if God created man and woman with one particular skin tone, then why so many skin colours today?
2011-04-09 18:45:00 UTC
If God created the people one way, should their skin not stay that way ?
Nineteen answers:
2011-04-09 18:55:33 UTC
Actually, all the possible variations of skin tones can come from an origin of a middle-brown skin-tone. We are all actually shades of brown, except for albinos. They're white. Genetic variation can happen even between offspring of people who appear to have the same skin-tone. Sometimes extreme variations occur, such as the one in this link: Genetics is more complicated than you think, so try not to over-simplify things. The answers aren't as easy as they would seem at first glance.
2011-04-09 18:54:23 UTC
1) if God created man and woman with one particular skin tone, then why so many skin colours today?

Genetic variability.

2) If God created the people one way, should their skin not stay that way ?

Only if God designed our genes in such a way that our skin tone would not and could not change from one generation to the next. Apparently, God did not design human genes in that way. You will notice that most animals also do not have genes that work in such a manner - though some genes generally do act that way (such as with the feathers of most birds).

- Jim,
2011-04-09 18:53:18 UTC
I'm Black and my skin-tone is fairly normal, I'm not light and not dark just in the middle. If I were to move to a place like Sweden, my skin-tone would lighten up because the sun would not be on me as much as it would if I lived in a place like South Africa where my skin-tone would darken because the sun would always be on me. I know this because I used to live in Alaska and then I moved to Texas and I got the same results in the change in my skin-tone but for now since it still feels like Winter down here in Central Texas and I rarely go outside because I absolutely despise insects, my skin-tone is in the middle.

Now, of course, Adam and Eve's (and whoever else lived during those times) descendants did not stay in Africa (which is where the garden of Eden is located) and supposedly the first people who walked the Earth looked like they were from the Middle East so I'd say they were tan-ish brown caramel (dead center in the middle of white and Black). Some of them went up North (please, remember that back then the Earth only had one mass of land called Pangaea) The North was cold and didn't have that much sun light so after centuries of living there they probably looked like today's average European (of course there was some gene mutation involved in that, too)

Other people went down South where there was a significant amount of heat and sunlight and after a few centuries of living there they probably looked like today's average African and some Middle Easterners such as the Tamil people and this also involved some gene mutation. And finally, some people traveled a little more to the East (Middle Easterners) or migrated all the way to the edge of the Sea (East Asians) and that pretty much sums it up.

However, I've heard multiple theories on why East Asians have slanted eyes, one of the most common being that they would always squint to see the land that was emerging from the Sea (The Americas, which was actually moving there after Pangaea had already been split into many different lands) and their faces got stuck that way. lol, I know that is really messed up but that's what I heard.

And Native Americans were East Asians that immigrated over to the "land that came from the Sea" after it had moved close enough to them.

So, technically, we are all cousins even if we're 1, 000, 000th cousins we are still all cousins. Considering, I don't believe God put more then 10 people on Earth.
2016-10-27 13:36:32 UTC
Scripture says that God created guy of all hues on the sixth day and He appeared at what He had created, and placed it to be very, very reliable. As to why - God also states that each and each and every unmarried soul that He created, He created for His excitement. So, it may look that it became because it extremely joyful Him. yet another easier idea previous it is that God created all the races and referred to they were very reliable - and created the exterior colour to certainly co-exist with the element of the international the man could stay in - A black human being's pores and skin is perchance extra tolerate of the solar's rays, etc. surely we could use effortless experience that once God created guy he must have considered the organic aspects (solar, wind, sand - even if) considering that He also created those aspects, and is definitely-known with that flesh is amazingly gentle and perishable. in basic terms seems to make experience, ya comprehend?
2011-04-09 18:48:26 UTC
The explanations from both science and religion are worthless. Do you know of any Black Family who over the generations has become Chinese? No race has ever changed into another one. There is the possibility that humans of various races were placed here by those from other planets. Keep in mind that when when primitive people saw UFOs they called them Gods. The Aborigines People have different skeletal structures compared to everyone else. I'd like to hear explanations for that.
2011-04-09 18:56:58 UTC
Before the flood humans were genetically pure like cats and when they had a litter, just like cats they had a mixture of different races and types, even ginger ones. Luckily for humanity as a whole the tabby race was killed of in the flood as they were very, very naughty sinners. Humanity was condemned to nakedness by them as they wouldn't stop playing with the yarn. ( I may be making this up, but tell me, is any more ridiculous than the original).
Bobby Jim
2011-04-09 18:50:54 UTC
The skin tones for the different races were already part of the DNA of Adam and Eve.

Melanin is a wonderful protective substance within out bodies.
2011-04-09 18:47:50 UTC
Hypothetically? They use the Tower of Babel story to explain the existence of variety in both language and race.

In reality? The question is invalid, because God didn't create man and woman. Humanity evolved from lower primates, diverging from our common ancestor with chimpanzees about six million years ago, and the human races that exist today are the result of fairly recent divergence due to local environmental factors.
2011-04-09 18:48:18 UTC
That is a point that most people ignore.

The only argument I've ever heard is that the original humans had genes of every race.
2011-04-09 18:47:15 UTC
God did not create people to be one way. Notice the mating with our races and producing different types of people...

and people do change according to their land mass..notice people in warmer climates are darker because they have to withstand the heat? No I don't believe in Darwinism either. Just like Arabs have so called "bigger noses" because they need to be able to breathe more easily with all the dry heat in the dessert..
2011-04-09 18:46:53 UTC
"If God created man and woman with one particular skin tone"

-- God didn't create man.

"why so many skin colours today?"

-- Evolution by natural selection, with influencing factors such as Vitamin D and skin cancer.
Kyrie Eleison
2011-04-09 18:52:39 UTC
Just wonderin' how does evolution disprove God?
2011-04-09 18:48:11 UTC
Maybe God didn't create humanity?
2011-04-09 18:51:19 UTC
cuz maybe god isnt in control?? oh noes!

idk actually but i am sure god..jesus.. loves you just the way you are =) :o)
2011-04-09 18:46:17 UTC
The first rule of Evolution is we don't talk about evolution
2011-04-09 18:48:38 UTC
That is a great question but I don't know. Try asking your pastor :)
2011-04-09 18:54:39 UTC
Because people of color are of the devil, not god. Duh.

p.s. Are you really that stupid?
Truth hurts, doesn't it?
2011-04-09 18:46:18 UTC
I just want to see the believers's answers to this..
2011-04-09 18:46:16 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.