A religion you have to pay for...............?
2007-04-11 12:01:57 UTC
True we all pay for religion through war but my question is about Scientology.....

I looked on a website & they wnt tell you about it unless you pay them $100 to sit a test.

Does anyone know what this religion is all about. Im curious but am no way paying £50 to have some bible basher lecture me. I can get that for free on this site!!!

25 answers:
2007-04-11 12:06:16 UTC
Well, years and years ago, based on some random thinking and no empirical data a science fiction writer wrote a book on a system he called "Dianetics"... It was more or less a self-help system he thought up at random based upon various influences (more or less combining some eastern and pagan religious practices with some psychological methods)... This was all well and good, then Hubbard saw that for whatever reason, this book sold particularly well, and the man saw he could make a good deal of money off of this... So he wrote another book, and another. With all this writing, he needs some additional information to include in these books, so, he found a device called the "E-meter" which functions as a particularly crude lie detector by measuring the electrical resistance in one's skin, and he founded the Church of Scientology as a way of gaining perpetual profit off of the same material. Hubbard has stated at many times over the years that he founded the church for profit, as have his children.

Time when on, and Scientology began to gain practices that helped it grow as a religion, like forcing members to break all contact with anyone who questions it, gathering a group to launch a legal attack, whether there was basis for it or not, on anyone who publicly criticized it, "auditing" techniques quite similar to those used in re-education camps, and promises of super powers upon reaching the religion's highest levels. It is unclear whether these techniques, the brainwashing ones or otherwise, were designed, or merely stumbled upon by luck.

Anyway, so after a while, Hubbard, a SCIENCE FICTION WRITER, has a core of devout followers, and this is when things start going particularly screwy, as those around him ate up his every word, no matter how strange it may have seemed. The religion had already introduced a concept of past lives. so Hubbard began weaving strange stories about a man named Xenu who came to earth and destroyed all life millions of years ago, leaving all of our reincarnated forms traumatized, his critics became agents of Xenu and this story became something only the enlightened who had endured long portions of time within scientology could understand because the enlightenment it has brought them, again helping the highest levels feel like they were an elite in some way. He also retreated to the ocean, gather a small fleet of scientologist-owned vessels and deaming himself "the commodor". He gathered together young girls dressed in white hotpants while at sea to serve his every whim, and taking up punishments such as throwing people in tiny dirty lockers for days to weeks at a time and blindfolding people and throwing them overboard (a 40 foot drop)...

More recently, after his death, there have been other wonderful occurances within the religion, like the death of Lisa McPherson, whom they prevented from receiving treatment for a mental illness and who was found dehydrated covered in cockroach bites in a scientologist facility.... Scientology isn't recognized as a religion in may nation yet and actually has public service warning leaflets, like those on organized crime and islamic extremism in Germany.
2007-04-11 12:16:07 UTC
Oh puh-lease. You knew tom cruise wasn't making money on FILMS didn't you? I mean it's been around a decade since he made anything remotely close to a "blockbuster". Made perfect sense to start charging to give you info. That way they made some money even if you are like What a chauvenistic pile of crap! Clearly the idea of "shut up while you are having a baby--there is no crying during the game" had to have been thought up by a man. What I can't figure out is how this cultigion has ANY women followers at all!

There is no real basis behind scientology. It was created by a sci-fi writer (serious) and is a commercial enterprise. I believe it was founded to mock other religions and that no one was suppose to take it seriously. The religious beliefs are

that people are immoral

drugs help you acheive inner peace

you live many lives

and that pain is merely something you should ignore and forget about. that is why women who speak during childbirth are merely being weak and should become more in-tune with spirituality

and best of all--an actually doctrine of the religion

all those shrinks who say differently are crazy. you should never go to a shrink b/c they are evil

Anyway here--go read about it.
2007-04-11 12:10:06 UTC
L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology is quoted in Reader's Digest as saying the following:

"Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous. If a man really wants to make a million dollars, the best way would be to start his own religion"

If you want a short, entertaining version then watch the episode of South Park entitled "Trapped In The Closet"

That's the episode Tom Cruise had pulled from the air. Happily it has since been reinstated.
2007-04-11 12:22:16 UTC
None of their lectures involve Bible-bashing. Scientology was founded by Lafayette Ron Hubbard. As a young man, he reputedly was fond of saying that the quickest way to make a million was to start a new religion. When he died in 1986 (with, apprently, a $500 million estate) his followers were told he was carrying on his work "on a planet a galaxy away" and some followers cheered, for they'd signed contracts to work for Hubbard for the next billion years - allegedly.

Very few of them have ever made it "up the bridge" which is Scientology-speak for completing the whole series of 'auditing' trainings. No deity is worshipped and Hubbard rejected Christianity totally, saying that Christ was gay. Science fiction featured largely in Hubbard's life and writings. All of this I have gleaned from the book, "The Secret World of Cults" by Jean Ritchie (1991, Angus & Robertson Books)
2007-04-11 12:11:11 UTC
You won't get bible bashing from the scientologists.

In essence Scientology claims to be about freeing the reactive mind. This allows for all sorts of healing, astral projection, telepathy, pyromancy etc etc etc. They consider it the true freedom.

And you'll have to pay for every single step. To "Ascend the Bridge" completely is currently costing (conservatively) 250,000 pounds sterling for the privilege. You would have an option to join their staff and get training for free. Of course you'll work 80 hour weeks and sleep on the floor with the roaches.

What they don't tell you is that from the very beginning they are in a way hypnotizing you and training you not to question anything they say. They also have an entirely different way to use language and words that will help in programming you.

Scientology is very dangerous. They promise a way to heal yourself and help the world which is very gratifying, especially to someone who is hurting and searching.

I'd encourage anyone to do research into this cult but please be very careful if you actually talk to them - they have a way of bringing you into the fold before you even realize what is happening.

check for more information


2007-04-11 12:08:30 UTC
Scientologists definitely are not Bible Bashers--it's a wholly invented religion (and this was all but admitted by its creator, L. Ron Hubbard). The page (which includes the Wikepedia entry) has a good general introduction to Scientology, including an explanation for why payment is required.

Myself, I'd stay away, but feel free to make up your own mind. Just try to do so outside of one of their meetings, which I've heard are quite high pressure events.
2016-05-18 01:20:24 UTC
Tax is applicable to individuals or persons and not for groups. When the religion is a single body, it has to pay tax and all other statutory levies, but it is not. Besides, the tax is started from a time when the religion was ruling the nations and those who do not belong to any religion, had to pay high tax, as per then-custom of Nations, as religious heads were the Rulers then. So, religions did not become under consideration (so religions are also not exempted), However, Church has to pay, Bishop has to pay, temple has to pay, Mosque has to pay, on the basis of their financial income. It is not exempted anywhere.
the old dog
2007-04-11 12:18:21 UTC
Scientology will have nothing to do with the Bible. It is a religion created by L. Ron Hubbard a succesful science fiction writer. He's dead now. But he believed the best way to keep your money was to start a church. Governments don't tax a church. So off he goes and creates this weird world of Dianetics as a bible sort of thing and bob's your uncle.

One valid church= one valid tax break = adherents to fill the coffers= $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

How's that for a scam?

Don't bother with the cult, it will nickel and dime you to death. One thing leads to another, that needs to be fixed and they all cost for the lessons in fixing your life. They want money for the books, and the book Dianetics. They want money for your lessons, they want money for your subscriptions to whatever. They want your money if you want their gnostic help.

At least with a Christian church they won't charge you for the bible, nor do you have to pay to attend classes. And on Sundays? There is no entry fee at the door of any church. How about that eh? It's all free and you know what else? You don't have to sing at the airports in orange outfits, and bald heads, you don't have to sell flowers door to door, you don't have to worry about a sales pitch. You don't have to sell the book on the city streets. No one is going to twist your arm for ten percent of your pay, (totally optional) no one will look down at you if you don't put into the offering basket. And best of all.....if you want to leave? Go ahead. No one is going to call you at all times of the night,or day. No one will hound you at work or at play. No one will threaten you untill you repent and return.

That's Christianity for ya. Oh well.
2007-04-11 12:10:50 UTC
Having read about it I always associate it more with being a business than a religion. In fact L Ron wanted it to be a form of therapy initially but it wasn't accepted as viable by the American Psychologcal Society (hence the dislike of psyhologists and psychiatry) and the Government taxed it. It suddenly converted to a religion with the tax benefits attached.

I would also like to add to some at lower levels it is beneficial being similar in many ways to a course of counselling. It is as you advance that it becomes a bit more "eclectic".
2007-04-11 12:08:47 UTC
Scientology is not based on the Bible. It is based on the primarily philosphic, secular ideas of L. Ron Hubbard, which are presented as principles for living. Many are drawn to it because it doesn't involve church membership or attendance but gives some standards or basis for making life decisions. You can probably find some of L. Ron Hubbard's books at thrift stores and yard sales or on for far less than $100 if you want to satisfy your curiosity.
2007-04-11 20:39:45 UTC
The test is free!

You can take the test in this web site:

I have never heard of Scientology charging for a personality test or IQ test but they do advertise the value of test.

This free test has a value of $.

So the test test with a $100- value is free.

Remember that the info in the net is not very reliable. :-)
Jess H
2007-04-11 12:16:27 UTC

Tells you pretty much everything you need to know.

It's a cult that shamelessly takes unbelievable amounts of money from you. You need to be very, very rich to get high enough in the "church" to even be allowed to learn what the religion is TRULY about. If you aren't very, very rich, then they take what they can from you and relegate you to tasks like cleaning toilets in the "Celebrity Centre" for the rich & famous people.

Just before forming the religion, the founder, (Sci-Fi author L. Ron Hubbard) publically said that the best way to become very rich would be to start your own religion.
2007-04-11 12:08:26 UTC
We learned about it in RE class. Dont join!!!!! I think they brain wash you and stuff like that. I cant remember exactly but thats my advise, I remember it is bad. Tom Cruise is a member, thats why his wife wasnt supposed to make any noise when she was going into labour, because of the Scientology.
2007-04-11 12:09:06 UTC
I don't know about Scientology but I know Mormans want you to give 10% of your income to the church. I think it's because they want rich, influential people in thier church.But that also causes me to think that it isn't a real church-more like a cult in my opinion because religon is supposed to be free. Not something you have to pay for. I know I don't pay my church to go there. God never said give me your money.
2007-04-11 12:05:58 UTC
Scientology has nothing to do w. the bible
سيف الله بطل ‎جهاد‎
2007-04-11 12:15:36 UTC
Try this
Cold Fart
2007-04-11 12:05:39 UTC
I wouldn't trust them. They're just like the 700 Club (they only want your money)
2007-04-11 12:06:16 UTC
y do you care anyway? like you said there just bible bashers anyway, now go spent that £50 on some booze
2007-04-11 12:05:44 UTC
I do know what it's about but I really don't want to get a violation.......just wikipedia and google it. Good Luck.
2007-04-11 12:10:14 UTC
its garbage stay away from it,look at tom cruise and the nut case he has become,thats what he is into
American citizen and taxpayer
2007-04-11 12:06:08 UTC
To each his own.
2007-04-11 12:06:15 UTC
check out this site, it really says everything you need to know;
2007-04-11 12:06:10 UTC
Doesn't sound like the word of God does it.
2007-04-11 12:06:07 UTC
What- they don't pass the collection plate in your church?
2007-04-11 12:07:34 UTC
thats cheap the christians want that every week

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