My Sister in Christ and who is the one who brought me to the Church that I was healed in, had since then, joint the 7DA Church.
And her husband didn't like the concept of hell. So they don't believe there is a hell. They don't believe that we go to heaven when we die. That our body & soul just go down under to wait.
But this is a deception. Because Jesus said that to see & to enter the Kingdom of God, we need to be born of the Spirit. So when we are born of God, born a spiritual-soul child of God, then we can sense the love of God in praise & worship. We can sense faith, hope & love. So this is a taste of what heaven is like.
Also, when we judge others self righteously, or don't forgive others... we suffered today, hell. So these are the opposite of the sense of faith, hope & love.
Since I have had a breakdown, and I have also been healed, I have sensed hell fire, and I have sensed heaven. When we are worshiping in spirit & truth our God; then this is heaven. And to magnify these feelings of faith hope & love is our spiritual soul in heaven with Jesus.
And people have had out of body experiences. So also St.Paul wrote about it. Where he didn't know if it was in the body or not. But such lovely indescribable things happened that were not permitted to tell...
So also, I have prayed for my Big Sister and Mentor during a difficult time in my life. And Jesus told me that when she is before Him, He will ask her why she thought she would just go down under when she died. And she will be so sorry she doubted Him.
Also, Ian McGormack experienced a glimpse of heaven... He became a reborn Christian on his death bed. He saw a vision of his mother praying for him, and to pray the Lord's prayer that he couldn't remember. Then the words were before him to pray. And he forgave those others... He became a reborn Christian.
He died and first went to a dark place with an evil presence who said he deserved to be there. But then he was caught up to the Light of Christ. And there Jesus told him he was a reborn Christian and showed him a glimpse of heaven. Then told him he could go there or go back. He thought there no one who cared about him, so did not want to go back. But when he looked back, he saw his mother. So he did go back and in the hospital, God further healed him. He went to his mother and she was praying for him when he had the vision of her.
I watched the video and his visions and what he learned in such a short time, was what the Lord has been showing me for years.
So I know that our spiritual-soul either goes up to be with the Lord. Or our soul goes down under to a place of rest or hell.
Hell was prepared for the devil & his messengers. Those who reject Jesus and become the devils messengers, go to hell.
My friend is a spiritual-soul, so she will go up to be with the Lord when she dies. But right now, she is even denying the rapture. So she may not be part of that. Since 7DA don't believe Jesus is going to catch us up to be with Him forever before the Great Tribulation.
In 2Thes2:7 For the myster of iniquity (lawlessness) does already work: only He (Holy Spirit & spirit sealed & filled Saints) Who now lets/restrains... will let/restrain, until He is taken out of the way. (I believe this is the rapture.)
8 And then shall that wicked be revealed, Whom the LORD shall consume with the Spirit of His Mouth, and shall destroy with the Brightness of His coming.