooven[sic] to be very accurate"
By godsters? Yes.
By actual scientists? No.
"And evolution is still just an unprooven[sic] theory as well."
By cretinists? Yes
By actual scientists as well as most of xianity? No.
"such as the missing link"
That was true in the 50s; these days there are more 'links' than they can accurately classify; they call them 'transitional fossils' these days.
Please try to stay abreast with modern terminology.
"rather than believe that they were formed in the image of a loving God?"
You can 'believe' what you ike but it does NOT make it so.
There are people who believe in the existence of all sortsa things (faeries, elves, goblins, ghosts, spirits, angels, etc, including an invisible critter that sits up in the clouds 24/7 watching everything that everyone does) BUT it does NOT make it so.
Theism is a crutch for people too stupid to understand science.
(I think this was some satire - well done; it sucked me in for a moment)