Atheists- what will you say when you come face to face with GOD?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Atheists- what will you say when you come face to face with GOD?
62 answers:
is spelnilg ralely imrtoapnt?
2009-12-21 21:32:46 UTC
ooh, im scared.
2009-12-21 21:32:48 UTC
Do you really believe this nonsense?
Straight Talker
2009-12-21 21:33:39 UTC
I'll say "MAN! This is some GOOD ACID!"

Then i'll remember your post and mock you. Then offer God a spliff.
The Vegan Butcher
2009-12-21 21:33:44 UTC
I'd say dude wtf srsly! You see all this horrid stuff going on and did nothing! YOU FAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!
2009-12-21 21:36:16 UTC
"Why did you help Ted Haggard get rich off ignorant people while completely ignoring all the people dying of AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa?"

That's what I'd ask him. I'd love to hear him try to explain his way out of that.
2009-12-21 21:34:20 UTC
You know with all this condemnation you still can't offer any proof of your claims other than campfire stories passed down from one tribe to another.
Big Steve
2009-12-21 21:33:44 UTC
id say, youre a ******* a$$hole...give him the finger, and go on about my life
2009-12-21 21:33:25 UTC

Look at the goof.
LowLife Atheist4Ever
2009-12-21 21:33:08 UTC
I'll schedule an appointment with a psychiatrist, because it would be a hallucination.
2009-12-21 21:32:51 UTC
I wont be able to say anything.. God is fake

2009-12-21 21:35:59 UTC
Well said:) God Bless you...
keith of keithZworld
2009-12-23 17:09:16 UTC
What you say isn't based on fact. But if I was to be a situation where I thought I saw something that could be a God, I would be seeking professional therapy.

There is nothing false about science. If you are going to call science false, you might as well say that the theory of gravity is incorrect. But the last time I accidentally knocked over one of my coffee mugs it dropped to the ground and broke. If it wasn't for science, we would still be arguing that the world is flat and not globe shaped, nor would be have electricity, television and we wouldn't be answering this question as Yahoo, the internet or the entire technology for computers would not be invented.

If you are so anti science why are you using a device created with scientific minds?

By the way, it really doesn't make very much sense that you threaten Atheists, with these outlandish series of events and then randomly say "God Bless You". If you are so willing to tell us all this, I hardly believe you want the god you believe in to bless us.
Rico Toasterman JPA
2009-12-21 21:36:48 UTC
What's to be done? If I fall down on my knees and wail, "Oh how could I have been so wrong?" will it change things? Not according the way your religion has been presented to me.

Now, if there's wriggle room, I'd say, "JC, if you're half the guy your PR says you are, I think you'll get me. You say, second only to loving God, loving one another is the most important rule (Mark 12:28-31). Now, that's just a rephrasing of you what you call, in Matthew 7:12, the summation of all the law and the writings of the prophets. Now, since this golden rule has been enshrined in religions and philosophies from long before your first human incarnation, and because it makes so much sense, I've lived my life by it. Furthermore, in the parable of the sheep and the goats (Matthew 25:31–46), you say that when a person does kindnesses for the least of your children, the prisoners, the sick, the impoverished, it's as if they are doing those kindnesses to you yourself. I've done a lot of that. So, in loving my fellow man, I've actually been loving you, which, is your first most important law. Are you really willing to cast me to eternal torment, just because I never professed a belief in you, despite the fact that I have acted according to your two most important rules, not for hope of reward, but merely because I felt it was the right thing to do? If that's the kind of deity you are, just cast me in the lake o' fire."

The question you need to ask yourself is, does the image of non-believers screaming and crying and wailing "Oh, how could we have been so very wrong?" provide you with smug self-satisfaction? If so, you may want to examine your own motives and question whether you are a true sheep of the shepherd or are you a goat, claiming you love your lord, but not acting accordingly?
Eric L
2009-12-21 21:39:42 UTC
I would say, "Well God, you really shouldn't have played shadow games with the world, it seems pointless. Why not just show yourself to everyone? But hey, if heaven is set up the way most believe, I should be good to go since I was still a good person (unlike many religious people that use your name to persecute anyone with a differing opinion)."

You say a storm is gathering. So do you think the world is going to end? How are you certain of this? Don't you realize the danger of having people make huge decisions based on a theory that it doesn't matter since the world will end soon or God will fix the problems. Global Warming much?

You might be right. Everyone may face God when they die. You might be wrong too. You might destroy this world because of your beliefs. Lucky for you, if you are wrong, you are just dead and you don't have to justify your actions to the rest of mankind.
2009-12-21 21:50:21 UTC
First off, I would need some credentials to make sure it was really god. You suppose god has a drivers license for it's flying machine. Then I would tell god that it is way to hung up on gold. Gold streets and davans even. And the pearly gates scare me. LOL. How many oysters you suppose god had to kill to get so many pearls. Then if the talk went any further I would have to ask god how it could have screwed up the human creation so bad in giveing the first two the same blood. And then haveing to go to plan B after the flood. But, I have no fear, as I shall just pull the old insaneity plea. I am a crazy old coot, you know.
2009-12-22 07:41:58 UTC
His golden divan? What? This is not good news that someone had made Donald Trump God. Only he would have a golden divan in his anteroom. That man is so tacky that his combover has its own zipcode. Now the only ones getting into heaven will be the silicone Barbies.
2009-12-22 07:15:39 UTC
silly for sure this question, and heard that million of times.

There is no god, so this is really getting nowhere. You are just threatening people to go to hell, thats all you do. But I do not care.

What will you say, if you die, and are dead for good ? This is also a silly question, because you cant say anything.

Now well, for the very sake of this useless argument lets say there is a god and I do stand there and he has a little chat with me. I say the exact same thing I say here :

Cheese Fairy - Mummified
2009-12-21 21:39:48 UTC
How do you know we all haven't come face to face with god already? Perhaps he was that bum you either ignored or chose to help, that small child being exuberant you either smiled at or scowled about.

So many examples to be had - and if god is in all things and all beings, you have already come face to face with god and had judgments made of you by him. Yet he shows up again and again, to see if you changed for the better or the worse.

There's no need for the drama you're trying to invoke - even as someone without religion (Note, without religion does not mean without beliefs) like myself can be aware, gods are in the Small things, and gods do not need all the drama humans try to insist upon and create for them.

God's already come face to face with you several times this year - how did you miss it?

I see someone is scared by the idea that god can be anywhere and everywhere - what is it that you're doing that my idea scares you enough to give it a thumbs down? What are you trying to hide?

EDIT - Splash, yes you can - regular bacon, or chocolate covered?
2009-12-21 21:37:04 UTC
I'm with Michael on this one, I do not believe god exists and no threat of "Heavenly storms" will change that. I suggest you learn to accept other people's ways of life and beliefs. People like you are the reason World War Two happened.
2009-12-21 21:43:52 UTC
The fact that you say "when" instead of "if," implying you "know" beyond a shadow of a doubt, without any evidence whatsoever, that a god exists, and that your god out of the thousands of proposed gods is the correct god, shows us atheists that you are in fact crazy.

Anyway, in answer to your question, I guess I'd go to hell. Now it's my turn. What happens when you find out that the true god sends believers of false god's (i.e. Yahweh) to hell, and nonbelievers to heaven?
2009-12-21 21:41:26 UTC
"The Catholic and Orthodox churches as well as the Reformed denominations have no tradition of a preliminary return of Christ and reject the doctrine, in part because they cannot find any reference to it among any of the early Church fathers and find its biblical foundation weak.[17]. Some also reject it because they interpret prophetic scriptures in either an amillennial or postmillennial fashion."

Wikipedia: Rapture
2009-12-23 04:41:52 UTC
I would ask him to set all the records straight.

You guys claim that he said this and that, he doesnt want this or that, he hates this or that, he wont love this or that BUT NONE OF THAT IS TRUE UNTIL HE SAYS IT HIMSELF. Then i would ask him what he thinks of all those false statements you people make, such as science is false. I will never regret all my questions because I know he would enjoy them. People like you will only pretend to listen, but intellectuals like me will actually listen and ask the right questions to learn more.
2009-12-22 00:03:19 UTC
Nothing because he does not exist!!!

But think on a minute!

Consider: -

Do your posts draw people to christianity? HARDLY

Do they offend and drive them further away? HIGHLY LIKELY!!

God's work? HARDLY

Seems you are in serious trouble at the final judgment then!!

If there is a god he will no doubt see that you have driven people away not to christianity and that can only mean one place!!!!
2009-12-21 21:35:47 UTC
A golden divan doesn't seem too comfortable. You'd think someone who claimed to be omnipotent could get better furniture.
2009-12-21 21:44:53 UTC
leave athiests people alone, they have the right to believe in what they believe in just like you have the right to believe. if god is real (im not saying he is fake or real) im pretty shure he will be an happy person not some opinionated grumpy do or die repent or perish kind of dude

chill out and be your self :)
2009-12-21 21:39:37 UTC
I believe if there is a 'God' then he will forgive me and accept me for I am a good person leading a good life.

Doesn't the bible teach forgiveness? Also doesn't wouldn't 'God' be grateful that I haven't wasted my life praying to him, and by actually Living?
drew d
2009-12-21 23:38:37 UTC
Not to be condescending or anything, but the things you just said in this question sounds absolutely ridiculous. And i won't say anything because he wont be there.

SATAN bless you-
2009-12-21 21:38:18 UTC
I'm not an atheist but I believe they will say nothing in the judgment. Though I would give a penny for their thoughts on that day.
2009-12-21 21:35:34 UTC
If my current beliefs are wrong, i will admit that i made a mistake.

I'm not going to beg for mercy.

-To answer the question concerning birds, birds tend to fly to shelter.
2009-12-22 00:39:13 UTC
Well Griego, I'm going to quote your mother. Wearing a shirt that says Jaaaam, I'll walk up to him and politely say "Dumdumdidday"

Bet you didn't know he knew your momma.
2009-12-21 21:36:33 UTC
You are a fool. I don't believe in your "god" or any other. As such "god" (whatever the f--k that means) has no power over me. And "He" has an anteroom? How is it decorated? ARROGANT FAIL.
2009-12-21 21:37:30 UTC
How will you respond when the stars align, and Cthulhu rises from his sleep in the city of R'lyeh, and devours all mankind?
2009-12-21 21:35:21 UTC
tell me more about the anteroom, and the divan. is this god fella british or what?
2009-12-21 21:36:23 UTC
Christians - what will you say when you come face to face with GOD? you know you jack off all the time.
Actual Answer Illuminatus
2009-12-21 21:33:34 UTC
Not an atheist but not a Christian. I would ask him if he wants a beer. I will have a six pack buried with me just in case. Next round's on him though.
2009-12-21 21:44:10 UTC
Scream!!! ... Didn't Moses come face to face with god and his hair turned white? ... Sounds scary!
2009-12-21 22:02:26 UTC
Yes.....I mean no....I mean wait wait!!! I mean Rocky Road......OK final answer: Inflatable Julia Louise Dreyfus doll
2009-12-21 22:24:23 UTC
Your ignorance amazes.

Theists, what will you say when you die, oh. Never mind. That's right. Nothiiiiiiing haaaapeeeeens.
The Doctor
2009-12-21 21:37:17 UTC
I will stand tall before the Lord and speak these words with truth and clarity...

"Ooh boy did YOU screw up..."
2009-12-21 21:34:56 UTC
We just have to let life be.

RS has become more of an atheist place, so most of the religious ones are still here but our faith grows stronger.

God bless
2009-12-21 21:33:51 UTC
god will be what I name the earthworm that eats me as I decay. Go read a biology book dumbass.
Chef Quiet
2009-12-21 21:33:35 UTC
If they don't believe in God in the first place, then how are you expecting them to answer your question? Stop worrying about others so much.
No name, no face
2009-12-21 21:33:38 UTC
Cthulhu fhtang!
2009-12-22 15:35:19 UTC
I'll be brain dead. I won't be aware of any such happening.
2009-12-23 20:15:26 UTC
then I will call him an evil asshole right to his face, his evil is obvious enough even for me.
GorJess (is just peachy, thanks)
2009-12-21 22:28:16 UTC
Tic-tac, sir?
2009-12-21 21:35:58 UTC
Nicely played fear card, my friend -- do you have any logic to go with that?
2009-12-21 21:40:19 UTC
Can I get bacon on that?
2009-12-21 21:33:26 UTC
2009-12-21 21:33:01 UTC
can't feel the electricity in the air
2009-12-21 21:35:26 UTC
"You looked taller in 'The Ten Commandments.'"
2009-12-21 21:35:29 UTC
I would tell him to go fack himself.
the redcuber
2009-12-21 21:33:31 UTC
I would blaspheme his name and damn him while I slowly descend into the lake of fire.
2009-12-22 21:07:57 UTC
nothing sense it will never happen.
2009-12-21 21:39:14 UTC
Can't get any, ey?
2009-12-21 21:38:41 UTC
They will not recognize Him
2009-12-21 21:33:26 UTC
Where's my money?
2009-12-22 00:49:53 UTC
2009-12-21 21:39:28 UTC
2009-12-23 19:01:31 UTC
2009-12-21 21:33:03 UTC
By the time they die, it will be too late for them.
2009-12-21 21:33:57 UTC
"Wat up G-dizzle, where's the Mrs.?"

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.