I'm trying to figure out if this is a rant or you just don't know what the word atheist means.
Do you honestly think that because you've read a few posts from people claiming to be atheists that you now have millions of people all figured out?
"My point is, the term atheism is completely geared toward a single, narrow-minded definition of god"
Arrogant presumptuous nonsense. The word in it's basic definition is a descriptive term for anyone with a lack of belief in all deities.
You're pretending that somehow all atheists stop there and that's all that they are. The fact is after that lack of belief in deities an atheist can believe or not in any infinite number of things. It's you who is narrow minded in your notion of what an atheist is.
But you have a lot of company. Nearly every criticism of atheists I see here the person has to first narrowly define the word before they can then criticize the narrow definition they just made up.
"Do you even know of the words you speak."
Yes. And the entire world is indeed composed of people who are theists or not theists. That however does not. I'll say it once more. That does not mean that this is ALL that people are.
"I'm simply saying you're basing your definition of god off of a narrow-minded definition someone else"
You're being presumptuously arrogantly again. What does the prefix 'a' mean? Look it up and you'll find the flaw in your entire notion.
"This question is in reaction to 90% of Y&A atheists criticizing me"
So you feel qualified to criticize millions of people because you got criticized by .000001 percent of atheists?
"an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities"
Precisely. How many times are you going to declare that you know what millions of people you've never met think and do?
"nearly every atheist thinks when I say "god", I mean a supernatural, personal, omnipotent, omniscient deity"
Sound familiar?
"or am I criticizing an ideology that hypothetical people, including the real ones that I've encountered and interacted with on this network over a span of time, subscribe to?"
Sounds to me like you're criticizing people who fall under the definition of a word that is descriptive. A person doesn't have to ascribe to any ideology at all to be an atheist. Again the word is descriptive of anyone at all who is 'not a theist'. Did you bother looking up the prefix 'a'?
"if you want a good example of what I'm talking about"
No actually I don't because neither one nor a thousand examples would lend any credibility to your claim to know what I think or millions of other people think.
" You're considering me to be way too hostile"
I said you were arrogant and presumptuous and you still are. You're presuming again to know what I think. And that is arrogant.
"it means literally "without theism"), its use, and the general belief of the definition of "god" to be hand-in-hand with "theism"."
Finally you looked it up. Think about that. It's anyone at all who does not believe in deities of the classic theistic definition. Think hard now. If you have some belief that does not NOT fall under the definition of theism does a word that means 'without theism' apply to that?
"For the last time, this question is aimed at those in particular that tout the word "atheism"'
Sorry you don't get to pretend you've been saying something else all along. I can post your original quote about what "nearly every atheist thinks" if it helps. I'm not ignoring what you said in fact I cut and pasted it.