I strive to be respectful and tolerant of the right of individuals and groups to have their own unadulterated culture, customs and beliefs. My tolerance extends to the point where the expression of those beliefs violate certain standards of behaviors: If they attempt to violate another’s civil rights, seek to incite harm to anyone, willfully deceive another or misrepresent the beliefs of others then my tolerance ceases.
This is a question forum where people ask questions to learn. If the logic of the asker is taken in full meaning, he shouldn't be asking or "instructing" above. However, what he's posted is not correct on many levels. ( It is astonishing that someone who uses the name "crusader" has any connection to Judaism in the first place, that would be like a black man using Grand Wizard of the KKK )
Living as a light unto the nations as a member of a covenant people who are not only scattered across the world in a world where we have always been a minority means we are also obligated to work with all other humans if we're going to have any effectiveness with tikkun olam. (repair of the world) I'm not going to define every aspect of Jewish faith here or even go into detail why the asker's question so openly reveals that it comes from someone who displays less knowledge of halacha than some of our Gentile friends have shown here, but I will explain one term he uses above. Avodah zarah is the prophibition of idol worship, and it is the first of the Noahide laws.
Jews speaking out to aide any human being who is wrongfully being assaulted whether verbally or physically is a moral obligation that we have.
"They said of Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakai that no man ever greeted him
first, even idol worshippers in the market" [i.e., Rabbi Yochanan ben
Zakai was the first to greet every person, even idol worshippers]
(Berachot 17).
"[it is proper to] support the idol worshippers during the sabbatical
year …. and to inquire after their welfare [commentators: even on the
days of the holidays of their idols, even if they do not keep the
seven Noahide commandments] because of the ways of peace." (Shevi'it
'We support poor Gentiles with the poor people of Israel, and we
visit sick Gentiles as well as the sick of Israel and we bury the
dead of the Gentiles as well as the dead of Israel, because of the
ways of peace." (Gitin 61a)
Because our obligation as Jews means that we must strive to live as an example of righteousness to lead the world to justice and mercy for all peoples, means that we do not idly stand by when anyone's basic human rights are violated.
Spreading willful misinformation and bigotry about the beliefs of others for the purpose of spreading hatred and inciting violence is not only extremely disruptive for Yahoo Answers and violates their rules, it is something that beleiving Jews may not remain silent in the face of it.
The Gentiles who correct misinformation do so out of their own conscience and I've not usually seen them go beyond the basics to simply help prevent the spread of Jew hate. If it weren't for good Gentiles who have spoken up in the past many times in history to help stop Jew hate and who have also given their lives for us..the Jews as a people wouldn't be here. I suggest you read up a little on King Cyrus the Persian for just one Biblical example of a Gentile who helped Jews and Judaism survive.
Words have the power to create hate and violence or to create respect and civility within the psyche of the person reading and depending on their perspective and life experience.
I've never liked the name of the group because I don't think any particular religion or people should be named specifically if it is for all peoples.The Allies of the Jews, Pagans and Allies are one's I think who are more likely overlooked sometimes but not out of any sense of seeing them as secondary but because there is simply so much hate here to "go around"., but I've spent 2 years in Y/A making friends with perhaps most of the members of them because I've found kindred spirits in people who support actually behaving like respectful adults. The members of the group often have religions that are quite conflicting and some even don't particularly like the religions of a few others ..but we are grown ups who have a sense of right and wrong and respect for the rights of others to behave with civility to one another despite our religious differences. We don't proselytize or demand that anyone accept our religion as right and we aren't asked to do this by others.
It isn't just Jews and Pagans, but also a great many Allies ( of perhaps a dozen different peoples and religions and also atheists) I wasn't a "member" for a long time despite the fact that I was already connected to most of them beforehand..people who share in ethics/values often find connections. I was so often named as a JPA I finally did join up ..the name of the group put me off because I knew people like this asker and others like one of the respondents here would find ways to take that group name and pervert it. I jokingly mocked the name with in my own punny way when it first began..and of course, my over the top acronym suggestion as to what to call the group was wisely nixed. for those of you who recall it :) although I do feel like pulling it out for this q.
I have Native friends from several different nations, atheist, Christian
Wiccan, Pagan,Buddist, Hindu, Muslim Zoroastrian. , deist and Pantheist or two in the mix. and I know I'm leaving someone out so forgive me...and I don't try to follow their paths but I do try to learn from them about what they are really all about and help them learn from me as Yahoo Answers is intended. I star questions for these contacts so that they can give accurate information about their beliefs. Jews don’t ask or expect others to teach Judaism here and Jews aren’t expected to teach about other religions here. That has NEVER been the purpose of the group. We are here to support one another’s basic human rights as peoples and the use of Yahoo Answers as it's guidelines INTEND.. (see my first paragraph) If I see someone posting rabid bigotry against any of them I report it. Less than half of the rabid bigotry posted to any group is actually removed. It isn't only posts saying that Jews should die, but the shocking number of posts advocating violence to Native Americans and atheists that have really given me pause. If that makes me a report monkey just give me a banana. I do not ever report silliness or even misinformation..I only report egregious violations that incite bigotry and violence.
I see it as sort of the Anti Defamation League of Yahoo in one regard..while we aren't anything more than a loose association of contacts who star q's for one another to answer, we stand strong against bigotry to ANYONE of any belief or no belief.
Like other groups that promote respect and tolerance, those who are at odds with that will find ways to try to discredit and defame those who expose them.
Think about how Morris Dees and the Southern Poverty Law Center are demonized by the hate groups he exposes.
Recently there have been a spate of avatars appearing with JPA in them, and people claiming "membership" who have been working hard at just such efforts. Putting JPA under your screen name doesn't prove to anyone you're doing what the purpose of this loose association of contacts has formed to do. Promote use of YA for it's stated use. I find it odd that the asker states he "continually" sees someone state that a Jew who converts to Christianity no longer Jewish,(meaning they aren't of the Jewish FAITH any longer) then he would know those answers have always been in direct response to people who have been PROMOTING what he is condemning in his very first additional detail, avodah zarah..worship that is directly forbidden as one of the sins for which a Jew would die rather than commit!
Worship of a man as a god is forbidden in Judaism. That is something that millions of Jews have indeed given their life up rather than commit.
"Even medieval Jews understood very well that Christianity is avodah zarah of a special type. The tosafists assert that although a Christian pronouncing the name of Jesus in an oath would be taking the name of "another god," it is nonetheless the case that when Christians say the word "God," they have in mind the Creator of heaven and earth. Some later authorities took the continuation of that Tosafot to mean that this special type of avodah zarah is forbidden to Jews but permissible to gentiles, so that a non-Jew who engages in Christian worship commits no sin" Rabbi Avrohom Yeshaya Karelitz
I find it very odd that the CRUSADER here would write a question in a manner that could so easily be used to promote worship of Christian doctrine as permissibly "Jewish".