Serious Question....Only Serious Answers Please! WHY?
Summer Dawn
2008-08-12 18:36:07 UTC
If any of you Anti-Christians out there have heard the true Gospel of God the Son comming down to save you/mankind from their sin, why would you reject it and deem it not the Truth?

Does it seem to good to be true?

Christians can answer too, but please let your answers be considerate.
34 answers:
Barbara E from Houston Texas
2008-08-12 18:42:28 UTC
I am answering as a Christian.

Man is dead in trespasses and sins, and until the grace of God enlightens his spiritual eyes to see that he really is a sinner in need of a Savior, he simply will not see his true condition.

When God gives a person grace to see his true spiritual condition, then he can receive the truth and believe and be saved. That's why it's called "Amazing Grace."

Think about the Apostle Paul. He certainly had heard the Gospel many times and yet his heart was hard and he was even persecuting and killing Christians. He was with those who stoned Stephen to death.

But suddenly on the Damascus Road, the Lord got Paul's attention. Before that, Paul opposed the Gospel, although he certainly had heard all about it.

What do you think of this answer?
Laptop Jesus 3.9
2008-08-12 18:41:39 UTC
With more respect than you can imagine - it was very difficult. My faith was absolutely central to my being. I was in bible college translating the Koine Greek (in Hermeneutics class). The last thing I expected to happen was to lose my faith. The harder I studied, the more holes I found in the bible.

I decided I was being "proud" and relying on intellect so I turned to prayer. I locked myself in a closet for 45 minutes a night (so I could really concentrate). This too didn't help. I couldn't turn off my mind.

Eventually, after a university education, and seeing how similar Christianity was to so many religions that predated it, and understanding more about ethics and morality, I had to walk away from it all together. I didn't do it lightly.

No, it didn't seem "too good to be true." It was simply, false. No matter how kewl a false thing is, I can't spend my life believing in something false. Life is too precious.
2008-08-12 19:18:18 UTC
Thank you for this question. The point that those who are anti God do not seem to have peace unless they are pulling others along with them say a lot. if they have peace, how can they choose those avatars and make those hurtful comments. Of course, I am speaking generally. There are many exceptions and I am meaning antiGod people and not agnostics who are questioning and atheists who gave up questioning.

they (those that get their kicks from putting down believers) offer no up-build, no hope in this desolate life, they only offer nothingness.

we who believe in God should not have the blind, superstitious faith that they ascribe to us. but a faith build on the love of God
Pseudonym A
2008-08-12 18:43:47 UTC
Ok. I'll try to be nice. I tell you that the president has decided that you and your family to the 3rd unborn generation won't have to work and will have all reasonable bills and college tuition paid for by the state. You have no reason (other than me telling you) to believe. Do you believe? Of course not. And if this is a Pascal's wager thing we actully do lose something-sunday picnic time, respect for science when it contradicts the bible, respect for our own consciences and it's ability to guide us through life, respect for our own power of choice b/c we replace it with 'what God wants us to do' and so on.
2008-08-12 18:39:18 UTC
No, it's simply completely lacking in any factual basis.

Hard for it to be The Truth, when it's so far from factuality. It's a matter of faith, and I can't rationalize the senseless that easily.

Edit: On drugs? How can I show you a lack of evidence? Did you even read that outloud before you posted it?

Oh, and if you want to refute the claim of "lack of evidence" you have to step up to the plate and give tangible, objective proof. Not "oh, look at the pretty sunset, god exists!"
Recreant- father of fairies
2008-08-12 18:56:16 UTC
No supporting evidence, no independent confirmation of alleged events, considerable time lapse between alleged events and their recording in said gospels, questionable authorship of gospels, glut of other messianic figures during the approximate time frame of alleged events, general willingness of people to believe said events regardless of veracity casts serious doubts on credibility, internal inconsistencies, myriad opportunities for dubiously motivated individuals to alter gospels for their own purposes...

Is that enough? And how exactly do you refute lack of evidence?
2016-05-28 04:15:22 UTC
I think that's the most time anyone has said or typed some form of the word serious in a paragraph. I seriously think you deserve an award.
Guess who's going to Hell?
2008-08-12 20:10:08 UTC
No it's not that it seems to good to be true, it's that it appears to be untrue.

Where it actually true that would be even more horrendous. That there is some crazy being in power whose best idea to save the people he created would be to pretend to sacrifice his own son in order to take away their sins? This is madness! (Not to mention unethical, immoral and an attack on our integrity).
2008-08-12 18:59:18 UTC
I'm answering as a Christian:

I believe that in this day and age people are extremely knowledgeable and it is this knowledge, this intelligence that hinders them from believing in our Creator. The world is full of distractions, very noisy. It does not allow for "quiet" time where we might hear God speak to us. We are inundated with sound everywhere, ie, cell phones ringing incessantly, music in every store we walk into, satellite tv, satellite radios, ipods, iphones, laptops, the list is endless. We do not give ourselves time to ponder any issues. I believe it is for this reason that many people doubt the existence of God...they have not experienced Him because of these distractions.
2008-08-13 08:37:07 UTC
The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much . God has placed on my heart one particular young woman on here to pray for fervently .I know others are praying . God's word will not return void, but will accomplish what He wants it to accomplish, but I do think we need to treat an unsaved " avatar " , the same way we would treat an unsaved neighbor. With love and respect and carefully choosing our words . And prayer,lots of prayer . I also believe that our gifts are our responsibility ,and we are to use them believing that God has our back .
2008-08-12 18:49:35 UTC
Remember, The Bible says, that the natural man can not receive the things of the Spirit of God for unto them it is foolishness, and neither can they know them for they are spiritually discerned. So, in other word without the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit, it is impossible for them to understand. Many are called, few are chosen.
2008-08-12 18:48:29 UTC
As an atheist (not an anti-christian):

Because I don't believe in god or any form of god, Hearing that he will one day save me has as much an effect on me as any christian hearing that one day Allah, or some other god, will come down from the heavens and save them.

I am as firmly convinced in my beliefs as you are in yours.

I believe just as strongly that there is no creator as you believe that there is a creator. If you sit there and think how much proof it would take to prove to you there is no god, I would require an equal amount of proof of god's existence to truly change my mind and beliefs.

I hope that helps you understand.

Andrew Ryan
2008-08-12 18:41:37 UTC
I smell a troll.

But I reject the Christian idea of God because he cannot be proven nor disproven, so to accept either answer is to go on blind faith. Science has proven time and time again against what the Bible tells as fact. Thus, I reject the Christian God just as you reject Thor, Zeus, Apollo, and Hermes.
2008-08-12 19:20:47 UTC
So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10:17

I didn't reject God's love and his forgivness. I may not feel that I am worth HIS forgivness BUT God saw that I was worth it and forgave me anyway and I am Heaven bound!

><> Jeanna
gina w
2008-08-12 19:07:32 UTC
If you non- believers gave christianity a chance and went to church and opened your mind and listened to what the Bible says or read the Bible and understood that there are to many coincidences where every thing mimics another in truth then you would not think we were as crazy as you thought
2008-08-12 18:49:24 UTC
Those who reject the Good News of Jesus, sweet girl, do so because the Holy Spirit hasn't drawn them. If you read God's Word, you'll see that they must first be drawn by God's Holy Spirit before they accept Him.

God bless you!

2008-08-12 18:42:43 UTC
i'm going to go out on a limb and say most of us "Anti-Christians" were raised be Christians. I was at least. and I was indoctenated into your relegion be force. we have heard it all before.

And for me, the abrahamic god is mean! =[
2008-08-12 19:01:55 UTC
Because I have more important things to do on this earth.

The mindless have followed their false "Christian" President into the mud. And now it will take the thinkers to bail you all out.

Thanks not at all for your blind devotion.

Who Would Jesus Kill Today? Over a million Iraqis? Sure.
Anne C
2008-08-12 18:45:03 UTC
basis of faith, cant be seen, touched, nor proven. No universal canon exists to validate which belief is true or hoax. That is why in a civilized society, we try to respect each others faith.
Shawn B
2008-08-12 18:43:53 UTC
Not to sound redundant, but it's because there is no evidence and god concepts are impractical and unnecessary. In this world good comes from what you do, not what you believe.
2008-08-12 18:43:41 UTC
If God came down in person and spoke directly at me, why would I reject him?

But the odds of that happening is ZERO!
liz v
2008-08-12 18:48:21 UTC
If they've heard it, they can accept it or reject it. It's their choice. No one can be forced to accept it. Either they believe or they don't.
2008-08-12 18:43:09 UTC
Why do you reject every other religion, on the basis that they don't "seem" better than true?
2008-08-12 18:39:50 UTC
what is the Gospel of God the Son
Rick in the Santa hat
2008-08-12 18:40:22 UTC
People have said that Jesus' return is just around the corner for nearly 2000 years. They've all been wrong so far.
That Godless Turtle
2008-08-12 18:39:47 UTC
Because there is no proof for this happening. And claiming that one religion is truer than another is extremely hypocritical, as they are all a matter of faith.
2008-08-12 18:41:58 UTC
If more christian would live as christian instead of talking, christians might draw more souls to Christ.
Vengeful_Hippie (AM)
2008-08-12 18:39:53 UTC
Heres my super-serious answer.

I have heard it, but I have no reason to believe it. In my eyes, the bible is a book of mythology. Nothing more.
2008-08-12 18:40:36 UTC
Your certainty makes me doubt your faith.
Beletje_vos AM + VT
2008-08-12 18:39:29 UTC
Why reject?... because of the complete lack of evidence.
See Dee
2008-08-12 18:39:40 UTC
Non believers will tell you that there is no concrete proof, which is why they reject it.

I as a Christian think they reject it because they haven't allowed the work of God to move in their lives. If they did, they would never be able to reject it.
2008-08-12 18:40:17 UTC
It doesn't sound to good to be true, it just sounds untrue.
2008-08-12 18:39:56 UTC
It does not seem too good to be true.

It seems too stupid to be true.
2008-08-12 18:40:31 UTC
i agree

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.