What is the evidence for Atheism?
2020-11-10 07:11:41 UTC
What is the evidence for Atheism?
85 answers:
Ms. Switch
2020-11-13 01:20:51 UTC
I believe there is a lot out there yet to be discovered, but I do not think that the idea of "God" as described by the Abrahamic faith scriptures captures the reality of what it is.
2020-11-12 04:55:27 UTC
I see what believers call god as nothing more than a belief. Also atheism is just a non-acceptance of that belief. Atheists say believers can't prove their god-belief, therefore there is nothing to accept about that belief.
2020-11-11 17:08:52 UTC
They believed no god exist and no Theist could call forth their god to appear in person to refute their belief.
2020-11-11 01:00:38 UTC
2020-11-10 22:43:51 UTC
You want me to provide evidence that I don't believe in God?  Sorry, I guess you'll just have to take my word for it.
2020-11-10 20:56:48 UTC
Our evidence for no God is primarily the lack of evidence for a God.  Now, it is true, that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.  But God has the same amount of evidence as a unicorn...but you don't believe in unicorns until you see evidence right?  

What about Superman?  Seen any evidence of Superman?  No?  Does that lack of evidence tell you he's real or fake?  You know he's fake.  What about Hogwarts?  

Let's take it up to the next notch - if at least one God is real, how do you know WHICH?  Each religion says it's right and others are wrong.  So at most 1 religion of the tens of thousands in existence today can be right.  None have even a drop of evidence for their God being real.

And if God were real, why would he MOSTLY hide, but then only contact us in vague and imprecise ways?  Why would God communicate only through prophets and thousands year old scriptures?  If God wanted to be worshipped, wouldn't he communicate clearly, in ways not open to interpretation?  And if he's good, as is usually claimed, why would he send people to hell for the mere 'sin' of not GUESSING correctly in this multi-religion lottery?

Logically, he wouldn't.  Honestly, we can go on and on and on with this.  God just doesn't make SENSE any way you look at it.  His purported actions are illogical.  Why would God create homosexuals and then order his followers to hate and kill them (make no mistake, the bible EXPLICITLY orders the death of homosexuals).  Why would God approve of slavery as the Bible does?  Why would God create man so badly that he needed to kill all of them except Noah's family?  Isn't he all-knowing?  How could he have goofed so spectacularly?

No seriously, we could do this for hours.  I'll stop here.
2020-11-10 20:51:29 UTC
"Atheist" was a word made by Greeks to call people who do not believe in gods... ask those Greeks to explain what evidence means curiously they made the "atheos"  word 5 centuries before any Christian exist, and 1,100 years before any Muslim... 

You got any evidence about the reality of those Greek Gods, what about evidence of any God... go ahead enlight us with your evidence... Who was speaking the truth about gods in those Greek times, the theist or the atheist? We got a long tradition of theists fairy tales but you need to hide anonymously... to speak the "truth"
2020-11-10 19:28:08 UTC
There's none.  There's only a bunch of confused people that worship Satan and scientists that claim to be atheists but there's no scientific proof they actually exist therefore they're non existent. If it can't be proven scientifically they don't exist.   

Update: if atheism is an acceptance of reality, then you'd have to accept the reality that you cannot prove or disprove God by scenific methods because science is inadequate for such a task therefore you cannot conclude there is no God but only that you feel there's no God which is not proof.
Ernest S
2020-11-10 17:53:41 UTC
Atheism is a heart choice to seek to avoid reproof and accountability, so as to live as they please.

Isn't this obvious? Atheists are not to bright if they cannot realise this can be easily seen.
Simon T
2020-11-10 16:55:49 UTC
What is your evidence for the non-existence of pixies?

You do not need evidence for the non-existence of something.   You need evidence for the existence of something.

There is evidence of horses, dolphins, dinosaurs.  That is why we accept these things as real.

There is on evidence for unicorns, mermaids, and fire-breathing dragons.  That is why we do not accept that these things are real.

If you want to claim that some deity is real - all you have to do is provide some credible evidence.

Go ahead, we are all waiting.
Joseph B
2020-11-13 15:14:52 UTC
Personally I think there is a God and an afterlife, but it is not going to be at all like many "religious" people imagine it to be.
2020-11-12 17:00:01 UTC
The utter lack of any evidence for any deity being real.
Andrew S
2020-11-12 02:05:42 UTC
Maybe atheism is evidence that there are people without souls otherwise known as demons or liberals.  I guess a souless demon wouldn't know that its different or souless it would think its right about everything no matter how disgusting, immoral or corrupt.
2020-11-11 23:19:58 UTC
There is no convincing evidence that any gods exist. Theists have only absurd lies, logical fallacies and quoting bad fiction in the Bible to use in their arguments. There is even more evidence against gods. I do not have time to list all of it now. 
No Chance Without Jesus
2020-11-11 21:24:01 UTC doesn't make sense, but then they are atheists
2020-11-11 06:06:48 UTC
Atheism is a philosophy based entirely upon faith. There is no evidence to support that BELIEF SYSTEM.

GOD makes believers out of everyone. There is no atheist in hell. Not one.

Isaiah 45:23 KJV — I have sworn by myself, the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, That unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall confess to God.

Tempus fugit
2020-11-10 21:16:49 UTC
You meet'em everywhere, acting just like every other new convert to something or othter.
2020-11-10 20:34:58 UTC
Arguments against God:

1. I don’t like the idea of a creator. If god exists, I just might be accountable for my actions.

2. Because I can come up with a parody religion called Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

3. Because you can’t tell me who created god (I think I'm the first person to come up with that).

4. Because the Coronavirus exists and god wouldn't allow the Coronavirus to exist (I know because I wouldn't if I were god).

5. My teacher confidently told me science has proven there is no god, and since I’m a free thinker, I believe everything she tells me.

6. Because he didn't appear to me in my bedroom when I challenged him to appear.


Obviously, I'm being facetious, but I hear those all the time (just worded a bit differently). 
2020-11-10 18:49:12 UTC
Atheism is an acceptance of reality. Reality does not require defending because reality is real.
2020-11-10 18:23:05 UTC
Consistency.  The best evidence is consistent evidence.  We know the Earth rotates around the sun because the length of the day and the year are consistent.  We know that the wind blows because we can consistently measure the air speed.  We know there are black holes (even though no one has seen one) because we can consistently measure the radiation and gravitational influence of the black holes.  

The biggest weakness of religious claims is a lack of consistency.  There are 1000s of religions all making different (i.e. inconsistent) claims.  The contents of Bible and other holy books are inconsistent with observable natural science and often inconsistent within their own pages.  The claims of miracles and the power of prayer are all inconsistent, religious people die from natural disasters and illness at the same rate as everyone else.  The claim that belief in God makes you a better person is inconsistent with the behavior of those who make that claim (e.g. clergy sexual abuse, Trump, jails full of Christians, etc.).

Without consistency, we can dismiss the evidence of religion.  Without evidence, we can dismiss religion.  Without religion, we can dismiss the claims about God since those are all derived from religion.  

Atheism is, on the other hand, 100% consistent with the evidence.  And, as we learn more and more about the universe we see more and more that no supernatural creator is required.
2020-11-10 17:39:17 UTC
Athens was an island in greece named after the god Athena.
Saad M
2020-11-10 16:14:15 UTC
Ignorance and disbelief.
2020-11-10 15:49:03 UTC
My evidence for Atheism is Theism!

Without Theists,  Atheists wouldn't exist!
Campbell Hayden
2020-11-10 15:34:17 UTC
The evidence for Atheism is that 

it is defined, confirmable, and extant. 
2020-11-10 14:54:46 UTC
Atheism isn't a claim. It's a conclusion. Show that a god exists, just one, then atheism will cease to exist. 
2020-11-10 13:24:59 UTC
Atheism is not a religion; although it is a statement of faith. It's the lack of evidence of the existence of gods that acts as the proof for atheism, but as we haven't explored every last molecule of the universe (and any possible parallel existences) there is the slimmest of chances that a god or gods exist. 

The chance that it's your god of choice, however, is miniscule...
2020-11-10 09:50:30 UTC
The evidence for atheism is that people act as though no god exists, so it is only reasonable to think that they have a disbelief in gods, which is what atheism is.

If you mean, what is the evidence that no gods exist, the problem is that the absence of gods does not have any detectable properties. The only way to resolve this is to propose a god and examine its testable properties. If the god has no testable properties either, then the issue cannot be resolved.
Your Word is a light to my roadway
2020-11-10 07:35:21 UTC
Atheists claim a lack of evidence for God, yet, millions of people see evidence for God and exercise faith.
2020-11-10 07:17:46 UTC
Excuse me. Atheism is a position of not accepting the belief in a god. There is no way to prove a negative, such as unbelief. It is the obligation of the believers (probably like you) to prove your belief is substantiated, or to yield to the scripture that verifies Christianity is a belief, not a proven fact. Repeat after me "For I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day" (2 Timothy 1:12).
Pirate AM™
2020-11-10 07:16:58 UTC
The same as the evidence for not believing in Big Foot, the Loch Ness monster, fairies, Santa Claus, alien abductions or any other number of things that don't have objective, empirical evidence.

Of course, you could look up the definition of atheism and release that a lack of belief doesn't require evidence...


BTW, does it irritate anyone else that "Santa" is automatically put in red and green letters?  I guess it was nice around Christmas, but it's been all year around and it doesn't stop --- please make it stop  :)
𝐸𝓂𝓂𝒶 ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
2020-11-13 08:12:36 UTC
The evidence is the lack of evidence for theism
Quinn the eskimo
2020-11-12 23:32:31 UTC
The baby talk big bang baloney
2020-11-12 21:51:21 UTC
if there's a religion you reject you're atheist towards it
2020-11-12 16:19:09 UTC
Lack of evidence for God is in and of itself evidence for atheism.
2020-11-12 15:49:25 UTC
Atheists don't need to prove there is no God. You need to prove there is a God.
Sunny Advocate
2020-11-11 14:54:27 UTC
Atheists can never say what was there before the Big Bang. They just say 'nothing' but they can't explain what 'nothing' actually is. No human brain can, which is why I believe in something that has superior powers to the human brain and not that some random atoms acting together for no reason which seems to be an absolutely a ridiculous idea for any human to accept. Absolutely no logic.

The most recent developments in evolutionary biology have increased the probability of a God. God makes the mathematical underpinnings of the universe comprehensible.

I wonder why an intelligent Universe could create even morons with different views. That would definitely be bcoz if darkness exist light should also exist. There is a battle between truth from God and lies from the devil everywhere in the world so we have investigation agencies, crime branches, police and of course you see here we have Yahoo answers as well where everybody is either spreading truth or lies or some innocent people who are the victims of lies as they cannot trace the deeply concealed truth bcoz of the lie which is rampantly being spread. 
2020-11-11 00:08:00 UTC
There are two general non-answers atheists will provide:  

 - They will roll out the old "No Proof/No evidence Fallacy":

AKA Argumentum ad ignorantiam: "There is no evidence of aliens,

and therefore, aliens do not exist" which is a major fallacy =

Argument from ignorance.

 - Many of them will "Throw the Dummy" (pretend to not

understand "which god" you're talking about) - even when the

context is absolutely clear - as in this question. "Throwing the

Dummy" is a method of lying while pretending to answer a


If you don't believe what I've said, just read their answers to

THIS very question to see the absolute proof that I'm 100%


A fallacy is always a fallacy - no matter who uses it. 
2020-11-10 21:47:24 UTC
The fact of the matter: They have no evidence because the law of God is written on all of our hearts, that is why we are married to the law of God and the only way out is when we die, or if we are truly saved, then we are forever and ever will be with God in the new heavens and new earth without sin. Read 2 Corinthians 3:2
2020-11-10 20:41:39 UTC
An - Greek prefix meaning without

Theo - Greek root meaning 'to arrange, posit, position.

A theory is an arrangement of ideas, whether they be religious superstitions or scientific conjectures. 

Scientific theories differ because experiments can be designed and performed - at some point - that have the capacity to add weight or invalidate the theory. Superstitious theories lack testability. 

When you see that a theory is non-testable, then it has no sway on you. This is the state of atheism. 

When you don't understand a theory enough to know if it is testable, then you are agnostic:

Prefix = an- (without) 

Root = Gnosis (state of knowing). 
2020-11-10 19:43:34 UTC
2020-11-10 18:46:02 UTC
Posted by Ernest S

"Isn't this obvious? Atheists are not to bright if they cannot realise this can be easily seen."

Err, no. Atheists will question things and make up their minds based on facts, Theists just believe in their invisible friend and the contents of an unsubstantiated  book of fairy stories.  Nice try, though :) 
2020-11-10 18:21:30 UTC
The evidence for atheism? You mean, evidence that atheism exists?

Just look around you. You can see us everywhere.
2020-11-10 17:31:17 UTC
It's the same evidence you use to not believe in the Tooth Fairy.  You don't believe in the Tooth Fairy, right?
2020-11-10 14:08:38 UTC
I've got a cardboard box, in which I've captured no gods. As gods are supposed to be omnipresent, I've proven they aren't.
God of Thunder
2020-11-10 13:27:01 UTC
Atheism is the rejection of unsupported religious claims. Saying "I don't believe you" does not require evidence.  Do you ask people who don't believe in fairies for their evidence?
2020-11-10 13:05:04 UTC
The evidence for atheism is that there are people who lack belief in 'god(s)'.

Now, where is the evidence for 'god(s)'?  The burden of proof is on the people making the claim.

Instead, we get arguments from antiquity, arguments from authority, arguments from ignorance, and infinite variations on 'look at the trees'.
2020-11-10 10:15:56 UTC
That's like asking what the evidence is for vegetarians.  They exist.  Anyone can see that.

If you mean what evidence is there that God doesn't exist, it's not possible to prove that anything doesn't exist.  All we atheists say is that due to the total lack of evidence that God does exist, we do not believe that he does.
2020-11-10 09:08:34 UTC
No 'evidence' is required for atheism to exist.

If you don't believe any gods, devils, heavens or hells exist, you're in!

Theists 'believe' in all these things.. Atheists don't. 

It's THAT simple! No alternate gods, devils, or non-existent destinations required..
2020-11-10 07:31:18 UTC
There is none.  Atheism is a horrible offense against God.  It is very, very wrong to claim God does not exist.
2020-11-10 07:28:18 UTC
The obvious evidence is: There are MANY MANY people across the world, who REFUSE to be taken for idiots by stories that don't make sense. They are called: atheists ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
2020-11-14 23:31:17 UTC
There is no actual evidence of atheism, just like there is really no actual evidence of God. They are both beliefs, just opposing beliefs.
Sid Boggle
2020-11-13 19:14:57 UTC
None since Islamic migration seeking Sharia Law
2020-11-12 02:58:55 UTC
Thousands of years ago the first atheist said "can you prove your god exists?", we've been waiting ever since.

There is no agreement between the religious as to what god is, what it wants or how we are meant to make it happy.  Even amongst Christians there is no agreement on how many books there are in the bible, who should be worshipped and what god expects and wants.  There are tens of thousands of religions, all with non-compatible beliefs but all completely sure they are correct and all others are false.  If the religious had a unified message then it would be very strong, but their inability to agree on pretty much any subject leaves it very hard to believe in their claims.

Prayer doesn't work, no single religious group has longer life expectancy, no miracles can be proven, competing religions all claim personal experiences, the claim is made that god wants a personal relationship with us and yet won't communicate with us (really there should be no doubt if He actually wanted us to know Him), the horror of the church history, the fact god was forced into many gaps and has retreated from those as our knowledge increases (pregnancy, lightning, crop cycles, earthquakes etc), the problem of suffering, the hell doctrine makes no sense...
Robin W
2020-11-11 11:33:53 UTC
Atheism is not a claim.  It's the rejection of a claim that a god or gods exists.  It's up to the people making that claim to provide evidence. 
2020-11-11 10:25:51 UTC
Atheism is a belief. A belief that there is not a God.

Theism is a belief. A belief that there is a God.

There is no evidence that there is or is not a God.

When you are asking someone if they are religious or atheists, you're asking for their opinion of what they think.

You don't need evidence for an opinion. You need evidence for facts.

Factually we don't know what came before this Universe. How it all started.
2020-11-11 05:48:16 UTC
Atheism does not need proof.

 It is a lack of belief in supernatural creatures or acts. 

Believing in these creatures requires proof. 

You really are a dumbass. 
2020-11-11 04:40:22 UTC
The evidence for atheism is simple.  The Bible is so full of errors that nobody can believe it.  And it is the ONLY source of any statements about God.  All other sources are derivative from an untrustworthy book.
2020-11-11 03:14:27 UTC
You want me to provide evidence that I believe in God?  Sorry, I guess you'll just have to take my word for it.
Special EPhex
2020-11-11 00:52:15 UTC
Lebron James is the best basketball player ever, because I say so.  I have all the expert analysis, statistics and documented footage backing my claim.  All the claims about Wilt Chamberlain, Michael Jordan, and Kobe Bryant are a bunch of fairytales that defy logic and reason; thus, are not worth any serious examination. 

2020-11-10 23:48:25 UTC
That psychopath people exist. That psychopath people invented the abrahamic god that genetically benefits the psychopath people who invented that abrahamic god. That the psychopaths who invented the abrahamic god said that their god was good but was pro-slavery and pro-psychopathy in general.
2020-11-10 22:49:51 UTC
I have seen only two logical but easily defeated arguments which support atheism: the existence of evil and the existence of suffering.  

Evil is the result of free choice.  Its existence only affirms that free will exists.  Without free will there can be no evil, nor good.  

Suffering is a bit more complicated as it seems to oppose the concept of a loving God.  However if one looks at why God would wish to create a physical realm when there already existed a supernatural realm then the answer becomes evident.  The one thing that God could not do was create us already loving.  This is not a limitation of God as to do so would be a contradiction.  Love by its nature cannot be forced and remain love.  It must be freely given.  This gives reason for the physical realm because here we are denied direct knowledge of God's existence and so the freedom of our choices to love or do evil remain.  We learn to love through the experience of pain, suffering toil and death.  When we experience these in ourselves or a member of our social circle we learn to feel compassion and sympathy for others experiencing the same thing.  This starts again with members of our social circle, but soon we find ourselves caring about those outside of it as well.  Caring for others leads to true selfless love.  I believe that it is to learn to love is the reason we exist as physical beings. 
Shrek Cristo
2020-11-10 22:08:54 UTC
Atheism wouldn't even exist, if gods were real.
2020-11-10 19:46:55 UTC
It's obvious that atheism exists. There's plenty of literature on the subject.

Since atheism makes no claims, it has nothing to provide evidence for. Atheists are usually rejecting a claim, not making one. Most atheists are agnostic.

A better question would have been, "What is the evidence that no gods exist?". To that I would answer: Absence of evidence is evidence of absence.
2020-11-10 19:29:39 UTC
Reason.  It's the irrational, illogical, fairy tale nature of religions and of magical thinking that show that rational, logical atheism is correct.  
2020-11-10 18:16:47 UTC
The lack of evidence for religions
2020-11-10 11:07:09 UTC
The facts show that nothing supernatural exists and that rules out all gods.
2020-11-10 08:28:03 UTC
There is no 'evidence' for atheism. You simply say "gods don't exist", and you're an atheist. It's that simple.
2020-11-10 08:23:24 UTC
The demonstration is somewhat involved. Can you mention what is your IQ, so I know if it is worth my time explaining?
2020-11-10 07:58:24 UTC
Atheists. They exist. They rationalize reality to only consist of what they can see and hear, feel, stuff like that. So, what is that claim of nothing existing outside their sense parameters? Atheist is a word that describes a person; themselves. It's not a description of reality I accept. But I can accept that there are atheists, for now.
2020-11-10 07:21:43 UTC
That they win and they refuse to be under something worthless knowing they're suffering anyway if they walk one step into that terrible path.
2020-11-12 02:48:12 UTC
None whatsoever.
2020-11-12 02:18:57 UTC
None.  Otherwise existence would have to have self-created, which is impossible.  As the Greeks put it, οὐδὲν ἕξ οὐδενός (From nothing, nothing comes)

There had to be a First Cause (God)
2020-11-12 00:55:35 UTC
Man created God, god didn't create man.  I'd be interested in hearing any proof to the contrary?
2020-11-12 00:50:26 UTC
Same as it has been since the first person worshiped the Sun God: No one has ever been able to prove a god exists and by observation and logic, they don't. Not to mention all scriptures used as evidence of gods have so many errors and impossibilities they are self defeating.

Oh and the fact there are so many people claiming they are atheists is pretty self evidentiary.
2020-11-11 22:33:43 UTC
The same as for theism:  none.  

The atheist regulars here on Y!A like to ask (very smugly), what is the evidence that the God whom Christians worship, or any other deities, exist.  Well, that works both ways.  

Atheists, you assert that no God or gods exist.  What's your evidence for that?  EVIDENCE, I said, FACTUAL EVIDENCE. What's your factual, not anecdotal or moral, proof that no God or gods exist?

And for extra credit, what's your evidence that no other supernatural beings, such as angels, exist?
2020-11-11 12:54:22 UTC
 it dont require any evidence cos its a definition just same as theism

(ALL you need to be a theist is to believe an entity (god) exists - NO proof is required that proves a "god" exists)

to be an atheist all thats required is to believe no "god" exists)

Its not surprising theists keel repeating this question - It all goes to prove how stupid they are.
Donito Taylor
2020-11-11 05:25:09 UTC
Darwin noted the problem and it still remains. The evolutionary family trees in textbooks are based on imagination, not fossil evidence. Famous Harvard paleontologist (and evolutionist), Stephen Jay Gould, wrote, “The extreme rarity of transitional forms in the fossil record persists as the trade secret of paleontology”.
2020-11-11 04:09:04 UTC
Infinite regress from nothing.
2020-11-11 03:10:09 UTC
I think people don't believe because they don't see enough evidence.

They believe in that magical thinking that it happened by accident.  A blob of some primordial stew landed on a rock, possibly from the ocean (after, of course, the "big Bang" which is still a theory) and then a fish developed, grew legs and .....
2020-11-10 23:40:52 UTC
As others have said, atheism requires no proof: it’s a conclusion that since reliable proof has not been tendered, and given the sophistication of the cultures which first gave us gods, and the fact that many worship practices have waxed and waned without a divine intervention or consequence, that the gods are stories, not beings.

But if you want some kind of support, okay: how about church collapses? 
tony b
2020-11-10 20:18:40 UTC
the lack of evidence that god exists is a pretty big one
2020-11-10 18:44:58 UTC
Atheism isn't a claim and thus needs no evidence. You claim a God exists. I don't believe you. It's your job to provide evidence, not mine. 
2020-11-10 17:39:24 UTC
 There is no evidence for any belief, it takes faith, atheists!
2020-11-10 10:47:22 UTC
The evidence for atheism is there are atheists. It is not making a positive claim for existence so there is nothing else to prove. 
2020-11-10 09:06:27 UTC
An encyclopedia describes how the ancient Hebrews worshipped many gods and goddesses.  They eventually merged El and Yahweh into one and eliminated the other gods.  They took stories from other religions and changed the gods and characters.  In other words, they deliberately created their religion out of lies.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.