If you wish to learn more about religion, first find out why you ought to reject all of them. Become a Bible scholar, and read things by peer reviewed researchers, like this guy. Here's a paragraph or two from one of his books.
“Jesus Has No History
“No Primary Source (First-Person) Accounts of Jesus Exist
“No historians of the time mention Jesus. Suetonius (65-135) does not. Pliny the Younger only mentions Christians (Paulists) with no comment of Jesus himself.
“Tacitus mentions a Jesus, but it is likely that after a century of Christian preaching Tacitus was just reacting to these rumors, or probably talking about one of the many other Messiah's of the time. Josephus, a methodical, accurate and dedicated historian of the time mentions John the Baptist, Herod, Pilate and many aspects of Jewish life but does not mention Jesus.
“(The Testimonium Flavianum has been shown to be a third century Christian fraud).
“He once mentions a Jesus, but gives no information other than that he is a brother of a James.
“Jesus was not an unusual name, either. Justus, another Jewish historian who lived in Tiberias (near Kapernaum, a place Jesus frequented) did not mention Jesus nor any of his miracles.
“It is only in the evidence of later writers, writing about earlier times, that we find a Jesus.
“What is more surprising (Jesus could simply have been unknown to local historians) is that academics note that the GOSPELS THEMSELVES do not allude to first-hand historical sources, either!
“The four Gospels that eventually made it into the New Testament, for example, are all anonymous, written in the third person ABOUT Jesus and his companions.
“None of them contains a first-person narrative ("One day, when Jesus and I went into Capernaum..."), or claims to be written by an eyewitness or companion of an eyewitness.
“Why then do we call them Matthew, Mark, Luke and John?
“Because sometime in the second century, when proto-orthodox Christians recognized the need for APOSTLIC authorities, they attributed these books to apostles (Matthew and John) and close companions of apostles (Mark, the secretary of Peter; and Luke, the “travelling companion of Paul). Most scholars today have abandoned these identifications, and recognize that the books were written by otherwise unknown but relatively well-educated Greek-speaking (and writing) Christians during the second half of the first century.”
Find out where all those bible stories came from... Adam and Eve comes from Sumer and Babylon, the idea of heaven parallels The Valley of Reeds, which is Egyptian, Judgment day is the same as Weighing of the Heart, also Egyptian. It goes on and on and on.... people who lived near the Tribe of Israel, not only swapped wives, goods and food, they swapped stories as well.
And for sure read, "The Book your Church Doesn't Want You to Read", by T. Leedom... all these at your library.