Don't you agree that we stop saying "Merry Christmas" to be more tolerant to other religious groups?
2017-11-10 21:13:06 UTC
Don't you agree that we stop saying "Merry Christmas" to be more tolerant to other religious groups?
227 answers:
2017-11-14 03:23:14 UTC
No. I am Christian and I say Merry Christmas. If I said it to a Jewish Woman than she can either take it as "happy holidays" or she can ignore it all together. I say what I want
2017-11-13 22:41:31 UTC
I say Merry Christmas. I don't worry about offending anyone. If I do, then I'll just wish them a "happy' whatever.
2017-11-13 13:01:19 UTC
If I know there are true Christian. I say Happy Xmas but otherwise I say happy holiday. I was raised to respect all religion there still human at the end.
2017-11-12 23:47:40 UTC
i like christmas
2017-11-11 23:06:42 UTC
no......I was brought up in a Christian household and at 65 I still retain those values and MERRY CHRISTMAS to all in 2017
2017-11-11 18:54:31 UTC
Of course not. Look, I'm as liberal as they come in America, and I think that's ridiculous. Christmas is a widely celebrated holiday in the USA. It's not like we're forcing it upon people who don't want it. I'm accepting of people celebrating Muslim and Jewish holidays. So I would expect that it be okay that I can say Merry Christmas any time I want!

Besides, it's never hurt anyone before, has it?

Also much of the Christmas holiday isn't exactly religious motivated (in America anyway). In many countries you have religious teachings on Christmas and very different traditions. Here we give gifts, eat Christmas dinner, have Santa. None of this is very religious related anyways
2017-11-11 15:32:50 UTC
No that is presuming that simply practising yours infringes on theirs. They still say all THEIR crap for THEIR religions.
2017-11-11 08:53:34 UTC
Nope. I am an Atheist and Christmas is not really a religious holiday anymore. More of a cultural holiday. Santa Claus doesn't even have a religion, and Christmas is really a pagan holiday.
2017-11-10 23:58:27 UTC
Of course not.
2017-11-10 21:52:48 UTC
This is a silly non-issue whipped up by Fox News If you think your religion is under attack by not saying it you need to grow up or seek a mental health professional. If you do not celebrate Christmas and think someone saying Merry Christmas is an attack on your beliefs you need to grow up or seek a mental health professional
2017-11-15 19:06:07 UTC
Many people who are christias do not celebrate the pagan holiday. However, as such I do not care if people wish me a Merry Christmas at worste they are presumptuous and don't know any better. I don't get offended as Christians aren't supposed to be easily offended. I do appreciate when people say something more sincere like "have a blessed day" or just have a nice day. That's all that's necessary. You don't have to say anything about a holiday.
Luke Fourvoy
2017-11-14 11:12:31 UTC
Keep saying it. Other cultures have no problems with their festivals and it doesn't affect me. Witness all the Muslims, Sihks, Jews, Hindus, Rastas, Eskimos, Buddhists, Taos, Shintos etc. at out local Christmas market to realise it doesn't seem to bother them at all.

These people needn't bother with the spiritual side if they don't want to. Hell! Most 'Christians' don't even think of Jesus at christmas (or easter).
2017-11-14 01:57:26 UTC
Happy holidays.
The First Dragon
2017-11-13 22:48:05 UTC
What's wrong with wishing others a good time, even if they are not Christian?

"Merry Christmas" is a good thing.

What gets me mad is the stores, who make half their year's income out of the Christmas "season," refusing to say "Merry Christmas." They know why people are spending so much money. It is rude to insult the customers you are profiting form.
2017-11-13 22:39:13 UTC
Absolutely not. I am not religious and I say it - and I am not offended. It's unfair people are trying to ruin our heritage and traditions.
2017-11-13 17:54:07 UTC
Sure, right after all those offended religious groups agree to wear ID's on their clothing.
pH of 7
2017-11-13 16:40:25 UTC
no, we stop saying Merry Christmas if we give in to the dark forces of the political silliness movement.
2017-11-13 15:23:14 UTC
The way you state your question is for coersion purposes.

And, if you are tolerant of everyone and everything then you have no America, and your way of toleration suggests nazism. America was founded on Judeo-Christian principals and values, and people by the constitution can choose if they want to say Merry Christmas or not. So I guess you're saying choice and toleration are opposites.
2017-11-13 05:32:28 UTC
All of that nonsense was flushed down the toilet along with the major turds known as Obama and Hillary. KAWOOSH!!! Adios My Friends, and FELIZ NAVIDAD!!!
2017-11-13 04:02:22 UTC
**** no!

Why should I give up on my spirit of my Christmas just because a miserable Muslim hates it??

I tolerate their loud annoying prayers in the mornings, they should tolerate my Christmas tree.
2017-11-12 23:51:07 UTC
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I tolerate all other religious groups' holiday tidings and religious observance tidings, and I have never met another religious person who did not tolerate my tidings, (such as "Merry Christmas") (even though I am not sure if Jesus was actually physically born from Mary on a December 25'th).

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . It is only atheists who like to find a way to be offended by simple festive happy holiday remarks and to throw up all kinds of sh*t and fury over simple happy tidings such as "Merry Christmas". Bunch of absolute morons when it comes to religion.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Atheists are just as stupid when it comes to people saying "Merry Christmas" as Evangelical Conservatives are stupid when it comes to labor rights, welfare, Social Security, and employee's rights, wages, taxes, capitalism, business expansion, and fair market value of things.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . We ALL have our weak spots. Liberals are just as stupid when it comes to guns.
2017-11-12 15:26:38 UTC
Christmas is a commercial holiday. That being said, it is talked a lot and accepted by everyone because there is a whole business behind it. (Hollywood, Christmas gifts, food industry). Other religious groups don't think of Jesus when they say merry Christmas, they celebrate consumerism. 😂
2017-11-12 14:52:04 UTC
I don't care what words someone uses to greet me during that time of yr. as long as they're being respectful. I think it's convivial that they would take the time to greet me.
2017-11-12 11:26:45 UTC
i'm jewish and that's ridiculous
2017-11-12 09:20:30 UTC
No, I completely disagree.

Muslims can do anything on religious tolerance, but others can't! Why? According to them, only Islam is the religion and rest all are fools and needs to die.

This is not acceptable. I have the freedom to do whatever I want. Wheather I celebrate Christmas or not, it's up to me.
2017-11-12 05:19:48 UTC
Bill O'Reillly wasn't able to win the war on women, but he was able to win the war on Christmas.

So, yes! Say Merry Christmas all you like.
2017-11-11 21:40:25 UTC
Why can't you stop being an as(s-hole and ruining the Christmas season for people?
2017-11-11 15:47:05 UTC
NO. Tolerance is for the politically correct. Political correctness sis a sign of moral weakness.
2017-11-10 21:50:20 UTC
I never stopped.
2017-11-10 21:16:02 UTC
I'm just happy if someone thinks enough of me to wish me a happy or merry anything.
2017-11-14 08:55:11 UTC
No. Christmas is no longer just a christian feast day. It is as much a secular celebration as it is a holy day commemorating Christ's birth. Perhaps the most recognisable symbol of Christmas is an obese man in a red suit with a long, white flowing beard. I cant find him mentioned in the bible.
2017-11-14 03:49:54 UTC

It’s because Christmas is a sham. Odin is the Reason for the Season.
2017-11-13 20:54:25 UTC
Not really. It's a friendly greeting, and shouldn't be taken as offensive.
2017-11-13 18:44:25 UTC
If someone says "Hello" to me, I'm fine with that. I really do not care what greeting they give me. It's all good.
2017-11-13 18:15:59 UTC
2017-11-13 16:19:30 UTC
Considering the fact that non Christian don't celebrate Christmas , maybe saying happy holidays would be better if you are concerned about being more tolerant towards people of other religions. Since Muslims don't celebrate holidays maybe saying assalamualaikum would be appropriate. Also, saying happy thanksgiving to a Native American is very insulting. Those that don't understand why should research the real meaning of thanksgiving and how it originated.
2017-11-13 15:15:56 UTC
No silly idea.
2017-11-13 11:15:33 UTC
No. Christmas is not about other religious groups.
Jacob Sartorius
2017-11-13 06:25:51 UTC
no lol
2017-11-12 10:57:56 UTC
No, I tell Jews and Muslims merry Christmas every year. They don't say much when they find out I pack heat.
2017-11-12 10:21:51 UTC
Merry Christmas.
jacob f
2017-11-12 04:04:04 UTC
Hell no! Don't like it leave! The best Christmas party ever would be to get all the muslims out! Now that would be a merry Christmas!
2017-11-12 02:07:21 UTC
Nope. I think i'm being more tolerant saying MERRY CHRISTMAS than not.
2017-11-12 01:22:09 UTC
No of course not, I don't celebrate that but the vast majority of individuals around here do. I wish them a Merry Christmas.
2017-11-11 20:17:11 UTC
I had invited a coworker to my bday party. She said she didn’t celebrate bdays, to me that meant she is a JW. She nicely declined and hope that I had a good time (I did). I had a blast and her absence was not relevant.
2017-11-11 00:07:43 UTC
This is our culture and it should stay that way. It's all part of the tourism experience for those from other countries and it should be respected.
2017-11-10 21:33:53 UTC
We should stop saying Merry Christmas because Christmas is not a productive use of time
2017-11-10 21:19:19 UTC
No. Other religions know that the most popular saying around this season is "Merry Christmas" If you know a person that does not celebrate Christmas but does Hanukkah, you can say "Happy Hanukkah" but if you really feel awkward saying "Merry Christmas to someone else, simply say "Happy Holidays!"
2017-11-10 21:16:08 UTC
I don't participate in Christmas because I think that it is a pile of materialistic nonsense (I'm not a Christian but if I was I'd be outraged). At the same time I'm not really anti-Christmas either, people can celebrate how they like. I like the coloured lights at least.

I don't think that we should be told what to say one way or the other. Even though I don't like Christmas myself I don't get offended if someone wishes me "Merry Christmas" and I might even say it myself if I know the other person will like it. I think that people should think and act for themselves and decide for themselves what is being tolerant and what is being respectful of others.

Are pagans offended that Christians stole their winter solstice party?
2017-11-10 21:13:24 UTC
six shooter
2017-11-14 07:43:39 UTC
nope. not until you find a new way to count the years.

isnt it offensive that we have counted all of history before and after Christ??

2017-11-14 00:46:14 UTC
no. most people these days celebrate it even if they aren't religious. however, if you know someone doesnt celebrate it, i wouldnt say it to them because what's the point?
2017-11-13 14:06:09 UTC
No I don't agree. I am tolerant of other religions and I expect others to be tolerant of mine. If I decided to live in another country I would not expect that country to change their beliefs to suit mine.

I will continue to wish you a Merry Christmas and will not be offended nor will I get my knickers in an uproar when they respond in their religious belief.
2017-11-13 03:45:17 UTC
2017-11-13 02:37:48 UTC
Merry Christmas. You want to tell me Happy Hanukkah? Or something else similar? Fine. Go ahead! I'm not offended. I would say, "Thank you! You too!"
2017-11-12 23:14:53 UTC
It is Christmas.. it is merry.. fail troll
2017-11-12 20:48:18 UTC
No. Christmas is a wonderful thing and is the birth of Christ so why should we stop to please others?
2017-11-12 16:51:26 UTC
The early Christians did not celebrate Christmas or Easter, nor do true Christians today. So we dont' say "Marry Xmas".
2017-11-12 11:56:02 UTC
Yeah I think we should ban x-mas because it references to the Athenian Greek figures. x comes from the Greek alphabeta and is pronounced 'chi'. And it's a reference to olden times and we should be using something more modern and appropriate.
Proud Deplorable
2017-11-12 10:54:19 UTC
Absolutely not.
2017-11-12 10:00:17 UTC
**** no. We can say merry Christmas just as much as they can say happy hannukah or whatever tf they celebrate.
2017-11-12 08:58:21 UTC
Are you kidding? I have and will always say Merry Christmas. Merry Christ, Jesus birthday. If we don't stop this stupidity now. next they will try getting rid of santa claus, easter bunny.
2017-11-12 06:43:03 UTC
But if it's a religious holiday in the first place, then why isn't it tolerated by other religions?
2017-11-12 02:16:15 UTC
It is selfish to force it upon people who do not want to hear it. In Japan, 99.54% of the population is not Christian. I knew nothing about Christmas until I came to the USA. If someone tells me, "Merry Christmas", I will reply, "Tenno Akihito, otanjobi omedetou gozaimasu!" We Celebrate Emperor Akihito's birthday on December 23 each year.
2017-11-11 22:00:49 UTC
2017-11-11 20:28:13 UTC
Being tolerant is not forcing others to say Merry Christmas I won't silence myself because others feel their feelings are hurt because I don't follow their religions or lack thereof
2017-11-11 14:54:16 UTC
Inde Pendent
2017-11-11 14:08:53 UTC
If you tell people to stop saying "Merry Christmas", then you're not being tolerant of those who want to say it.

What harm does it do? People are too sensitive lately. Does it really affect your life? Lighten up.
2017-11-10 21:16:09 UTC
That's real tolerant to Christians...NOT
YB Logical
2017-11-10 21:15:27 UTC

I think that we should keep saying, "Merry Christmas" and that other religious groups should be more tolerant of us.
2017-11-15 08:16:55 UTC
Nope stupid asf. Let people do what they want and celebrate what they want.
2017-11-14 05:15:05 UTC
If I know there are true Christian. I say Happy Xmas but otherwise I say happy holiday. I was raised to respect all religion there still human at the end.
2017-11-13 19:04:02 UTC

The reason for Christmas is Jesus Christ.

Put Christ back in Christmas.
2017-11-13 18:25:50 UTC
Well, you have a point, but when we say "Christmas," we don't really mean "Christ's mass." So, it's pointless and offends nobody.
2017-11-13 08:28:43 UTC
No we don't say it
2017-11-12 22:06:18 UTC
No. I'm not religious and I say Merry Christmas to everyone at Christmas time.
2017-11-12 21:59:53 UTC
Because I feel like it with a friend who is Muslim cuz I like them and do it out of the goodness of my own heart? Yes.

Because a liberal wants me to have white guilt and demonize christianity? No. Bah humbug to them. And Merry Christmas.
2017-11-12 21:09:58 UTC
What we NEED to do is stop being intolerant in the name of "tolerance" - and stop wheeling out the Thought Police every time someone says Merry Christmas!

By the way, Happy Thanksgiving, Merry CHRISTmas and may God Bless you in the New year.
2017-11-12 15:26:34 UTC
People can say Merry Godzilla for all I care. It's a non issue. So someone says Merry Christmas , so what that's what Dec 25 is called, Christmas. People can say whatever they want. The only people making an issue out of it are Hard nosed Christian fanatics that have a melt down because someone chooses to say happy holidays instead of Merry Christmas. Both are fine because guess what, it is the holidays also.
2017-11-12 15:09:54 UTC
Of course, and let's rename Christmas as ramadam while we're at it.
2017-11-12 12:42:39 UTC
2017-11-12 08:26:23 UTC
2017-11-12 04:08:12 UTC
"Merry Christmas" should be banned. Most terrorists called out "Merry Christmas" when they kill
2017-11-11 22:11:41 UTC
Don't be bloody silly. If I said Merry Christmas to someone (which I don't), it would me said in the same tone as I say good morning, I hope pleasantly and politely.

It has become a greeting very much associated with the Xmas festival, which in itself is a continuation of many other ancient festivals celebrating the symbolic return of the sun to the northern hemisphere.

There would be no original religious connotation meant or intended I can assure you. To become convinced of this I suggest that on a brisk and sunless winters day in the very near future, you strip off to a flimsy pair of your wife's sexy knickers, and do a quick bolt down to the local supermarket for a bottle of milk and a cornish pasty. Run all the way there and back, then ask yourself how important a warm sun would have been to a cro-magnon man. I think that upon your returned journey as your R'rse thawed out , and your nuts became unfrozen, your realisation as a sun worshiper may be suddenly re-awakened. You could end up a much wiser man.
2017-11-11 18:49:57 UTC
No Christain is main dominant religion and at least we don't terrorize and kill people like RADICAL ISLAM.
2017-11-11 17:51:59 UTC
Tolerance means other religious groups allow Christians to celebrate

Their holidays. Even if Christmas is fake and they only celebrate it for

Commercial reasons. You don't think they have Christmas parades

Funded by churches do you? They are funded by business that make

Money selling presents on that holiday. Take the hyper shopping out

Of the holiday and bring it back to depending time with your family

With no gifts and I bet he holiday parades go away and the importance

Of tv coverage and rating decline and tv news about it goes away.

It is entirely commercially driven. Not a real religious event. Easter

Is a real holiday connected to Jesus Christ. Christmas is fake news.
2017-11-11 13:45:09 UTC
No, you can't restrict any group of celebrating there beliefs unless they are causing legitimate harm to others in America, that's all there is to it.
2017-11-11 01:56:06 UTC
the 4th amendment ranks up there with prohibition lol
2017-11-10 21:29:01 UTC
Lol no
2017-11-10 21:20:26 UTC
Who's "we"? I wonder if you lived in another country where a specific religion was dominant ewould you ask them to stop saying religious sayings to people to not offend others?
2017-11-16 00:36:35 UTC
The fact of the matter, NO, because are country was founded on freedom of speech and if you do not like it than just walk away, if you are offended, me personally I celebrate God day everyday because without God we would not exist. That is why you should give God thanks and praise.
2017-11-14 17:41:17 UTC
When someone wishes me a "Merry Christmas" ; I simply say “Thank you”; Or “Have a good day.”
2017-11-14 17:01:36 UTC
Christianity is not the only religion on earth. You don't hear people say Merry Buddha Day or Merry Whatever Festival. It is not a matter of tolerance but it is really a matter of acceptance. Accepting other religions and show respect to others.
Other sheep
2017-11-14 14:32:21 UTC
Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus, and I never stopped saying Merry Christmas. Sinners don't like the reminder of Jesus, and because there are less and less true followers of Christ, there is less and less bold and unashamed witness of Him.
2017-11-13 17:34:24 UTC
I don't think you as a person should but any government related comments should not involve Christmas it excludes other religions do not get me wrong I would love to see a Christmas tree on the lawn of the White House but we need to rewrite the rules if that is the case how would you like it if the president was of another religion other than Christian and decorated the front lawn in his liking all I'm saying is be respectful to other Americans with different religions
2017-11-13 06:28:10 UTC
Are they not the ones being intolerant in this situation? If someone tells me Happy Hanukkah I don't get offended... why should I stop saying Merry Christmas. Tolerance goes both ways, why don't we all just say what we want to and get over it?
2017-11-13 04:43:54 UTC
No. I think that's too politically correct and I'm not even someone who usually complains about political correctness.

I think letting everyone say whatever greeting they like according to their own holiday is the most tolerant thing.
2017-11-12 23:07:53 UTC
That is the Politically Correct viewpoint. But really, most of us liberals do not really care.
2017-11-12 20:19:34 UTC
IF anything should be stopped it should be those preaching other religions here which have been brought from far off countries, especially the religions that demean women, make them the slaves of men, allow polygamy (even though it is illegal in Britain) circumcise little girls (that's illegal here also), choose whom their daughters can marry, prevent many young women from working outside the home etc. etc. etc. Anyone choosing to come here should obey OUR laws and not be allowed to bring theirs here. No-one will force them to celebrate Christmas or to worship Christ but once we give an inch they take a mile and, if we do not stop this craziness, we will soon be forced to follow THEIR laws and religions and Britain will then be a muslim land. That is what they want but when it happens everyone will see the error of their ways and it will be TOO LATE.
2017-11-12 19:27:59 UTC
No, there is this thing called freedom of speech. Which mean I can say whatever the hell I want
Weasel McWeasel
2017-11-12 17:12:30 UTC
I'll say it to whoever I like, and whoever doesn't like it, can go suck on tinsel.
2017-11-12 11:41:40 UTC
2017-11-12 03:29:50 UTC
No. n our country that is our culture. We can recognise and respect the culture of others but must never demean our own.
2017-11-11 12:32:24 UTC
2017-11-10 22:42:07 UTC
No I always say Merry Christmas and I'm an atheist.
2017-11-10 21:53:15 UTC
fvkk the other groups. If you don't like Christmas, get the fvkk out of this country!
2017-11-10 21:26:32 UTC
No calling it Winter nights or some other title to try to be politically correct is wrong. In some countries like in the middle east, we wouldn't be allowed to meet on Sundays for church. How tolerant are these countries to other religions?
2017-11-10 21:24:31 UTC
You can if you want; I won't.
2017-11-10 21:17:20 UTC
If it bothers them that I say Merry Christmas then it is they who are intolerant.
2017-11-10 21:14:45 UTC
2017-11-14 01:00:32 UTC
No. Anyone that is offended by somebody sending them good wishes is a total jerk.
2017-11-14 00:11:59 UTC
I think the real reason no one says it anymore is because our entire culture has lost their beliefs, ideals, and integrity that used to be held. Now everyone is on social media, and socializing in real life has gotten colder, not a lot of people are honestly genuine or nice to people anymore. Then the political people will just try to tell you it's because of x, y, or z for the right or left leaning agenda. In reality, we've all just lost our sense of morality.
2017-11-13 21:56:39 UTC
Only a small percentage of atheists and muslims make a big deal out of it. So no and never.
2017-11-13 21:46:58 UTC
people can say what they want, if they dont celebrate christmas they dont need to say it!
2017-11-13 21:31:21 UTC
No. This is silly. Merry Christmas is just fine. It shouldn t matter to other religious groups that don t celebrate the Christmas holidays. These groups don t change the greetings for their holidays to accommodate Christians. It s just silly.
Andy F
2017-11-13 17:34:43 UTC
I think Christians probably SHOULD say "Merry Christmas" to other Christians.

I think they SHOULDN'T say this to Jews, Muslims, Wiccans, and atheists who really hate all mention of religion.

Why not try to be friendly and polite to EVERYONE, but do this in a way that they can hear as really being friendly & polite?

If I wish a staunch atheist "Merry Christmas," or if I say this to a Jew or a Muslim or a gay person whose idea of Christianity is based on memories of group persecution, I'm kind of being aggressive towards them, kind of saying to them, "My way or the highway."

They don't hear the good wishes and/or blessing in what I'm trying to say; they just think I'm trying to change their religion and push them to adopt my own.

What I do with people I don't know well is wish them a happy holiday, adding "whatever holiday you celebrate at this time of the year." But if I know they're Christian or have good reason to think they are, I definitely wish them Merry Christmas.

Also "peace on earth, good will to men" (and women, too)

-- democratic socialist for kindness and common sense
2017-11-13 09:37:12 UTC
why would anyone get offended if I said merry christmas to my christian brothers?
Mrs H
2017-11-13 07:18:15 UTC
No I don't agree
2017-11-13 07:12:47 UTC
No, people are far too sensitive nowadays. Merry Christmas is a traditional saying in many parts of the world. I think its sad that we're condemning certain traditions because a loud-mouthed minority are too sensitive
2017-11-13 05:45:07 UTC
i'm jewish and that's ridiculous
2017-11-13 03:33:39 UTC
that stupid and merry actually means happy search it up
2017-11-13 02:32:17 UTC

Everyone should say Merry Christmas to Atheists and Muslims and even sing

Christmas songs around them to drive them nuts.

Turn up the volume if Xmas songs are playing on the radio if your on the bus or Metro so they can hear it too :)
2017-11-13 00:37:06 UTC
No, that's just stupid.
2017-11-12 16:03:01 UTC
You can say Merry Rhubarb for all I care.
2017-11-12 05:24:49 UTC
Yes. That would be like saying “Happy Halloween” to people who live in parts of the world where they don’t have or celebrate Halloween. It makes no sense to say that to someone the doesn’t celebrate. It’s really easy to say happy holidays instead of merry Christmas. You can say it from November through January instead of happy new year and happy thanksgiving.
2017-11-11 22:07:53 UTC
Yes, lets show religious tolerance for the muslims shooting and blowing people up.
2017-11-11 16:25:07 UTC
2017-11-11 13:55:10 UTC
I don't know of anyone in my whole life, whether they are Muslim, Jewish or others, who has suffered irreparable damage or been traumatised for life by being wished a Merry Christmas. It is a lot less offensive than a moron screaming "come on satan" in a mosque, synagogue or church or even a shopping centre, realistically or even next door, as it goes.
2017-11-10 22:48:02 UTC
Hell no. Stop using don't to start out questions, also. You seem like a douche trying to get people to agree with you using don't.
2017-11-10 21:18:11 UTC
Merry Christmas, easily-offended Leftist.
2017-11-15 08:14:18 UTC
mary christmas is fine always when accompanied by a hearty hail hosanna in the highest!
2017-11-14 15:51:57 UTC
I say it to be cheerful and nice. If you don't like it well, you don't have to and can say so if you need to. At least to me. I don't mind not saying it to you if it offends you. In fact, I don't have to say anything to you if your so offended. I am quite capable of sitting here minding my own business.
2017-11-14 10:39:31 UTC
Yes, but it's not a big deal.
2017-11-14 06:19:12 UTC
No that is presuming that simply practising yours infringes on theirs. They still say all THEIR crap for THEIR religions.
2017-11-14 01:58:55 UTC
Screw that,this is NORTH AMERICA and it's been "CHRISTIAN" since christ walked on water.If the "towel heads" and "camel jockey's" don't like it then "BYE-BYE".one way ticket out!!!!!!
2017-11-13 16:22:11 UTC
No. Don't have to stop saying it, just don't say to people who are obviously other religions.

I wouldn't be offended if a Muslim told me 'happy Ramadan'. I would be charmed

and amused.
2017-11-13 11:04:59 UTC
No, we shouldn’t change our behavior because people have a different religion. Other religions don’t change the way they behave for others. It’s not that big of a deal.
Smokies Hiker
2017-11-13 01:53:12 UTC
Tolerance has nothing to do with it! Each religion has its own expressions for their religious celebrations. I don't berate or discourage anyone affiliated with a different religion than mine to use their own celebration "expressions", so why should I give up my rights to express my religious expressions? They have the same freedom of expression as everyone else does.
2017-11-13 01:28:52 UTC
2017-11-12 20:56:44 UTC
yes, Christmas is disgusting and puts capitalism on a peditstal ☭☭
2017-11-12 16:35:13 UTC
They should be more Tolerant to our wants and needs.

don't pull back more forward, add on, times this and

plus that. christmas is the best day of the year.

as I'm sure they have a best day of the year to.

lets take that away from them or not...
2017-11-12 16:11:35 UTC
First you need to remember Christmas is not a religious holiday, the Christians threw the birth of Jesus in there to jazz it it up a bit.

It is great to wish people Merry Christmas, it is a positive feeling that should be shared all year round.
White Wolf
2017-11-12 14:01:34 UTC
2017-11-12 05:20:40 UTC
I would like everybody, regardless of their religion, or lack thereof, to have a good day on December 25th, the day my family celebrates Christmas. So saying have a merry Christmas is not me trying to force my beliefs on someone, it is me telling them to enjoy themselves on a day that is special to me and my family. It is none of my business what it is they do on that day.

I tell my Jewish friends happy chanukah just like they tell me merry Christmas, I certainly don't take offense if I am told happy chanukah. I feel good that they wished for to have 8 days of happiness while they celebrate their holiday.

I don't see why people who would be offended at merry Christmas wouldn't be offended at happy holidays. Isn't saying happy holidays like saying merry Christmas, happy chanukah and happy Kwanzaa all at once? That should triple offend people.
2017-11-12 02:29:14 UTC
Great another liberal millennial
2017-11-11 21:05:24 UTC
2017-11-11 13:31:13 UTC
9 incher
2017-11-10 21:19:56 UTC
How about "Merry Thanksgiving" and "Happy Christmas"
2017-11-10 21:17:33 UTC
I say happy holidays because some people don't celebrate Christmas.

One party wants to take away my right to say that
Uncle Pennybags
2017-11-10 21:16:30 UTC
No. It's Christmas time for Christ's sake. It is a major American holiday. Nothing wrong with wishing people a Merry Christmas even if they aren't Christians.

If someone says Happy Hannukah to me even though I'm not Jewish they are still giving me their good wishes. Nothing to be offended about.

PS....I'm an atheist by the way.
2017-11-14 15:51:43 UTC
Definitely it is a pagan ceremony anyway so why bother its not christian in any way shape or form. christians have been duped so wakey wakey!! X me as.
2017-11-14 14:44:23 UTC
No I do not agree, it is my Christmas and how I wish to use it and enjoy it is my choice. Why should I not wish a Muslim or a Jewish person 'Merry Christmas', I am simply wishing them well over the time that I am celebrating.

I do not believe, but it does not stop me celebrating.
2017-11-14 05:32:04 UTC
Shut up
2017-11-14 04:03:54 UTC
No. I think we should say "Merry Christmas" because that's THE holiday that we celebrate in December. I've never heard of someone being offended by being wished joy at a holiday season, even if they don't personally celebrate that holiday. That would be silly.
2017-11-14 02:08:40 UTC
That's like saying we should ALL stop eating meat so that we don't offend any vegans.

Also isn't that a loophole? What if christianity is my religon? then I would have to suppress my own beliefs for some other over sensitive whinner.
2017-11-13 19:49:47 UTC
I don't agree with that no. I live in the USA and we have freedom of religion . That is my right to celebrate Christmas , and I am not even a believer . If someone is so messed up in their own minds that they would actually become upset because of someone saying MERRY CHRISTMAS ....that person needs A LOT MORE HELP THAN MY NOT SAYING MERRY CHRISTMAS ....that is just way to far out there to even be close to having a healthy frame of mind and no amounts of NOT hearing Merry Christmas is going to help this sick individual. and that is not even counting the fact IT IS MY RIGHT AS AN AMERICAN.
2017-11-13 07:50:18 UTC
Say whatever you want, it's called freedom of speech
Blue Skies.
2017-11-13 05:25:59 UTC
Why does it bother you to say Merry Christmas.
2017-11-12 18:58:41 UTC
I agree

Why should you be kind and loving only during winter if you can give presents and love each other for the rest of you life
2017-11-12 16:10:10 UTC
May you do good to others in the Benifacto days. The 10 days of Christmas. You would call them. That time to make new friends help one needy. To repair bad relations. So the world is better on Christmas day. A American holiday. But the stores here are starting to push it.
2017-11-12 11:06:48 UTC
That's so stupid if you tell them whatever in the hell you believe in and they tell you whatever in the hell they believe in for the that holiday and you two trade greetings and keep going.
Verulam 1
2017-11-12 10:35:36 UTC
No I do NOT AGREE!! If you mean in the UK, this is, regardless, still a Christian country and we celebrate Christmas, still.
2017-11-12 08:29:42 UTC
I'm an atheist and I don't think saying saying "Merry Christmas" is intolerant in itself though I do think it's stupid to get offended at hearing "Happy Holidays" or think there's a war against Christmas when you can hear Christmas songs before Halloween.
2017-11-12 08:08:23 UTC
It is actually intolerant to be offended by Merry Christmas.
2017-11-12 04:19:07 UTC
I think the Anti-Happy holidays people are making a big deal outta nothing and the Anti- Merry christmas people care too much about such a little thing.
tony vespucci
2017-11-12 00:22:59 UTC
God doesn't respect all religions, that's why Hell exists for people who reject Jesus Christ. Jesus himself said "I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the father but by me." Here is a 7 minute video that shows you how to make sure you never go to hell. It's totally free, and costs you nothing but your time.
2017-11-11 21:33:46 UTC
Muricans are retarded
2017-11-11 20:00:18 UTC
Get a life, snowFLAKE
2017-11-11 06:12:43 UTC
2017-11-10 21:20:33 UTC
I don't agree at all. I'll say whatever the hell I want to say. Screw your politeness.

I am not going to stop saying happy Halloween because some Christian fanatic wants me to, either.

People need to stop being such wimpy snowflakes. If hearing "Merry Christmas" hurts your precious feelings, then you need to grow the hell up.

Seriously, what the hell is up with all this whiny crap. Starbucks has a red cup instead of Merry Christmas on their cup, SO WHAT???

I don't care about sh1t. People can do whatever the hell they want to do so long as they are not causing harm.

SORRY SNOWFLAKES, but saying Merry Christmas or Happy Holiday or having just a blank red cup is not harming anyone.

Both sides need to grow up and stop being pansies.
2017-11-14 22:27:12 UTC
No, other groups should understand why we say it and also get over it. Its like saying that we shouldn't swear because Mormons don't like it. They should learn to deal with it and understand that people are going to be people. Acceptance is a true virtue.
S i r i
2017-11-14 02:21:24 UTC
Christmas should NOT repeat NOT be a national holiday. its religious and federsl and state workers should NOT get it off.
2017-11-13 21:11:27 UTC
2017-11-13 08:55:01 UTC
No. It's more along the lines of caving in to militant atheists and others trying to make Christianity socially unacceptable.
Armchair Goddess #1
2017-11-13 03:51:31 UTC
Say what you want...this is a free country supposedly. Happy Holidays covers all, or say nothing. It's up to you.
2017-11-13 01:13:21 UTC
Every days are Christmas for me. I have no money.
2017-11-12 19:16:45 UTC
USA was founded as a Judeo-Christian country. We have said Merry Christmas for most of the years since then, so if they want different values, go somewhere that their views are the norm. THEY should be tolerant, or leave. I wish a M*E*R*R*Y C*H*R*I*S*T*M*A*S to all.
2017-11-12 07:00:38 UTC
I'd say I'm pretty liberal (though i don't really follow any political party) and I don't really have a religion but I will tell say merry Christmas because it's a holiday I celebrate BUT if I know someone else is celebrating another holiday I will gladly wish them well with whatever greeting they would prefer
2017-11-12 03:48:24 UTC
I believe in Christ, therefore I'm gonna say Merry Christmas all I want, and you can do whatever you want to do, but no I do not believe anyone should stop saying Merry Christmas, that's nothing you'll ever have control over.
2017-11-12 03:39:02 UTC you want extra chips with your order ?
2017-11-12 03:03:40 UTC
No way. Would they not say happy rammadam to please us. I dont think so...
EU Dictatorship
2017-11-12 01:35:35 UTC
Only Christians should celebrate Christmas and buy presents, anyone else is a complete hypocrite and waste of space.
2017-11-12 01:06:20 UTC

Secular humanism is a religion,all liberals worship it,and nearly everything they say offends me,so I really do not care if my saying "merry Christmas" offends them or not.
2017-11-12 00:27:26 UTC
I was raised to respond to a cheerful and well meant greeting with a "Thank you, and to you and yours".

So if anyone sincerely wishes me a merry Christmas, happy Hanuka, or a happy holiday, I'll try to respond in kind.

There is no war on Christmas, and no one is forcing Christmas on anyone.
2017-11-11 19:57:07 UTC
People who want it that way should not live where people celebrate Christmas.
2017-11-11 19:50:47 UTC
It’s just a word. As long as you’re not rubbing into someone’s face why shouldn’t you be able to call it that?
2017-11-11 14:59:03 UTC
That's just silly.
2017-11-11 09:09:02 UTC
If you are an atheist, it would mean nothing to you anyway as you don't believe in Christ. As for other religions, they usually have sympathy for other religious believers.
2017-11-10 21:44:58 UTC
Yes, I think that's a good idea. Something like "Happy Holidays" is more inclusive. Stupid, intolerant Xians believe that they somehow have exclusive rights to the holiday season. They're not particularly good at sharing.
John M
2017-11-10 21:24:27 UTC
No, knowing what intolerance really means is far more important.
I care
2017-11-15 04:34:06 UTC
2017-11-14 01:41:58 UTC
No. I prefer Happy Holidays, because I may or may not see that person between T'giving and New Year's. I like to cover all bases. But then, I am not stupid.
2017-11-13 22:09:08 UTC
2017-11-13 20:50:47 UTC
We should be less tolerant of those who are not Christian.
2017-11-13 15:30:54 UTC
I think that "Happy Holidays" is just fine.
2017-11-13 14:35:52 UTC
It is a bit arrogant to presume that everyone around you celebrates Xmas. So, I just say a neutral, "Happy Holidays".
2017-11-13 04:35:51 UTC
Then Christmas has long since been about Jesus. Lets be honest on this one. Do you put up plastic reindeer, and Santas because its part of the Bible? Christmas as a Christian standpoint as long since been about pushing sales and nothing else.

Then its the Christians that usually lose their marbles when somehow they don't go along with your insanity. I could care less if you put a scene where Santa is standing over a teddy bear surrounded by plastic squirrels. Just do it on your own lawn. Not the city hall building.
2017-11-13 02:52:10 UTC
No. And who cares? It doesn't mean anything. Most people are just robots. It's like saying "bless you" when someone sneezes.
2017-11-12 18:46:45 UTC
. NO. Christ was born in July, what we celebrate as Christmas is more a family time to remember His teachings of tolerance. To stop to conform for others is allowing others to conform us away from tolerance.
2017-11-12 13:43:06 UTC
What happens if the people who DON'T celebrate Christmas just...don't care about it?
2017-11-12 11:56:47 UTC
if you're Jewish you should be able to say happy Hanukkah, Christians should be able to say merry Christmas,and pagans say happy Yule. And if you're not comfortable then happy holidays. People shouldn't get upset over something as trivial as that.
2017-11-12 06:29:36 UTC
2017-11-12 05:55:02 UTC
Funny thing is, this whole thing was created by white people. As a Muslim I really don't care if you say Merry Christmas to me. I'll say it back.
2017-11-12 04:22:26 UTC
I don't give a tinker's dam what you say. All religious groups are delusional & all holidays are just another excuse for capitalist pigs to peddle more over-priced, under-quality crap to suckers.
2017-11-11 20:03:25 UTC
No. Say whatever is in your heart to say, hopefully with some consideration for your audience. Likewise, if you hear a heartfelt greeting other than your preferred one, it's up to you to smile & not be offended, unless the otrher person is deliberaely trying to goad you; then I'd hold back on a reaction just to be a better person. I'm Jewish & I'll say "Merry Christmas" to those I know will appreciate it.

If someone says "Merry Christmas" to me, I hear, "I wish for you the same joy in your holidays as I wish for my own." & I can, from the heart & honestly, respond, "Thank you; you, too!"

If they're a prig trying to start something, I *MAY* respond with an annoying lecrture on how there really are "holidays," even for Christians (1st day od winter, Xmas Eve, Xmas, Boxing Day, New Year's) so, pedantically speaking, "happy holidays" is appropriate.

When I volunteer for the Salvation Army's Kettle Campaign, I say, "Merry Xmas," to all, because I'm representing the Sallies & that's their focus. . .
2017-11-11 19:58:13 UTC
Of course not, that's our religious celebration.We shouldn't stop using 'Merry Christmas" just for others, would they stop doing what they usually do for us?
Anne Campbell
2017-11-11 15:28:01 UTC
This from an Atheist. No while I do not say this I might say 'Have a good one.' To me the thing is that it is good to be wished well, it is the spirit of the wish rather than the way it is framed. I do get somewhat exercised by the politically correct mafia.
2017-11-11 10:05:38 UTC
I don't understand how stop saying Merry Christmas will help us do that?
2017-11-11 09:14:34 UTC
I'll say whatever I wanna say. You can take your political correctness and shove it.
Capitalist Dingo
2017-11-10 21:17:24 UTC
No. I don't care what religious people, Christian or not, are offended by.

I'm not religious and I celebrate Christmas.

It's a secular holiday with a Pagan beginning.
brother trucker
2017-11-14 15:08:47 UTC
How does me not wishing you a merry Christmas make me more tolerant? If I get angry because someone says happy Hanukah thats my problem and I should be dealing with my racist traits not expanding on them by trying to silence his good will towards me.

Cowards always attack what wont bite back.

Grab an education. Its free in the free world.

The snow is building up outside, Merry Christmas friend.
2017-11-14 10:40:37 UTC
No. You may say so to fellow Christians only.
2017-11-14 03:12:01 UTC
Some of us do not want to hear that. People have no right to force their beliefs upon everyone in such manner.
2017-11-13 06:41:04 UTC
No way. If you are speaking tolerance than anyone in the other religions who don't celebrate Christmas have to be tolerant too. It's a 2 way street, we either can all live in peace and tolerance whilst celebrating our different religions or we all can live in muted, communism.
2017-11-13 04:40:06 UTC
NO that is absolute PC is NOT tolerant of Christians....So I guess people saying you're a Moron is tolerant
2017-11-13 02:12:03 UTC
No we stop saying "Merry Christmas" to avoid an unpleasant encounter with people who feel threatened by diversity and choose to use a strawman argument, knowing they will not be well received if they complain about their real issue.

NO ONE wants people to stop wishing another person well. It isn't like there is a finite amount of "merry" and it gets used up if you happen to wish a non-christian joy at the holiday you celebrate. It is a nice thing to individualize your greeting. But the only people making a stink over "Merry Christmas" are insecure Christians who need to be in a majority to feel right, (safe or whole or content or whatever one person doesn't have because another has enough) but don't dare actually say they feel lessened by other people's gains.
2017-11-12 20:58:26 UTC
But it is abashes psychologically that we hate our culture and it's foundations as a nation. It may be more tolerant and in some companies it is politically correct, but it sends the wrong message.
2017-11-12 20:23:34 UTC
Nope if they're offended that is their problem.
2017-11-12 20:05:49 UTC
No many atheists/agnostics say it as well as Christians and other religions mainly as a seasonal greeting
Jimmy C
2017-11-12 17:30:36 UTC
Christmas, although most people seem to have forgotten, is the day we celebrate the birth of Christ. This year is 2,017 years after the birth of Christ. We base our whole calendar on His birth.

Merry Christmas.
Gaia’s Garden
2017-11-12 15:59:33 UTC
I’m pagan and have no problem wishing people a merry Christmas. We wish people a happy birthday on their day, not ours, so holidays are the same.
2017-11-12 09:50:01 UTC
Absolutely not. I say Eid Mubarak as well. I walk into supermarket when it’s Eid or Ramadan the whole supermarket left right and centre is plastered with Islamic festival decorations. When it’s Diwali the whole place is decorated as well, fire works go off for weeks and I am proud to say Happy Diwali. I think it’s important to embrace other celebrations.

As well as that, not a lot of people celebrate Christmas for religious reasons, most people celebrate Christmas as it’s the act of giving.
2017-11-12 07:47:18 UTC
The 16th century reformers in Scotland played down Christmas, especially the merry making involved, but instead of letting the Kirk make life even gloomier and depressing, normal Scots took to getting drunk at Hogmanay (New Years' Eve) instead. How did that improve anything. Should we wish everyone a devout, joyless and godfearing holyday instead? And persuade our Muslim friends to "celebrate" Ead in the same manner?
2017-11-12 06:17:29 UTC
2017-11-12 00:10:10 UTC
No, but it has already happened in a lot places now. In most down town displays it says happy holidays instead of Merry Christmas. In my opinion though Christmas is an American holiday instead of a religious holiday.
2017-11-11 11:32:18 UTC
2017-11-10 21:25:04 UTC
LMAO! War on christmas. :rollseyes:

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.