Wrong question.
Your health and future welfare depends on an understanding of biology that comes only from the insights evolution provides. What has Creation Science done that matches, say, Polio Vaccine? You are likely too young to remember what it was like before Polio Vaccine, but your grandparents should remember, ask them.
“….The concept of biological evolution is one of the most important ideas ever generated by the application of scientific methods to the natural world. The evolution of all the organisms that live on earth today from ancestors that lived in the past is at the core of genetics, biochemistry, neurobiology, physiology, ecology, and other biological disciplines. It helps to explain the emergence of new infectious diseases, the development of antibiotic resistance in bacteria, the agricultural relationships among wild and domestic plants and animals, the composition of the earth's atmosphere, the molecular machinery of the cell, the similarities between human beings and other primates, and countless other features of the biological and physical world. As the great geneticist and evolutionist Theodosius Dobzhansky wrote in 1973, quote, Nothing in biology makes sense except in light of evolution, unquote. …..” Quote from a National Academy of Sciences booklet, quoted by Ken Miller, PhD, at the Dover, PA Trial
The correct questions are: Which theory for the diversity of life on earth is the most useful? Creation Science/Intelligent Design or Evolution. Which theory leads to an understanding of how biology works and new knowledge? Where do we go after "God did it. We can never understand it."
Of what use is Creation Science? Here are a few things driven by the Theory of Evolution:
Salk Polio Vaccine 1955
Sabin Polio Vaccine 1962
Rubella Vaccine 1969 Measles, Mumps, Rubella Vaccine 1971
Genetically Engineered Insulin 1973
Small Pox eradicated 1980
What has been Creation Sciences contribution to the human race? Are any Creation Scientists working on a general cure for cancer, an Ebola Vaccine, any thing like that?
Would you really want to give up a theory that works and predicts so well and has led to so many beneficial understandings of how biology works?