2011-12-13 17:43:05 UTC
Take Christianity, for example.
If you point to the history of seemingly godless Christians, then it is because those really weren't Christians to begin with (including the popes who sanctioned millions to die from papal inquisitions).
If you try to disprove the bible, it's because you took it literally, when you should have taken it as allegory (or vice versa, whenever the context suits them).
If you try to disprove the religion with historical or modern science to root out contradictions, it is because God made it that way (e.g. God made evolution), or because Satan put it there to trick us (Satan made fossils).
If you try to point to God's unjust or behavior, it is because you have finite understanding, and cannot fully comprehend what is right from wrong from God's action, because he knows best (the fall of mankind for the rest of history, from the simple act of eating a fruit).