do you believe in god? and if so why?
2013-03-16 23:29:40 UTC
i don't believe in god. first of all its just not logical that god created everything. secondly, if god exists why is life so sh1tty. if there is a god i would love to spit in his stupid face and kick him in the balls for neglecting me. no offense to you Christians though.
Nine answers:
2013-03-16 23:45:29 UTC
First, you haven't asked Him to be your God. He's not going to force Himself to be your God, so you will be neglected and miss out on all the blessings.

Second, God made something great. We let sin into creation and it got seriously messed up. It's not like God wanted.

Third, It's not logical that everything just by chance all came together and voila! Here we all are. It's more logical that complex things have a creator. Think about that. Seriously.

Some reasons that I believe in God.

I've looked into prophesies of the Bible. They are detailed, accurate and fulfilled many years into the future. Tons of them. There is no way that anybody could predict the future that accurately over and over again.

I've looked into Jesus. No serious historian denies that Jesus walked the earth. His grave was empty. I've looked into various explanations on how that could be, and only one reason stands out as plausible.

I've looked at archeological evidence for the Bible. People, places, events have evidence as being true.

Last, He totally changed my life. When I asked Jesus to be my God, I started to change. I now have more love and joy than I did. I also have a very long list of answered prayers. One of my favorite is when our car was stolen. We prayed that I would see it when I drove our van to the store. I drove to Target, got out, and our car was about 9 spots away. The police came and arrested the people while still inside Target. I had my car back within 2 hours of when we noticed it missing.
2013-03-19 04:41:18 UTC
Question #1: Do you believe in god?

Answer: Yes.

Question #2: If so, why?

Answer: Because without Him, we could know nothing. It's the transendal argument for God. I suggest looking it up, as explaining it to you and following all those rabbit trails will take up more page space than Yahoo! (or my fingers for that matter) could handle.

Accusation #1: First of all it's just not logical that god created everything.

Rebuttal: I'm sorry, how does that logic follow? You have made an arbitrary claim that you expect me to take for granted. No thanks.

Question #3: if god exists why is life so sh1tty?

Answer: if there is no God, there would be no such thing as life being "sh1tty" you put it. Without law (rules) then nothing is wrong. If nothing is wrong...then what are you complaining about life being "sh1tty" for?

Statement #1: if there is a god i would love to spit in his stupid face and kick him in the balls for neglecting me.

Comment: seems like you don't understand the concept that God will forsake those that abandon him.

Statement #2: no offense to you Christians though.

Comment: "The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord".

Wherein "fear" means FEAR. You should be afraid of someone that has the power and authority to punish you for your wrongdoing.

On the other hand, "he that so-ever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."

Hope you get there one day. I genuinely do. It saddens me that you have lost your ability to reason.

Here's a link to a previous question I answered on God's existence:
2013-03-17 06:31:53 UTC
I am the same as you. Science has proven god wrong too many times for my liking and I have never prayed once in my life. Thats right not even when I was 4. And my atheist parents are pretty well off. Live in a nice home, have fancy cars; all without the help of god! Can you believe that Christians!
2013-03-17 06:36:54 UTC
I have a hard time believing the odds of this planet just happening.

Probability of Single Cell Evolution

According to a Hoyle, it's 1 in 10 to the 57,000th power, and that's only for a theoretical cell much simpler than any that exist.

According to another author, the chance that a single cell could evolve by chance is 1 in 10 to the 340 millionth power.
2013-03-17 08:28:06 UTC
You will only find the true acceptence of God if you know that you are following the right religion. I'm a Muslim and SubhanAllah I never had trouble in religious affairs. Whenever i ask God for something really inportant i feel relaxed and happy because i know God has helped me before and will help me now too!

I'm a Muslim. I say that you read and study about Islam and Quran a little and think about it. Do not listen to other people remarks about Islam. Encourage yourself a little towards this religion.

Why? Let's see!

1) Have you ever wondered or seen animals who are unaware of human speech call the name of Allah. You can check YouTube and you will see this amazing fact. How is this possible. This is possible because there is a God who is the most powerful and the most merciful and that is Allah.

2) Recently a bible has been discovered in Turkey 1500 years old (has been proved by lab research) and consist of text worth 20 million dollars. In that Bible Jesus himself predicts Muhammad will arrive.

3) Zamzam is the name of a famous well in al-Masjid al-Haraam [the Sacred Mosque in Makkah], which is thirty-eight cubits away from the Ka’bah. It is the well from which Allah quenched the thirst of Ismaa’eel the son of Ibraaheem (peace and blessings of Allah be upon them both) when he was an infant. His mother(Haajra(peace and blessings of Allah be upon her) looked for water for him, but could not find any. She climbed to the top of Mount al-Safaa, praying to Allah to help her and give her water for Ismaa’eel, then she climbed to the top of Mount al-Marwah and did the same. Allah sent Jibreel(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) , and he struck the earth, and water appeared.

And guess what, it is still there in Kaaba!

4) Biggest proof is Qur'an because whatever it tells is present in this world, for example Kaaba, where Muslims do Hajj (pilgrimage). And it is still present inthis world!

5) The dead body of Firon, a cruel ruler who used to annoy Musa whenever he had the chance. So Allah drowned him and his body is preserved for the non believers as a sign of what will happen if you die as non believers. His face is black with sins and he will go to hell.

The Quran says: "Have the ignorant polytheists abandoned the true God and chosen, instead, the false and powerlessgods? Tell them: 'Bring forth your proof!' This call of mine to unity is my saying and that of all the learned men of the community, as well as the saying of all the Prophets and learned men before me. But these polytheists have no knowledge of the truth and constantly avert themselves from it. (21:24)

"Did man emerge from non-being through his own devices? Was he his own creator? Did mankind create the heavens and earth? Certainly they do not know God." (52:35-36)

Please read!

Convert to Islam and you will feel the unique trust and power of faith!
2013-03-17 06:50:21 UTC
I believe in God because of Conscience (feeling bad when we do bad), conciousness, the ability to chose. The reason why life is so Bad here is because God gave us freedom of choice, and we chose to do wrong. Sin spread like a virus, infecting everything. God can't interfere with our choice, so therefore can't stop us from being bad. If you want God to have a loving, caring relationship with you, all you have to do is ask forgiveness of your sins, and accept Jesus (God in human form) as your sacrifice, so that your sins are paid for by the death and resurection of Christ and therefore you become perfect in Gods eyes making it possible to have a personal relationship with him to guide you. If you don't, you will still contain sin (no matter how hard you try) and sin separates us from the perfection of God (God cannot live in harmony with sin, or that would make in imperfect). And since God is the only source of goodness, what do you expect to find without God. I would think Hell.

So be happy! God loves you soo much that he suffered death for you, so that you don't have to!

Ask forgiveness and he will be with you, support you, and give you the greatest purpose in life.

Trust me, I am living in his light, and it is the best feeling in the world. Pure peace and reassurance.

I pray that you find him and get to enjoy his support and eternity in heaven like me :)
2013-03-17 06:32:55 UTC
God is just primitive man's explanation for stuff he could not figure out. Sadly the belief has persisted till today...
Kirk Cameron
2013-03-17 06:31:08 UTC
INB4 : Yes, because all the evidence! ((Such evidence are things that are clearly explained with science or involves some circular reasoning.))
2013-03-17 08:23:52 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.