New DNA discoveries over the last 50 years have of course provided additional evidence.
The additional evidence can be used by Creationists and Evolutionist alike to provide additional evidence to their theories.
One of my favourite videos on DNA can be found here:
When I research DNA and the Genetic Code, for every bit of evidence I see for evolution, I see about four times as much for creation. So taking the evidence in totality, there is an 80% to 20% balance in favour of a Creator/Designer for DNA.
The DNA argument about Eve / Mitochondrial Eve does lend support to both ideas that we are all related to one Mother, Adam's wife Eve or M.E. Eve. However I don't see why there should automatically be the argument proposed about the male line. It seems that the results reflect the nature of DNA, and hence the male line is more difficult to prove.
Think about it, if Eve's offspring had different dads, as proposed, the half siblings would marry and so the DNA contains information from both dads anyhow.
The point about time scales is not proof, but inference. Whether it was 6,000 or 230,000 years ago, both dates are inferred, and both within the bounds of possibility, genetically speaking.
The argument about DNA coding and mammals around 60mya is week hypothesis.
Most mammals would have similar coding because they are land dwellers, air beathers etc. The coding for similar taxa would have similar code due to similar functions, and has nothing to do with relatedness. There is no other evidence to corroborate Darwin's tree of life, & Fossils certainly don't.
"origins through science" - That's a contradiction. Science is about testing by repeated observation in the present. Origins is about unobservable one off events in the distant past.
ie. Natural History or Religious History !
God's word says he is the author and creator of life - what does DNA and the Genetic code say? - a loud YES.