Religious term or not, it is still leaving Christ out of Christmas, and so should NOT be used at all, by Christians.
@atarah I did NOT say anyone was not using the word " Xmas , I said Christians should NOT use it.
I personally do NOT use the word "Xmas" because I honor and respect Christ, and so the word "Christmas" to me, is useless without the word " Christ."
Some people, including me, will say "turkey day" for Thanksgiving Day" but that then removes the true meaning of Thanksgiving. I am guilty of doing this. But that is just Thanksgiving. Christmas is another thing. I REFUSE to leave the Word "Christ" out of "Christmas", because that then leaves, "mas".
To me, that is like leaving "apple" out of "apple pie".
I have nothing against the Greek Alphabet, nor any alphabet for that matter, but leaving the word Christ out of Christmas, just is leaving the person out of it. It is after all, Christ's Birthday, not X's birthday. I would not like it is someone celebrated my birthday by using X instead of my Name.
"Oh, it is "x's birthday to day, Happy birthday, X"
Besides, "X" means Has been. such as, "My X left me."
I sure hope Christ, " X " does not leave me.
If you like saying Xmas, go ahead. Leave Christ out of it. After all, it is only a Holiday, anymore.
Many people see it as just another day, to spend money. Holiday, not Christmas.
I suppose we could call Jesus Christ JC, (again, disrespect) and then just use the C for Cmas, instead of Christmas. Merry Cmas, all of you.
It has lost its meaning, that is all I am saying. I was raised with Christmas being Christmas, but now people want to change Christmas to Holiday and Christmas to Xmas.
And the real meaning is lost, Poor JC died on the cross for us, and we repay him by celebrating his birthday, as Cmas, or as many want to say it, Xmas.
So be it. However, I will continue to honor Jesus with his right for his birthday to be Christ Mass, as Christmas, being He is Jesus the Christ, and not Jesus the X. Christ is NOT a last name, but his being as a divinity. And I find it rude of people to simply shorten his day, because they find it hard to say.
So far Christ had been eliminated from Christmas, and soon, from the hearts of all, and Christmas, or Xmas, will cease to exist, also. Already, it is called Holiday, instead of Christmas.